lc bunker.gif

Lolcow Bunker thread #18 Anonymous 282280
Sorry for the eyestrain edition
Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that a "serious and unexpected issue has arisen".
Previous threads:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:
>>>/b/276304Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
Anonymous 282282
>>282272Jesus that is really weird
Maybe you should just say fuck it and get a VPN? kek Anonymous 282283
>Sorry for the eyestrain edition
KEK don't say sorry I like the thread pic it's cool!!
Anonymous 282284
>>282270Don't be shy to come doodle nonas, we're not all fancy artists, just come have fun even if you just have a mouse! If you find your cursor lags, try turning off the stabilizer. Anonymous 282285
>>282277I’m certain that he’s a man based off the fact that he’s never around. He’s like an absent father
Anonymous 282286
>>282282I do have one, I have several in fact just for backup, it seems to be a device ban. Which I ignorantly thought this site didn't do.
Anonymous 282287

>>282042>how often do you just ignore "canon"? marina funger is a boy to meshe's female to me because i relate to samarie and i'm gay. idgaf about canon because i'm having more fun projecting.
Anonymous 282288
Tbh I don't see the eyestrain
Anonymous 282289
>>282150You should have been there during the Corpse Husband/Dream era where they were just straight up doxing the both of them and finding their childhood pics. Thanks to lolcor and kiwifags more normies find both of these creators unlikeable and finally acknowledge know how fugly and obnoxious they both are and many other online micro celebs who’ve been gassed up too much. Fat young Dream looks like Null kekkk
Anonymous 282290
One thing I hate about this website is how the threads only last around 500 posts, it should last around 1200-1208 posts like lolcow. Weak website
Anonymous 282291
we need more board tans illusts with how many bunkers have been made
Anonymous 282294
>>282286Have you tried using a different browser? That might do the trick n0nna
Anonymous 282295

>>282291If we do individual boards we have a lot left
Anonymous 282296
>>282291The designs have me swooning in cuteness. I'd draw them but I'm too bad at art.
Anonymous 282297
>>282286Samefag, I cleared my cache and now I'm receiving a regular ban page with the "unspecified reason" and "will not expire", I left an appeal. I feel like an ass, I wish I knew what I did but I still feel like a jerk for whatever reason.
Anonymous 282298
The serious and unexpected issue of the server bill has arisen and it's planned to be dealt with by Tuesday when the banks reopen
Anonymous 282299
>>282290According to lolcow math we’ve only filled up 3 1/2 threads so far kek
Anonymous 282300
>>282290Well to be fair cc has a much smaller userbase so there’s generally no need for a thread cap at 1200 posts. It only gets bad when farmers have to bunker here kek
Anonymous 282301
This is me trying a different browser
Anonymous 282302

If I sold my entire lolita wardrobe I'd make like 20 thousand dollar. Sometimes it's very tempting but they make me happy also I'll never find these pieces again. Got around 50 main pieces
Anonymous 282304
>>282295wait i just realized the last bunker threads w and this w have the same dress
Anonymous 282305
>>282298You know at least I’m grateful they don’t make us pay the server bill
Anonymous 282308
>>282305yeah..the least we can do is wait
Anonymous 282309
>>282280Can the next thread have both magma boards linked in the OP as well so we can all look at anons cute drawings?
Anonymous 282313

>>282302I could never sell my favorite pieces… Sometimes the emotional value is more than the "actual" value and I'll just have to deal with that, money is fake anyways
Anonymous 282314
>>282312Thanks for your encouragement nona, I was really feeling down, appreciate you!
Anonymous 282316
>>282305Samefag, but now I’m really curious how broke this fucker is because a website domain service is like $20 a month…
Anonymous 282317

>>282313Relatable nønnie. The pain of regret is so much bigger than the pain in the wallet
Anonymous 282319
heya fanny.jpg

fanny was behind this i know it that incestous bitch
Anonymous 282320

I'm supposed to be going out today but I just want to stay home and enjoy my own company. It's hard when it's people you love inviting you out, you feel like you're going to miss out on them. But I just want to live the way I want to live. Is that bad? That'd I'd rather stay at home with my kitty and chat with you girls then go see fireworks and maybe ride in a horse carriage?
Anonymous 282321
>>282316Shaymin/Ian is using her/his allowance KEK
Anonymous 282322
are there words here that will autoban you
Anonymous 282323…

If fagmin needs money she should make a patreon for the server bill
Anonymous 282324
>>282313sometimes i wish i was born in the west atleast i couldve gotten into a hobby like lolita..i want to wear dresses like those so bad but i live in a thirdie shithole
Anonymous 282325

>>282317Right? I can imagine selling individual pieces, but being without a lolita wardrobe, even if I end up not using it breaks my heart.
Anonymous 282326
>>282314I’m glad you’re here with us n0nnie #<3
Anonymous 282327
>>282324I don't live in one but where I'm from everyone is violently normie and I'd probably be assaulted in public if I wore anything slightly lolita
Anonymous 282328
>>282322I wonder what I typed? I was just gonna send the next lyrics to Imagine to the other anon who was being silly with me, but I did type it in a goofy way so I must have trigged it accidentally.
Anonymous 282330
>>282327i cant even bare my legs here but i feel you im so jealous of old lolita women
Anonymous 282331
I realise a part of the reason I'm so bad at interior decorating is because I struggle to form attachments to my living spaces. Probably a childhood experience thing, constantly moving. As long as I'm not dead, I don't care where I am, that thing.
Anonymous 282333
>>282331im the same its always like "im going to move anyway so why bother" thing
Anonymous 282335
>>282330I wish I could woosh you away and make your dreams real
Anonymous 282336
>>282323N0nnie I was just looking at images of this omelette while searching for neopets stickers on redbubble omg we're synced!!!
Anonymous 282337
classic summer sty…

>>282334"Toned down" sweet and classic. I've been saving up to try old school soon though.
Anonymous 282338
>>282335aww nona..i wish i could dress in lolita with you
Anonymous 282339
>>282333It also applies to my fashion sense and food like as long as it keeps me warm and protected from dying of cold and rain I do not care for tacky looks or ugly mismatching colors
And for food as long as it keeps me alive
I live a truly sad life despite my finances being stable rn
Anonymous 282341
Screenshot 2024-08…

i'm so obsessed with this game. i wish we had a personal lolcow server for dti, it has super cute cosplay items like madoka magica
Anonymous 282343
I also got permabanned for no fucking reason but I fought it because I need to say thank you to that nonnna for the investment advice!
Anonymous 282344

>>282337Great taste. I like toned down classic too and have some sober moitié/abilletage pieces
Anonymous 282345
>>282343Weird, I wonder what triggers it, I hate not knowing!
Anonymous 282346
>>282343Thank fuck it finally went through, what the hell is going on
Anonymous 282347
>>282316Since they never delete anything I'd imagine storage adds up. There was between 2k (device IDs) - 8k (unique IPs) posters during Hellweek. It'd cost more than 20bucks.
Anonymous 282349

