
lolcow Bunker Thread #22 - Shaymin investigation Edition Anonymous 199424
Posting is enabled on
https://original.lolcow.farm/, however many nonn1es can't access it. For some it works with mobile data only, some with a proxy. (free proxy:
Bunker with no lolcow discussion:
>>>/b/195942Do not engage with nonn1es saying provocative shit to start infights. Report and ignore.
Last bunker #21:
>>>/b/198870Anonymous 199428
>>199415because n*nnies is censored in crystal.cafe, try it, you will end up with s instead
Anonymous 199429
Okay but what I don't get is even if that blog does belong to Shaymin what's the big deal? There's nothing bad on it just maybe a little cringe but who cares, it's not milky.
Anonymous 199430
also for whistleblower anon we will need more proof than that
Anonymous 199432

i’m so bummed out by all this. all i wanted was a space for women to talk and make fun of uglies and i can’t even have that.
Anonymous 199449
Also remember this lolcow drama is being posted on other sites. Trannies and scrotes and cows are all watching now
Anonymous 199462
(late) resume:
#21 -
>>>/b/198870Anon found an admin's neocities, not sure if it is from shaymin or oldmin
>>>/b/199079Anon found an excel file containing a sort-of shinigami eye list
>>>/b/199196Old Discord logs on why oldmin fucked up gc threads
>>>/b/199034Full tinfoil on admin, wherever it is still Ian or Oldmin behind that "Shaymin"
#20 -
>>>/b/198323Caps from Shaymin's discord:
>>>/b/198332 >>>/b/198466
Discussion about lolcow on Kiwi Farms:
>>>/b/198412#19 -
>>>/b/197747IHM appears:
>>>/b/198185 >>>/b/198203
>>>/b/198207Screencaps of the bunker discord:
>>>/b/198151 >>>/b/198154
>>>/b/198162 >>>/b/198164
>>>/b/198165 >>>/b/198174
Shaymin makes a bunker discord:
>>>/b/197998Nonn1e emails Shaymin asking about costs:
>>>/b/198070#18 -
>>>/b/197189Shaymin addresses Ian tinfoils:
>>>/b/197490Lolcow discussed in PULL's discord:
>>>/b/197485Nonn1e posts archives of lolcow's own caps threads:
>>>/b/197460Shaymin posts in /meta/:
>>>/b/197322#17 -
>>>/b/196568New thread in /meta/ on lolcow's future:
>>>/b/196973Josh weighs in on Shaymin's decisions:
>>>/b/196966#16 bis -
>>>/b/195893Anons sent their applications to shaymin, no reponses so far
Full denial mode
#16 -
>>>/b/195313Posting re-enabled on
https://original.lolcow.farm/: >>>/b/195574Rdrama posts about lolcow:
>>>/b/195322Shaymin resigns:
>>>/b/195616 >>>/b/195695
#15 -
>>>/b/194696Shaymin answers questions about nucow
>>>/b/194754 >>>/b/194756
Nonn1es posting images on lolcow
>>>/b/194712#14 -
>>>/b/194105Nonn1e posts lolcow screencaps:
>>>/b/194620The last reply on lolcow: >>>/b/194349
Kpopfagging on nucow:
>>>/b/194302Shitposting on lolcow:
>>>/b/194255 >>>/b/194294
>>>/b/194307 >>>/b/194345
>>>/b/194568Nonn1es still can't access lolcow:
>>>/b/194202 >>>/b/194582
#13 -
>>>/b/193547Posting disabled on nucow:
>>>/b/193797/w/ isn't added:
>>>/b/193742Nucow screencaps:
>>>/b/193667 >>>/b/193674 >>>/b/193679
>>>/b/193682 >>>/b/193724
>>>/b/193729 >>>/b/193730
Some nonn1es can't access lolcow:
>>>/b/193629Anonymous 199465
I can't believe all of this shit is going down on CC, they don't even like drama on their board, kek. We're such terrible guests but my God, all the good drama happens on Christmas for some reason. It's like some autistic live soap opera
Anonymous 199467
>>199462Did you seriously put that gayops as milk in the summary
Anonymous 199470
the main thing is if shaymin IS oldmin or not, i feel.
Anonymous 199475
Capture d’écran 20…

the person who owns the nenetl.me is named Yasmin apparently. she has shit tier taste in terms of music tho
Anonymous 199476
>>199470United States of Tara, shaymin is her insecure alt. Oldmin is her haughty crazy side
Anonymous 199477
>>199475i will feel really bad if this is some mentally ill rando in the end
Anonymous 199478
>>199477Samefag is this even the same user as the one on the neocities too? Because Latin names are super common
Anonymous 199482
>>199478Nta but yes, although the neocities girl said she was native, not sure why everyone keeps saying spanish or mexican
Anonymous 199483
>>199482Yeah but nenetl is a common Aztec name and Yasmín is a common Latina name. The music profile could be someone completely different who is also Latina or native who chose the Aztec screen name
Anonymous 199485
>>199483Samefag this isn’t me coping or something but I feel like there should be better proof
Anonymous 199497
is lolcow.farm still not accessible ?
Anonymous 199499
>>199497If you have a mobile phone turn off wifi and use data instead it should work . DNS is still propagating though so not everyone will access it still right away
Anonymous 199501
>>199494For real, go wrap some gifts or something instead of posting out of context screencaps
Anonymous 199503
>>199482>>199483Many Latinos are at least part Native and some do identify with that.
Anonymous 199504
>>199501these are clearly terminally online people who don’t have families they actually care about, only gayops and drama kek
Anonymous 199506
>>199503I know but that’s what I’m saying the name can be super generic
Anonymous 199509
>bunker thread ruined by relentless tranny sperging
>go to bed
>wake up
>tranny still going, thread full of unintelligible word salad about admin/odlmin/ian
can we tell the cc mods about this?
Anonymous 199514
So, none of this matters? It's just some faggot's random access screenshots?
Anonymous 199515
>>199504You really like that word gayops huh
Anonymous 199518
>>199515you know more than one person can use a word kek
Anonymous 199519
Kekkk I get a few hours sleep and nõnnies are finding neocities and stuff. I'm not sure that's her tbh. I am almost completely sure shaymin is oldmin/"Ines" (and no, she's not actually the Quebec girl) wouldn't it be funny if anons ITT succeeded where Elaine failed though?
Anonymous 199520
>>199509Just read the last half of the previous thread for context, and stop assuming everyone is a tranny
Anonymous 199521
>>199512he's making like 3 posts a minute and no one understands or gives a shit about what the fuck he's trying to say… these threads were so fun until he showed up, maybe we need a separate bunker thread at this point.
Anonymous 199525
why do we believe that neocities is oldmin again? because some random anon said so?
Anonymous 199528
I personally think the K-pop invasion was just some choachan anons trolling because they saw the placeholder title for /m/ and also because the IP forwarding fuck up means that no one could be banned without banning everyone.
Anonymous 199529
>>199518I don't think you realize how obvious your posts are
Anonymous 199534
Are we team Shaymin or not? Idk what's going on but I still think she fucked up big time. Has there been any news of a new admin?
Anonymous 199535
>>199534People have emailed her, and she's been online, but she apparently hasn't replied to them.
Anonymous 199537
>>199535She has replied in the previous bunker threads, I think to that IHM person
Anonymous 199538
>>199534Her spergout happened like a day ago and it's Christmas. People might have shown up with admin applications already, but honestly anyone who has time to beg for the board at this time and wants it that much shouldn't even have it
Anonymous 199540
>>199534>Are we team Shaymin or not"We" are not a hivemind every nona is going to have a different opinion
Anonymous 199543
Calling shaymin bpd is so over the top lol. Anyway, Elsie my love, I'll never forget you.
Anonymous 199544
>>199540thank you nony. A lot of this is so confusing and weird anyway so if you’re confused so am I
Anonymous 199549
>>199545Your autism is showing, I wasn't being 100% literal.
Anonymous 199551
>>199528we didn't even know about the latter part, we just wanted to see if kpop would get banned again within an hour kek
Anonymous 199552
I wonder if going down like this is sadder than going down like KF.
Anonymous 199553
>>199552i feel like this is sadder honestly
Anonymous 199554
>>199549Your autism is showing, you didn't convey any sarcasm
Anonymous 199555
Can someone summarize what's going on with shaymin/oldmin?
Anonymous 199556
>>199555People think Shaymin is Oldmin based on a personal website and other connections like her personality and bpd and stuff
Anonymous 199558
>>199551yeah, that was why you did not get banned, not because "admin loves kpoop"
Anonymous 199559
>>199552Josh was able to rally his troops against an external enemy. We're falling apart due to the fragility and incompetence of one woman.
Anonymous 199561
>>199556to be fair, anyone willing to step up to be admin of a drama website for sure has to be a bpd autist in some way or another so its a given they have the same personality
Anonymous 199563
I was asleep, can someone spoon feed me on how getting a new admin is going? If there have been any news on that at all.
Anonymous 199565
>>199561Farmhands too. Like even in my NEET days I wouldn't have volunteered to mod beauty guru or e-whore threads, only those natives to threads like that who also want to influence the discussion would be interested in that shit
Anonymous 199568

