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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 12540[Reply]

Shitty sex life vent thread

>What's wrong with your sex life? /What would you change?

>Is it you or your partner?

etc etc
68 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14491

I might just be insane but I feel so empty and missing something at times, like right now I feel like killing myself unless I could beat the shit out of a moid… I am genuinely in so much pain right now

Anonymous 14492

Is it a sexual thing?

Anonymous 14829

yeah i was going to say, this either sounds like dangerously low testosterone assuming you are not in your 60s or so, or he really has conditioned himself to only want porn and masturbates wayyyy too often to have sex

Anonymous 14830

haven't been able to have sex lately just because i feel so lost and sad when i try to have sex with my boyfriend, i just don't feel very close to him and we haven't been spending much time together. i fear this is the beginning of the end, i fear this is the end i have seen coming on the horizon for a long time, and now that i have reached the end of my line of sight all i see is a cavernous pit below to swallow me whole. i do not know if i can see a future with someone if all i see when i look at them is this massive gulf of doubt and uncertainty for our continued relationship.
also really wish he would do more foreplay. maybe i start small.

Anonymous 14832

Getting pounded from behind and dry as a bone and bored as usual

download (1).jpeg

Anonymous 14798[Reply]

Do you guys like listening to nsfw audios? I'm a fan

Anonymous 14831

>never really enjoyed sexual ASMR or anything of that sort
>end up stumbling on a woman that makes NSFW RP audio
>surprisingly get really into it, most of it is her as a sub but her domme content is awesome
>listening to one of them one morning while my dad takes the car out
>only realize my phone is connected to the car's bluetooth after he left and came back
>stays silent to me the entire day
never again


Anonymous 14803[Reply]

Do you agree?

Anonymous 14818

Not inherently, but the way it’s depicted in porn usually is.

Anonymous 14819

That's unfortunatly a very LibFem take.

Anonymous 14827

Inherently its just a sexual act that gives pleasure to one partner, it shouldn't be degrading anymore than cunnilingus should be degrading moids (I'm sure some retarded moids think it is of course). It's only rapey when moids are rapey about it, which they often are.

Anonymous 14828

Cunnilingus is Based, Fellatio is Cringe.


Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143[Reply]

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
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Anonymous 14554

I really don't get the daddy thing

Anonymous 14561

Putting food inside of my anus.
(eggs and whipcream). I have no desire in consuming it after, that's gross and unhygenic.

But something about a man wanting to degrade me so hard by shoving eggs or whipped cream up there, m m mmm

Anonymous 14602

Nona you might be a pedophile

Anonymous 14616

my bf wears dresses sometimes and fucks me in them and it's so hot. Giving him a bj when he's in the dress will make me cum from sucking. Yes I'm very horny

Anonymous 14826

This is embarrassing, but ah well, that’s the point of this thread.

I’m bi, and have a very specific fantasy of having a girlfriend in a very stressful and high-paying career such as being a lawyer, doctor, etc. She’d secretly be a weeaboo and gooner who gets off to hentai daily despite the professional and kind of cold personality.

I’d solve her 2D porn addiction by being her “anime girl.” I recently got into cosplay and can sew, so I’d make a maid costume, bunny suit, and such. When she comes home, I’d greet her in those costumes and put on the personae associated with them.

There’s an element to humiliation with this. I look down on otaku and gooners, but “giving in” and pleasing a woman who would provide for me and be a good girlfriend is so hot. I’m also a bit ashamed because I’m East Asian and sadly, I’ve had experience with weebs fetishizing me. In my fantasy, this woman is wasian/latina/SEA/etc. to make it less weird. Has to be female too


Anonymous 14551[Reply]

Does anyone else hate blowjobs?
Both the idea and the actual act just seems so degrading and off-putting to me in a way I can't describe it.
Even with guys I was in love with I didn't like it.
My last ex never asked for one, but always went down on me and it was heaven. I don't like topping either, I still want a guy to take control.
Is there something wrong with me? Anyone here genuinely like blowjobs where you're not just doing it for the guy's sake, but because you like the actual act?
27 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14821

