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Lolcow.farm hate thread #11 Anonymous 301694

last thread >>>/b/299049

Anonymous 301695

You guys are all getting baited, if she had proof she would post something. she could censor the sick content and leave the rest so we could see

Anonymous 301697

it would jeopardize the janny's position. the thread contains intimate details and images of conversations that would immediately reveal her identity to cerbmin. her identity cant risk being revealed because then she would lose backdoor access which is necessary for the exposé. it should have never been brought up and the dumbass that posted it on lcf should be ashamed of herself because the 4 /w/ farmhands are probably already being interrogated and she might lose her position.

Anonymous 301698

At least post some kind of proofs.

Anonymous 301699

not real

Anonymous 301700

I sailed the seas with a heart so cold,
A man with a secret, a tale untold.
In his castle, I found a deadly room,
Where past brides met a tragic doom.

Who were we, with our fates so grim,
Taken by a man whose eyes were dim?
Our stories lost, in the deep we lie,
Forever bound to the ocean’s

Anonymous 301701


Anonymous 301716

This is so fake and gay post some actual proof or stop baiting us

Anonymous 301728

Here I sit,
lovely, hope lost,
heddle mindless on the warp
head empty, no thoughts
upon the loom

though my words,
gargle in my mouth
and turn to goop,
my jaw went aslack
when you walked in the room

the silly, sea captain
has power no more
his glaring eyes
stabbed from their sockets
as i smell your sweet perfume

Anonymous 301730

I really can't feel any pity for the TIFs on that site. Just insufferable internalized misogynistic wastes of fucking breath. The clock is ticking for them to do the world a favor and kill themselves.

Anonymous 301755


Anonymous 301761

I hate how lc is so fast. I wish cc were as fast as it.

Anonymous 301783


Yay another ib with oversensitive mods, sorry first mates

Anonymous 301784

>pirate ib is already grossly overmoderated
it never even began. no I will not 'talk like a pirate' fuck off.

Anonymous 301786

That's only enforced on black flag boards

Anonymous 301789

>implying there’s already been 20,000 posts on a three month old IB

Anonymous 301799

Samefag but
>user has sent
>has sent
You really didn’t spend more than like five minutes on this shit tier bait did you?

Anonymous 301801

I also misspelled Davy Jones

Anonymous 301802

Is that the one pirate ib that was meant to be a cc alternative? AND THEY DOXXED CATTY LC BITCHES? Holy shit and holy based, godspeed ladies if this is not a troll, i never thought this would be an actual thing

Anonymous 302001

why do people still use it, it is the only anonymous website that i know of that just posts your whole comment history if you fuck up

Anonymous 302015

is there an actual alternative because at this point everyone knows one of the jannie’s is the same racist schizo infighter that is ruining ot. it’s so over.

Anonymous 302016

i assume the other farmhands are also racists if they are willing to look past that. she does use a million different vpns to “win” arguments by accusing people of being different users and following them from thread to thread. but how can they be fooled when ever the user base is commenting on it every day? it’s just such bad vibes now that the immigration sperg bans anyone she’s done arguing with and it makes us all look as racist as her.

Anonymous 302023

where the fuck are you finding this info out? i don’t go on /ot/

Anonymous 302034

There's /yohoho/ but they need to recruit more posters somehow.

Anonymous 302047

there’s a mod harassing specific users and trying to recognize them and follow them around. they may or may not be the same as the racist infighter. either way they are a schizo and if you just watch the racist fights and see who gets banned or watch certain in fights where all of the sudden someone starts SPINNING out and accusing people of being certain anons it becomes obvious cos those fights never get broken up or stopped. they’re making collages now of posts on six month old threads they think sound like random people who disagree with them in order to? discredit their argument? either way i’m done going on though.

Anonymous 302048

check meta you can find all the different complaints anons have submitted

Anonymous 302049

Has anyone else noticed a ban happy mod on /w/

Anonymous 302070

Can’t go on lolcow’s /ot/ anymore, feels like it’s turning into Reddit 2.0. Now amrifag thread and now there is a trump hate thread. It never was super political before now it is inescapable.

Anonymous 302079

I requested an lolcow board on here but no one liked that idea so idk what to tell you: >>>/meta/11669

Anonymous 302209


They found bj-chan's tumblr account (or at least it's someone who claims she's her).

