
Pinkpill 2 Anonymous 73800
Old one was full
>>>/b/62606When did 4chan moids start being obsessed with tradwives? When I was younger it used to be that robots would complain about women who wanted to marry and have children because they deemed them boring prudish normies who will expect too much of their man, now every ideal gf thread I see on r9k has incels clamoring for a wife that will bear their children. I know the real reason is them unironically adopting /pol/ stances not just as memes but as their entire life goals, which is depressing but also a forbidden topic on here, so I won't continue, it's just a weird thing to see. They either want a degenerate e-girl who will cuck them or make onlyfans bux for them both, or an aryan virgin.
Not that 4chan was ever a suitable place to find men anyway. Don't come at me, I just get curious sometimes.
Anonymous 73813
The "tradwife" thing is just part of a backlash to women's advancement that typically follows each wave of feminism. They feel that their power is slipping and want to control women to feel better about themselves so they come up with this stupid "tradwife" cope. Funny thing is that in reality despite what men claim they actually don't want or respect "tradwives"/pickmes and will easily cheat on those women with the degenerate onlyfans e-girl if they get the chance.
Anonymous 73814
When you were younger, the robots were younger, too. Now they're mid-life-crisising. They want legacies without having to earn them.
Anonymous 73846
>>73814Why are men more obsessed with having kids now than women why is it so hard for them to accept you can have a fulfilling life without them
Anonymous 73854

The only factual representation of 4chan as a whole has been, and always will be /b/ since it's just a bunch of mostly normal weirdos venting and being silly. r9k is all discord mtf trannies so big surprise they want to emulate tradwives and shit on women.
Anonymous 73865
it's called a madonna-whore complex, and all of these neet dudes suffer from it
Anonymous 73871
>>73846Refer to
>>73813. Paternal lineage is the only firm social connection that men have to influence the next generation of people. They may not even like children but they feel entitled to have legal ownership over them. Female emancipation and single motherhood makes them insecure.
>>73854Have you been to /b/ lately? It's just a porn dump.
Anonymous 73883
>>73871It's mostly porn and complaining about minorities
Anonymous 73885
>>73854Not denying the r9k troom presence or anything, but /b/ is nothing but a loli/revenge porn/sex monger bait dumpsterfire and has been for over a decade. Both of them are just precisely what you get when you enforce no rules beyond what's legal and sell it to a mass audience, /b/ was left as it was by the original owner, and under the new leadership it's been allowed to spread to every other board as well.
Anonymous 73886
truth about 4chan.…

>>73885That's not it, you midwit.
/b/ was relegated to LEA moderation after the congressional hearing and servers being moved to the federal contractor in Utah.
There's a reason it's bots and incessant porn now, it's not organic. Under the guise of feds moving in to catch cp (which was not even a thing as late as 2008 onwards, the board was effectively killed off and used as training grounds for LEO, and the other boards had their moderators vetted and the API got some "features" such as forwarding posts to LEA in one click. Moreover, the threads started to get archived from that point onward and would only get pruned by said LEA server-side.
/r9k/ was raided incessantly by trannies and literal shills for ages until it turned into this cuckold miscegenation tranny haven. Discord groups astroturfing 24/7 for years, grooming groups, think tanks. It was originally a very different board. Yes, even after the deletion and restart with the robot. Yes, even after the namefag era. It was the core of the website once /b/ died and virtually all popular memes originated in /r9k/.
It's fascinating when people that know absolutely fuck all about what they are talking about yet they are so arrogant and sure of themselves.
Anonymous 73888
>>73886All of 4chan is an FBI CP honeypot. It has to be, because spamming child porn is a popular trolling technique on blue boards. /b/ sucks because /b/ sucks.
Anonymous 73889
>>73886Surprised to find hiro shills in such distant lands but I will take the bait regardless, either that or you're responding to the wrong person or didn't even read my post.
I notice you don't seem to know the difference between /b/ in 2010 and 2020, but I can spell it out for you: jailbait spambots haven't been around for years, and beyond that your guess is as good as mine as for what's actually "organic" or not. Think feds actually have time to honeypot revenge porn, baiting for sex tourism and loli? Lmao, two of those are just as common on r9k itself nowadays.
While on the subject, loli in particular as you might have noticed, is a "new" flavor of the month favorite for cross-board spammers so now it's on every single board they can get away with it on instead, aside from the meltdown on the /qa/ side of the site. And just like with traps, gays, trooms, blacked, wmaf and every other invasion people like you will prefer to come up with yet another federal conspiracy for why it's happening instead of just facing the simple fact that the site has crap moderation where fucking anyone can get to be an astroturfer. Of course there are coordinated attacks, but that's only possible because mods either don't give a shit about them or actively participate. I have never claimed moot was competent, he didn't react to the early trap-spamming either, but you have very short memory if you don't remember how much worse most boards got with the new leadership and most notably early 2016, especially fucking r9k.
Anonymous 73898
>>73800>When did 4chan moids start being obsessed with tradwives?From what I can remember, it all started around 2014-2016, strongly influenced by /pol/ and other pro-White sites and subtly by normalfag right wingers, as an attack against those liberal feminists who support the doctrine of trannism, pro-sex work, and other tumblr creeds.
The e-girl thing started with both Belle Delphine and that one Nico Yazawa cosplayer who got really popular, and it seems it is here to stay as long as OnlyFans and Tiktok exist.
This is simply the Madonna-whore complex manifesting in 4chan as time passes, with the Madonna time period coming again, I say, with the rise of vtubers and the moids' desire for purity in these 2D girls. Albeit we also get that desire of kill such purity by doxxing and finding out what are the real names and faces of the most popular vtubers.
Anonymous 73904

>>73865>all of these neet dudesmore like 90% of the moid population
Anonymous 73907
>>73889Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
Anonymous 73908
>>73907I just sidestepped your more ridiculous extrapolations because arguing with schizos isn't worthwhile. Certain spambots were the only notable thing ever happening on /b/ around that time and really ever since. Prove the rest or take your meds.
Anonymous 73911
>>73908No, in reality you did not address anything. Your entire post can be considered schizoposting and your subsequent rebuttal is mere projection.
The reason /b/ changed so significantly, so quickly is because the moderation is LEOs that do not moderate anything whatsoever and only care about CSA cases. Since there was never even a big issue of CP, even back in 2004-2005, it resulted in /b/ effectively not having any moderation at all.
Thus, it became a testing ground for astroturfing, shills, tournament selection agent-based algorithms, think tanks, viral marketers.
/r9k/ was the board that took the mantle from /b/, being a random board. Even after the reboot, it retained its raison d'être with the robot.
The board was the heart of the website during the 2010-2015 era, and pretty much all memes originate on /r9k/. Pepe, apu apustaja, wojak and various wojak edits, >tfw and feelposting, advice animals reboots, the list goes on.
The namefagging era was also self-contained in /r9k/.
The whole "e-girl" fad also originated in /r9k/ and the resulting discord groups and late-coming e-girls that migrated to /soc/.
At some point bad actors from /lgbt/ and tranny discords started astroturfing incessantly, trying to groom mentally ill robots into becoming trannies. This is all well documented.
The same groups and several others started astroturfing with miscegenation and "blackled" incessantly, to further demoralize and disorient the userbase. Moreover, something that you likely don't know is the fact that /r9k/ had the largest female userbase after the /cgl/ exodus. The shills were also hard at work to produce "content" disgusting enough to oust women as well.
How come misogynist content and porn was cranked to 11 recently?
Even 5 years ago all robots would post tfw no gf content and feelpost/post original greentexts. It was one of the few boards that didn't really bother with the tits or GTFO mantra. Several namefags were women and no one cared. Daily vocaroo threads with women talking to robots and vice versa.
/adv/ was created early on precisely because /r9k/ had become a relationship board and there was blowback.
/soc/ was created for similar reasons. That's why contact posting and rate threads are now bannable on /r9k/, because /r9k/ had such a balanced male to female userbase that it had devolved to a relationship board.
All that changed so quickly that even the cognitively insolvent realized that it was not organic.
You are such a newfag that I bet the earliest thing you can recall is ciara/bianca/whatever other e-girl was flavor of the month recently. 4chan moderators come in two flavors: Somethingawful oldfags that are degenerate tranny sympathizer boomers, LEA vetted plants, and some (2) libertarian retards. The janitors are effectively ALL plants and agent provocateurs. I bet you also never bothered to lurk IRC in the last decade to experience who these people are.
Anonymous 73916
/fa/, /mu/, /an/ - they all had sizable (in relation to daily posts average) female population.
Now it's just /r9k/ (a fraction of the original pop), /a/, /lit/ and some other niche boards like /cm/, /c/, /d/, /jp/, /hm/ and /adv/.
Girls overwhelmingly lurk now, and unfortunately they are drawn to nu/r9k/, /pol/, nu/fit/ and take in all the astroturfing and emotionally flagellate themselves, reinforcing their negative thoughts and issues. Same can be said for guys, but they are too far gone at this point.
cc is a step in the right direction, but it's not that far removed. At least moderation makes an effort to keep the IB insulated.
Anonymous 73922
>>73911It's an old conspiracy for why /b/ has virtually no moderation, but since they never provide any substance it's a very uninteresting theory. I guess my drunk monkey floods every other month counts as csa cases or whatever.
I couldn't care less about the gender ratio on any board, but joining the occasional chatroom might be a revelation, though I don't think those who join them say very much about the general board population. Gender just isn't relevant for the vast majority of posts outside of body boards or r9k, so trying to figure out actual ratios from the very few people who name/trip/passfag isn't very meaningful.
>>73911I give you only that your pic didn't actually call it a honeypot because of those bots as is usual when this is brought up, but otherwise you just said the same thing as your first post so there's nothing new to respond to.
Not sure if the rest was even supposed to be a response to me or just a general statement, all I said on r9k is that it's invaded all the time by literally everyone and as the moderation is crap nothing is done about any of it, which over time weeds out people who bother making real oc in favor of starved lurkers and spam-machines. The multiple waves of excessive normie-tier relationship spam was rightfully dealt with, but try bringing this up about every other invasion and you'll realize that the root of the issue is that there is even less leadership than under moot, not whatever this months spammers decide to flood even if its some variation of troom 90% of the time. I really don't know if you responded to me only to point out that /b/ didn't die for the same reason as every other board (which to my mind is unfounded and silly, but still an incredibly minor point), because aside from that you only seem to be listing random facts that are either unrelated to what I said or doesn't contend with it at all. Map out trooms and their grooming gangs and plants all you want, it's hiro who let these people stay despite what they're doing to the boards in the end.
Anonymous 73926
>>73911>/r9k/ was the board that took the mantle from /b/, being a random board. Even after the reboot, it retained its raison d'être with the robot. The board was the heart of the website during the 2010-2015 era, and pretty much all memes originate on /r9k/. Pepe, apu apustaja, wojak and various wojak edits, >tfw and feelposting, advice animals reboots, the list goes on.
That's not true at all. Wojak is a 30 something disabled neet from Warsaw, the picture associated with him was made on old vichan prolly around 2008, apu comes from yil, why do you think it has a finnish name? tfw posts come from wojak spamming on krautchan.
Anonymous 73927

>>73911>tinfoilThe community's most notable accomplishment was Habbo raids. /b/ didn't need an alphabet org's help to decline.
Anonymous 73928
>>73813I've seen Pol but not the robots. Ideal gf for them goes like this: Virgin, Fertile healthy, Homeschool the Kids, wants kids. Just from seeing the odd greentext story from r9k they seem beyond reproach
Anonymous 73932
>>73916/hm/ has always been gay guys, /cm/ even if they were there from the start they've been way more vocal these past few years. They even get into the bl/otome thread on /jp/.
Anonymous 73946
I don't really care about the history of 4chan but am still interested in theories that relate to the OP question. Anyone have thoughts on that?
Anonymous 73954
>>73946You want an answer that aligns with your worldview and preconceived notions and biases.
Any answer to questions that have to do with men will be met with ridicule and incessant screeching unless it paints the entire demographic in a negative, irredeemable light.
Men want traditional wives for similar reasons women want a traditional lifestyle and traditional husbands.
The entire society is degenerating and devolving at alarming rates, western people are bereft of a purpose, races are forced to coexist to the detriment of everyone, people cannot afford to attain happiness and contentment, antidepressant use, alcohol abuse, drug abuse at all-time highs, deification of decadence and inversion of mores, pedestalization of ugliness and degeneracy, vilification of white people, white/western cultural heritage, incessant astroturfing, censorship, demoralization.
People dream of an idealized life. A spouse, a big house, children, involved and engaged parenthood, gender roles that clearly define and accentuate each other's strengths and a sense of purpose that comes with it.
Men today think women are irredeemable whores who have body counts in the triple digits, that cheat on them, invite migrant men and subsidize them with their taxes, divorce-rape them, and send them to jail with false-rape accusations.
Women today think of men like irredeemable rapists, users or smelly incels, that are one bad day away from shooting up their school/office, that dream of enslaving women, and will statistically rape at least 4 women in their lifetime according to snopes, who have obsessive and intrusive thoughts of beating up women daily.
People in general want purpose, companionship, peace, contentment.
Anonymous 73961
If we were programmed to seek out long-term partners, we wouldn't have divorce at all.
Anonymous 73962
>>73961That makes no sense. People ending up in bad relationships doesn't mean people don't want long term relationships.
Anonymous 73963
>>73962If people wanted long-term relationships, they'd make their relationships work. But they don't. The majority of relationships fail. They'd rather cat around than commit.
Anonymous 73982
>>73911I miss even the cancer era where trip generals were constant, and there were several you would see in every thread, but the only one I remember went by vyro
I thought it was awful, but now I want to go back.
Anonymous 73989
>>73982Yeah, I look back fondly to that era even though it was pure unadulterated cancer.
Ricky was a sperg, eeyore was an absolute angsty retard, lettuce was an attentionwhore, vyro was a failed normalfag and strung along quite a few girls.
I miss spaghetti stories and tendies greentexts so much, the board lost something intangible after the reboot. It's been steadily going downhill since.
Anonymous 74028
This. A failed relationship isn't a personal failing, jfc. You meet someone, you like them, you date them, you get to know them better, eventually you notice their behaviors that they've hidden from you during the "dating" stage and that's when you really know them. No amount of extended courtship can spare you that, most people don't let their guard down and show their real self until they've settled in. Sometimes you like what you get, sometimes you don't.
Anonymous 74029
>>74028Monogamy is the actual sexual revolution.
Anonymous 74198

Today, I found out that racial transformation fetishes are a thing. It was mostly /pol/tards writing long rants about how "horrible and unattractive" black women are, and that's why they want to degrade "pure, intelligent" white or Asian women by making them black.
Men really freak me out and disgust me. They're the one group who hate and get angry about things, then literally jerk off about them. It's not like I haven't seen the usual racist stereotypes about being overweight/morbidly obese, ugly with caricature features, loud, illiterate, on welfare and having 6000 kids and 5893389 STDs. It's annoying and kind of sad, but not a single one of those things applies to me (not to humblebrag), so it's whatever.
Finding out about this content and the discourse around it is the harshest reminder that not even being considered "undesirable" will save you from these "people's" psychosis. Anything and everything is fair game to their twisted sexuality. "Good" women, "bad" women, men, old people, children, animals, inanimate objects, dead bodies. They'll make a huge show of calling you an ugly subhuman, and then they'll still find a way to involve their worst, most cartoonishly nasty image of you in their fetid, coom-decayed brains. They're like animals that only exist to worsen everything. I wish I could wash my mind and never know about these things. I wish men didn't exist. Just leave us alone.
Anonymous 74216
I deleted all the nudes off my phone just now forever, feels good
Anonymous 74273