>>199563This was the last official thing Admin posted, there's also an open discord now apparently, but I'm not interested enough to join it, but nothing newsworthy was screencapped from there either
Anonymous 199569
Maybe there should just be a regent admin, someone who was trust worthy, aka an actual farmer who is an actual woman, without necessarily having tech skills. She could then look more calmly for a successor. Or is that besides the point in the current state of the site?
Anonymous 199570
>>199568>if things were unclear>iflack of clarity seems to be shaymin's thing, kek
Anonymous 199571
Doxxing her provides no value. I don’t care who she is just give the site back to Ian so he can auction it off to whoever makes the most codingbux and end it there.
Anonymous 199572
>>199568And I still can only see and post on mobile, any many others cannot see the site at all.
Anonymous 199575
Anonymous 199581
>>199572I’m on mobile and can’t see shit
Anonymous 199583
>>199581I know, I said "many others cannot see the site at all"
Anonymous 199586
>>199582Tried with wifi and data. Vpn and no vpn. Two different browsers. No luck.
>>199583You’re good anon. #<3 I was just throwing in another answer since I haven’t responded in bunker in a few days. Kek
Anonymous 199592
>>199586It's really too bad, because even though I can access lolcow, there's not point posting when it's still technically dead
Anonymous 199595

clowns to the left of me
jokers to the right
here i am
stuck in the bunker with you
Anonymous 199596
>>199592That’s fair, not much point just talking to yourself.
Anonymous 199598

>>199595Just all of us in a circle. Everybody dance now
Anonymous 199603
>>199600I like to imagine admin is in the middle of the clown circle and the miners are the ones welcoming us. Kek
Anonymous 199608
i was really looking forward to reading about how each cow has a miserable christmas but now its us who are truly miserable
Anonymous 199612
>>199611i thought cows having a miserable christmas was karma but maybe its we who needed karma all along
Anonymous 199624
>no new posts in 17 mins
Is everyone dead?
Anonymous 199627
I haven’t felt this alive in a while tbh
Anonymous 199628
>>199624Probably busy with christmas stuff
Anonymous 199630
i'm over it. just gonna post on lc like none of this happened.
Anonymous 199633
>>199624We're all sleepy from the tinfoiling and schizo posting from the last thread
Anonymous 199635
>>199633Everyone cried themselves to sleep.
Anonymous 199639
>>199631yeah, apparently it should fix itself within 2 days, but I don't have much hope
Anonymous 199645
>>199644Guessing it's the gayops anon.
Anonymous 199646
>>199645i think the posts that mentioned the ian guy got banned
Anonymous 199647
>>199645nta I guess there was quite a bit of samefagging, considering how much disappeared and how quiet it is now?
Anonymous 199648
>>199644Everyone started leaving the second blaine came in to schizopost, and now that he's gone the thread has gone silent. Killing the thread was probably his goal all along.
Anonymous 199649
>>199648it all stopped after i posted fat blaine… coincidence i think not
Anonymous 199650

Let's make this thread fun again then
Anonymous 199661
>>199659i still can't believe this artist made hot topic merch
Anonymous 199662

hello…..is it meuwu youwuw've been lowoking fowor OWO
Anonymous 199663

anyway. us 2d trapfags that happen to be women are exceptionally oppressed
Anonymous 199671

I got nobody to celebrate Christmas with, because my family doesn't celebrate and everyone else is celebrating with their own family and I'm single.
Anonymous 199672
>>199663This spam and your explanation for it really does just feel like internalized misogyny
Anonymous 199674

>cannot sadpost on lolcow.farm on christmas
>why even live
Anonymous 199679
>>199672one post every other thread is not spam. also how the hell is it internalized misogyny, you think women pop out the womb with heels and long hair?
Anonymous 199680
>>199659can't tell if this is a joke picture or not
Anonymous 199684
>>199680my post is a joke but the picture is real
Anonymous 199685
>>199660Joseph is looking extra handsome here.
Anonymous 199686
>>199679Because of how you said you like femininity but don't like seeing women perform it, what's wrong with you
Anonymous 199687

my brother and I had a argument earlier and we made up and he gave me one of my christmas presents (tomorrow is christmas) and it's picrel but on metal that you hang up
Anonymous 199689
>>199687i would like that present but do you?
Anonymous 199690
I like some trap and other feminine male characters, but at the same time I want to tape that anon's mouth shut.
Anonymous 199693
>>199689AW sorry no I meant I like it! its really cool to me I like X-files
Anonymous 199695
Screenshot 2022-12…

I just woke up what's up ladies? only a couple messages came through on the discord since i went to sleep
Anonymous 199696
>>199693samefag, sorry I meant to say we had an argument and when we made up, he gave this to me after kek.
Anonymous 199697
i wish i was a witch and could fly on a magical broomstick or some other enchanted thing and zoom around when i get bored. i wish i could go to night covens with my fellow dark sisters and we could share secrets with each other in the night while speaking of prophecies in the moonlight. i wish i could talk to angels and look into glass mirrors and divine the future. all in all i wish my dreams where i was a queen of a witch coven were real and that my coven could be based in paris (since i live in paris right now). maybe i should write a book?
Anonymous 199698
>>199695Yeah idk why they are endorsing IHM when they can scroll up in the discord chat and see her weird message to Shaymin
Anonymous 199699
>>199693>>199696congrats on scoring an early present nona
what was the argument about?
Anonymous 199701
>>199699It was just relating to our parents (tldr they need to get divorced already lol) and kinda taking out our frustration with them on each other which was not called for for either of us, we're good now
Anonymous 199702
>>199697it's a shame magic isn't real but i know all magic being real would mean is that the world is fucked up in an entirely different way
Anonymous 199706
>>199702>that the world is fucked up in an entirely different wayso true, but i still hope when i die i get to be reborn again in a world where magick is real.
Anonymous 199710
i havent been on the farms in forever because of retarded twitterfags but wow wtf happened? was this a botched update or what?
Anonymous 199713
>>199709aw poor luigi. why is mario so mean to him.
Anonymous 199714
>>199704it's in thread #18 IHM came to post her own email screenshots after shaymin posted one in the discord lol
>>198185>>198207 Anonymous 199716
>>199705>I'll put you in your placeOk, internet person. That was a pretty heated rant for things no one cares about.
Anonymous 199718
>>199716yeah. she asked to be made admin and when shaymin said
lolno she reeeeee'd
Anonymous 199719
well if any of you ever felt like making your own ib i guess the time is now
Anonymous 199720

