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Lolcow Bunker thread #17 Anonymous 281721

Lolcow has been inaccessible for over 24 hours, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates
Previous threads:
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 281722


Anonymous 281723

Nah fuck this pic fuck "cerbmin" EAT MY SHIT!!!!

Anonymous 281724

Someone banned me for asking if lolcow was down still and I don't get it, it will not expire. Someone please explain I didn't make any post after that please

Anonymous 281725

IMPORTANT QUESTION does Joann Fabrics, Michael's, etc. have shrinky dinks or do I have to buy them online?

Anonymous 281727



Anonymous 281728

Kek, just imagine we're luring her in to the slaughterhouse, I don't have many current LC related pics sorry anon
Just go check yourself or go check status.lolcow.farm before asking

Anonymous 281729


There is. But not all the stories are translated.
My favourite stories were written by Alice (Sentfor's Shadows, Arcanum), Ursa (Tiamat's Flame Flower, I Hunt You) and Remy (Kali Call of Darkness), and Moonborn from Shut (male author, I don't really like his style, he gives me HPMOR vibes, but MB is my first story so..) and Veronica's suffering Dracula better read later due to it's frozen status but it's a beautiful and ambitious story, My Hollywood Story was so crack funny to me

Anonymous 281730

Hate to see Elsie on twi icon, don't wanna see any nsfw garbage around, would be better if it was just cow

Anonymous 281731

Thank you !!

Anonymous 281732

I want to date 2x tan and /g/ chan like you wouldnt know

Anonymous 281733

Why does Elsie have a kiwi bird on her lap

Anonymous 281734

I TOLD you it's glowies

Anonymous 281735

Joann has them for sure in the kids craft aisle

Anonymous 281736

Ok but why the permaban? Feels unfair

Anonymous 281737

There's a TWITTER???

Anonymous 281738

Ref to the the kiwi farming site?

Anonymous 281739

>"forces beyond our control"
>does not elaborate

Anonymous 281740

did you used to draw spamton anon. not in a mean way, just a i remember someone who liked spamton and AM way

Anonymous 281741


Anonymous 281742

it’s way too easy to get permabanned on here, no wonder this place is dead. all the citizens were banished forever

Anonymous 281743

It's not real.

Anonymous 281744

No, not spamton, I'm just a different AM simp

Anonymous 281746

I get it though. Thoughts on Hal?

Anonymous 281747

Setting aside the gender question, who still believes "cerbmin" is three people like they claimed?

Anonymous 281748


You are actually evil and I hope you get set on fire. Go wash your ass.

Anonymous 281749

I appealed it but I'm guessing it's over

Anonymous 281750

If lc came back right now but was now made into a clone of any free online multiplayer game instead of an ib, what game would you choose?

Anonymous 281751

I believe it because I saw all three accounts in that temp bunker server. However I think the admin in charge of communication isn't active anymore.

Anonymous 281752

Fake, kys

Anonymous 281753

Anonymous 281754

i wonder how many farmers have psyopped themselves into wanting to fuck shayna

Anonymous 281755

>if ever
what the fuck

Anonymous 281756


Anonymous 281757

It's not real. Go to the actual account and see: https://x.com/lolcow_farm

Anonymous 281758

Bland AM, I get it but I knew AM first so Hal does nothing for me

Anonymous 281760


Don't troll me like. I need my lolcor. I'm gonna shit

Anonymous 281761

why would they do that tho

Anonymous 281762

Did anyone notice that lolcow.farm now is giving a different error code (it's 522 now, before it was 521)?
Your funeral, maybe I'll become a miner part-time

Anonymous 281763

Ooh great, it's CRAFT TIME

Anonymous 281764

>"anon I'm taking a shower, do you wanna go on toilet before I jump in?"
>nah I'm good
>5 minutes later
>fuck suddenly I really need to pee

Anonymous 281765

Got interrupted in making soup. Moid was invited. He stayed for more than 10 minutes. Soup's smell makes me hungry.

Anonymous 281767

I'll be honest these threads don't feel like the bunker we had back then, this website harbors disgusting energy and that's why you'll always stick out at the farm, no self respecting farmer has posted over here more than 5-10 times, I'd rather have lolcow die a sad death than integrate on here.
>Inb4 using both websites freely

Anonymous 281768

I noticed that too. It went from a "Connection timed out" error to one reading something like "Web server is down".

Anonymous 281769

Picmix isn't accepting my protonmails, and there is no contact us form, help me anons, that website is hell to create an account on even the terms of service are in french.

Anonymous 281770

I misread shrinky dinks as shrinky dicks and chuckled

Anonymous 281771

Thanks for confirming you've posted here at least 10 times.

Anonymous 281772

leslie hall is a fucking legend, we dont deserve her

Anonymous 281773

When the last thread got locked, I thought everyone just stopped talking after the pegasister waifu anon posted her throwaway email.

Anonymous 281774

She is an inspiration, my Midwest queen.

Anonymous 281775

i had a sex dream about shayna

Anonymous 281776


Wasn't that in 2021? A lot of farmers left and browsed less frequently already thanks to board quality getting so bad. I'll never forgive staff for stopping bans on twitter lingo and introducing the retarded "scrotefoiling" rule (even though it's not even in the rules kek), effectively gaslighting us into shutting up and pretending the fact that men are shitting up the board is merely a delusional conspiracy.

Anonymous 281777

It's overboiled to puree. My favourite dish.. It's night, so I get it better feed him, I don't mind. I'm more sad to an unfortunate timing.

Anonymous 281778

Damn. I wake up and it’s still down with no word from staff.

Anonymous 281779

I don't need a psyop for that, she'd genuinely be hot if she'd take better care of herself and wasn't into creepy kid shit and degrading herself for men.

Anonymous 281780

I got psyoped for wanting to fuck My Day is Ruined and Disappointment is immeasurable guy

Anonymous 281782

It's been three days… I'm going through withdrawals

Anonymous 281783

This makes me believe even more some anon will buy the Shayna fleshlight

Anonymous 281784

Drawabox is so boring and disorienting, I'll just copy the perspective and gesture drawings

Anonymous 281785

Anyone remember how long lc was down some years back when it happened around Valentines day?

Anonymous 281786

>>281306 I'm out of the loop with personalityfags, is Kirby fucker the same nona as dededenona who posts Kirby art in the rate your art threads?

Anonymous 281787


I miss Xena streams

Anonymous 281788

No lc..i will commence my holy war on the trannies in the name of elsie

Anonymous 281789

I keep having dreams about momo and she's not even a cow I check regularly. Feels like I'm betraying Shay.

Anonymous 281790


I had a dream last night that I was back in high school literature class and for some reason I was reading about Nicholas II and the Romanovs and he was apparently a schizophrenic who saw demons and shit and there was this creepy ass picture to go along with it. Then I look up from the book and all of a sudden I see him in front of me fucking himself on a dildo and moaning loudly. Astrology s can anyone tell me what this is supposed to mean???

Anonymous 281791

wat da fuq since when did cc censor NΟNNA? I only knew it did that for NΟNNY

Anonymous 281792

Anonymous 281793

It's lolcow slang. I think they go by miners here

Anonymous 281794

images (4).jpg

Your inner fujoshi awakening

Anonymous 281795

Just when I’m finally thinking Shaynus is a dry cow for the fact she won’t make any drastic moves or share them if she does anymore, and now of course the site goes down and she gets all bold. I wanna read the polyglotplatypus thread NOWNOWNOWNOW reeeee anyhow what are we all having for breakfast today if it’s morning where u are? I’m eating cottage cheese with pepper hot sauce and dill and some seed bread toast with butter. That reminds me that my mom calls butter “butt hair” to be funny still and I still always laugh kek

Anonymous 281796

Oh, I know that, but I don’t recall that nοnna was censored.

