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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Tell me about your day Anonymous 268888[Reply]

How was your day? Anything interesting happen? What sre you feeling and thinking?
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Anonymous 268965

Anonymous 268967


Thats pretty cool! What berries? I was just thinking of making my own jam the other day, because I remembered how my great grandmother used to make jam from strawberries and one time I went to pick some berries with my aunt.

Anonymous 269238

Ever since I got dumped from my first relationship (a 6 year one) I had a lot of difficulty being alone and rebounded into another 2 year one. After that I was once again struggling being alone but this morning was the first morning I woke up in a good mood (without that pit of dread in my solar plexus) and felt kind of nice being alone with my cat. I'm feeling optimstic about being able to enjoy life again, even if I'm alone.

Anonymous 269705

I'm training someone at work and it's pretty taxing because I have to have my extrovert worksona on at all times instead of getting to work by myself.

I'm also worried aboit a trip I'm going on soon, my relationship with my partner, and my future.

I had a drink tonight and I wanted a second but I just had a snack instead. I'm proud of myself.

Anonymous 269726


did hygiene and makeup and put on a pretty dress/shoes

went to doctor

decided to do a rest day re: working out

avoiding dishes and putting away clean laundry

drinking black tea and browsing the net in a cozy blanket

waiting for virtual therapy time + nigel to return from work

will probably knock out the dishes at some point, maybe ask for help putting away the laundry

best day this week so far


Discord Ettiquite Anonymous 269414[Reply]

Is it some kind of faux pas to just… unfriend somebody on Discord that you never talk to?? I notice that people will add me from somewhere, ask me a question or something, and won't talk to me ever again but they won't just unfriend you for some reason. Yet when I unfriend somebody on Discord that I don't intend to talk to again (like someone I rped with for a few weeks but we aren't friends or anything) it's considered this big deal, apparently. I never thought about it as a crime to keep people in my contacts that I talk to/are friends with, but it seems like I'm the odd one here. Do you keep people on Discord that you don't talk to or intend to talk to?

Anonymous 269707

kek wondering about the same thing nona. but in my case I don't feel connected to this person and the conversation is just so boring.

troon anime.png

Terfposting #34 Anonymous 255893[Reply]

Since #33 reached the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 269764

It's legitimately a poetic tragedy. These lesbians thought, against all evidence to the contrary and against all firsthand accounts of straight women, that straight women date and relate by the exact same rules as lesbian women despite the monumental differences in their circumstances. So if she became a man there'd just suddenly be a massive increase in number of women and massive decrease in number of interested men. The level of social unawareness required to walk into that facefirst is a serious disability and it's really really sad that doctors let someone do that to themselves when they don't have the mental, emotional or social capacity to give proper INFORMED consent.

Anonymous 269773

yeah idfk why an aiden would try to date women. No fucking way are you gonna get a straight girl and lesbains are attracted to women. It made more sense to me to be a fujo on steroids and want to larp your yaoi fantasies.

Anonymous 269775

Female autism makes them social rejects and they find school shooters relatable? Maybe, idk. Maybe they see these moids as heroes who share their plight

Anonymous 269776

sorry for asking a retarded question, but what does tif stand for?

Anonymous 269778

Not a retarded question, it stands for Trans Identified Female. Basically another way to say transman, but it pisses off pooners because it lumps them into being female. People will also say T.I.M, which means trans identified male.
Hope this helped!


You survive a nuke and it's radiation Anonymous 269232[Reply]

What do you do next?
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Anonymous 269254

drink myself to death

Anonymous 269281


Time to ghoulmax

Anonymous 269649


put my cigarettes in my lockbox bc those will be valuable bargaining tools if i meet other survivors, and they're going to be the first thing a thief who thinks anything like me will pinch
then i go off to try and find clean water

are telecommunications down entirely, or do we have limited internet and/or radio function?

Anonymous 269653

Teach you the difference between its and it's

Anonymous 269661


School is for nerds. I'd rather keep my smooth brain intact.


Anonymous 269641[Reply]

Anonymous 269642


Anonymous 269644

hello :)


Female with gynophobia (fear of women) Anonymous 269449[Reply]

I used to have a lot of female friends growing up, in fact in high school my friend group was easily 90% women. But over time we inevitably grew apart and now I'm scared of women. Specifically, I'm scared of opening up to women. Which really sucks, like I can open up to men but I just can't connect on a platonic level with a guy like I can with a woman, and I desperately seek solidarity but I'm absolutely terrified of being open with women who I talk to regularly out of fear of… abandonment I guess.