Anonymous 302212

>they reposted me words
I'm not up to date on bjchan lore but I don't believe she's Scottish. I thought she was MENA. I don't think she'd have a moid as her PFP either

Anonymous 302213

>I don't think she'd have a moid as her PFP either

Anonymous 302214

Her whole raison d'etre is to spread the word about how bjs are humiliating. I don't think a woman like that could ever have an inclination for moids

Anonymous 302233

She's Polish - one time she posted a screenshot with the UI in the Polish language.

Anonymous 302284

The state of lc is pure cancer. Braindead edgelord zoomers from tiktok and /pol/ are invading alongside annoying autists from reddit. Maybe the luigi husbando thread really was the beginning of the end. I can’t think of any other notable event that precipitated this. Where do I go? God it’s so over.

Anonymous 302286

Ik how you feel. I’ve been on LC since 2015 and left as soon as the twitterfags invaded. Skipped out on 2020-2024, came back recently and it isn’t the same.
CC is dead as ever and has a Scar and CP spam problem, so I really don’t know where to go now. The discord server is dead too.

Anonymous 302304

>Maybe the luigi husbando thread really was the beginning of the end. I can’t think of any other notable event that precipitated this.
i feel like maybe the election season somewhat contributed because the steep decline became more noticeable around summer of last year to me, when amerifags had nonstop shitflinging, baiting, etc for days (i mean i know that's happening now but the change specifically started around the time the presidential debates started and when biden stepped out). the reddit autists could be from the luigi thread though because one of the luigi subreddits mentioned lc

Anonymous 302308

You guys know the jc admin is only simping because he sees us as his harem of cuckqueans right

Anonymous 302320

I thought the cuckmin was a woman. But yes duh, plus he's indian so he is desperate for any female attention

Anonymous 302326

holy shit this. you should see his secret Telegram 'harem' group, these girls have lost their minds.

Anonymous 302327

Why would anyone simp for an indian moid? This is so retarded.

Anonymous 302341

He doesn't see you as anything because you don't use the board.

Anonymous 302343

Anonymous 302345

What is jc?

Anonymous 302346

the secret quean bunker

Anonymous 302347

Can you send me a link?

Anonymous 302349

you should be able to find it from here.

Anonymous 302364


Anonymous 302365

Everyone knows this already, lolcow is just a bunch of discord cliques, and so is most imageboards lately

Anonymous 302366

what in dynamic ip is this

Anonymous 302375

That was helpful. Thanks for taking time and guiding me.

Anonymous 302382

I think he's trying to spiritually torture me through the ##fortune system. It's been both eerily accurate and ruthlessly pessimistic for me.

Anonymous 302386

stop being a retard

Anonymous 302389

I know some anons want to make their own imageboard and I just want to say you don't need to resort to having the coomer scrotemin to do it for you. It's not hard to learn about computers, and you don't have to be perfect to start. TryHackMe is great when you're starting out and most of the content is free. There's copy and paste instructions to make your own imageboard, and we now have AI to guide you through it and help with maintenance and adding feature. Also, you don't need to download something to change your user agent.

Anonymous 302433

seeing the farmhands posting without tags trying to diffuse this was funny kek

Anonymous 302434

Stop being a joyless fuck devoid of whimsy and fun.

Anonymous 302435

I've offered a few times to straight up make one. I just don't wanna set it up AND janny. But interest dies out whenever I kick it up… Jschan's intallation guide is pretty good.

Anonymous 302437

i remember when they tagged every single one of Rita's post. it was strange especially considering that Rita had posted some pretty sensitive things in threads like /vag/.

Anonymous 302442

If you set one up first, you'd get plenty of volunteers. My main concern is some potential janny applicants having very intense and exhausting personalities, leading to constant complaining and drama. There are many I would not want to work with. I feel the need to tip-toe around saying this obvious observation.

Anonymous 302458

stop being a retard

Anonymous 302459

reading this is like being fedora tipped by a redditor

Anonymous 302480

If you set one up, I will totally help out! In fact, if you need help setting it up, I can help with that as well.

Anonymous 302507

what was strange about that?

Anonymous 302832

rita already had her own thread, she wasn't a random anon. it's not the same as outing ranom people.