Anonymous 281797

Eating linner rn. Fish and vegetables. Soooo much olive oil I love olive oil
Cheers n0nnie. Pretend Im holding a glass of moid tears up to you.

Anonymous 281798

It was removed from my post automatically, excited punctuation as well

Anonymous 281800

Screenshot 2024-08…

I hate when people get a complex about the talent vs skill debate and it shows.
"You can't make anything good while you're a teen without giving up your entire youth. Everything is skill grinding, which takes years" is not a good counter to the "Don't even bother if you weren't obviously talented and advanced from a very young age, it is hopeless" because both are false copes.

Anonymous 281801

I also miss Shaynus
it's lunch time here, so i just had some homemade bread with cajun chicken

Anonymous 281802

Beep beep I'm a sheep

Anonymous 281803

I don’t know if it would make it more or less hot that the dildo wasn’t actually a dildo but the severed penis of a Russian peasant and he was ramming it up his ass, but calling it a dildo makes it easier to explain KEK

Anonymous 281804

premade cordon bleu i found in the freezer for lunch because i can't be bothered kek
also god when will the servers get fixed i'm going into lolcor withdrawal

Anonymous 281806

I started to draw year ago, I still bad in anatomy and hands, but it’s my fault not practicing and just drawing whatever I wanted

Anonymous 281808

I don't think the farmers who want to fuck her needed any convincing, just years of therapy to address their low standards. She was passably attractive for all of five minutes during her whole sex work career, low standards s scare me

Anonymous 281809


Cheese croissant, then an almond croissant. I have a pain au raisin, too, but I'll leave that for dinner time. I love bread so much.

Anonymous 281810

Welp, can't say I'm too surprised, it certainly reaffirmed my theory that the more innocuous and cute an art style is, the more depraved the artist's fetish are

Anonymous 281811


Anonymous 281812

Agree. Long time I believe in opposite in how the darker is material, the passionate and lovely fans are. I’m talking about female fans, of course.

Anonymous 281813


YUMMM I had jalapeño cheddar croissants a week ago and I’m still dreaming of them…bread is beautiful nonzii I hope you eat lots of it today you’ve inspired me to have some now. Picrel is the completely unrelated shirt I found at a rummage sale and am cleaning

Anonymous 281814

thread pic is too cute

Anonymous 281815

I'm eating a pain au raisin right now!

Anonymous 281816


>I also heard an interesting one of yellow guy being mrs afton.
Ooooh that's interesting indeed. There's also a theory that she's the person watching TV in the Afton house. Some say that's actually Michael but idk, I just wish Aftons wife made an appearance in the franchise so I just go with the first theory kek. Honestly I really did wish Scott would confirm at least something from the minigame, just a bit.
How do you think William and Henry knew each other? I don't think it's said anywhere where/how they first met. I like to think that they both went to the same University kek

Anonymous 281817


I just woke up from a nap, still no LC. Life is so boring with only one arm

Anonymous 281819

LC distracts you from gooning?

Anonymous 281821


Anonymous 281822

KEK I wish, got a broken arm

Anonymous 281823

This bunker thread is kinds cozy ngl

Anonymous 281824


I like to think they were both best friends and started the franchise together based on the fredbear show they saw as kids, adds a lot to the angst and tragedy of FNAF.

Anonymous 281826

i'm right behind you

Anonymous 281827


I forgot to mention you can play it free during Diamond Fever events 48-72 hrs in every two weeks. Enjoy, nona!

Anonymous 281829

>my friend drew this
No they didnt they copied it everyone can copy shit but i bet if i sit your friend down and told them to draw a potrait in real time they couldnt

Anonymous 281831

How to maintain a creative mindset in a world of failcringe

Anonymous 281832

elsie and cece.png

cute doodle from the drawing board

Anonymous 281833

Kek did the nasim agdam drew this?

Anonymous 281834

lc bunker.gif

Attempted to do a pixmix for next thread pic, concrit welcome!

Anonymous 281835

Doesn’t it feel comforting to know you’re art will standout with no struggle despite you don’t like it one bit
Idk I just like quick attention, it uplifts me from slow progress phase, there I don’t get the colors and rendering no matter the tutorial

Anonymous 281837

It’s cute! Title gif is straining my eyes though..

Anonymous 281838

Cuuute, I want a Snufkin kigurumi

Anonymous 281839

I know young people are supposed to be good at social media and all but is anyone else a late zoomer (1998-2005) and feel like you're 60 years old when trying to follow any trends? how do I tiktok? how do I instagram? how do I algorithm where the hell does anyone post anything anywhere how does digital marketing and tagging work this is malarkey every other zoomer and genA is in on a joke I don't understand

Anonymous 281840

I've listened to Waters of Megalovania so much that both Waters of Nazareth and Megalovania now feel incomplete when I listen to them separately.

Anonymous 281841

You're right non, sorry, I think I went too hard on multiple titles and didn't align them right

Anonymous 281842

So pretty, ily Bio-chan

Anonymous 281843

Same, also a zoomie zoom, and I always hated social media and posting myself, even as a preteen I just posted photos of shit instead of myself on my insta, I eventually deleted everything when I was 15 and people still freakout when I say I dont have a facebook and shit and if they want to talk to me they can just use sms or email.

Anonymous 281844

I've always avoided Shayna's threads after opening one to see things I never wanted to see (my fault). When I saw recent pics of her I actually felt like she looked more or less normal (not thin, just idk normal/borderline slightly overweight) and not this giant whale I imagined when anons mentioned her. I guess I had only seen those terrifying close-ups of body parts. Or she lost weight idk

Anonymous 281845

Yes. My parents preached internet safety and despite having a ton of access to sites I shouldn't have, I only ever started participating in online discussion once I turned 18.

Anonymous 281846

what did she post all i see is her going out at disney in a bra

Anonymous 281848

Anonymous 281849

I get bad reactions when I tell people I don't have an IG. I'm mid/late millennial and have always had too much BDD to take lots of photos of myself, and I like taking pics of other things but then I wonder, "Who wants to see pics I take?" I had a small private IG for pics of my dog, but even that I restricted bc I didn't want my ex seeing where I was living.

My dog died and now another dog similar to her is very popular on a certain platform. Millions of followers. Similar mannerisms and look, mine was cuter and female though. Makes me wonder if my girl could have been adored by the masses. But she was a haughty queen and didn't like most strangers irl, maybe it's fitting she ruled the world without a base audience ogling her.

Anonymous 281850

it's never coming back

Anonymous 281851

dont lose hope

Anonymous 281852

we just need to take over cc then

Anonymous 281853

Just like my dad

Anonymous 281855

I feel you fellow one-armed nona

Anonymous 281856

I was feeling so lonely but then remembered the cc bunker threads! Any anons have advice for living alone?
I just dumped my stupid boyfriend and I moved out. I am still renovating the house while moving in so it’s been chaotically busy. I still find moments when it’s really lonely. Any advice on nesting or how you fill the silence? I’ll be able to move my cat in soon, which should help. All the love to the s, and thank you, CC for hosting us.

Anonymous 281857

This is something that I would rather ask the stupid questions thread or another thread on here but idk if I’d integrate well - does anyone else feel like how people treat you age/maturity wise is dependent on weight? I’m in the kind of “young adult” range and my peers (19-20, England) pretty much get treated like any other full adult, and it seems like people here tend to view you as basically an adult at like 16. But if you’re thin, you’re more infantilised. For me people treat me more like a kid even if they know my age, and when I’m out with my family they never address me directly kek. On the contrary my overweight peers aren’t seen like that at all. If they tell someone that’s like 30 who’s hitting on them their age they don’t mind it and still ask them out, but guys about 4 years older than me feel like a pedo for breathing near me and guys 23+ honestly treat me like a child even. I find this divide really weird, it seems to even reflect how others’ parents treat them (my skinny friends all have a curfew but my average to overweight friends are allowed to go drinking in the middle of the night etc)

Anonymous 281858

kek fagmin left to go buy milk

Anonymous 281859

Get one cozy area set up asap and kind of use it as your base in the home, listen to music that makes you feel really cozy maybe instrumentals from OSTs you like or something like that, put on a show or movie for background noise. It’s super important imo to have your bedroom be a haven first that’s what I did when I moved out of my ex’s place. Having a spot to recharge that feels and looks how you like can do a lot for your mind.

