I don't know if only admins/mods are supposed to make this thread… I just figured since the last one was full we needed a new one. Also sorry for the boring threadpic
I keep getting this error when I try to post on my work computer, and I'm not sure why that is. Maybe it's related to being banned, and there's something wrong with the ban message?
He probably masturbates to scat, why else would someone have those videos saved. I get it's supposed to be a gross out factor and they're trying to upset us. But still why would someone willing have it on their computer if they don't get off to it? It wouldn't surprise me, a lot of moids on 4chan have scat fetishes, at least the ones I've talked to did, so now I think they all do. More reasons to avoid 4chan moids.
It's been a long time since I began typing full urls for each board manually in the search bar to avoid the cc homepage. And this is because the last three times in a row, days spread apart, I was unlucky enough to see the "recent images" front page widget being a wall of cp
If the recent images gallery is still on the front page, has anyone suggested it be removed or replaced with something else? Maybe a "popular threads" widget like 4chan has, only featuring threads with a minimum number of posts to automatically cancel any thread that gets instantly wiped?
It's curious that the captcha system didn't stop the CP link spam. I always assumed it was some automated system randomly posting those links and images to unprotected imageboards the same way like other types of spam, but apparently not. Though I also don't think it is some scrote troll consciously raiding us, because I have seen what raids look like and they would definitely use more shocking imagery in such a case. It's really weird. What is the point of just spamming links if you were a scrote trying to upset people?
A suggestion against the CP spam, since the Captchas clearly did nothing: Don't allow posts (just posts, not comments) to contain links of any kind. Automatically delete every post that contains a link, or flag it for manual review so it won't immediately be published. Those CP posts always include links and I still don't think there is a person manually posting these here that might catch on and adapt to a filter like this.
>>9399 the spam is not by a bot. someone keeps trying to manually bypass the word filters on 3c, sometimes you can catch it and they put a lot of ‘’ and extra symbols in the post whenever they update the filter. combine that with the scat spam on here that is accompanied by stuff like “clean it up janny”, you can come to the conclusion it’s one or two dedicated schizos
>>9406 The scat and Nikocado stuff is a scrote actively raiding, but I am talking specifically about the reoccurring spam posts that always consist of one or multiple links to (what I assume to be) CP websites, accompanied by an image of a child and a caption saying "lolita" or some shit like that. It's always the same format, which at least indicates some sort of automation.
I have never used 3c, but I am a somewhat regular CC visitor. I have seen what scrote raids look like. The images accompanying the CP link spam are sometimes actual CP (what seems to be screenshots from videos), but at other times they """only""" show a clothed child in a sexualised pose. These posts have been a part of this board at least since I started using CC two years ago, and who knows how long before that. A raider wouldn't post a link and leave it at that, he would put the worst stuff right up front just like the scat guy. This has to be a bot. I have seen other posts clearly made by spambots on CC in the past. There used to be a bunch in Russian a while ago advertising some online casino shit.
Admin/mods/whatever, stop allowing links in top posts. At least try it for a week or so and see if that stops the CP link spam.
>>9433 you sound like a schizo, what vendetta? I didn't make a thread. discussing religion is against the rules here, you should read them before posting.
>>9445 are those posted by bots or moids? Because I've been seeing similar spams on other less popular chans and I suspect they are just automatically being posted in every place that doesn't require registration.
>>9464 Am not scrote tho. It's just weird that everyone mentions some board that could be the one I know, but it seems that it has wayyy more spesific anime content than the public board and the board I know has. But nobody has ever mentioned it by name in 2 years at least, so I just assume that the amount of spesific anime content on the board I know is way overhyped, because I rarely see it mentioned there.
was the rambling /x/ anon who posted a gore pic in /img/ along with text a moid? can't see why you'd ban them and not just delete the file if they were a legitimate poster.
Some letters and symbols regarding the current spam present on /b/, because I'm bored:
That particular image itself isn't illegal, and even if it's in a CSAM databse, the added URL watermark will prevent your host from recognizing it. So it's safe to stay until it's manually reported to and reviewed by the host. It is OK for mods to be sleepy gals in this instance. The watermark was made by a watermarking app too, which would pass its hash through MSPDNA. Sorry, spammer!!!
If the IP that posted it is 77..*.112 (VPN), then this is the same spam that hit 2 other boards I know of, in robotic succession. These bots scrape "image board lists", basically those sites that come up when searching for just that. Blocking referrers from these sites may help. Yes, these robots can solve captcha, but they can't answer trivia. A simple verification solution applied to IPs with no prior posting history would reject spam of most kinds. A simple question like "Complete the phrase:" and the box has "Sailor m__n" in it, where the user must replace the underscores with O's. That's how small wikis successfully prevent spam in spite of there being UNIX operating systems written specifically to spam wikis.