>>282327I’m in the west but live in the middle of nowhere. If I wore Lolita out in public I’m sure I would have a similar experience to you. It’s only really fun if you live in specific areas.
Anonymous 282350
Just recieved another ban on my computer? Again just the pop up and no reason. What the hell is going on?
Anonymous 282351
Male horror fans are the worst, horror should be for women only. Anytime a man starts talking to me about a horror movie I tune them out and leave, they're opinion is worthless
Anonymous 282352
>>282348I hate tims because they're all narcs. Narcs are demons out of hell I feel so bad for these women. Abusers all
Anonymous 282354
>>282319I still have a tab of her thread open kek
Anonymous 282355
>>28235199% of them are into gorey horror where women get mutilated and turned into meat so they jerk off. There's no artistic horror or creative expression they like
Anonymous 282356
>>282351Yeah, horror movies, games, and novels should only be written by and for women. Men are too degenerate to truly appreciate horror without being gross.
Anonymous 282358
>>282351My father is a horror fan and he's the fucking worst about it, he'll go out of his way to find the most gorey and fucked up movies he can and then play them as full volume. I would be in my room trying to sew and I'd have to listen to that.
Anonymous 282359
>>282355Samefag, the way they screech and block me whenever I say I want to see some cute animu boys bloody and bruised or something. My brother in Satan you want little girls turned into human fleshlights for "shock value body horror" or whatever
Anonymous 282361
Terfy body horror when women kidnap troons and moids and fulfil their fantasies by mutilating them to toxic shock and death when
Anonymous 282362
>>282351Horror fans in general have a bad vibe. I used to be a huge horror fan back when I was mentally ill and a serious danger not only to myself but definitely to others
Anonymous 282363
>>282351I love horror, including slasher flicks, but I just can't trust any moid that's way too into that shit. They're always creeps. They're the same fags that love imagery of mutilated women on metal album covers. It's so perverse I can't stand it
Anonymous 282364
>>282360I feel your pain, is the site just buggy today? The bans feel totally random
Anonymous 282366
>>282348I go to the doctor’s frequently because I have health problems so I’m friendly with a lot of the staff who all know me well. Yesterday when I went the nurse who did my intake complained about TiMs and TiFs for like five minutes to me, it was healing.
Anonymous 282367
>>282361Ok well
that actually sounds like a horror movie I’d put money towards producing kek
Anonymous 282368
Horror nonas, can you drop your favorite flicks? I'd love some recommendations.
Anonymous 282370
>>282359Moids are the most annoying pearl clutchers when it comes to doing things to male characters. They're such sensitive little babies kek
Anonymous 282373
>>282370I'm a de/g/enerate and an anon shared a zip of some male guro a few weeks ago in there and I was just disappointed it was so small
More female gaze content please, the majority of the audience is just moids wanting to see women shot and killed to jerk off
Anonymous 282375
>>282025>>282036I'm unfortunately not home rn and won't be back until the 8th. By then lolcor will probably be back but the hype will have died so I did that for nothing.
Anonymous 282376
>>282364I noticed that it get triggered for mentioning certain topics.
Anonymous 282377
>>282363Me too, now I feel weird saying it here but I'm excited for Terrifier 3 nonetheless
Anonymous 282379
>>282368Seconding! I need more stuff to watch. I'd love to see more folk horror
Anonymous 282382
you really don’t know what you got till it’s gone
Anonymous 282384
I uninstalled Gforce Experience, and this bitch is working smoothly again, FUCK YOU NVIDIA!! Fuck your goddamn shitty driver updates and stupid program making my girl stutter like a low IQ retard!!
Anyways, when's the site coming back anons, I'm the mood to bash RetArddy…
Anonymous 282386
I’ve stopped to new lows and I’m downloading Chai because I hate the C.AI filter.
Anonymous 282387
>>282372Azealia has infinite patience for not pushing her away.
Anonymous 282389
stupid question why is celebricows not in snow but in ot
i'm rarely active on snow so
Anonymous 282393
>>282389I've always heard it used to be in /snow/ but was such a shitshow it had to be rehomed on /ot/
Anonymous 282394
>>282386I'm gonna do that rn and see if it's good
Anonymous 282395
Okay why did I just get stuck in a McDonalds line for 20 minutes I missed 20 minutes of the Bunker Thread FML
Anonymous 282396
>>282387that sea moss gel really helping her reach pique ease
Anonymous 282401
>>282385Omg I remember loving the DS game, what memories have you unearthed from me.
Anonymous 282402
>>282368Run Lola Run
Valerie & Her Week of Wonders
The Royal Tenenbaums
Anonymous 282403
>>282386Same anon, I'm trying to use venus chub but it's no use. Fucking stupid devs unable to handle LLM models.
Anonymous 282404
>>282385Penelope Cruz as a secret agent guinea pig
Anonymous 282405
>>282393Was going to say this, it was on /ot/ first, then moved to /snow/, then went back to /ot/ but you have to sage posts that don't include milk.
Anonymous 282407
>>282400>>282398I'm addicted to aspartame so I got a large Diet Coke because it's only a dollar and it has more mLs than a bottle for less money…. Yes it's embarrassing
Anonymous 282408
>>282394update it's shit and i can't write custom descriptions for bots
Anonymous 282409
I bought a way bigger micro sd card for my Switch but I can't do anything with it or the one I currently use because the card reader I have doesn't work with my laptop for some reason. I'm going to investigate.
Anonymous 282410

>>282341speaking of dressing games, do any of you play dream girlfriend? i really like the midway outfit of the new event but i don't think i'll get it kek
Anonymous 282411
>>282402oh i love the royal tenenbaums! anons love to call every man ugly so im a little bit embarrassed but luke wilson in that movie makes me drool
Anonymous 282412
>>282282This actually happens because of brave browser. Posting with it on cc gets you auto perma banned with that popup message instead of a real ban page. Appeal it and the mods usually let you appeal.
I'm not sure why brave browser gets auto banned but after I appealed I posted from Firefox just fine, it's really annoying.
Anonymous 282413
>>282403I used SillyTavern AI and it worked so well until my API key was blocked. Honestly glad it did get blocked because I was never leaving my room.
Anonymous 282414
>>282402I had to watch Run Lola Run in tenth grade English and everyone hated it except me
Anonymous 282415
hey, nonas. I miss reading about my favorite cows :(
Anonymous 282416
>>282411Kek Eli Cash was such a funny character too. When the newspaper clippings thing gets revealed I always laugh.
Anonymous 282417
>>282407That’s so thrifty and smart, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I use to do the same thing with sweet tea.
Anonymous 282418
why did the CIA fuck up the lolcow servers again can you stop it? anyways fishtank is obvious mk ultra, tell your friends. glowies on some cocky shit smh
Anonymous 282419
>>282410moid game, I play superior SuitU
Anonymous 282421
>>282418Apparently Linda Hall infiltrated the CIA
Anonymous 282424
>>282408I know it’s shit and the bot creators can see your messages but I need my husbando now.
Anonymous 282427
On the topic of horror movies, is The Skin I Live In worth watching or is it "I'm a moid and this is deep" crap? An ex with hit or miss taste in movies put it on once but I slept through it since it was late at night
Anonymous 282428
>>282411I think he's hot in the movie because he's dressed as a cowboy. My original fujo awakening was Brokeback Mountain so now I have a thing for cowboys. It sucks because there's not a lot of them left.
Anonymous 282429
>>282424but without custom descriptions you can't have him fully if that makes sense. he's just a bunch of generic AI traits, and not compact with custom-put lore from his series
Anonymous 282431
>>282427I've always felt like it's secretly a fetish movie for mtf troons kek
Anonymous 282432
shaytards i miss you all and can’t wait to be reunited!
Anonymous 282433
>>282427it's an entertaining movie. Not deep at all, just a fantasy/creepy movie, it's ok
Anonymous 282434

