bunker thread 14.g…

LC Bunker Thread #14 Anonymous 280053
A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.
Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:
>>>/b/276304Our home has been inaccessible for
over 24 hours at this point.
There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
Anonymous 280063
>>280049I'm not homophobic, I'm just a fujo.
Anonymous 280064
5 bunker threads already…. we are the true and honest farmers. Cerbmin will never break our spirit.
Anonymous 280071
Never post about Depeche Mode in the Goth Praising thread. Worst mistake of my life.
Anonymous 280072
2 minutes in between posts is too long where is everyone
Anonymous 280077
>>280074Why… why God why…. if Lolcor is gone at least let me be with my nonas please God please
Anonymous 280078
Almost 26 hours with no lolcor
Anonymous 280079
>>280075What's everyone having for dinner?
I had fried chicken and taters.
Anonymous 280080

n0nnies i miss the oldweb thread… i loved logging on to make fun of gendies being retarded
Anonymous 280082
>>280053i can’t drive and don’t have money to get one anywY so im waiting to get picked up from work it’s been an hour already but I cant complain
Anonymous 280083
please admin make your limit more than 500 posts it's preposterous
Anonymous 280084
what things you like would get you called a scrote on lolcow? for me its
>military songs
>some anime i like, like uma musume
>3edgy5u games like postal
Anonymous 280085
>>280065Yes. I used to listen to Screw while walking to class lol
Anonymous 280086
>>280079I'll probably have green beans and sausage rolls
Anonymous 280087
>>280083I would normally tell you to stfu because we're already invading their space but I do think the regular users would prefer it if we didn't keep creating tons of threads. Idk how imageboards work behind the scenes, but maybe it would be possible to increase the post limit for a single thread?
Anonymous 280089
>>280086I love green beans but I hope you blanche them
Anonymous 280090
>>280088For the story or the eroge aspect? some eroges have legit good plots
Anonymous 280092
>>280087Admin of CC has been MIA for 2 years at this point. I don't think she's even aware this is going on kek.
Anonymous 280093
>>280089How else would nona eat them? Raw?
Anonymous 280094
tattooed poly sperg is sperging on stories if anyone wants to see them before she dirty deletes
Anonymous 280096
>>280079i ordered a burger, it was cold as shit because it was raining but it was good
Anonymous 280097
>>280093No some freaks don't blanche them though it's creepy and it weirds me out.
Anonymous 280098
>>280079i had scrambled eggs with tomato and tuna drenched in an ungodly amount of english sauce.
Anonymous 280100
>>280079I'm having a nacho dip with tortilla chips
Anonymous 280102
>>280088Are there any with non-anime art styles that are not tumblr art styles?
Anonymous 280103
>>280099This is what I don't get about LC or CC, like if admin doesn't wanna do it anymore why don't they just hand it off to someone who cares? There must be ONE person that uses the site that would be a good admin.
Anonymous 280104
i wish the wayback machine worked for lc so i could catch up on some old threads rn
Anonymous 280106
>>280103CC is sort of known to be moid infested though so I get why it could be a struggle not gonna lie here
Anonymous 280109
>>280107same it is my biggest shame and pleasure
Anonymous 280110

>>280104One tab on my phone didn't refresh so I can still see a glimpse of LC so I keep re reading it but it's a retarded part of the Tinfoil thread not even a good part ugh
Anonymous 280111
I need to make a fursona for my furry larp account where i plan to upload animations to get money from furfags no booly i am a thirdie . Should it be a hyena or something badass like a dragon
Anonymous 280112
>>280084>graphic horror movies>noisy witchhouse music>Nicole Dollanganger and Ethel Cains music>old men (sorry)>>280089I steam them and add a little butter, I'm not good at cooking even simple stuff but I've been learning how to over the past couple years
Anonymous 280113
>>280111I can imagine a dragon would be popular with furfags lol
Anonymous 280114
>>280107Same but boy can my jailbreak cook
Anonymous 280116
>>280111Make it something that is uncommon, but with a few sparkledog colors so furfags are drawn to it regardless
Anonymous 280117
>>280079Had pasta (mini farfalle!!) with pumpkin butternut squash tomato sauce and a LOT of sriracha on top. Going to eat myself sick on fresh strawberries later tho kek
Anonymous 280119

>>280100Tuna mayo with wholegrain krisprolls, some swiss cheese and 1 ovomaltine chocolate bar
Anonymous 280120
i cant eat without my lolcow
Anonymous 280121
>>280094bless you for this. dumb question but are you guys watching her stories shamelessly on your own accounts?
Anonymous 280122

>>280110kekk here's some more reading material for you nona
Anonymous 280123
>>280113>i can imagine a dragoncan you play a cold too
Anonymous 280126
>>280120Me too I'm gonna come out of this looking like Lucinda I'm scared
Anonymous 280127

I’m making chicken curry for dinner what about everyone else?
Anonymous 280128
>>280119awww is that the emma stone kitty
Anonymous 280129
>>280122THANK YOU I saved this so now I can look at it tonight when I get bored of my tab
Anonymous 280131
>>280127eating salami for dinner yurmmy
Anonymous 280135
>>280084>animal taxidermy>unironic interest in ww2 since childhood>shitty rap taste>edgy games Anonymous 280136
>>280132Lol wow really exerted yourself there anon
Anonymous 280137
>>280134Fuck I linked the wrong post. I’m going to stop posting now I am an actual disgrace
Anonymous 280140
>>280135For a second I forgot men taxidermy their kills. All the taxidermists I know are women who preserve specimens for science.
Anonymous 280141
>>280135You sound cool, minus the rap I guess, mostly indifferent to that one
Anonymous 280143
>>280084>strategy games>indulge in coomer-ish yuri (nothing gross)>programmer>stupid Anonymous 280144
>>280084I think almost all the girls they call ugly are hot. anya taylor jones is hot. the boob girl from euphoria is hot. shaygnar was hot.
I actually think null_backdoorho is really cute in the photos that have been posted. not sabrina carpenter's 2024 face shaped entirely out of hyaluronic acid and clown makeup though.
Anonymous 280145
>>280139>spoileryou have a fetish for hairy fat tifs with chopped tits?
Anonymous 280147
>>280144When I was around 13 I thought Sabrina Carpenter was so beautiful and that it wasn’t fair, this was when she was on Girl Meets World. It’s like watching the mean girl you envied deep down in highschool get fat.
Anonymous 280148
>>280084>strategy games>retro games>military shit in general (got called a moid for uniforms and songs)>history autism>model kitsany anime will get you called a scrote in lolcow too kek
Anonymous 280149
>>280145no, but I've only seen the face pics honestly.
Anonymous 280150