Sorry, I agree that was maybe a bit harsh and confrontational and I could've worded it better. But I still stand by what I said. I care about what other nonas have to say, but I'm not going to throw my likes and dislikes out the window just because my tastes don't conform to the norm. It just sucks feeling that I'm the only one who has, what I feel at least, are pretty normal sexyal preferences and that to ever be in q happy relationship I would either have to suck up my pride and debase myself by goimg down on a guy, or date a submissive funkopop collector, who I'm not attracted to. It sucks that I know for a fact it doesn't have to be like that, but having to come to the realization that that relationship was a lightning in a bottle situation that I'll never experience again. Knowing that makes it very difficult to not just stay single.

Anonymous 14822

Don't worry about it, these subjects are always touchy. But why do you feel like wanting to be eaten out without giving blowjobs is a very marginal position? Have you had bad experiences with men since your ex?

Anonymous 14823

>But why do you feel like wanting to be eaten out without giving blowjobs is a very marginal position?
Because no one here, or irl shares the same view as me. They always either love doing it, or reciprocate out of common courtesy. Which again, is fine, but that makes me depressed.
>Have you had bad experiences with men since your ex?
I always hated the idea of blowjobs ever since I first found out about them, and even after being in a relationship with a man that I really liked, I still hated it even though he also rarely asked for, and never demanded one. But yes, I've had a really shitty experience with a guy before my ex that broke the camels back so to speak, who would throw a pathetic hissy fit when I wouldn't give him one. Suffice to say, I broke up with shortly after and since then decided to never put a dick in my mouth again. I would've hoped to qt least get a couple of "hell yeah, preach sister", since nonas here tend to skew towards not liking moids very much. But it seems like I'm the only one like this.

Anonymous 14824

I don’t mind blowjobs but if I am going to give one the guy has to be willing to do cunnilingus. I can’t stand men who only care about their own pleasure, that’s when it’s degrading and just turns me off completely

Anonymous 14825

But ideally you wouldn't ever give them, right? Like if the guy never asked for it, or even declined your offer, would you think twice about it, or just move on?


Struggled with achieving orgasm Anonymous 14779[Reply]

This is bullshit. I've never had an orgasm. I've given many, but never gotten one. No one has gotten me close. I've gotten myself what feels like some of the way there but it's like there's a barrier preventing me from going forward. I feel like I get closest when I'm ovulating but I've never actually gotten there. What do I do? I just want to know what it feels like. I just feel broken.
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Anonymous 14811

I fucking did it

I love you all

Anonymous 14812

how was it?

Anonymous 14813


Anonymous 14815

Like champagne fizz through my body. Honestly a rush, I wonder how much of it was what an orgasm and how much of it was adrenaline over 'its finally happening'? Afterwards I rolled into my back and was giggly and just running my fingertips over my chest and stomach.
Trying for ages, and it took only four days after complaining here for it to happen. Turns out OVER the underwear is key for me. Still riding that high.

Anonymous 14816

>Turns out OVER the underwear is key for me
Is it just the texture and grip you need?


Taboo Fantasies Anonymous 5826[Reply]

Talk about any unhealthy, taboo or just embarrassing kinks and fantasies you have here. Confess your sins.
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Anonymous 14787

forgot to mention i do have a limit, when the face stops looks like a face and more like a skull and when the knees start looking like literal apples on a sticks then it stops looking hot and it goes into disgust and in my fantasies he already has anorexia when i meet him since i would feel very guilty to force a person to do such an extreme thing for my disgusting fetish and that is why i dont seek such content online, i am afraid is gonna evolve into something worst

Anonymous 14789

The fact you're able and willing to differentiate the fantasy aspect of it vs what's healthy in reality means you're in control and shouldn't feel ashamed of it. Besides, I think you should probably be able to explore like 80% of it in reality without it becoming dangerous for you or your partner imo.

