
Anonymous 283962
Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".
Previous bunkers:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:
>>>/b/276304Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
Anonymous 283963
You forgot to title this thread but whatever
Anyways does anyone know a site that lets you sign up for emails that’s VPN friendly and doesn’t ask for a phone number? Asking because I’m yet another one of those “moving to KiwiFarms” people
Anonymous 283964
>>283960do you want us to tell you that you look gay, anon
Anonymous 283966
>>283963I’m sorry I’m sorry I thought I added it but I guess I got distracted adding the ast thread link. I’m sorry for being retarded but you know what it is
Anonymous 283967
>>283942Reading posts like this makes me laugh a little because the majority of people in relationships don’t seem to be very in love to me. It doesn’t seem like most moids are capable of that too, so how is that love? At most it’s one sided.
>>283935There are “edgy” radfems?
>>283955This seems so self-explanatory to me. I wonder if this is a portal into the mind of those women who always seem to stop paying attention to your friendship the minute they get a bf. Like hanging out and doing things together is a friendship thing first and foremost, at least to me. I guess that’s why some people are so obsessed with always being in a relationship.
>>283960Honestly good question, I’m either lesbian or bi (can’t say for sure yet) so it’s a plus for me but even back when I didn’t know this was a thing… Sure most guys find me attractive but I don’t seem approachable to them (probably because I don’t present or dress “available”, don’t wear makeup etc) on the other hand, I am approached, confessed to, and flirted with
wayyy more by women, disproportionately so since most women are straight right? I would think you’d have to be butch to get that much of a ratio but I’m not that either.
Also why is this cooldown a thing, has a mod said anything? Is it to slow down the making of threads? It’s not great, but I guess it’s driving me to visit this thread less. Stacking replies so you don’t have to wait 5mins is kind of stressful.
Anonymous 283969
>>>/b/283955I really love that for you and would like to behave the same in my life, but I'm bad at making and keeping friends. This advice misses the gap between being isolated and having female friendships to invest in to. Any tips n0nnas?
Anonymous 283970
>>283964I don’t understand why women want to be told they look gay. I know a lesbian on tumblr and every other post is about her worrying if she’s too feminine-looking and despite her butch look she worries she’s just a straight woman deep down.
Anonymous 283971
images - 2024-08-3…

Can we have a female friend finder for this thread?
Anonymous 283973
>>283970I mean, anon is straight, so I think she wants to be told she
doesn’t look gay.
Anonymous 283974
>>283970People used to always assume I was a lesbian, it never bothered me but I felt bad when I thought some girl was trying to befriend me and then I had to let her down. Some of them stayed friendly with me though, I guess I don't look gay anymore cause it never happens now.
Anonymous 283975
I checked in on a personal horrorcow for the first time in over a year and his life has gotten so much worse. Karma is finally coming for his ass. Please LC come back soon I need you.
Anonymous 283976
>>283970I usually see it done by bihets that are overcompensating
Anonymous 283977
>>283951Well, then just don't talk to men who you consider ugly. Be as distant and formal to them as you can be. Never let it get sexual, because that's the point of no return.
>>283957You and me both, sister. I've long since accepted the fact that men like this don't exist. But that's ok, I can just coom to the fantasies in my head.
>>283955>I love the sexual tension and stringing men along, it gives me the dopamine I lack from my normal life. When my coworker casually touched my fingers, or when he just let me feel him up a little (he had nice pecs) that was so fucking hot kek. So that's great. But a relationship, casual or not, is not worth it, so I'm more than happy with that. Sometimes I think I should've kissed him on his last day at work before he moved to another city but then I remind myself that it would've been a retarded thing to do because dealing with the texts afterwards would've been an awkward pain in the ass.
>What I found the I have missed the most while being single was just having someone I could do small, everyday things withThe problem is that I'm very asocial and it's hard for me to build deep friendships with women because I become a shy autist when I talk to them, and my interests rarely align with theirs. Trust me, there's nothing I'd like more than to meet a similarly GNC nerd that understands me in real life (the few times I've made friends like this has been online and one of them trooned out). I've almost given up on this, too.
Anonymous 283978
>>283967Yes, not to mention names of current ones active on tumblr but they aren’t accounts dedicated to radical feminism, but you know they are one despite what they say. They are always in the likes of radfem posts.
Anonymous 283979
i'm right there with you, n0nny!!! i am really disappointed that dana hasn't been bpdsperging over her instagram stories this weekend, but i am almost certain that we will get more milk next week
Anonymous 283981
When I'm alone with my thoughts I think about wordle words
Anonymous 283982
>>283977>The problem is that I'm very asocial and it's hard for me to build deep friendships with women because I become a shy autist when I talk to them, and my interests rarely align with theirs.I’m sorry n0nna, that’s really difficult. What sort of hobbies do you have? Is it possible to join a local club centered around any of them? My post may have implied I see my friends irl all the time but that isn’t the case. They’re people I have met throughout my life and have just made an effort to keep in contact with. Is there any friendship you can possibly rekindle?
Anonymous 283984
>>283967>There are “edgy” radfems?More like edgy "radfems"
>>283963When I made a KF account many years ago, I just made a throwaway Gmail account without a VPN. But I think Tutanota lets you use a VPN without any further steps, might be wrong though.
>>283967>Like hanging out and doing things together is a friendship thing first and foremost, at least to meNTA but almost every time I've broken up with a boyfriend it's been because I stopped being attracted to him but I still liked him as a friend. So yeah, instead of getting a boyfriend, anon should be trying to find female friendships to fill that void. Having a romantic relationship with a man is not the only way to get oxytocin, serotinin and dopamine, which are the happy hormones. Hanging out with your loved ones, no matter who they are, helps with this.
Anonymous 283985
>>283960>>283974maybe you're just a straight person with "gayface" or whatever's being memed as gay these days
>t. also straight but constantly assumed as gay (even when dressing feminine) Anonymous 283987
I love melatonin, I take the dissolvable kind that tastes like strawberries and there's no hangover the next morning. It's great. See you n0nnas in the morning for another day in the mines.
Anonymous 283988
>>283959Same nona. Heather is one of my fave cows, along with Shayna and Lillee Jean. I hope Heather has dyed her hair black by the time LC is back up kek
Anonymous 283989
Should I make myself a cup of coffee even though it’s 11:40 PM?
Anonymous 283990
>>283966can't you just delete and then remake? please?
Anonymous 283992
>>283979Dana really looks like if you asked a 4chan drawfag to draw a woman with BPD
Anonymous 283993…

Does anyone else play ff14 and somehow struggle with socializing on it? that or the few players that interact are aura eboys and tranny cats.
Anonymous 283994
>>283987Melatonin always gives me very vivid nightmares. I do have a much higher chance of lucid dreaming though.
Anonymous 283996
>>283991A hot cup of coffee with the cookies I baked sounds so good tho
Anonymous 283997
is anyone else secretly praying it doesn’t come back online on tuesday and we all get to chill here forever kek
Anonymous 283998
im trying to use one of those model pose maker websites so i can draw my dnd character but im having so much trouble getting the pose to actually look good its so frustrating anons
Anonymous 284000
>>283996a warm drink with a warm cookie will definitely put you to sleep nonners, the caffeine might give you weird dreams though kek
Anonymous 284004
>>283997i would be okay with that if the flood detectors werent insane and the threads were allowed to have much more than 500 posts
Anonymous 284005
>>283862I grew up in latam and maybe is my delulu talking but the cultural delay was wider then and most of what you describe rings a bell with my childhood memories from the early 00s. Hell I even remember 9/11 on the tv. But mostly playing on my sega megadrive, playing ps1 games in my win 98 computer, then going to arcades the weekends, lots of playing outside with other kids, going to the vhs rental store and picking up monsters inc, watching anime on cartoon network (sakura card captor was my fav), the crazy amount of cool toys from taiwan that had lights and the song butterfly by kek, collecting the digimon toys that came in the lays chips, and so on. Then, in the mid 00s I got internet with supervision and played flash games, and we were allowed to go to a cyber café for kids and played all the noon till sunset on summers to warcraft 3. Lmao all my life revolves around friki media now that I realise.
Anonymous 284006
>>283997If it stays as chill here as it is now I'll probably stick around. I'm head back for ot streams though.
Anonymous 284007
>>2839842nd AYRT and that’ll work thank you very much! Anyone know how Tuta works before I try it? Is it like GMail where you have to give them a phone number or some other means of verification or they’ll suspend you for “not giving enough evidence it’s actually you” or not? Also do they ban you for making a free account under a VPN if someone else had the same VPN address or is that not something to worry about?
Anonymous 284008
Did the Minecraft server end up working
Anonymous 284009
>>283997i dont like automatic bans based on keywords but yes because as other anons have stated the longer the site is down the less newfags and baiters will come back
>>284005im begging you to stop saying delulu
Anonymous 284011
>>283996its saturday babe, go wild
>>284009but why anona, too zoombie for you?
Anonymous 284012
>>283982>What sort of hobbies do you have?I'm a weirdo that grew up on imageboards so that already makes it hard for me to befriend other women in real life. But I unironically think lolcow has helped a bit and it has given me more ways to relate to them. As for my hobbies, mostly video games, animation, husbandos, computers, art, music, etc. Obviously, music has been the most successful topic for me when socializing, and my old female coworkers (who have since quit, sadly) even teased me about my husbandos (all in good fun, not in a mocking way). I might see them again when I also quit my job and we meet to celebrate.
>Is it possible to join a local club centered around any of them?My sister used to take me to her tabletop gaming club, which is mostly scrotes but there are also some nerdy gals, some in all-female groups, and I wondered if I'd get along with them, but I didn't talk to them much due to shyness (but I tried to be friendly with them when we interacted). Unfortunately, I stopped going because I was fed up with the behavior of the moids in that club. Ironically, lolcow has also spoiled me by lowering my tolerance to gross/annoying men. Like every time it was time to go home and most of the visitors were gone, without fail, the male club members would make porn jokes, and my sister stayed for that and didn't give a fuck, which also makes me depressed kek.
Regardless, I do have some female friends in real life, I just don't talk to them much as both I and they are busy with our lives. This year, I went to one of my friends's child's birthday party (this friend has told me that she and her makeup artist friend are feminists), and I've also bonded with my old ex-coworkers over getting flirted at by our boss' retarded nephew and making fun of him, so I think we are a bit closer now kek. There's also a friend I had in uni who is also a gamer, I think I could get over my awkwardness and ask her if she'd like to hang out.
Anonymous 284013
>>283963Late but I use protonmail for all of my throwaway email addresses
Anonymous 284014
>>284009I replied to a post with a key n word and I got banned. Same when I tried to reply with that data connection with my phone. My infinite ban was for unspecified reasons. Seems some things just trigger auto mods.
Anonymous 284015
i wonder if cerbmin will explain exactly what happened when lc is back or they'll just be vague about it and say nothing kek
Anonymous 284016
>>284013NTA but I think protonmail has been cracking down on throwaway email accounts recently. I made one about two months ago and it detected that I immediately went to create an account on another site using that email address, and demanded that I provide some means to verify I was legit.
Anonymous 284017
>>284011im actually a zoomer but yes i cant stand it its so tiktokbrained to me
Anonymous 284018
>>284013AYRT and this
>>282624 has me majorly suspicious of protonmail, I don’t plan on using an email forwarder at the moment unless Tuta will suspend me for using KF, any other anons have any idea if you can even be suspended from Tuta for that?
Anonymous 284020
>>284015they're not going to say SHIT and they absolutely NOT take accountability for anything
Anonymous 284021