>>199710>site goes down for maintenance>couple days go by>new site is up, it doesnt seem entirely finished, admin doesnt communicate much>anons REEEEEEEEEEING for both valid/invalid reasons, again it comes down to Admin not communicating things well>new site is offline>old lolcow is up as an archive, but then admin enabled posting in it again, it is now back on domain but not everyone can access it because of DNS propagation, everyone should be able to access it in the next 2 days>admin calls it quits, lolcow is now on hospice (or until she finds a suitable new admin.)>we are on mr.bones wild ride Anonymous 199722
>>199720thanks 4 spoonfeed, i felt so out of the loop. i wonder if and who the next admin will be?
Anonymous 199723
>>199695IHM sucks but at least she's not blaine
Anonymous 199725
>>199720Are you serious the admin just gave up on the site for good?? Why do I feel like there's more to the story
Anonymous 199726
>>199709kind of fucked up that mario abusing luigi was a running gag
Anonymous 199729
>>199725She did say in an LC post or discord (sorry another nonita can put it im lazy rn) that there were other reasons besides anons being autistic. This all just happened within the past 2 days so stuff is still advancing
Anonymous 199730
>>199698IHM used to date Blaine, no? Not kidding when I say this
Anonymous 199732
>>199726It's because Mario is abusive, that's why Peach tries to run away and Bowser hates him.
Anonymous 199733
>>199729Samefag, her biggest issue was pretty much communicating things to the general LC userbase instead of having posts on discord or in /meta/ threads, so when the new site got up everyone was like WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF at a million things, some needs to make a big post of all the shit that went down because its kind of a lot
Anonymous 199736
>>199720to be honest part of me is sad that this is happening but another part of me sees this as a necessary obstacle/ending. lc hasn't been the same for a long time now, the board culture died because of the new cancerous userbase, so i hope that this incident is a spark for a few autists to come together and build something new and improved and avoid making the same mistakes.
Anonymous 199739
>>199736I don't think so, I think it could be fixed if put in the right hands. It's the commitment to it, and Shaymin didn't seem like she wanted to commit to it other than doing site technical work stuff. But, she did also say she wanted more mods and is taking mod applications currently (I think). Her calling anons autists was kind of weird considering she let a lot of this happen unfortunately. Idk.. I don't want to be mad at Shaymin but again,
she should have communicated better Anonymous 199740
>>199737Even matt pat can't avoid the wall, shame, he used to be cute
Anonymous 199742
>>199739AYRT, I also hope that lc will survive, but that still wouldn't fix the core issues that the site was having well before it went down. Every online community with a decently sized urserbase has to work hard to prevent an invasion of normies, and LC failed to do enough to prevent it, this is just the final nail in the coffin (metaphorically, the site could still come back with a new admin).
Anonymous 199743
>>199739i agree with that anon. it's changed a lot and i think it's noticeable for people who have been there a long while. some of it i think was really outside of anyone's control though. a lot of the milk dried up, a lot of og cows were getting old and it just wasn't as interesting as it used to be. many threads were propped up more by the antics of the board users than any actual drama relating to the cows we were supposed to discuss, and it seemed like the majority of recent drama was produced through cowtipping and people getting personally involved with cows. all the old userbase who made the site great in the early days left too as you can see the change in tone and post quality if you go back a few years.
Anonymous 199744
>all those deleted posts
kekkedi kek
Anonymous 199745

>>199730There wasn't anything about blaine on her ED page
Anonymous 199747
I think it's kind of pathetic how somany anons just want to give up on lolcow or stay stagnant instead of encouraging change. If we want the site to get better (in terms of raids and userbase) we need better moderation and to get better moderation we needed newer software, hence the server change.
Anonymous 199748
>>199743Original anon, and yes, this is what I'm getting at. All of the oldfags left which gave the new users free rein over the site. Idk personally I'm all for political debates but the moralfagging and twitterfaggotry made the site unusable.
Anonymous 199749
>>199745thats not an actual pic of him hes not fat in that
Anonymous 199751
>>199747Thank you nony, I agree. I did like the new site (read:
like not love kek) and I wanted to give her a chance to see what she was going to do. She did fuck up but I wanted to see what she was going to do, it seemed like she wanted feedback
Anonymous 199752
>>199736Literally all issues lolcow has can be fixed with better moderation and better imageboard software (more themes and banners, not having the catalogue loading forever since it displays all threads, being able to ban certain image hashes, banning by more criteria, threads not disappearing between board pages, better search functions etc)
Anonymous 199753
>>199742So I guess the cow observation deck will become the lizard cafe and cc will host cow parties for the rest of time
It's been nice without crazies. You've managed to keep them out of cc for the most part. Please continue doing this !!
Anonymous 199754
>>199747I mean the site is never going to improve unless mods ban all annoying new posters which won't happen
Anonymous 199755
>>199747i’m glad it looks like shaymin is finally hiring new mods. that’s one really obvious way to improve lolcow and i’m surprised she didn’t do it before
Anonymous 199756
>>199749kek imagine being so ugly you have to pretend your image isn't yours
Anonymous 199757
>>199753kek there was so much schizo posting last night some crazies did come over. Also lizard cafe reminds me of picrel
Anonymous 199758
>>199747The issue is that such a big demographic change is basically impossible to moderate around. I really don't want to start an infight but the entire "purpose" of the site changed, it went from "site to laugh at people online acting like retards" to anons claiming it as "muh radfem safe space". There needs to be a split between the two groups, a site for radfems to moralfag and make serious posts and a site for people who just want to laugh and have a good time.
Anonymous 199760
>>199747I don't think it's that many, they were just really vocal. We also know by now that at least two were trannies and another one an insane boardowner pickme.
Anonymous 199761
>>199756ayrt sorry I meant that my pics of him where I made him fat are the "real" ones kek
Anonymous 199763
>>199758I think so but I don't think it's just radfem posters. There's a lot of young posters in general. Again, search "lolcow.farm" on twitter or tiktok's search bar and you find retards proudly saying they're farmers even though the whole thing is supposed to be anonymous.
Anonymous 199766
>>199758It's not impossible to moderate around and there doesn't need to be two different sites. That site change happened because /2X/ got banned. If Oldmin kept /2X/ and was stricter about it being a containment board then it wouldn't have spread as much to other boards. These things aren't hard to figure out.
If we're being real, lolcow is (now) a community site for women just as much as it's a gossip site for women and imo it's fine that it changed in that way. It doesn't need to be separated into two sites.
Anonymous 199767

>>199763Sorry for monitor pic I refuse to have tiktok on my phone
Anonymous 199770
>>199766Samefag but
>These things aren't hard to figure out. Wasn't directed towards you anon but more towards staff.
Anonymous 199771
>>199767>tranny zoomer with joker makeup bragging about knowing what lolcow is on tiktok with 40k likes (?)these are the retards ruining our board?
Anonymous 199774
>>199763Damn you're right, wish I didn't kek.
I hate people who talk about anonymous sites on social media. Yeah I know they're not my sekrit club but talking about them openly brings in the worst posters which has happened to lolcow.
On twitter someone talking about it is 15 years old. Most of lolcow just feels like it's used by 15 year old retards recently.
Anonymous 199775

>>199769Okay that’s it won’t spam more sorry but tiktokers are definitely on lc now
Anonymous 199776
>>199767They’re winning this battle I want out
Anonymous 199777

Reason #2982829 to not have that thread
Anonymous 199778
>>199767>>199775It's over KEK
>>199766Personally I think some level of separation between the two userbases I mentioned would be healthy, whether that be on lolcow or elsewhere. They are just fundamentally incompatible, you cannot have radfem twitter people trying to make serious posts and gossip and autism on the same site, they inevitably butt heads. Maybe /2X/ would make it better, but that still doesn't fix the newfag zoomer issue.
Anonymous 199779
>>199758it should just rebrand from a gossip site to an all-encompassing female imageboard
Anonymous 199780
I still can't get over how Admin made it seem like anons were the Grinches who stole Christmas in those /meta/ posts.
Anonymous 199781
>>199775also a lot of commenters on this one talking about their favorite threads. LC userbase is full of these tards, if there is a new Admin who wants to save LC she'd have to get rid of these types of users
Anonymous 199782
>>199775>>199777>>199767>>199769I remember being gaslit by some idiot bitches when I was saying Lolcow was taken over by these kinds of people. I bet those idiot bitches were the tiktokers and twitter users themselves.
Anonymous 199783
>>199779Then why should it be named lolcow? If anything the anons who want a womens space should make their own site, the point of lc is the cow threads.
Anonymous 199784
>>199767>photograph of a screenAre you shitting me
Anonymous 199786
>>199779is this not one? or has it been too tainted by trannies and robots? maybe we can still take it back and make it ours
Anonymous 199788
>>199784girl I just said I don't want tiktok on my phone kek sorry
Anonymous 199790
>>199782Same, I have been saying this for a while now and getting dogpiled and told that the site is totally a million times better!!!!! than it was before, now I know why.
Anonymous 199791
>>199788maam do you know what a screenshot is
Anonymous 199792
>>199775Ok this one is kinda funny (other than the fact it’s in fucking tiktok)
Only good thing about those newfags is that theu might get peaked
Anonymous 199793