Anonymous 14804

>Besides, I think you should probably be able to explore like 80% of it in reality without it becoming dangerous for you or your partner imo
What do you mean by that, I personally think it would be morally reprehensive since I am pretty sure such a low weight means a completely non-functioning reproductive system nor sexual desire, I dont dare to Google it so take it with a grain a salt not to mention it just feels like fetishizing illness both in the body and mind and if I were in that person's place I wouldn't want that.

Anonymous 14806


Just had something turn me on that really, really shouldn't have. I don't want to say what it is, but no women were harmed or even present. My reaction was kind of intense. I don't want to go too far re: any sexuality, so I'll just avoid it and move on, but jesus christ. I think I just need to accept that there's something fully wrong with me that can't be cured.

Anonymous 14807

Yeah, the actual anorexia is the 20% you'll have to give up irl imo. But I think such a relationship with a naturally thin (but not morbidly so) dude who's eager to please you and will let you have your way with him, with roleplay to cater to your fantasy, wouldn't be particularly unhealthy.


General Nipple Sucking + Lactation Anonymous 528[Reply]

does anyone love having their nipples sucked on

like i mean, really sucked on. like for 20-30 minutes at a time. Sadly, my current partner isn't good at it. I don't know what it is that they do, but it hurts my nippies instead of making them feel good.

I've always toyed around the idea of ANR, but idk, I don't think that can occur if you never get pregnant.

If you don't know what ANR is, it stands for adult nursing relationship. At least one of the partners will be a girl and usually, after repeated controlled sessions of sucking, the girl will eventually produce milk on her own (if she's been pregnant before).
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Anonymous 10883

Im told consistency is the key to producing milk.

Anonymous 10910

>hey, I'm totally into this kink!
>I'm lactose intolerant

Anonymous 12473

my bf does this thing where he plays with my nipple in one hand and lightly bites on my boob at the same time. its some of the best stimulation i've ever had - probably more intense than most clitoral stimulation for me. i wanna convince him to go harder with the biting and go longer because i feel like i could orgasm from it if done right

Anonymous 12678

One of my biggest fantasies is a hot girl kidnapping me and turning me into a cow for her, strapping my nipples to a milking machine making me produce milk for her. She should fuck me with a strap on that cums hormones that make me milky.

Anonymous 14802

This is my biggest and pretty much only kink/fetish. Either me lactating or my partner lactating, idc who it is.

My ultimate fantasy is to have a cute girl with big tiddies full and aching, and small droplets of milk coming from her nipples every so often. "Nona, I'm awfully full and heavy… Will you help me out?"

The cow girl outfits make it just that much better.


Anonymous 13636[Reply]

ITT: Lesbian fantasies.

You can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks.
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Anonymous 14530


This. Nothing excites me more than just burying my nose in another girl's vagina and breathing in her female scent.

Anonymous 14595

Just saw this alt girl with glasses online who is so fucking cute fuck. Ugh. I can’t stop thinking about her urghhh I just wanna squish her cheeks and cuddle her and give her kisses and eat her out and omg her smile is so fucking cuuute how can someone have a smile that cute it’s unfair! I think that has to be my biggest weakness ever… Why am I like this

Anonymous 14605

sophiah 339518162_…

>thanks for going on a "date" with me, Nona

Anonymous 14623

Just something about an adorably frisky girl touching herself, enthusiastic to be felt and tasted or even just get off solo style. Shit literally never gets old ever. Women being happy makes me happy.

Anonymous 14801


I really have a thing for women with short hair, anything above shoulder-lenth pretty much. I like bob cuts and fluffy pixie cuts and overall just cute tomboy-ish style cuts.

I want a cute tomboy to tease me until I'm so aroused that I'm begging for her fingers. I wanna be called a good girl and a sweet girl with plenty of cuddles afterwards.

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