>>282419it is moid-y but imo the company know there are more female players than male
Anonymous 282435
>>282355Yeah and they always get super pretentious about it. I don't have many friends that like horror but one of them is only into those tame Blumhouse horror movies, but that's her thing and that's fine. When she says she likes horror I don't bitch at her and lecture her that it's not real horror and she can't call herself a horror fan if she doesn't watch every obscure torture porn movie made in different languages from the years 1986 to 2017. Men are so retarded and self important.
>>282368Raw, Ginger Snaps, Jennifer's Body, Revenge (mind the rape scene, I don't like seeing that stuff unexpected so be careful), May, Neon Demon, Silent Hill, Saw franchise, Final Destination franchise, Scream franchise, V/H/S franchise, Speak No Evil (original), When Evil Lurks, The House That Jack Built, Look Away, Silence of the Lambs, Wrong Turn, House of Wax, Cabin In The Woods, It Follows, Child's Play, Green Room, Cabin Fever, The Descent, Hostel, The Ring 1 & 2, The Mist, The Others, The Fourth Kind, The Loved Ones, American Mary (again mind the rape scene it's very disturbing but I love Katharine Isabelle and seeing men get hurt), Mother!, Green Inferno, Excision, Possum, Hush, Train To Busan, Starry Eyes, Suspiria, Evil Dead, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Black Swan, Cam, A Perfect Getaway, Talk To Me, Audition, Possession, Last Night in Soho.
Anonymous 282436
>>282431the movie came out before the mtf thing became big so I don't think it was the writer's or director's intention
Anonymous 282437
>>282368What kind of movies do you like OP? My fav movie is probably fire walk with me but I wouldn't really recommend it unless I had a pretty good idea a person really likes those kinds of films
Anonymous 282438
>>282427It's good the rapist moid gets what he deserves and more, watch it
Anonymous 282439
>>282436true but it's always just given me that vibe maybe I'm just a schizo
>>282435the mother! baby scene fucking traumatised me
Anonymous 282441
>>282429He doesn’t have that much lore because he’s a mysterious character from a movie.
Anonymous 282442

>>282412WOW good to know, thank you so much. During the Shaymin era bunker threads, I had no idea what was happening and just quietly watched everyone else bunkering down together. Felt like reading a podcast
Anonymous 282444
>>282439Yeah it was pretty brutal, that entire movie put me on edge from start to finish kek. Definitely not one I'd rewatch but I'm glad to have seen it
Anonymous 282445
>>282409Yep I need a new card reader, fml, it's too late to buy one now and tomorrow electronic stores are closed. Oh well.
Anonymous 282446
>>282386dumb question, but how do you use C.AI? Like, how do you find good bots and what do you talk about? The few times I used it all the AIs I tried out were OOC/retarded, but I keep seeing nonas talk about how much they love talking to their husbandos and I want in on that
Anonymous 282449
>>282412Please tell me where the hell I can appeal this cause I'm using Brave, as well.
Anonymous 282450
>>282446It depends on which character you want to talk to. You can usually tell when it’s going to utter shit if the description looks like it was made for wattpad. The older bots usually have a description that only mentions traits that the character has, sometimes those bots are good.
Anonymous 282451
>>282415Same I actually had to check Shayna’s Twitter and instantly regretted it seeing the images she posts on there. She is for in Disney with a scrote though which feels like would have been a fun thread to read updates on :(
Anonymous 282452
>>282424me when I reluctantly open the app
Anonymous 282454
>>282446Make your own bots. Sometimes the creators delete their bots and that makes me heartbroken. Add a shit ton of lore and relevant information in the character description for him. Also edit some of the bot's messages for desired writing styles
Anonymous 282456
>>282443I was using a Poe API which is basically Quora’s AI. SillyTavern was great because you could customize the chat ui and add sprite avatars for different emotions.
Anonymous 282457
>>282358Throw open your door and unleash your pent up fury upon him.
Anonymous 282458
>>282449I think in the past I used the report box to beg for an unban kek
Anonymous 282460
I am weirdly disappointed that luna dropped her tumblr i've followed her there since high school. It feels like the end of an era
Anonymous 282461
jill ponysona.JPG