>>199788also I should say I'm lazy and don't want to screenshot on the screen
Anonymous 199795
>>199793ctrl + windows + s opens snipping tool
Anonymous 199796
>>199793Have you heard of the snipping tool my good retard
Anonymous 199797
>>199795>>199791>>199796ok tbh nvm you can laugh at me Im sorry for my autism
Anonymous 199798
>>199767>>199769>this is who I've talked to on lolcowYeah I think I'll stop using it
Anonymous 199799
>>199758>implying a userbase without radfems/gc/pp n0nnies would be better nowadaysEnjoy your twitter infested kiwifarms 2.0
Anonymous 199800
>>199797my bad, shift + windows + s opens snipping tool
Anonymous 199801
>>199780right lmao like we forced her to do the update days before christmas. i think she wanted it to be some kind of christmas present to us but obviously it backfired. would've made more sense to do it near new years, a "new year new lolcow" type of thing (not that i wanted lc to change so dramatically, but if that's what she felt like she needed to do then she should've timed it better) because then she would've had more time to fix everything and the stress might've compounded less without the holidays looming over. but no we are all just autistic scrooges who purposefully ruined shaymin's christmas by being big ol' meanies
Anonymous 199804
>>199801This is what I agree with. I don't want to be mad at her (I'm not) and its been said already a million times, she could have done this better in so many other ways
Anonymous 199805
>>199801The new sit didn't even fucking work either, idk what she even spent all that time doing.
Anonymous 199807
Tiktok and twitter were mistakes
Crystal Cafe of course mentioned a lot by men on twitter who want a "femcel gf" too
The femcel shit is stupid they just assume incel because the only imageboard they know is 4chan
It's great being a woman and never be able to have any spaces whatsoever for ourselves isn't it?
Anonymous 199811
>>199758I just want to laugh and have a good time without worrying about getting reported for not being nice enough to men (including trannies)
Anonymous 199812
>>199792they probably do end up peaking but retain the tiktok/twitter zoomer moral highground mentality a lot of young, terminally online radfems have. so they act like they’re using lolcow in a woke way and they’re sooo much better than people who just want to laugh at cows acting retarded. in a radtwt server i used to be in someone said lolcow is a feminist imageboard for laughing at men kek
Anonymous 199814
>>199783as a shoutout to its original purpose/its origins.
>>199786cc feels too cutesy and nice for me
Anonymous 199815
If CC and LC banned all talk about men whatsoever (aside from male cows like onision) we'd have a lot less moids on our sites I think
I go to women only spaces to talk to other women only to find out so many of them just want to talk about men it's grim
Anonymous 199816