And remember, if you're curious about what horrors the link may hold, please don't click on it directly. That communicates to the spammer that someone from here showed interest. Just copypaste it in to the URL bar instead. It's never anything new!!!
how kind to come and post as if we the rest of the internet isn't literally FILLED with moids and we're all just DYING to hear your opinion here on a FEMALE ONLY FORUM fucking retard!!
No, just because someone reported you as a male poster doesn't mean someone thinks you are "EVIL MALE REEE" or has something serious against you, don't take it personally it's simply against the rules to post as a man even if you are just trying to be nice, nothing less nothing more.
Scat and CP in /b/ the scat has been up for 6 hours now. i get that jannies can't be up 24/7 but gross stuff is going without deletion for longer and longer. when we got new jannies a little while ago it was so good for a while, but now it's going back to how it used to be, did we lose some people or do they just not care anymore?
>>9263 Why do I keep getting this as well? I've been posting here for years but now you seem to think I'm either a moid or broke the rules but you won't tell me either what I did wrong. Why are you doing this to me? Where am I supposed to post?
>>9601 How long do these bans usually last? The IP of a place I stay at sometimes has been banned a couple of months ago, and still seemingly is. Should I expect this to be permanent?
>>9508 I have been saying that these posts are made by bots for ages now, thank you nona. Have you ever actually investigated those links yourself? I am quite hardened in terms of disturbing content, but CP is a somewhat different matter (let alone illegal to look at).
>>9603 Yesterday I couldn't post on any IP so I thought I was device banned for some weird reason (do such bans happen on CC though?) but seeing more complaints I think it might have been a temporary universal ban?
>>9607 I also get the "you've been banned" message when I try to post. No reason stated for the ban, plus I have not posted for a while before I was banned so it has to be some sort of mistake. My devices were all banned so I couldn't come here and complain sooner. Wtf.
>>9662 Well they did ban me, even though I’m a femcel, not a “virgin-obsessed moid”. Sad that there’s no where else to go but lolcow and they hate femcels there too. There is truly no place for us. They’re gonna ban me again, so I’ll say this before they do: I promise I will make a site for the non-normies in the future. It might not be called Witchchan though, as I fear that namesake would attract moids like what happened in the deleted thread.
>>9690 It'll probably turn into a shitfest of normalfags and moids too. There's simply not enough people to maintain a site that is constantly under attack by moids and normalfags
Where the fuck are you even supposed to discuss international politics with other women on the Internet if the fucking threads get deleted despite not breaking any rules?
>>9259 I'm in the mood to masturbate and I found a really nice x reader fic but I'm on my period. By the way, you can tell a post is from a moid when they say period sex/masturbation is enjoyable.
There's this one anon who spergs about "heterosexual women" being "piglike and servile" along with obsessing over blowjobs I think it's the same guy who spams lolcow and pretends to be a "blackpilled feminist"
It's very discouraging to see that new posters refuse to use/create generals. There's several threads discussing EDs in /hb/ for instance, and it makes interactions a lot more disperse. /feels/ has beenn completely contaminated by individual threads that would perfectly work as simple posts in a vent general, but this issue has been going on for a couple of years and maybe it's beyond fixing because the userbase seems to be even smaller and less familiarized with small imageboard culture. I hope snail and her team are doing alright.
>>10397 This site isn’t lolcow. It’s always had a culture of more individual and less general threads. It’s a feature, not a bug. If they got rid of individual threads, this place would become a watered-down, slower version of lolcow.
>>10398 I know, I started using CC way before LC. But CC isn't 4C either, and individual threads are actually what waters down the boards. A small imageboard, way smaller than LC, needs to be cohesive or the userbase won't interact. This thread for example could've perfectly fit as a post in a hair/hairstyles general, it doesn't need to be a thread on its own.
>>10399 I really disagree with this. Even if they're the same topic, different threads have a different "feel" to it. It can be the tone or the OP pic or the people that interact with it. Having multiple threads definitely stimulates more conversation than one big general. That post for example would probably be ignored in some general hairstyle thread. Sometimes you really just want to the direct the conversation for one specific thing.
General threads work either in big imageboards with lots of users or small imageboards with niche topics where threads are usually hyper specific encyclopedias about some thing. There's not a lot of content to discuss about "hairstyles" in general.
