snail thread Anonymous 23845[Reply]
i feel that snails are sacred and beautiful creatures, i used to keep them (just found them in my garden) during uni and give them crushed eggshells for the calcium for their shells and fed them greens (i didnt give them anything like cucumber because i heard they get addicted to the sugar). they are amazing adorable creatures
22 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.Anonymous 26837
>>26836*you were
Why am I so stupid?
Anonymous 26869
>>26186"Oh shit, motherfucker, I got to get out here"
Anonymous 27116
When I was a kid I would pick up snails and bring them to school on my shoulder and then let them out in the grass and one day I kept one in a little bug crate and threw a bunch of grass in and brought it to my room and then it shriveled up and died :(