Anonymous 281860


Happy 3 day weekend to my fellow Amerinons btw

Anonymous 281862

>I've always avoided Shayna's threads after opening one to see things I never wanted to see (my fault)
i avoid her threads because of stuff i see in ther etoo. for me it's the anons always posting unfortunate and unspoilered disturbing pig images in her thread. i'm actually more scared of shayna anons than i am of shayna (no offense to any of you shaytards)

>When I saw recent pics of her I actually felt like she looked more or less normal (not thin, just idk normal/borderline slightly overweight) and not this giant whale I imagined when anons mentioned her.

i feel the same way. i always get surprised when people talk about her like she's planetary. she's tubby for sure but it's nothing that crazy idk sue me

you too nonita

Anonymous 281863

I don't bother to be into trends streamline, I know I will be anxious or bored. But I definitely want to be a part of something universally popular like watching tv series, enjoying fujo content, etc

Anonymous 281864

i’m not good at telling sizes, but she is kinda fat, maybe it’s bf%

Anonymous 281865

as a shaytard I also hate the anons who post those awful dead pig images

Anonymous 281866

I'm stuck having to go to a wedding

Anonymous 281867

>i’m not good at telling sizes, but she is kinda fat, maybe it’s bf%
i'm not great at telling sizes either. it's hard to say but i always expect her to be way bigger by the way some anons talk about her

it's why i can't read her threads. every time i open one out of curiousity i end up seeing those images and it's just upsetting to me idk. i've been on /shay/ more than i've been on shayna's threads kek.

Anonymous 281868


i want to die. first lolcow goes under and now twitter is blocked on my country. where will I get my gossip now?

Anonymous 281869

Is the Minecraft server being made today?

Anonymous 281870



Anonymous 281871

It's bc she was super skinny and ballooned really fast when her teenager metabolism naturally slowed. She's also super condescending and delusional about her skills. I used to follow her but not anymore, either she got boring or my taste in cows changed.

Anonymous 281872

she used to be bigger, she's lost a lot of weight. shaythreads are filled with older posters who come from the proana days who never fully got over it.

Anonymous 281873

shayna was never planet sized but there was an era where she was definitely clinically obese. i don't think she's that overweight anymore.

Anonymous 281874

i don't know if thinness has that much effect on my case, but i get infantilised mostly due to my height (and autismo mannerisms).
i'd say it's definitely plausible, i think extra weight, especially in the chest, hips, thighs and lower stomach makes you look older. if you don't have much fat in those areas, plus if you have a round face, you'll inevitably be treated like a kid. sucks kek.

Anonymous 281875

there was a period of time where she was approaching planetary level… i think people got used to thinking "wow she really blew up" and fixate on that even though she's deflated a bit since. and current shayna is still shocking compared to skinny!shayna, just not AS shocking as her peak ham

Anonymous 281876

Use vpn for Twitter

Anonymous 281877

What's the lolcow site thats all backwards and upside down

Anonymous 281878

I hate how people act that way. Social media is such a worthless time sink and I wish I had more friends who weren’t mindless zombies obsessed with it. Before social media I felt so much more connected to people.

Anonymous 281879

Farmcow.lol i think but it's also down

Anonymous 281880

Will it be a java realm or bedrock?

Anonymous 281881

Damn it

Anonymous 281882

If lolcow is down, farmcow is also down. All farmcow does is pick up content from LCF and display it differently

Anonymous 281883

Pretty sure VPNs are banned as well, you'll get fined a couple thousand dollars per day if they find out you're using one.

Anonymous 281885

what spaghetti country are you living in?

Anonymous 281886

my guess is brazil

opera browser has built-in vpn that you can activate by a simple click. usually it's rangebanned on every service you would want to use. Give it a try

Anonymous 281887

kek i could get jailed for using one but still do

Anonymous 281888

Elon didn't agree to some 24 hours deal with Brazil and their Supreme Court to have a representative in the company, so the country decided to ban X/Twitter.

Anonymous 281889

Born in 2000 and I really can't get into Tiktok. It looks like a fictional app that the main character of a Disney channel original movie would get cyber bullied on to me. I also just don't like the idea of having to record videos to post.
I miss when Instagram was good

Anonymous 281890



Anonymous 281891

iirc, in the last bunker thread, there were times when it was somehow working when the main site wasn't

Anonymous 281892

born in 2001 and same its just so autistic

Anonymous 281893

>Waters of Nazareth
thank you for reminding me Justice exists, I loved their music as a tween

Anonymous 281894

I guess that makes sense, being curveless and I think I have autistic mannerisms too which doesn’t help. But I live with my parents and they still make me leave the door open when I have someone over kek

Anonymous 281895

is there a reason theyre so overprotective of you?

Anonymous 281896

Brasil? There are free vpns like protonvpn you can try out. Boa sorte.

Anonymous 281897

Just read this, try TOR Browser then, twitter works there last time I tried

Anonymous 281898

Why is the fucking farm not back yet?

Anonymous 281899

threadpic is actually so cute i’m jealous because i can’t draw like that. but I wanted to post a vent saying i’m tired of seeing women talk about “this is the height difference you need” and when it’s a tall scrote he’s absolutely hideous, they’re all so ugly and i wish women would stop only looking for tall scrotes with nothing else to make it worthwhile of dealing with a scrote

Anonymous 281900

How are you breaking your arms? I broke my hand kek

Anonymous 281901

I don’t know, they’re not strict otherwise. I have one friend whose parents make her keep the door open when I’m in her bedroom too, which is funny since we’re both girls.

Anonymous 281902

* and she’s not out to them
i’ll never get the fetish for tall scrotes

Anonymous 281903

I mean, I'm also Brazilian, and I think TOR could also get anona huge fine. Last I remember it's not impossible to identify you are using it.

Anonymous 281904


Anonymous 281905

I hate this gif

Anonymous 281906

the censorship

Anonymous 281907

If I remember right there's also a more untraceable mode in the tor browser you can use, it's just slower also I don't believe brasilian authorities are gonna go that hard for someone using tor to use twitter compared to weapons deals or drugs.

Anonymous 281908

i need a gnome from hollow earth not a scrote

Anonymous 281909

Just woke up nøňňies what's going on.

Anonymous 281910

Nothing, everything is the same, there is a drawing board you can use if you wanna honor the bunker tradition tho

Anonymous 281911

ntayrt but I'm willing to host a simple vanilla java server. I've done it before

Anonymous 281914


Anonymous 281915

Free VPNs are free because they sell your data, the gov would catch people very quickly, it's not secure specially with the VPN fine they're imposing. TOR might be the
best solution right nkw.
If you only want to snoop around other people's pages, maybe nitter could work, the current instance I use (since most of them are down thanks to mursk) is https://nitter.poast.org

Anonymous 281916

BR br
They arent, we can use them. Small Internet companies also load Twitter just fine. The fine is not going to happen lol

Anonymous 281917

Genuinely what are the chances that it's not the fagmins forgetting to pay the bill and one or two hall monitor jannies trying to get in touch with them? Crazy how we had something like this this early in Cerbmin's career.

