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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


i kicked a guy in the balls for the first time today!!! Anonymous 12977[Reply]

im so hornynow fuck
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Anonymous 14472

But why tho? and what made you like and would you do it again if you had the chance I wanna try it too.

Anonymous 14539

And then you will wonder why men hate you & people like you

Anonymous 14566

Mother nature gave moids balls so we could hit them. Besides, there are plenty of moids that like it.

Anonymous 14581

>Besides, there are plenty of moids that like it.
Doubt that.

Anonymous 14589

who cares


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 14558


It's literally just this one tiny thing about him. Literally. I'm not about to throw away a guy that is otherwise perfect and knows how to make me astral project from eating me out.
Should I subtly hint at it? Or introduce it as a kink type thing?
I was also thinking of slowly withdrawing bjs in connection of bringing up the subject to pavlov him into doing it.
I'm open for suggestions.

Anonymous 14570

I think Women like you are single-handedly responsible for millions of moids seething and coping about their dicks world-wide. I'd say it's based if it wasn't for the fact that all the big-dicked ones are already taken, so you're essentially just tainting the meat. Literally, and figuratively.
I don't wanna deal with a guy crying to me about
>"babe, am I big enough for you?"
>"How big is your ex?"
>"you can sleep with other men if you want, I don't mind"
I understand that some of you pervs are into that, but I want a guy that has a spine at the very least.

Anonymous 14580

No you absolutely should not subtly hint at it
The penis is a central part of a man's identity, you don't want to fuck with that
Penis size is probably one of the leading causes of suicides in men without anyone ever adressing it

Anonymous 14582

>muh male suicide
moid hands.
No one cares. Men are supposed to be big and strong and their manhood should reflect that. Yet most can't handle a little bit of criticism or they'll cry and bitch about their broken egos.
If you're too insecure about using a sheath, then at least man up and make your dick bigger.

Anonymous 14588

Why don't you give birth to his child, and then you can say something to that effect. Until then you can't start making demands he change his genitals for you that's really rude.


Anonymous 14524[Reply]

Why are men such whores?
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Anonymous 14578

Why going with virgins is a good idea? Go

Anonymous 14579


Would you rather have a brand new bottle of coke, or one that's been inside several vaginas?

Anonymous 14583

Men are not really human and do not ever really rise to the moral level of animals or living beings in general, since a puppy's existence and presence in an owner's life is more or less self-justifying. This is very difficult for highly maternal women to understand since there is a strong temptation to think of sons as though they were self-justifying like puppies. But that thought process is disordered and we even have the term "boymom" for that specific delusion.

The proper frame of reference for a male is a mechanism.
Our human relationship to mechanisms is purpose-driven.
A machine for harvesting crops is a productive farming implement and a man who harvests crops for you is likewise useful.
A malfunctioning but productive machine requires either repair or replacement.

Now, when it comes to sex. When you think of a device that is used for sex, there are two varieties. The kind that is used to facilitate sex with another person (definitionally with a woman, see above), and the kind that is used without another person. These two varieties should not be confused for each other.

Some men might be useful in facilitating sex between two women or as proxies for intimacy with another woman, but those are rare. Usually a man is the shameful secret to be hidden in the lockable drawer away from friends or partners' eyes. And with that kind of device in mind, be honest - would you rent or buy a used vibrator? One that had probably seen multiple tours through other women's butts when they were feeling experimental?

Anonymous 14586

I'm starting to understand why some of you are chronically single holy shit.

Anonymous 14587


Living With Regret Anonymous 14517[Reply]

I'm still a virgin, but orally I'm not. I've given blowjobs to two different guys in my lifetime and I hate that I have. It didn't change my life and honestly they didn't deserve it. I know it's too late now, but what I'm trying to say is, you're better off staying away from penis. I don't plan on doing anything sexual in the future and I want to die a virgin. I'll accept the position I'll be in when it's my time to go.
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Anonymous 14549

>Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse; it is considered a social construct, not an objective term with an operational definition.
In this case apparently anything I wrote up there gets thrown out of the window and even the guy you described is not a virgin, but as virginity is a social construct, I guess the word "virgin" might become a bit pointless because there isn't a really objective quality to it, it becomes subjective unless you want to create a "standard" value kind of virgin in heterosexual contexts and another "standard" value kind of virgin in homosexual contexts
Anyway feel free to discuss stone butch sexual practices

Anonymous 14564

If you have had sex, you're not a virgin
Oral sex is sex
OP is not a virgin
>virginity is a social construct
Literally the same logic as trannies claiming penises are a social construct.

Anonymous 14568

>if you have sex you're not a virgin
Ok now we are getting clear definitions: all sex counts

Anonymous 14584

Let's assume there are two women.
One is a stone butch and one is a stone femme, but neither knows that the other is a stone yet.
They are engaged with each other with the intention of applying their mouths and hands to the other's genitals, but as a prelude to this act they have placed their mouths against each other's mouths and have even penetrated each other's mouths with their tongues.
They have also held hands.
This act of extreme physical intimacy involves using their exclusive sexual implements on the sexual implements of their partners employing identical motions to those they would use during sex.
It even involves having entered into an intimate body cavity, the mouth, using a sensitive appendage, the tongue.