>>280144>I actually think null_backdoorho is really cute Anonymous 280152
I got permabanned for no reason, I appealed it and started using a vpn and then mods banned that too. So I started using cell data and they banned me there as well. What the fuck? I just want to bunkerpost with my n0nnies and I can’t. CC has corrupt leadership, I did no wrong.
Anonymous 280154

>>280113My troon ex said picrel was hot once, I should have dumped it right then and there. Thank god I peaked
Anonymous 280156
>>280144>>280150Id date null if she wasnt such a fatass
Anonymous 280157
>>280149She has gorilla arms. I didn’t know testosterone could mess you up that bad.
Anonymous 280159
I hate how I can make myself sick by thinking about being sick.
Anonymous 280163
>>280154nona I have no words how did you date that man
Anonymous 280165
>>280144imo null has really cute facial features in a weird way and has the potential to be cute if she put more work into her appearance. she wasn't on testosterone long enough to destroy it.
Anonymous 280166
>>280084>lesbian>i play eroge, mainly ones that allow character customization. one that let you play as a female having sex with other females specifically duh >chimp out over vidya>autistic over public transportation>programming>openly disgusted by yaoi becuz aids Anonymous 280168
>autistic over public transportation
Well? Are you gonna sperg about it or not?
Anonymous 280169
>>280157>tfw my arms are naturally that hairyWow I sure love being Spanish
Anonymous 280170
>>280154Why does it look like a horse?
>>280161>mainly ones that allow character customization. Some let you play as a female it dependsWhat do you play, the only one I know that fits is dol
Anonymous 280173
>>280156I'd date null if she wasn't terminally straight and a pickme and racist and into as many evil fetishes as possible and also if it was before she trooned out. I could have saved her, I think. I would have showed her exactly what her clit is for.
Anonymous 280174
>>280162Absolutely not, n0nna
>>280163He was hot the first two years, tumblrfag but doable. Then it happened. I’m still recovering
Anonymous 280175
>>280065they're boring and robert smith is annoying as fuck
Anonymous 280177
>>280169>spanish>at this hourgo to sleep
Anonymous 280179
I would also like to hear about eroge
Anonymous 280180
Screen Shot 2024-0…

She was trying to protect us before the outage
Anonymous 280182
>>280065they're boring and robert smith is annoying as fuck, they do not deserve the critical acclaim they've received over the years
Anonymous 280183
Are any old web thread nonas in the bunker with us right now
Anonymous 280185
>>280175This is a female only site, Morrissey
Anonymous 280187
>>280174a guy I liked almost trooned out but thankfully he was smart enough not to, still shitty guy though
Anonymous 280188
>>280181How did you take the watermark out?
Anonymous 280189

>>280124Since no one cared enough I'm claiming it all to myself
Anonymous 280193
>>280166>mainly ones that allow character customizationOnly one I can think of like that is degrees of lewdity, if you count that as eroge.
Anonymous 280194
>>280182>>280185I’m eating a hamburger because of this. All my shoes are made of leather.
Anonymous 280197
>>280190Damn you're a real PicMix legend
Anonymous 280199
>>280181Looks sick as fuck anon, I love it!
Anonymous 280200

>>280170It’s a dragon horse divine from howrse. Here’s another awful one kek
Anonymous 280201
>>280170Honey select 2, it’s a bit tedious but once u get it set up it works. You have to make your player character a female futanari (i know sounds gross at first but there’s a way to fix it), go in game settings then pick “remove player penis” and “remove semen”. Works like a charm. I like this game because you can customize the girls however you want, the customization is really good Anonymous 280202
>>280194johnny marr can suck my cock, and oh how he did
Anonymous 280203
>>280184Nona she's probably around Sabrina's age, I was younger when the show was on Disney and I'm 20
Anonymous 280204
>>280198Animorphs: The Saladfinger Days
Anonymous 280205
>>280190There's a vip account?? Where can I read about it or how much it costs, navigating the website is a pain
Anonymous 280206
>>280195yes I only looked at
>>280124 's replies
Anonymous 280207
What is that thing, a gimp mask? We were on our way to a genderbent salad fingers.
Anonymous 280208
>>280173glad I'm not alone in having a weird affection for fanny
Anonymous 280209
>>280184Kek nona, girl meets world aired 10 years ago
Anonymous 280211
nulls hairy roid a…