Feel like shit just want to post mean stuff about Jill
Anonymous 282465
>> honestly isn’t bad, I think it’s the least stupid ai for free and the ui is much better than Chai. I hate the voice/call feature, it ruins the immersion. If you make a good chat definition the bot will be in character. I recommend making the chat definition one-off replies because if you enter an entire conversation it doesn’t work as well.
Anonymous 282467
>>282463mine is the one where an anon has a weird tinfoil about her bf who's been taking her markers or something and wondering if his tattoo is permanent or if he's using the markers to redraw it on
and everyone replied with "he's putting them in his ass"
Anonymous 282468
>>282435Samefag, sorry also Creep, Superhost, Would You Rather, Deadstream, As Above So Below, Battle Royale, The Grudge, Case 39, Jeepers Creepers, Trick r Treat, 68 Kill, Abigail, Maxxxine, Clown. Okay I'm done
Anonymous 282469
>>282456Ah I too used Poe through ST back in the day. Just a few days before Poe caught on and stopped all that shit, kek
Anonymous 282470
>>282465the voice call feature is traumatising. it uses the call volume on a phone and not the regular volume so you can't turn it completely off and it's literally just text to speech since your voice gets converted to text in the chat
Anonymous 282472
>>282463My favorite was the one about some poster complaining about some city in Canada but not specifying which one and everyone was guessing which one.
Anonymous 282473
>>282472Isn't there only like 2 cities in Canada
Anonymous 282474
Who's rolling one right now
Anonymous 282476
>>282469I was devastated when Poe wisened up. I can’t afford the fancy models.
Anonymous 282477
>>282473No 3, igloo, beach, forest fire
Anonymous 282478
>>282291Original artist of the thread pic but not the OP of the thread, I planned on having the actual lolcow boards be called the milkmaids! /pt/ was going to be pixy, /snow/ was going to be a washed-up ethot, and /w/ was going to be a brown lolita girl who wanted to be japanese. I was also planning on making a /shay/ being a pink upright cow and /2X/ being a bullfighter. I’m currently on a roadtrip with friends but maybe when I’m finished I could post concepts of them.
Anonymous 282480
>>282302I highly doubt that all of your main pieces would sell for 400 minimum.
Anonymous 282481
>>282470One time the voice I selected somehow was switched and I got jumpscared by heavy tf2’s voice.
Anonymous 282482
>>282480She's probably selling in sets
Anonymous 282484
>>282460She’ll probably make a new one before the year ends
Anonymous 282485
Fucking hate how one of my friends claims to hate moids but all her favourite music artists are pedo troon moids singing about how many bitches with cuts on their wrists they fuck
Anonymous 282486
did nonas hear about the korean bl artist who referenced bl from actual revenge porn 282490
>>282463The time an anon went on a deranged spergout about tattoos and said she emailed the pope
Anonymous 282491
>>282488Basically the entirety of hyperpop. I don't remember any specific names but I heard a few songs and lyrics and was like nope I'm out
Anonymous 282492
>>282474Let's roll up nonas come on it's too sober in here let's all reach the clouds!
Anonymous 282493
>>282320Yes, it is. If you still can, go out with them. You will never get those moments back but as you can see, lolcow can disappear suddenly and you’re left with nothing.
Anonymous 282494
Near Dark
VIY (1967)
The Others
The Descent
Hellraiser 1 & 2
American Psycho
Black Christmas (1974)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Anonymous 282495
>>282491The worst thing about hyperpop is the ONLY good songs are made by women but of course troons have to pump out millions of garbage bullshit songs and THOSE are the ones that get hyped up.
Anonymous 282496
>>282358Or silently stare at him while death gripping your sewing shears in hand while he's watching that filth.
Anonymous 282497
>>282495Which female artists would you recommend?
Anonymous 282499
>>282414How can anyone even hate it it's so good
Anonymous 282500
>>282494ah shit I forgot Re-Animator it's so silly
Anonymous 282501
>>282495Troons making "scenecore" music is so fucking funny to me because it's all about "hee hee hurr durr i take drugs and fuck scene sluts who cut". There was never scene music, they just listened to fun 2010s pop and rocked puffy hair
Anonymous 282502
>>282500I’ve been putting aside watching Re-Animator because of all the tifs into it.
Anonymous 282503
I'm ESL, is the notes you write about an official meeting really called "minutes"??
Anonymous 282504
>>282491i like some “hyperpop” (the artists i listen to dont really identify with that label) but the best artists are non troon males who sing about their feelings imo not how many bitches they fuck
Anonymous 282506
>>282501You don’t remember crunkcore? That was scene music besides the raunchy pop stuff they listened to.
Anonymous 282507
>>282502Just ignore them, it's a good movie. There's another film with the same cast and crew called From Beyond but it kind of sucked IMO
Anonymous 282508
>>282506Yeah but it wasn't edgy mentally ill troon shit like today so it's fine
Anonymous 282509
>>282476Alas anon if I could I'd give you an invite to the proxy I use but they're all secretive and retarded now. But keep trawling, you'll find one.
Anonymous 282510
>>282503Yes! It sounds weird to us too. Apparently the word maybe originated from the Latin “minuta scriptura“, meaning “small notes"
Anonymous 282512
>>282305If the mod staff wasn't so retarded with the redtexts and bans, I'd probably be willing to donate. But nah, fuck em, they can pay it.
Anonymous 282514
>>282322I don't know, but on lolcow you get autobanned when you try to post that trannyhands selfie picture.
Anonymous 282515
>>282509Where should I trawl to find one?
Anonymous 282517
>>282512I know it's an anonymous ib, but sometimes I wish they would at least give us some information about the staff. At least like HOW many there are exactly or what timezones they're active in moderating.
Anonymous 282518
>>282486I'm not sure what actually happened from what little I could read, but it seems like the artist is a moid and he "allegedly" drew the art when he was a minor and "allegedly" deleted really fast. I wish xitter wasn't retarded and actually allowed people to read without accounts.
Anonymous 282520
>>282517they might think it will make them vulnerable to attacks
Anonymous 282521
>>282323I don't think it's the money problem, I think it's the bank.
I think that's why it said "Monday" at first instead of "Tuesday," because they just assumed the payment would go through on Monday after the weekend forgetting that it was a holiday.
Anonymous 282523
>>282521I thought the site owner lived in the UK? Do they have Labor Day there?
Anonymous 282524
can i share a really bad and funny song with you guys
Anonymous 282527
>>282521lol okay now I believe that an unpaid server bill really is the problem. First it was 24 hours because they probably hoped the payment would process or funds would settle. Then Monday…now Tuesday.
Anonymous 282528
>>282514>trannyhands selfie picture.Damn this is what I get for not lurking as much anymore and being a normie. what's the story here?
Anonymous 282533
>>282528NTA but i don’t think we should drag that over here kek
Anonymous 282535
>>282526Is it really a man? My gut tells me it’s still shaymin but I have no evidence of that
Anonymous 282536
>>282478You have to post it on /meta/ after lolcow comes back! I love saving pics of board-tans
Anonymous 282539
>>282410I want to play a game like this where I can dress up a cute anime boy
Anonymous 282540
>>282529>>282525she saw my ig and she said im hard
but in real life im a loser
in real life im a drug abuser
in real life im a alcoholic
Anonymous 282541
I can't believe people are defending Chappell Roan for cancelling her shows a week before. I somewhat understand her meltdown over annoying fans but this is just plain diva behavior. Think what you want of Taylor Swift but she has almost never cancelled a show (and when she did it was because of terrorist moids).
Anonymous 282542
>>282514That picture is so scary… I still have no idea wtf is up with its nails it haunts me
Anonymous 282544

>>282302I was really interested in the lolita aesthetic in my early 20s but could never afford the pieces and didn't have the time to curate or make my own. Time flew by and now that I'm in an oldfag in my late 30s I still love the style but I'm insecure that I'd look absolutely retarded if I tried. Maybe I could also pull off a more mature look like Aristocrat without looking like a pirate kek. I like the girl on the left
Anonymous 282545
My lolcow award haunts me
Anonymous 282547
>>282514>>282542post that trannyhands pic you faggots this is an imageboard
Anonymous 282548
>>282528That whole fiasco happened a looong time ago now…how new are you?
Anonymous 282549
>>282478that sounds lovely , i hope some other makes husbando versions of the boardtans too
Anonymous 282550
Okay the Minecraft server is basically almost done. It's gonna be running on version 1.20.1, and it's open to Java players that have an account. I think it should be ready in like 90-120 minutes, sorry it's taking so long but I'm trying to set up a DynMap too so that we can see all the stuff we've built by the end.
I'm not sure if it's still the case, but when I bought my account it was from Russian hackers on eBay for ~$10. So if you don't have an account but you wanna play, you could probably buy it for cheap on eBay.
Anonymous 282552
>>282545I was nominated but didn't win, nice to see a fellow ceLOLbrity around here. Which one were you? kek
Anonymous 282554
>>282547Sorry faggot I don't have it because it's scary. Just imagine frightening spindly hands with long, thick crooked beige nails
Anonymous 282556

>>282544Don't worry too much, there were always older/off-looking women into the fashion, your first coords will look awkward because they're your first, not because you're old. Don't feel discouraged. Aristocrat is amazing too and I'd like it to try it someday as well
Anonymous 282558