>>10401 I don't agree with you because I think that generals stimulate more posting since users must interact in that same space if they want to discuss a certain topic. And I wouldn't compare threads to conversations, that only happens in imageboards were there is a massive userbase and topics of discussion have become less important than interactions themselves (which often makes the content of the board much worse, compare 4c's /x/ with CC's /x/, 4c's a bot/bait dump while CC's -in more active times/years- was quite nteresting despite having so few threads). Anyway, I'm just expressing my opinion and although we don't agree at least I'm glad there are other anons out there to talk about this.
Hello mods and admins, just a suggestion. I saw that you have a Patreon for donation, maybe you can have one for a one time donation? Like Buy A Coffee (I think that's the name of the website) or something like that? I would love to help but can't afford a monthly donation
When the rules say to not discuss things illegal in the United States, does that include marijuana outside of the /x/ drug thread? So like for example referencing having smoked a joint or posting a pic of a new rig or something? I know it's legal in some places but I think it's federally still illegal there and am not sure where the rules sit on that. Also absolute love to the mods for all the work they do removing spam
>>10837 it probably means don't discuss things that can get the site shut down such as trading illegal drugs or firearms. discussing them in general is probably fine.
this place is full of males talking about relationships, dating, and looksmaxxing. wtf to do? they keep responding to each other pretending to be women.
>>10984 It's a tranny who doesn't like that it will never be recognized as a woman and hates that women have their own spaces and they hate trannies. Don't listen to it talking about how it's actually a woman, it's not, that's an outright lie. It may even show off it's axe wound, don't be fooled. It's just another male trying to ruin female spaces.
>>10984 It’s the same way that narcissism is actually a shitpearl of grandiosity formed around the grain of sand of self-loathing. The psychotic pseudodysphoric male cannot handle the knowledge of the existence of any people that see it/him for what it/he is, because it reminds it/him of material reality, which is a source of great existential terror for it/him. It is the pea under all the yaaslighting mattresses of people that pretend to humor him/it for fear of losing their job/life/social standing.
>>11163 No, if you see someone redirecting blame to specific literally-whos like femsec or pretending to be someone else you can be sure this is Blaine. It's a quirk this retard has every time he raids or tries to "psyop" on cc and lolcow by playing with his identities. I think he gets off on people believing he's someone else (which isn't surprising given he's a tranny). He use to spam this place heavily with scat and cp (alongside the cp bot) in early/late 2023 and thus most VPN bans from a year ago are labelled "Blaine". Not sure why the spam stopped but the troon mentioned his VPN was going to run out so perhaps that's related.
Are we not allowed to talk about Ovarit on here or something? Every single thread about Ovarit on /b/ has been removed, even though none of them contained any content that warranted removal.
They posted the exact same thing on Uboachan, but included a CP image with the post. It was legitimately the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Thankfully, the mods on Uboachan removed it (and hopefully reported it to the authorities).
Again, there wasn't anything that warranted either thread being removed in their entirety. None of the individual posts in the threads even warranted removal.
Mods, why was I banned for 7 days for posting ITT about us being raided by Soybros? My post was "As soon as I saw the raid posts, I knew that it had to be Soyteens. Sure enough…" followed by links to their raid threads. Are we not allowed to link to them here? I legit thought I was helping by pointing out where the raid was originating from.
>>11273 it's funny how cp and gore will stay up for literal hours but they're so quick to delete threads like the ovarit one for no reason. the mods are very obviously trannies and one particular one has a vendetta
I am once again asking for my ban to please be reduced from forever to, something shorter. I am sorry for being racist. I promise not to do it again. Please unban me, or at least reduce the ban. I miss it here.
>>11401 Post pretty images and be happy that there's kindness in your heart, that scum will die alone and miserable with nothing left but a hardrive full of p*rn
>>11409 it seems like you got banned for avoc#do lmao. i know that sounds silly but i'm guessing this is because raiders use to say c#do or avoc#do when they posted gore and porn here. sorry you got banned nona but i love this recipe
what's with jannies deleting random threads or moving them to media so they die? it wouldn't even be media related necessarily but they know most people only browse /b/ and /feels/ so it feel like it's intentional at this point
I'm aware that threads will get deleted if early shitposting/baiting happens, since it's easier for the mods to delete than to constantly monitor those threads over the span of months, but it's disappointing the thread about how nona can protect her younger sister from the internet, in a world full of pedophiles, was put to the shredder.
I thought it had some useful info such as: >Consecutively watch children content on her Youtube channel to get it permanently limited by the underage flag. Aside from manually disabling her Youtube comments which is easily reversed.