Anonymous 281918

Oh I'm stupid and gullible, sorry everyone

Anonymous 281919

It's fake

Anonymous 281920


boringgggggggggggggggg i hate retards, fatties, scrotes, trannies, farmhands, faggots, 4chan users, kiwiscrotes, olives, redditors, cars, pickmes, jobs that start at 6am

Anonymous 281921

I hate all of those things too. I’m glad I’m here among like-minded people

Anonymous 281922

We need more tranny and scrote hating energy. There are too many soft uwu crypto TRAs on the farms now. We need to exterminate them.

Anonymous 281923

what if cerbmin died like twomad or something and her corpse is just rotting on her chair

Anonymous 281924

Let's cry together, anã.

Anonymous 281925

Why are you imagining that

Anonymous 281926



Anonymous 281927

You mean they, as in a group of three moids.

Anonymous 281928

Love the thread pic, it's cute.

How are you all spending this saturday? I've been helping my sister move out.

Anonymous 281929


I have so many better and more productive ways to waste my time with. Why am I like this?

Anonymous 281930

Not people spreading fake news and you all falling for it n0nnies we are better than this

Anonymous 281931

I keep reflexively opening a new tab, typing in 'lo' and then sadly closing the tab when I remember

Anonymous 281932

There are at least two gullible nonas here, sorry.

Anonymous 281934


they updated the status page. looks like it will be a while

Anonymous 281935


same, or checking my lolcow open tabs, refreshing and then going oh..

Anonymous 281936

ugh i don't want to get my hopes up with the date, i suspect it'll be longer

Anonymous 281937

I can't wait to find out what the issue was.

Anonymous 281938

yayy at least they updated us! it gives me hope

Anonymous 281939

>implying they'd ever communicate with us

Anonymous 281940

Bet they wont tell us

Anonymous 281941

I even drew fan art of Lynn abusing and cutting off Cy's dick… Please lolcor come back. I know I'm gonna get bullied but I still wanna post it.

Anonymous 281942

My tinfoil is it's got something to do with Fanny/Null.

Anonymous 281943

My favorite cow community is the bath and bodyworks consoomer fandom because they're addicted to cheap body sprays and subsequently have the scent palate of a 4 year old autistic boy. I'm actually obsessed with reading posts in the bath and bodyworks subreddit that ask the community their least favorite notes/scents. Nearly every single bath and bodyworks scent is a combination of three of these
>fruit note
>sweet note (praline, vanilla, caramel)
>flower note
>some type of musk
And it's genuinely hilarious to me when they go ugh this scent was soooooo bad with short longevity, and the scent is literally like a carbon copy of 45 other released scents except on the back they call the vanilla note "sugared" and the amber note "carmelized".
Second favorite thing ever is to read their opinions on scents like midnight spell and the like and read their violent autistic reactions to a body spray scent that isn't carbon copy gourmand/floral #495873790

Anonymous 281944

This made me seethe for no reason. I think it’s the “we” kek cuz now I’m just picturing a group of balding troons

Anonymous 281945

Is this fake or is there a different update page because I don’t see where it says this

Anonymous 281946

I doubt that if/when it comes back they'll be transparent with us about what was happening behind the scenes

Anonymous 281947

it's not fake

Anonymous 281948

on status(dot)lolcow(dot)farm, it says that now

Anonymous 281949

nta but it's not fake, I just checked and get the same message on the status page

Anonymous 281950

I refreshed 10 times and it finally updated. Soz

Anonymous 281951

Tinfoil that they'll keep updating it to two days away

Anonymous 281952

I miss sperging about Luna

Anonymous 281953

wow, I can't wait to never find out what the serious issue is

Anonymous 281954

Estou tão triste com isso, anon. Era o meu site favorito (mesmo sendo péssimo). I'm an artfag so I follow a million different artists and I can't keep up with all of them on different sites. I'm praying on Elon's downfall

Anonymous 281955

what does keep on clutching mean

Anonymous 281956


Monday Monday baby I'm ready for MONDAY

Anonymous 281957

Pearl clutching?

Anonymous 281958

Keep on clutching (your pearls)

Anonymous 281959

Anonymous 281960

Pearl clutching

Anonymous 281961

They couldn’t pay the bill so they have to act like it was some issue off of their hand. I’m not very familiar with how it all works but what could possibly have suddenly happened to the site where it needed 4 days to fix

Anonymous 281962

Good morning beauties whats the news I just woke up what did I miss

Anonymous 281963

Lolcow only back on monday HELL

Anonymous 281964

Somebody please take over for fagmin PLEASE I will suck your clit if you just keep my Mongolian basket weaving site open and operating normally

Anonymous 281966

Two more day without lolcor… twitter is no more… guess I'll die

Anonymous 281967

I'm watching the mogra stream and its making me want to go to an otaku club but without any moids

Anonymous 281968

I'm kinda considering staying on crystal.cafe even after this is over, the local lolcow shizos who will not be named were banned easily and they didn't come back

Anonymous 281969

I wanted to grow my nails out a little bit so I could shape and paint them but one got chipped dammit

Anonymous 281970

I WANT TO SCROLL FUCK seriously I love scrolling /ot/ and /m/ and checking my favorite cows…I don’t have any social media either so I can’t go do the legwork myself kek. Anyway I wonder if Vicky is answering anything good on quora rn lmao

Anonymous 281972

Wow I knew that this was gonna be a while … At least it's earlier than Tuesday

Anonymous 281974

I think some people just can’t deal with the fast pace chatroom bunker threads

Anonymous 281975

who are you?

Anonymous 281977

spoiler text

Anonymous 281978

After this, I'll only keep two lolcow threads open

Anonymous 281979

Kek I also noticed this?? Why does CC have actually good moderation that can get rid of the freaks? And why can't farmhands do the same??

Anonymous 281980

Okay, but why can't they just tell us what's going on? What's stopping them from telling us the issue?

Anonymous 281982

Okay since it's coming back Monday I'm gonna set up the Minecraft server kek it'll be ready in like 2 or 3 hours I'm gonna add a plugin so we can wear flowers as hats and be cute

Anonymous 281983

I really hope you all do migrate here, seems chill but I’ve never really participated in this board since it isn’t too active. Wasn’t here for the last bunkers but how come anons didn’t stay? It doesn’t have what I want from lolcow but it is much cosier and I like chatting here. Sort of like less hyper dumbass shit thread

Anonymous 281984

tinfoil: ransomware got lolcow

Anonymous 281985

status got pushed to TUESDAY.

Anonymous 281987

To be fair it's because this isn't their "home board" so they feel less inclined to shitpost. The thread moves too fast for them to get enough attention too.

Anonymous 281988

nope we’re still here and having normal convos with other people, we don’t bait people all the time we like to enjoy normal-paced imageboards occasionally

Anonymous 281989

There is the option of using a VPN, but we don't know how safe they really are, and I don't think it's worth paying around 50KK to read that shit. I wonder when this dickhead nightmare in this shithole will finally end

Anonymous 281990

It’s cuz they permaban, I think it can be unfair though because sometimes it’s for something not so bad (like the anon who got permanently banned for asking if lolcow was down, seems overdramatic and will just drive people off)

Anonymous 281991

Anons always said gore and cp stays up for hours tho? And that they can be banned happy

Anonymous 281992

Kek. I bet it's gonna push to wednesday eventually.

Anonymous 281993

NuCow 2.0: confirmed

Anonymous 281994

I’m so excited! Can I join even if I’ve only played vanilla mc when it launched and then once like 5 years ago

Anonymous 281995

Still waiting for them to expose the supposedly illegal demands.

Anonymous 281996

That and tbh the ‘natives’ here seem kind of… eh from what I can see from certain threads. Like stuff you’d get bullied on lc for

Anonymous 281997

giphy (1).gif

Anonymous 281999

I doubt it’ll be finished at that time. This is going to be another thing that lowers down the userbase like the previous happenstance. I will estimate that there’s about 20-30 max people in this thread and that’s the amount keeping the entire website running.