Anonymous 302833

There is so much degeneracy on Lolcow now it’s not even funny, a scroll through and there’s a disturbing amount of anons defending degen shit now. I said porn was bad in a thread and it made an anon sperg out about how “well we have anons who recommend each other porn and share shota” this is why we’re all doomed, I could tolerate when that shit stayed on /g/ because I never really went on that board but the fact that it’s everywhere now is torture. /snow/ is dead as hell ever since Shayna dried up and half of the replies you get are just single image memes, the Lolcows (the website’s namesake) are the least active part of the whole website, it has not been the same ever since the shutdown in September and ever since 2023 it’s felt like site users have cared less and less

Anonymous 302859

I wonder where all the original users are now. I’m talking about the cgl > SR > LC > CC users who were there from the beginning and saw the site evolved over time.
Maybe they aged out of posting on IBs? once the pandemic hit, I stopped visiting LC because I knew things would go downhill. I predicted TikTok zoomies would invade LC in droves. And since they are the biggest online demographic and spread their brain rot and nono safe words everywhere, LC took a big nose dive in quality. They also expect to be spoonfed, so no one is going to update any lolcow threads with any screencaps.

Anonymous 302929

There's probably only a handful left, and they're in the process of jumping ship. There's discussion about building a new IB elsewhere, with the moderation on the farms being pretty poor these days, and tbh CC isn't faring any better. Can't prove these are original users, but the no surf/digital detox thread on LC gives many examples of users actively leaving the site in favor of doing something more productive. The VPN ban, if implemented, will likely get rid of the last few stragglers. Most cows are now "dried up" or their antics have become so common online that they're no longer seen as milky and most original users have seemingly moved on to other things. I also think that of the cgl users that were more lolita/jfashion aligned, while the lolita thread on /g/ has been a bit more active recently, most of them are on discord anymore, in smaller group chats, since that's where the majority of the non-anon community has shifted to. Can't speak for the cosplayers bc I never was one, but from what I've seen while lurking, it seems likely they are doing the same, especially with every con ever starting up their own discord server these days.

Anonymous 302989

i’m an og user. i can confirm that at least for me, i have a life now and real responsibilities which take up most of my day, like my business and investments. plus, the internet just isn’t as fun for me as it used to be so i try to do more productive things like reading or research. i miss the days when you could find someone doing silly things on youtube, read a well-written personal blog of a stranger, find some articles on a topic you never heard of without a spin on it, or maybe build your own clunky but cute website and goof around with html and shit for a few hours. those things do still exist in some form but it’s getting harder to find them because of all the algos and sites being taken down. and i think the new counter-cultural movement is to stay off the web, so all the interesting people i used to talk to back in the day who i really connected with are no longer online. i liked the web when it was more gritty and less corporate. plus i’ve always been a bit of an outsider so i find it hard to talk to regular people online as it seems 90% of the current discourse revolves around pop culture style politics and celebrity stuff, two things i’ve never been that deeply invested in.

i’ve seen lots of websites come and go over the years so lolcow slowing down isn’t all that shocking anymore. i always figured the site would either get archived completely or people would just eventually stop posting frequently. my personal take on it is that ib culture itself is pretty much dead and i think i’ve kind of made my peace with it. i don’t mean this in a bad way either. the internet is just a different place than it was in 2015, or 2008. ibs were fun/crazy because the kind of people who used them were fun and crazy. but all those people are gone now and i think the majority are just living life instead of trying to fight with all the bigger mainstream forces online that want to consolidate everything into one big centralized corporate hub. and a lot of us were and still are tinfoil types. we see where society is going and all of our tinfoils about biometrics and ai and other kooky stuff is coming true, and it’s just more reason to get out of the “matrix” while you still can because it’s just turning into a dystopian techno-hellscape atp.