Women hate and jewish hate all in one tweet, men really are vile
Anonymous 74284

so, i'm quite into the japanese entertainment industry. being fans of the actresses and music artists and the things they go through with their husbands constantly reminds me how men are completely shit.
>former idol (22), now an actress, is MIA for 5 months after catching covid
>announces that she is 5 months pregnant and getting married to a youtuber
>said youtuber (28) was on hiatus for half a year and returned in 2020 after having savagely beat and trampled his ex-girlfriend while drunk for confronting him on his infidelity
>fans are obviously concerned
>former idol's husband-to-be posts a youtube video
talking about how he doesn't have a criminal record and has told his wife about his past (assuming the abuse) and is okay with it
>half a day later, the TMZ/shaderoom of japan hosts a livestream with evidence that the youtuber has been in contact with a 15 year old girl
>15 year old girl was threatened by youtuber to send over 30 nudes varying in intensity including showing school id and where she lived
>girl was worried and confided in her friend about situation, and friend confronts the youtuber
>youtuber says he betrayed her and threatens her with a lawyer and risk of doxxing her
>this all happened while the youtuber was dating his future wife
>said youtuber even said that he was a "lolicon" and he wasn't "interested" in his girlfriend at the moment
>this blows up all over social media and the company he's under starts trending in japan
>they try to cover it up and start deleting comments on his channel
>doesn't work
>TMZ of japan hosts another livestream and shows screenshots of the 15 y.o's dm of the youtuber begging her not to go to police or to tell her parents, she ignores him and decides to go the police
>a day later his company terminates his contract and he turns himself into the police/gets arrested by the police
>former idol now has a child for a domestic abuser and pedophile
as of now nothing else has been heard. because of how shitty japanese laws are this man probably won't even get time in prison. but i just feel really bad for both the girl and the former idol. the youtuber in linkrel breaks down the situation better
Anonymous 74287
>>74273Angelo John Gage is a professional lifestyle coach (professionally certified as such by Tony Robbins' self-help organization). He makes money running a service teaching what professes to be "self-improvement" and dating advice. His money and income are literally generated by not being an incel and exploiting incels into believing that if they hate jews enough then they too will not be incels; since the primary qualification is "not being an incel," approximately 95% of all men are as qualified as Angelo to make money in that manner, but Angelo manages to be a member of the elite minority of men who transform socially predatory moral depravity from a hobby to a profession.
That means that Gage supporters fall into two categories; morally bankrupt would-be scam artists who see the end result of promoting Nazism as justifying the means of scamming the lower orders of man out of their pitifully small reserves of money and happiness, and unusually stupid incels who fall prey to such scams.
It is honestly shocking to see how many white nationalists will support any scam artist so long as he promotes racism; when con artists are exposed in movements filled with honest men, the honest men will generally exile the shyster to preserve their own integrity. This happens even in large-scale elaborate cons, such as organized religion. But not only is Angelo John Gage not the biggest fraud in white nationalism, he is also not the most important. David Duke himself defrauded his own supporters out of a considerable amount of money–more than some of his uneducated and underemployed fans could afford, which is why they bothered to take their case to the courts. Duke is one of the surprisingly numerous instance of white supremacist leaders who went to prison not for harm done to blacks, but to his own white nationalist followers. The only time I am aware of the alt right actually refusing to support one of their leading con artists was the case of the Nazi leader who led the march on Skokie, Illinois, who went to prison not for any of the neonazi racist activities he was promoting, but for using his connections with his Nazi group to molest underage boys. If it had just been their money that was stolen instead of their young relatives who were sodomized they might never have turned on him.
Anonymous 74289
>>74286>298 Jewish feministswtf I never knew the jews were so based
Anonymous 74293
Who invited leftypol here?
Anonymous 74466
>>73989>>73982does anybody remember this "MJmage" tripfag?
Anonymous 75247
>>74284its wild that in the US, if you do anything at all with a girl who is a day younger than 18 you will be judged for it for life
but this guy can get away with abusing and threatening girls as young as 15
Anonymous 75261

>>75247>its wild that in the US, if you do anything at all with a girl who is a day younger than 18 you will be judged for it for lifeJudged, maybe. As long as he is not famous, or the girl wasn’t a perfect victim, or he was only in his 20’s. Criminal prosecution is really only guaranteed if he took pictures or made videos, and the girl is just as likely to get in trouble for it as he is.
Men are disgusting creatures and are rarely punished for it. Even ones paranoid about the law prefer women that are young and as easy to manipulate as possible. That is the ultimate pink pill.
Anonymous 75320
>go on twitter
>see that fgm is trending because today is fgm awareness day
>it's all tweets of men (and handmaidens) "w-what about our boys?! their genitals are still allowed to be mutilated, you don't care about them! both are just as bad!"
this is one of the most digusting topics on earth and they still show zero empathy
it's not like male circumcision is a thing in my country, not a single tweet of a man actually suffering because of that, they simply can't stand the thought of women "getting" something and they not
Anonymous 75332
>>75247you can't really get in trouble for having sex with someone a day younger than 18… If you think that's true, please provide news articles. This kind of rhetoric is stupid.
Anonymous 75512
Ok i have a question.
Why do moids think that women live on easy mode?
Are they that fucking re*?
Anonymous 75513
>>75512They think that supposed easy access to shallow sexual attention = “easy mode.” Since they are so emotionally inept and pornsick, they think that access to sex = a fulfilling life.
Anonymous 75804
>>75512I dunno seems to stem from them thinking you get treated better just for being a girl like employers wanting to fill diversity quotas or that certain behaviours are more socially acceptable/cute if you're a girl like being shy or having obscure hobbies. But it fails to take into account that most of that is only true if you're pretty, being ugly means you still get judged for all that stuff and treated poorly by everyone.
Anonymous 75842
>>73865Is the female version chad-betabux complex? lol
Anonymous 75846

>>75842No, it’s in fact much older than that. The man will want a relationship with a woman they respect and view as “pure” while not respecting an sexual woman despite being highly attracted to her. It results in them not being able to get it up around the “Madonna” partner despite loving and respecting them greatly, with this ending up with the man cheating on them with a series of “whores”. The classic example is a man marrying a woman and having a child with her. After their wife becomes a mother, these men stop seeing them as a sexual being and lose interest and start cheating despite being very in love with their wife.
This differs from the Chad/beta dichotomy because it suggests women never stop wanting Chad and will just settle with a beta for financial necessity. Contrastly, the man will love and respect the Madonna that they settle with, just not as a sexual being and will seek out the whore to fulfill them sexually (without respect for the whore). Being the “Madonna” or the “whore” is both equally bad for the woman while it’s obviously better to be the Chad than the beta.
Also a Madonna/whore complex is clearly a “some men” thing (unless you’re actually retarded) cuz it’s, yaknow, a complex, while the Chad/beta dichotomy is legitimately how moids think women view them.
So we’re right they’re wrong btfo r9k lurkers lmao
Anonymous 75854
>>75846>It results in them not being able to get it up around the “Madonna” partner despite loving and respecting them greatlyIt certainty the case sometimes, but don't shoehorn. It's hard to explain the issue, because the word "love" is poorly defined in english. Greeks, for example, had 6 different words for love. One form of love usually prevails, and could even completely overshadow all the other. If you deeply love (philia) the other person, it could be hard to also love (eros) them deeply at the same time. This is what creates the conflict. And even if you feel both form of love at the same time, it is possible for one form (eros for example) to disappear, while other form is still strong.
>After their wife becomes a mother, these men stop seeing them as a sexual beingChildbearing takes a tall on woman's body. Both physiologically and psychologically.
It's very naive to attribute everything to a complex or blame just one party.
Anonymous 75856
>>75854So I’m correct, good to know (:
Anonymous 75867
>>73946They view a tradwife as a sort of safe haven from the choices of women they think they would have to settle down with. They’re all scared of divorce as well so a tradwife is seen as a sort of safety net
Anonymous 75869
>>75512The attention that all attractive girls get moids want, but the rights and opportunities men are given girls want.
Anonymous 75892
>>75846Psychoanalysis has very little efficacy. It would be wrong to outright assume these things. Although I do believe this one to be, at least partially, true.
Anonymous 75927
> once you get to that age you realize the most important thing is having a family, a little tribe, because that's the whole fucking reason we're living.
I laughed, thanks.
Anonymous 75938
It’s funny that they desire something they will never have.
They hate women, they hate femininity. They hate the fact that no matter how weak or helpless we're made to be, we’re the only people that chave more of a claim to their children due to biological realities.
They claim to want a tradwife with no job, but they can barely support themselves. They claim they want a teen virgin, but could never deal with teen girl bullshit. They claim they want children but they aren’t allowed within 100 feet of a school.
Imagine hating women and spouting this nonsense. Even the biggest pick-mes see this and will never go for them, choosing a life of simps and tradthottery instead. It’s honestly pathetic. Maybe men do have it harder lmao
Anonymous 75942
>>75938'they' is a reference that should be looked at more carefully, because in this case 'they' is the generalized sum of 4chan's feelings towards women, which is very memeified (and based to an extent on real feelings obv)
i have a friend who is culturally WASP. Very polite, understanding, sticks to schedules and modesty, but works out and is in very good shape. Yet, he complains how he cannot find a decent girl. with people like him, the requirements are not much- be somewhat conservative and have decent personality.
that is a very different expectation than that of a r9k incel that expects the best qualities from women despite offering little, but both these feelings are a reaction to the same social problem currently occurring in modern developed countries where the female gender role now allows and encourages for previously 'masculine' or 'agender' traits to be adopted (and keeping positive traits of the traditional gender role) while the traditional male gender role has not been changed. worse, it is trying to be altered into adopting more feminine traits while discouraging masculine traits.
all this leads to a clear imbalance most apparent in places where both genders' traits are reflected in most- dating. 4chan's obsession with tradwives stems from this imbalance they experience personally in dating as they have trouble with having the same traditional male role expectations women have of them (in order to date them) while being challenged by the same women with their newly-bestowed masculine traits.
yes, men do have it harder and we can see that reflected by dumb fuck incel degenerates and general woman hatred on the site. very sad
Anonymous 75943
>>73800I got a bf there, he's a real sweetheart
Anonymous 77147

You ever think about how many male “heroes”, “geniuses” and “intellectuals” leeched off of, abused and raped the women in their lives?
Specifically thinking of Leo Tolstoy here, but there are countless other examples. Men are literal parasites.
Anonymous 77183
>>77147There are no geniuses like that these days because men don’t have women to be their personal slaves.
Anonymous 77184
>>76798That's very cool actually if true.
Anonymous 77259
The answer is very simple.
10 years ago it was all about being a pick-up-artist and pulling girls. Only girls who were almost perfect looking model-females were seen as barely human.
Every half ugly NEET thought he could get a harem of women so why settle for one? Freeing up sexuality was important for them and relationship's were just "such burdens" for them. Why would they want to settle down for one woman when they can fuck so many new ones?
Fast forward 10 years and it turns out the whole pick up artist narrative was a lie. Freeing up sexuality only gave women more sexual power. Those men who didn't wanna settle down with "one woman" and who argued that "the natural state for men is to spread their seed", realized they actually didn't even end up with one woman. They ended up with zero. Literally freeing up sexuality so they could "spread their seed without female's whining" made them into incels.
Very soon, it turned out women actually hold most of the cards sexually, because men are by nature less sexually valuable.
Oh noes, now we have to change our preferences, because the second best thing after "spreading one's seed" into multiple women is to at least spread the seed into one female.
This is where this whole "anti-thottery" bullshit comes from. They caused it to themselves. 100%. I remember arguing with these pick up artists that this is immoral and they should care more about women's personalities, not just looks. I remember making a case for monogamy.
Nope, "that's not in mens nature", "men want extremely attractive women and to spread their seed and to be free".
Ok, you got what you wanted. Women are now thots and choose to fuck whoever they want. Which made most men into incels. Now suddenly the appearance of a woman is secondary - the most important thing is if she is her personality (how submissive or naive she is) so they can basically have a houseslave to rape.
Look at all these "reformed" pick up artists, like YogiOabs or Roosh V.
They caused all of this themselves, but of course they will blame it all on women or on "feminism".
Anonymous 77260
I actually remember trying to find a boyfriend in the early 2010s. It was impossible, most normie men were infatuated with this pick up artist bullshit and "relationships were just such burdens to them". It was always this sense of that sticking to one woman was just too much to ask from them. If you actually managed to get into a relationship "they were not ready to settle down" because they could "play the field" still.
Now those same men are suddenly "reformed", because they just failed massively by overestimating their value and underestimating female value. What happened instead, is that female's just started playing them back - and now they suddenly act like the kings of morality.
No "feminism" isn't the downfall of the "modern woman". Bro's and PUA's and all of these misogynysts were. Which was 90% of the male population like 10 years ago when I grew up.
Now those people are suddenly reformed and want a tradwife, because now it is not fun to play the losing game anymore, give me a fucking break. These moids are fucking pathetic.
Anonymous 77268

>>77259>>77260Based and recent take
Inb4 the obvious moid comments that it’s actually da joos fault, not daddy rooshie selling them a lie to make a buck.
Anonymous 77274
>>77268Yup, da joos, da feminizmz, da societies fault. Many don't even see women as human lol, maybe that's the problem.
They just always have such over-inflated sense of self-importance and then they just fall flat on their fucking faces. Thereafter they proceed to cry and blame women, joos, feminizmz, or other shit over the society they themselves created lmao.
Anonymous 77275
>>77259Yep, I've seen this fucking happen in real time.
Funny thing is that literal nazis won't take these "reformed" PUAs in. I've seen it with Roosh. They form cliques of racist and woman-hating rightwing libertarians.
>>77260>and now they suddenly act like the kings of morality.I laugh whenever incels pretend to pride themselves on their "chastity" and are "saving themselves for marriage", lol, it's so fucking cynical. These men have no morals they are just coping rejects.
>"they were not ready to settle down" because they could "play the field" still.I can see the copes forming already in male spaces. Men saying that their PEAK is in their 50s and they'll be drowning in options to either sleep around or lock down a bangmaid. I don't know what the next phase of the male dating strategists is going to be once they realize that being a balding scrote who works in a car dealership isn't going to make stacies flock to your dick.
>Many don't even see women as humanFunny how men could find a nice girl if they treated women like humans. Men are so fucking retarded and their brains are warped by the opinions of other men. They'd rather ___-maxx and treat dating like a game than find a girl they like treat her with respect.
They'd rather pretend to be the patriarch of a harem or pretend to be the patriarch and sole owner of a single female like she's his property. Most simply cannot wrap their minds around seeing women as anything else.
Anonymous 78625

I remember when 4chan tilted from vulgar libertarian edgelords into full trad bullshitters.
The big sign I saw was when there was a thread on /r9k/(MAYBE it was /pol/?) in 2012 or 2013 discussing abortion. Abortion wasn't an uncommon topic, and pretty much 95% of responders would be pretty strongly pro-choice. Having children = responsibility and being tied down to one woman for 18+ years whether you like it or not, and who wants that?
Suddenly, this thread was nearly flooded with anti-choice responses. Some were the usual blatant misogyny that women were all whores using it as birth control, others were more concerned about the morality of killing a fetus and the belief that it was a full human life. I'll never forget one bewildered reply:
>Wait, is /r9k/ unironically pro-life?The shift in culture and politics snowballed from there. Pretty much what
>>77259 said, it was a bunch of young men and teenage boys getting wrapped up in PUA/MRA culture (I remember the Derrida namefag proclaiming that one day /r9k/ would become the manosphere board instead of just the sour grapes board, LOL) and the daily "misogyny dump threads" until they started realizing when they grew up and started actually interacting with women that the shit doesn't work, they aren't as sexy or valuable as they think they are just by virtue of being older men, and women aren't philosophical zombies.
Chickens coming home to roost.
Anonymous 78652
>>786254chan as a mostly unmoderated website always gave room to counter culture so when the sjw cultural shift happened 4chan experienced a huge influx of anti-sjwers and became their new home.
4chan is and will always be what the majority of the internet deems as wrong-thinkers simply because that demographic has no real other place to stay on the internet. (besides some niche slow trafic sites)
Anonymous 78778
>>78625>>78652Agreed, it's a home for counter culture so when it seems like one night stands are the norm 4chan wants long term loving relationships, or pro life/choice, goes with anything.
Anonymous 78788
Men from 4chan aren't right in the head most of the time, they will hate fuck women they meet online and women they know in person. It's debatable since this mentality existed before the internet.
It's a double edged sword as well, you could find a man who deeply respects women and is submissive to them.
Anonymous 78830
or youre a /r9k/ moid trying to make /r9k/ incels seem good
Anonymous 78838
>>78830I doubt it. A moid couldn't think of such a wholesome scenario. Good morning kiss? Cooks for the girl? Best friends? Nah, a r9k incel could never.
Anonymous 78900
>>78838I met a anon who made up a wholesome scenario for me, I think he's pitying me frankly but its still sweet
Anonymous 78945
Remember girls that the internet allows us to filter men more easily. Men who want to use us exist in person too. My brother pumps and dumps women he knows in person. Never trust any moid unless it's a bond you can't avoid like a brother or your own son
Anonymous 79137
I now wonder why there are so many awful guys out there being awful.
Anonymous 79144
>>78838It does sound like something a moid would write though, it's like something out of a chick-flick.
Anonymous 79302
>>79293I want to light him on fire.
Anonymous 79307
>>79293>>79297I bet you wouldn't do acid or ketamine or huff gas or whatever around people you don't trust, so why would you get drunk? It's literally the same thing. I'm not saying it's okay to do that to someone who's unconscious, but you have nothing to worry about if you're responsible.
Anonymous 79318
>>79307It's socially accepted and there's a lot of pressure young people seem to feel to do so to fit in or find friends and partners. I agree it's stupid and dangerous and I don't get it personally because I was always a social pariah anyway, but I do have empathy for normal people who are too young and naive to realize how dangerous because "everyone is doing it" and they'll be considered boring if they don't. A lot of 20 year olds don't have much experience with drinking and go overboard too because they don't know their limits and think they're invincible.
Anonymous 79339
>>79307Not being able to drink unless it's around people you 100% trust is going to ruin your social life if you enjoy going out - no parties, no pubs, no clubs, are women supposed to just drink alone in their rooms or exclusively with female friends? Everyone, even men, accept there's a risk of something bad happening when they drink. It's a pretty inherently dangerous activity considering the loss of inhibition and awareness, but I can't blame anyone for still wanting to drink and it's not fair to expect women to refrain from ever drinking in public or around men.
As with sex and drugs and so on, recommending abstinence doesn't work. Education on safety and harm reduction as well as whatever protections that can be put in place by venues are the best alternatives.
Anonymous 79403