i got hairy arms too(hispanic) but they are not this hairy. What kind of roids you taking anon.
Anonymous 280212
>>280084>moeshit>yurishit>ecchi yurishit>classic rock and hard rock music>sci-fi literature>mild contempt for straight women Anonymous 280213
>>280210>you need to create an account to even see the page to give them money Anonymous 280214
>>280204I was just rereading another one of Michael Grant's book series and thinking about how much more I enjoyed Animorphs in certain ways
Anonymous 280216
>>280200So he wasn't only into dragons but also into horses?
Anonymous 280217
>>280084>HoneySelect2>Have you played COM3D2 or AA2? Anonymous 280218
>>280213Well duh, you can't have a VIP account if you don't have an account dummy
Anonymous 280219
>>280150Ntayrt but KEK I love Bugs Bunny he's so fricking funny.
What's everyones favourite Looney Tunes short?? I used to love the Opera one with Elmer Fudd and Bugs and also I always loved that Big Rooster that was Texan
Anonymous 280220
>>280202Proof? I know he made out with Allan Wilder
Anonymous 280221
>>280219The rooster is named Foghorn Leghorn
Anonymous 280223
>>280211Feels like pure shit I just want her (thread) back
Anonymous 280225
>>280224Sorry I don't want to curse I'm in church right now
Anonymous 280226
>>280208once upon a time before the tumblr gendie fetish brain poisoning, she was a weird shy shut-in artist who was lonely and bored. I think the pathetic aspects are cute and endearing as a fellow loser. I would have taken her to the club and my favorite lowkey concerts and complimented all of her homestuck fanart, and then we would take drugs that aren't testosterone together. it could have been different…
>>280211legitimately did not know testosterone could do that. are we sure this is her?
Anonymous 280228
>>280216Apparently he kept his disgusting furry attractions from me for another two years before breaking up with me. Then suddenly he shared that he was, in case you didn’t guess already, a polyfag and a total degenerate. Kept sending me soft core furry porn with horse, cat and fucking shark furries. I was drunk a lot during that time kek
Anonymous 280229
>>280222>good for femdomwho would want to dom that disgusting sack of shit you cant even ride him without pulverizing his senile hips
Anonymous 280230
does anyone have any threads archived that you want to share? I’m going insane from lolcow withdrawals
Anonymous 280232
>>280226>egitimately did not know testosterone could do that. are we sure this is her?yeah it was uploaded to her tumblr.
Anonymous 280233
Has anyone ever tried shark fin soup?? Is it really that good?
Anonymous 280235
If anyone has more fic like the Mike stuff from the femdom thread that would be great
Anonymous 280236
>>280226she's really cute to me in a weird way, both facially and personality wise. i feel like in another life she could have been a kind of mean, but functional, shy shut-in art student who would have been desirable to date. same as you in that i'm also a loser
Anonymous 280237
>>280229No clue who you n0nnies are talking about but
>pulverizing his senile hipsKinda hot ngl
Anonymous 280238
>>280217AA2 heard of but haven’t played, is it worth it?
>>280212>mild contempt for straight womenlol same but i didn’t wanna seem
too scrotey
Anonymous 280239
>>280186Looks like a tranny salad fingers
Anonymous 280240
anyone remember tumblr cow alex nsect ryan?
Anonymous 280241
>>280226>>280236i dont understand how anons can write endearing fanfiction about a cow who saves pictures of mutilated genitals of young girls
Anonymous 280242
>>280238>mild contempt for straight women*mental illness
Anonymous 280243
>>280222Wasn't this guy the guy who wanted to fuck Sofia the first
Anonymous 280244
>>280239I was thinking the same thing kek.
Anonymous 280245
>>280219Barber of Seville. No competition.
Anonymous 280246
>>280193>degrees of lewdityPlaying ASAP. I love text adventures because shitty moid art can't ruin the fantasy.
This is more important than studying. Anonymous 280247
>mild contempt for straight women
Not me though, right? You all still like me, right? I'm one of the good ones
Anonymous 280248
>>280243Sofia the first is like 7 years old…
Anonymous 280249
>>280243no but people into cedric are always autopedophiles who self insert as sofia. Old man fuckers not even once.
Anonymous 280250
>>280230I wish we could all do a group review of the Nemu threads. I miss that crazy shit.
Anonymous 280251
>>280219I used to head canon the roadrunner as a woman and Wiley as an obsessive moid
Anonymous 280252

maybe its good that lolcow is down because i have a ton of emails i need to reply to
Anonymous 280253

Just want LC back I need to read spergouts
Anonymous 280254
>>280248And the wizard guy is a pedophile clearly.
Anonymous 280255
>>280229Is he really senile? I thought he dyed his hair like an eboy. Shameful nasolabial folds, though.
Anonymous 280258
>>280253kek i remember that infight i dont know why anons got so pissed that some women think nail polish is retarded. Seeing them have a monumental sperg out over it was funny.
Anonymous 280259
>>280238mild contempt for straight women is probably healthier than getting along best with straight women and only having straight female friends and never feeling comfortable being open about your sexuality. I wasted all of college celibate and regret it a lot now
Anonymous 280260
>>280256I had to go to church because it's better to pray in church and I need to beg God to bring Lolcow back sorry I love Lolcow I guess I should kill myself huh
Anonymous 280261
>>280220apologies to everyone but i'm not actually morrissey
Anonymous 280262
>>280257I both hate and love humidity. Hate for all the reasons to hate it. Love because I never have to deal with dry sinuses in my humid climate.
Anonymous 280263
>>280084>fighting and combat focused games>action movies>capeshit>my taste in men Anonymous 280265
>>280255Yeah hes old as shit i remember watching that cartoon with my niece and feeling disgusted knowing of all the pickmes and ddlgfags who wanted to fuck that old fart
Anonymous 280268
>>280219long haired hare and any episode that bugs bunny cross-dresses…he;s so fucking hot god help me
Anonymous 280269
>>280173"(cow) would be cool if it wasn't for absolutely everything about them."
Anonymous 280271
>>280264What does this mean I'm scared
Anonymous 280272
>>280144kek I used to be jealous of shaygnars tits
Anonymous 280274
>>280241i don't buy that tinfoil. there's lots of adult women with fgm who have done independent pornography in europe from North Africa and also been photographed for medical journals when they get care. just feels like a massive stretch to me.
Anonymous 280275
>>280271Once it absorbs into your skin there isn't really anything you can do about it at that point, it's too late
Anonymous 280276
>>280241you're right kek, I guess in my mind it's not really about the disgusting person I hate who really exists today since it's entirely fanfiction? at least I saved these thoughts for CC and resisted posting them in the true opinions on cows thread?
Anonymous 280277
Who else is listening?
Anonymous 280278
>>280241Yeah, WTF? She's legitimately evil. It's been discussed that most photos of FGM are of children, and if she really has "a metric ton" saved on her devices as masturbation material, she is
very likely jerking off to child porn of torture victims.
Anonymous 280279
is it wrong to imagine myself as a grotesque cenobite-like creature who punitively rapes evil scrotes in Hell
Anonymous 280280
>>280274you just want to fuck her and the coom is blinding you from seeing how disgusting she is, she writes a pedo character and has defended pedos before. Shes nasty.
Anonymous 280281
>>280084I unironically enjoy yuri manga, and I don't really care for yaoi(I don't hate it or anything, just don't read it).
Anonymous 280283
>>280273Oh god please no I hate the internet
Anonymous 280289