I’m new here so forgive me if this is a dumb question but why is the “flood detected” thing so trigger happy? I can’t post replies within a few minutes of each other without getting “flood detected” even when the content of the post is entirely different, also it’s annoying for when I have typos to correct
Please loosen the restriction of the flood detected message, I can barely post messages within a minute of each other I completely separate threads without getting the “flood detected” message
>cow discussion not allowed >saying n0nnie not allowed jfc why are we even allowed to have a bunker thread in the first place if we can't do anything we normally did back in LC? you could relax a bit on the most retarded/nonsensical rules, it's enough having to put up with the constant autobans, the cooldown period and the CP staying up for wayy too long in this shithole
>>11490 also how is the celebriCOWS thread allowed to stay up but all other cow discussions get deleted? At least be fair and delete that thread too if discussing cows on the bunker is forbidden
I was banned after my first post on this site, and the ban said “unspecified reason”. It’s a permanent ban. I’ve since appealed 4 times since the 31st, each time asking if a mod could explain what I did wrong (because I don’t know and can’t figure it out, my post was just a boring regular post) and I never hear back. I feel like this ban must have been accidental or some sort of glitch, but I can’t get through to any mods via appeals. I’m genuinely at a loss and don’t know what to do. If I somehow did something that really warranted a permanent ban then I guess I’ll have to accept that, but I just at least want to know what I did. I’m on a VPN right now obviously, but I just sent in another appeal asking this question, idk if it’s going into the void or if mods are choosing not to respond. Could I please get confirmation either way so I can stop wondering? I didn’t want to have to give up on this site before I even got a chance to try it, and this has had me really down.
Please mods, can you just make a list of auto-banned words or topics and post it? Innocuous posts I've tried to make get the "You have been banned" pop-up. I look over the /b/ sticky to check if anything I said has to do with those subjects, and it never does. This system doesn't make sense.
Is there any way I can just buy a pass or maybe an exclusive trip to prove im a woman? I am using VPNs and keep getting my effortposts deleted because some tranny decided to stir the pot in some thread and use the same IP. >just don't use VPNs I am borderline paranoid schizophrenic and don't log into any social media without a TOR node, VPN or proxy. If there is a discord contact or server or IRC or anything I would be pretty happy.
Please do something about the farmers being disruptive, spamming and overall engaging with this website in bad faith. We don't want them here, it was nice and peaceful before they came
I got banned for an unspecified reason, so I assumed it was an autoban, but when I appealed it was rejected. Why? I haven’t done anything against the rules and it seems odd to permaban immediately, that seems reserved for serious offences or at least reoccuring ones and I hadn’t received any bans for rule-breaking before this… I’ve waited it out for maybe a week but somehow whenever I try to comment I see that there is a new permaban (most recent one is 6 sept now). This is my first time using a VPN for it - previous times I would just get the “You have been banned” pop up when I tried. I’m just confused.
>>11518 Same exact thing happening to me. I think this site is just broken and mods don’t exist to fix the autoban issue. Or don’t care. One of them is alive because they banned me for “ban evading” when I mentioned this issue in a post, so they’re alive enough to be petty but not to fix their autopermaban system that is taking out like everyone who tries to post? Makes sense. I’ve just given up and use VPN which is a pain in the ass.
If we need an extra couple of hands on deck to help with moderation with the influx of traffic I’d be happy to help out. Is there an application form or someone we can email about applying?
>>11531 Did you post it to the wrong board? A month ban seems harsh if it was simply for that. >>11536 While I appreciate that there's no more gore, scat, rape videos on cc these days thanks to the autmod it still sucks that you have to eat a ban or two to post here. Some nonas even get permanently denied from autobans which they can't ban evade (like the mod suggested). Maybe it would be good for second chance appeals to be added to ban messages?
>>11488 A bunch of mine from a week ago got deleted and I'm not sure why. Maybe a new janitor is trigger happy? Sucks when I came back to look at replies and it all poofed.
Can you guys please reconsider my perma ban? Please. I'm sorry for being racist. I won't do it again. Please it's been months, I miss it here. Can I at least talk to someone about it on discord or something? I feel like if you can hear my voice and know I'm sincere you might reconsider.
>>11563 i remember your post, there wasnt anything genuinely racist about it (although it could be considered racebaiting). having insecurities about your ethnicity when youre constantly bombarded with racial porn psyops from degenerates everywhere on the internet is unfortunately normal at this point.