>the /w/ /meta/ campers not camping in /meta/ wondering where lolcor is
Anonymous 199817
>>199799GC users aren't the problem, the issue is the radfems who come from twitter, not so much the older ones.
>>199812>retain the tiktok/twitter zoomer moral highground mentality a lot of young, terminally online radfems have. so they act like they’re using lolcow in a woke way and they’re sooo much better than people who just want to laugh at cows acting retardedThis is exactly who we should be aiming to get rid of, thank you for phrasing this way better than I could.
Anonymous 199818
>>199790I do prefer the development from troon and scrote accepting to troon and manhate. I'm just sick and tired of people still acting like the only way the board could have anything of that, would be if they are twitterfags or redditfags. Acting like it's completely impossible that oldfags changed. Oldmin already claimed that over 4 years ago, now people claim it happened in the last year. Ironically enough it are the newfags from TikTok who are treating it like just a female version of 4chan and then shout at oldfags for not constantly foaming at the mouth and sometimes being nice to each other.
Anonymous 199819
>>199814as an imageboard it is what its anons make it be. if lolcow anons take it over then it will no longer be as cutesy and nice, for better or the worse.
Anonymous 199820
>>199720the dns wasn’t a propagation issue
Anonymous 199821
>>199818yeah, I'd even take all the radblr and radtwt spergs, as annoying as they are, over actual chromosomelets such as trannies, robots or /pol/fags
Anonymous 199822
>>199815i agree. i don't want to have the same discussion about fucking scrotes being fucked up for the 500th time. we know, that's why we're here. /ot/ used to be a chill place and now every other thread is "men r fucked up".
Anonymous 199823
>>199822we should have Pinkpill containment threads when/if Lc is back. I think it could help. or at least have 2x be accessible
Anonymous 199825
>>199782I remember this too. I think we were in the same thread.
Anonymous 199826
>>199818Keep being in denial, but there's a reason why the twitterfag thing keeps coming up. Look at all of the phone camera 180p pics
>>199775 this anon took the time to post, there is a massive wave of new users coming from some of the worst parts of normalfag internet whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
>>199821IMO it's a question of numbers, if there are a few of either group of tards then they can be managed but the radtwt users are now a large number of the users.
Anonymous 199827
>>199822Yeah, all the social media watch threads are nothing but retards who crawl reddit and twitter and youtube comments until find some retarded moid take buried in the trash pile to screenshot and post and be in hysterics about how it makes them nauseous and men this and men that bla bla fuck off this isn't interesting or funny and it's every freaking thread now.
Anonymous 199828
>>199827do you think this is a good reason that nu-cow was a blank slate? We could have started over. I wish we had townhalls to talk about this stuff but alas
Anonymous 199829
>>199827It's just a depressing circlejerk. Misery loves company I guess. At least most cows are funny. Being reminded of evil and gross men isn't anything.
Anonymous 199830
>>199827Exactly, I understand the manhate and went trhough that phase myself but it just gets boring after a while, which is why some degree of separation would be a good idea. Maybe a containment zone or something idk, but the current situation isn't sustainable in the long run.
Anonymous 199831
>>199782I've been saying that we've had a lot of weird newfags for 2 months straight now. It was getting unbearable. Hoping this downtime deters them from visiting kek
Anonymous 199832
>>199826nta but they're on basically all the boards. /w/ especially is flooded with them. sjw libfems on basically every thread over there. cows post about us on tiktok constantly same with zoomers on twitter who are pro 4chan for some reason?
Anonymous 199833
>>199827honestly it's because if they roasted those moids in the comments of their own posts on those respective platforms they'd get insta-banned for saying anything mean about any Y chromosome haver. sucks that it has to be like this but there still needs to be a space to just shit on men without some tranny janny wagging his finger at you at best or doxxing you at worst for it
Anonymous 199834
>>199822What else do you expect from a predominantly woman only space retard
Anonymous 199835
>>199826and the majority of normalfag zoomers are TRA's who think it's a place to be edgy like on 4chan, so why would you think it would mainly be manhate enjoyers?
Anonymous 199836
>>199778This would only apply if the entire website is just /snow/. But the reality is radfem anons have their selected cows and spend their time on the other boards too if they want to talk about radfem topics and they are free to do so there.
>b-but the mtf threadYes, the one thread where their input can be valuable since trannies are just misogynists anyway.
Anonymous 199837
>>199758>a site for radfems to moralfag and make serious posts and a site for people who just want to laugh and have a good time.i agree, but sadly i think the era of laughing at lolcows hit its peak in the 2010's and has been dying a slow and painful death for the past 10 or so years. this to me is the crux of the issue. it isn't really about two groups on the site fighting exclusively but two different generations of individuals who grew up with different net cultures fighting for power. there's a general tension all over the internet now with old fags who grew up with web 2.0 netiquette, laughing at retards, and having personal freedom outside of corporate interests, to this newer gen who are used to inclusive culture and net politics. these are all things web users who are older than 25 were actively discouraged against so it's hard for us to integrate with people who take trolling personally and are unable to separate their individuality from whatever digital personas they've created on social media. i call this the gentrification of the internet, as we're basically being forced out of our communities by people who don't really understand what made those communities great in the first place.
Anonymous 199838
>>199827>wah wah why are you making fun of men instead of women?Bitch make your own posts if you don't like what anons post. /snow/ is filled with ugly anachans and expired sex workers who mock other anachans and sex workers, normal women wouldn't nitpick onlyfan girls' bodies like you do.
Anonymous 199839
>>199834So as women we are only limited to talking about men and acting like schoolmarms? You just failed the bechdel test retard
Anonymous 199840
>>199837Wow I couldn't have said it better. It does truly feel like this, not just on LC but everywhere now
Anonymous 199842
>>199838Any time an anon brings up what normal people do it's so pointless. Normal people don't browse imageboards to begin with so what even is your point.
Anonymous 199844
also, it's nice to talk about this stuff without schizos and the rage tards being up yet
Anonymous 199845
>>199838we also have male lolcow threads. the anons who have the free time to look up men on reddit being awful humans should devote that time to something productive. like therapy kek. it's obsessive, and most farmers are autists, so it makes sense, but those of us who aren't autists don't give a fuck about randos.
Anonymous 199847
>Pinkpill content drives away all of the men who aren't persistent trolls
this is extremely naive to the point of stupidity.
Anonymous 199848
>>199837Great post.
I love that I can be raw and direct and rude online and not have to think about social rules and etiquette, but the new generation of posters care about nothing but form and does the whole "zealot enforcing social norms" people went to the internet to escape in the first place.
Like if you want to cuddle BPD chans and cure them of their suffering with your endless love and care go ahead, but I will make fun of them and call you a fool, and I should be allowed to.
Anonymous 199849
>>199845>should devote that time to something productivecould this not also be said about those who have the free time to keep up with lolcows, male or female?
Anonymous 199850
>>199839Way to miss the point entirely kek
Anonymous 199852
the gyaru threads in /w/ were basically all twitter/insta/tiktokfags, they seemed completely separated from lc culture. made no effort to integrate because the thread was full of others who spoke like them. i think there were only a few native users itt because the discussion happening in it was so retarded and dry that no one cared
Anonymous 199854
>>199837i'm a zoomer, not trying to be "different" or anything, but i agree with you, i just wanted you to know that there are younger internet users who feel the same way that you do. it's sad but maybe people who want a more authentic internet experience will someday be able to build our own system or something idk i'm computer illiterate but you get what i mean.
Anonymous 199855
they don't make cows like they used to anymore…
Anonymous 199857
>>199854You don't need to "not all zoomers!" we know
Anonymous 199859
>>199837it's because the internet has got too big and too important and also too centralized that the line between internet and real life is blurring to the point of disappearance, it's harder and harder to keep your "internet self" and "real life self" separate
Anonymous 199860
>>199842Unlike /snow/-chans a lot of anons are normal women who use the website to vent or talk about stuff without getting judged. A lot of us tend to complain about men, social or financial issues while anachans, neets, pickmes and discount onlyfans girlies are the ones who want to make fun of "cows", aka women who they deem unworthy, to cope with their own sad existences.
Like ok. We both know average anon is autistic but even autistic women wouldn't spend hours in the thread of a sexworker, analyzing her body to nitpick her like a moid.
Anonymous 199862
>>199852can I ask what the issue with /w/ was? I remember when all the cows were in /snow/, and when they split /w/ seemed so messed up, to the point they'd be in /meta/ every day arguing
Anonymous 199863
>>199849There's degrees of wasting time. Specifically spending your days crawling the internet for things that make you mad is probably one of the worst ways to spend your life.
Anonymous 199864
>>199848>does the whole "zealot enforcing social norms" people went to the internet to escape in the first placeExactly, it's what makes it all the more suffocating when it happens on places like LC because it was supposed to be an escape from all that bullshit.
Anonymous 199865
>>199849cows are slightly different. they're trying to be mini celebrities and the threads are more about chronicling their behavior, easier to lurk too. anyone lurking in a thread full of reddit faggot posts to rage about men has something severely wrong with them. and the pinkpill shit has brought out insane anons like romanianon who wouldn't have ever felt comfortable enough to post there.
Anonymous 199866
>>199861There was a retard in the Jake Munro thread recently who said there was nothing wrong with being trans and got rightfully shit on, wonder if it's the same person
Anonymous 199868
>>199852yeah I remember popping into the threads every so often out of curiosity and being surprised at the lack of integration and sheer level of infighting there. the gyaru threads are a godless land though they don't seem to have much to talk about so no wonder they spend their time taking potshots at each other
Anonymous 199869
>>199845>devote that time to something productive. like therapyTake that advice yourself girl. Posting pictures of random women and nitpicking them for hours is way more obsessive than complaining about men being sexist - which is something a lot of normal women do complain about.
Anonymous 199870
>>199837this is a great post, you put into words what i’ve been noticing but didn’t know how to identify.
the golden era of the internet where you could do what you wanted and actually have fun is so dead. it must be generational, and it’s so weird that zoomers are so strict about moralfagging on the internet when you’d think they’d have turned out the opposite way bc they grew up with unlimited exposure to all this information. and how they willingly sacrificed their anonymity for the convenience of apps like tiktok. they can do that if they want but they feel the need to gentrify our spaces too and think they’re improving it and it’s really frustrating
also i think these newfags don’t even find cows funny, i think they genuinely are fans of them and like keeping up with them (like the 14 year old edtwt kids who stan lucinda) so the idea of using lolcow to well… laugh… is foreign to them
Anonymous 199871
>>199860Once again
>normal women>on imageboards Normal women do not go on imageboards, but this is just a repeat of the discussion a few days ago. If you're rolling with pigs…
Anonymous 199872
>>199775>pageIs she talking about kiwifarms?
Anonymous 199873
>>199862nta but /snow/ and /w/ split because /snow/ farmers were bitching about weebshit, even though weebshit gets posted there all the time and /w/ has random shit that doesn't belong there as well
Anonymous 199874
>>199865romanianon is just a different breed of a standard schizo camwhore, lc has had its fair share of those since its inception
Anonymous 199875
>>199869you sound new as fuck. i wish /ot/ got nuked.
Anonymous 199876
>>199872Probably, she's just a retarded newfag after all kek
Anonymous 199877
>>199869I think both are annoying but idk why you'd use lolcow if you don't like lolcow culture, it's literally in the site's name ffs
Anonymous 199878
>>199862as far as i know, there's just not a lot of milk coming from the cows in /w/ anymore. with the gyaru thread specifically, the cows being talked about would post screenshots of lc posts made about them onto their social media pages as a sort of "lol haydurs so obsessed wit me" thing, leading their followers to lc when they probably had never heard of it before then. the same thing happened with the egirl thread. maybe there was more to it but if there is then i'm unaware of it
Anonymous 199879
>>199873i've noticed most threads on /w/ outside of a handful of threads are just people dragging their personal circle dramas that they were once a part of out on display
should have just made a vendetta board at that point at least it would be funnier instead of "so and such slightly wronged me one time in a twitter dm"
Anonymous 199880
>>199874she still feels more comfortable to post there now. and you're right, spoony was responsible for like 60% of all posts back in the day at one point.
Anonymous 199881
>>199871However much you argue with me, I'll still think you're as bad as a pornsick man if you spend an hour of your day staring at a naked cows body even if your intention is to mock her.
You can tell yourself anons complaining about their relationships or asking for hair advice are as mental as you if that makes you feel better about yourself - but you'd be lying.
Anonymous 199882
>>199869They're both on the same level, but one of them stays in their part of the site while the other colonizes every thread with its tiresome noise.
Anonymous 199883
>>199878I feel like this is from all of the cows recently even fatshatna. I was a shaynafag but she became so boring. Just same shit new skin everytime. She's not really different from other camwhores
Anonymous 199884
>>199881You're complaining about something that the whole site is dedicated to. Even if non-cow boards exist, the cow boards have and will always be the main purpose of the site. If you don't like that then leave.
Anonymous 199885
>>199879exactly, that's why the threads there are so boring, it's literally just interpersonal dramu for the most part with the exception of the jill thread
Anonymous 199886
>>199878>as far as i know, there's just not a lot of milk coming from the cows in /w/ anymorei think there’s just not a lot coming from any cows anymore. i don’t know the last time a cow did something really memorable and funny
Anonymous 199887
>>199874I love Romanianon so much, I wish she had a thread.
I was in the process of compiling her posts but then I didn't have time for half a year and now I don't remember the lore anymore.
Anonymous 199888
>>199878the generals there are the worst. full of sjws, twitterfags, selfposters. and people who get posted there post about lolcow on twitter and tiktok constantly. it's also full of newfags who alog other anons telling them to integrate.
Anonymous 199889
>>199875I'm not new but spending years on an imageboard being something you brag about just makes me more sure you need therapy.
Anonymous 199890
Maybe I’ll stay here I’m tired of the Twitterfags,
Anonymous 199891
>they feel the need to gentrify our spaces too and think they’re improving it and it’s really frustrating
That's the most frustrating part, that they keep insisting that the internet and lc are so much better than they were before, that everything is so much more cozy and safe uwuw
Anonymous 199892
>>199881nta but you sound mentally challenged.
Anonymous 199894
>>199881somethign about the tone of this anon just screams newfag, i wish i could pinpoint what it is.
Anonymous 199895
>goes on lolcow.farm
>complains about people shitting on lolcows
What the fuck did you expect?
Anonymous 199896
>>199889using lolcow to laugh at ebegging weebs during downtime at work is not as unhinged as scouring reddit for posts by literally whos to make yourself depressed but you keep doing you.
Anonymous 199897
>>199884I'm not complaining about the cow boards, I'm complaining about anawhores and cheap e-whores, aka minicows, whose only activity is nitpicking and blogposting on the snow without contributing anything worthy to the thread whatsoever.
Anonymous 199898