Is it possible to tell normal men from men who just hide the way they feel about women? Picrel I see this shared around with always unanimous agreements from men.
Anonymous 79404
>>79403i honestly think most if not all men despise us, whether they’re upfront about it or hide it, so there is no ‘normal’ to me if that makes sense
Anonymous 79407
>>79404Surely not all of them are THIS hateful though? I would say I'm faiely disillusioned when it comes to men but I still see them as entire people despite the evil they do.
Anonymous 79408
>>79407it’s not always to that extent but i think there’s always some form of hatred.
Anonymous 79419
IMO that is the same or similar to hate, only seeing someone as a sexual outlet.
Anonymous 79420
>>79419IMO that is worse than hating someone
Anonymous 79422
>>79419They are raised to hate and violently hate, because they're raised and encouraged to maintain a callous streak. It's what masculinity is imo.
Anonymous 79423
>>79403/fit/ is basically /r9k/, men suck but informing your views on them by browsing incel imageboards does nothing but induce brainrot
Anonymous 79426

>>79423You're probably right. It feels scary though knowing that any man could be this evil.
Anonymous 79489
>>79403>A woman never has to feel alone/inadequate/sad, she is trapped in an infinite circle of positive reinforcement.Men are absolutely retarded, holy shit. How blind to you have to be to the world around you to think this way?
Anonymous 79550
I live in a shitty backwards country and Jesus fuck recently the politicians tried to pass a law called bolsa estupro that rapists have to pay child support and are allowed to see the child born from rape. This is a country that says that abortion is legal if you get raped but the process is made to be lengthy on purpose, so by the time the processing is done the fetus is too old to be aborted. I have no hope for this country anymore and even thought I don't date men I'm super scared bc corrective rapes are super commom too. I've seen so many shit by now that I'm sure men are defective in some way.
Anonymous 79573
>>79550I have seen men proudly announce they vote for anti choice politicians purely because they know women suffer as a result. Never in my life have I seen a woman even ironically support voting for a candidate to make men suffer. I think most men are born without souls.
Anonymous 79576
>>79403At this point I just assume that 99% of men think something like this about women and avoid them accordingly. I just accepted it so nothing they say really shocks me anymore. I’ll be nice to their face when I have to but I don’t interact with them further than that.
Anonymous 79591
>>79403love when they pull the Napoleon quotes without realizing that he simped for an older divorced woman with children who absolutely resented him, sent her love letters constantly and she never gave him the time of day.
Realize that when men act like this they are protecting their own egos. It's very easy for them to dehumanize women since they lack the same levels of empathy and compassion for others as most women. Especially since most men are porn addicts and see women primarily through her utility as a sex object.
Anonymous 79592
>>79407Men resent women for two reasons
1. lack of access to her sexual organs when he desires them
2. envy over the fact her sexual organs make her more desirable (see 1.)
Both issues would be solved if men thought of women as humans and not holes but that's unlikely. Their mindset is their own fault but they lack the logic skills to understand and overcome.
Anonymous 79593
>>79403He put a lot of effort into that bait.
I can't imagine using history to try to justify misogyny, especially considering that women weren't allowed to participate in, or were laughed out of most if not all creative or academic endeavors that were taken seriously at the time.
Hell, back during the time of philosphers, people thought women got pregnant by just being near sperm. Millenia old history is not the best to base your modern social ideology on lol
Anonymous 79594
>>79593Not only that, but even with everything against them women still time and again created art and studied science that we still rely on now. Even with every odd stacked against us we prevail and become immortalized, but men seem to be allergic to this and would prefer seeing all men on any list of scientists, artists, etc.
We'd be living among the stars by now if men would get over themselves.
Anonymous 79649
>>79593I don't even think it's bait. I've known men who type out entire diatribes like this, it's the mark of a men who is genuinely seething behind his screen. This man probably legitimately believes that women have life handed to him, and that he is cursed by losing the 50/50 chance he had to a life of luxury, and this is all he can do to cope.
It's batshit insane but there are men who hate women purely because they've deluded themselves into thinking we're living high on the hog somehow because we have a tiny bit of legal recourse against male violence instead of none at all.
Anonymous 79752
>>77260Don't you think it is much more likely that the dating sphere at the time being full of PUAs and non-committal robots has much more to do with your/my age at the time and less to do with society as a whole?
I can confirm the market was saturated with PUA fuccbois in that ers. But at that time I/they were 17/18 years old.
Their transformation now into wanting tradwives is a reflection of us all being older, assuming much of 4chan's userbase has aged with it (and I suspect it has).
I do think probably their are racial undertones to the change too as most of 4chan has been inundated with race politics since the creation of /Pol/ or maybe/probably even before then.
The robots are scared because they are being (very obviously) directly threatened via blacked threads etc.
They see having children as the only logical way to maintain the white race which to them is somehow good and pure. A trafwife is merely a means to that end.
Ultimately the world would be better if we didn't have to hate the robots. If the robots could be better.
The most clear enemy to them healing is the political threats hidden in their pornography.
I don't know where it originates. Is it actually joos making blacked threads to make the white moids feel inferior. Or is it the Nazis making it and claiming that it is the joos to make the white moids hate the joos more. I don't know.
But that's the problem.
Imagine you masturbate several times a day. Think of the mental state you are in as you do that. Think of how vulnerable your brain would be to subliminal or even obvious messaging.
And now look at the threads. Blacked. Traps. Gifs That Make You Want To Suck Cock. Hypno Sissy. Etc etc. It's all attacks on their masculinity and they can't stop watching it. They become full of hate.
P.S. just to demonstrate the point further go to 4chan now today while they have their April Fools Joke working. It tells you how many "Canadians" are in each board (people who someone chose to ban/report).
/Gif/ the most popular porn section of the website has, as of writing, 234 reported posts.
That's 4 times the number of any other board. Even /Pol/ only has around 100. This reflects very clearly where they feel they are being attacked (the pornography board) and shows just how disgruntled they are.
Anonymous 79856
>>79403Men with a good relationship with their mothers are less likely to be like this (not too good of a relationship or then they're pussies)
Anonymous 79857
>>79403It's so dumb because /fit/ sometimes attacks incels and tells them to go back to /r9k/ at the slightest misogyny, but in other cases they say the exact same thing as incels.
Although they are probably not the same people.
Anonymous 79858
>>79856>Men with a good relationship with their mothersI swear like 80% of incels have divorced parents, and grew up with their mother who loved them. I know about Nigeling in feminist circles, but in incel ones it's completely normal to say shit like this
>>79403 about women, but then turn around and say that their mom is an exception. This is always true unless their mother was actually abusive or a bad parent.
Anonymous 79872
>>79858Positive isn't necessarily the same as good (healthy). They were probably pampered and spoiled by their mommy in these cases, and want women to give them sex just like their mom brings tendies to their room. Sure they love their mom but it's not exactly good parenting or a healthy adult parent-child relationship. Especially since you say divorced, there's usually issues there.
Anonymous 79891
>>79858Yes, a key factor in men growing up wrong is lack of a good male role model. It's extremely important to their development.
It's quite probable that the rise in incels etc. is due to the rise in divorce.
But the alternative is quite bad - back to marriages you cannot leave.
Perhaps the real answer is that marriage needs to change drastically. It basically works when it's impossible to leave. The alternative to it shouldn't be divorce because clearly that doesn't work - it should simply be no marriage in the first place. Or at least marriage of a different kind.
Anonymous 80111
It's gross how many coomers are on /vp/
I just like Pokemon dude why you gotta make it weird
Anonymous 80128
>>74284Do you know a lot about johnny's entertainment idols?
Anonymous 80966
Why do men act like subhumans the moment we aren't watching?
Anonymous 80984
>>80966Why do men act like subhumans?
Anonymous 80985
>>80966>>80984Why do men think it’s okay to exist?
Anonymous 81632
>>77260>>77259 This post seems to overestimate the impact of PUA on young men those days and doesn't acknowledge the sexual revolution as an older phenomenon.
This post seems to be influenced by a lot of time waste in other chans and it extrapolates internet's nerda behaviour to the general population.
Changes in the structure of relationships are older and of course influenced in part, at least, by feminism.
Summarizing, fuckboys are older than PUA and therefore PUA not influential for anyone but a bunch of smelly dweebs
Anonymous 81742
>>80128>Do you know a lot about johnny's entertainment idols?yes. i am a fan of a few of the groups under that company
Anonymous 81751
>>81742omg, i've just recently got into arashi/SMAP (and 4DP) i really want to learn more about these groups but since i can't speak japanese there's only so much that is translated and there aren't many that are still interested in their older works from the 90s ;-;
how did you get into them/info on them?
Anonymous 81783
>>79752Based schizo take.
Do you have any ressources (screenshots, confessions) about the supposed shills on /gif/ ? I'm sure there are some obscure tranny discords behind the sissy hypno threads (just like with r9k tranny threads, it has been documented there), but what about the blacked threads ? Is there anything more than /pol/ rumors ?
Anonymous 81793

>>79593>>79594This. Men truly see us as separate at best and subhuman at worse. It only makes the incel to transwoman pipeline more interesting. Maybe men wish to be slaves?
Anonymous 81796
>>81793I've heard incelish transwomen speak on what philosophers have said re: women and they often say this is a clear cope for not having been born a woman, and that this is how their own womb envy manifested before they came out of the closet.
I'm honestly willing to believe this, because misogyny at its core is a hatred of not having the capacity to give birth. Misogyny was founded on controlling this power because men didn't get it.
Anonymous 81797
>>81751i got you, anon. if it's okay with you, i'll post everything in >>2803 since it's going to be a blogpost
Anonymous 81809
>angela merkel ruined germany! we def mustn't have a female leader ever again!
i don't like her either, but i don't know, at least we didn't start world wars like we did under male leaders…?
do any of you anons also have a borderline mens right activist family?
Anonymous 81812

>>81809Unfortunately yes. Same talking points about female leaders and all. It’s even worse when it’s women saying that shit.
Suffer not the pickme or the libfem. Pic only somewhat related.
Anonymous 81816
>>81809Women don't always represent the interests of women in politics. It's weird for people to understand pick mes as being bad despite being women but then for some reason that can't extend that to female politicians who have bad politics
Anonymous 81817
>>81816Completely missed the point.
This is not about Merkel, the issue is that my dad hates approxiamtely 100 male politicians, gets mad because of them on the daily and yet it would never even cross his mind to link them being bad at their job with their maleness.
But 1 woman being bad at politics = no woman is qualified to work in politics.
And that's not just his opinion and not just about women in politics, so many people unironically think this about any somewhat prestigious/well-paid field as well.
Anonymous 81818
>>81817You probably should have given more context if you didn't want to come off as mad that people didn't like a female politician
Anonymous 81820
>>81818it's obvious…not even hitler made people say no more male leaders but one female leader is enough to make them say that all women have no place in politics
Anonymous 81821
>>81820That's not there in the original post
Anonymous 81826
>>81820? I'm not even disagreeing with you, it's just weird for you to get mad at someone for not understanding a point you didn't make in the original post they responded to
Anonymous 81829
>>81826At the beginning I wrote that I don't like her. But nevertheless you immediately jumped to conclusions, accused me of being one of the supposedly many women who are blind to how bad female politicians are, accusing me of only excusing her being bad because she's a women, a bunch of baseless accusations.
Anonymous 81831
just like the rest of cc half of this thread is likely just moids camping here waiting to own the roasties
Anonymous 81832
>>81812using the term “pick me” is just misogyny with extra steps
Anonymous 81835
>>81833by shitting on women who say women deserve no rights we become the actual misogynists, unlike the generous men who allow women to choose to get treated shittily by them
Anonymous 81836
>>81833nta but it's blaming women who want validation over moids or the society that encourage them to be that way. That image mentions how the pickme thinks she is better than other women, but "pickmes" are often made to be in the role of bad women for "non-pickmes" to feel better than. It's a real phenomenon though and I don't think all women who fit that description are poor innocent victims, but sometimes the venom towards them feels kind of misogynist.
Anonymous 81837
>>81829That and since it's a buzzword it's often shorthand for women I don't like
Anonymous 81838
>>81836>the venom towards them feels kind of misogynist.It's not like the majority of of us outright attack pick-mes tho? Most likely don't even say anything to their face, they just want an outlet because they have e.g. an older female relative or coworker who constantly tries to brainwash them into thinking like them or who constantly treats them badly because they don't fit their standard of what a woman should be like.
For example I love my mom, so I don't wanna argue but sometimes I just can't take her bullshit anymore, she's like a mix of the worst nitpickers of lc, strict christians and "w-we have to protect the men!". Always calling normal women ugly + saying they have an easy life compared to men. Of course she's nothing compared to actually bad men, it's obvious that it's oftentimes simple jealousy, but sometimes it's just feels extremely annoying or disappointing…
You basically just want us to constantly endure the misogyny they direct towards us but sorry, I'm not jesus, sometimes I just can't, sometimes you also have to hit back a little.
Anonymous 81841
>>81838I said "sometimes" anon, wasn't accusing anyone. I've mostly seen what I'm talking about on lolcow, it's a lot more chill here. I'm against venting or anything, I just see how it could potentially be misogynist in some contexts.
Anonymous 82208

Hey anons, I regard foundation and concealer as bad things for women. I stopped wearing those and it helped me feel better about my acne. I was wondering if you anons think eyeshadow/lipstick (makeup that isn’t foundation/concealer) is as harmful? I bought an eyeshadow palette I thought was cute, but I generally view the makeup industry negatively, so I’m not sure how to feel about it.
Anonymous 82209
>>82208All make-up is harmful, that's why men never wear it.
Saying that, one woman taking a stand against the make-up industry isn't going to make a huge difference in the world unfortunately. Just do what feels good for you and adapt as your views change.
Anonymous 82254
People on 4chan are usually contrarians who hate themselves. Both of those choices make sense for them.
Anonymous 82261
>>82208I’ve recently stopped wearing face makeup (foundation, concealer, highlight, contour, etc) but I still wear mascara, eyebrow pencil, and sometimes eyeshadow and blush when I want to feel pretty. I like makeup because I find it fun, but I try to go 100% makeup free at least once a week. My take on makeup is if you can’t be seen without it, it’s not “just for fun” anymore.
Anonymous 82271
>>82209some men do wear it. typically those that are effeminate or in the alternative scene. personally thats why i only wear smeared eye shadow because i like the look. i dont think it makes me any prettier
Anonymous 82355
>>82208I don't think they're bad, though with the rise of social media, make-up and beauty went into consumerist overdrive. I'm sick of seeing "beauty gurus" passing off their consumerism as empowerment.
Anonymous 82393