Anonymous 302995

Yeah I agree, especially about the VPN ban killing the remainder of the interesting part of the site. Lots of anons who support the VPN claim hellweeks are more peaceful but the site is also way more dead and less interesting, not to the point of CC but certainly there is a significant difference. I also find it weird how so many are kissing the mods’ butts and pulling out the “only 13.8 percent of posts are made with VPNs” whenever someone brings up the fact that VPNs weren’t an issue until recent mod changes. I’d almost think the mods are posting in the threads themselves. I agree that the image board culture dying out is part of the reason for it, I think Lolcow stayed afloat because it was better moderated and sort of an anonymous alternative for gossip sites like KiwiFarms or GuruGossip. Unless a big event like the Creepshow Art outing that pushed them to the public eye or another lockdown that gets people criminally bored and starting to post to lolcow and get them new users happens I doubt it has much longer left, at least not much higher quality posts. Also the constant accusing each other of being new friends, zoomers (which is dumb because the oldest zoomers are like 28 now anyways so it doesn’t even work to accuse them of being underaged with that), alts, and self posters is obnoxious, drives people away, and is probably what’s causing a good amount of infights. Like for the love of God give a nona the chance to breathe especially when most of the time they say it it’s to someone who hasn’t even broken any rules

Anonymous 303021

/meta/ is the most entertaining board on LC

Anonymous 303098

Can't believe I got permabanned for saying "mean things" to troons. "The majority of your posts are awful". Oh boo fucking hoo. I hope BJ Chan kills herself. Manifesting it now.

Anonymous 303103

Lolcow was already kind of boring to me because it had gotten slow, and I suspect it'll get even slower after the VPN ban.
I saw some people blaming things said here during a previous VPN ban, but I think it's just cope. Oh, well.

Anonymous 303105

Thanks nona, it was good hearing your blogpost. I’ve always been curious of the “where are they now” for the original users. Everyone’s attention span is so short now and as a result reading comprehension is terrible where they instantly think they’re being called out or deem a benign post is directly attacking them. I’ve always liked the longer posts with thought behind it personally.
> internet just isn’t as fun
So true, everything gets cross posted everywhere. I find most of the comments on the internet not as fun or funny anymore, just pure cruelty and one-up-manship. All the people on IBs now are contrarian tryhards to the point they argue for the sake of arguing. You could argue it has always been like that but it wasn’t as nearly as bad as it is now tbh. There aren’t any funny or interesting threads anymore. I miss late 00s/10s and have nostalgia for it but that time period is long gone and we’ve already entered a hellscape of AI, bot comments, and peoples whose brains and thoughts have been shaped by algorithms, and that gets bled into every corner of the internet except the wonky inaccessible spaces that deter people away or contains such low traffic it isn’t worthwhile to spread their beliefs there and visit.

I’m still lonely and post here and there, I feel online community homelessness now that my internet spaces are dying/dead. Guess I just gotta cope with not interacting online much anymore. All my internet friends have drifted away too or they’re so busy with real life, I’m just waiting for the same to happen to me.

Anonymous 303116

Lcf users are honorary (and probably literal) trannies.
Also I hate that all the threads HAVE to be generals. That's a stupid way to organize everything.

Anonymous 303117

They are also obsessed with saging, redtexting, and claiming everything is "non-milk." I stopped going on there a long time ago. I'm trying to use CC more, but there's not much going on any board here.

Anonymous 303154

They let pooners have their own thread that BJ chan uses to write her deranged misogynistic ramblings. Some retarded admin banned me for being too mean to them. Death to that fucking troon-loving website.

Anonymous 303159

I got like 4 short term bans for not saying.
Because you know, if a thread bumps and it's just a silly picture rather than another person essaying out the same opinion as everyone else… that's basically Armageddon

Anonymous 303184

>always been a bit of an outsider
Don’t you get lonely? Assuming that you felt like an outsider in the real world and spent most of your time socializing online, making it so that you have bad social skills face to face. If you get off the internet, how do you fulfill social needs if that’s what you relied on for most of your formative years?
Writing to nonas makes it feel like I have friends which is silly since we’re all anonymous here, but I feel like I relate to people who ended up on an imageboard than say a discord community.

Anonymous 303190

I got short term banned every time I posted on there for the dumbest and nonsensical reasons like not saging, posting “non-milk” on a milk board yet the non-milk was specifically requested by a mod/admin to be posted on that same board. Another one was a “shit thread” despite multiple threads on similar topics. They’re really just control freaks on power trips over there. Why anyone ever goes on there anymore is a mystery to me. I considered creating a lolcow board on like 8chan, but they’re currently shut down at the moment. Do any other image boards let users create their own boards? 8kun is abandoned.

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