Have they done an oral sex?

Anonymous 14585

>is kissing sex?
Why are you arguing semantics? Is it abortion when a guy meets the gaze of a willing and fertile woman, but then looks away and never talks to her?
I think you have to go with your gut with this one. A good rule of thumb would be to just keep whatever experiences you regret to yourself should a guy ask you about them. Easy peasy.


Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143[Reply]

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
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Anonymous 14509

Neither of those anons,
But my boyfriend is small, lithe, and has a cute little round butt. He’s also very clean about himself, showers twice a day and cleans himself with water after using the bathroom. He’s hairy but clean enough that I dont think it makes him a biohazard like some guys kek.
Not sure I want to stick my tongue up there raw but I do love his ass and we both enjoy me playing with it.

Anonymous 14544

i neeeed to be pinned down and dominated by a cute twink. like pushed down in missionary and fucked as hard as he possibly can. even better if he degrades me and makes me call him daddy, ughhhh

Anonymous 14554

I really don't get the daddy thing

Anonymous 14561

Putting food inside of my anus.
(eggs and whipcream). I have no desire in consuming it after, that's gross and unhygenic.

But something about a man wanting to degrade me so hard by shoving eggs or whipped cream up there, m m mmm

Anonymous 14563


i find the idea of femdoming a shota (gently, of course) is really hot. i guess it's mostly a 2d for me thing since irl 99.99% of moids that age are ugly, obnoxious little shits. but every once and a while i'll see a cute shy one and i want to eat him up >:3 obviously i would never do that in real life, it's just a fantasy


Anonymous 14560[Reply]

Hey I'm really into porn games, but I find alot of them to be very boring. What kind of porn games do yalls like and where do you find them?

Anonymous 14562

Back to .SWF files on 4chan in 2009 then


Anonymous 14551[Reply]

Does anyone else hate blowjobs?
Both the idea and the actual act just seems so degrading and off-putting to me in a way I can't describe it.
Even with guys I was in love with I didn't like it.
My last ex never asked for one, but always went down on me and it was heaven. I don't like topping either, I still want a guy to take control.
Is there something wrong with me? Anyone here genuinely like blowjobs where you're not just doing it for the guy's sake, but because you like the actual act?

Anonymous 14552

I like my pussy eaten, he likes his dick sucked and we both like pleasuring one another. That's about it for me, I don't get a 'kick' out of the act itself.

Anonymous 14553

I don't mind them but I don't find them particularly enticing, it's just a thing people do

Anonymous 14555

have you ever had a guy chimp out at you for not doing it?

Anonymous 14559

No, I haven't been with that many partners. That sounds vile though.

From my experience, I prefer oral over fingering. I don't know if my partners have just been bad at it but, it feels way better to be eaten out. So, if it's the same for some men I can understand the desire for a blowjob. That being said if they 'chimp out' then there is something seriously wrong with them. My partners have never done that when I refuse to give a blowjob for whatever reason.


Taboo Fantasies Anonymous 5826[Reply]

Talk about any unhealthy, taboo or just embarrassing kinks and fantasies you have here. Confess your sins.
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Anonymous 14535

Samefag. I like scrolling through Twitter accounts run by women involved in that community. There's perversion to the fact that their obsessions aren't around OCs, but real people who committed horrible acts, and that turns me on and makes me feel guilty at the same time (though I guess some of them bastardize those men's personalities so much with their headcanons that they essentially become like OCs). I find the type of autistic, "cringy" woman who would make shit like Adam Lanza dress up games so charming, and I tend to fantasize about actually spending time with someone like that. I would listen to her opinions and get her off to her unhinged fantasies about him, eat her out while she scrolls through her timeline, read her poetry, look at her heavily idealized art, do the umpteenth deep dive of his internet presence with her at like 3 am, print her cupcakes with his face on them for her birthday, whatever. It's somehow even better if they don't hold the men in reverence or anything, just sexualize them and do things like edit bows onto their heads like they're dolls to play with and make kiss.

Anonymous 14545

It feels like such a moid brained fantasy but I’m super turned on by incest. I wanna roleplay brother/sister stuff with my boyfriend so bad but I know he’d find it super creepy.

Anonymous 14546

Merry Christmas.

Anonymous 14547

Maybe tonight a Christmas miracle will happen.

Anonymous 14550


This is the yaoi board, so Anonymous 11653[Reply]

Why is there so little yaoi?
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Anonymous 13193


I like porn that does not involve inserting body parts or objects into somebody's shithole

Anonymous 13198


then hide the thread you drooling tard

Anonymous 13262


Anonymous 14528



I use fujochan from time to time but the shota content makes me really uncomfortable

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