Anonymous 282559
>>282544I remember thinking that ouji/aristocrat looks stupid but I didn't realize it was because I just thought it looks stupid on white guys. But yes it's very hard to pull off and not all people have the right looks for it.
Anonymous 282560
>>282548Ntayrt but I only know about it because of cc and I’ve been a farmer for almost a decade. I only read cow threads and don’t really keep up with the meta type drama
Anonymous 282565
>>282547I don’t think bringing up lolcow drama sounds fun at all
Anonymous 282566
>>282555Why do they insist on doing that? I remember the admin a while back, the really anti-TERF one, did the same thing, and posted her hand and wrist, complete with self-harm marks. I guess it takes a special kind of thin skin and mental illness to be an imageboard admin.
Anonymous 282567
>>282526Why do some keep calling Cerbmin a male?
Anonymous 282568
>reading fic
>Both characters obviously in love with each other
>They kiss
>Neither gets to the obvious conclusion that the other is in love with them
Why do writers do this? This fic has been the perfect slow burn and I'm sure as hell gonna finish it but it bugs me so much. A kiss would at the very least make them talk about it. If you're not gonna follow through, save it for later.
Anonymous 282569
>>282567because no female website admin would neglect to pay their server bill and leave it dead for 3 days
Anonymous 282570
>>282550BASED BASED BASED how do we sign up? I'm not gonna be home for about a week but when I come back I wanna play!!!
Anonymous 282571
>>282564It's semi-vanilla, there's no crazy mods but I have quality of life plugins like /sit and /hat for wearing flowers, /nick, and /private for making chests and doors lockable. I'm also turning off explosions and fire damage.
Anonymous 282572
>>282565why not? it's like gossiping about an annoying friend at a sleepover
Anonymous 282574
>>282533ntayrt but now i wanna know too
Anonymous 282575
>>282548Reading is fundamental. Did you miss the "I don't lurk as much anymore" part?
Anonymous 282576
>>282573I had this haircut in high school
Anonymous 282577
>>282559ayrt, I think it looks cool on women but the men look so cringe kek
Anonymous 282578
>>282572I don’t really love gossiping either tbh keeeek I’m gonna make myself sound so boring when I say this but I just wanna bond over stuff that’s funny or interesting not 3 year old infights
Anonymous 282579
>>282568Maybe she felt the readers were losing interest so she "threw them a bone" so to speak, either that or she wants to explore how much of them are dumbasses and exploit the "omg do they like me?? drama
Anonymous 282580
Update but as a who was planning on moving to KF they rejected the account because I used a temporary email, anyone have any good websites where I could make an email completely detached from anything else I have? I’ve heard good things about Yandex
Anonymous 282582
>>282574i recommend lurking when LC is back online but i kinda feel the same way talking about old infighting sounds boring
Anonymous 282585
>>282582Yeah leave the infights in the past. In times of crises we have to say united.
Anonymous 282588
I'm rolling another one come on nonas don't make me smoke alone
Anonymous 282589

im homesick for the funny caps thread
Anonymous 282591
>>282491Is it one of those scenecore groomers?
Anonymous 282592
Omg when the flood detection message pops up it actually MEANS 30 seconds not 5 minutes like on lc!!
Anonymous 282594
>>282580That’s really strange, KF doesn’t care if you use a throwaway or not
Anonymous 282595
Nonni3 is a gay ass nickname
Cerbmin is a male
Dumbass shit should have stayed
Pinkpill was based
Jannies are trannies
/w/ was a mistake
Anonymous 282596
>>282577Back when it was common for lolitas to bring their accessories aka their boyfriends to meetings, they would always dress in half-assed aristo or ouji. I always wondered how they ruined their girlfriend's entire coord. Just leave your pet at home or dress it normally.
Anonymous 282599
>>282588smoking one of my fav strains right as you posted this you’re never alone nonita
Anonymous 282601
>>282588Girl you need to take a break goddamn
Anonymous 282602
>>282597I love you too anon
>>282599So jelly. My favourite strain went off the market 2 years ago and I've been dying to find it again. It's my fountain of youth or holy grail. One day they'll write books about my quest for it.
Anonymous 282603
>>282588take a fat toke for me ganja nona i am dry rn
Anonymous 282605
>>282601No weed is my medicine right now because Lolcor is down and basically I can't be alive sober in this world if there is no Lolcor for me to be on.
Anonymous 282608
>>282596I want to wear a matching ouji coord with someone's Lolita coord and mog all the lame scrotes with my handsome woman aura
Anonymous 282609
>>282578Generally, I agree because LC follows the most boring cows. But site drama actually interests me.
>>282580That's weird, they used to encourage temporary e-mails. Try protonmail if you haven't.
>>282595Very based
Anonymous 282610
>>282602damn that’s horrible. what strain was it anon? my most favorite of all time is cereal milk
Anonymous 282611
>>282571I'm just gonna post the ip here and then anons can join if they want! No sign up necessary kek. Since it's anon just make sure you don't have like links associated with your minecraft account.
Anonymous 282612
i drew fanny on the board because I miss the thread goddamn you lolcor
Anonymous 282613
>>282594They encourage an anonymized email for registration, but they don’t accept throwaway emails from certain sites. It’s to prevent people from making a bunch of bot accounts and having the forum be flooded.
Anonymous 282614
>>282609Oh i feel the same way about that too, especially when it’s about the admin or the jannies kek but i’ve noticed a lot that gossiping about personalityfags often summons them which is why i make an effort to avoid talking about them
Anonymous 282615
>>282611I miss when minecraft was five bucks
Anonymous 282616
>>282615Me too kek, but try ebay usually you can find it for a 1/3rd of the regular price.
Anonymous 282617
where did everyone go please i'm having withdrawls
Anonymous 282619
>>282618HEY thank GOD that was so scary nona
Anonymous 282620
How long was lolcow down the last time? 11 days?
Anonymous 282621
>>282416"Why would a reviewer make the point of saying someone's
not a genius? Do you especially think I'm
not a genius? You didn't even have to think about it, did you?"
one of my favorite movies ever
Anonymous 282622
>>282617I'm sleepy so I'm laying on my side with my arm under my head and it's hard to type with one hand
Anonymous 282623
>>282617It's lunchtime in the US, so I imagine a lot of nonas are eating at the moment.
Anonymous 282628
>>282617sorry i didnt want to sound desperate i was watching youtube slops
Anonymous 282630
why do people comment stuff on steam profiles, is it like some tradition there?
also what does +rep mean
Anonymous 282631
>>282616I lost my og account details so I'm trying ebay and this seller is offering me an account for 10$ how do i know if it's a scam n*na? But I could stand to lose a tenner if I'm going off blind faith
Anonymous 282632

Watching college football in the fall is the only time I feel like a normie. Put some highlights in my hair and apply a fake tan, I’m basically there.
Anonymous 282634
>>282624Protonmail rats users out to lesbian feds WOAH
Anonymous 282637
>>282631I've bought at least 10 accounts on eBay it's easy and I was only ever scammed once but it was cuz I didn't check the reviews. eBay has a really good review system so trust that if you do. I'll pray for you in the meantime that it works.
Anonymous 282638
>>282631If they have good reviews, you should be safe. Be sure to read some of them.
Anonymous 282640
>>282588Grabbing my vape pen as I type this
Anonymous 282641
I don't want to make a kiwifarms account just to see what a certain cow is doing…. but i'm getting fomo, part of me feels like her kiwi thread is poppin'
Anonymous 282643