For context and potential trauma which led to my fear:
I had a large group of my female 'friends' abandon me after a suicide attempt sent me to the hospital. I had to mentally and physically recover alone which I don't think I ever completely did. I also had an incredibly abusive mother (my dad was also bad but not quite as unpredictable and harsh).

I was trying to look up gynophobia and people were associating it with misogyny which I don't affiliate with at all. I always felt like I could emotionally bond with women which is why I am so frustrated by this crippling fear to open up to them (outside of strictly anonymous places)

I don't know if anyone here can help or has any shared experiences. I just want female friends and to be able to trust women to not hurt me like I've been hurt in the past. Being friends with guys is difficult due to there always being an undertone of sexuality that makes me uncomfortable.
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Anonymous 269612

I definitely feel bad, there was a moment a while ago where i really regretted it and wished I could somehow be talking to them again. Im really not sure how it would go talking to them….

Anonymous 269613

im really not sure how it would go though* repeated words….

Anonymous 269618

yeah i'm scared of both men and other women

Anonymous 269629

You could always reconnect with them and just say you think about them and you feel bad about ghosting them. Idk. I had a lot of people ghost me and I just wanted to figure out why. Sometimes I'd even ask but never get a response.

Anonymous 269630

Hmmm… When I was younger I definitely messed around with girls despite the fact that I'm straight. It never bothered me because I was a pretty sexual person, but I could see how it might bother someone else. I had a lot of lesbian friends and admittedly I did notice a lot of them would be sexually aggressive and would lament to me about how they couldn't get with other women.

At this point in my life I'm not very touchy feely. I wouldn't be able to even hug someone unless they initiated it.

I have a romantic partner but for me it's not quite the same as a female friend. I'm not sure if he's a feminist but he doesn't like gender war stuff and is very respectful to women.

I have a ton of hobbies and live in nature. Ironically enough I have 2 female pets, one is annoyed by me and prefers my partner and the other is creepy and constantly tries to copulate with me. My favorite pet was a male….


Purge Anonymous 269187[Reply]

What would you do during the purge?

I would probably just hide tbh
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Anonymous 269455

I would probably just stay in my room and put secures on the door so if someone didn’t have an axe they wouldn’t be able to get in

Anonymous 269599

Steal stuff is honestly the only illegal activity I would care about doing, but I assume mega corporations would hire extra security which can now murder you for stealing. That or I would get purged by some random psychopath.

Anonymous 269608

break into super tall buildings and explore them on my way to the roof. i love urban exploration (╹◡╹)

Anonymous 269621


Anonymous 269734

Now that I'm not a teen I don't have a group of friends to explore abandoned and cool places anymore and I miss how fun it was. I wish I knew a girl in my town who wanted to join me in checking places out (and has a car kek)


Anonymous 254183[Reply]

I'm the only real woman that still goes here
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Anonymous 266542

i love this art so much. miner-tan walks cece and elsie walks her cow and then they get coffee together and life is beautiful

Anonymous 267051


It’s ok anon, I’m back. I can’t drawfag tho

Anonymous 269180

see rule 7

Anonymous 269614


Anonymous 269632

That's a big cow


Anonymous 266643[Reply]

Female pickup artist says don't kiss men for the first 3 months of dating

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Anonymous 269276

Not who you're responding to, but i kinda like it personally.
I'm e-dating some from my BDO guild for a while now, and it makes me feel warm and loved w/o all the unpleasant stuff like worrying he only cares about your body.

Anonymous 269306

She's on the right track. Being physically affectionate with a moid releases chemicals in your brain that can cloud your judgment. It can allow low value moids to have access to your when they haven't earned it.

Anonymous 269439

Ive been married for 15 years but I'm gonna say thats shit advice. If this guy is willing to wait 3 months for just a kiss I'm gonna see him as pathetic and lose interest.

Then again I like kissing.

Anonymous 269477

So women are finally getting into this grift too huh? I think we should all know by now these people just spout off bullshit and not to listen to them. They say stupid shit because it gives them attention.

Anonymous 269598

I asked my bf what he thought and he said "Its like if a job has an overly intensive screening process, you think youre getting the best candidates but you only get the most desperate".
Not sure if there is much truth to that. I think physicality is extremely important for most people to connect, not just men, and just because you value physicality doesnt mean thats all you want from a relationship.
I dont think kissing is the problem anyway. I think sex is, take your time with sex to know you 100% trust and love someone.


Anonymous 28177[Reply]

Who 30 year old Boomerette here?
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Anonymous 269579

happy birthday nona!

Anonymous 269580

Anonymous 269581


Happy birthday

Anonymous 269587

Screenshot 2023-12…

happy birthday!

Anonymous 269588

Screenshot 2024-04…

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