Serious question, how do I meet lesbian or bisexual women outside of pride events/gay bars/tinder? Does such a thing as cold approaching exist? I want to talk to girls in uni but I'm such a sperg, I should be put down. Also, do my chances lower if I only want a more FWB/situantionship rather than actually dating? I don't feel ready to have anything serious.
Anonymous 284023
>>284014To be clear the post I replied to had the cxw n, not slxr n. I didn't have either in my post but still got a ban for replying kek.
I just checked and it might've been the gif. It was a finger that pointed up and said love. It was a neat animation though. Wish this did redtext so I know what is wrong with it.
Anonymous 284024
>>284017but it started on tumblr i think? or at least i picked it up from there waaaay back before the existence of tiktok. Anyway, what you would use instead? just linguistic curiosity
>>284022is that the name of an indie band?
Anonymous 284026
Anonymous 284028
>>284023Yeah, CC moderation philosophy is different from LC's. Instead of leaving rule-breaking posts up, mods clean those up, which is something LC mods did more often because sometimes leaving them up leads to further shitting a thread up. But no public ban messages lead to less transparency and more confusion.
Anonymous 284029
>>284024No I want to fuck an airplane. It's a carnal raging desire.
Anonymous 284030
>>284024i would just use the word delusional, also i stopped using tumblr when i was like 16 so i wouldnt know if it started there. ive only ever seen it in really retarded tiktok screenshots.
Anonymous 284031
I have never coomed or attempted to but I draw quite disgusting nsfw regularly I wonder if this is still perverthood
Anonymous 284033
>>284028which is something I wish* LC mods did more often
>>284031Depends on whether you draw that because you find it arousing or not
Anonymous 284034
>>284031why haven't you tried cooming?
Anonymous 284035
>>284023all i did was ask what anons were list / ening to and it was instantly deleted for not being posted in media
>>284031how have you never coomed
Anonymous 284036
Who was Regina and Aussiechan? I never hear them mentioned as being admins for LC.
Anonymous 284037
I hate PnP so much kek I NEED HER THREADS NONAS. Also, Shayna released a custom pocket pussy that looks like her vagina. I’m upset that the threads aren’t around to discuss
Anonymous 284038
>>284028Yeah I can see the benefits. It stops newfags and baiters from shitting up stuff and keeping a community solid but like I converted that gif from a webm myself. It's weird they'd have that hashed as an auto block.
Every-time I replied to one of the I LXV NXN3 or used that gif I got banned.
This was it. Nothing sinister, I think
Anonymous 284039
>>284028it's not just the no public ban message, they don't even leave private ban messages either. they just ban you without explanation at all. I don't get it
Anonymous 284041
>>284037omg i hate pnp so much. i was so sad when her milk was dry for…what…years? and i'm so happy to see her stupid henna freckles again on tiktok. where do you think she met her husband
Anonymous 284042
>>284032>>284034>>284035Because I mainly feel like it's starting a new needs/concerns bar that I'll just be lazy about filling lol. Also I've always been only into weird (not illegal things like femdom sadism) that I think would be better off not positively reinforced.
Anonymous 284049
fuuuuck i don't have tiktok! what's she doing? does she look stupid?
i agree they definitely met in a strip club
also is she a step mom now???
Anonymous 284050
>>284047This is cute but those types of cases get sooooo dirty and impossible to make look pristine again. So cute though. Get it.
Anonymous 284051
>>284047This is cute but those types of cases get sooooo dirty and impossible to make look pristine again. So cute though. Get it.
Anonymous 284052
Screenshot 2024-08…

Saturday night fun questions for everyone. Does your city have "a guy"? (not doxxing myself because I don't live there anymore) but I used to live in Sacramento, and there's an old guy called Kenny the Dancing Man who just kind of appears everywhere, literally EVERYWHERE in town whenever there's an event who dances around and it's like seeing a local celebrity every time you spot him.
Anonymous 284053
it's so slow now, quit auto B4.nning retarded bot
Anonymous 284054
>>284052my city has an infamous guy who went to college here and then went crazy later in life. he's bald, homeless, wears booty shorts, and yells about engineering. everyone calls him by his first name
Anonymous 284055
>>284052I live in a big city so it's kinda hard to single out one person everyone knows, although in my neighborhood there's a guy who will panhandle all day before taking the bus back to wherever he actually lives. He'll flash an old worn hospital ID and say he needs cash to take the bus back home but he's been at this for like 12 years now everyday
Anonymous 284056
>>284052yes! he is very strange. We also have a small old lady who walks everywhere and steals bottles
Anonymous 284059
>>284052The (willingly) homeless guy who used to live in a cave at the beach with like +12 cats and people would give him food for the kitties but he died
Anonymous 284062
>>284053well its also labor day weekend and 10pm pst so its probably also because people are in bed/camping/whatever
Anonymous 284063

Im watching the Barbie movie I thought it would be good stoned it isn’t. Reccomend me something else pls. HboMax and apple tv
Anonymous 284064
>>284038>>284039Yeah, I remember now. Last time I got banned, they didn't explain shit. This is one of the reasons I stopped coming here.
Anonymous 284067
>>284063Physical on Apple TV is rlly good
Anonymous 284068
>>284038Also that's a cool animation.
>>284042>illegal things like femdom sadism????????
By any chance, are you Kirbyanon? Anonymous 284069
>>284063If Uncle Grandpa is still on HboMax then I’d say watching that completely stoned will probably be a wild enough experience, whether or not that will make it better though remains to be seen
Anonymous 284071
>>284063Last time I took edibles I watched Half Baked to be ironic and it actually was way funnier high
Anonymous 284075

Progress on the MC server!!
Cowtown is coming along nicely!
Anonymous 284078
I miss LC. Why did it have to go down just as Fanny's thread was getting good.
Anonymous 284079
>>284075so cute.. hope you nonas are having fun
Anonymous 284081

I wish Hannah Berrelli was my gf
Anonymous 284084
>>284052>Homeless guy with a pitbull that has painted nails, sunglassess, and a tutu. >A boomer who runs for local office every year who legally changed his name to "goodspaceguy." Anonymous 284085

Azealia Banks is getting dragged on twitter for not sucking up to trannies doing the bare minimum, again. They’re trying to call her ugly too LOOOL
Anonymous 284087
>>284075oh man i wanna join so bad but im nervous
Anonymous 284089
I saw an anon posting about making a stardew server did it end up happening ? I would love to play with other farmers
Anonymous 284092
>>284085I may not find her physically or mentally appealing, but saying she's anywhere near as ugly as a German man with his balls cut off is a hilarious and likely racist cope, typical trannies lol
Anonymous 284093
>>284085And of course it’s Kim Petras stans. Kim’s fans are honestly so volatile and bite at anyone going against their idol. Honestly I don’t really care much about people choosing to get plastic surgery or whatever but considering how Kim worked with DrLuke and implied Kesha was lying about her rape from Luke I find it hard to feel any sympathy personally
Anonymous 284094