I found this article on "signs she gives good head", all of the signs are sickening and this one was the worst for me, pigtails, a hairstyle often associated with children and innocence is viewed as "head handles" and she's "asking for it" absolutely sickenning, and the pic is a pin up of a woman wearing kids' accessories, looking away with her cleavage out.
I wonder if they view kids with pigtails the same way, its disturbing how much kiddy stuff the porn industry has that eventually leak to pop culture and then to common people.
as someone who likes to wear pigtails outside i feel very grossed out and disgusted, im thinking of all the times i wore my hair this way and what men around could've thought of, im digusted by myself and by them.
idk what i expected but certinally not this, i cant with men.
Anonymous 82397
>>82393They'll sexualize anything and claim a woman is "asking for it," even shaved heads, so it's not worth fighting against. Keep wearing the hair you want, anon.
Anonymous 82400
>>82393Remember that men will think gross things no matter how you present yourself just because you are a woman.
Anonymous 82436
>>82393Its a coomer porn meme. But to be fair it looks dumb af if its not an anime wig with twin tails. Or if the hair aint hella long.
It is true that moids see fetishes where they shouldnt and many think in that "she is asking for it" socially retarded manner.
Anonymous 82463
>>82393I used to not wear pigtails (or twin braids) for this reason despite loving the look but now I know it’s best not to give a fuck. Wear your hair how you want. Male opinions don’t matter because anything female will either be sexualized or made fun of.
Anonymous 82860

anyone else absolutely fucking despise the cuckqueen threads on r9k? i cant help myself from going on a few times a week as i used to spend all day on there and those threads make me irrationally angry. i cant believe robots act like theyre so hard done to and that theyre the only guys who really deserve a gf and whine about how apparently the enitre female species is against them all day, yet think its okay if they did get a gf to brainwash her into letting them fuck other girls and compare her to those girls and hit her and tell her how worthless and ugly she is in comparison. not to mention they also expect her to be some trad virgin who fucks like a pornstar and never interacts with a single other man on top of it all too. literally how much of a fucking ungrateful degenerate piece of shit can you be. it seems that almost all guys on r9k have this horrible fetish and i genuinely hope they never get a gf and all end up killing themselves. i used to have sympathy for incels but its now clear to me that 99% of them really are just shitty people who deserve it in some way.
Anonymous 82864
>>82860I dont go on shit9k but every moid wants a harem. It's in their nature to want multiple women and girls to fuck.
Anonymous 82865
>>82860LOL yeah dw, they're all on suicide watch. They're ugly cucks whose future partner would abandon after realising there's no hope for them. Btw, i'd recommend you to go on 4chan.org/catalog and click on "filters" on the right and type in 'cuckquean'.
Anonymous 82866
>>82860> i used to have sympathy for incels but its now clear to me that 99% of them really are just shitty people who deserve it in some way.Welcome sister. The pink pill is knowing that perpetual celibacy for these creatures is a symptom, not the underlying problem.
The craziest part about their fantasies is they’re not unrealistic actually, it just is for them. There’s girls who do cuck shit for moids because of low self esteem
Literally me with my ex Those men didn’t need to go on r9k for advice to land a girl who will obsess over them and compete for attention. Same with getting a mentally ill gf or someone underage like many r9scrotes want.
Imagine aspiring to be a piece of shit and failing at it. What pathetic creatures.
Anonymous 82872

>>82860hatred and mental illness and psychopathy exist when they shouldn't. hatred exists everywhere in all walks of life, in men and women the same. try not to seek out this stuff and don't torture yourself with that. surround yourself with humble, decent, trustworthy people. reading stuff like that is alarming and scary but they can't hurt you and there is a lot of good out there and it's worth recognizing. it's better for you to ground yourself focusing on the immediate good and healthy. sadly, none of us can't control the hatred and suffering in the world but we have agency and power and good exists.
Anonymous 82896
based. Thank you for helping maintain the power of the courts
Anonymous 82901
>>82860The truth is you can't help incels, I mean the ones who actually choose to self-identify as incel and not just random virgin men. They actually enjoy being part of their incel and "looksmaxx" communities and it's like a hobby for them. Even men who have girlfriends/wives join those communities and the ones who actually try to "ascend" are bullied back into it by their peers. You should never feel bad for them because they choose to be there.
Anonymous 82932
>>82672The series is for moids just like anything else that mangaka wrote
Anonymous 82968

I have mixed feelings about porn addicts, specifically the ones who are trying to quit because they either had some kind of epiphany (the logical sex need some help realizing videos called “teen whore gets what she deserves” might be a bit sexist) or their dick just stops working. People not supporting the porn industry, whatever their reasons may be, is objectively a good thing but I have to wonder where they will do with the free time that they now have and the misogynistic and pedophillic ideals that they developed. I dont believe in the idea that porn is keeping men from raping and abusing women, but if a man only decides to stop watching porn for superficial reasons like his sexual performance as opposed to its obviously harmful nature then I see no issue in assuming hes a ticking time bomb who will eventually decide to rape a woman or child. Is that a reasonable assumption or do I just not have enough faith in moids?sorry for sperging about nonsense i just wanted to talk about this and it seemed relevant enough to this thread to put it here
Anonymous 83126

>>81783Low quality but I think you can read some and get the gist of it
Anonymous 83128
>>81796I didn't realize giving birth was a "power".
Anonymous 83133
>>83128Having full control over literally who enters this world or who doesn't is a power.
Anonymous 83166
>>83133Until you get raped and used as a breeding factory for moid demons to continue their tyranny. It’s a weakness, not a power.
Anonymous 83167
>>83166Is that what trannies tell themselves to cope?
Anonymous 83874
I notice at Dairy Queen the moids are more likely to mess up my milkshake
Anonymous 83883
>>83166It's still power, the means of power has just been usurped. That's why men do it. They don't control the means of reproductions and it infuriates and scares them so badly that they had to create the patriarchy in order subjugate women.
Anonymous 83886

>>83874Evidence men are designed to labor in the fields for 12 hours a day as they are incapable of following directions.
Don’t fuck with my food, moids
Anonymous 83903
>>83886most field labour is actually done by women. men use tractors etc a lot more.
Anonymous 83967
>>79403Pretty sure that the second poster is this mtf anon from /lgbt/, recognized it from the assumption that (cis)women have perfect lives, writing style, and the phrase ”perfect little angels”.
She thinks that all ciswomen are potentially looking to file rape charges against her, so she always brings up avoiding them like the plague.
Anonymous 84307

>>77275>Men saying that their PEAK is in their 50'saging moids are so fucking funny when they think anybody other than women looking to replace their dad wants their beer guts, limp dicks and receding hairlines because they're the manager at O'Reilly's or whatever
Anonymous 84331

>>84307No anon you don’t understand. Wimin lose their value the second the have their first period while these superior sigma males continue to grow in value until they finally kill themselves and everyone forgets about their legacy. It’s ebilusion, duh?
/s, obviously but jfc PUAs turned wignats are dumb Anonymous 84336
>>82208Makeup is bad for your skin, period. As for harmful on a psychological or societal level, I think it does give people unreasonable standards but whatever. Every time I tried to wear makeup I didn't feel like the person staring back in the mirror was me. If someone else likes it that's their business I guess.
Anonymous 84338
>>84307I feel like men get like that because they don't care for themselves because they aren't expected to take care of their appearance like women are
Anonymous 84364
unnamed (1).gif

>>84331evolution is so crazy…I can't believe us women are so flawed in design we peak at 15, whereas men's worth really just never stops…we age like milk, they age like wine :/ /s
>>84338imo men definitely age worse because most of them are in a fantasy land about their appearance. Me and my sister last night were talking about beauty regimes and surgeries we would get if we could afford them, and her boyfriend chipped in and was like "I wouldn't change anything, I think my face is well above average". This guy is a straight 4/10 and looks exactly like the virgin from the chad memes.
Anonymous 84366
>>84364Every man who jerks himself off about "the wall" is someone below 30 who thinks he'll magically become attractive once he gets old enough, or someone above 30 who is mega coping.
Anonymous 84388

>>84366hard, hard agree. I've heard some men in their 20s thinking they were magically going to become desirable in their 30s with no effort.
I'm not sure why exactly they think their bodies age differently. Even the fact that men stay perfectly fertile until death is a myth since they love to use that argument (they make sperm until death, but it basically becomes total shit past 35).
Anonymous 84456

Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but how do I get over women who use men's words to bash and look down on other women? Their words honestly affect me much more than if a moid said the same things to me.
Anonymous 84502
If a system based on punishment still doesn’t solve the problem of rape, how would rehabilitation will? A man expressing remorse over his crimes against women makes me feel no type of sympathy.
Anonymous 84524
Give them the Golden Experience Requiem then.
Anonymous 84551
>>84456Just know it’s the internalized misogyny and walk away. You could try calling them on it, but if they’re that far down the rabbit hole they won’t listen.
I thinks it’s common for younger women who are a bit femcel-ish to lash out at other women. Hopefully they’ll snap out of it, maybe they won’t. Just know they’re not the enemy, it’s the patriarchy. Treat them with as much kindness as you can bear giving them.
Anonymous 84880
>>82208God you just reminded me of how much I'm addicted to makeup… I hate the industry as well and i wish it didn't exist at all but I feel more attractive when i wear it and life gets easier. I wish I didn't have such obvious facial flaws like deep, dark undereyes and very uneven eyebrows so i could at least look okay without it :(
Anonymous 84983

Something about this is just so fucking disgusting to me. It seems even more gross than normal porn for some reason. 160K likes too. I hate men so much.
Anonymous 84988
>>79403kek don't most of these moids only lift in the hopes that it will grant them female attention?
Anonymous 85016

There are literally dozens of comics with the same premise. They start for the female validation, but stay for the male.
Anonymous 85018
>>84988>kek don't most of these moids only lift in the hopes that it will grant them female attention?From personal interactions with them, plenty of moids lift to not feel like complete shit and to actually bond with men in a space that is pretty concrete. This archetype of person most certainly exists
>>85016 enough for it to be funny to reference it, but there are plenty of moids just after bigger and bigger gains because that's the only thing that makes them feel alive anymore.
Anonymous 85026
>>85016Literally why I started wearing makeup/“sexy” clothes vs why I wear them now Anonymous 85030

Him. Because he is a martial artist and because it's his job and passion.
Anonymous 85091
>>85026i don't wear sexy clothes but i think it's funny that men always assume we do things for them when in reality we literally need to just be dressed nice/well for the sake of our jobs, financial stability, and to like… not be ostracized or othered? people are nicer to you when you dress nicely or in a way that's trendy and enviable even when it's sexy, and it's often not even about about sex or attraction.
Anonymous 85256
>>85091i dont feel i need to wear slutty shit for myself tho, if i do, then clearly with a goal of earning attention and aint gonna deny it
Anonymous 86105

>Women age like milk, men age like fine wi-
Anonymous 86107

>>84983This reminds me of this creepy video I came across a few days ago. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a similar situation on Tiktok with a lot of these videos featuring children and the parents are responsible for it. Sad to see.
Anonymous 86109

Men age just as badly as anybody else, it's just that the standards for them are so much lower than they are for women
Anonymous 86171
>>85091>People are nicer to you when you dress nicely, even if it is sluttyWhere tf do you live? The vast majority of people will judge and dehumanize you for showing skin. Most people, even other women, don't see women as humans.
Anonymous 86291

There's a whole underbelly of this content on YouTube, with millions of views and subscribers. Some of the channels turn comments off because of the inevitable thirsty comments by paedophilic adults.
I clear cookies/cache after every browser session, so I often see unusual recommendations on YouTube's frontpage. It's disturbing that young girls are mimicking vlogs made by adult women, with aesthetics that clearly appeal to paedos; picrel most of the comments on this girl's videos are in awe of how much younger she looks than her age! Not to mention the dance videos on TikTok (that's what Musical.ly, now TikTok, was known for - an app used by paedos to view videos of young girls dancing, barely clad as is the norm now in the West). Even if a portion of the viewers are other children themselves, this is incredibly unhealthy and is a form of societal grooming.
Anonymous 86383

Picrel is sadly true and it's the main "argument" libfems use against women like us.
We have burst their ignorance bubble and we are bad people for making them feel bad, if we were good people we'd just let them be ignorant and "happy" for the rest of their lives. Did they react the same way when they found out Santa wasn't real?
Anonymous 86568
I hate the sexualization of types of women. The teen girl, mothers (MILFs), tomboys, even feminists.
Anonymous 86582
>>86442God, too real.
>>86568It is insane to me how men think it is normal to want to fuck everyone you see
Anonymous 86634
Smarter but more mentally ill tbh (especially since therapy isn’t trad so they’re not gonna fix their shit)
Anonymous 86655
>>86654god this honestly invokes more sympathy than anything, some of them live like rats
Anonymous 86833
> Recently a platonic female friend of mine left her bag behind after staying the night at my place. I don't have any romantic feelings towards her or anything but shes really hot and I jack off to her all the time. Anyways upon realizing that she left her bag I made sure to take a pair of panties and socks before I gave her the bag back, she had multiple of each so shes not gonna notice their absence. They both smell amazing, she must have worn them while exercising or for a few days straight because the smell is super strong, it gets be so turned on. Now when I jack off I make sure to use one the of two. Anyone else get super turned on by sniffing panties or have stories about taking some and using them to jack off? Would love to hear stories! > I know this may sound bizarre, but due to my incredibly empty social circle, I only have my panties to sniff. Sometimes, my mom’s if I’m desperate.> I do this with almost every female I know. Not with family although I'm not judging. Sometimes my wife even leaves me a dirty pair before she goes on trips> Dude i love doing this! Ive only been able to do it a few times but its such a rush. i look forward to these opportunities all the time!> I personally love jacking in used panties. Started in my teens with my friends moms panties. Then to my own mothers panties (love the scent she has). My ex knows about my fetish and on occasion still gives me a pair to cum to.> ive done this many many times as well…. i've stolen gf's panties, friends of gf's, my gf and wifes sister's, i ve bought some from girls online… i really get off on it and the whole thing is such a thrill to me. I've even had a girl send them to me, i basically filled them with cum over multiple days, sent them back and she cammed with me as she opened the envelope and put them on. Like you, doing this is a HUGE turn on for me as wellDon’t ever let anyone tell you that the threat of women’s privacy isn’t a serious, big, or real thing.
https://www.reddit.com/r/masturbation/comments/7tjjd4/panty_sniffing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Anonymous 86843

>>86833His whole account is disgusting. I hope his wife divorced him.
Anonymous 86846

>>86843At least this one tells the truth about porn and doesn't pretend that it's empowering.
Anonymous 86876

