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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


What sandwich do you choose? Anonymous 271009[Reply]

Personally I’m thinkin either the Ruben or the Italian. Cubano is great too. What are you choosing?
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Anonymous 271011


Fresh mozzarella and basil pesto sandwich

Anonymous 271014


I used to always go for pulled pork but now that I realize how easy it is to make them idk. I had a really good croque madame a few weeks ago and I miss it so maybe that.

Anonymous 271118

pb & j >>>> all this shit. nothing could possibly be more comforting

Anonymous 271125

Grilled cheese or fried chicken

Anonymous 271311

The one with no bread


What happened to FDS? Anonymous 262160[Reply]

The Female Dating Strategy podcast hasn’t given us a new episode in half a year. Did they completely quit? Why? What happened to them? I miss them so much.
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Anonymous 265542

I personally never truly believed in the existence of high value men in the sense the subreddit was trying to sell out. Knowing what we know about male behaviour and how prevalent porn use is among moids, it looks like establishing finding a HVM as a goal will result in many women competing for a tiny portion of the male population.

I really can't see how productive it is in terms of moving towards female independence and liberation. A lot of this sounds like copium for straight women who still want to cling to the silly hope of maybe one day being among the lucky one who will stumble upon the extreme outliers of the male population and live happily ever after.

Anonymous 266565

I saw a girl being called a pickme for asking for a smaller size of gloves because previous ones were too big for her hands

Anonymous 271303

If I was retarded and masochistic enough to date and submissive enough to have sex then I would get the hottest man then didn't have sex with him and let him cheat here's your sweet validation of having a moid around!

Anonymous 271304

It makes no sense cause I implied I would have sex but I wouldn't.

Anonymous 271611

eww, get your animal abuse off of here


crafting to get a bf? Anonymous 252847[Reply]

so i've had a crush on my older brother's best friend since I was a teen. he's always over at the house and has viewed me as a sister his whole life (has said this out loud multiple times to make the point clear) even in my early 20's he treated me like i was the same child. that was until i started to craft this summer. i saw a tiktok about making beaded bracelets, thought it'd be cute to make a couple and send them to my friends abroad. when he saw me making them he asked for one surprisingly, didn't think much of it at the time. about a week later i made a charcuterie board which included little sandwiches with the crust carefully cut off and he told me on two separate occasions how much he liked what i prepared. a couple days later he was over and i noticed he was slightly blushing around me and acting different. ffwd to yesterday, it had been nearly 3 weeks since i last saw him and i was in the sun room working on a landscape painting, nearly done with it. he came in to say hi and commented on my painting, he seemed really impressed by it. i also noticed he was still wearing the beaded bracelet I gave him over a month ago. made me feel special. now today he texted me and asked me out to get lunch this weekend. why don't we talk about this? why is no one else doing this? are men like primordially attracted to us when we make things? can we leverage and exploit this to get our desired bfs or is it just a fluke thing my crush is now into me?
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Anonymous 263115

do you want to be a slave nona? if the foundation of how you get a guy is that he likes what you make for him (as opposed to features of your personality that are totally independent of him) you're gonna end up with a moocher

Anonymous 263255

>OP is going to be making bracelets in a sweatshop for the rest of her life.
This post is hilarious.

Anonymous 267166

It's probably more on what he values, and in general it's more a people thing and not a gender thing. If you made him a cute gift, he probably valued the gift at minimum cuz he usually doesn't get gifts like that, meaningful or not. But he'll give it meaning. If you make a guy food and he crushes on you, he prob values food and like >>252852 said, tradwife mentality is trad attractive. Generically, if a guy asks out a girl and puts in the effort with flirting etc, she likes it. If a girl asks out a guy, he appreciates the effort and the rarity of the situation.

It's been 6 months, so I hope you both are dating by now. Since he likes ur gift and has been wearing it, u should only very occasionally keep making crafts for him, not too often so it loses novelty, but enough that he thoroughly appreciates the effort and he reciprocates the same.

I agree with this

Anonymous 267222

That's pretty sweat, you conquered his heart with your artistic talents
I'm jelly

Anonymous 271301



Anonymous 135601[Reply]

>Dad showing me his reddit gold from a recent post he made
>decide to try and catch a peak at his username so maybe I can troll him
>look up his reddit account
>mostly innocent stuff about his interests
>look a little deeper
>posts in r/Blonde berating, scrutinizing yet simping for random pornstars (he is married and has multiple kids)

Once I found berating pornstars funny and well deserved, but after seeing a male close to me who is otherwise mostly normal appearing berate them while simultaneously using them to get off, I don't think so. Women really are just objects to men and its depressing.
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Anonymous 271218

Omg thats actually kind of cute. Im assuming he's still married to your mom?

Anonymous 271242

Yep, for the last 33 years.