>>11564 I regret saying it even still. I genuinely wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad, I was just feeling insecure. I didn't think I was being racist at the time but apparently, another anon (who I suspect was a mod) was hurt by it. Idk it was the kind of thing I didn't really have too strong of an opinion on, my post was just a reply to someone else's post. if I would have taken the time and thought about it, I wouldn't have said anything, or at least worded things a lot differently making it clear I hate incels who fetishize women for their race and put mock women of other races as opposed to me having any racist feelings towards anyone. I didn't understand what racebaiting meant at the time, I was still new to crystal cafe and just chans in general in general, and if I had known what it meant better I would have avoided anything to do with race at all. If I am allowed back, I'm just gonna avoid the topic in general like the plague. I just wish they'd give me another chance. This was my favorite website and I miss it here
>>11571 I lost my job, so I'm not sure how much longer I can afford a vpn, plus I like posting images from Tumblr and I use my phone for that and my vpn doesn't seem to work with for some reason. Now when I wanna post stuff I have to send it to myself on discord, then download it then post it. I also just don't like breaking the rules to post on principle, maybe it's just an autism thing
Why was the antidepressants thread deleted? Didn't make it just wondering. Literally all my posts get deleted for being "too offensive", "slightly dissident", or some other reason, and I see more and more childish posting styles and threads up than I do quality posts creating discussion on this site anymore. Kinda sad.
>>11582 ah, okay. I hope you know I am legitimately sorry about what happened and hurting your feelings. If you ever want to talk it out on discord or something so you can hear me say it over a vc if that helps you know I mean it and I'm not bullshitting, just lmk. I'm more than willing to.
I know you're not a mod but I still want to work things out with you regardless, I feel bad. If you're willing to talk and stuff. I get it if you don't want to.
>>11599 It's about 1.2 pph now (2 on a good day), so cc will get 28-48 replies in a day. It seems like almost everyone that went through ban hammer hellfire these last two years couldn't be bothered to come back so now only dedicated autists remain.
Jannies, I made the "what other imageboards do you use" thread again - this time not mentioning any sites by name in the OP - and it still got deleted for no reason. Nearly every single thread I make gets deleted for no reason, even though none of them violate any rules. Why?
>>11634 Not a mod or a janny, but there are at least two threads relating to the topic on at least two different boards already: >>>/b/221488 >>>/meta/2957
>>11637 It's the same thing. What do you think "sites like crystal cafe" is supposed to mean? Most of the responses were various imageboards like 4chan and Lainchan and Lolcow
>>11639 Imageboards are not fundamentally "vastly different" from each other. Like as a concept, they are the same. Some of the cultures may differ, but then why would those who enjoy this imageboard culture want to enjoy other imageboard cultures that wouldn't be similar. I feel like I am not explaining this logic very well. The point is that your question has already been answered by those other threads. Even if you don't agree with me, it appears the mods and jannies do since they deleted your posts. Again, I am not one, but talking about other imageboards is so common and such a frequent topic on this imageboard that I can see it annoying the mods and jannies.
>>11634 i dont know about your other threads but you probably got deleted for this one because you used a s0yjak for your op since a board related to that is known for raiding this place
I know you hate LC because the cutesy versions of anon get obliterated once posted, but are we allowed to make dumbass shit threads here or will they also get nuked automatically?
>>11671 there's a chatroom thread where you just shoot the shit and basically does the same as dumbass shit threads. it's the only hope of reviving this dead site and i wish more nonas posted
This site, like Ovarit and Lolcow Farm, is virtually unusable because the jannies just constantly remove random shit for no reason and ban people for no reason. The jannies on here are, ironically, even worse than tranny jannies.
>>11694 because it's some dumb bitch who doesn't want to do her "job" so she preemptively removes threads that show the slightest bit of activity. literally killing this site and the admin is nowhere to be seen lmao. lolcow is bad but it isn't killing itself the way this place did
Why are random threads disappearing despite not breaking any rules? Is the site testing an anti-spam bot or are jannies just randomly selecting threads to remove?
Sorry if this is the wrong spot to ask, but if I wanted to make a thread for general accountability and wasn't sure where to put it (like you write down what you're gonna do that day and come back with if you did it or not or things of that nature). I was thinking /hb cause it's technically health I think but it could maybe also go in /feels cause I guess it's almost like a diary?
>>11839 Autoban bot has becoming worse than usual and theres still no trace of snailmin to this day. many users just gave up and cut chase (probably ran out of free ips to use)
>>11839 I noticed a lot of posts and replies randomly disappearing for seemingly no reason lately. None of them broke any rules, so I don’t know if they are self-deleted or removed. I suspect that’s why it appears so slow.