what is it blocking tho, there aren't any ads on here
Anonymous 282644
>>282550What if I have TLauncher? I guess I can join, right?
Anonymous 282646
>>282639doubtful, even if she did i dont think most of what gets posted about her could be considered defamation other than the cp accusations but iirc in the us you cant really be held responsible for what some random people say on your site.
Anonymous 282647
>>282639I doubt they would care. Can’t imagine how many LC has gotten over the years
Anonymous 282649
>>282644Girl you should be more worried about getting that spyware off your computer
Anonymous 282650
>>282639No, it's something to do with the /ot/ image glitch. Probably a hardware issue I'd guess.
Anonymous 282651
>>282648Sorry I’m tarded, there’s another app with practically same ui.
Anonymous 282652
>>282588I’m hitting my vape, got gelato on the battery rn!!! I need a nice high today to help me eat
Anonymous 282653
>>282644Tlauncher is pirated minecraft anon, also it's a shit launcher that steals your data and has spyware, please use another one like pollymc
Anonymous 282654
I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the Trueman home when lolcow goes down. I wonder if they celebrate and think they finally did it. Although 25% of comments in Lillee’s latest thread are Laur lol so maybe she’s bummed. She knows she gets good advice from farmers, she almost always follows it.
Anonymous 282655
>>282651(O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O) (O.O)
Anonymous 282656
>>282654I like to think they just sleep for a minute. Just relax.
Anonymous 282658
What if we get lolcow back but all images are gone?
Anonymous 282659
>>282657You don't know? Tlauncher has spyware and it hides from your anti-virus, get that shit off of you asap and install ultimmc or pollymc instead
Anonymous 282661
do adminds lose ip history of posters when it is shutdown like this? idk how websites work
Anonymous 282662
>>282653>>282659It's over KEK whatever I didn't even make an account on it, I'll uninstall it right now thanks anons
Anonymous 282663
I want that bastard carreychan to know that, despite not ONCE looking it up, YouTube recommended me the score from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Anonymous 282664
>>282663Not her but I actually love that movie I thought it was really nice
Anonymous 282666
>>282661Probably not since iirc Creepshowart's post history was revealed after a major downtime event (I wanna say the crappy LC 2.0 launch)
Anonymous 282667
>>282662Dw anon, ik because me and my friends made the same mistake, check "everything" from voidtools (link:, it allows you to search everything named "tlauncher" more easily on your pc, because looking for it was hell
Anonymous 282668
>>282654Last thread I said LJ would look good in true red and the next "photoshoot" they posted was of LJ in a true red dress and lipstick. Coincidence?
Anonymous 282669
>>282617sorry nona im back i had to shower kek
Anonymous 282670
This road trip is so smooth and I’m so sleepy…. zzzzz. Unrelated I had a mental breakdown so bad and I had to call the suicide hotline, it was weird because despite nothing groundbreaking being said I feel magically healed.
Anonymous 282671
>>282661It depends what kind of problem they're dealing with. If it's a total database wipe, then yes they could lose ip post histories.
Anonymous 282672
>>282639I wonder if null (josh, not fanny) would be willing to help if that was the case, or of he's a hypocrite who only cares about free speech in his own bubble
Anonymous 282673
>>282671>If it's a total database wipethey won't do that, right?
Anonymous 282675
>>282657Reviewbrahfags are all repressed lesbians trying to contend with their gay infatuation with lorde
Anonymous 282676
>>282667Thanks anon! I have a question though, does voidtools work on linux too?
Anonymous 282677
Fly away now, fly away now, fly away ay ay ay
Anonymous 282679
>>282673There's usually backups in place even when things like that happen, don't worry nonita
Anonymous 282681
>>282678Shit uhh I guess I'll use the terminal to purge TLauncher
Anonymous 282682
>>282680I've had so many dreams about the staircase
Anonymous 282683
Okay what'd everyone have for lunch??
I was feeling big so I made a sesame bagel with swiss cheese and bacon, 2 scrambled eggs, yogurt, and grapes and I blended a mango pineapple smoothie.
Anonymous 282684
I forgot the verb that’s when you throw something over your shoulder
Anonymous 282685
Noññies are there any discord servers for gender critical feminists that are just shoot the shit servers like lolcor and CC? I love LC and CC but I'm wanting a deeper connection and to make actual friends.
Anonymous 282686
>>282680Yess the TV show was so fun and I really loved the books as a kid
Anonymous 282687
I wish I had weed so bad, I’m trying to smoke less tho. And it’s scary getting it from strange moids
Anonymous 282688
>>282682Are you walking up the stairs or walking down them?
Anonymous 282689
>>282681Samefag, "Unable to locate package TLauncher" HELP S
Anonymous 282692
>>282683You had such a nice lunch I haven't had anything yet
Anonymous 282693
>>282690Jinx you owe me a Diet Coke please I need it
Anonymous 282694
>>282663I believe Carreychan. Is it really that impossible for a Hollywood moid to have traumatized a young woman?
Anonymous 282695
>>282692Nona you must eat… we need to keep our strength up… this is going to be a arduous weekend and we march at Dawn of Tuesday to reconquer our motherland….
Anonymous 282696
this is my favourite thread on this ib nоnnies from the oldweb thread might enjoy
Anonymous 282698
>>282668they gotta give the fans what we want
>>282683pudding so i can swallow an antiviral and licorice root because im still getting over being sick
>>282687i cant believe weed is still illegal in a lot of places its so stupid that i always forget its not legal everywhere
Anonymous 282699
>>282695Oh bless you let's eat lots of spaghetti for fuels
Anonymous 282700
>>282690No. Say you picked up someone and threw them over your back like a rolled up carpet. What is that called?
Anonymous 282701
Thank you Minecraft nona, I am SO excited to play with anons
Anonymous 282702
>>282643It looks like it's blocking doubleclick which is owned by google. Probably has to do with embedded youtube videos.
Anonymous 282704
>>282641you dont have to make an account to see threads just to post in them (unless idk and some threads are locked that way but i lurk luna and amberlynns threads on there and dont have a problem?)
Anonymous 282707
s I can't find TLauncher on my linux help
Anonymous 282708
>>282698I miss living somewhere where it was legal to sell recreationally, here I can only find delta 8 gummies and I'm too socially inept and paranoid about contamination to buy from randos. I miss being able to buy real and "clean" gummies from a store
Anonymous 282709
>>282707Also I didn't even write "s"?? I wrote s
Anonymous 282710
>>282696'404 file not found' for me????
Anonymous 282712
does anybody else like to smell the pus from popped pimples? I knew a girl in middle school who used to eat the pus from hers. She'd offer to eat her friends' too.
Anonymous 282714
>>282710Nona dropped the .html at the end
Anonymous 282716
>>282707that word is filtered, thats why I say anon here, and yup i had the same issue in windows, try to search online how to purge it from linux, lots of people had the same issue
Anonymous 282719
>>282709You're animorphing into a snake, I'm afraid.
Anonymous 282720
>>282718He was so sugoi when he was young ugh he needs more plastic surgery now
Anonymous 282721
>>282704I believe her thread is locked, she's a notorious self poster on rk9 and possibly lolcow. When I tried to check her thread on kiwi I got redirected to the log in page…
Anonymous 282724
What's the mc server? I can't find it
Anonymous 282725
>>282704Threads in prospering grounds are not available to guests iirc
Anonymous 282726
>>282720He’s always been scary nona. But I would love to be friends with him
Anonymous 282729
>>282724Kek I'm still making it sorry @ everyone I'm almost done
Anonymous 282732
>>282728I’m a vampire kidnapping Leon Kennedy right now
Anonymous 282733
Okay I purged the /root/.tlauncher and /root/.minecraft folders but I'm still paranoid… Anon who made the server, can I Join from PolyMC?
Anonymous 282734
>>282730Kek for a second I thought you meant what I said was gross because where I'm from hurl means to vomit
Anonymous 282738
You say that but will be posting when it’s back up
Anonymous 282739
Lies, there are many threads with info you won't get anywhere else (sex toy thread and cow threads)
Anonymous 282740
That's not true, where will I shitpost? Where will I steal memes from?
Anonymous 282742
>>282731>>282733Nta but it's still in the process of being made
Anonymous 282743
stellaris on console is a fucking joke, they censor their own generated names, trying to colonize a planet called Peudeanus and keep its original name but it turns it to peude—- what is that nonsense why are they applying this insane censoring to a space war game, I just purged a planet I conquered and it's pretty much implied my aliens ate them, this feels like not letting cartoon characters say shit but throwing a bunch of violent scenes
Anonymous 282744
>>282372embarrassed for cara but now I understand how she gets around so much (utter shamelessness)
Anonymous 282745
Be Faithful - Fatman Scoop
Anonymous 282747
I got a lip smacker takes me right back to my childhood
Anonymous 282748
>>282745Damn, didn't he die today? R.I.P.
Anonymous 282749
dua lipa, i love normie pop music!!
Anonymous 282751
>>282750Oopsies, and can I join multiplayer servers?
Anonymous 282752
>>282751it depends if the multiplayer allows cracked (pirated) launchers, that depends on the server owner, it doesn't hurt trying when it's available
Anonymous 282753
>>282680oh! I'm losing it! I was obsessed with Louis Sachar books when I was a kid but I never knew about the tv show. I'm probably too old to have seen it maybe. I'm not one of those people who can sit through even "really good" kid shows but maybe I'll try to torrent.
Anonymous 282754
>>282753Holes was such a great book and movie
Anonymous 282755
>>282754Sigourney Weaver was an icon like none other I want that nail polish with snake venom so fucking bad nœnni’s
Anonymous 282757
I'm so tired I feel like I could pass out but I need to play on this mc server with the girls. I will inject caffeine into my bloodstream if I have to.
Anonymous 282758
idk why but im happy that shithole is down. Even though its bad for me (and everyone else using it) i can't stop going on it because its like watching a trainwreck.
Like all the retarded infights, anons judging women for breathing, racebaiting, tradthots, GCers teaming up with tradthots, /pol/ fags in the america threads, the current state of celebricows being a mess, snow and w have dried up milk and the only active threads are about trannies.
Eitherway even if it is gone, i don't really care since it was more of a ''how can i stop going to this site that only makes me angrier after using it'' instead of entertainment, cows or milk.
Anonymous 282764
Anonymous 282766
>>282761ugh, n0nnie was right about labor day making it a longer wait
Anonymous 282767
>>282761I feel like if it was just site maintenance they wouldn’t be saying that it’s a “serious and unexpected issue”…do you think it’s possible someone could’ve hacked the site?
Anonymous 282768
getting my haircut in an hour and i'm scared bc i usually get a 70s shag past shoulder length but i kinda wanna get a much shorter shag But i have a roundish face…
Anonymous 282769
>>282758>how can i stop going to this site that only makes me angrier after using itGod I feel this
Anonymous 282770
>>282767Carreychan got so pissed off that someone ratted her out so she is trying to hack the website to remove the revelation post
Anonymous 282772
>>282767Either that or they found a seriously vulnerability that needs to fixed asap
Anonymous 282776
>>282769Honestly I’ve started just avoiding certain threads even if I think the posts have merit or the ideas are true or whatever, it’s just not worth making myself angry. The news stories that fuck with you thread is one, and a couple in /g/ but nothing in snow lately has made me so mad I had to stop looking. Prob shouldn’t look at the MTF threads tho they inevitably make me rage without fail even if I do like laughing at how retarded they look kek
Anonymous 282777
it makes me laugh seeing spergs spread around the disinformation that they have a “heightened sense of empathy” yeah fucking right, they’re all vacant soulless sociopathic retards only concerned about themselves. i hate all of them and would eradicate pretty much all of them if i could click a button. is this “heightened empathy” thing bullshit???
Anonymous 282778