tfw I both enjoy reading manhate (I don't have the energy to post about it) and reading about all kinds of cows but I mostly post about random shit in /ot/ and /m/ and never engage in the former two topics
jack of all trades
Anonymous 199899
at this point all the /ot/fags might as well move to crystal cafe for good, isn't this why it was created in the first place?
Anonymous 199900
>>199860you what, anon? Yes, you can hear the rattling down the hall from the ana-chan threads and the e-thot and Shayna and certain other threads are filled with their competition, everyone knows this, but those are not the only sorts of cows that there are to follow, there are a lot more interesting ones with audiences that aren't just hating a part of themselves. If you have to put "cows" in quotes though, why even go on lolcow? Yes, because it is the only real female space, I get it, but how about not judging the whole basis and origin of the site.
Anonymous 199901
>>199896I don't understand anons like that, why be reminded of evil people out there in the world when you can do nothing about it? It's only purpose is to depress you.
Anonymous 199902
>>199896The anon I replied to was complaining about lolcow users posting stuff negative about men. What you're saying is besides the point and if it makes you happy, you can of course keep doing it.
Anonymous 199903
>>199899NO holy shit PLEASE DON'T /ot/ users are the most retarded ones, all the twitterfags live on there.
Anonymous 199904
>>199891I dunno, I think there are plenty of nice anons, there's of course spergs who are definitely louder than everyone else, but LC doesn't feel "nicer" to me. I miss how it was when there was Dolph Lundgren in the male threads, I've mentioned it before that LC had a different vibe then. Most of the men in the men threads are like Jerma or other ugly ass streamers kek but you can tell it's twitterfag zoomers posting more now.
Anonymous 199905
>>199899/ot/ is where you can become the cow, it's a very important board
Anonymous 199906
>>199886>>199883yup you're both right, i check in on cows from time to time but it's always the same shit, different day. i think that /w/ is just especially rife with people who have been obsessed with the same cows for like a decade and refuse to give up on them despite them doing nothing of interest for years. the jvloggers thread comes to mind, a bunch of weeb n0nnas who have an eternal hateboner because they think they should be the ones living their nippon dreams. i dont follow that thread much so disregard this if there's actual milk going on there, but i haven't seen that myself.
Anonymous 199907
Wow this thread truly went to shit, you can tell people fall for stupid trolls so easily.
Anonymous 199910
>>199885Jill should be welcomed onto /snow/, the thread of whats her slut the camgirl who sold her bathwater should be nuked from orbit because of all the other male simps, most of the rest of /w/ could be joined into a couple megathreads or left to die on the vine. JMO.
Anonymous 199911
>>199902There should be a board dedicated to man hate… but that would attract men. I'm just tired of reading about it because it's pointless. Just makes me angry and sad why would I want to feel that way. I just want a female only space without any man talk I'm sick of men and I'm sick of being reminded of them everywhere especially by other women, I literally can't get away from them.
Anonymous 199912
>>199904kek and sorry for the random dolph mention that's just something that sticks in the back of my mind where when he was posted it felt different for sure
Anonymous 199914
Is it bad I only use lolcow for /g/? It feels like I'm at a sleepover talking to all my girlfriends and I love it. I miss it so much n0nnies.
Anonymous 199915
>>199911There's a hidden board but it's very inactive. You can hide the threads that have manhate if it triggers you this hard.
Anonymous 199916
As a longtime farmer, my milk just has been sour. All my favourite lolcows turned into horrorcows. It takes the joy out of the work. That is why I prefer to relax at /ot/ so I can forget about my diseased herd. I admire and envy anyone who managed to keep healthy livestock and still finds joy in farming. I can't stand this slander against all ot-fags. Where else am I supposed to put my retardation?
Anonymous 199917
>>199914no nony I don't think so. It's a free site do whatever you want.
Anonymous 199918
>>199914personally I can't stand /g/ I mostly hang out in /snow/ and /ot/ but that's why /g/ and /ot/ aren't the same board, glad you have your comfy space and I have mine … and so it should be! I am surprised to hear how many n0nnies are strictly either offtopic or cow board users and hate on the other. I love my threads on both sides of the site.
Anonymous 199919
>>199915That's not possible because they colonize every thread.
Anonymous 199920
>>199908n0nnas actullay believing when someone said oldmin owened that neocities
Anonymous 199921