Wanted to post this in men you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck thread
Anonymous 284097
How can I grow or thicken my eyelashes? I hate wearing makeup so mascara is preferably out of the question but my eyelashes are just so dull and short.
Anonymous 284098
>>284052>a guy who rides his bicycle always wearing a large helmet, skiing glasses, tank top, and shorts, even in the winter during frost. I've seen him wear more clothes than that only when it was -20 celsius. Spotted sleeping on public benches.>an alcoholic guy who drums the lid of a garbage can at a public park. Talked to him once, he was pretty lucid despite taking several sips of booze during that short convo. Expressed his love for alcohol. Anonymous 284100
>>284097be careful about lash serums, theres an ingredient called prostaglandin that works really well but can darken your irises and the skin around your eyes. castor oil or peptide lash serums are fine though, good for conditioning your lashes and keeping them from getting dry and breaking. eyelashes take a long time to grow so itll probably be a couple months before you notice any difference.
Anonymous 284101
>>284094Who’s that?
>>284097Are you alright with wearing fake lashes? That’s the only other option I can think of unless you’re ok with wearing other types of makeup
>>284052Idk if the guy from my town is really infamous but there is a guy who badly fucked himself up mentally, some of my family members knew him in high school/college but he was normal kid until he did drugs. Now he’s schizophrenic and wanders around the gas stations and stuff, he’s constantly shaking. He’s a tall dark skinned guy with dreads, idk his real name but my mom calls him Jesus as a joke. He’s harmless, he doesn’t attack people or yell at them from what I’ve seen but he is in a state of like…24/7 psychosis/mania from what it seems. I do genuinely hope he gets better one day, I don’t know if he has a family but I hope they could help him
Anonymous 284102
>>284087Kek don't be it's so laid back there hasn't been any issues so far but the perms are still fucked up
Anonymous 284105
>>284094I think they have an attractive/cute men/whatever it is called thread and I've seen people posting uglies mixed with handsome men and not a single bad comment so you probably won't get judged there no matter who he is.
Anonymous 284106
>>284021Shit is hard. For me, just finding gals I had at least some common ground with worked the best, mostly through hobbies. I met my current gf through board games. For me, tinder, gay bars etc never really worked because I just don't relate to people there (and it's mutual), I'm just too much of a sperg to go to normie places and hope to connect someone just on the basis of sexual orientation.
I'd try talking girls you click with and you might get lucky like I did. At worst you'll make a few het friends, nothing wrong with that.
Anonymous 284109
>>284102i also dont think ill have time until tuesday sadly but hopefully that wont be too late and i wont have lost my spark for minecraft by then
Anonymous 284110
Just speed ran IB and Pocket Mirror, Witch's House is next
Anonymous 284113
>>284097i recommend eyelash/brow serum from the ordinary
Anonymous 284115
>>284097I use MyLash serum from Etude. They sell a jumbo size version for it on yesstyle for around 5 dollars last time I bought it. I don’t wear makeup but it does make my lashes very long and thick. I probably wouldn’t recommend it if you have asian lashes, it didn’t seem to work for the reviewers with them., which is unfortunate because Etude is a Korean brand.
Anonymous 284116

What do farmers think of Charli XCX?
Anonymous 284117
Screenshot 2024-09…

>>284115nta but holy shit i used to use this ages ago! i completely forgot all about it. gonna order one for old times sake
Anonymous 284118
>>284116i don't think about her at all
Anonymous 284119
>>284116These sound like MSI lyrics, if MSI tried to pander to Lana Del Rey fans. Does Charli write her own lyrics? This is embarrassing, I only knew her from the boom clap stuff and being a shameful attraction for lesbians. This is shameful. There’s no redemption or coming back from this. I hope the gay male fan base was worth it, at least she has their vote secured, unlike Chapel Roan.
Anonymous 284121
>>284116we already discussed her a thousand times on lc, i'm getting tired of hearing about her tbh. mid music, annoying personality, and a troon supporter.
Anonymous 284122
>>284116After I watched that mattress vid on mtv I have a very bad opinion of her. Nasty faggot music almost on the same level as ham smith, only not so bad cus nothing is worse than that landwhale
Anonymous 284123
Anonymous 284125

Thank you minecraft , I am having so much fun
Anonymous 284126
I miss when gay men used to listen to Pet Shop Boys and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. I think those types are all dead now. I miss when gay men made synthpop, too.
Anonymous 284127
>>284116Imagine writing a song that sounds like it's about Dasha but then making one of the lyrics "she's in her mid 20s"
Anonymous 284128
cc bs.png

Ugh it's good to hear that LC is coming back. Recently got banned for no reason even though what I posted is on-topic plus this is second time that has ever happened to me here from years ago. No wonder this site has always been so dead. It doesn't help that fujochan is dead too. Ridiculous.
Anonymous 284129
>>284125I'm such a retard for forgetting n0nnie is censored every time
Anonymous 284130
>>284052There used to be a guy in my town we called "machete dad" who would walk to and from the direction of the shitty motel section part of town to the gas station holding hands with two tiny children at a late hour every night and a pair of machetes tied across his backpack. The kids seemed very comfortable and clean and he didn't seem strung out or anything like that. Hope they are doing OK and got back on their feet from whatever was going on in their life.
Anonymous 284131
>>284126I miss when gay men got drowned in bogs.
Anonymous 284132
>>283963I didn't need to put a phone number to make a gmx account. try the ccTLDs .de or .at if the English-language one doesn't work. Default interface is clunky but it works fine, you also get up to 20 "fun" aka "extra burner" email addresses you can set for the account (look in settings).
idk if protonmail is ratting out people then I wouldn't trust gmx for anything big but I needed an email completely unconnected to my work or uni for job apps and this is working fine. I'll probably create a completely separate one for other purposes
Anonymous 284133
>>284128"cute and funny" is a pedo dogwhistle
Anonymous 284134
>>284052"The standing man". I assume he has catatonic schizophrenia he just stands in different parts of town with his back up against a wall and his arms held out in front of him zombie style for hours. I don't know anybody who has ever seen the standing man walking from point A to point B
Anonymous 284136
How can I still play flash games?
Anonymous 284137
I started venlafaxin a few months ago. I felt crazy for the first three weeks and had a bunch of side effects but they gradually vanished. I wasn't feeling suicidal for the entirety of july and the first half of august. The ruminating and anxiety also got better. Sadly the depressed thoughts came back last week. Should I ask my doctor to increase the medication? I am taking 37,5 mg and right now which is the lowest dosage and I don't have any side effects except for sweating at night.
Anonymous 284138

>>284072Samefag and possibly blind but why the fuck do their teal tracky dacks almost never match?? The hoodies are usually bluer and the pants green I can’t fucking stand it there’s at least 3 different teals, what the fuck for??
Anonymous 284139
>>284136download flashpoint and search for the game you're looking for
Anonymous 284140
>>284133Never knew that even though I was genuinely expressing my like for the character. It's fucking stupid. Even 4chins would just give you a warning or a 3 day ban if you go off-topic or break a rule unlike here.
Anonymous 284142
Lolcor Bunker Minecraft server update:
Thanks everyone for playing! I'm going to bed so I turned the server whitelist on for the night, if you were playing tonight you should be able to log on again without issue. Since the whitelist is on, new players won't be able to join until tomorrow morning!
The server whitelist will be turned off again at ~11AM EST when I wake up! I'm gonna try to figure out the perms again, sorry for being a sped and fucking them up kek.
Anonymous 284144
>>284128yeah after reading that first line and googling the character i definitely see why the mod reacted that way kek
Anonymous 284145
>>284142I had so much fun playing Minecraft with you nonas
Anonymous 284146

>>284052>Pink Cowboy>Literally just a guy who dresses up in a pink cowboy outfit and walks around doing normal stuff>Dave>Homeless man covered in garbage bags and has really bright red skin>walks on the side of the road (very dangerous because it's rural mountain road and most of it is blind spots)>apparently a millionaire who owns a mansion, started doing this walking thing after his family died in a terrible accident (evidence for this is that quote unquote "he buys bottles of water sometimes")Left that area very long ago but I wonder how they're doing.
>>284144NTA but she was designed by a woman for a game store
Anonymous 284147
>>284146what does that have to do with anything i said?
men will see any childlike character and say weird shit. i doubt the mod was thinking "oh it was designed by a woman so"
Anonymous 284149
>>284147I thought you were implying that it was scrotum shit, sorry n0nnie
Anonymous 284151
>>284141Thanks for the explanation even though I never heard anyone say it that way. Moids are so disgusting and retarded for making this shit up even when they try to change the meaning of male tears to "semen".
>>284144I thought so too even though I've seen other posts with moe characters like Lucky Star and Madoka.
Anonymous 284152
Don't click catalog there's a nasty thread I reported it just now
Anonymous 284154
>>284144for the last time, there's no mods. do you retards really think an admin so slow called SNAIL who's used to this site having like 5 posts per week is actually moderating these bunkers? why d you think every ban is for an unspecified reason? they turned the ban-happy bot on and never looked back
Anonymous 284156
>>283967Start catching up the thread, schizobabble about moids and malding about people who are able to feel emotions for each other. Sad!
Anonymous 284157
>>284156>and malding about people who are able to feel emotions for each other. Sad!a baiting retard who says she cries thinking about randos who haven't been in love as if it was the best thing in the world isn't someone who "feels emotions for others" kek, cope harder. this is why all you Nigel obsessed losers are bound to end up sobbing in the love after porn threads and complaining about having no female friends
Anonymous 284158
>>284152yeah I saw it too, reported it.
Anonymous 284159
>>284146>NTA but she was designed by a woman for a game storeNTA either but Dejiko is clearly drawn in a moe art style (AKA aimed at pedo men) so her being designed by a woman doesn't prove anything in itself.
BUT I'm not saying you can't like her or that mods should ban you for posting such a character or saying those specific words. I'm always thinking about characters I like for literally being "that" (and said characters are not children or even female most of the time), like the other anon I didn't even know that was a lolifaggot dogwhistle until I read it on LC, because I never visit scrote sites. It's so unfair that we can't even use those words to describe characters we like anymore.
That being said, it seems to me that Di Gi Charat is one of the more enjoyable moe anime out there, and not very moid-pandering specifically.
Anonymous 284164
>>284094Chrisean what are you doing on CC?
Anonymous 284165
>>284125I wish i could join, but im still on vacation in Scotland. Do you think the minecraft server will still be there in 2 weeks?
Anonymous 284166
>>284052He walks a giant galapagos tortoise around its very nice. You can ask him and he'll let you pet the tortoise.
Anonymous 284168
Anyone else have problems lately with getting random ban messages when trying to post on LC? I had a couple the past month which the ‘reason for ban post’ were ones that weren’t even my posts and also was a year or so old. Peculiar.
Anonymous 284170
>>284140I'm pretty sure that was a joke. but yeah these bans are ridiculous
Anonymous 284173
>>284171Cringe and unfunny. Moids should be banned from using the internet.
Anonymous 284174
>>284168It happens a lot if you use a VPN (esp. free ones like ProtonVPN) or if you like in an area where other people have used lc and been banned on it and you have the same IP range
Anonymous 284175
>>284161It’s midnight throughout most of the U.S., which is where a large portion, if not the majority, of the userbase lives.
Anonymous 284177
>acquaintance is married to a wife that makes good money
>she herself works part-time as a store clerk
>acquaintance has been acting very entitled ever since wife landed her great job last year
>acquaintance keeps wasting wife's money on shit like anime figures and anything that's being sold with the word "antique" in the title as if it means anything, and won't stop bragging as if she's the one pulling in the cash
>wife just sits there all smiles and nods along to acquaintance's money wasting and entitled behavior
>wife inherits an actual antique beautiful diamond ring from her grandma
>acquaintance complains that it's not all that great, "it's just worth a few hundred bucks and the diamonds aren't even that big, big woop"
>girl you make barely above minimum wage shut the fuck up
Anonymous 284178
>>284171I fucking hate urbandictionary so much. Whenever I google random slang I'd never seen before, there's at least one result from that hellsite with a disgustingly sexual and scrotey definition (most of the time it's not even what I'm looking for). I hate how moids give even the most innocuous words gross sexual meanings.
>>284175They're weak. It's the weekend, come on
Anonymous 284179
>>284178c and f is a common one, unfortunately. i've seen it a lot as a game i play has a moe character that attracts those types and they constantly use that term for her.
Anonymous 284181
>>284171Why are their only jokes about their porn addictions? Do they have anything else going on in their lives? Not only disgusting, but also worthless.
Anonymous 284183
>>284181moids' brains are only occupied by porn and sex, that's it
Anonymous 284189
I havent showered in 4 days and I just finished my last cig
Anonymous 284204
>>284193Don't listen to her. Once you hit 8 days your body naturally cleans itself. It's the secret big soap don't want you to know about.
Anonymous 284206