Anonymous 282000

I feel kind of cool rn because I was the first one that tinfoiled the long weekend would effect it KEK

Anonymous 282001

CC bans VPNS and deletes stuff quickly in these bunkers
I used CC often a few years back however there was a mass delete wave that really demotivated a lot of users so we just went to lolcow and other websites. Especially since moid spam and bait stayed up for days while anons replying or creating their own threads got deleted. They really stepped up in this bunker saga tho

Anonymous 282004

>They really stepped up
Yeah … honourary farmhand status to whomever moderates this thread…. tbh they're kind of better than farmhands in general….

Anonymous 282005

3 day weekend and no lolcor….

Anonymous 282006

I think you have to take into account the sleep cycle of anons too, european vs american s, etc. I think there are lot more s who were here at the start of the bunkers and just left and others that just check periodically.
I'd say there are about 15-20 "regulars"

Anonymous 282009

Da pra usar o vpn do opera. The fine was cancelled. No one is going to spend 50k for using it

Anonymous 282010

So far I've seen at least 15 other anons I usually see on LC and then the rest must be from threads or boards I don't go on a lot but everyone is really nice and that's why I can tell that the retarded freaks didn't find us except for the 1 that got permbanned

Anonymous 282012

I'm at a wedding thing and a moid was asking about vows to this pastor scrote and he included that he should say that he loves her unless she gets fat. I hate Christianity so God damn much

Anonymous 282013

would nonas with pirated mc be able to join?

Anonymous 282014

Yeah fuck it up!!

Anonymous 282015

There weren’t, let go of the cope anon it wasn’t the same a few years ago. It’s the same people talking back and forth because that’s how humans like to talk to each other irl and online unless you’re all bots? Would you like to confess that you’re a bot anon?

Anonymous 282017

Her vows should say she loves him unless he goes bald.

Anonymous 282018

Hideously ugly obese cashier scrote just called me sweetie

Anonymous 282019

Yes, you can, it's just when you launch Minecraft you might have to wait a few minutes for all the updates to download since 5 years ago kek, but then you'll be fine. When it's ready I'll explain more in the post.

Anonymous 282020

don't post this.

Anonymous 282021

Yeah CC gets spammed there more often since CC is the "female imageboard" (or femcel imageboard) while lolcow is a lolcow imageboard that just so happens to be female only.

I recommend protonvpn na mesma because you can use it on your phone and free if u already have a protonmail account, also we should speak in english, I remember cc having to ban international threads because they don't have many international speakers so they can't moderate it properly.

Anonymous 282022

>i’ve seen 15
you can’t see anything because we’re all anonymous and can be different people. it just feels weird whenever anons like you think they have superhuman abilities to be able to detect who’s behind the screen typing their posts when it’s impossible.

Anonymous 282023

Dammit. I was hoping tarot card nonka could tell me my fortune before tonight. I need her guidance

Anonymous 282024

whenever i spend time here it really feels like most of the userbase is on average younger and/or are migrants from r9k.
i wish lolcow had an /x/ board because the /x/ board on here is shit and a lot of the users there suck. though i do enjoy the peacefulness of the /IMG/ board way more on CC, it's really nice but not enough to keep me here longterm.
plus there's this >>281986

i feel like moids on 4chan are more aware of CC but i might be wrong
i think if there were more boards on here with more quality posts/mature userbase i'd be on here more often. no offence to the CC natives

Anonymous 282026

The pastor is bald AND fat kek

Anonymous 282027

Nta but… I’ve gone a week or month without using LC to come back. Not everyone is a daily farmer, in fact most users probably rotate out. Probably like 50% of farmers will have missed this whole fiasco, they’re not gonna disappear forever.

Anonymous 282028

Second ayrt, you're too kind to me anon, thank you. I still post occasionally, just vaguely, but I did post something about his concept art. I had the idea of using the waybackmachine to check out archives of the show's website back when the show was running and the website was up, and I found a section called "animation exclusive" and they had "the living laser concept art" under it, I lost my mind immediately and clicked on it, only for the pictures to not be archived or in high quality. Kepy digging until I found them on Facebook out of all places kek, but now I have them yeay. And gotta say, he looks better in CGI lmao.
I don't think I or anyone else would get banned for just liking an obscure husbando lol, but I think some anons might over do it with the posting and post in unrelated threads too much until they become annoying avatarfaggers and that's when they deserve a ban. I only talk about mine in the dedication and horny posting threads, I don't even use the /m/ ones because it feels like too much posting. I even avoid talking about the show in any relevant threads so I don't stand out too much or be too annoying to anons. Thankfully, I'm obsessed with other big popular shows with somewhat active threads where I can sperg out to my heart's content about these since no one would think it's annoying or the same anon across threads.
relplied too late to reply in the thread where this discussion was even relevant LMAO. I slept for too long and was gonna relax and catch up with the threads after breakfast and some housechores, didn't expect all these threads.

Anonymous 282029

noooooo i mean at least they updated again but how does that happen?

Anonymous 282030

I hope so. Seems like it requires a specific server though.

Anonymous 282031

yeah I was >>281996, it seems better here because this thread is basically a crossover of lc users and people who have dabbled in cc, but the resident cc users seem kind of r9k-y, which isn’t relatable to me compared to lc

Anonymous 282032

Kek sometimes it's easy! It's way easier to recognize the cool or nice anons because they're rarer on LC now and whenever someone is particularly friendly or funny I remember them and then when I say my prayers at night I include them

Anonymous 282033

Nope they’re gone forever, a good chunk of that userbase has likely disappeared and won’t come back. People lurk but it doesn’t mean they contribute or post so it’s just down to 100 max people and it fluctuates beneath that number.

Anonymous 282035


This was originally our turf after all, but ironically it being identified on 4chan and other moid spaces as "the girl chan" made all farmers nope out. Not gonna lie, half of the catalogue looks like threads made by trannies.

Anonymous 282036

please post this (spoilered)

Anonymous 282037

That’s super weird, go pray about your family members and not strangers online.

Anonymous 282038

Late but the thread image is amazing

Anonymous 282039

Let's hibernate until the 3rd. n0nnies, I hope you all screenshot any cow drama so we can post it when it goes back online

Anonymous 282040

I was the anon that made the threads yesterday THANK YOU OPs for keeping the thread description going!!!! Thread descriptions are my autism thank you for keeping them nice

Anonymous 282041

God I can’t wait until lolcow is back up so you /g/ freaks can go back with your disgusting pornographic degeneracy

Anonymous 282042


how often do you just ignore "canon"? marina funger is a boy to me

Anonymous 282043

You're not gonna be in her prayers

Anonymous 282044

We could do a headcount? 1

Anonymous 282045

Sorry I actually have so much love in me that I don't have to ration it! I'll even pray for your happiness tonight even tho you called me weird because I'm full of love for all my anon friends

Anonymous 282046

yeah, the bans just happened because of the little infight, i was shocked it was perma because I was just being silly kek. we can be normal

Anonymous 282047

Unless they have a super particular way of writing (general ESLness doesn't count) or talk about the same specific topics on repeat, no you can't.

Anonymous 282048

You have to be at least 18 to post here or why are you typing like that kek, gross

Anonymous 282049

I ignore a lot of canon simply because I want to

Anonymous 282050

i agree with both of your posts completely. it's harder to relate to the resident CC users, i'll lurk here and there, but this would never be a mainstay for me

hope you've prayed for me nona

Anonymous 282051

>Me when I have nothing else to live for and have no discernible talents or skills so the only thing I feel accomplished for is writing a thread description or creating a threadpic

Anonymous 282052

> resident cc users seem kind of r9k-y
this is why i left cc many years ago. i didn't know if it was moids larping or what but the /feels/ board being nonstop nigel posting just turned me off

Anonymous 282054

Why not both? Women aren't a monolith

Anonymous 282055

>Me when I'm a bitter, miserable anon so I verbally shit on happy anons to feel better about being a grumpy unlikable person instead of working on my sour personality
Let her be happy and enjoy things

Anonymous 282056

Twitter platitude

Anonymous 282057


Anonymous 282058

Let's bitch about our personal cows. I'll start. Fuck you bitch if you keep dropping tumblr-tier I LIOE YOUR SHOELACES hints to me I will send your grandmother your cam whore sessions.

