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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


i ca'n't do this anymore Anonymous 4650

just dreamt about sucking dry a twink while he shivers, bucks his hips and pulls on my hair
i want to suck a cute twink's dick so bad girls

Anonymous 4651

Moid hands typed this post

Anonymous 4652

sorry but i'm a femoid
i like being dominant and topping cute males
but i can't get any bc i'm too retarded to do anything

Anonymous 4653

There is a board for it, darling:

Anonymous 4656

retarded how? what kind of social life do you have?

Anonymous 4674


god me too

Anonymous 4699

Same wtf

Anonymous 4708

How can you call yourself dominant if you never take the initiative?

Anonymous 4709

>sub in the streets
>dom in the sheets

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