How have you all been doing this Friday night
Anonymous 280290
>>280280ntayrt but I genuinely can't internalize the idea that she cooms to any of this and isn't just trying to be edgy and scary and piss people off while also stacking tainted patreon bux from real deviants. same for amputee tif homie. I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm saying I can't accept it
Anonymous 280291
>>280279I have so many violent fantasies where I kill and torture rapists. They mainly involve peeling them slowly and cutting off their dicks and feeding it to them.
Anonymous 280293
>>280281Whenever I see 1 panel of yuri manga I immediately smell dirty programmer socks, I just can't help it. Trannies won.
Anonymous 280295
>>280294Are you on the whippets again?
Anonymous 280296
>>280084>moe anime>have a perverted (but not depraved or anything null-tier) fetish>edgy media Anonymous 280298
>>280292Wow what a fun and quirky screencap makes me miss them good ol days dont make em like this anymore haha
Anonymous 280299
>>280278Fanny is so fucking gross, not to mention that she loves lesbian rape while being a fakebian who thinks gay men and lesbian women regularly fuck for some weird queerio reasons
Anonymous 280300
What's the best episode of Always Sunny?
I like the one where Dennis and Dee get addicted to crack.
Anonymous 280301
she likes vomit and farting doesn't she
Anonymous 280302
>>280290She cut off her fucking leg anon. You can’t really get more serious about your nugget fetish than that.
Anonymous 280304
>>280193My problem with dol is that it just became a find whitney simulator and I get pissed off anytime some nameless npc interacts with me
Anonymous 280306
>>280298Glad you agree!! I was afraid nobody would empathize but I'm glad you were there for me. Thank you nona.
Anonymous 280308
>>280303don't be, there's no way you wasted your day as much as i did. in fact i've wasted almost every day for the past 4 years, you should be proud that you aren't as retarded as me.
Anonymous 280309
I wish LC had more stuff like /x/ on CC. It's so cool to talk about it I like the paranormal and supernatural stuff.
Anonymous 280310
I was a girl on the farm doing alright
Then I became a miner overnight
Now I gotta figure out how to do it right
So much to post and see
Up in the thread with my new family
On a bunker that's just for hikki neets
A whole deserted board is waiting for me
I'm so excited to be
I'm finding out what mining’s all about
Milk my way, it's a new thread every day
It's gonna be my time
To show them all I’m not sageing first
Anonymous 280311

>>280065Discovered The cure via them doing the theme song for dragon hunters.
…I had a major crush on the gwizdo fella
Anonymous 280312
>>280308Ntayrt but you should also be proud that you aren't as retarded as me whose wasted her whole life
Anonymous 280313
>>280302yeah, it's like I know I've got to be objectively wrong but it just doesn't make sense to me that anyone could sexually enjoy these things.
Anonymous 280314
>>280297everything around giving someone head (guy or girl) Anonymous 280315
>>280308Oh shit but I sure am, retard sisters
Anonymous 280316
jaw drop.jpg

>tfw someone sent me 40 bucks to paypal
Anonymous 280318
>>280314How is this a fetish that's like saying kissing is a fetish what
Anonymous 280319
>>280314That's so vanilla kek, its cute that you spoilered. There is an anon up thread who was literally talking about her fantasies of feeding moids their own dicks kek
Anonymous 280324
>>280303I’m a burger with a 3 day weekend ahead and I already know I’m going to waste all of it. I wish I could do something but I can’t. I haven’t been able to do anything but sleep and work for the last 5 years and I don’t think it will ever change.
Anonymous 280325
>>280084Being a blackpiller (not the schizo bjchan kind though)
Anonymous 280326
>>280293I will never let the trannies win. I will stand my ground as the last true himejoshi until I am slain. They only win if you let them win, nona.
Anonymous 280327
>>280318i'm really really really into it and body fluids kek Anonymous 280330
>>280321homunculus100, actually pretty well archived outside of lcf if you want to google it
Anonymous 280331
im not a tif but nothing makes me hornier than imagining my clit as a penis that's pleasuring a beautiful pussy. i love giving women oral but i'm honestly so jealous of the way moids get to experience vaginas.
Anonymous 280332

So desperate for milk I'm browsing 4chan and tattle.life, I need my lurcow I'm too bored.
Anonymous 280333
KEK all you anons saying your wasting you're lives are dumb. You cant waste your life its not food. When your wasting you're life what your doing is off-setting negative karma that you accumulated in your past lives. It takes a long time to recycle and the more you do nothing the more time you have to eliminate excessive negative karmic energy so that you can exit samsara sooner.
Anonymous 280334
>>280321No, homie. Short lived cow that had huge milk potential (CUT OFF HER FUCKING LEG) but retard cowtippers ruined everything almost immediately and she DFE.
Anonymous 280335
>>280300any of the episodes involving the McPoyles
Anonymous 280336
dol anons should check out the thread cc has on dol already
Anonymous 280337
>>280331Okay woah i think we need to move this conversation to /nsfw/
Anonymous 280339
I'm gonna be kind of sad when LC is back up because we are all gonna go our separate ways again and back to our own threads of choice. I always miss bunker days after they're gone.
Anonymous 280340
>>280338I'll be with you in spirit nona
Anonymous 280341
i'm eating shin ramyun i made in a pot with lots of spinach and sardines added for extra flavor, i love soup. what are you guys eating right now?
Anonymous 280342
>>280331SAME but I can’t decide if I want to be the top or I want to be topped this way. Receiving probably would feel like much but it would be so psychologically hot it wouldn’t matter to me. I’m so mad it’s impossible.
Anonymous 280343

