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Kiwi Farms Thread Anonymous 156200[Reply]

LC doesn't work atm so I thought we could have a thread here.


334 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 263287

I seriously doubt this will accomplish anything

Anonymous 267248

So now a tranny actually "confirmed" dead specifically because of their thread? Does this mean it's over?

Anonymous 269307

I saw that crystal.cafe has been mentioned on KF yesterday, expect moids.

Anonymous 269308

moids already know about this place and have raided it to death

Anonymous 269535

you can't be held legally responsible for someone choosing to commit suicide unless you specifically incited it or gave them the gun they did it with (the latter being more of a moral-social onus for a judge to slap more charges on you)


Gen Y women Anonymous 230927[Reply]

any Gen Y women here who remember the fun days of 4chan like 2007-2010?

There was sexism back then, but nothing like today. The manosphere/mgtow/incel/red pill destroyed that place. Likewise, I feel Gen Z engage in lots of bullying.

I used to pretend to be a guy circa 2007 and never admit to being a woman and it was fun. I also feel this was before politics and echo chambers. /pol/ destroyed 4chan. I remember before /pol/ existed.

Anyway, this is my first post ever here. Just want to get this off my chest. I feel bad that I can no longer enjoy a message board I grew up on.
166 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 269240

It's impossible, they've already hit Peak Tranny
Any more propaganda would oversaturate and slide past the top of the Laffer curve

Anonymous 269261

Literal retardation, as if the world needs any more God damn AGP men

Anonymous 269479

Zoomers don't even know what blogposts are, they think it just means long posts. But anyways there's still tons of blog posting tripfags trying to make a name for themselves on /r9k/

Anonymous 269498

The internet as a whole is far more toxic and polarized now. We never recovered from the gamergate and 2016 election time period.

Anonymous 269510

Do you really believe that? It's way calmer now than a few years ago


I wish Texas was real Anonymous 269295[Reply]

Too bad it's not

Anonymous 269311

I have been to the fictional land of Texas and am thankful it was all just a figment of my imagination.

Anonymous 269322

That fantasy land when you can fry eggs anywhere

Anonymous 269331

Wdym "too bad its not"?

Texas is a moid-hellhole. It would be very awesome if that place would just vanish.

Anonymous 269333




Self Defence Anonymous 86486[Reply]

Hello miners. Do some of you carry weapons for your self defence? Guns? Pepper spray? Knives? Do some of you learn how to fight? Discuss self defence tips.
142 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 268496

Fat people compete in triatholons and even cross country events.
That means jack.

Anonymous 269239

I own a berreta 92 for daily use. I also have a Mk18 back at home which was really a kind of a forced gift by my dad.

Anonymous 269241

A man I met in Uni (not dating, but kinda close) gave me a pocket knife. Told me that he hoped I would never need it. Never saw him again. I think he was autistic. Handsome though

Anonymous 269259

FYI, if someone ever puts you in a headlock using one arm, do your best to use your chin as a wedge at the fold created by their elbow, once you've got your chin between their upper arm and lower arm keep pushing down with your head as hard as you can and this will actually free you from their grip even if they are really strong. At that point they will most likely be very briefly surprised that you got out of the headlock which is your best chance to as turn around as quickly as you can and knee, not kick, them in the balls as hard as you can. At this point it's time to start sprinting, but ideally you if you can: whip out a knife or gun and go to town. If gun, aim for center mass, if knife, stab, slash, and twist for maximum damage. Even if you manage to absolutely wreck them, still get the hell out of there as soon as you can, you should probably even prioritize that over fighting back because they could be on some crazy drug like pcp that dulls pain quite a bit. I guess you can skip kneeing them in the nuts but imo chances of gtfo'ing are higher if you do and it can be done literally one or two seconds after breaking the chokehold.

Anonymous 269378

Cool trick, until he feels the pain in the crook of his arm and starts punching you in the back of the head until you're more retarded than your mom Internet Though Gal post.


Anonymous 269211[Reply]

Here we go again

Anonymous 269218

get well soon

Anonymous 269219

I wonder how long they have had the cold?

Anonymous 269220

6 years bro

Anonymous 269224

oh no maybe you should go to the Dr

Anonymous 269230

It just hit


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
89 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 229435

I did core 2k and read a bit of my novel every day! This week I have thd samd goals and I will definitely start my drill book.

Anonymous 229436

Which novel are you reading?

Anonymous 229727

It's an adaptation of a manga I like. It's different enough to be interesting but familiar enough to make understanding the Japanese a little easier. And all the names are in katakana.