Anonymous 282779
kek when ban evading retards (you) post ''testing'' always makes me (fail) to laugh
Anonymous 282780
>>282768Maybe you could get the usual length but have your stylist cut off a little more until it’s shorter? Gradually I mean so if you don’t actually like the shorter length it’s not terribly short and will grow to shoulder length quicker. Kek I hope that made sense
Anonymous 282781
i have an addiction and talent of hating things. i fit in with anons but they always insult me for hating like they hate which is 24/7 beautiful female hatedom
Anonymous 282782

So in order to join multiplayer on PollyMC you need a mojang account… and I don't have one… and apparently you can't even make one anymore since they switched to Microsoft account. kys
Anonymous 282783
suprised the retarded ''all fujos are disgusting soon to be trannies tifs'' argument hasn't started. I guess those retards haven't found the bunker yet.
Anonymous 282784
>>282783they did, they just got banned and their posts deleted
Anonymous 282786
>>282783I think one of them got banned, lol.
Anonymous 282789
I did so little today all I did was go to the store and watch cartoons, I tried to read for a bit but I couldn't concentrate.
Anonymous 282790

>>282777My college counselor made weird comments about how I was obviously an empath which is why I struggled with certain things. I actually just have adhd
Anonymous 282793
>>282779Nta, but many anons have been receiving random, unexplained bans today despite not breaking any site rules. We're not sure what's triggering it. One anon said it might be certain words, one anon said it might be Brave browser. Either way, the bans are giving without explanation at seemingly random times despite anons not saying anything offensive. That doesn't make those anons retards, we're just not sure what's up with the site right now. Personally I think it's a spam filter because the site isn't used to this kind of traffic.
Anonymous 282794
>>282778I don't get that cow tbh. I just find her art disturbing and disgusting. I loved following nemu's antics though
Anonymous 282795
>>282784I wish lolcow bait posts got deleted, it's so fucking stupid to keep them up, especially when Im reading through an old thread and I have to see some scrotes redtexted nonsense. Kills my mood.
Anonymous 282796
>>282790I prefer adhd baddies over any spergs seriously
Anonymous 282797
>>282783>CC mod being more based than LC mod could everNot only do LC mods let constant spergfest infights and bait go on in a thread for half a day until they intervene but they even let those retards create containment threads which after a while leak into the whole site.
>>282791here you are with your retardation
Anonymous 282800
>>282797>Containment threads that bleed over to the rest of the site For real. Fandom discourse and ugly man Psyop are poisoning lolcow
Anonymous 282802
>>282566KEKKKK WHAT? please elaborate, I wish we could have a thread of admin milk
Anonymous 282803
Can you please take your schizophrenia elsewhere
Anonymous 282804
>>282802I think the closest we'll ever get is the lolcow hate threads over here.
Anonymous 282806
nta but please, no one cares
Anonymous 282807
>>282800the nationality threads, anti-fujo ones and the GC one (which was made because anons kept sperging in the trannie threads) are also leaking onto the rest of the site. Kinda makes me sad because there was a time when LC was enjoyable.
>>282801you literally sound like a scrote kek, how are you going to talk about ''female self-hatred'' while you sound like a deranged scrote. Man anti-fujos need to clean out their mold.
Anonymous 282808
You are so fucking based, my god.
Anonymous 282809

