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Folk dress Anonymous 19098[Reply]

I am not sure what board to put this thread in. However, I really really love folklore, folk arts, folk dances, folk music, and folk dresses. Post your favourite folk dresses and arts here? :) Doesn't have to be from your region or area, just stuff you nonas find interesting or pretty :)
19 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 19251


oooo I love the female folk dresses from there they look so so cute

Anonymous 19289


Dirndl is a modern consoomer product that was actually popularised by the Nazis, who banned real traditional folk dresses across Germany in favour of a single, unified German pseudo-folk aesthetic.

Anonymous 19327


less arguing, more folk dresses

Anonymous 28907


I am once again posting folk clothes

Anonymous 29690



Fairytale Mood Board Anonymous 25249[Reply]

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Anonymous 26129


Anonymous 26130

[email protected]

Anonymous 26131


Anonymous 26132

71Q11P 6JdL.jpg

Anonymous 29689



Girl art Anonymous 566[Reply]

Post cute grills
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Anonymous 29406

just cute15.jpg

Anonymous 29615


Anonymous 29685


Anonymous 29686


Anonymous 29687



depressed/smoking/sleep deprived anime girl Anonymous 29590[Reply]

image thread full of sad tired girls
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Anonymous 29647

thank you scold

Anonymous 29648


Anonymous 29649


Anonymous 29650


Anonymous 29651



animals Anonymous 5702[Reply]

what is your favorite image of a animal mine is this
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Anonymous 29492


Anonymous 29508


Anonymous 29521


I love zebu cattle and their stupid long ass ears

Anonymous 29557


Anonymous 29620



crystal cafe /art/ thread. Anonymous 21974[Reply]

This is an art thread geared towards those who want to share their artworks, and who would like criticism/tips to improve. If you have any resources/books related to art to share, it goes here as well!

Good Youtube Channels:
Marc Brunet
Marco Bucci

Useful websites:
Ctrl+Paint (ctrlpaint.com/)
Quickposes (https://quickposes.com/en)
HUGE art pastebin (https://pastebin.com/d3D68y3M)
206 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29589

Thank you so very much yes cece is very cute indeed.

Anonymous 29606


Newbie artist here, tried making a landscape with a character in the foreground.

This is supposed to resemble Kenrou Holo with a rifle in the Yatsugatake mountain range. Why is she there? Long story. Why is she armed? Also a long story.

I spent 5 or 6 days non stop drawing day and night, I don't know, I lost track. This was supposed to be a Christmas present for a friend, but I did not make it on time.

I am ready to hear criticism. I already heard a lot but I am way too angry and tired to fix stuff, and I need to study, so any fixes will happen after a month.

Anonymous 29607

Oooh, I wouldn't have guessed you were a newbie. I honestly found the painting to be so enthralling, not only from a pure aesthetic standpoint, but also how it begets a desolate and melancholic emotive response out of me.
Nevertheless, it still has some amateurish pitfalls, chiefly amongst them is the stylistic clash. I think Holo is a bit too detailed, especially if it is intended to be an impressionist landscape painting; likewise, the snow seems flat and "fuzzy" - it almost looks like a tacked-on afterthought, which is a shame since an alternative brush could have easily ameliorated the issue.
Frankly, I thought the thumbnail was more appealing since the compression obscured the aforementioned problems. I'm certain that a few touch-ups in Photoshop could have a similar uplifting effect.
Regardless, I simply adore your mountains, and the rendering of Holo's hair (and fur). Really, don't beat yourself over some minor nitpicks; I've purchased many pieces that were technically inferior to yours. Besides, anyone with an iota of painting experience could definitively tell that this is far from an afternoon hack job.

Anonymous 29608

I beat myself over this because this is a gift to my girlfriend and I wanted it to be perfect

I just didn't manage to draw that which was initially in my mind…

Anonymous 29609

This is a troony mctroonpants, by the way


Anthro Thread Anonymous 12269[Reply]

If you're fur you're strong
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Anonymous 29488



Anonymous 29543


The anime could have been 100x better if she was a furry.
(I just hate nekomimis)


Anonymous 29602

unknown (1).png

Anonymous 29605


Anonymous 29614



Pixel art and gifs Anonymous 13403[Reply]

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Anonymous 25870


Anonymous 26095


Anonymous 29535


Today is my birthday

Anonymous 29603


Anonymous 29604

Happy birthday!
This is so cute.

5ojslyte92z71 (1).…

We need a female meme icon. Anonymous 27091[Reply]

Normal scrotes have Pepe. MTF troons have Glegle (picture related). FTM troons have Pooners. Normal women have nothing. This is a thread to come up with a new meme character made for women by women.
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Anonymous 27105

Anonymous 27177

Cece is the fucking lizard queen, don't disrespect her like that

Anonymous 29569

>FTM troons have Pooners
It's more like slur/disgusting
creature actually…
Obviously scrotes will have pepe, glegle or boymoder. Since they're so special meanwhile women no matter ftm or not are disgusting, worthless creatures.
This is actually so funny to think about.

Holy shit, I fucking hate scrotes. I hate them so fucking much. I want to rub shit on their disgusting faces.

Anonymous 29576

im pretty active on the radfem gendiecrit whatever parts of tumblr and reddit but i only just heard the term pooner the other day in real life

Anonymous 29582

Pepe is from a gross-out humor webcomic.
His memed shot, the "feels good man" image, is a panel about peeing with your pants all the way on the ground of the public bathroom urinals (where they can soak up urine that you will then be wearing for the rest of the day).
He was adopted by scrotes as a universal symbol partly out of reference to earlier "Foul Bachelor Frog" memes.

And nobody ignores or forgets where they came from either. The memes leading up to the presidential election were about Pepe literally defecating over himself. "Pee pee poo poo."

Any slightly similarly effective meme for women will have gross and disgusting undercurrents because that is what it is, and where Pepe's strange power originates.


Boogie Fever Thread Anonymous 29270[Reply]

Post dancing gifs
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Anonymous 29415


Anonymous 29416


Anonymous 29509


Anonymous 29531


Anonymous 29574


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