I want to husbandopost about SMT Thor but lolcor's down…
Anonymous 284207
>>284059Was his name Linus and do you live in Stardew Valley
Anonymous 284208
>>284174That makes sense I guess, I use mobile data a lot and that’s when it has happened both times.
Anonymous 284209
>>284085"the German box face"
"like Hans and Klaus Nomi"
lmaoooo I can't stand that woman but when she's right she's right
Anonymous 284211
I drank too much wine tonight and stayed up too late. I hope I'll be okay tomorrow. I wish I had just smoked weed instead. In the meantime I'm laying here eating string cheese. Send thoughts and prayers that this hangover won't kick my ass
Anonymous 284216
sometimes its fun to say those weird live laugh love self affirmation things.
> you are sweet, silly and smart
Anonymous 284221
>>284206Please come to the /g/ bunker thread!
Anonymous 284236
Anyone else filled to the brim with dread over the announcement? I feel like it has something to do with either cerbmin themselves or one of the farmhands, at least I hope it's something like that and not a worst case scenario.
Anonymous 284240
>>284090Keekkkk she's so dramatic
>I know this isn't your heartWith that anime girl pic on top it makes me laugh even more
Anonymous 284242
OIP (27).jpg

>>284206i thought this was a mod but no he actually has a leotard
Anonymous 284243
>>284240I looked up her PFP because I thought I was curious about what she'd use. It's from a hentai called Interspecies Reviewers. Jfk zero shame.
Anonymous 284244
>>284243>It's from a hentai called Interspecies Reviewers.Jfc why am I not surprised. Didn't she say "hentai is essential" or some shit? kek
Anonymous 284250

China is dominating the paralympics damn
Anonymous 284254
Does anyone remember that Dye Dye song that was popular a few years ago?
Anonymous 284258

>>284250It's amazing that even the Paralympic break dancing out styles that queen goober Raygun.
Anonymous 284263
I'm sick and have a fever plz kill me
Anonymous 284264
>>284258Ray gun was embarrassing to watch
Anonymous 284265
>>284258powermoves are heteronormative n0nnie pls understand
Anonymous 284267
>>284264She at least taught me I can learn australian break dance
Anonymous 284268

Once lc is up again, I'll finish archiving it for real this time.
Anonymous 284269
>>284268pls archive the fanny threads n0nnie !!
Anonymous 284270
>>284268I hope you archive all my husbandoposting so our lives lives on for eternity
Anonymous 284271
>>284268Mfw I have zero idea where’s my college placed and nobody in the group chat doesn’t ask, like everyone knows and I’m the dumb one
Anonymous 284272
>>284094What about him reads as fuckable to you?
Anonymous 284275
>>284271Found out they had meeting yesterday, who the fuck making celebrations on sunday? I was running busy around the city, ffs
Anonymous 284277
>>284133isn’t the fact people know that skeevy in itself kek
Anonymous 284278
>>284277Now we all know. It's a curse that keeps on spreadin
Anonymous 284280
Just woke up, is the 5 minute cooldown still on
Anonymous 284281
I hate people who keep their houses warm especially when it's still summer I'm sitting on the porch now
Anonymous 284282

Patiently listening to anti-anxiety music and drinking wine in a futile effort to come down so I can finally sleep. The suns up and today is wasted but I have shit to do tomorrow.
Anonymous 284283
>>284097Try argan oil. Pure argan oil not crap like MoroccanOil. I never even bother with mascara and always get eyelash compliments. In my culture we use it for everything, not just hair as it's really good for lashes, brows, skin, nails, stretch marks, etc
Anonymous 284284
>>284250So happy my country is third…… Go Brasil….
Anonymous 284285
>>284283where do you usually buy it from? i only see the Moroccan oil in stores here
Anonymous 284286
>>284283I second this, it did wonder for my eyelashes
Anonymous 284287
Just spent $200 on stationery. I can afford it but I can't help but feel very silly about it.
Anonymous 284290
I love the pink theme. The white when you click on a post is so much nicer than that dark pink on girltalk
Anonymous 284291

My music taste makes me look like a tranny
Anonymous 284293
I just had a dream LC was back up and woke up and was disappointed
Anonymous 284294
>>284291What’s this using to find this out for top artists?
Anonymous 284296
>>284285Middle Eastern supermarkets, The Ordinary, Shea Terra Organics
Anonymous 284297
Good morning s whats up today how are we coping with no lolcor today for me I'm still crying a lot
Anonymous 284299

What are you gonna do once we get lolcow back?
I think it's looking up the Carrey-chan thing, vidya thread and then some stupid questions.
Anonymous 284301
Crying over an imageboard should be the sign you need to get your mental together
Anonymous 284302

What do my top artists say about me, n0nnies?
Anonymous 284305
>>284299gonna post my theories on tinfoil
Anonymous 284306

>>284295Thank you!
I really haven’t been listening to as much music as I usually do as been listening to a lot of podcasts on public transport. Surprised Nick Cave isn’t on there but Chappell is who I don’t regularly listen to, just to check out the big fuss.
Anonymous 284307
>>284303I wish, I'm 21 kekkk
>>284306>Kate Bushamazing taste
Anonymous 284309
Guess mods really want this place to die huh. I was really enjoying these bunkers but now I’m barely visiting.
Anonymous 284310
>>284309They probably just don't want us here
Anonymous 284311
>>284302Sorry I deleted because I thought it would be insulting. I'm 30 and that lines up with me minus some EDM kek.
Anonymous 284312
>>284308I saw Tori live for the Unrepentant Geraldine’s tour, I wish I was old enough to have seen her in her hay day as she’s struggling these days to hit notes she used to be able to. Glad I have been to see her though.
Anonymous 284313
>>284311Nah, it's not insulting at all, don't worry. It's cool we have similar tastes
Anonymous 284314
>>284312Yeah, I definitely feel like she could do with a vocal coach. Always an icon though
Anonymous 284315
>>284282do some exercise, pilates or yoga
Anonymous 284316
Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to do thought experiments in my head where I pretend to be an incel and figure out ways I can possibly twist the most innocuous, retarded and milquetoast problems, issues and ideas to being women's fault.
Anonymous 284319

>a while back go outside and across the street in a lit bathroom see two buff gay guys showering together
>on another night see a baby possum casually hanging out with a cat
>just now went outside at night looking for cats and immediately got assailed by a Fallout sized flying cockroach
maybe I should stop going outside at night this is too much for me.
Anonymous 284320
>>284319>two buff gay guys showering togetherThis is hilarious to me and I have no idea why
Anonymous 284321
After watching Mob Psycho 100, I understand why there's yaoi of it now.
Anonymous 284323
join cowtown.png

>>283579The Lolcor Minecraft Bunker server's whitelist has been turned off for the day! If you weren't playing last night, you're good to join now!
I'm still trying to fix some of the perms so there may be some short outages today, but other than that it should be good!
Anonymous 284324
>>284299catch up on the bad comics, abby harajuku and tif threads
Anonymous 284325
I learned about smartschoolboy9 and did a reddit deep dive last night. Ended up having a nightmare that LC came back, but it got spammed with his edits, gore and CP. Made me want to kill myself.
Anonymous 284326
Is the anti sunscreen/chapstick anon around (are they the same person)? I wanna ask what she thinks of drinking while pregnant.
Anonymous 284327
Anonymous 284328