>>280308I'm worse than you. The only good thing about my life is that I have a job for now. Still an IB dwelling smelly dweeb who can never bond with anyone unless they have the exact interests as me. Never had a friend
Anonymous 280344
>>280339After a few days bunker threads get obnoxious and start to die down anyways
Anonymous 280346
>>280341I'm smoking VirginiaSlims Superslim Menthol 120s right now.
Anonymous 280347
>>280289This is literally some trauma core aesthetic blog picture with 3k notes I can't believe we had cockgobbler Joaquin Phoenix scribble this shit in his joke book as The Joka Baby. Whoever directed the movie should die.
Anonymous 280348
>>280347Why so serious? The traumacore cringe shit made this movie a 10/10 comedy.
Anonymous 280349
>>280343make a neocities and find other s
Anonymous 280350
>>280324start working out nona. changed my life
Anonymous 280353
>>280350samefag. I guess not too much since i'm still here though. this is my cue to go for a run, bye n0nnies
Anonymous 280354
If you guys could save 3 threads from eternal damnation, what ones are you chosing? I'd keep shay's threads, unpopular opinions & the fujo thread in /m/.
Anonymous 280355
>>280354Unpopular opinions? I'd rather save a turd than unpopular opinions.
Anonymous 280357
>>280354kelly, luna, maybe the perfume one on /g/
Anonymous 280358
>>280354Well, black girl general, retarded Husbando hornyposting and art thread. They are my top threads
Anonymous 280360
>>280354Dumb ass shit, gendie ideology hate, and the Lillee Jean thread.
Anonymous 280362
sex toy thread, female creators thread and lolita drama thread.
Sex toy thread has the best advice and reviews the net can offer Anonymous 280364
>>280349Need friends irl. I spawned in MENA, doubt I can find any woman like me anywhere close.
Anonymous 280365
>>280364move to a metropolitan area and you will find your people
Anonymous 280366
Did anon mean to give Cece the Ariana Grande skinwalk Shayna high ponytail?
Anonymous 280367

Any nonas want some tea? I got the kettle going
Anonymous 280368
>>280084repeat lesbian tif chasing offender kek, sorry. they're like special tomboys to me with guaranteed internet addictions which i also have and we're both mentally ill zoomers. i don't think it's really a big deal. i'm obviously not referring about buck angel types but the emo weebish ones (which happen to almost always be straight, sadly)
it's just sexy to me when a woman tries to larp as a guy knowing she has tits and a pussy underneath everything, which also inherently makes her better than any scrote out there Anonymous 280369
>>280354bad art, fakeboi thread and the everyday solitude picspam thread
Anonymous 280371
>>280350Personally I use this AliExpress oil
Anonymous 280372
>>280349How do you make friends on neocities? It’s just a website tool like squarespace right?
Anonymous 280373

>friday night
>doesn’t get paid until next week
>lolcow.farm down
guess i’ll just troll trannies on ffxiv
Anonymous 280375
>>280371Active ingredient: carcinogens
Anonymous 280376

>>280354both of the autism threads and that one AI thread that gave birth to hamas-kun
Anonymous 280377
>>280373Kek how do you troll them nonita.
Anonymous 280378
>>280257Fuck yeah I hate it. Makes my hair frizzy despite all the time I spend and products I apply to it to straighten it and I can't even step outside without breaking a sweat.
Anonymous 280379
>>280364nona i'm moroccan ! you anywhere near ?
Anonymous 280380
>>280376The one on the right is super cute. Where can I find a jewish bf like that?
Anonymous 280383
i think the cc spoiler image is so cute
Anonymous 280385
>>280339im probably gonna stay here, its been more than 24 hours so i doubt that its gonna come back up any time soon
Anonymous 280386

When the fuck is my website coming back.
Anonymous 280388
>>280354fandom discourse and bad art thread, i can't decide the third
Anonymous 280389

>>280382autism, I love theorizing about him though, and I find funny how triggered moids get over afton fangirls
Anonymous 280390
>>280387I don't know who NTYchan is, so dunno
Anonymous 280391
>>280084The reason I got called a scrote is controversial so I won't post here. But all you need to know it is that I am a de/g/en
Anonymous 280392
>>280379Ooooh anon hiiiiii! Sadly I'm from Egypt. Do you also struggle with feelings of isolation?
Anonymous 280393
>>280388>saving fandom discourseGo to hell
Anonymous 280394
I miss lc so much, no other sites have the same vibe. I visited 4chan in desperation and it's so shitty in comparison. Don't even want to think about how much time I used to waste there
Anonymous 280395
>>280354female fantasies, venus thread (hoping for a good ending), idk what else honestly. maybe friend finder or black girl general even though i'm not black and don't visit that thread but i'll save it for them given that it's so active kek.
Anonymous 280396
>>280277Chollima on the wing is really catchy
Anonymous 280397
>>280354Husbando sperging thread but it has to be like the older threads, rate your art thread, unpopular opinions.
Anonymous 280398

>>280084>military history>autistic obsession with 1600-1800 history >liking violence>edgy bizarre music> classic cinema Anonymous 280399
>>280382>>280389He was a failslut that should not have made his wife carry three children just to make them all end up as retarded Chuck E Cheese mascots.
Anonymous 280401
>>280395The good ending is gonna cost at least $25k in dental work.
Anonymous 280402
>>280367Idk why I can't get into drinking hot tea. Like it smells amazing but tastes so plain and boring to me. I can't have dairy so I can't add milk and I mean sugar is just whatever.
Despite the sperg I'd like to try that butterfly pea tea just because I like the color. And you can add it to lemonade to make it purple.
Anonymous 280403
>>280354the coomsumer thread was so funny until it started to die down
>>280382i support his fangirls
Anonymous 280404
>>280389Ayrt, I also love theorizing about him kek I love the whole franchise in general (besides the movie, we don't talk about that one).. In my head he has glasses
Anonymous 280405
>>280403It was good until addyharajuku was posted
Anonymous 280406
Holy fuck s I love you so much
Anonymous 280407
>>280341I want to try sardines but just how fishy smelling and tasting are they? I like salmon fwiw
Anonymous 280408
>>280407Sardines are so fucking yummy. It's a particular smell of course because they are canned fish but MMMM MMMM they are delicious.
Anonymous 280409
>>280390The nona obsessed with the vn No Thank You and the one guy in it with the ugly shoes
Anonymous 280410
thats bullshit.jpg

>>280404I love the theory that yellow man is his father and that's his backstory, too bad he sorta as no motivation or backstory for anything
Anonymous 280411
>>280402you just havent had the right tea yet
Anonymous 280412
>>280407I would also like to know are they salty lil fuckers give me the run down on tinned fish
Anonymous 280413