Anonymous 266557

Set boundaries because I'm being gaslight, I need to stand the fuck up

Anonymous 269221

I passed N2, now I want to pass N1.

every day:
business japanese study
kanji study
bunpo (just review ok)
read something (novel, news, manga)
vocab anki (at least 5 cards)

multiplication anki (at least 5 cards)
game anki (at least 5 cards)


How do I improve my motor skills? Anonymous 268205[Reply]

I'm very slow, clumsy, horribly coordinated and it takes me way longer to learn movement that my peers find to be intuitive… I'm in my mid twenties and I can't even braid my hair. Is there anything I can do about it or are some people just born better?
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Anonymous 268945

i have adhd too and i’m bad at all sports except badminton. you should try playing, it’s easy to get the hang of. just play with a friend and don’t worry about the rules. i really hate most sports but finding one you like can improve it

Anonymous 268969

maybe it could help you to braid strings / lanyard? you can tape 3 strings to a table to help hold it for you and then practice crossing the far right into the middle of the two left strings and then crossing the far left into the middle of the two right strings and so on
i would also really recommend just throwing a ball up in the air and catching it, it really helped me, doesn't need to be high + can just be something small, just try your best
crocheting is also great for this imo because it's a simple repetitive movement and you get to make something in the process! very relaxing once you get the hang of it

Anonymous 268977

Stop smoking the ganja, also any kind of meds. Just stop, drink some clean water.

Anonymous 269164


This, also try hour+ long yoga sessions. Hope you can ground yourself soon nona.

Anonymous 269166

maybe juggling can help you develop those skills, it's pretty fun too and you see progress kinda quickly.


other imageboards Anonymous 267132[Reply]

Recommend some other imageboards/forums that you frequent? Preferably ones that are comfier/discussion based as opposed to edgelord 4chan moidcore.

bonus if you have any paranormal/esoteric/strangeness focused site recommendations

I like melonland (forum) though it's not incredibly active.
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 268353

What mod is that?

Anonymous 268483

sorry for being a bit off topic, but are there other imageboards who despise troons as much as cc, kf, and probably lolcow (and 4chan?)? I've been to some other imageboards and most of them welcome those freaks.

Anonymous 268484

>Fast boards are for prepubescent teens who only want to troll
No one could never POSSIBLY want quality discussion and semi frequent response times simultaneously!

Anonymous 268986

I don't know other imageboards like that, but what is kf?

Anonymous 268998

Probably referring to kiwifarms. They're not really an image board though, more a cow discussing forum. Plus a safe haven for women yelling at troons. At least safe from the banhammer, gotta deal with some messy scrotes. It's a good resource for Troon stuff since LC isn't as great anymore.
Spinster might be an option. It's a gender critical/feminist friendly fediverse instance. So basically twitter but allows women to speak free. Since it's basically twitter you can say whatever you want, but to get in you have to answer questions around why you want to join to try and prevent bad actors. I'm trying to use it more but it's got a nice community of women. I'm hoping to post my random colouring stuff and I see posts with different interests on top of feminist news from around the world. Plus laughing at troonshit


Egg Thread Anonymous 231800[Reply]

I love eggs so much. Particularly a perfect 6 minute soft boiled egg. I could eat like 3 eggs right now if I knew I wouldn't get sick of them and then never want another egg for the next two weeks. Fried eggs are good with pesto or dukkah. I love mayak eggs too but I can never wait for them to marinate because I just wanna eat an egg right away. Poached eggs are ok. Scrambled and omelettes are good except they lack the satisfaction of a runny yolk. The morning after a sleepover once this girl made scrambled eggs for all of us which was much appreciated, but they came out rubbery, granular and grey. I haven't recovered since. My grandma used to make really good devilled eggs. I think I might be vit B12 and vit D deficient.
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Anonymous 269000


Anonymous 269006


if i could only consume one food for the rest of my life i would definitely choose eggs. i love all eggs. raw, cooked, half cooked, whatever the fuck. one of my personal favorite way of eating eggs is just scrambled eggs on tortillas to make egg tacos. i like to also top them with hot sauce. pic included has a bunch of extra shit but all you really need is scrambled eggs and a tortilla. holy shit i love eggs! great thread.

Anonymous 269024

I just brushed my teeth you assholes

Anonymous 269026

I have a love-hate relationship with eggs, sometimes even the smell of them makes me wanna puke, the other times I crave a soft boiled egg like nothing else in this world.

I especially like eating fried eggs with fries, I don't know if anyone else does that.

Anonymous 269028

I eat eggs with at least two meals everyday except when I eat out. Usually soft-boiled but I love all variations (including mixing a raw egg into pasta – so good.)

The funny thing is I hated eggs until I was an adult. I actually had to actively make myself eat and like them. Glad I did because now I know how healthy and delicious they are.


Anonymous 268691[Reply]

More unrealistic beauty standards for women. How can we compete with such perfection?

Anonymous 268695


Reminds me of the deviantart rabbit hole I found where the fetish was editing women's heads onto pairs of legs, like picrel.

Anonymous 268737

You can't just say that without posting pics

Anonymous 268763

If their constituent segments are about the length of the human average then these specimens are well over 10' tall.
Imagine them crawling through an open 2nd storey bedroom window late at night. Do you think they would take your skin and eat your flesh? Or simply add your limbs and flesh segments as additional body structure?

Anonymous 268869


This reminds me of the titty monster from Gantz.

Anonymous 268939

It reminds me of Chernobyl

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