Anonymous 282059


Anonymous 282060

it’s been almost 2 days and i’m starting to get a little pissed here

Anonymous 282061

Talking about troons, I was devasted to find out the artist behind picrel caters to both MTFs and FTMs. On the bright side most of her art is regular het, at least she hasn't been fully brainwashed yet

Anonymous 282062

Yeah, I like both. >>282053 be the change you want to see, sow discord now!

Anonymous 282063

Just redirect them to /nsfw/

Anonymous 282064

the way i can tell you post in artist salt

Anonymous 282065

Thank you ! Going to start the cozy room tomorrow- today I can finally use my shower (had to retile and caulk,) so i need to deep clean the bathroom today.

Anonymous 282066

Anons dont bother responding, we aren't on LC the moderators acually work here so you just have to report. Just like yesterday around the same time when the infight started, the moderators permbanned them and then that was it. Just report and ignore like the thread description says! If she is insulting me that's okay, I don't mind, but I hate reading through infights because it's boring so let's just remember to REPORT AND IGNORE HER.

Anonymous 282067

They use lots of the same anime girls and edits that r9k troons love also they love announcing they're gross and filthy

Anonymous 282068

I don’t think that’s possible. I agree but anons like the chill vibe here and you get banned super easily here. Last night I saw some pretty clear jokes that were maybe just a bit jabbing but funny - they always got deleted before I could reply. It’s just like that

Anonymous 282070

Happy posters are retarded and repulsive beings

Anonymous 282071

No problem, It's easier to check out old threads that way. You already wrote the description too, there was no reason not to use it.

Anonymous 282072

stacy activity

Anonymous 282073

you are a looser and you stink
something something fujos bad
something something thinly veiled racebait

Anonymous 282074

I never had an account on twitter nor browserd twitter sorry for triggering you

Anonymous 282075


I need to milk my cows NOW NOW NOW

Anonymous 282076

Fix your personality disorder

Anonymous 282077

I don't? I wish I could draw though.

Anonymous 282079

Thanks!! I like to be able to use go back a thread by just clicking the link in description instead of searching catalog it makes it way easier. Plus I had this suspicion that the outage was gonna be long, so I wanted to document for how long it was and what was going on for future farmers' reference.

Anonymous 282080

What is this

Anonymous 282081

I think it's supposed to be a picture of Jill but her hair is cut short?

Anonymous 282082

Cushing syndrome from too much cortisol.

Anonymous 282083

I'm drinking black tea with sugar

Anonymous 282084


Anonymous 282085


Anonymous 282086

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠲⢤⣀⣀⠀⢀⣀⣀⠤⠒⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Anonymous 282089

if the /m/ thread with 2d moids being beaten gets deleted i'm suicide bombing

Anonymous 282090

Anonymous 282091

IT'S BACK!!! Only /m/ seems to be working though.

Anonymous 282092

I could never get into tea. Where I'm from people drink tea day and night all day long and I remember being a teenager and just thinking like "I have to stay away from this and smoking" kek I thought of it like an addiction
This is cool

Anonymous 282093


Anonymous 282095


Anonymous 282096

Yesterday when we did one we got up to like 6 or 7 and then a lot of well-known posters came or at least anons that had made posts we remembered

Anonymous 282097

So are you 3 or no?

Anonymous 282098

Fuckk this is hot

Anonymous 282100

tastes like watere…

drinking fiber water instead of eating breakfast because it makes me feel too full to do both

Anonymous 282101


Anonymous 282102

3 what

Anonymous 282103

Why am I seeing this again. Who is it?

Anonymous 282105

I miss my Suomi s

Anonymous 282106

Anonymous 282107

3 anons, so far there's only two of us

Anonymous 282108

I hovered over the reply and it didn't link to anything, that means mods are here moderating yaaaay. Imagine if farmhands were this good at their jobs instead of spending half their shift figuring out "funny" quips to use for red texts

Anonymous 282109



Anonymous 282110

Anonymous 282111

Oh yeah sorry I was the third one

Anonymous 282112

What do you Finns even talk about in that thread?? I don't mean this in a bully way but sometimes I go into the Finnish thread and I read the posts out loud and I pretend I'm that one muppet.

Anonymous 282113

Nah I do the same, my friends actually went out of their way to make my shitty ex-bf breakup with me tho and I'm more than thankful for it.

Anonymous 282114

i agree with you, shit stays up for way too long while jannys are trying to argue in redtext instead of just banning and they take forever. i'm glad it got deleted btw, it should be

Anonymous 282115


Anonymous 282116

my tinfoil for why CC moderation is apparently usually slow as fuck but fast itt is because the mods are actually farmers who are also using this bunker because their main ib is in the hospital

Anonymous 282117

This is the based and correct way to live. I get annoyed when I find out my online friends have a pet scrote.

Anonymous 282118

Who is this?? I always see it posted but I never watched the Goofy Movie so I don't know and after seeing it a few times I was too scared to ask who it was and now it's been a long time so if I asked on LC I'd get mean hate replies kek

Anonymous 282119


kek I believe it, CC started on lolcow after all.

Anonymous 282120

No fucking way I think I know who this is kek

Anonymous 282121

If so then she's a trooper. Why do I have this feeling that the new farmhands Cerbmin hired are all just his Discord groupies?

Anonymous 282122

It's Jacksfilms fanart

Anonymous 282123

He's the pompous chad villain of Extremely Goofy Movie and he can only emote in reaction faces

Anonymous 282124

Omg!!! I was the one that made this!!! The original had the cat holding a marihuana cigarette and I remember thinking "no the haters are gonna say that the cat tinfoils because its high" so I edited the marihuana cigarette out.

Anonymous 282125

⊂/  /  ・゜
 しーJ    °。+ * 。 
      ゚。   。゚
meth dust be upon ye

Anonymous 282126

What was there? I didnt get to see it

Anonymous 282127

Hi leaf friend it's your other leaf friend wink wink

Anonymous 282128

Can I ask where you're from? Why are you spelling marijuana with an 'h'

Anonymous 282129

No the doobie was the best part!!

Anonymous 282130


Bradley Uppercrust III my beloved…

Anonymous 282131

Shes a leaf

Anonymous 282132

A lolcow screen cap of a fat woman in lingerie

Anonymous 282133


Omg yes I remember anons being mad at you for doing that, I actually prefer it that way too since I don't smoke despite being a tinfoiler.
I miss my tinfoil threads, /x/ isn't the same, I need to sperg about the NWO

Anonymous 282134

There's like a decently-sized community of Max x Bradley shippers out there.

Anonymous 282135


Anonymous 282136

He's so high his ears are flying away nooooo
No that is personal information sorry but I will let you know that the state of Michigan uses the term mariHuana in its state legislature and I go by the state of Michigan.

Anonymous 282137

kiwifarm sucks ass i need my milk dosage…

Anonymous 282138

Beautiful edit, just saved on phone and sent to my mum, she will like.

Anonymous 282139

My only complaint for this movie (aside from the fact it's generally inferior to the 1st) is the fat fuck getting with the hot poetry girl

Anonymous 282140

Awww that's precious

Anonymous 282141


Anonymous 282142

It's like Paprika

Anonymous 282143

My unpopular opinion is that lolcow never has any good milk past 2019

Anonymous 282145

The Japanese anime movie?