>>199822>bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere" because anons dared to have 3 threads where they could freely hate men>admin makes extra board for it because you couldn't use the hide function and it becomes active since the demand is there>still bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere">admin closes board for you even when the majority was evidently against that>still bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere">admin closes radfem thread>still bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere">admin closes pp thread>still bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere">admin closes gc thread>still bitch about "radfems leaking everywhere">said "radfems" now have nowhere to go since the retarded assumption they were redditors and twitterfags were wrong>fast forward to 2022>"radfems" now actually successfully leaked everywhere with most of lolcow becoming gc/pp in the processYou got exactly what you deserve.
Anonymous 199922
>>199920pls dont summon the schizoposters
Anonymous 199924
>>199915Then I would have to hide every single thread. Anons talk about men in pretty much every single thread. That's why I'm complaining.
Anonymous 199925
>>199914not bad at all, it's great that you have a place on the internet where you feel comfy, that can be hard to find these days. i don't use /g/ much but i don't have any negative feelings towards it
Anonymous 199927
>>199919Just hide the reddit hate thread. Getting this upset at stuff you see online really isn't healthy.
Anonymous 199929
>>199921Nah a lot of radfems are definitely twitterfags. Radtwitter is only growing in size.
Anonymous 199930
>>199926nayrt but I think they meant IHM who is an actual true and honest woman (?) I think
Anonymous 199931
>>199927The reddit thread is dedicated to getting upset at things online. And once again talk about men is in every single damn thread.
Anonymous 199932
>>199898Same kek. (except I occasionally post comments about cows too)
Anonymous 199933
>>199926Context nona, she was talking about ihm kek
Anonymous 199934
>>199424…I was able to access the og lolcow site a second ago,cant get to it anymore wtf?
Anonymous 199935
>>199927How about you stop posting your shit where it doesn't belong instead?
Anonymous 199936
>>199921Just make your own fucking site holy shit. IDK why radfems haven't done this yet, you have the numbers and there are lots of radfems who are STEM oriented and could easily make an IB. Not all of us want to see your sperging, cope and seethe.
Anonymous 199938
>>199921With the amount of men and trannies currently on both sites, I assume feminist haters who complain about women hating men instead of tearing apart other women are either trannies or men.
Anonymous 199939
>>199929you seem very knowledgeable about it
Anonymous 199940
>>199878Even the threads that used to be enjoyable (at least to me) like the lolita thread has degraded into circlejerking autism and infighting about nothing. even the "parasol papers" weren't very entertaining because none of the people dragged into it were true cows. There are no true lolita cows anymore, just vendettaposting
Anonymous 199944
>>199936You could make a site for handmaidening, but it would be redundant and you clearly only have a useless lib arts degree so you are incapable
Anonymous 199946
>>199886There was the Keffals drama ig
Anonymous 199947
>>199936No, because they're farmers and you are the one who has to cope woth it.
Anonymous 199948
>>199938How about we complain about neither men or women and just talk about our hobbies and interests with other women where do women like us go
Anonymous 199949
>>199940yeah that shit was boring. everyone knows lolitas are bitchy and talk shit about each other, idk why anons were so hyped about seeing "receipts" of it
Anonymous 199950
>>199946even that is mostly Kiwi's thing though
Anonymous 199951
>>199937Neither site works for me, even after clearing my cache.
Anonymous 199952
>>199938Same. The ones originally pushing it on meta definitely were at least half moids with ulterior motives.
Anonymous 199953
>>199935I don't use the reddit thread but ok delulu-chan.
>>199936Nta but you seem to be the one seething, kek.
>>199948/snow/hores will hate this idea of yours, nonita.
Anonymous 199954
>>199948>p-please don't talk about how awful moids areNo.
Anonymous 199957
>>199955Anons complain about men for the same reason other anons seethe in the cow threads.
Anonymous 199958
>>199881literally proof that it's radfags and not otfags who wander into snow and whine about posters being misogynist because they criticized a woman's body
>>199916same. ot is for those whose cows ran out of milk but still like lc
Anonymous 199959
>>199955Because they literally rape and kill multiple of us on an hourly basis? And you don’t think we should talk a little shit?
Anonymous 199961
>>199955people need to vent and there's not a lot of places on the internet where you can complain about moids without them showing up and ruining it kek
Anonymous 199962
>>199921Driving away regular posters by spamming your garbage to a nauseating degree is not the own you seem to think it is. You're exactly like poltards. They start to post a little and have their own thread and then they post on other boards and soon you can't open any thread without seeing the nword and jew sperging and the site dies. That's literally what you do.
Anonymous 199964
>>199959This is such retard reasoning. Fuck off with your braindead hysterics.
Anonymous 199965
>>199959What does just talking about it do? Why would I want to talk about people raping and killing others?
Anonymous 199966
terf-farm (1).png

>>199958I'm a huge TERF personally, even have
gasp a radtwt account, but I love cow threads and radfems
> who wander into snow and whine about posters being misogynist because they criticized a woman's bodyshould be mercilessly bullied
Anonymous 199967
>>199962this, and this is exactly why the pinkpill threads were shut down in the first place. not to mention the fact that it literally didn't work at all and moids raided those specific threads 24/7, which stopped after the closing.
Anonymous 199968
>>199961There isn't. But on the flip side, there's no true women only spaces
without that. Not even my own friendship group.
Anonymous 199970
>>199958I'm not a radfem because I don't believe all women suffer the same way. I only use ot or g. Keep coping though, maybe your hundreth time complaining about a woman's body will fix your body dysmorphia. The same sex workers who called cows fat turned out to be double their weight, I'm sure the case is similar with you.
Anonymous 199972
>>199955Because i love seeing nönnas discussing it, it's mind opening sometimes.
Anonymous 199973
>>199966i mean i'd say i'm gender critical because i don't believe trannies are women, but that's just common sense. but i'm not a "radical feminist" either
Anonymous 199974
>>199971This is another thing that sucks about anonymous supoosed to be women-only spaces. You disagree with me then you're a moid/troon. Also pointless.
Anonymous 199975