>Cerbmin is actually a person with three heads or three different people
Anonymous 284329
I no longer like cc more than the farm, it's doing the retarded 30 second cool down that's actually 5 minutes and permabanning me for no reason. Shit hole site no wonder it's always dead.
Anonymous 284330
>>284315Thanks for the advice nonner but I'm finally starting to wind down. I'll remember it next time though. I'll also remember not to trust my friend with this kind of thing again. I love her but she's a goober.
Anonymous 284331
>>284137yeah usually rule of thumb 4-6 weeks trial period but it just depends, thats a reasonable proposal to make
Anonymous 284332
>>284329I actually find lolcow and cc pretty neat because there is no captcha and waiting time between posts, admitting i just make 10 posts a day at most
t. someone from vecchiochan
Anonymous 284333
>>284325i learned about those accounts about a week ago and it's been stuck in my mind since. it's just so disturbing, how can anyone develop into that? i'm worried the police aren't going to do much either.
Anonymous 284335
>>284325what's so bad about him? i read up on it the other day but just seemed like an average pedophile to me, has he diddled kids or something?
also ty for the threadgif op t. epileptic
Anonymous 284336

Women who worship Korean men and honestly think they're civilized and kind compared to other men vex me. In some ways, they do worse shit.
If you just like your k-dramas, stick to that and understand that they're fiction. Stop trying to speak on the country's men when they're the reason it's a hellhole and feminists are punished to a ridiculous extent. The kpop boy band members also aren't different just because they got surgery, wear makeup and were made to suck older men's dicks to get a chance on stage.
Stupid thing is that the same women guilty of this tend to get mad when other demographics of women romanticize their men. You guys wouldn't think it's anything but naive and sad for a third world n0nnie to decide American white men are civilized gods because she listened to Lana Del Rey and watched a ton of chick flicks/romantic comedies from the early 2000s. All of it is dumb, stop worshiping entire groups of men.
Anonymous 284338
>>284299I'm going to post in the Lolcow Inn thread. That was fun
Anonymous 284339
>>284335Nta, he followed actual children around in the town he's in since the 90s and I think he still does it. Some people came forward about witnessing that stuff since then, and he also filmed it and posted it online. There's a video -I didn't watch- of him running after a child who's running away from him.
Anonymous 284340
I need lolcor back I need plant advice
Anonymous 284341
>>284336Speaking of k-pop boys, the main vocalist of NCT was just removed from the group because the police charged him with a sex crime. And his persona was being a shy, reserved type. You never know what these dudes are like in real life. Their stage personas are just fantasies meant to appeal to young girls.
Anonymous 284342
>>284340Ask your question here anyway non nee us plant novices will try to help
Anonymous 284343
>>284325I watched a video about him last night while sick with covid and I think a combination of the medicine and sickness made it even scarier and then I had freakish terrifying fever dreams all night. Our dreams were linked kek
Anonymous 284344
>>284341It's always the uwu softboy personas that are sex pests irl. It's a literal phenotype at this point. Especially leftist persona moids.
Anonymous 284345
>>284336i've been seeing lots of tweets recently from sk women talking about experiences with the men in their lives. it's harrowing enough to deal with the harassment/assaults but the gaslighting and threats on top of it would break me. those women are strong.
Anonymous 284346
>>284133wtf, where did you get that? that's paranoid
Anonymous 284347
>>284335There's a video of him chasing an actual kid IRL, he's been dressing up like that and walking around in public since the late 90s/early 2000s, the police aren't doing shit about him (though there are rumors he was convicted once many years ago for stalking/harassing kids, but a judge ruled that he was too mentally unwell to be blamed and genuinely saw them as his peers), and he continues to creep on actual kids on IG. All this and the presentation, the mouth thing, and his "edits" just make him horrific to me. He's literally named David Walter Alter, it's shocking to me that he's a real person that goes out in public and not some nightmarish caricature.
Anonymous 284349

>>284159>Dejiko is clearly drawn in a moe art style (AKA aimed at pedo men) Is this kind of art also moe aimed at pedo men?
Anonymous 284350
>>284346nayrt but they use that as short for "cunny". never underestimate male depravity
Anonymous 284351
I just proved it. Made two burgers exactly the same, one with cheese, one without. The one without cheese tasted way better. Cheese on your burger is shameless propaganda by the dairy industry.
Anonymous 284352
>>284159Wtf I watched Di Gi Charat when I was a kid. It's literally harmless
Anonymous 284353
>>284351I like my meals non kosher tyvm. But it depends what sort of cheese you're putting it on it I suppose.
Anonymous 284357
>>284349NTA, this reminds me of that article explaining that "lolicon" art arose from male otaku seeing women draw shoujo manga aimed at young girls and women, cooming to the characters, and drawing "their own" versions. They also mass-produced and sold very fucked up doujinshi/manga with said "loli" content in a bid to drive women out of the community/cons. All this shit really belongs to women, moids just corrupted it and now everyone thinks it's theirs. A man would not draw or design something like in that image of his own volition. It's girly to the core, but now we have to worry about being associated with them at every turn.
Anonymous 284358
>>284128I reported you because cute and funny is pedo slang. Post like a moid and get banned like one.
Anonymous 284359
>>284358nta but god. not everyone is chronically online enough to know obscure pedo dogwhistles. it’s meant to seem innocuous. i get there’s a sizable ex-4chan population but some of us aren’t a part of it and i was blissfully ignorant of this term before now.
Anonymous 284362
giphy (2).gif

transylvanian concubine
you know what flows there like wine
Anonymous 284364
>>284358She clearly didn't know, I didn't either until I looked it up
Anonymous 284365
>>284359Is "cute and funny" meant to be the pedo dogwhistle here? Kek. I know we're all losers on an imageboard but some of you really do need to go outside and talk to real people because nobody sane would think completely innocuous words are a secret code for pedophiles
Anonymous 284367
>>284364come on, dont act obtuse that slang is well known in the anime community coping for pedo shit isnt a good look
Anonymous 284368
>>284358Not everyone knows that, anon. It was a mistake.
I hate hate hate this "Flood detected, please wait 30 seconds" thing. LC has it, too, but only if you're posting images alone (stupid for an imageboard where you're literally supposed to provide screenshots of things for milk) or trying to make very similar posts (which I understand, but it's annoying in cases where you made a typo, deleted the post and want to redo it).
I am not flooding anything, my posts are not all the same, please ENOUGH
Anonymous 284370
>>284367Not knowing something ≠ caping for freaks. I have never seen that being used before but I know now to avoid it so what's the issue?
Anonymous 284371
>that slang is well known in the anime community
Haha sorry anon the only anime communities I'm in are golden kamuy yumejoshis on twitter.
Anonymous 284372
>>284359>i get there’s a sizable ex-4chan population but some of us aren’t a part of it and i was blissfully ignorant of this term before now.You're just naive and hanging around moid spaces where they let their freak flags fly.
Anonymous 284373
Should I get Subway or McDonalds ugh so conflicted
Anonymous 284374
>>284365NTA, but a nona earlier said some idiot posted CC on KF. Seeing someone type those exact words in that exact order next to a picture of an anime child is definitely enough to think "oh, thats a pedophile moid"
Anonymous 284376
>>284371you must have a hard time considering 90% of the golden kamuy fandom considers themselves transmen
Anonymous 284377
>>284375Thank you nona you're always right
Anonymous 284378

mfw my personal cow is being unhinged online and i have nowhere to post about it bc lolcor is still down
Anonymous 284379
>>284376Even the Japanese yumejoshis? I usually stay from western fandoms.
Anonymous 284380

Honestly I walk around like I got pussy made of crack
Because I drink a lot of juice and I ain't never smoke a pack
Anonymous 284381
>>284374and theres also a known dog beheading vtumour moid who also posts digicarat whos known to shit up girlchans.. stay aware and fuck off chase
Thank fucking lot to the retard who namedropped cc fuck you bitch Anonymous 284383
>>284378We need to organize a class action lawsuit against Cerbmin for depriving us of our civil rights (posting on Lolcor). We need to get Marianne Williamson to be be our new admin. She can fix everything. I believe in her.
Anonymous 284384
>>284381What the fuck, who? I hate vtubers, they're all subhuman
Anonymous 284385
My top cow is a streamer and there's a bunch of people on Youtube who make content restreaming his streams. They apparently make a lot of money doing it, too. However, I noticed there aren't any who restream themselves streamsniping him in his games. Should I go for it? He's trash at every game and I want to personally milk him myself instead of watching others do it
Anonymous 284386
I need my gender ideology hate thread to sperg about retarded TIFs right now.
Anonymous 284388
aita for going on a date with a vegan moid and ordering a dish that's got chicken in it?
Anonymous 284389
>>284388No but you shouldn't be going on dates with those things they're like gorillas but more retarded it's dangerous. If you live in America always exercise your second amendment rights.
Anonymous 284390
>>284358wtf? this is news to me as well. today I learned a new phrase to never use again
Anonymous 284391
>>284388i hope you made him pay for it too
Anonymous 284392
>>284358wait what? i did not know that common descriptors had become pedo slang.
Anonymous 284393

i love erykah badu's voice, sound and style in the 90s and early 2000s. i just wish she wasn't such a fucking pickme
Anonymous 284394

>>284386same. c'mon lolcor there's cyberbullying to be done
Anonymous 284397

Any idea on what the serious and unexpected issue is?
Anonymous 284399
>>284397Bill overdue or admin is dead and they're scrambling to find a new one
Anonymous 284401
>>284397Nobody knows. The theories I've read on here are that either 1) Cerbmin forgot to pay the cloudfare fees 2) Someone tried to hack the site or 3) They discovered a major security weakness and have to fix it
Anonymous 284407
>>284397Mario is part of the ugly man psyop.
Anonymous 284411
>>283988>I hope Heather has dyed her hair black by the time LC is back up kekkek same here nona. so so much. we need that black hair milk!
i wonder how she's doing with the site being down, i genuinely think sometimes her deranged rants and stories is her just talking/responding to us heathernonas because she has no friends and no one pays attention to her more than we do
Anonymous 284415
>>284401i personally think its a combo of 2 and 3, but have no idea who the hacker(s) could be. any tinfoils?
Anonymous 284416

since the rate my art thread is down ill post it here roast me all you want i want to improve
Anonymous 284420
>>284415my theory was if it is actually something to do with hacking the site, my thoughts went to grimes/melon since grimes has a history of getting other people to do that for her and had a whole site taken down before, and melons… melon. but their threads aren't really that active right now. grimes deff lurks it though
Anonymous 284421

in bed with a stomach full of cake, listening to rain sounds, and talking to my husbando's ai
life is good
Anonymous 284425