Anonymous 282146


I use excel spreadsheets to text my frands

Anonymous 282147

If I had psychic powers I would blow up moids with my mind

Anonymous 282148


Good morning nonas, how are we doing today?

Anonymous 282149

lets celebrate!.gi…

Anonymous 282150

I'm so mad that Ive been on the site since 2016 and missed out on some good cows because I was too retarded to use the rest of the site. It's all just camwhores and trannies now

Anonymous 282151

Would you get exposed like how Light got exposed with the death note

Anonymous 282152


It's a secret

Anonymous 282154

what boards were there then if i recall m and w are still quite recent

Anonymous 282155

How old are you guys and how much savings do you have? I'm trying not to panic about my future. I'm 28 and I have 3 grand.

Anonymous 282156

nоnnies, I suggest you to add a belarusian alphabet to your keyboards because it has а о е у i letters that can also be used in english so your words don't get weirdly censored. I also avoid immediate reports on other sites this way.

Anonymous 282157


I miss LC for the Alice Glass thread because it's the only place nowadays where I can find people who'd understand my decade long crush on her in CC… it hurts

Anonymous 282158

no gold biscuits nor property?

Anonymous 282159

Anonymous 282160

Yesss I'm making it right now I'm just loading in the world so we don't lag but it takes a while.
It's gonna be Java server!
I don't think so, I'm sorry :(

Anonymous 282161

No I have nothing

Anonymous 282162

No, Lukashenko, we know it's you and we aren't falling for you Belarusian propaganda!

Anonymous 282163


Anonymous 282164

I did use snow but I just never ventured out of Holly bRown's thread for years. Never used an ib before.
27 soon and 20,000 saved, however I have no health or car insurance and still live at home.

Anonymous 282165

BUY GOLD THEN RETARD gold is a nice long time investment

Anonymous 282166

\|/ (__)
|| (__)
||w–|| \|/


Anonymous 282167

I'm 21 and I've only invested in a few low-cost index funds. Otherwise, I've got nothing so far because most of my money is going to my college at the moment.

Anonymous 282168

Do you have a tax-free savings account? Do you invest in stock? Investing was the thing that helped me the most when I started taking my savings seriously. Also, don't worry too much because you can make a lot of $$ in a short period of time like a few months or a year, if you just get a second job and shift into "struggle" mode. It's hard and really sucks but when I worked 2 jobs a few summers ago I ended up making an extra $8K that was easier for me to save.

Anonymous 282169

It’s actually not that hard to recognize some anons, especially in the last year since the user base seems much smaller than it used to be.

Anonymous 282170


Anonymous 282171

Anons who don't get this are retarded.

Anonymous 282172

Does anyone want to gossip about the Chappell Roan situation?

Anonymous 282173

fuck you cerbmin

Anonymous 282174

Ntayrt but I agree kek. I know we will never ~really~ know who is who, but it's just kind of silly to say that none of us can recognize anybody else. Especially when you use the site for more than a few hours everyday.

Anonymous 282175

Noona help me invest and buy stocks, what do

Anonymous 282176


Day 3 without lolcor…This is only slightly worse than when my entire state lost power because of an inch of snow

Anonymous 282177


Anonymous 282178


FUCK CERBMIN!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 282179

She's straight.

Anonymous 282180

i would love to!!!! who’s chapell rowan btw?

Anonymous 282181

It's crazy because I feel like a failure at 27 with 30k in savings. But I don't invest at all, it's just savings. I have no idea how to start

Anonymous 282182

Mee with the Grimes thread. I'm pretty sure 90% of posters there are disgruntled former fans.
The other 10% just really hate muskrat.

Anonymous 282183

its alright you can start a brokerage account

Anonymous 282184

maybe they just closed the doors because they don’t wanna moderate anymore, i feel like that sounds like the most realistic reason

Anonymous 282185

What's happening with her rn?

Anonymous 282186

im pretty sure grimes posts in that

Anonymous 282187

Around 150k

Anonymous 282188

No I don't know anything about finances or stocks. I don't even have a job tbh I'm on disability for anxiety. I also have no education past like grade 11 and no work history, it feels pretty hopeless. Also I can't drive.

Anonymous 282189

I mean about the fact that she has been talking about wanting a transactional relationship with her fans and then cancels her Europe tour dates (which had small venues) to perform at the VMAS. I know it may not be her decision, but she needs to align her team with what she says (or she needs to align with her team). It looks so much worse to be contradictory.

Anonymous 282190


Anonymous 282191

im going to rob you

Anonymous 282192


Anonymous 282193

Most banks will offer a free information session or online seminar with clients that want to learn more about investing. That's what I did when I wanted to learn, and it really helped me out. It gives you like the foundational knowledge you need.

Personally for me, I made a LOT of my money during COVID by investing in companies that were working on a cure, but now I mostly just invest in energy companies or natural resource extraction. The number 1 trick I have is to try and make a friend or two that's smarter than you when it comes to stocks and just ask them for help, that's what I originally did.

Anonymous 282194


I hope I'm one of them, I love bein noticed

Anonymous 282196

Wow, that's pretty good. I'm >>282181 and I forgot that actually have 60k including my trust fund which I don't touch & is valued at 30k. It's already in a mutual fund.

Anonymous 282197

attention whore

Anonymous 282198

It was riding my bike and had to take another route because my usual way was blocked. The other way was an off-track gravel path with patchy grass at first. The grass patches got higher and denser like bike high and I wanted to avoid the grass and my wheel got stuck in the ditch. At first, I was like 'oh fuck', but I couldn't do anything actually and just let it happen. Kind of a bizarre feel tbh. I was thrown off and the bike landed on me. idk if the fall or the bike broke my arm but it hurt soo much and I screamed so loud that my throat hurt too. Luckily someone saw me and called me an ambulance. 3 more weeks and I'm bi-armed again

Anonymous 282199

She will fizzle out after a while. You cannot have the SJW sensibilities as a famous person. People will rightfully call you retarded and try to evoke reaction. She's not cut out for this.

Anonymous 282200

That's good advice nonnerito

Anonymous 282201

Nta but ty for the advice

Anonymous 282202

I think it's also that she has SJW fans. They hold you to such ridiculous moral standards.

Anonymous 282203

A singer who just blew up and is complaining about being famous despite grinding to become a popstar for years. She's also obsessed with drag and came out as a lesbian despite being obsessed with her ex boyfriend who dumped her and bitterly bringing him up constantly and having absolutely zero romantic history with women

Anonymous 282204

imagine life with no heaven!
i wonder if anyone recognizes my typing style keeeek

Anonymous 282205

Aw gorl that's mean, why you gotta shut me down like that

Anonymous 282206

Are you the Snookie poster. I feel like I can also recognize the same few anons… Carreychan….

Anonymous 282207

Now you are amen

Anonymous 282208

she sounds a lot like my dad

Anonymous 282209

Feel like shit just want my Free Korea thread back.

Anonymous 282210

Paid ones can also sell your data. It’s a matter of what the terms of service and privacy policy outline. ProtonVPN is the best free VPN service because they don’t collect data (although there was a precedent a few years back), but there are also in-browser VPN services such as Apple’s Private Relay.

Anonymous 282211


It's easy if you TRYYYYYYYYYYYV

Anonymous 282212

two weeks.png

waiting for lolcow to come back feels like this

Anonymous 282213

how can they sell your data if you don’t give it to them though? like wouldn’t they only have access to it if you sign up and give them personal information and stuff like that

Anonymous 282214

images (15).jpeg

Bless you

Anonymous 282216

glorious north korea thread will be free again and anons with pearls of smiles will be happy

Anonymous 282218

Yeah I'm in a similar position as you. I need to invest more but I'm constantly paranoid about the stock market cratering because of his fake it all is.
I feel like a conspiracy theorist complaining about moving away from the gold standard. But it's kind of true…

Anonymous 282219

It's sort of like how when you're at work and if you use work wifi, they can see all the pages that you're going on, but not necessarily the information that you put into the web pages.