>>280398shit i forgot soviet music. fucking love soviet music.
Anonymous 280414
>>280402I really like apple cider tea, especially this time of year
Anonymous 280415
Anonymous 280416
>>280394same, sometimes the horrorcows and overly judgemental anons make me wanna take a break but the off-topic boards feel like genuine female fun like 10-15 years ago. everywhere else is so sterile and hugboxy
Anonymous 280418
Currently tweaking over not being able to read the Null thread
Anonymous 280419
>>280402Obviously I wouldn't know your eating habits nona, but people who tend to have a lot of sugar in their diet tend to have weaker palettes and can't taste the subtle flavours in tea. That sounds pretentious when you read it or say it out loud but I learned this from a very endearing tea nerd I went to school with kek
Anonymous 280420
If all of our cats were in a world wide autism contest which of our cats would win, being the most autistic I mean.
Anonymous 280421
>>280412I'd say they have a strong taste and smell, but never ate ones that felt particularly salty. The texture with the soft little bones can be odd at first too. But they are pretty good with pasta
Anonymous 280422
>>280418Same, it's the best milk we've received since months…
Anonymous 280423
>>280417 no idea, i saved it from a napoleonfag on tumblr years ago
>>280418same. the milk was rich and plentiful
Anonymous 280424
>>280393the older threads were better tbh
Anonymous 280425
>>280084i play fighting games and my taste in men is similar to a faggot's (ie. overly muscular, hairy, etc.)
Anonymous 280426
>>280418how does one even get fetishes like fanny, genuine question. her comics make me feel sick
Anonymous 280427
>>280418she must be resting easy now that it's gone
Anonymous 280428
>>280424Ik, but the last ones we're so bad they all deserve torching
Anonymous 280429
>>280426Terminally online autism and little to no outside socializing.
Anonymous 280430
>>280413ayrt, will you take my hand in marriage napoleonfag. i will be the alexander in the relationship
Anonymous 280431
>>280424Yeah when they were stull about fandom drama and not discourse.
it would have been great to stick with actual drama within fandoms but no, moralfags had to create their own drama. discussions in those threads are tumblr-tier now.
Anonymous 280432

Excuse me just preserving this cursed artifact in here. Hope CC doesn't mind.
Anonymous 280433

>>280410The orange guy from Midnight Motorist? I thought it was Henry, although it's still a mystery. I also thought that the motivation for his murderous rampage was because of Henry taking over the business (hence why he killed Charlie first)
Anonymous 280436
>>280422The thread was getting really good but I regret unspoilering the prolaspe drawings
Anonymous 280437
>>280418joshua moon null? what happened?
Anonymous 280438
>>280434This guy is trying so hard to be this era’s Marc Almond.
Anonymous 280441

>>280433Yes, although I also heard an interesting one of yellow guy being mrs afton. Midnight motorist has so many interesting interpretations, fans might hate Scott never confirming anything, but I love it because of stuff like this.
Anonymous 280443
>>280376Back when the ai thread was fun
Anonymous 280445
Can we refer to null as Fanny so people stop confusing her with the kiwifarms faggot
Anonymous 280446
>There are FNAF fans who are over 14
Anonymous 280447
>>280377go to “queer” roleplaying venues and spam tells calling them male
Anonymous 280448
>>280402I also don’t like hot tea. I like iced tea but not like sweetened tea. Just tea that is cold af and on ice. I fucking hate sweetened tea.
Anonymous 280450
i'm so bored without my cow threads. i just wanna read threads from years ago in peace. i had two loaded up and i could still zoom into the images but i finally hit the point where the images dont load anymore…
Anonymous 280451
>>280354mundane shit, tinfoil, shitty short comics in /m/
Anonymous 280452
>>280446Another franchise that came out 10 years ago
Anonymous 280455
>>280445Fanny is much funnier a name anyways
Anonymous 280456
>>280452What are the horror games that children obsess over now?
Anonymous 280459
>>280458Then post who you think is hot
Anonymous 280460
>>280456Garten and bam bam, Polly pocket, cult of the silence of the lambs, omori.
Anonymous 280462
>>280452I don't see why that means you have to be into it now though
>>280456Poppy's playtime I think
Anonymous 280463
>lolcor down
>and now Twitter finally is blocked when I am bored as hell
Brazilian nonas…
Anonymous 280464
>>280462I mean a new game just came out for fnaf, so it's back in the limelight of fandoms at the moment.
Anonymous 280467
>>280411So what tea do you recommend?
>>280419I understand what you're saying. I drink lightly sweetened green tea and unsweetened black tea, but I know some people are pretentious about tea and might get all weird about canned/bottled tea. I just can't seem to enjoy hot tea, the whole process of steeping it and all, but I'd like to.
Anonymous 280470
>>280463what happens when you try to go on Twitter as a Brazilian?
Anonymous 280473
REEEEEEEE I'm so sick of people not knowing what the fuck TERFs think or believe. I was chatting with a friend about that athlete that got on sports illustrated and how we should be past the point of deeming women worthy of value if they're fuckable, and she brings up muh transphobia and how le ebil terves think that women have to be dainty and tiny and that the only thing they care about is women for reproductive purposes. This whole idea that "terfs think women are just baby makers" is so weird and literally the opposite of what terfs think??? I feel like reading through terf discourse actually helped me unlearn a lot of the pressure to fit into a certain box of womanhood, it was really healing. The ironic thing is that this same girl has sperged on her social media before about people misgendering her (by they/themming her when she's a woman) because she looks like a gendie and doesn't shave, kek. She's complained to me before that her "queer" friends tell her she's an egg waiting to crack because she has short hair and stick and pokes. Maybe this means she's close to peaking? I dunno.
I just responded to her with "yeah transphobes suck" because we were texting and I was busy, but I really wish I were able to delicately tell her that the way she feels aligns more with terfs than she thinks.
Anonymous 280474
>>280472>tranny flag scarfNOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOOO
Anonymous 280475
>>280474Pretty sure that's a tote bag.
Anonymous 280476
>>280402Have you had loose leaf tea? It's a world of difference in flavor compared to pre-bagged tea. Pretentious palate anon is right though, it's something you need to specifically cultivate to fully appreciate.
Anonymous 280478
I'm so fucking addicted to Goldfish crackers ugh
Anonymous 280480
>>280468Fuck I love this movie it was my #1 inspiration for institutionalizing myself
Anonymous 280481
>>280479Still a tranny tote bag though.
Anonymous 280484
>>280478I literally just bought an industrial size box from Sam's Club kek
Anonymous 280485
i'm going to miss this chill chat when the site finally comes back on
>>280476where do you buy fancy teas
Anonymous 280486
Okay why is it slowing down lets go people lets post c'mon
Anonymous 280487
Missing you bitches fr fr, I need my n0nn13 juice. Let me suckle your udders.
Anonymous 280488
>>280473For some reason the word terf has become synonymous with gendercrit tradthots. It's so retarded too considering the rf in terf stands for radical feminist.
Anonymous 280491
>>280470I just opened the app and everything looks normal,very disappointing
Anonymous 280493
>>280480The Perks of Being a Wallflower did that to me
Anonymous 280494
>>280438it's true but lmfao he could never, marc toed the perfect line between trashy and classy with his lush synthy cabaret pop + causing actual moral panics (sex dwarf music video, joining the church of satan)
Anonymous 280495
In mega autism mode because I got the 23andme add on that gives you historical DNA matches. I love my ancient viking family.
Anonymous 280496
>>280492I can’t believe someone would willingly carve a heart into their hairline.
Anonymous 280497
>>280485Same, I always enjoy the bunker threads
Anonymous 280498
>>280461you think youtube hasn't already recommended this vid to everyone on the planet? literally can't go on the site without having this pop up
Anonymous 280499
have lc admins said anything about the situation and when the sites gonna be back up?
Anonymous 280500
>>280496It's because Drake is embarrassing and also suffers from a malignant fungus in his brain.
Anonymous 280501
>>280499nope, so far they’ve just said there’s “serious issues with the website” that they’re “working to fix”
Anonymous 280505
Have any of you ever unconditionally loved someone? Like, they could stab you and you’d still love them? I wanna know
Anonymous 280506
>>280465I wanted to see more news by the Korean radfems or if there was anything to report and help them, sorry n0nnie
Anonymous 280507
Any n0nnas enjoy painting your nails yourself? What brands do you love? Do you have a collection? I've never had mine professionally done and don't want to, but I enjoy painting them. I don't do nail art, or grow them really long, either. Right now they're nubs because they keep breaking. I haven't been taking my zinc supplement like I should. I'm currently wearing Orly Blazing Sunset. I'm pretty open to trying any brands and I enjoy indie polish.
Anonymous 280508
>>280492Every time I see drake I think about that nona that said drake is a woman and his beard is a wig KEK I just want to believe her
Anonymous 280509
>>280501What do we think the serious issues are?
Anonymous 280510