I know cerbmin wanted to code in some key features like being able to bookmark threads so I have always been thinking about her working on code and only coming out every 2
months but I dont know anymore…We’ve been hoodwinked. Maybe she’ll release the new features eventually but I wonder if any previous admins can come forward about their personal experiences. I do like the idea of deleting bait, redtexting scrotes, and being harsher towards newfags since those are minimal changes. These threads feel like a comfier townhall. I’m just glad xitter and tiktok users don’t know about this place, so when they get accused of being faggots they don’t act like they were here since the site’s inception while also not knowing what /cgl/ is.
Anonymous 282810
I want McDonald's even though I literally just bought ingredients
Anonymous 282811
>>282802The admin that anon is talking about is burritomin, she's the one whose Discord chat leaked where she was complaining about lolcow's "white middle class" userbase kek. I think chronologically she was the admin right before Cerbmin took over?
Anonymous 282813
lolcor…lolcor…i want my lolcor
Anonymous 282814
>>282809what even is the point of even bringing up cgl anymore when you have a big portion of the site (on lolcow) literally shitting on anons for being into cosplay, j-fashion or anime. The old audience is gone anon, get over it.
Anonymous 282815

I am buzzinggg, I am so pumped for this mc server.
Anonymous 282816
I didn’t say anything about /cgl/.
Anonymous 282817

>>282814nah, anime may suck but lolita is cool and I'm tired of newfags assuming you're talking about coquette or the book when you talk about it
Anonymous 282819
>>282799depends on the sperg. My sperg roommate in college was incapable of having a conversation outside of buzzfeed listicles and capeshit. She also hoarded her used pads in her bedroom and left out her handwritten self-insert fanfiction where she boned Captain America.
Anonymous 282821

this friday the major i transferred to is having a welcome event (open to all years) and i've decided i'm going to go. it's a big step because i'm usually too anxious to do these types of things, but i really need to make connections with the department since i have about a year 'til i graduate. i hope i can finally make some friends too but i think it'll be full of freshmen zoomers and i'm a little out of their age range, but i have a babyface so at least i can camouflage within them. i hope it all goes well and if it doesn't at least there's free pizza and cake kek. wish me luck, nonas.
Anonymous 282822
Remember to just report bait. Don't respond
Anonymous 282823
>>282814I’m not an old fag but I do find importance in knowing the roots of the site especially since it helps keep a board culture that isn’t overtaken by petty and annoying xitter takes. It prioritizes lurking before posting that many newfags can’t get grasp of, I was also a braindead newfag once but I quickly learned; the newer waves of users just don’t which is a common complaint.
Anonymous 282824

>>282675I will pray for you to accept the unconditional love of Reviewbrah
Anonymous 282825
>>282821Good luck. I wish you many friends and connections in your new major. Also I love those chibi gyaru gifs
Anonymous 282827
Does anyone have that pic of the black kid singing that is always posted with emo lyrics? I really really need it
Anonymous 282830
>>282809I agree with you. Also, the kinds of larpers I despise the most are those that don't know shit about shit, but calls others newfags based off secondhand information they got from some "friend" on twitter or wherever the fuck they came from (especially when it's information they're getting wrong). This is hyper-specific, but I spotted one such person sperging/infighting in a thread once, and I wish I had called them out on it because they were such a faggot and were calling other people newfags.
Anonymous 282831…

Stop responding to the fujosperg please
Anonymous 282832
>>282811What a bitch. I'm white lower-upper class
Anonymous 282833
>>282602Relatable. My favorite strain was Headband and I haven't found it for years
Anonymous 282834
>>282814The posters who do those things are not a "big portion" of the site. They are retarded, annoying newfags obsessed with trying to larp as normies.
Anonymous 282835
>>282831Only if you stop avatarfagging Smile
Anonymous 282836
Because moids end up shitting the spaces with het content and shitting on het fangirls (think twilight, or you must like this female character because it's your self insert). Atleast moids get so fucking repulsed from yaoi even trannies can't pretend to like it for their LARP and stay tf away from fujo spaces and fujos in general.
I don't like IRL gays and yaoi men are nothing like them.
Anonymous 282837
anon, stop giving that retard attention kek, just report them and move on.
>grifith x guts
im a fujo but you are one of those rare exceptions where the anti-fujos are right and you are a pickme because why the fuck THIS story. I just don't understand the women who even like this garbage. Like there is whole chapter dedicated to Grifith raping a woman (Casca) and all the men i met in real life who liked berserk were incels who hated women.
Anonymous 282838
>>282835Keep bitching and I'll start posting real moids
Anonymous 282839

Anonymous 282840
>>282834they are everywhere, keep coping.
Anonymous 282841
>>282811i couldn't do it because i don't really care enough to keep track of admins but it would be interesting if we had a visual timeline of admin changes from the beginning
Anonymous 282842
>>282819this is why we left them in a cave to rot in pre-historic times
Anonymous 282844
>>282302Don't do it nona! I had some very lovely egl pieces and I would combine them with my actual Victorian, edwardian, and other vintage pieces. I ended up selling all of my Lolita stuff because I got more into 80s goth and 80s streetwear and eventually workwear and more crust punk aesthetics. I didn't miss them for a good bit of time, but as I got sober and tired of being a broke, often homeless punk and then got a decent office job I started wishing I had my brando to wear to work and family gatherings.
I kinda shifted to being more interested in medieval-esque fashion and 1920s-esque fashion than Victorian and edwardian-esque. but I still really love how beautiful Gothic Lolita is. There's some Moi-même-Moitié that I saved up for for so long and now I'll never get those back.
Sorry about my blog. But don't sell your wardrobe. If you have children or grandchildren, you can give it to your daughters and granddaughters one day.
Anonymous 282845
>”w-why do you care!! just let people enjoy things!!!”
No. Kek, female coomers are truly something else
Anonymous 282846
>>282823there are so many tiktokfags using the site right now and they're so easy to spot even though they try so hard to hide it
Anonymous 282848
>>282811Thank u kek, how was she anti-terf and moderating LC? was the site different back then? Also why is cerbmin called that?
Anonymous 282850
Any idea what this "serious issue" is?
Anonymous 282851

I really want coffee but I’m on my period and coffee will upset my stomach even further
Anonymous 282854
>>282814>the oldfags are gone get over itthis mindset kills the ib, look at all the newfags not caring about weebshit on a website made FOR weebshit while complaining about the autists that actually are integrated. The only reason it was able to change so much is because most normalfags would rather gossip about celebrities and their “sex work” competition.
Anonymous 282856

I hope tunesday is going to go forward
Anonymous 282858
>>282855She took our neetbucks and went partying for labour weekend. I knew it
Anonymous 282859
literally EVERY time someone mentions liking yuri, anons start troonfoiling and throwing insults to lesanons. it just comes off as very homophobic
Anonymous 282860
>>282858kek, either that or shes implementing nucow 2
Anonymous 282861
This does nothing for me. It’s white noise.
Anonymous 282904
reese’s and kimchi taste so good together
Anonymous 282910…

the only thing to come out of jojo is pretty husbando figures
Anonymous 282915

Lolcow, wake up
I'm running out of luck
And I get so bored without you (oh, oh, oh)
Now open the site
Help me make it through the night
Lolcow, wake up
Lolcow, wake up
Know you don't give a fuck
Still, why take the answers to your grave?
You could open the site
Help me make it through the night
Lolcow, please, wake up
Anonymous 283986
Anonymous 284001
Anonymous 284003
Anonymous 284010