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Where to meet Wisconsin Gender Crit feminists? Anonymous 269716[Reply]

Not to dox myself but where the FUCK do I go to meet gender critical women in Wisconsin/the midwest in general? I'm not asking for true blue radfem TERFs who live in female only communes (though that would dope as fuck), just asking where the hell I can meet women who don't entertain and validate the tranny menace? I live in a border town so all around me are stoner burnout losers/alcoholics with colorful fried hair and crusty piercings who go by retarded pronouns and I just need to break the fuck away.
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Anonymous 270023

I'm surrounded by trannies and tranny-lovers and handmaidens alike so I feel you. It's suffocating honestly. If it serves any comfort, normie women are quite easily peaked because they aren't online enough to be swayed by the cult. You should try befriending normie women and just be terfy upfront.

Anonymous 270034

I'm pretty sure most of us aren't able to befriend normie women. I'm too autistic and every woman that i find that has something in common with me has to be some tif brainwashed by the troon cult and it's tiring.

Anonymous 271111

All normie women talk about is their moids and kids. You will never fit in with them.

Anonymous 271113

>t. has never talked to any normie women
I pity you

Anonymous 271267

Online like terf Twitter


Anonymous 229454[Reply]

women against pornography
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Anonymous 270368

To make an example why that difference matters, the most prominent example of an oligarchy would be modern russia. However, modern russia isn't capitalist in the same way the US or other western countries are. In the US, you had a small number of people becoming insanely rich, so rich that they can influence policy to become even richer, which is more economically efficient than actually investing in improving your business, but over time this degrades the country as a free market economy.

In russia, russia was run by the secret service, the KGB. When the soviet union collapsed, what happened was that individuals from the KGB simply took control of various state industries - not business men, but basically gangsters. They did this by for example auctioning off things in an unannounced auction at 3AM in the wilderness. So only the people who knew about it - were part of this KGB clique - would be able to "buy" it at this auction for the price of a loaf of bread.

That is an oligarchy. Not businessmen with too much money, but essentially gangsters who use even more underhanded tactics to retain control.

Anonymous 270369

Sorry for being off topic.

The tl;dr: of >>270362 is, the reason you see this weird nonsensical "Prostitution is bad" and "Onlyfans/porn is good" seeming contradiction is because the very rich people aren't making money off regular prostitution (which happens with cash) while they do skim money off the top with onlyfans. In the billions. Every credit card transaction you do diverts about 2% to the credit card companies, you can imagine how much influence in media and politics that amount can buy.

I don't know how much the guy who runs onlyfans makes, but you can bet he's hired several online PR companies to promote "onlyfans sexwork" as the most feminist thing ever, and empowering.

I'm not saying "porn is bad" or "prostitution is good" or "onlyfans is bad", I am 100% neutral on the topic, I don't care, I don't interact with either. I am saying that the reason you see this apparent contradiction in feminist discourse is because modern feminism is completely ran by capitalist interests. (And I don't like the marxist radfems either, but they certainly make more sense than modern intersectional trooner feminism)

Anonymous 270650

Working, lol

Anonymous 270653

I didn't need to read this

Anonymous 271264

I remember seeing a pic from one of these old protests again porn and in front of the women protesting there were pro porn people standing and it looked like they were taunting them with their signs


Have you ever bullied someone? Anonymous 269492[Reply]

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Anonymous 269595


>shoved a marker down his buttcrack. I felt bad after making him cry though as I had a crush on him

Anonymous 269699

I was tormented throughout elementary and middle school, probably because of being undiagnosed while on the spectrum as a girl. High school I had an entirely fresh start as I moved away from the area I grew up in after my parents got divorced. In HS though I got into a very catty/bitchy mean-girl phase, mostly due to some problems at home, that I regret. I shit-talked a girl who in all reality was nothing but nice to me on my tumblr at the time, and another girl I went to school with told her shortly before graduation (other girl followed me which was retarded, the tumblr mentality of 'don't have people you know irl follow your blog' had some truth to it). I regret it now but it'd be weird to reach out to her and apologize.

Anonymous 269711

me and my friend used to kinda bully this one guy for idk what reason tbh we were like 8 stupid ass kids. nothing physical we were just mean to him. then last year of elementary school (when we were 16 i think) he started texting me so we ended up sending memes to each other every day but never hung out irl cause i was 247 with my girl friends. i really regretted being mean to him as kids so obviously i apologized and he forgave me. last year i asked him to hang out bc i was rly bored, but i realized we had nothing in common besides the meme sending… but yeah now we stopped talking bc he thought i was too hateful of moids. i shitposted on my private acc that "moids should start the new year in jail and get out once they prove they're good people" lmao obviously i wasnt being dead serious, but he took it personally for some reason. keep in mind i have 2 guys on my private account so obv anything i post excludes them… but yeah thats the story ig still im glad he forgave me cause i still regret being a bitch w my friend

Anonymous 269971


I found a cat on the sidewalk and destroyed his self esteem

Anonymous 271263

Irl no, online maybe? I don't enjoy when someone starts breaking down so I stop them but I dont think it all was bullying ever really just arguments


Post what makes moids visually repulsive to you Anonymous 149770[Reply]

I actually really wish we could talk about it more. I love seeing what women hate in overbearing masculinity.