>>86843>anti-feminist porn So, you mean all porn? Men are such smoothbrains.
Anonymous 86998
>>86876Ok but my Yaoi doujins are fine right?
Anonymous 87014
Has anyone else read the SCUM Manifesto? I just finished it and there is a hell of a lot more truth in those pages that people give Valerie Solanas credit for
(I like this place. I've shuffled over here from Lolcow Farms because we aren't allowed have pinkpill or man hate threads anymore)
Anonymous 87017
>>86876Okay but what if its moids being brutalized and demeaned
Anonymous 87041
Not many women actually subscribe to the tradwife thing, not that they don't exist, but it's mostly a male fantasy that a few women try to fulfill, while goth was a subculture both men and women got into.
Anonymous 87240
>>87014I made a thread about SCUM like 2 years ago and got b& for it. It seems the site became more open to radfem ideology over time since we’re allowed to talk about Solanas now.
Anonymous 87245
>>87240thank god
I've only been posting for a few months idk how I'd live on here if I couldn't accurately call men walking abortions ngl
Anonymous 87247
>>87017The porn industry is a conglomerate owned by only a few mega corporations. So even if you only watch male and male porn, you are still sending money to companies that make women rape porn.
Anonymous 87250
stuff like seancody and boundgods and shit are all owned by megageek or w/e it's called which also owns sites that host basically rape simulation porn
also gay male porn actors have their own host of problems and are generally treated pretty badly, maybe not as badly as women but still pretty shit
Anonymous 87258
>>87240>>87245SCUM Manifesto is some alpha female thinking. Everything she says about them being walking dildos and empty shells who constantly have to look outward for an obsession to build their identity around is so true. Imagine existing just to hand out semen and die but only being good at the dying part
Anonymous 87344
Men can't handle negative criticism from a woman. She even says so herself than men acknowledge their flaws but don't accept them and are deeply troubled when women point them out. Every penis wielding chimp is going to go full sperg and decry something as accurate as the SCUM manifesto
Anonymous 87468
>>87240I got banned here a couple of years ago for criticizing the sex industry i.e. pointing out how it's infested with sex trafficking, and the redtext said some stupid shit about how we need to be sex positive. I checked the thread again later to screenshot it but the post was deleted. I think there was just one or two libfem mods who were abusing their power.
Anonymous 87709
And what's even worse is that men acknowledge it on some level. They know they're empty and useless. They make up stupid rules and ideas to make themselves feel important. Hell, they had to model God after themself and still freak out at the mere suggestion that God might be female
(if God wasn't imaginary. Simply moid projection making a man be the supreme creator because they couldn't handle the fact women are the ones who bring life into the world)
Anonymous 87722
>>87709Just the abrahamic one i think did this
Anonymous 87726
Men be talking about how their suicide rates and how it’s such a tragedy while calling women’s attempts as nothing but acts of attention.
Meanwhile put any situation where women suffer the most and they will cry about how they are painted and how this actually happens to them at the same rate. They will gladly view your pain as unnecessary.
Anonymous 87915
So today my boyfriend confessed me that he masturbates watching other girls and that really hurted me because he used to say to me that watching porn is cringe and that he wouldn't do it and less being with me but yet he still masturbated to photos of women with lingerie who have way better bodies than me (he doesn't like my body and have admitted it a few times). I used to swear he was the exception of men, the only rare kind that are actually respectful to women and such but yeah i'm now a fool. I've been radicalizing me lately and after this all I can think about is becoming a lesbian, has anyone else turned herself a lesbian after a life of dating moids? any advice?
Anonymous 87919
I just argued with a guy and he thinks calling me ''vaginal'', ''a hole'' and accusing women of being emotional while he threw a hissyfit really makes me laugh at men because they think in their little minds they won because of how ''manly'' they are and can only insult women with their sexual organs lmao.
Anonymous 87921
>>87915>I used to swear he was the exception of men>he doesn't like my body and have admitted it a few timessis
Anonymous 87923
>>87915you don't need to become a lesbian. just keep away from men, at least for a little while. they are injurious to our mental and emotional health almost all of the time, and all too frequently, also physically.
Anonymous 87953
>>87915Some people call themself a political lesbian. I'm not sure what the ins and outs of it are, but maybe you should look into it
As someone who was dead straight until they exploded into a massive lesbian- I think developing emotional attachments to women and realising that the depth and warmth of female relationships fulfilled me on a level I had never felt up until that point was imperative. Date women. You'll fall in love, its impossible not to
Anonymous 88118
>>73846It's easy for men to have children, they don't have to deal with the pregnancy and they're not guilted into giving up their non-breeding aspirations
Anonymous 88119
>>79403So much wrong with all of that. Women don't have to suffer? Women are literally the majority of depressives and PTSD sufferers. Moids romanticize the shit out of suffering, and fall for the "suffering genius" meme so hard.
Anonymous 88120
>>84988No, you see, moid sex obsession is great and noble– attention and validation seeking is only bad when women do it
Anonymous 88121
>>87953Something I've noticed despite my years of being a full-blown tomboy and having male friends is that women almost always have better personalities. All the funniest and most charismatic personalities I've met in my life have been women.
Anonymous 88122
>>87921Yeah, if there's any better evidence that there are no exceptions it's shit like this. Every moid I know has an entitlement complex with respect to women.
Anonymous 88125
>>86383yeah, honestly being exposed to radfem ideas was only positive for me back when r/pinkpillfeminism still existed because at least I had a place to meme about it all
Anonymous 88127
>>86109exactly– most men hit a wall with respect to their hairline and fat distribution.
Anonymous 88128
>>87953>As someone who was dead straight until they exploded into a massive lesbianAs a bisexual, I am confused on how this works.
Anonymous 88332
>>88128I was a closeted lesbian and often convinced myself that my lesbian sexuality were just thoughts (because that's basically what people had told me forever). I spent my whole life only every really pursuing relationships with men, it never felt fulfilling, but I chalked it up to "well love isn't realistically sunshine and roses".
And then I caved to my thoughts, started dating women, and now I have no idea how I managed to convince myself I was straight. I think a lot of it was denial from having grown up in a heavily Catholic environment.
Anonymous 88334

>>88127Men literally hit the wall between the ages of 20 to 25. They age like MILK. There are like 4 genuinely hot guys that I can think of and all of them start to look ugly if you actually look at them closely
They literally fall apart for no reason. The most healthy well put together man will just randomly go bald and start to develop a figure like an apple with toothpicks stuck into it for legs.
We should start having them euthanized at 30 as a mercy kill
Anonymous 88432
>exaggerated statements, manipulative tactics, and broad generalizations
When these are used to belittle others, it makes the person behaving this way look just as bad.
Anonymous 88442

I wish that "female brained" males actually existed like TRAs espouse.
I want more than anything to mutually love a man on equal terms. I feel like women love me for who I am, but men are completely incapable. I'm always a utility to them. I have spoken to so many men and all of them lack even a fraction of empathy most women have effortlessly.
God I just want to love someone. it hurts me every day to know 50% of the population is irredeemable.
Anonymous 88572
>>88442Oh fuck, I never knew I wanted this. What I would give to have a wife who just happened to have a male body.
Anonymous 88578
>>88334Still seems like you see more older men in relationships than older women though.
Anonymous 88625
>>88578Aging like milk in looks, but if they have $$$ they could probably convince some poor young woman to put up with his crusty ass
Anonymous 88727
>>88625It wont fill the void where love is supposed to be. And old man with money can buy good acting, but he can't buy her love, and he knows it.
good Anonymous 88729

I've lost respect for the only moid I respected.
He's very intelligent, cultured, and good looking. Always has girls simping after him. While he was only ever a friend to me I always thought I knew why girls were hanging off him.
He just told me he goes through the alt girl tags on social media because he knows he can find BPD girls. Now I know why he always complains about girls being obsessed with him. He looks for vulnerable girls who he knows will validate him through obsession and doesn't care that he hurts them in the end. He says he tells them he's never looking for anything serious, but strings them along when they're still interested.
He's a predator. The only moid I respect has unashamedly admitted he's predator. He thinks he's like the guy from Tangled, but he is an actual predator.
I want to say this is surreal but I can't.
Anonymous 88741
>>87915>my boyfriend>he doesn't like my body and have admitted it a few timesCan someone explain this to me?
I don't understand choosing to be together with someone who doesn't find you physically attractive. If a guy I dated told me he found me ugly, I'd break up so he can date the women he really wants and I don't have to feel ugly every time I take off my clothes in front of my bf.
Anonymous 88756
>>88741As someone who was with a guy who openly would say how he wasn’t that attracted to me, sometimes girls think it’s the best they can get. It’s sounds super sad but it’s true.
Also if anon actually is a
lesbian (as I don’t think a 100% straight person would try to dykify themselves) and acquired bf due to comphet, it sounds like a match made in heaven
Anonymous 88759
Being exposed to radfem spaces has actually enlightened me to so many things. I don't understand why people hate radfems so much
Anonymous 88763

I feel like being a woman is like being a pig to a slaughterhouse. How you're entire growth is being controlled by those who consume you. You're given all of this validation early in life (even though some pigs live a miserable life from the get-go; less transparency) and in exchange they trick you into doing everything they tell you, they lead you into your inevitable downfall and it's not like the pigs even know about they're going to be slaughtered and consumed, all they feel is pain and suffering. But it's been so integral in their life that the suffering is akin to eating and sleeping. They always hope that they're the lucky ones, I mean, if they wanted you dead than why did they make you feel so good early on? Why did they make you feel so special that one time? The difference is that in a pigs life they're surrounded by walls with nothing to do to control their life. With womanhood there are no walls but there is the feeling of isolation and helplessness watching other women be turned into meat to be consumed. All forms of male fantasy are projection. I have seen men rape animals, dead animals, and watch them still have high expectations for how women around them look. And it's a shame women keep on falling for the bait hook line and sinker. There is no hope for escaping the patriarchy if we always believe men having good intentions. We must be evil women who do what they want and men will always follow.
(also note i'm not a vegan i love eating meat- i just saw an autistic connection and this thread is only a victim to my thoughts)
Anonymous 88767
>>88763that's kinda fucked up that you can emphasize with slaughter animals to that degree and then turn around and say you love eating meat. what the hell.
Anonymous 88770
>>88767agreed. anon's post was good otherwise but i don't see how you can speak so rationally about the horrific way animals are treated, liken our experience to it, openly condemning it, then wash away its horrors because "i love meat".
Anonymous 88803
>always logical, 100% robot, emotions are a burden
Also men:
>show anger, lash out, throw tantrums
Does anger get a free pass because it intimidates people?
Anonymous 88805
>>88804>>88803love that they class it as useful when perfect strangers are out here shooting each other over who gets the last Big Gulp cup at 7-11. they do this shit on the daily, too
Anonymous 88890
I think people focus way to much on capitalism. Patriarchy seems almost inescapable and men aren’t different no matter how much money they have or you give them
Anonymous 88891
I read this stupid article ince6 that said scientists concluded that men from working class backgrounds preferred large breasts while men from upper class backgrounds like small breasts
And I genuinely don't see the difference. All that article said to me is that all men have a weird thing with breasts and that they're basically the same no matter where they come from
Anonymous 88894
>>88891I would love it if "scientists" would stop trying to rationalize men's retarded fetishes or preferences as if there's anything deep to it. There's nothing deep to them, moids can be memed into anything, and it has nothing to do with evolution or lifestyles or any of that crap.
Anonymous 88927
I thought men being stronger was because male-male competition for mates meant that only the strongest males reproduced.
Anonymous 88928
This is such bullshit, to the nth degree. Forced copulation isn't as common in the natural world as moids would have you believe. It definitely is a thing in some species, but not every single one.
Even ducks, notorious rapists are a bad example. Spoilered for duck sex.The fact that female ducks even evolved these 'fake vagina pockets' as a means of defense against forced insemination means that rape was not a trait that always helped continued the species, and that it was so detrimental, the female ducks with these fake pockets were more successful than those without.
Idk who this bitch thinks she is, the whole thing is written so badly it makes me cringe. Especially the section with the cats. I think any cat owner with a female cat knows that when they're in heat they're willing participants. The whole article is just disgusting and sounds like moid-logic, like some weird propaganda where this bitch wants us to believe we were designed to be raped.
I get that anon was trying to prove a point that men are disgusting rapists but it comes across as 'women are designed to be raped' and they're not.
It's just not universal across all species by a longshot. I won't list all the species that don't because it'd be a massive list.
Anonymous 88930

>>88928it's written in a way that feels very fetishistic
Anonymous 88933
>>88909Why would it be advantageous for female animals to be forced to reproduce with males they didn't pick?
>>88927The fact that species where males compete for mates tend to have more male biased sexual dimorphism supports this. Compare gorillas and bonobos. Also look at rabbits, where males are actually smaller than females and they they don't engage in aggressive sexual competition.
Anonymous 88935
Why are men so delusional and evil?
How can a man say with a straight face that "women are whores" or judge women as a class in any regard?
How it doesn't cross these inferior creatures' minds that if women are so bad and we are all whores, why is the community of men who love other men infested with AIDS and all kinds of STDs, rampant promiscuity, high rates of drug abuse and completely devoid of monogamy? Why is that both heterosexual men and lesbian women are better off than them?
>Psychologist J. Michael Bailey has stated that social conservatives have taken such surveys as evidence of a "decadent" nature of gay men, but says "I think they’re wrong. Gay men who are promiscuous are expressing an essentially masculine trait. They are doing what most heterosexual men would do if they could. They are in this way just like heterosexual men, except that they don’t have women to constrain them."
If women are so bad, why is it that men have always been the most interested in casual sex and sexual depravity, cheat on more and are the main consumers of pornography? Truth is that everything they say about women is nothing other than pure projection and cope. They are irrational, incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions and incapable of recognizing their massive hypocrisy and the big pile of shit they are. They are children: spoiled, jealous, evil and delusionaly entitled ones. And they have always destroyed society and any prospect of happiness and peace
Anonymous 88936
this is retarded lmfao
Anonymous 88938
>>77259>>77260I have never read anything more truthful than this
Anonymous 88940
>>88935>why is the community of men who love other men infested with AIDS and all kinds of STDsIt's because of anal sex.
From the very next paragraph of the article you quoted from:
>Regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some researchers have said that the number of sexual partners had by gay men does not explain the rates of HIV infection, since most had similar numbers of sexual partners as straight men on an annual basis. They say that anal sex, which holds a much higher risk of HIV transmission, is the primary transmission factor, with number of sexual partners as a secondary factor.Just something to remember if a guy tries to get you do to anal
Anonymous 88941

>>Regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some researchers have said that the number of sexual partners had by gay men does not explain the rates of HIV infection, since most had similar numbers of sexual partners as straight men on an annual basis. They say that anal sex, which holds a much higher risk of HIV transmission, is the primary transmission factor, with number of sexual partners as a secondary factor.
>Thinks heterosexual men have as many opportunities to act on their hyper promiscuous desires as gay menAre you serious?
Anonymous 88943
>>83166I support abortion only for moid demons. I hope women make you regret being born lel
Anonymous 88947
>>88944>>88938what's truthful/correct about it? men are only
shilling monogamy now, but are not actually practicing it.
Anonymous 88982
>>73854/b/ was never mostly normal weirdos being silly. they were meanspirited and awful for kind of ever? normal weirdos would frequent, but the board itself was overwhelmingly meanspirited always
Anonymous 89003
Moid hands typed this post.
What exactly is wrong with state subsidized hypergamy? Is that not eugenics, and beneficial to humanity by increasing the quality of our species?
The only thing preventing this from being fully realized in a productive way is, as you said, mingling with races who are not hypergamous (immigration is much more of an issue than sex-pats). The leftover males will continue to spread their inferior seed duplicitously. God, the incel scourge just needs to die off already.
Anonymous 89004
How are women whores for being monogamous but men are not whores by being polygamous?
Anonymous 89006

the pinkpill has both improved and worsened my perception of men.
if all moids are fucking terrible and aren't truly 'human beings' on the same, understandable way women are human beings, what even is the point? men can't be pleased with female companionship the same way lesbians can be, so where do we go with this knowledge? what the fuck do moids even want from us besides the obvious thing being sex? if they are so smart, why aren't all moids just incels?
i.e resigning themselves to fucking fleshlights for the rest of their lives instead of putting forth the effort to manipulate and be in retarded relationships if they just hate us on some level. its too much emotional labor to them. if all they truly desire is just sex, and not our real companionship, what satisfaction is there for them to gain out of the perpetual cycle of abuse all moids contribute to? psychologically, i can't understand what would drive men to want to go out of their way to mentally torment and play games the way they do if really, all they want deep down is vagina. it seems like a lot of effort.
especially when no matter what we do, tradwifing or not, they still behave like absolute chimps.
tl;dr: why r men monkeys and what makes them want to even 'date' us. what is the end goal. why the fuck do we even humor their existence when to them, we're nothing more than walking fleshlights?
Anonymous 89032
>>89006Part of moid nature is that they need to feel power. That's why they torment and that why incels lash out the way they do
Moids can feel sexual pleasure by masturbating. But they can't feel power. If they are inadequate in their ability to have power over women, they group together in their miserable incel circles and pretend to have power by telling eachother what they think is wrong with us and agreeing with eachother as a substitute for power.
Anonymous 89033

I will never forget the day I encountered the single most based post anywhere ever. Whoever this anon is, wherever they are, they are a God amongst stacies. I made it into a little collage for you lot to see. I screenshot it weeks ago and I still go back and read it in awe from time to time. I will never get over this. It was my introduction to the pink pill
Anonymous 89034
>>89033this isn't a healthy way of thinking
Anonymous 89035
>>89032wouldn't the sexual release help moids though? like, prevent them from being all callous abusers that discard and use women? i suppose it does take away the power dynamic, it is nothing to control because its literally a pocket pussy but you'd think this dopamine increase and then decrease back to stability would make them less inclined to what i mentioned above.
what is it about the power trip that men gain over women that is different from their own internalized monkey hierarchy? wouldn't that be satisfactory enough? to fight amongst eachother instead of cruelly enter a tasking 'relationship' with the 'foids' they despise?
i think our species is truly doomed if at the core of our reproductive counterpart, is nothing but sexual power trip repression and an urge to abuse and control what they fear or cannot have. we're fucked.
so it once again begs the question, what do we do with this obvious information?
Anonymous 89038