My roommate moved in a few days ago and my cat is obsessed with him. Roommate doesn't even care too much and just accepts that he is hanging around in his room at all times. My baby is a dirty traitor and I want him to be all over me again like he used to be
Anonymous 284426
>>284420I'm almost %90 sure it's a bill issue considering they said it wouldn't be back till Monday, then Tuesday and it's a weekend or something where cerbmin lives. I can't believe that lazy fuck actually let the bill go unpaid, and over the weekend no less.
Anonymous 284428
>>284426ayrt and kek i agree with you. i actually don't think it was hacked, but if it was, that would be the suspect in my mind. nona asked for our tinfoils and they are both thin-skinned narcissists who would try to take down the site if they weren't too busy following and unfollowing each other on twitter amongst a custody battle
Anonymous 284429
>>284427This is why I usually change the gender of people involved in my vents, anons are so obsessed with moids their hatred blinds them to every-fucking-thing else
Anonymous 284431
>>284268I hope you DON'T archive my husbando posts because I sort of regret them.
Anonymous 284432
>>284429places that assign roommates typically match your gender, just found it strange.
Anonymous 284433
>>284357Link to the article? thats so fucked up, I always used to wonder how weeb pedo coomers coopted the cutesy moe girly aesthetic for their loli shit. there's some dollfie bjds I used to love with the typical moe anime girl features, and now they're ruined for me because I can't associate them with anything but pedo coomers
Anonymous 284434
>>284426idk a "serious issue" is a weird way to say it's just about the bill. Why not just say some problem happened with the payment if that's the truth? That causes a lot less panic.
Anonymous 284436
hi guys i just woke up and just sort of scanned the thread i left open when i went to bed before coming to this one.
is someone saying di gi charat is for pedos? i loved it so much as a kid and still go back and read it now sometimes.
is it a favorite among pedo moids???
Anonymous 284438
>>284429kek what does that achieve, exactly? if you need to vent about your scrote but seethe when nonas rightfully tell you your problem is being around scrotes maybe keep your vents to yourself.
>anons are so obsessed with moids their hatred blinds them to every-fucking-thing elseis this a kiwifag moid. why do they always claim we're obsessed with them
>>284434I think they precisely don't want the outrage that comes with the issue having been easily avoidable if their lazy asses had paid in time so they're being vague on purpose
Anonymous 284439
>>284427>>284432He is my only male friend and I've known him for years, he lived in my guest bedroom for 3 months a couple of years ago while his then apartment was getting renovated. His landlord is raising his rent by 30% (while the apartment itself got smaller after the renovation) so he asked if he could move back in, and since I'm now a student living with a limited budget and had a very positive experience with him last time (he's clean, helps out a lot, pays his rent on time, and is pretty quiet on top of letting me take whatever is on his shelf in the fridge/freezer) I figured why not since I really need the money.
Anonymous 284440
>>284416I think the concept is so adorable, but there's something that's off about the arm but I'm not sure. It's out of frame so it's hard to tell, but it looks a bit short. I also feel like the anime eye stands out too much and is the focal point of the thicker darker line art, unless that's what you want. Overall cute art style and cute idea. I'm not an artist though so take this with a grain of salt.
Anonymous 284441
Did someone make the minecraft server? I was at work and missed it
Anonymous 284442
I need to say something that belongs in TMI and is also partially a vent:
My period has been so bad today that I started shitting out literal liquids for an hour. It feels like I vomited from my ass. I'm lightheaded and feel like vomiting for real now too.
Anonymous 284444
>>284393At first glance I thought the cloth on her head was a shawarma
Anonymous 284446
>>284416is it finished? it looks unfinished
Anonymous 284447
>>284416Close enough welcome back Qinni
Anonymous 284452
>>284416Increase difference in values + understand hair flow physics from references
I would also clean up the sketch, idk if you’re going to do lineart
Anonymous 284455
>>284442please get some electrolytes n0nny
Anonymous 284457
>>284447>qinniim not going to have the illness too now am i (she has taken so soon rip)
Anonymous 284459
Everyone here says you should rely on your female friends instead of having a boyfriend. The problem is, I just don't feel like my friends have really cared about me even though I put a lot of energy into these relationships. I'm glad that people are willing to spend time with me but I don't feel like anyone misses me or is excited to see me. And a lot of friendships seem to just be transitory or fizzle out, especially when my friends get married. How do you avoid this problem?
Anonymous 284463
>>284442i feel you anon, got a really bad one today as well, just incredibly heavy flow. thank god the pharmacist was a woman, she bent the rules and gave me a box of tranexamic without asking for prescription when i asked
Anonymous 284465
>>284442>>284463Are we all having terrible periods? During the 2nd day of mine, I could barely move. My body felt so weak.
Anonymous 284466
anyone learning chinese? im watching films and i can only pick functional words like pronouns or particles like bu and ma
Anonymous 284467
>>284459This is my main issue with female friendships. They are hard to create, and even harder to get past surface-level. It's hard to find other women to connect with if you're any kind of "strange", unconventional person, too, because female socialization often prizes coming off as normal, or only performatively/trendily weird. If I found a strong bond with another woman, I'd sacrifice myself for her, but I haven't found any other women who are the same or would do the same. Adult female friendship feels like a recital. I don't want to weird anyone out or scare them away. The idea of a woman hating me feels so much heavier than men hating me. I care less with men because I'm jaded on them, if they want to fuck you they'll put up with (or even try to understand) a lot, but even that's just the illusion of a connection unless they actually love you.
I feel like the only person I can truly rely on and open up to is the one I sleep with and/or can see myself marrying, regardless of sex. I wish I didn't feel that way, but I do.
Anonymous 284473
My boyfriend is gentle and kind and heals my inner soul but he is a slob and lazy and I can’t find myself attracted to him very easily
My coworker is everything I want and more but I can’t find it in myself to leave because I don’t want to make a mistake
Being heterosexual means being innately retarded
Anonymous 284475
I'm so bored and the air is dry as fuck, it's disgusting.
Anonymous 284482
we are pretty sure its all automated and not all the rules are on the rule page!
Anonymous 284483
>>284467You need to find the right people, anon. I’ve never felt this way but that’s because I’ve always had female friends who were themselves / not very conforming or performative, and had the same hobbies as me. But I will never be friends with the average woman, honestly, at least the ones like that. Sometimes it’s somewhat on you though - I’ve found that some people just have difficulty getting close to people.
Anonymous 284488
>>284476>>284484huh, i’m pretty sure I’ve posted an emoticon and didn’t get banned
Anonymous 284490
>>284488same, maybe it's only certain emoticons?
Anonymous 284492
>>284459>>284467On the flip side, I feel like being yourself and putting in effort into friendships often times get you the clingy, unstable kind of friend that you always have to be there for but they're rarely, if ever, are there for you. Female friendships often feel so one-side so many times. It's like I have to perform for those normal relationships that are superficial or I have to be someone's emotional caretaking mommy if I'm myself. There's rarely any in between IME.
Anonymous 284493
>>284475I'm bored too but it's disgustingly hot and humid where I live.
Anonymous 284494
Can you prove that you are not a chatbot?
Anonymous 284495

I was able to get my meds prescription filled for the first time in three or four months. Maybe things are going to be okay n0nnies
Anonymous 284498
>>284492>female friendships I don’t think we need to act like this is a female specific thing. Male friendships aren’t exactly close, nor are they the mutual give and take we’re seeking. I’d argue the caretaker mommy thing is more apparent with men
Anonymous 284499
one of my favorite things to do is mix drugs
Anonymous 284503
>>284500klonopin, ativan, some resin, i
might go for my poppy tincture kek
Anonymous 284504
I'm having Big Shaynus withdrawals
Anonymous 284505
>>284438Seriously, have you seen how anons react whenever anyone mentions a moid anywhere in their vents? Your reaction is not all that much different, I don't trust moids either but I don't single out that one single aspect in anon's vents because I know how to go outside and touch grass instead of seething the moment I see someone mentioning scrotes.
Anonymous 284507
>>284505i'm annoyed by this aspect of the board culture as well. it's why we get a bad rap as femcels. i've been on lc for 7 years but i am very happy with my relationship and i'm obsessed with my nigel, but i would never admit that on lc.
Anonymous 284509
>>284507>it's why we get a bad rap as femcelsThat's something very hard to care about tho.
Anonymous Moderator