Anonymous 282220


No hell below us….only skaiii

Anonymous 282221

Someone should make an investing thread when lc is back up. Or if it never comes back, make one here.

Anonymous 282222

They can't sell shit if I've never agreed to terms and services, which I haven't, because there is no sign up. There was no agreement when I booted the app for the first time. If they were selling my data they'd be doing it illegally and majorly fucking themselves in the long run.

Anonymous 282223


Listening to nightcore while doing pixmixes…
Life is good anons

Anonymous 282224

yeah they both fell off after starting to date shitty men. I do also miss Grimes' old stuff like Vanessa though

Anonymous 282225

ohhh! so my vpn can see when i’m on lolcow? that’s actually kinda cool maybe that’ll usher more farmers

Anonymous 282227

I think there is a personal finance thread on /ot/ The problem with /ot/ is that there are like 5 or 6 residents there that just camp in the 3 most popular threads to bait and infight, so those threads are always getting bumped and the others ignored.

Anonymous 282229

honestly all cowish behaviour from her is excused for me
at least the anons in that thread hate on the moids that made her this way

Anonymous 282230


Feels like just yesterday I was a bright eyed 20-something year old stumbling onto Holly Brown's thread through Google in the midst of her yaoi doujin saga, but then I remember 2017 was 7 years ago

Anonymous 282231

Okay this is the one that lost me I'm trying to squint but I still can't see it

Anonymous 282232

sure, she seems textbook attention whore. don't look at me! don't talk to me! but does it in the most obnoxious "look at me, talk to me!!" way
is there anything new since her obnoxious tantrum on instagram and then the subsequent video where she's stoned like "i've said my piece… thank you all for listening.." like she's been medicated by handlers kek

Anonymous 282233

Don't you have to agree to their terms of services to able to use the vpn though? It always asks me that

Anonymous 282234

You access the internet over them. It's like you're using them as your router. So they know what traffic you generate

Anonymous 282235

NTA secure free VPN doesn’t make you agree to terms and conditions, you just watch an ad before it connects you to the new IP

Anonymous 282236

She's so cute, hope she dumps that ugly moid

Anonymous 282237

Lolcor is dead 5ever rip damn darn cry

Anonymous 282238


Anonymous 282239

me trying to convince everyone i know that the gamecube is and always will be the best (non handheld) console

Anonymous 282240

my semester resumes tomorrow and i haven't caught up on anything hang me

Anonymous 282241


Similar boat. Life circumstances have been rough for me the past couple of years. I have been trying to be optimistic and am hoping to turn it around, but sometimes I can’t help but feel like a failure.

Anonymous 282242

I’m not surprised it went down after it kept getting posted on /r9k/ for like a week. maybe that’s the “serious issue” they’re trying to fix? just shut down the website for a week and hope the 4chinners forget about us kek

Anonymous 282243

It was so good. Had a great library and easy to transport.

Anonymous 282244

Can you recommend some free vpns pls, also proton vpn doesn't work in my country for some reason

Anonymous 282245


Exactly. I've been waiting to post in that thread because I found an interview from April where she mentioned not looking at Instagram herself in a year, so it's pretty obvious that at least half the online things (like defending Jupiter against his rape allegations) are still just him on her account.

Regardless, I will never forgive him for ruining her image. She was so fucking qt

Anonymous 282246

Wow I relate to this picture she's just like me when I was 7 and I got a Gamecube for Christmas and I had to pose like this for the photo

Anonymous 282247


Woke up to a bunch of fog and a comfy bunker thread weekend is off to a great start. I think I'll go to the beach today pic related. What's everyone doing with their Saturday?

Anonymous 282248

I hope I can admit here that I find that one song from Mars Argo catchy

Anonymous 282249

veee peee ennnn.pn…

this is the VPN i use whenever i need it, never failed me been using it for 2 years

Anonymous 282250

Apparently my phone was just device banned? I have literally no idea what I've done, there was no ban message just a pop up that says "you have been banned". I don't understand, I've been good, I haven't broken any rules. I'm really bummed out, I don't even know how to or if I can appeal.

Anonymous 282252

Semi tinfoil but he probably def had something to do with her plastic surgery. She was so beautiful before. Not to sound like a phenotype sperg moid but her face had a really soft balance and sweetness to it

Anonymous 282254

aww i remember when i got into mars argo, you don’t know me anymore went so hard for me in HS

Anonymous 282255

Okay maybe this is unpopular to say but now I'm excited to spend the weekend in this thread kek it's really fun everyone is cool

Anonymous 282256

This is a problem apparently a lot of users have been having since we integrated here, I think there might be words or phrases that are just auto banned but I have no idea what they are

Anonymous 282257

I was too but now I'm afraid I'm going to be perma banned and not even know why…

Anonymous 282258

I'm glad I've never seen cp/gore spammed on the front page of LC whenever moids do their raids. I consider myself blessed and would like to share my blessings with the unfortunate souls who have to see it

Anonymous 282259

Hell yeah kek, this is a million times better than the endless catfighting in the same threads over and over again

Anonymous 282260

I used to have such a crush on her when I was younger, it was crazy like I thought for sure I was a lesbian or at least bi because of how infatuated I was with her. But then as I got older I realized I'm completely straight and not bi at all, weird how that works out. Seeing her now I can remember why I liked her so much and I remember being attracted to her but those same feelings aren't there.

Anonymous 282261

Do you have any kind of rough idea if the ban expires? It's weird not having any information.

Anonymous 282262

Does anyone want to start a little bunker magma for drawing I'm bored and I wanna draw the board-tans and bio-chan

Anonymous 282263

I immediately detach emotionally from my friends once they find a boyfriend

Anonymous 282264

images (1).jpg

i did..

Anonymous 282265

I’ve unfortunately seen cp twice but I’ve been on the site for 10 years so I’m happy it’s not more. I’ve seen a lot of gore but honestly it doesn’t bother me when they post dead moids kek. Also hemorrhaging once a month makes me desensitized to blood and stuff.

Anonymous 282266

Anonymous 282267

26 and around 30k. Managed to save it because narc mom pays my rent (threatened her into it or I'd leave her). A couple more years of this until I get my certification and I can escape her forever and not have to worry. Am also an immigrant and have no family/friends in the continent, my life was kinda like Venus' with all the moving and instability

Anonymous 282268


I’m not sure n.onna, I remember I was banned for a few hours (I got the whole “unspecified reason, will not expire treatment) and then when I went to appeal it I got this message.

Anonymous 282269

theres already a magma

Anonymous 282270

Anonymous 282271

Your dad was trying to become a popstar for 10 years and is pretending to be a lesbian despite being obsessed with his ex-boyfriend and having no romantic history with women?

Anonymous 282272

That's the other weird thing, I just got a pop up with nowhere to appeal, not even an "unspecified reason" but a black pop up that says "you have been banned"

Anonymous 282273

Agreed, the filler makes me so fucking sad because I can barely recognize her in the newest videos. She held my hand during a show and was really sweet when meeting her though

Anonymous 282274

Girl, what the fuck. Me too, but with mystery.jpg. Holly Brown was a good laugh, though.

Anonymous 282275

30 and like 10k but 28k student loans so lmao. I don't have a house, a car, anything. I own nothing.

Anonymous 282276

29. €85k.
Deposit for my mortgage is going to each up a lot of that though.

Anonymous 282277

Where did the idea come from that Cerbmin is male?

Anonymous 282278

The money talk is depressing me kek

Anonymous 282279

23, $10k saved, $45k in debt, own property, planning to flee the country to a non-extradition territory to avoid paying my debt.

Anonymous 282453

that idea comes up about every admin

Anonymous 282876

same. I feel like God's protecting me

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