I like talking about the worthlessness of deranged repulsive screwballs.. it's the most uplifting kind of post I see on here, really makes my day. I don't think the pink pill thread focuses on what makes men physically/mentally unattractive enough. It's great because it raises all our standards.
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Anonymous 269364

Congrats on the get

Anonymous 269383

That's a scrote post.

Anonymous 269434

Twinkish skinny males. this is cause of the femboy faggot meme mostly though

Anonymous 269456

i dont like fat men. they look disgusting tbh expecially if they have facial hair

Anonymous 271262

(I thought it said what makes moids repulsed by you)
Being myself, masculine, not wearing make up, not caring about having a nice hairstyle and my hair is mess, not performing femininity, wearing unhinged outfits like a hoodie and black pants over and over again and some big sweaters, my over real vibe of a tomboy femcel I dont even move femininely enough for a man to ever see me as a potential gf but I dont mind it all I'm just being myset


How are people attracted to men ? Anonymous 266999[Reply]

They are such absolute filth mongers. It is so depraved to be attracted to them irl. It completely contaminates you to go along with the mountain of lies that come with their existence. What is the solution to feeling completely repulsed by what they being to the table ?
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Anonymous 269285

sorry its just muh biology nona i can't help it. i love men but not the attitude that comes with one.

Anonymous 269453

I genuinely feel sad that I like them because they’re full of hate and take everything to heart way too often but I kinda also like that about them because they never really realize how sensitive they are but at the same time I don’t think I could ever truly connect with a guy because their views on sex aka them being obsessed with it is way too much for me

Anonymous 269454

To be truthfully honest with this post this is mainly based on relationship qualities I’ve seen in men but the wide majority of them are rancid

Anonymous 269457

Brainwashing yourself to hate the dick maybe, like those conversion therapies of old.

Anonymous 271261

Male validation


Anonymous 271098[Reply]

Why is almost every corner on the internet a fistfight?
Can't we all get along?

Anonymous 271100

Everybody just mad as hell all the time… arguing is the method of choice for self-expression

Anonymous 271104

There has to be a better way…

Anonymous 271124

Well nona

The fact of it is; nobody gives any more

so that's that

Anonymous 271254

people who draw porn of the character in the middle are always either pedophiles or vomit fetishists. just had to say that. enjoy this new information.


Anonymous 271183[Reply]

a scrote just gave me his number and it had three 8's and no 7's. what the fuck? get a better phone number if you want to approach women you fucking freak.
also don't fucking talk to me if your area code does not have a 0 or 1 in the middle.

Anonymous 271187

>three 8s no 7s
>area code without 0 or 1 in the middle

lol was that my ex? were all the 8s in a row?

Anonymous 271193

no, the pattern was
>(xx8) 8xx-x8xx
not in a row sadly, but three 8's in a row would be a slight improvement, despite 8's giving me the ick

Anonymous 271197

Good was about to start buggin


Draw yourself in mspaint Anonymous 142685[Reply]

Hello fellow summer victims
https://jspaint.app if on mobile
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Anonymous 270210


My only good fit loll

Anonymous 270679


fucking CUNT ass website deleted half my progress mid drawing i am reporting this to the authorities

Anonymous 270685


Anonymous 270687


Anonymous 270948

I've been caught…


Has anyone here used a wine making kit before? Anonymous 270701[Reply]

Is worth the purchase or a total scam?
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Anonymous 271087

Id personally start with mead, its a type of wine but made with honey instead. I got my yeast from a site called brewsey and it came out pretty good

Anonymous 271114

If you feel like you need all of that to make it like the hydrometer (for if you're going for a certain alcohol content %), go for it. It's not really that hard to make. All I did when I used to make it was an old 1 gallon wine bottle, sugar, a balloon, bakers yeast, and whatever I was going to make the wine from. Quite literally:
>make juice from whatever fruit you want to brew (or buy the juice outright)
>add it into the glass bottle
>add in more sugar
>add the yeast
>cap it and give it a good shake
>take the cap off
>put balloon on in place of cap
>set in a cool, dark place
>check to see if the balloon is inflated
>if inflated, let out air
>if not inflated, the yeast is done doing its job and it's time to let it age by corking it
That last one, you can distill it if you really want to up the alcohol content. Anything with sugar content can be made into an alcohol. You can even make it from dandelions.

Anonymous 271115

I heard that if you poke a pinpoint hole into the balloon it'll act like a valve and you don't have to keep deflating it.

Anonymous 271126

Seems like a good way to poison yourself.. why not just spend that money on a good bottle of wine instead?

Anonymous 271142

Because we like to have fun and do things.


Anonymous 268200[Reply]

salad time
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Anonymous 270706



Anonymous 270737

why do your fingers look like that you gremlin

Anonymous 270807

I'm a dishwasher FUCK YOUU!

Anonymous 271131

I will kill you.

Anonymous 271136


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