>>86107Chances are that she put "my channel is managed by my dad" there for google to not remove her channel tho. Yt only allows 13 to 17 year olds to create channels with parental permission.
Anonymous 89039
>>89035Use it to our advantage. Men are weak to their sexual urges. If you choose not to comply with them, they can't have power over you. I you choose to comply, you can play 3D chess and have power over them
Men can be groomed into killing themselves if you convince them auto erotic asphyxiation will make their orgasms better. They're stupid and follow their cocks. Walking dildos. It's not difficult to take advantage of this idiot creature
Anonymous 89044
i agree. i don't think their dysfunction has anything to do with abandonment or mommy issues, they're just entitled assholes. they envy us on a certain level, but they really just want to subjugate and abuse anything, women, animals, minorities. it's not specific to mommy issues or developmental issues.
Anonymous 89047
>>73800>>89039>Men can be groomed into killing themselves if you convince them auto erotic asphyxiation will make their orgasms better. They're stupid and follow their cocks. KEK true
Anonymous 89050
>>89039how do i get a sex crazed boy to love me through manipulation
Anonymous 89056
>>89033This person needs to stop browsing r9k
>>89040It's literally just Freud's penis envy theory
Anonymous 89057
>>89006They basically need a group of people to bully to make themselves feel better about their lives. That's why I think all those MGTOW threats about replacing women with sex bots and artificial wombs won't happen, they'll want to keep us around not because they actually like us but because they'll still want someone to torment.
Anonymous 89058
>>89035it's not tasking for them, though. the psychological mind games energize them, it's all part of their sadistic con. they're always experiencing dupers delight and are thrilled and pumped up by the fact that they're tricking and manipulating women. we're the ones putting out the emotional, mental, and often physical labor - not them. they're not being drained.
other moids are actual competition to them, and we're sitting ducks. men don't actually care about a "fair fight". they're sadistic bullies thrilled to abuse the most vulnerable beings. the fact that it's unequal doesn't register or matter at all. plus, abusing other moids would actually put them at risk, and they're not as attracted to them. they enjoy and prefer the marriage of sexual attraction + abuse that they put women through. they get to abuse us on so many different levels, where bullying men would only satisfy some of their sadistic desires.
Anonymous 89070
I meant it's an inversion of the penis envy theory, thus the talk of "pussy envy." I don't the Oedipus Complex has anything to do with distress over "not being a woman."
IDK though all this psychoanalysis stuff creeps me out. It seems like only extremely pathological people would ever think that everyone else is actually so deeply pathological. I think moids are just entitled and want to dominate others.
Anonymous 89071
>>89058this makes a lot more sense into the moid pysche. answered a lot tbh so i appreciate the response!
question is though, if, again, all of this is obvious and how most males fundamentally function, what can we do to change or prevent it aside from just not interacting? it feels so doomer to overlook society as though its now progressing towards an internal gender war more than anything and we are bound to be the abused and attacked. what can we do with this obvious shit moids have given us and use it to our advantage aside from subverting their expectations of sex and using it to our own empowerment? it feels all so helpless.
Anonymous 89110
>>89071If you were to ask the sweet old lady this question she would say "look for the good ones".
I'd say "I dont know". But, honestly, I do just fine opting out of moid interaction. I don't speak to them on social media. I try not to be fans of famous moids because they keep letting me down when they turn out to to be a sex offender. At work, I interact with moid workers minimally. On nights iut with the girls I remind myself that the guy flirting with me would fuck me if I fell unconscious that very second
Anonymous 89126
I'm hung up on how Reddit will pander to everyone but r/lesbians is a porn sub aimed at moids. Reddit apparently ignores the sub with actual lesbian users who want the r/lesbians handle, but at the same time will suck up to literally every other part of the LGBT community
Anonymous 89264
>>89006They don't just desire sex anon, they want to fuse with us because they are not female. Read the SCUM Manifesto to understand more
Anonymous 89266
>>89126thats the secret if you didn't hear about them banning all the terf and lgbdroptheT and lesbo subs that don't like dick
they just like t, not lgb
Anonymous 89280
>>89266This is going to sound retarded but I can't wait for this uber woke shit to stop being trendy. I can't wait for the days that we can all look back on this the same way people look back on mullets or karate movies
Anonymous 89544
I was lurking the dreaded 4chan today. We can't even for our hair anymore in bright colours or make hair appointments because it cockblocks them. They are just unsatisfied unless they are in complete control.
Anonymous 89546
>>89544KEK how does it cockblock them. they're so delusional
Anonymous 89547
>>89546They put you under the bpd umbrella.
Anonymous 89556
>>89544Some guys are super weird about women and hair coloring. If I see a guy with dyed hair in public, I'd probably just think he did it for fashion. But when guys see one of us with dyed hair, they make all these negative assumptions about us.
Anonymous 89558
>>89546Because the tinder girl blew off their first date to keep her hair appointment. OP even admitted that she isn't gf material anymore and will use her for sex.
Anonymous 89560
>>89547Right. It's a gaslighting tactic for men to heal from a narcissistic injury. And no, I don't understand how narc men think or their actions.
Anonymous 89562
>>89556Truth. My ex was like this, I had to keep my hair natural as fashion plain. When I finally dumped his ass, I experimented with fashion more and had fun.
Anonymous 89563

>>89544>>89546>>89556>>89560>>89562Because apparently:
>Aposematism is the advertising by an animal to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating. This unprofitability may consist of any defenses which make the prey difficult to kill and eat, such as toxicity, venom, foul taste or smell, sharp spines, or aggressive nature. Anonymous 89564
>>89563I should dye my hair bright red or get wild streaks then. Thanks, anon.
Anonymous 89565
>>89563whenever i had brightly colored hair, comparatively nicer men irl asked me out, i swear to god. i think it slightly weeds out the neurotic assholes.
>>89558nice guy
Anonymous 89573
>>89563So… you're basically admitting men are predators. Telling on yourselves, huh?
Anonymous 89581
>>89573"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Whatever keeps the men at bay.
Anonymous 89583
>>89563The moid brain works in mysterious ways.
Anonymous 89584
>>89563This is just weird because most women I speak to say they got hit on more when they died their hair crazy colors, or their boyfriends were watching porn specifically of women with crazy colored hair.
Anonymous 89585
>>89584This was made by a grade A autist who is intimidated by women with unnatural hair colors.
Anonymous 89592
I'm still new to crystal cafe, but if this is a thread for trashing men on 4chan or men's bad behaviour in general. I'm all for it.
Anonymous 89593
>>89058>>we're the ones putting out the emotional, mental, and often physical labor - not them. they're not being drained. This is true. Mind games are exhausting but to win over one asshole is a sweet victory. Woman can't fight fair anymore. We have to beat them at their own games.
Anonymous 89596
>>89594Thanks! There are ones on a 4chan thread bragging about how they want to beat women and they get a thrill from it. One posted that when he wants sex, that he'll receive it. Truly revolting.
Anonymous 89612

How I sleep at night knowing men have higher suicide rates because they choose more violent methods which, while more more effective, are often far more traumatic for the people who love them and even kill random strangers for no reason (ie jumping off a building and crushing someone, driving a car the wrong way down a road and killing a whole family).
Bruh they don't have a high rate. They have a higher success rate, go to the thread that discusses this already, because the "buy men have higher rates than women" thing has been debunked
Anonymous 89614
>Most of the women I went to collage with had their BFs paying their tuition
Ok, and?
Did those women rob their bf at gunpoint or were they happy to just pay the money? Did they consent to pay that tuition or did the girls beat them up and rip the money out if their hands?
When I went to college most girls paid for themselves. The ones who did have their boyfriends pay for tuition didn't exactly extort the money, the guys offered or accepted to do it when asked
Anonymous 89689
>scrotes have forums on forums where they can shit on women
>any women’s issue is astroturfed by MRAs (who don’t do shit for men’s rights either btw)
>they can literally turn into women if they think being a man is too hard and society can’t say shit
>still end up coming here to try and deboonk any claims that women face struggles
Men would literally rather suffer if it means dunking on women. They will seek out oppression if they aren’t catered to in all aspects of their life. If this doesn’t pink pill everyone here I don’t know what will. Fucking moids
Anonymous 89701
Homeless men are too proud to accept help and men who could help them are too self-absorbed to offer help.
Anonymous 89703
>>89689My favourite is when they bring up the moid rape statistics as if it's not moids raping other moids. They dead ass think there are women roaming the streets like a shoal of piranhas to ambush and rape them
"b-b-but you don't suffer like w-we do. D-don't you know that men have to b-be men and suffer in silence? I-its haaard to be a man living under pru-pru-pressure created by women like you dirty whores, LOOK AT THE STATISTICS"
Anonymous 89795
>>89614You just BTFO'd that anon kek
Anonymous 89797
>>89795Kek yes I'm just so tired of the narrative that women just siphon money out of moids when they are willing to hand it over or literally volunteering to pay it. It's one of the biggest arguments put foward by MGTOW and it literally has no steady grounds.
What happened is that a moid consented to give money to his girlfriend, she broke up with him, and it got mad because it thinks giving money to a woman is investing in some kind of ownership over her. So now that she has gone he gets all "that fucking whore just took all my money, all these whores are money hungry bitches. My penis isnt small its normal"
Anonymous 89799
>>89797>it's okay to exploit moids, they're literally asking for itI have heard this dialogue somewhere before.
Anonymous 89800
>>89799Anon, the point is that nobody is exploiting them. In a healthy relationship it's normal to occasionally pay for your partners things.
The problem is that when men do pay for certain things they consider it an investment in us having to stay with them regardless of our feelings. The reason they're upset is because after they pay, they think they've bought us, and that's not right and it's not a healthy way to view a relationship.
They are giving the money willingly. They can say no and they often do which is fine.
Anonymous 89807
>>89799lmao at moids who read that post and think it's about exploitation rather than about pointing out that we wont be bound to them like slaves just because they bought us a few McDonalds meals and a videogame
Anonymous 89810