Anonymous 271256

No but I wouldn’t be suprised if he did

Anonymous 271283

I love stalking peoples reddits

Anonymous 271291


Medical Misogyny Anonymous 268599[Reply]

>male doctor takes 4 months misdiagnosing me and leaving me basically disabled all this time
>female doctor took 1 visit to give me the right meds and solve the problem
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Anonymous 269762

money,this doesn't happen in countries that aren't the US
physicians in the US make loads of money off forcing women into invasive screenings even if they're extremely low risk and don't need them

Anonymous 269883

sorry, i don't this is the best quality I got. You could find it if you search for sally face art on tumblr.

Anonymous 270020

this isnt medical per se cuz it came from my boss at work but on friday i took my first sick day of the year because i had cramps so bad i couldnt get out of bed without a heating pad and i heard from my coworker that my boss was making comments implying that he didn't believe i was sick, and he said that people should only call out sick on a monday or friday if they're actually ill. no lie when my coworker told me that i freaked out and started talking about how i hoped my boss burns in hell for that

Anonymous 270179


And he should! Fuck bosses that minimise the pain some women go through during their period. We should create a new job which consists of a buff guy punching a dude of your choice in the stomach every month so that they have a semblance of what it feels like.

Anonymous 271287



What’s your lowest point of your time on the internet Anonymous 264232[Reply]

Saw the question on reddit, curious about the responses here.
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Anonymous 271061

How did you execute this? Was it just you talking to yourself on discord or do you do this publicly online? also what do you get out of this
Not my choice but I saw legit cheese pizza on 4chan after i naively thought that stuff like that doesn't actually get posted

Anonymous 271066

Yeah I’ve done stuff like that. Slowly realizing they’re laughing at you and not with you is always unpleasant.

Anonymous 271085


One year, instead of spending 4th of July with friends and family, I spent it participating in a 4chan raid on tumblr.
We posted the most horrible gore under the Stephen universe tags

Also i would collect really disturbing porn to traumatize people with when I got tired of debating them

Oh yeah and I would draw gross fetish art for people on 4chan FOR FREE

Anonymous 271097

Seriously "flirting" and considering meeting up people off /soc/. Or just posting there in general.

Anonymous 271286

Moids messaging me to tell me to hang myself in live stream



Someone in St. Catharines, Ontario decided to post this site on a poster about reporting pro-life content?? Lol
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Anonymous 271151

This is just complete cringe.

Anonymous 271190

Why are moids retarded? And why are retarded moids attracted to this place?

Questions that need answers imo

Anonymous 271200

I grew up in Niagara and went to high school in St Kits. This tracks lmao
I miss the ships even though my school bus would get caught at the locks sometimes

Anonymous 271209


Anonymous 271284

Why do they care so much


Autism Anonymous 133367[Reply]

Any female autistics here?

What do you think about the DSM-IV-TR? Also, autistic women general I guess
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Anonymous 267211

Everyone is autistic now, I don't believe them. New indigo children

Anonymous 267217

Or is it that our world is polluted and unhealthy to the point more neurological disabilities are popping up? It's not just self-diagnosed "high functioning" autistics, there's been a boom in severely disabled children as well.

Anonymous 267264

there's also better screenings for autism now so less autists go unnoticed

Anonymous 268388

I hate how people claim to be all accepting of spergos until we start acting like one. I hate when I have very clear symptoms I get yelled at and told its not an excuse even though im having a symptom of being a spergo. It was so much worse in school as well and the so called "disability" teachers were the worse. They were tard wranglers that could only handle actual retards and not someone like me who was in fight and flight mode 24/7.
I fucking wish there was a cure as I can hardly leave my house or be triggered by the lights or too many colours. I cant stand being this way and people arnt helping

Anonymous 271280

Abused one


Dark chocolate is the best type of chocolate Anonymous 29200[Reply]

Prove me wrong
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Anonymous 119966

this thread made me want dark chocolate :(

Anonymous 267162


I like chocolate including dark chocolate but I'm not picky since I enjoy white and milk chocolate too, I just try to make sure it's free of garbage ingredients like corn syrup and ('natural flavor' hydrogenated soy oil). I also try to prioritize chocolates labeled as fair trade because personally I like the idea of not eating something produced with slave labor.

Also I'm sure all chocolate enjoyers will like this video, just watch it.

Anonymous 267193

the correct opinion

Anonymous 267230

dark chocolate is the best by far

Anonymous 271279

It makes me nauseous but I get addicted to getting fatigue after eating it


Cheese thread? Anonymous 271206[Reply]

Big fan of goat cheese; morbidly expensive though. Whenever I buy it I try to use it sparingly but I usually just run through all of it within a week like some kind of monster

Also big fan of pesto, doesn’t match here but I have free will and will use it to my liking

Anonymous 271233

I will eat a wheel of brie in one sitting. My guiltiest pleasure. I'm not myself when it's nearby.

Anonymous 271245

I love cheese so much, my favourite one is halloumi, but it's expensive too

Anonymous 271271


Wensleydale with cranberries on oatcakes is something I wish everyanon will get to experience someday.

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