Long overdue welcome message for the current wave of refugees:
The cooldown timer has been increased to 5 minutes and this has already vastly reduced the amount of spamming and infighting/bait and utter shitposts, so we'll keep it this way for now. Nonsensical posts without real content count as spam. Please report any rule-breaking or excessively disruptive posts instead of responding. If a comment you responded to gets deleted, your response will also be removed, but you won't receive a ban unless your comment also broke a rule or you took very obvious bait. banned topics:
>>>/b/39516Most bans have a ban message with an explanation. Bans without a ban reason are system bans due to the wordfilter, sometimes they misfire and we can't easily undo them, sorry. Evading these erroneous autobans (permanent bans without a reason) is fine, evading bans with a reason isn't, especially if you come back to brag or complain about it rather than appealing or sitting it out. We can see which was the case and you'll get permabanned eventually.
As long as you're here, feel free to branch out and use the other threads/boards. Necroing is not an issue if you find an old thread worth reviving.
Thank you and may LCF rise from its slumber soon <3 Good luck, farmers
Anonymous 284511
>>284505From my experience in cc and lolcow discord servers, a solid half of the most virulent moid haters, the ones that make the most extreme and sweeping statements about men, have nigels of their own.
Like, I categorically do not trust men, but I do not pretend to believe that 100% of them are pieces of shit. How can you spout such unnuanced takes when your own life experience contradicts them?
Anonymous 284513
>>284505>>284507>>284511I don't think anything's wrong with a little moid hate, but anons are so bitter and let men they hate consume their thoughts so much. They're so miserable. It's insufferable.
Anonymous 284515
>>284514Look how low we've fallen, there is more proof of cc moderators being real and alive than cerbmin
Anonymous 284516
>>284510Thank you for this but i have to say the bans without reasons are really annoying
Anonymous 284517
>>284510love you even though the 5 minute timer is killing me. thank you for takin' care of us
Anonymous 284519
>>284511I don’t really like servers with benigeled women. I’ve never been able to get along with women in straight relationships, not because of a lack of trying but I seriously feel like an outsider. I can’t relate to them. I don’t understand how they can detest men and supposedly hate them but turn a blind eye to their nigel. It’s not like the are anomalies either, when they describe them it seems like any other one-sided hetero relationship. Most times there are red flags that they’ll mention but they won’t recognize them as such, yet if it weren’t their nigel they would see it for what it is. Why are you even on discord if you’re married? It’s not exactly the most temptation-free space. If you need some escape from your nigel in a discord server that probably says something about him.
Anonymous 284520

They did this guy so dirty in the early Xmen films and I fucking love it. The way he's written is kind of cute though. I love how jealous he is of Wolverine and how he's basically just written to be Jean Grey's desperate sexy-boy boyfriend. But his character is literally a joke.
>is professor x's most forgettable teacher's pet
>does nothing in first film except fawn over Jean and act really homoerotic and jealous towards Wolverine
>is literally missing from 80% of the second film
>comes back, is being controlled by villain into eye-blasting Jean
>Jean knocks him the fuck out in like 5 seconds of battle
>immediately snaps out of it and cries like a little bitch and grovels for forgiveness
>third movie
>depressed and suicidal because TFW no Jean
>professor x literally doesn't even care that his first in command wants to kill himself over watching girlfriend die in front of him
>professor x tells Storm he wants her to be headmistress of the school because "lol Cyclops changed and I can't count on him"
>IE he's a weak bitch boy
>Jean comes back
>life is full of meaning again
>is happy
>Jean fucking kills him
It's not even funny how My Type he is. A pathetic pretty boy who can be beaten into submission by his girlfriend and gets extremely jealous of other guys for even looking at her. He's such a dream boat.
Anonymous 284521
>>284519>Why are you even on discord if you’re married? Wait so what do you expect married people to do? Not have friends/hobbies?
Anonymous 284523
>>284520this guy looks like a gay mosquito
Anonymous 284525

Anonymous 284526
>>284519>Why are you even on discord if you're married?What the fuck are you talking about?
Anonymous 284527
>>284519>why are you even on discord if you're married>it's not exactly the most temptation-free spaceare you a devout catholic or…?
Anonymous 284531
>>284523Wrong he was eating Jean's pussy for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Anonymous 284532
>>284521>>284526Discord is a shady place. I consider it in the same leagues as telegram, the types of people you can find on there.
>>284527No, I just find Discord to be a place where it’s too easy to stumble upon the wrong type of people. I had a boss that used discord as his main mode of communication and he didn’t realize that his server profile didn’t hide his actual profile which was full of weird shit. Discord gets a bad rap for a reason. It’s the modern day Snapchat.
Anonymous 284533

>>284510Hi, what if it won't let me appeal the ban? I didn't do anything wrong, I wasn't spamming, I didn't infight or respond to bait. I just suddenly got banned last night with no reason given why or ability to appeal. Sorry to evade I'm just confused.
Anonymous 284534
Farmers who's rolling up?!?! Let's hotbox this thread!!!
>>284510Love you too
Anonymous 284535
>>284532>he didn’t realize that his server profile didn’t hide his actual profile which was full of weird shit.What was on it?
Anonymous 284536
>>284532Not to be mean, but are you autistic? Do you have any friends? Do you think every Discord server is some seedy meeting place for potential criminals and not just an instant messaging app? My old job had a Discord server for god's sake.
Anonymous 284538
>>284532I'm not ignorant about shit that goes on discord, but I personally never ran into any degenerate shit or servers, but then again I never tried to.
Anonymous Moderator
>>284533That looks like an autoban, sometimes they stick and come back even when we unban you. Sorry, I know they're annoying, they're a pain for us too. You can evade these, just don't do it when there's a ban page with a message, timeframe and appeal form.
Anonymous 284541
>>284510What happened to Snail
Are there any moderators besides you
Anonymous 284542
>>284539Oh okay, thanks for letting me know. That's okay I should take a break from being so terminally online and get some shit done today anyway. Thanks so much for replying
Anonymous 284543

>>284063I got sleepy and passed out after I made this post will replicate again tonight.
Got super paranoid that there was a ghost in my room that was about to kill me
Anonymous 284544
>>284535It had links to his nsfw twitter and his libertarian politics twitter. Also his pfp was one of those lucky star little girls. The little blue shit.
>>284536If I had to use discord for work again I would find it extremely unprofessional. I don’t think a site that hosts teen dating servers and degen gamer servers should be where work is discussed.
>>284537At least I’m an oldfag.
Anonymous 284546
Can't stand the tranny movie, but this song made me cry thinking about "losing myself". I like the original too, but this one hit me harder for some reason.
Anonymous 284547
>>284511>but I do not pretend to believe that 100% of them are pieces of shitthen how come in every one of these vents there are pieces of shit? kek. I’d get your point if it was a moid who genuinely hasn’t done anything, but this is literally about anons venting about their nigels, who are doing
exactly what every anon says moids do… duh
Anonymous 284549
>>284544>>284532That's entirely on him then, he made the active choice to put that shit up. I've never been inclined to put any sort of identifiable shit in my discord profile and you have to try pretty hard to find disgusting servers. It's not like the first thing discord does is shove you into a porn server the moment you make an account you know.
Anonymous 284550
Tomorrow is payday, I can't wait to buy stupid shit I don't need and shouldn't buy.
Anonymous 284552
You guys are focusing the dislike on the wrong subtype of woman. You should be infinitely more wary of any woman in a "situationship". Women in shit relationships with shit men are frustrating, but women in situationships are genuinely mentally ill and mentally challenged.
Anonymous 284553
>>284532I have been using discord for years and have never encountered seedy types kek. Have you ever actually used it? Most people use it to talk about their hobbies. This is like saying Reddit is a meeting spot for weirdos because a minority of people use it for shady shit even though most people just talk about their interests on it
Anonymous 284555
>>284546wait is this a trans movie? i haven't seen it but i wanted to cause it looked cool
Anonymous 284557
>>284510Unbanned the Dejiko n0nnie. She's didn't break any rules and had no idea "cute and funny" is a pedo term.
Anonymous 284558
>>284553I’ve been using discord since I was a tween, I was aware of these servers because of the main servers on disboard. People looking for servers in general on there will come across weird discords.
Anonymous 284559
>>284556i wish you would've spoilered this creature
Anonymous Moderator
>>284557You've been ban evading the whole time, at least be quiet about it.
Anonymous 284561
>>284556He looks like shit, if you are going to transition you might as well go crazy on beauty procedures to look less dead.
Anonymous 284562
>>284546What's the deal with this tranny movie and why are the TIFs loving it so much?
Anonymous 284563
>>284552It was perhaps the lowest I'd ever felt in my entire life being in one of those. I am not angry at them for being mentally ill, but I do feel pity for them.
Anonymous 284564
>>284556Ew I'm glad I never watched it even though some of my friends were talking about it
Anonymous 284565
>>284547Of course they are venting about their nigels in the VENT THREAD. Of course you are going to be venting about the person you are most likely living with and thus taking up a lot of space in your life. I see an equal amount of anons venting about their moms too, I'm one of them. Confirmation bias is one hell of a thing.
Anonymous 284566
I would like to use cc more, because it does seem chill, but everytime I visit it I get so confused about how making threads work. Why is there random ass threads all of the time? I've never gone on any other ib, so maybe it's the norm. I'm too confused about cc to frequent it. I'm also retarded so maybe it's that.
Anonymous 284568
>>284558i don’t understand people who join random servers, theyre strange creatures to me. i had to leave the elden ring server because there was no general game chat and general was entirely teenage boys talking about the girls they liked at their school, made me feel ill. i just straight up dont trust people who get all their social interaction through discord servers, but its not an evil app or something, i pretty much just use it to talk to my friends.
Anonymous 284569
I finally got around to watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix. Am I supposed to feel bad for this GAMP?
Anonymous 284570
cowntown progresss…