>>89609What's the rebuttal that you want to see?
The /fit/ moid made the claim that women only exercise "for instagram"
>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5033515/>see pic related>To complete this measure, participants indicated reasons for engaging in exercise using a 7-point scale, ranging from 1 = “being not at all important,” to 7 = “being extremely important,” and with 4 = “being moderately important.”There are sex differences– notably more women than men list weight loss as an important reason for them exercising, but on the whole it's quite similar. The notion that women don't exercise because they enjoy it is clearly false given the data– there are women who list enjoyment as a reason for exercising.
It's really amusing that the moid makes the claim that women are "shallow whores" when it is men and a male-oriented culture that boils a woman's value down to her looks and makes everything about her life about how good she looks.
>https://scienceinpoland.pap.pl/en/news/news%2C28321%2Csociologist-women-judged-more-their-looks-various-spheres-life.html>https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2017-12-05/study-women-valued-for-physical-attractivenessImagine the audacity of moids to have construct a world where women are primarily valued for their looks, and then calling these women "shallow whores" when they try to optimize their life outcomes under such misogynistic cultural attitudes.
Then the other moid goes on to claim that women never have to feel alone, never has to feel inadequate, never has to feel sad, and is trapped in an infinite circle of positive reinforcement.
Now, I understand that since you're most likely a brain-dead moid, that you must think your "rebuttal" to my previous post somehow "proves" this other moid's claim. But the fact that men have higher suicide success rates in no way (and I know this level of nuance may be hard for you, but stick with me) diminishes the significance of the fact that women do suffer, and quite suffer quite a lot (in large part thanks to you moids). They suffer at higher rates from depression and PTSD– how does that show that women "never have to suffer" or "never have to feel alone" or "are trapped in an infinite circle of positive reinforcement"? They make up the majority of anorexics (women never feeling inadequate? We wish!).
Anonymous 89839
Trolled incels on 4chan. Today is a good day.
Anonymous 89840
>>89800>>The problem is that when men do pay for certain things they consider it an investment in us having to stay with them regardless of our feelings.This. I always pay for my own coffee/dinner/etc. Fot that reason when hanging out.
Anonymous 89841
>>89839any screenshots?
One of my favorite moments on 4chan was watching a thread a moid made on /pol/ about how the female orgasm is fake and a conspiracy to destroy the west or whatever.
The closest I've done to trolling was flooding a /pol/ meme thread with pinkpill memes. The moids went nuts over it, and I sat back amused.
Anonymous 89842
>was flooding a /pol/ meme thread with pinkpill memesWe should all do that regularly
Anonymous 89850
>>79403Jokes on these faggots because I workout to beat up the type of dweeby manlet moids who post on 4chan.
Anonymous 89851
>>89850this big clit energy right here
Anonymous 89852
Why are scrotes so gay? Marilyn frye once went off about how male culture is homoerotic man-loving but it is extremely ironic to see scrotes complaining about the "globohomo" at the same time they promote all kinds of blatant and subtle gay shit for male bonding. Somebody else once put: "at the bottom of woman hating is an angry closeted homosexual jealous of women as sexual competitors. This red pill, pua, and mgtow shit is usually praising t-girls and all kinds of homoerotic crap BECAUSE its a recruiting ground"
I don't know why nobody else points out how moids' closeted homosexual desires are whats behind their misogyny all over the world
Anonymous 89856
>>79403I had so much internalized misogyny and hated other women because I believed this kind of stuff I read on 4chan near constantly. I had 0 female friends so it was that much easier.
My perception changed so fucking much once I realized it wasn't that women lacked humanity, it was that men lacked empathy. The reason they think we are soulless automatons is because they are incapable of looking at the world from our perspective as people. Either because they are downright incapable or they simply refuse to try. The closest you will get to male empathy is their seething resentment over our abunant access to sex and life on "easy mode". It makes me actually angry just how overconfident and indignant males are as they talk down to women.
I used to think "mansplaining" was a laughable concept but it really is how their brains work. They are so goddam proud of themselves and think everyone who isn't like them is stupid/subhuman.
Anonymous 89857
>>89852I don't think these men are homosexual in that they love men. I think they are male-attracted in that they are so narcissistic they think men can be women (perform femininity, basically) better than actual women.
Anonymous 89858
>There's always some "deep" meaning
Not really. Moids think everything any woman does ever is in some way a way to gain male validation. It's because they are incapable of seeing women as people, only as tools to be used by men. Why would a tool care about anything else other than preforming its function?
Anonymous 89867
Does anyone else find it annoying when some women validate moid delusions about women on purpose to make themselves more attractive?
I was reading the tradwife thread on lc a while ago and it makes me angry seeing actual grown women saying stuff like "owo other girls will do (insert delusional moid thought), I know because I'm a woman and I've seen them act like that, it's so scawy and disgusting that they act like that, but not me I'm a pure trad woman uwu I'd never" and it's like… how can you actually do that? Why? What is so special about moid attention that you feel it necessary to pander like that?
Sorry I know this is an odd subject but I've been thinking about it since I read that thread and I'm not sure where else to vent my thoughts on it
Anonymous 89869
>>89867I should clarify that these women build an entire identity around calling other women disgusting because we just sort of exist. And its
purely to appeal to the kind of moid who buys into the idea that all women are secretly evil money hungry sluts. It's like extreme pickme shit
Anonymous 89874
It's true that everything a woman does is to gain male validation? How? Not the women I know, not myself.
Anonymous 89876
>>89869It's a way to cope with misogyny– women really are the awful things that moids say they are, but "I'm one of the good ones"
I think this is mostly from women who have extreme issues with insecurity, who've had trouble socializing with other women, and who themselves struggle with internalized misogyny– they still want to feel wanted and special (as all humans do) and this is their way of getting that feeling.
It's extremely sad– especially since trad women and moids will try to lure in and convince young women to adopt their ideology by trying to convince them that all that awful stuff about trad life devaluing and being bad for women is just some leftist, feminist conspiracy. Just for these women to then get sucked into little more than a giant fest of woman-hate.
Anonymous 89884
>>89876None of these women ever have female friends. If they're a tradwife with a social media presence, you will only ever see them photographed with their husband or children if not alone.
If they're famous anti feminist moid panderers (think of old sh0eonhead) they only have Male friends/arbiters.
Sad because I can tell those young women are basically being groomed into being outspoken trad because moids think misogyny is more authentic from a womans mouth
Anonymous 89931
>>89867Aside from the ones who are just grifting, I noticed that a lot of them are just projecting their own failures onto all women. They had a few bad experiences with female friendships (partially their fault or not), so all women fundamentally can't get along. They're too lazy to study or work so clearly all women naturally don't want to study/work and should be banned from doing those things. They failed to attract the male partner they want so all women should return to being dependent on husbands, then it'd be easy for them to find one.
Anonymous 89987
that dude is a poltard that refuses to acknowledge the malevolence of men, let alone men on pol, but you have to admit that the cap referenced is pretty retarded.
Anonymous 90099
Unironically seething because I hate moids so much.
Anonymous 90117
>>90099Same here. I admit I was hesitant to come here today because I feared it would make me unironically hateful towards men, but fuck the male coomer brain. The lenghts they'll go to justify and deny their porn and sex addiction, it's ridiculous. And they claim to be against exploitation.
Anonymous 90125
>>73932>/cm/ even if they were there from the start they've been way more vocal these past few years.I've noticed the same happening in /y/.
>They even get into the bl/otome thread on /jp/.Fuck, really? I left that general a few years ago. I hope it's not too bad.
Anonymous 90176
>>89884this is very true. i feel so bad for women who don't have any female friends. ofc it's kind of a red flag too, and i don't blame women for not wanting to befriend pickme tradwives, but maybe they wouldn't even have turned into those if they'd experienced sisterhood in any way
Anonymous 90193
>>89884>because moids think misogyny is more authentic from a womans mouthI don't think that's true at all. They aren't looking for confirmation that tradlife makes women happy. These men know that what they promote harms women, it's what they want.
Secondly, e-tradwives are always disrespected, harassed, stalked, and called lying grifters/whores by men online.
Anonymous 90245
>>90193No shit sherlock. They dont
care if tradlife makes women happy. Moids want a woman to preach misogyny to other women because they think having one of their submissive bangmaids flaunt their shitty lifestyle at other women as if they're happy is in some way dunking on happy liberated women.
"Look! Heres a happy tradwife! Look at her thriving in her tradlife! See how much being my sex hole and childcarer and housemaid makes her happy? You should be like this proper feminine woman instead of a dirty free thinking slut" is not as convincing as a woman saying it herself because when a woman preaches it, it becomes proof, it becomes confirmation that tradwomen are happy women by doing it themselves
Anonymous 90247
>>90245Samefag, but basically what I mean is that they don't actually care about women at all. They just prefer tradwife type women because they align with stupid moid brain thinking. Of course they're still going to harass and stalk them anyway-
moids don't actually respect any kind of woman, they just encourage the kind of behaviour they think a women should have, the kind of behaviour that let's moids be praised for their moidiness Anonymous 90256
>>90248> "boys make the best girls"You mean this thing?
>>83728 It doesn't mention that phrase exactly but it's the only thing I could think of.
Anonymous 90540
>>81809you don't need any wars anymore, you've got the troika to force countries into austerity and debt slavery turning them into de facto neocolonies of Germany
It was Merkel herself who pressured the Greek PM to stab Varoufakis in the back. Varoufakis was actually offering a fair proposal that would have citizens of both countries better off but one that didn't increase German power or line German bankers' pockets with money
Anyway here's a video about Germany
https://youtu.be/fPUOT46ucrk Anonymous 90552
She is right. They have your typical madonna-whore complex, where they'll put the tradwaifu in a neat virtuous asexual (except for when he wants it) woman box, while he lusts for the e-slut and jacks off to her, while simulatenously berating them both.
They never shut up about how it was men who built civilization and women were always useless and unimportant, and how women with financial standards are "entitled". How does that show respect to the homemakers they supposedly desire?
Anonymous 90556
>>89563>Those pictures of girls with natural brown hair and normal glassesLol what the fuck? Moids sure do hate women for not looking like porn stars. Why are they so anti glasses?
Anonymous 90558
>>90556Glasses are a feminazi thing. Trad baste waifus just walk around blind I guess. Must be how they stay dating some ugly scrote — literally can’t see how bad he is
Anonymous 90565
>>75247I fucking wish it was this way in the USA, most people who call out men for sexualizing minors get labeled as dumb feminazis
Anonymous 90567
>>73846Men always have to do the opposite of what women wanted, back in the day 2000s-2010s when woman didn't want kids it was a relief, making "jokes" about hitting the bricks anytime a pregnancy scare arose was normal, and kids were considered little annoying shits. Now that a lot of women are agreeing that kids are annoying little money draining shits men magically all want kids again. Can't wait til in a few years they can simply just up and leave if they decide this isn't for them and leave some poor woman with their children and responsibilities just because of a whim
Anonymous 90574
>>90567Not to mention they have never given a single shit about single mothers/paternal abandonment, especially when pretty much all women were financially dependent on men and children actually needed their fathers. Now that lots of women are independent and actually CHOOSING to be single mothers, then all of a sudden they care about it. Their attack on single mothers comes from a place of jealousy. It hurts their ego to see they are becoming more and more obsolete
Anonymous 90583
>>90574They know they're useless and depend on women for emotional/sexual support more than women could ever depend on men. You can definitely tell with how unstable they are towards women who make more than them, they think women's worth revolves around how appealing they are to men and fantasize about how women who are making six figures and living in mansions with their cats and birds are actually lonely old hags who are desperate for crumbs of attention from men. They really can't cope with the fact they're useless nowadays to everyone except pickmes
Anonymous 90587
https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2010/08/16/129229205/men-who-make-less-more-likely-to-cheatImagine crying for years about how women only want men and it should be women who make all the money… But then when men get exactly that they cheat
I couldn't imagine a man be anymore useless. Most of these women are probably doing housework or have maids at the very least. Ontop of that most men can't hold an erection or please women because of their porn addiction and they're not aesthetically pleasing either due to their taco bell diets. Literal pet fish are more useful than most men
Anonymous 90608
> control for looks
She thinks ugly moids don’t cheat…
Anonymous 90614
>implying theres such thing as a monogamous scrote
Anonymous 90682
If anything ugly men are MORE likely to cheat. Every single uggo I dated cheated on me. Same with my friends
Anonymous 90687
>>90682>>90610>>90603Also not to mention most men are genuinely unattractive and unkept. Only like 20% of men are willing to care for themselves, and I can tell you right now it certainly isn't the ones with rich wives and girlfriends
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.reddit.com/r/OkCupid/comments/643vph/women_is_it_true_that_ugly_men_are_more_likely_to/&ved=2ahUKEwjyvsiG4KPxAhUhTt8KHU48ARI4ChAWMAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw2W_ZTl_Ikmbepy-JESIp5HHere's some more info on it, anyone who knows anything about men knows ugly men cheat more
Anonymous 90710
>>90614moid primates are hardwired to fuck multiple females of whatever primate group they're in to pass on their genes.
moid humans, another primate, is drawn to cheat because they're still smelly animals who cant deny their purpose to spread their rancid cum around like a retard smearing shit on the walls
Anonymous 90807
This, sure muh opportunity counts but women nowadays are more desperate than ever and women are overly encouraged to be sluts and sleep around . Some of the ugliest men I've ever met were able to have hoe phases and hook up with random tinder uggos even if they had a girlfriend or wife. So my point still stands. There are some ugly ass men who are mooching off their girlfriend or wife who get everything handed to them but still cheat
Anonymous 90955
Do you guys believe in the male alpha/beta hierarchies?
If so, what is the equivalent for women, and is it worth caring about?
It seems what is considered "Chad" is a man who has tons of luck with women. However, if a woman was to attempt to become "Stacy" in the same way, it would be in opposition to her well being and the well being of other women around her. What is attractive to men is usually at the expense of a woman's mental health and self respect. So being "Stacy" doesn't seem worthwhile. However, there's the other definition of Stacy that states Stacy is whoever dates/marries Chad. But one of the fundamental qualities of Chad is his unwillingness to practice monogamy, so dating Chad is self harm as well.
I don't think there is a hierarchy for women that is actually worth giving a shit about. Which is pretty comfy imo.
Anonymous 90956
>>90955I believe some men who are better kept and well made "educated, good personality, treats women well and is a good partner, doesn't come to crystal cafe to shame women lol) have more value than other men. The more positive qualities men have the more importance he plays a role in our society and the more value he is
That being said, I also believe that dusty men who have cheating issues, bullying issues, cant stop eating fast food, aren't doing any favors and the more negative things they do fuck up society as a whole. Chads/Alphas and betas exist. But MGTOW aside, it's not about ~hur dur treat women like shit and you're an ALPHA~ it's about the role you play in women's eyes. If you're a hot, educated, sweet men who's funny and is kind to women you automatically become a king in their eyes
Anonymous 90962

>>90955No, I cringe when I see women using terms like alpha, beta, omega, etc unironically. How does that not give credence to the redpill theories women claim to hate so much? The whole alpha male idea was around as far back as the 90s but it was routinely mocked so why are people actually taking it seriously now? Honestly I think only being able to see humans in terms of alpha/beta or chad/incel or whatever is a mental illness, the language of the manosphere results in brainrot.
Anonymous 90991
>>90955>I don't think there is a hierarchy for women that is actually worth giving a shit about.age.
Anonymous 91001
>>90955A lot of people forgot, or never knew, that Chad vs Virgin meme came from self deprecation, Chad was shown as a good guy, caring, handsome and great in general, a goal to become, not just the sexcore alpha. It just kept being memed and became what it is today. Just a sidenote really
Anonymous 91004
>>90991God I wish we can move past these "hierarchies"
Anonymous 91040
I don’t think it’s necessary bad to want to be stay at home mom when you have children under the age of 12 if you choose to.
I also think that if they are honestly truly and honestly happy, then live and let live.
But I find it very interesting that the moids who are the most vocal about wanting tradwives will in the same breath complain that these same tradwives are doing what has been traditional for thousands of years and that is marrying up (the social ladder or for better security) because lolol these vocal trad moids are incel neets and have nothing to offer them so no women will even look in their general direction because that’s is how horrid they are.
Anonymous 91050
>>91040This. These poors really be out here asking for tradwifes. Like bro, you’re barely making enough to keep one human alive, you want to have 2+ more on your paycheck? It’s totally reasonable for a “trad” girl to want someone to support her and a future family. Can’t be a SAH wife and mother if you’re homeless.
If a scrote has a problem with it and calls it “gold digging”, they can get a woman who out-earns them and doesn’t care that they’re poor. Let’s be honest though, none of these retards are nearly bishi and racoonish enough to be a househusband
Saged for my autistic ramblings but I’m right Anonymous 91055
>>91050But they want their cake and to eat it too. They want a trad wife to stay at home
when the moid literally doesn’t have anything to offer. Not even security. Like why on earth would a trad girl even look their way unless forced (which is beyond wrong)
Anonymous 91056
>>91050Oh and I’m agreeing with you btw
Anonymous 91127
>>91055Because "trad" relationships don't mean traditionally functioning family units to angry moids. To them it means female submission to the "superior" moid gender. They feel like modern women have removed the worship they think having a penis entitles them to
Anonymous 91144
>>90556i think it was red and purple and kind of looked brown, but either way it's like zoe quinn who (while dumb) her boring cheating video game drama is obviously the worst person and scandal imaginable ever
Anonymous 91201
>>91144>men getting murdered, men getting raped, male suicide rate, etc>MRAs sleep>femoids doing a bad in my bideo games?!?!?>meninist awakeningHoly fuck men are dumb. Some of them are still on about gamergate. It’s been almost 10 years: move on.
Anonymous 91389

How do women tolerate these moids whose religion is based off of being an unlovable incel who hates women
Absolute cuckqueens.
Anonymous 91571
Men are idiots who don't know how gender roles work. If they're entitled to sex than we're entitled to attention and monogamy. ( Yes I'm a little old school, deal with it)
Anonymous 91572
>>91127Right, moids don't desire a partnership but slavery.
Anonymous 91591
>>91389Just like I said in one of the other boards here, not every Christian believes this awful interpretation. Not trying to “convert” anybody just stating facts. Not every Christian woman is a cuckqueen. A lot of fundy prot groups say this
Anonymous 91693
why the fuck is swallowing cum normalized and same with facials
both things are absolutely disgusting and degrading
Anonymous 91695
>>91693Porn. Hardcore pornography and it’s accessibility has killed any chance women have at finding a partner without weird kinks
Anonymous 91730
>>91693Its sickening. A handful of my friends lost their virginity to guys who would pull out and cum on their face then got confused when my friends were upset. It's so normalised that it is the fucking STANDARD to just pull out and aim for the eyes
Anonymous 91752
Caught my bf scrolling through tiktok and his entire page were girls with huge boobs or huge asses.I thought my butt was nice but nothing like those freaks.
I'll have to break up with him won't I? Is this how all moids are?
Anonymous 91755
>>91752You should break up with him for using tiktok.
Anonymous 91757
>>91755I think he's only using it for big titty bitches. It doesn't matter now
Anonymous 91759
>>91757how doesnt it matter? thats depressing
Anonymous 91760
>>91759Well I'm obviously going to dump him. He just sighed and left the room when I started asking if that's what he found attractive. I kept raising my voice and he was silent while looking away.
Anonymous 91761
>>91760oh good, i thought it was bc you were going to like resign yourself to putting up with it. what a fag. good for you.
Anonymous 91762
>>81632 said, you probably overestimate PUA's influence. The sexual revolution has been a thing since the 70's and every young girl or boy thought they could drown in sex with everybody else. Customs had changed, the culture had changed, this was the new advertised way of life.
Anonymous 91766
Because they figured out that if we abandon monogamy the bottom third of men will be effectively left out to dry, simple as that, more promiscuity = more incels
Anonymous 91767
>>86876Lots of women find it exciting to be degraded though.
Anonymous 91770
If mate guarding and grooming is safer for men then wouldn't it create competition around pubescent children ? If so i don't think your theory stands.
Anonymous 91787
>>86876>putting spanking on the same level as gagging or getting slapped in the faceOverall I agree with their discourse, but sometimes it sounds so puritan.
Anonymous 91794
>>91770Most men aren't pedophiles though. Or at least openly. Attractive fertile-looking adult women attract everyone, this means low quality men have to resort to either simping or looking in alternative places for pussy whether it be children, fatties, foreigners etc. This is why you exclusively see men being sexpats or pedophiles if they're low value, because they know they're not good enough to compete with the attractive adult women around them
Anonymous 91921
>>73813>when you have nothing but corporate bullshit to run on: the post Anonymous 91956
>>88858Fertility does not start when menstruation starts. The menstrual cycle begins at an average age of 12.3 to 12.9, whereas a woman’s ovaries don’t start releasing eggs until roughly three years later, on average.
A man who focuses his energies on women in their 20s would produce more pregnancies than a man who focused those energies on women in their 30s (who are less fertile) or in their teens (and are least fertile of all).
http://www.sexologytoday.org/2017/06/dear-dr-james-could-certain-amount-of.html Anonymous 91979
>>91956When men use fertility as an excuse they don't actually mean fertility or else they'd be simping over those trad tribal women in Africa with 18+ kids and old white catholic ladies who have a kid a year. Just another reason to body shame women. At least men back in the day didn't use made up biology tales to shit on women
Anonymous 91980
>>88894how do we meme them into treating women with respect?
Anonymous 92018
How come when women are nice to men, men just assume they like them, and not because they're scared they will shoot up the school
Anonymous 92108
>>73886>It was originally a very different board. Yes, even after the deletion and restart with the robot. Yes, even after the namefag era.>virtually all popular memes originated in /r9k/.so delusional. r9k was always just depressed faggots blogging and bitching about women. it had nothing of value on it. do you think moot deleted the board just on a whim?
the only difference between r9k now and r9k then (at least in 2009-2010 when i browsed it) was that there used to be a non-schizo tripfag circlejerk (a kind that doesn't appear to exist anywhere on any imageboard anymore).
Anonymous 92112
>>73911>pretty much all memes originate on /r9k/. Pepe, apu apustaja, wojakso, so wrong. i hate that people are allowed to revise history like this.
just for the record, pepe/"feels good man" was an internet-wide meme before r9k even existed. and wojak/tfw was spammed on jp way before it started appearing on r9k. (i know because i was on those two boards every fucking day in 2010!!!!)
Anonymous 92114
>>92108i was part of that tripfag circlejerk and tbh many of them were groomers and completely mentally fucked. it is to be expected but i was young then, so i didnt realize the extent. "non-schizo" is a bit optimistic
Anonymous 92136
>>92114you're right, there were huge weirdos and losers, but i don't recall anything that compares to the stalking, murders, and suicides that followed later. but i'm sure i have many repressed memories. i do remember numerous boards having their own scene of tripfags that all interacted with each other (often off-site) and were generally friendly to each other. this was certainly the case on mu and jp circa 2009.
Anonymous 92157
>>90567moids on incel forums have decided that they want kids, most moids outside of such boards are still not keen on kids.
Anonymous 92177
>>92157Wym? In my experience it's been like half and half. Plenty of normie men want kids and some don't, guess it's who you meet
It's a major red flag though if moids want kids but have no plans on how they plan on supporting their wife and kids, or even worse don't even bother with marriage so they can up and leave any given time they want with no consequences. Given how many little consequences men get that's probably why
Anonymous 92181
>>92177>Plenty of normie men want kids and some don't, guess it's who you meetThis. Young men (and by young I mean underage or underage adjacent) won’t because of social conditioning but plenty of guys who are 20+ want kids now or someday. Women being childfree wouldn’t be such deal breaker if wanting to raise children was just an incel meme.
Men are garbage but many do actually want kids. It’s a matter of if they should be trusted to raise them.
Anonymous 92190
>>92181Yep. And now that many men think child support is rape, if they protest to make child support illegal, they can literally leave some woman to die with their child no consequences. And then they play victim to get brownie points "muh child support rape""muh custody" even if they put in zero effort to get custody but just want to cry male oppression. Insane how much men are able to get away with
Anonymous 92273

