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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 269345[Reply]

>browsing on the internet trying to find content that I would like
>come across content that I seriously do not like
>rant about it
it has happened to you, has happened to me, and may happen again
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Anonymous 269466

that's cuz you're autistic

Anonymous 269467

it is not my fault people on the internet have the worst ideas out there

Anonymous 269468

unfortunately this happens to me often right here on cc

Anonymous 269471

So true. Having someone to rant to after doomscrolling is the #2 reason why you shouldn’t live alone (#1 is to have someone to find your dead body before you get stinky)
Nuh uh

Anonymous 271079


reminder to breathe and drink water and stretch a little and all that good stuff


Anonymous 269478[Reply]

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Anonymous 270605



Anonymous 270607



Anonymous 270860

MEOWDY!! how u doin?!

Anonymous 270861


Meowty good, how be you pardner?

Anonymous 271071


This meown aint big enough for the two of us….


Try putting ketchup on white rice Anonymous 271030[Reply]

Anonymous 271047

I'm having jasmine rice for dinner later I'll try it with ketchup

Anonymous 271057

don't do it it creates mustard gas

Anonymous 271067

I once tried a chinese recipe where you cook a tomato with the rice in the rice cooker and it was gross so I'll pass


The Tiktok ban Anonymous 269543[Reply]

What is honestly the establishment's endgame of doing this? To just alienate as many voters as possible right before an election season when voter enthusiasm is already nonexistent? It just does not make any sense to me. I get their official reasoning behind it which is it being a "security risk" and being used to peddle "disinformation", but they can't possibly actually believe that banning tiktok is going to make people trust the government again. It's going to have the opposite effect if anything. Why would they just do this? I could maybe see it being a way to force a soylicon valley monopoly but would it even be effective?
For the record I hate tiktok, I haven't checked it since like July, but this is the first time in history an app the majority of the US population uses is just getting taken away from them.
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Anonymous 269763

Anonymous 270929


This series makes me think of cc ^_____^

Anonymous 270953

garbage /pol/tard thread.

Anonymous 271032

TikTok is brainrot. It simply needs to die.

For the same reason children shouldn't watch porn, they shouldn't be given access to TikTok. Racebait, Gore, Softcore pornography and sometimes explicit, misinformation, etc. not a place for children to be, children do not have a right to the first amendment by the way.

>okay but the adults

then comes the national security risk, sure it's a silly argument but anything that gets it banned is a good reason.

Anonymous 271062

Saying tiktok is brainrot is actually a tiktok meme


Anonymous 270302[Reply]

>Forget about this website for 6 months because it's been abandoned by the admin and is constantly raided
>Come back
>It's being raided and nothing has changed
Oh for fuck's sake even tumblr is better than this
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Anonymous 270308

Moid spammers

Anonymous 270309

The spammers are from soyjack.party

Anonymous 270988


i feel like a lot of the original posters on cc have moved on, it's kinda sad.

Anonymous 271043

I thought this site would be nice but it's almost nothing but talk about moids. At least there are still other spaces.

Anonymous 271054

I can't blame that you feel this way since there's 3 threads in /b/ that belong on the /feels/ board right now.


MOST favorite animals Anonymous 228179[Reply]

Post your MOST favorite animals. EPAULETTE SHARKS are GOOD creatures, and AREN'T loved ENOUGH.
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Anonymous 266040


giant ant eater <3

Anonymous 266447

golden mole.jpg

Moles especially golden moles

Anonymous 268452


Fuzzy caterpillar!

Anonymous 271026


cats are so creatures

Anonymous 271028


I just think they’re so silly


argentinian anonettes Anonymous 257366[Reply]

we need one for the girls
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Anonymous 271005

lol, simplemente no.

Anonymous 271006

the worst

Anonymous 271007

hacé amigas afuera, acá no vas a conseguir nada piola

Anonymous 271008

paraaaa cipaya

Anonymous 271020



Is humanity doomed to fail? Anonymous 269044[Reply]

I'm not even talking about nuclear war or similar psychopathic shit moids might do.
I just can't help but notice, how whenever a country goes through industrialization, and women no longer rely on some filthy scumbag to make a living, the birthrate drops below replacement.
Genuinely makes me wonder if moids are too inherently disgusting for our species to exist.
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Anonymous 269981

the industrial revolution is literally the cause of majority of the problems we face today but of course you immediately went to talking about womens rights as if that's what i'm arguing against lmao

Anonymous 269982


Anonymous 270187

>thread about moids being too gross to get a partner, now that women have a choice
>women being able to choose hinges on technological progress, because nature decided to make moids much stronger physically(negated by machines), and thought it was funny to randomly cripple women for 9 months if they have intercourse(negated by birth control).
>>the industrial revolution and it's consequences have been disastrous for the human race
>hurr durr why are you mentioning women??
It's funny how you're making it sound like the world is worse today, as compared to the time before the industrial revolution.
Even if you ignore the whole womens liberation angle, life today is infinitely better than before.
Sure there are problems, but those are barely a factor when you consider all the improvements technological progress has given us.

Anonymous 270189

>where everyone in the genetic pool would be so much better.

Sorry, we are getting Idiocracy instead

Anonymous 271015



Anonymous 270175[Reply]

Have you ever accidentally met someone who uses cc in person before? I have by chance and it made me realize how small the world can be (or how many people actually lurk here)
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Anonymous 270590

It just came up in passing conversation. Such a random coincidence

Anonymous 270594

Yes I actually have completely by accident. One of my classmates in uni. She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

Anonymous 270606

>She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

maybe its because Im new here but i'm not sure what the average cc user would look like? Maybe like the average 4 chan user but female edition?

Anonymous 270635

How was she?

Anonymous 270853

I know a girl who's pretty clear about hating men (and not in an unhinged way) and I feel like she'd fit well in here, but it's not something I'd ever ask about, obviously.


STEM Majors Thread Anonymous 266664[Reply]

How many users here went into STEM? Doesn't matter if you actually ended up making a career out of it.

Especially interested in seeing how many engineering majors there are because, for whatever reason, just about every engineering class seemed completely devoid of women at my school. It seems like the majority end up going into life sciences or pre med, personally wasted years poking around with bacteria in microbiology just to end up 'producing' (AI does most of the work) low effort mass produced content for some tiktok dude who pays me way more than this junk is worth. Feels like I sold my soul.

What's your major? Did you end up where you thought you would, or did you basically just end up spending a ton of time and money for a wall decoration? Would/will you do things over again and study a different field?
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Anonymous 270730

The M in STEM is for math, not medicine.

Anonymous 270732

What is the life of a chem e. like? Was thinking between chem e or CS but I'm not sure I'm smart enought for CS plus I'm scared of the kind of nerds that make up CS classes

Anonymous 270776

In that case I'm retarded and I would like to formally retract my snarky comment.

Anonymous 270781

It's for 'men', actually.

Anonymous 270811

It's common mixup for people to think the M stands for Medical, so I don't blame you.

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