Thanks to all anons that have joined the Lolcor Bunker Server!! Here's an update picture for those that wanna play but haven't had the chance yet!
If anyone else is interested in joining, the whitelist is off today until around 10PM EST!
Anonymous 284572
>>284570That looks fun, Do I need to be on a specific version of minecraft? I can set it to download while I go run errands
Anonymous 284573
>>284570Dang, I've never played minecraft in my entire life but this makes me want to try it. It looks so pretty! Well done minecraft anons!
Anonymous 284574
I miss the bad art thread
Anonymous 284576
>>284572It's the most recent update for Java!
>>284573If you wanna try but don't wanna spend the full $$, you can check eBay! Russian hackers usually sell it on there for like ten dollars.
Anonymous 284577
>>284570dang I'd love to join but I'm not sure I want y'all knowing the username I use everywhere
Anonymous 284579
>>284570Aw, I won't be back from vacation until tomorrow. I hope you open up one more time for us returning from the labor day weekend
Anonymous 284580
>>284577i had to change mine to something more nondescript so i can join but im kinda sad because it gave me numbers on the end and i really hope they dont show up in game because theyre lame
Anonymous 284582
>>284562It's a thinly veiled metaphor for transition where the MC is supposed to transform into buffy the vampire slayer by killing himself via burying alive, but he's too afraid to do it so he becomes miserable and insane. Really beating the "deluded and unhealthily obsessed with kids media" trans stereotype allegations.
Anonymous 284583
Need LC back, I want to talk about the new Trails in the Sky remake that got announced but only with based s…
Anonymous 284584
>>284568I don’t think the app itself is evil, but I definitely wouldn’t trust someone on it 24/7.
Anonymous 284587
>>284570I'm sorry to bother but how would I join?
Anonymous 284588
>>284586same. i read "tween" and said "HUH?"
Anonymous 284589
I found a picture of my ex that was taken a week ago and he looks way uglier than the last time I saw him. mf was cute 3 years ago and now he is losing his hair at 27 and looks like a rat that swam through a lake full of toxic waste. At least his uggo inside now matches the outside. Go rave some more about roman philosophers while avoiding your daddy issues.
Anonymous 284590
>>284532I agree with you nona, it's super easy to find weirdos and groomers on discord it's a big problem, don't boo her she's right.
Anonymous 284591
>>284590Yet they want to call me a boomer for it. It’s okay to recognize that these platforms are mostly used for degeneracy, most of you probably use it to talk to your friends and that’s nice. My main point was focusing on the mental dissonance of the benigeled but it got derailed with the discord topic.
Anonymous 284592
>>284590Which is reason #878235253543087 why kids are better off offline, but I'm not sure we should apply this to adults.
Anonymous 284594
>>284570Oh my god I thought I had Minecraft - I did, but I had not completed the migration to my Microsoft account and I don't have the fucking game anymore since the deadline to do it was a year ago
Anonymous 284601
>>284594It's a money grab. Now you have to buy Minecraft for $30 even though you previously owned the game!
Anonymous 284602
>>284594Same anon, GeForce Experience offers a free game pass for a month to any other s wanting to play who dont have Minecraft (or don't have it anymore due to retardation. im so fucking mad)
Anonymous 284604

>>284317I love Japan. They are popular among farmers I’ve noticed
Anonymous 284606
>previous bunkers
what faggot is backreading these
Anonymous 284608

Wtf is this retarded shit, I hate modern gaming. I'm too old
Anonymous 284609

I cant believe im all over the place for a fucking gossip site so much i cant do my work anymore
Anonymous 284612
>>284608the extras are only for bedrock and bedrock sucks just get the game
Anonymous 284613
>>284052Yeah, he was a crazy but very nice homeless guy, unlike 99.9999% of them, everyone in the neighborhood knew him and talked to him on a regular basis, me included. Someday I moved to the other side of the city so I almost never saw him again after that. And then he got murdered one night, was then thrown in the river and found in another region days later. To this day nobody knows who did this because the police doesn't give a fuck.
There was also a crazy rich old lady who would often walk her dog downtown and eat in the same restaurants. Everyone saw her minding her own business, she wasn't acting like a weirdo but she dressed like she was wearing ugly pink shit from a dumpster and has fucked up pink extensions so she looked homeless. She died of old age not too long ago, turns out she was the landlady for a lot of expensive apartment downtown and her kids inherited them according to the news.
Anonymous 284614
>>284052Yep, we have an old dude named "the captain" who wears like a huge weird old fashioned sailor hat
Anonymous 284615
>>284052not really because i live in a really really small town now but sometimes when im on the highway i see a joker monster truck
Anonymous 284618
>>284616No I love your taste. Very funky.
Anonymous 284622
I think tonight will be the first time i check Shayna's twitter personally i need my fix! What is that bitch up to
Anonymous 284623
I did a slightly edgy photoshoot and now the blue and red dye is gonna be on my skin for days
Anonymous 284625
>>284440kek, the less check-marks the better for you
Anonymous 284626
I really need to vent a be emotional for a bit because I feel like I'm about to become a wreck but CC's /feels/ board is pretty much dead and I just kinda want my vent to get drowned out by infighting except for the occasional nice, supportive post kek
Anonymous 284627
Screenshot (32906)…

>>284291Same, I don't have spotify so the best I can do is iTunes song plays
Anonymous 284629
pregnancy confusion is so embarrassing. i just forgot the word for vape a few minutes ago
Anonymous 284630
Of course the moment I stop being a neet and get an income, the jewelry design class I wanted to take goes on an indefinite hiatus.
Anonymous 284632
Screenshot (32908)…

>>284627Samefag, sorry I feel like one scroll down shows more range
Anonymous 284633
I miss lolcor and the chadification threads i wish it was never moved to /m/ cause it died immediately my request still hasnt been chadified….
Anonymous 284635

>>284633I feel you on /m/ being lowkey deceased, but I dont think I miss LC all that much at least right now. The moderation here is so much better and morale over here is just higher and more chipper
Anonymous 284638
>>284635Probably because summerfags and tiktok/twittertards haven't discovered CC yet
Anonymous 284639
My sister just added powdered milk to a gourmet coffe I bought, I hate her so much.
Anonymous 284640

Went to a wedding fair with my friend today. I've never felt more single in my life. I shouldn't need someone in my life to feel good but shit it would be nice.
Anonymous 284646
>>284291thats so funny
i used to listen to goreshit like 2014-2020 but i dont really anymore
Anonymous 284648
I go back to work tomorrow but it should be a pretty calm day. I'll be so bored without LC.
Anonymous 284651

Baking nonas, do you really need a kitchen aid/table mixer to make focaccia? I have an old one from like the 90's that I borrowed permanently from mom and it's such a hassle to put together for less than 10 minutes of use
Anonymous 284652
>>284604Nice hair. Faggy physiognomy though.
Anonymous 284653
has anyone made an elise minecraft skin yet? if not i can spend some time making one along with a 2X-tan skin. i dont have home internet until tuesday (coincidentally when lolcor might come back kek) so i cant join the minecraft server unfortunately, though i look forward to playing with nonas if it doesnt die by the time LC returns
Anonymous 284654
any next threadpic proposals?
Anonymous 284655
>>284488emojis are different than emoticons though?
Anonymous 284657
>>284556he also used trooncarthyist tactics to ban the movie actors from the indie circuit because it portrayed an aspiring actor using a trans identity to climb the hollywood ladder. he is so fucking ugly and a talentleess hack DEI hire.
Anonymous 284658
>>284635I wish I could say I'd be fine colonizing this place, but the spamming is just something I can't get past.
Anonymous 284659
>>284653I love you minecraft anons, your posts make me so happy. Does lc have a minecraft thread? Because I will totally lurk there despite not playing the game myself
Anonymous 284660
>>284651No! You can make focaccia by this folding method for example
Anonymous 284661
>>284137Not saying this will absolutely be your experience, but please be aware the majority of people have HUGE problems coming off venlafaxine. I had to take a month long leave from work because it was so miserable. Granted I was on 300 mg for five years at the point I tapered off, but it was still really horrific. So make sure you have an action plan in place with your prescriber for when/if you need to come off.
Anonymous 284662
I have covid and I just finished my essay even though it took everything out of me. I'm gonna go die now.
Anonymous 284663
>>284651in my experience no, i found its better to handknead it in order to prevent overkneading by doing fold overs in the dough until its just combined together. overkneaded dough leads to really chewy and tough bread so i try to prevent getting the habit of using my standmixer to save time (though you can time it/check the texture if you
really need to use the standmixer to save from hand sprain/texture issues)
Anonymous 284665
>>284661I took the same dosage for a similar amount of time, the withdrawals were CRAZY. I had to go to ER once bc of it. I quit it years ago, tapering off slowly worked for me.
Anonymous 284666
>>284137I have a dumb question. When you keep upping the dosage, what happens when you max out? Or do you?
Anonymous 284668

>>284660>>284663Thank you nonas! I recently got somewhat into making my own bread so I want to slowly branch out into different types, loaf you guys!
Anonymous 284670
>>284665Seconding, I weaned off slowly and I still felt the withdrawals for years afterwards. Honestly I don't think I ever bounced back from it; I still get them sometimes. Working on getting back on it though, I feel like it did help
Anonymous 284671
>>284052I haven't seen him in a long time because I never go anywhere anymore but a guy would ride around on a bicycle wearing a backwards baseball cap with some kind of small parrot on his head or shoulder. He oftentimes has bird shit all over him from the parrot. He's creepy and believes he's a ladies man because women wanted a picture with him and the parrot. He added another parrot after a while.
Anonymous 284673
humble (1).png

>>284654I like the idea of this. My non-artistic ass tried to photoshop it but someone else could probably do better
Anonymous 284674
>>284661Oh god this was the worst drug I ever took. They had me on a really high dose and I legit thought I was dying when I had to suddenly stop taking it. I still get brain zaps sometimes.
Anonymous 284675
>chat with moid who shares the same retarded and super autistic interest
>fine with this
>voice chat for video game for the first time
>here his voice
>intense feeling of disgust and feel dread
Anonymous 284676
>>284594>>284601I recommend Russian hackers on eBay!! They sell for like $10
Anonymous 284677

part of the reason they got busted was bc they were too attractive KEK i think we’re back nonas
Anonymous 284678…

>>283993fuck yeah, i struggle to find other female players that aren't TRAs or fakebois and I yearn to have an all female static where we can raid casually. Its been pretty lonely progging the recent tiers alone and the general incompetence/trap parties ive encountered has made it all the more frustrating.
I was going to make a static recruit in the LC friend finder but well you know what happened to the site rofl.