This is just truth though. Yeah. we can say society as a whole keeps degrading men and women alike but it's only degrading because of. They started doing bad shit provoked only by on going technological advancement, while most female violence is reactionary to what men created, apart from postpartum insanity, but that thing is barely even researched.
Anonymous 92277
>>75804Being pretty doesn't guarantee anything I don't think, besides the privilege of halo effect and wholesome at first moid attention.
Anonymous 92280
2nd day in a row logging onto crystal cafe and seeing that disgusting moid's dick. there is absolutely no escaping these repulsive fucks.
Anonymous 92285
Yeah, sooo anyone notice the ugly penis thread on /b/? Might want to delete that, I threw up in my mouth a little. (Also why do moids think their dicks are so special? lol pathetic)
Anonymous 92286
>>92280They really are repulsive and they all look alike lol.
sage 92291
>>79403Just remember girls that we are the only ones stopping us from murdering all men. Female Hitler with male genocide cannot come sooner.
Anonymous 92292
>>92291same anon sorry for saging in the wrong field, my bad
Anonymous 92293
How can we make a female politician who wants to genocide all males rise to power? Or can we get a based virologist to engineer a male-targeted pandemic that wipes them out? Even if you get caught the virus still lives on kek
Anonymous 92295
>>92291Or we can just shame all moids to the point where they are suicidal and let Darwinism win out
Anonymous 92296
>>92295They don't just kill themselves, anon, they write shitty little manifestos and kill random people before offing themselves. It's better to just kill them all now before they harm anyone else.
Anonymous 92297
>>92296You're right, sorry Canadian here. So much for wishful thinking.
Anonymous 92300
Ok, So the plan to defeating a moid is to never love them, laugh at them , deny them health care and push them in front of a moving train. Fantastic!
Anonymous 92301
>>73846I notice that too, they're the ones with the baby rabies, now.
Anonymous 92303
>>92293Women are the largest voting bloc. Many women are already getting radicalized thanks to being constantly exposed to male degeneracy and constant misogyny on social media. Once you are exposed to all of it you can't go back to your former reality. They are ready to hear our message. If we work and campaign enough we can get women to vote for this type of politician.
>>738461) Men always want the opposite of we want because they enjoy seeing us suffer. 2) Having kids is the easiest way to remove some power from women, for example the wage gap only starts when women have children. 3) A lot of them are paranoid about their own mortality and projecting all of that onto women.
Anonymous 92346
>>89563So they admit they are potential predators. :)
Anonymous 92347
>>89612>kill random strangers for no reason (ie jumping off a building and crushing someoneI still remember that vid where a suicide jumper landed on a woman's baby. She is most definitely still traumatized by it to this day.
Anonymous 92352
>>73846Enviromental estrogen could also play a role. So many moids have man-boobs now.
Anonymous 92353
>>92293I would always vote for female Hitler. But I believe, that concentration camps should only play a secondary part in our solution. The most important thing is to abort all moids.
Anonymous 92372
>>92136yeah it's not comparable to today, you're right. the most that happened was peoples nudes getting leaked or them getting doxed, no murders as far as i was aware. were you in any of the skype groups? i think i was a part of that a few years after you tho, circa 2012. definitely contributed to a lot to the warped views about myself as a woman/girl i had as a teen. but ofc it wasn't all bad, a few of the people were very chill and nice.
Anonymous 92393
>>91760Moids, again, have nothing to say when confronted with their porn addiction. One part of me wants to slam his stupid ass face into the concrete ground, the other wants to be stoic and just silently leave this coombrained shitstain. And maybe say something along the lines of "men are hopeless".
Anonymous 92396
>>91767Yeah that's what happens when you're female and a coomer. But the fact is when you're a female coomer you're most likely cooming at the expense of your bodily integrity and safety, depending on how extreme your kinks are.
Anonymous 92397
>>91980You can't meme them into that because that requires a fundamental belief, sort of like recognizing yourself in the mirror maybe. You can train moids with their dicks quite easily to develop pretty much any fetish, but you can't train what is supposed to be there in the first place but for some reason isn't.
Anonymous 92398
>>92018Because they don't think women should be scared of men for any reason and the liking part speaks for itself, men try hard to find an opportunity to fuck a woman i.e. she' nice to him or looked at him for more than 0.1 seconds
Anonymous 92399

>>92280Proof no. 42157982 that sex and sex-adjacent things to men are meant to be degrading and humiliating to women
Love and sex do not cross each other in moids minds. If they can even experience what love is, which I strongly doubt.
Anonymous 92401

>>92293Dw men are going to be pretty much infertile by 2045, thanks to them and their shitty ass useless techno advancements and eagerness to fuck over everyone humanity is going to extinct and their reproductive systems are going to down first even though they were the ones always screaming that female fertility and reproductive system is more fragile. I have to laugh
Anonymous 92402
>>92401This. Can’t help laughing at the irony if the “no egg” posters having dead fucking sperms kek
Anonymous 92416
>>92401EVERY SINGLE THING scrotes say about women is absolute projection
Anonymous 92428
I often don't like the idea of toying with the natural human body, however I do think it would be fantastic if young moids in their 20s were encouraged to get vasectomies.
Look, nobody wants kids anymore these days, and it seems like moids abhor it considering they often abandon the poor woman who trusts a moid or stay with her while slowly building resentment towards her because he blames her for "taming the stallion".
Men should be presented with these facts and encouraged to get a vasectomy on the same level women are CONSTANTLY having birth control peddled at us. Not that birth control is bad but I hate that when a pregnancy occurs the first thing they do is say "should have taken the pill" as if she was just alone in her apartment one day slipped on a banana peel and got herself pregnant
Moids abhor the responsibilities of raising a family, so why leave themselves able to reproduce? Just tell them that if they get the snip then they can fuck whatever handmaiden they cross paths with without fear of responsibility
Anonymous 92433

i live in bliss knowing my eggs will die with me and that scrotes continue to seethe about the fact that more women are refusing to be their broodmares. no wonder populations are dwindling with how shitty everything is, is it any surprise more women are choosing to stay single and have no kids? i would rather die alone and an eggless husk than ever be impregnated by and chained to a scrote. that to me would truly be a fate worse than death.
Anonymous 92547

Every single moid in family decided to grow an enormous beard. They think having a big beard transforms you into a viking or some shit. It just looks disgusting.
Anonymous 92550
>>92547Do you have a problem with beards or just their size? I prefer clean shaven or 5 O'clock shadows (think most women do) but well kept beards don't look unhygienic.
Anonymous 92551

>>92547I feel you. FUCK beards. Even “well-kempt” ones look grotesque to me. I hate them with a passion. I feel the same about long hair on men.
Anonymous 92553
>>92551Thought about making a thread about it, but I think most of us share your opinion, lol.
Anonymous 92564
>>92428someone once proposed that all men should have a vasectomy at birth, then when they are able to afford to reverse it they may. I thought it made economical and psychological sense. if a man has shown himself valuable and patient enough to earn money, he can be a good father. And why let the risk of accidentally making kids fall on the stupid impulsive men, and just let them be sterilized at birth?
these temporary vasectomies wouldn't even harm them the sperm just gets reabsorbed.
Anonymous 92622
>>92564The same moids rights activists that have fits over circumcision in babies will have tantrums about vesectomies.
They'll say "well if men have to get their genitals mutilated because if culture, why dont women?" completely unaware of the horrific FGM culture in some cultures and religions… just like they do when circumcision is brought up.
We should cut their vocal chords too until they pass a test to be a responsible and competent speaker as well
Anonymous 92629
Every time I see a man with a beard I assume he’s homeless or mentally ill. I hate beards so goddamn much, they are so nasty. It’s scratchy and gross: literal pube texture. It covers their cute faces and makes even the best looking guys look like someone who is going to tell you about the ancient aliens.
I get that men are lazy as well as some weird religious reasons explaining the beards but they’re still ugly as fuck. Don’t even get me started on PUAs telling incels to grow beards, which makes beards even more of a red flag. Some women have memed themselves into being attracted to beards but I have made it clear to my significant other that if he doesn’t shave I won’t either and I recommend all anons do the same.
Anonymous 92634
>>92564Thats just stupid because showing that you are able to earn money does not mean that you can be a good father. I know enough women that had bf's with well paying jobs that just ditched them when they got pregnant.
Anonymous 92635
>>92634Here the thing anon, if they're responsible enough to make the money then they're likely responsible enough to know that they want their vasectomy reversed.
They've lived life free of the fear of children. Are they going to pay money to have the curse of fear back? They've been free, do they want to potentially lose a life free of commitment? They have to actually be committed to doing what they're doing and want to have kids before they reverse it. They might get the money but that doesnt guarantee that everything will be reversed
Anonymous 92636
>>92635True but impossible to get through. Accidental children are the biggest driver of population in our current enviroment. Polititians probably wouldn't want to risk the demographic recline.
Even if it went through the demographics would probably shrink and other cultures would take our place and those wil be misogonystic ones.
I mean do you really expect most men to say "yeah i will have the vasectomy removed so I can take responsibility"? That's not how men work lmao
Anonymous 92666
>>92629Some moids do it to hide their nonexistent jawline
Anonymous 92673
>>92666This, I hate beards too but there are some unfortunate men who actually look less bad with them.
Anonymous 92680
Didn't want to make a separate thread for this but why are women so mean when they're arguing with each other on largely female image boards but so patient when they're arguing with retarded incels on /r9k/ even when they're getting insulted? it's driving me mad
Anonymous 92682
>>92629I used to think the same. I found beards disgusting because I thought all men did not clean their beards. That was until my ex bf. He really took care of his beard and he always had it short. At first I had my doubts, but I ended up loving his beard, it just felt great.
I still think I´m not into guys with beards because I think it was more that I was really into my ex, but I don't think a beard is going to stop me from dating a guy, unless he doesn't take care of it.
Anonymous 92684
>>92680Women are socialized to be nice and patient with men but no such “policy” is in place with how women interact with one another so we act like normal board users (assholes)
Anonymous 92688
>>92680>when they're arguing with retarded incels on /r9k/>on /r9k/You mean in any context with any male right? Moids will say the most horrendous stuff to us and women be like
>oh no! that's not true!>go have sex! Anonymous 92717

>>92629I HATE BEARDS TOO, SO MUCH. If I see a guy with a beard, I feel instantly repulsed and assume he’s a retard for thinking it looks good on him. It gives me second hand embarrassment. It’s an immediate dealbreaker. My bf grew this disgusting, ungroomed beard once and I seriously lost all physical attraction toward him.
>>92682I will never like beards.
Anonymous 92730
I- I like beards… I don't like the extremely long ones, though.
Anonymous 92733
>>92717the only time beards look good is when they're short and slightly unkempt on skinny pretty men, like just naturally lazy look that hasn't gone too far. that long shit or when they're obsessed with keeping beards, oiling them, thinking it makes them look masculine… no
Anonymous 92738
>>92680There is a saying and now is the time to use it - the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Anonymous 92778
How many retarded cumbrain zoomer moids have tried making moves on their stepsisters/step mothers due to excessive porn consumption? I'm in my thirties so I don't know zoom zoomies too well, but I imagine it's quite a bit.
Anonymous 92779

Good beard or bad beard? Is this even a beard?
Anonymous 92783
>>92778kek I recall seeing a 4chan screenshot or something of some moid making a move on his actual mother due to porn comsumption and being encouraged by other retarded coomers on imageboards. I wouldn't be surprised if there were many others like him.
Anonymous 92800
>>92551>>92717>>92629>>92733The only time I’m okay with a beard is if it’s on an orthodox priest. Cause I’m not married to one nor do I plan to be.
Ive never found beards attractive so beards on orthodox priests makes them idk instantly unattractive (at least to me) so I’m like w/e. any dude in a religious leadership role really (I know how y’all feel about religion I’m only talkin bout beards yo)
But if you’re a normal dude? Beards are so grosss s ssiejfncieuncein I hate them.
I dated a guy before who had one:
They stink (unless u have super clean hygiene), they hurt my face, they look unkempt(unless u groom with buzz cutters every few days), etc.
And let’s be honest, most moids ain’t up for that level of upkeep.
Anonymous 92802
>>92779I don’t like beards
but it’s aight.
Anonymous 92809
>>92779i would say that's more stubble than an actual beard, stuff like this is fine in my book. he still looks like an asshole tho
Anonymous 92841
>>92783I knew a guy who left his model, med student gf to be with a haggardly deathfat teenager he met in a demon group, he was ofc a porn addict too. Porn is stealing sanity from men
Anonymous 92954
>>92783You have to be skeptical of salacious stories like that one from 4chan and Reddit, because many turn out to be exercises in creative writing, unfortunately.
Anonymous 92991
>>92800>They stink (unless u have super clean hygiene)What? I've never smelled anything in a beard, lol.
Anonymous 93016
Bildschirmfoto 202…

Since we're talking about creative writing on 4chan.. Wtf is up with these power fantasy obvious LARPs? I truly don't understand. I've never met a woman who fantasized about putting down men that had never done anything to her.
Anonymous 93017
>>93016they're coping with their reproductive disposability
Anonymous 93149

Why do moids think it's a good idea to show their stupid faces after saying this shit?
Anonymous 93154
>>93149They think they're truly untouchable, and society kind of does make them untouchable, there are virtually no penalties to being a disgusting piece of shit as a male
Anonymous 93192
>>92680Let me take a wild guess but I don't think the women who go to 4chan to patiently argue with deranged moids in the hopes of changing their minds are the same type of women who seek out female imageboards because they want to get away from said moids.
Anonymous 93198
>>93192Nta but I try to be calm and polite here and there, specially here. There seem to be one or two randomly mean anons on CC that seem to literally try to be as disrespectful and vile as they can from their very first post.
Anonymous 103851
>>92564>>92634>>92635>>92636The real problem about the vasectomy is that it is not always reversible and the more time passes, the higher the probability of not being able to reverse it increase. So basically, if a male get the snip, it is basically irreversible 10 years later. But if there was safe ways to do something reversible 99-100% of the time, I think more moids would do it. They might don't want kid at a point in time but they're not sure they won't change their mind later and don't want to risk this.
Maybe they will get one in their 40s-50s but it's almost useless tbh
Anonymous 107085
>>92112wojak is from krautchan's /int/ board ackshually. RIP
Anonymous 209784
I hate how "skilled trades" is being pushed on women. why would anyone wanna spend their time with low iq moids where they make up 99.997 percent of the workforce?