don't fall for the male and tranny posts and the posts that say they hate nonn4s.
Anonymous 199976
>>199962except men as a group do deserve the hatred
Anonymous 199979
>>199959Men as a whole are a big horrorcow
Anonymous 199980
>>199964You seriously need mental help. Women complaining about men abusing them makes you this mad? Even average men are more understanding towards women complaining about abuse and such than you are.
Anonymous 199982
after you're already redpilled on y chromosoids, obsessing over what demons they are beyond that is only going to blackpill you/make you severely depressed and mentally ill i.e. no fun to be around. I left /ot/ because that's all people were doing between unfunny shitposts.
Anonymous 199984
i hate the phrase cope and seethe now holy fucking robots everywhere. just reading the thread now after dinner and getting angry at the lack of good comebacks anons have nevermind whether i agree with them or not it just pisses me off
Anonymous 199985
>>199982Same here. Yeah I know men are awful people and because of that I don't want to talk about them. I just want to be happy away from them. But I can't.
Anonymous 199988
>>199982I agree with this nony. It made me really depressed irl honestly always being hypervigilant about men can be really exhausting. ( I have my own trauma with men already as well) We can also focus on togetherness with women instead and better things. We should always be able to vent about them but the blackpill is rough
Anonymous 199990
>>199982same, it's so weird
>i hate men, men are trash, etc>LOOK AT THE FUCKED UP SHIT THIS MAN DID!!! GUYS LOOK!it's like some twisted form of obsession. that's why subreddits like r/fourthwavewomen creep me out, i feel like it's just another form of trauma porn psyop marketed to women to make them paralyzed and afraid
Anonymous 199991
>>199988I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way, I'm sorry anon. I just need a female only friendship group.
Anonymous 199993
I wish the other threads on this site weren't so dead. I want to talk about other things here while waiting for LC to be up for everyone, but this is the only one with active discussion.
Anonymous 199994
>>199982No, I feel pretty fine hating men. It helped me being way more assertive and blunt with them irl.
Anonymous 199997
>>199993im gonna go personally bump every recent thread till i get lazy now cuz u said this
Anonymous 199999
I swear I feel like I'm insane. I don't mind manhate but I never ever post about it, yet I post on lc daily. Where do you s post where manhate completely kills any other conversation and it's impossible to talk about anything else?
Am I just that unbothered and seemingly the only person that can peacefully coexist with everyone except weight spergs and twitterfags?
Anonymous 200002
>>199994Nta and good for you but I don't get that at all. When I am reminded of rape and femicide it does nothing but depress me. It's a problem I cannot solve and I cannot avoid men entirely, so I'm just reminded of bad things constantly. Feels very counterproductive.
Anonymous 200003
>>199954This is all bullshit. Complaining about people bitxhing about people in the reddit thread meant for bitching. Ot is off topic. If whole want to talk about 50% of the pollution in the correct threads let us. Now radfems have to make our own site? That's some true Twitter shit. "We don't like what you are saying so make your own space!" No. The space we are in is made for conversion if YOU don't like it then hide the thread or create conversation you want to see. You won't because the issue is bitching about men/radfems which is what you don't want to see talked about at all.
I see through all of this
Anonymous 200004
>>199970i don't even post in snow you projecting faggot, it literally says in the post i'm an otfag
Anonymous 200005
>>200003Didn't mean to add the x to bitching , typing while fat with fat fingers sorry
Anonymous 200006
>>199995nta but i did and there hasn't been a response in like 3 days on different threads… am i cursed…
Anonymous 200010
>>199999They're not nonas they're men who are mad lolcow isn't as accepting of them as crystal cafe is. Crystal Cafe users are like %40 men proven on a poll done on here.
Anonymous 200012
>>200006To be fair CC was getting raided pretty badly almost everyday, with CP, gore, and some soychan posters. It was like everyday. The site seemed slow to begin with and a lot of users probably dropped off bc of the spam
Anonymous 200013
>>200006It's just a slow site. Lolcow and most social media sites are so fast moving I think a lot of anons aren't used to not getting a response almost instantly. The internet is crazy. We have to protect our dopamine receptors.
Anonymous 200014
>>200006that's just how this site is, dead, but we can try to revive it or at least i will
Anonymous 200017
>>200010Lolcow also has a high percentage of male posters, there was a lolcow poll too but I didn't save it of any anon has it pls post
Anonymous 200018
>>199962The radfems are regular posters no matter how much you cope about it. I'm happy you got what you deserved.
Anonymous 200019
>>199999They just don't want it talked about. This thread has been infected with bullshit lately.
Anonymous 200021
>>199994I'm not saying "hating men bad." I'm saying constantly reading about awful things men do like rapes, murders, and other forms of abuse against women is terrible for your mental health, it makes you feel completely hopeless. speaking from experience, the most depressed I ever felt in my life was when I was actively browsing pinkpill threads. it's better to just keep the hate passive and avoid them/thinking about them.
Anonymous 200023
>>200017it's not a "poll" it's an automated website that does some determination of the supposed sex of the userbase, based off writing style, and the imageboard style and language probably skews it immensely and confuses it to think we are 60% moids or whatever
Anonymous 200024
>>199999No, it's just trannies/moids seething about having to hide now.
Anonymous 200026
>>200021I feel the same as you anon. For my own happiness I have to step away. I think you'd have to be desensitised for it not to be bad for your mental health. It's like reading the news everyday but only the bad news. I don't understand it.
It made me feel completely hopeless because it
is completely hopeless. There's not much we can do. I donate to women only shelters and plan to volunteer in some in the future and that's the best I can do.
Anonymous 200027
>>200023what is the "moid typing style"? i saw a lot of n0nnys in the other threads say they thought IHM was a moid
Anonymous 200028
>>200017iirc it's not a poll it was a random site that collects data when browsing and creates graphs from that data. Meaning it's bullshit, because nonas probably got flagged for being male for browsing some not typically female dominated websites.
Anonymous 200029
If you dont like men being hated on just ignore the posts thay say they hate men, only men get angry at women hating men lmao
Anonymous 200030
>>200027Also I'm pretty sure the userbase demographic thing on LC said it was mostly male because of the mentions of Males. It doesn't seem like it can go off anything else since LC is anonymous
Anonymous 200031
>>200027there is no such thing really, it's just an AI making deductions based on patterns from other sites
Anonymous 200033
>>199860lol you are no better than anyone else who uses LC, get a grip
Anonymous 200034
>>200029Kinda hard not to read something that's in your face everywhere.
With this logic I could just tell you that if you don't like men don't read anything from men.
Anonymous 200036
>>200021I get what you mean, but then it's our responsibility to take a break (or visit another thread). Anons shouldn't hold back just because the reality is awful.
Anonymous 200038
>>200024Moids complaining will always sound like 6 year old kids and it's literally so funny. They've been shitting themselves because reddit hate thread is making fun of men. Reddit hate thread isn't even that grim either, they're currently making fun of men who treat "real dolls" like their wives, sprinkle water in their plastic faces to pretend they're coming home from gym and roleplay with them lmao.
Anonymous 200039
>>200027well on that site I mean it uses an algorithm to try to guess sex, and there's a decent amount of research into that about how certain writing styles (technical writing, etc) come off as "male", and it isn't a stretch to think that imageboard lingo triggers the algorithm too.
IHM on the other hand was being called scrotish because she was making unhinged threats and insulting the way a man does which is not surprising because she has been in male-centric imageboard circles for like 15 years and is a massive pickme
Anonymous 200040
>>200025>Why are you finding things about men on reddit to be mad about?Bitch that's the reddit thread it's about talking about how shit reddit is.
>they need to make their own sites It's all bullshit. Ot isn't like how they are projecting I legit feel it's men/women from other sites who don't like seeing men spoken about badly at all.
And get mad about any manhate even when relevant. So we can nitpick our mostly female cows to death but lord forbid we talk about men? We can hate sex workers and pick mes, but lord forbid we vent about men?
Anonymous 200043
>>200036Nta but the problem is the >vist another thread.
It is in almost every thread. Even the fucking genshin thread. Can't even talk about a stupid game.
So yeah then I just walk away but it still leaves me in a sour mood because how could reading horrible things not?
Anonymous 200045

I didn't see if this banner got added but it should be
Anonymous 200046
>>200028hide the posts
>>200035this applies to yourself too you know
Anonymous 200047
Anyone else feels depressed today? idk, Christmas just has that effect on me, Halloween was a blast this year but xmas always makes me feel like shit
Anonymous 200048
>>200043Nta but visit another website or just use Crystal Cafe which has %40 male and %30 tranny userbase then.
Anonymous 200049
>>200046nayrt I'm
>>200035 I just thought it was a funny meme
Anonymous 200053
>>200029Apparently it's in every thread aka they go to the vet thread and see s venting about their men. Or they go to reddit hate and surprise to surprise men are saying the dumbest shit on popular subreddits. Instead of posting what they want to see they want us to stop posting about men. It's almost as if that's the goal. To shut down all negative conversations on men, but talk shit about other women/female cows and anything else
They want men to be a banned topic. Notice male image boards don't do that shit, but we just can't talk about men hmmmm
Anonymous 200054
>>200048>visit another websiteWhich ones?
>or just use Crystal Cafe which has %40 male and %30 tranny userbase then.Anon my problem is that I don't like men to the point where I don't even want to read about them. Why would you think this is a solution.
Anonymous 200055

>>200047I did fuckall for Christmas, whole family didn't care to celebrate it. I have nothing to do.
Anonymous 200056
>>200054You want a website where you're the only man but don't want them to hate men. No such website exists.
Anonymous 200057
>>200053this, why do they want hating men to be banned on a women's space but do not want hatred towards women banned on male spaces? they should be congruent, men bitch about women way more intensely on 4chan.
Anonymous 200058
>>200055Christmas is already over for you? It's the Eve here.
I'm supposed to be cooking for my family already, but the pipes are froze so no water.
Anonymous 200059
>>200026100% agreed there anon, power to ya
>>200036they won't because it's addictive in a way. once you fall down the blackpill rabbit hole it's difficult to get out, and when you have a community with so many people like that they end up dragging more and more members down with them until the whole community takes on this sad, agressive tone.
Anonymous 200060
>>200056Yeah here come the moid accusations, great
Anonymous 200061
>>200058I doubt tomorrow will be different, or I would have to pull the most desperate move and try to find a date with another desperate person
Anonymous 200062
>>200059samefag, and like the other reply said it when there are so many blackpillers it makes the stuff nearly impossible to avoid for those of us who do want to leave it behind
Anonymous 200063
>>200054So what the fuck are we able to do about that? Damn, do we have to change because YOU have a issue? Are you incapable of trying to start conversations you want to have on the site?
Anonymous 200064
>>200057Men have the whole internet to themselves. Women have barely any women only spaces.
Anonymous 200065
>>200060I didn't call anyone a man in my post
Anonymous 200066
>>200058kek burger nonathan? we're snowed in here which is why I'm spending my tiume on cc till its christmas tomorrow
Anonymous 200069
>>200063>Are you incapable of trying to start conversations you want to have on the site?I do but I don't get many replies and they die quick. I just want female friends. I don't know why you're so mad at me.
Anonymous 200071
this thread got dumb and hateful, and not fun. Bye n0nnies
Anonymous 200072
>>200065>You want a website where you're the only man?
Anonymous 200076
>>200069You cant make friends on an anonymous image board.
Anonymous 200092
>>200072you're replying to the wrong person retard
Anonymous 200103
>>200092No I'm not, she said that in her post before
Anonymous 200109

This thread is not fun anymore where did the other Arias posting anon go I miss her
Anonymous 200117
>>200109You guys are avatarfagging at this point
Anonymous 200129
>>200117This is my 3rd post to this website and the first one with an image attached to it you retard