Do any nonas here have a social media presence? While I'm happy that most of my followers are female (tif or not), it feels like I'm walking on eggshells all the time. I just want to be a transphobic moid-objectifier in peace.
Anonymous 280511
>>280491Really? It just keeps loading for me
Anonymous 280512
>>280485i just buy it online because local shops always mark up the price for no reason, i like the site adagio if you're in the us or uk. reasonable prices, pretty good quality. r/tea has a compendium of tea selling websites on their sidebar also
Anonymous 280513
>>280504Why did they even get a Ben & Jerry’s flavor? That should have gone to a better band.
Anonymous 280514
>>280507If you're willing to spend more, Mooncat is amazing.
Anonymous 280515
>>280509it’s probably them just not wanting to moderate KEK
Anonymous 280516
>>280513Grateful Dead deserved the Cherry Garcia flavor but Phish has literally no good or memorable songs kek
Anonymous 280517
>>280503LMAO thank you for that one i needed a laugh
Anonymous 280518

>>280505samefag but in case youre wondering yes i have, and it was amazing
Anonymous 280519
I ate so much chili cheese fries and I feel sick, it was so good though, I have no regrets
Anonymous 280520
>>280516Cherry Garcia is the most delicious ice cream flavor to ever exist. I had Phish food tastes like some shit Kevin McAllister would have cooked up when he was home alone.
Anonymous 280522
>>280476I've not tried loose leaf. Maybe I should just dive in, but I'd hate to purchase a bag and not like it. Are there small bags or testers? Sorry for being a hot tea retard.
Anonymous 280523
>>280513speaking of ben and jerry's they stopped carrying the cinnamon roll one in my country… why even live
Anonymous 280524
>>280300I love the one where they break into the mexican family's house and kidnap them!
Anonymous 280525
>>280505Yes and i feel fucking trapped. I am terminally depressed and want to kill myself but i can't because it would break them. I'm married and I wrongly thought that being with my true love would make me a bit more sane but i just get continuously more depressed as i age and the world goes to shit.
Anonymous 280526
i haven’t seen any infighting at all since opening this website, this is like a lolcow retreat
Anonymous 280527
>>280524I like the episode where they make a red room livestream and torture Dennis.
Anonymous 280529
Forst thread you'll post in whonce lolcor is up? For me it'll probably be Fanny's or Jill's, maybe DAS.
Anonymous 280530
>>280504Death to all overrated jam bands. People only like that shit because they're high as fuck.
Anonymous 280531
>>280526you missed something. personally i got banned for the next 24 hours :(
Anonymous 280533
>>280526There was someone trying to stir shit last thread, but they got dealt with swiftly
Anonymous 280534
i hate how gen x’rs hold onto that ‘forever young’ shit. you look so stupid covered in cartoon character tattoos with your massive collection of toys
Anonymous 280535
>>280526Everyone has psyopped themselves into subconsciously entering aggro mode as soon as they enter lolcow because they know they can escape any ban with a vpn
Anonymous 280536
>>280523My favorite was rocky road-ish and it was limited and so good. I still crave it years later. I don’t even care for ice cream.
Anonymous 280537
>>280526I'm opening spotify to put on some music. n0nnies, what do you all think of chappell roan, megan the stallion, and lana del rey?
Anonymous 280538
>>280534Gen Z is doing the same, but to be fair some of them are genuinely stunted from the pandemic
Anonymous 280539
>>280529I just saw the post about Lunas secret Reddit account then the site went down.
Anonymous 280541
>>280536I just googled it and it came out in 2012. Why did I think it was like 5/6 years ago. Jfc. I’m old.
Anonymous 280543
>>280514I've not tried Mooncat but I have two polishes back when they were Live Love Polish. I've read on r/lacqueristas people were complaining about the bottles cracking or splitting??
Anonymous 280544
>>280539Shit, now I'm interested. What did she post about?
Anonymous 280546
>>280537chappell roan is uninteresting, megan has bad flow, lana has great production but her voice becomes grating to me after like 3 songs (a lot of her music is very one note, but i will concede that it is well-made)
Anonymous 280547
>>280537They're all sort of whatever to me. I think Megan is funny for making Nicki Minaj spiral for hours though. It's her fault she married a rapist.
Anonymous 280548
>>280537oh wow
>>280538gen Z is still under the age of 30 so the retards of the bunch still have time to straighten up, i’m talking about these 45-50 year olds im seeing who are stuck in their edgy phase
Anonymous 280549

reminds me of the
>me: hero protagonist
>you: pearl clutching hater
Anonymous 280550
lc bunker thread 1…

I couldn't find a good background image to use but I thought this one was good
Anonymous 280551
>>280534Anon you're on a girly imageboard
Anonymous 280552
>>280084Holy shit that's a lot of replies. Mine is probably having Light Yagami as my favorite character. (God knows he was meant to be a nisandrist lesbian)
Anonymous 280554
>>280548nta but do you mean the gen x RISE UP type stuff on tiktok where they declared war on zoomers? that was the funniest shit i've seen in months
Anonymous 280556
>>280552Matsuda's the better husband but I don't think liking Light=moid taste.
Anonymous 280557
>>280467go to a really nice tea house, you can find them in bigger cities. sometimes you can sample things to find what you like and it's done professionally so it's not being scalded or anything. a lot of bad tea is just bad technique
Anonymous 280558
>>280505Yes and I was a dumb bitch for it. He treated me horrible and I finally wised up and left his dumb ass.
Anonymous 280559
>>280510mild tumblr & IG fame over here. Sometimes the best way to be a terf is by staying entirely silent & only posting about hyper femininity. Everyone I follow/follows me is a crypto. It's sneaky and hot. It's to the point where there's even Terf Troons I interact with which is hilarious.
Anonymous 280560
>>280554im not on tiktok but that does sound hilarious kek, no i’m referring more to the type of gen X’ers i see irl these days
Anonymous 280561
Hot take but tea is disgusting.
Anonymous 280562
>>280556I don't even like him in a husbando way kek I just project a lot into him like many moids do.
Anonymous 280563
>>280552Finally someone else who understands…L is so overrated. L is superficially/aesthetically more interesting seeming but Light is a much more complex and flawed character. I love how he represents the follies of idealism (relatable)
Anonymous 280564
>>280561You don't always have to take it hot, you can have it cold like iced tea or something
Anonymous 280565
>>280554I predict this will happen again in the future, with middle-aged zoomers that never detrans hating on the youngest generation that has grown up in a post-gender ideology era.
Anonymous 280568
>>280561depends on what kind of tea though n.onny. liptons black tea? shit from under your shoe. tazo? basically cat litter. i love traditional medicinals herbs but i always cut the tea bag and pour the herbs into a steel strainer then brew it like that. i think the paper bag is a big factor in a bad flavor
Anonymous 280569
>>280564Cold tea is also gross, it all just tastes like hot water.
Anonymous 280570
>>280563I like rem shes cool. When I was like 11 I had a crush on her for some reason.
Anonymous 280571
>>280554Oh that fucking killed me, they think they're so edgy for listening to Eminem kek
Anonymous 280572
>>280568I've had tea from places that specifically specialize in it and I still found it pretty garbage.
I don't like coffee either for what it's worth (though weirdly I like coffee flavored things).
Anonymous 280574
>>280552light x mikami is the only yaoi pairing i've ever cared about. psychotic lawyer sub who literally thinks his high school age top is a god, find me something better than that
Anonymous 280575
>>280561What about arnold palmers? Nothing like a nice arnold palmer when you're sick.
Anonymous 280576
>>280557Thank you nonnee. I'll have to see what I can find.
Anonymous 280577
>>280574oh no i left the link to the gen x cringe….
Anonymous 280579
>>280573Nta but that’s a really mean way to respond anon. Loving your child is precisely what a parent should be doing
Anonymous 280581
>>280574>When your son makes fun of you for not being able to triforce Anonymous 280582
>>280544I'm hoping some angelic has a summary as I only saw the first 2 posts about it. Her thread had been dead up until that.
Anonymous 280583
>>280575ntayrt but i make myself one of these daily kek! i like cold brewing my favorite tea overnight and then juicing lemons in the morning so its all fresh and crisp. nothing compares
Anonymous 280584

>>280563So true. He is very dear to me and if I lived in the DN universe I would be one of Kira's apologists lol
Anonymous 280585
>>280579not if it’s male. Think about it, the love is unconditional as she said so no matter what the moid does, rape, abuse, etc later in life his biggest enabler and defender will be his boymom. It’s actually a huge element in why men are allowed to be the way they are
Anonymous 280586
>>280573ew not like that get off the apps girl
Anonymous 280587
>>280580KEK i fucked up, honestly just thoughtlessly manicposting in this thread
Anonymous 280590
Anyone know what ever happened to Raven? She was my fave cow and I miss her insanity.
Anonymous 280591
>>280574I'm more of a Light x Matsuda myself
Anonymous 280593
>>280585It’s biological love. Hell, I would still love my daughter if she murdered me. It hasn’t to do with sex or the fact that men commit crimes
Anonymous 280594
>>280585if i had a daughter i'd also love her unconditionally. unconditional love doesn't mean not holding someone accountable for their actions, and rape and abuse won't happen with good parenting homie
Anonymous 280598
this pic lowkey reminds me of magdalen berns
Anonymous 280602
>>280594>rape and abuse won't happen with good parenting homieKek this is part of the delusional mindset I was referring to. “If I raise my baby boy as a #feminist he will never rape.” If I had a dollar for every women in my personal life who raised a son to be progressive and the son turned out the same misogynistic POS as all the others (or worse) I could but like, a nice restaurant meal or something.
Anonymous 280609
>>280598KEK I used to hate on her as a regarded gendie but part of why I was so mad was I didn’t realize it but I was attracted to her.