failure to launch.…

Lolcow Bunker Thread #23 Anonymous 285425
Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September (TOMORROW!!!), remember to check before asking us for updates. For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".
Previous bunkers:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:
>>>/b/276304Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
Anonymous 285428
Can we use this thread, the other thread's pic is from an Unpopular Opinions bait thread
Anonymous 285430
>>285428Yeah gif threads lag the catalog
Anonymous 285432
this thread it iseven though both threadpics are shite
Anonymous 285434
Has anyone tried shifting realities? Ik thats basically lucid dreaming but I'm mentally checked out from this one.
Anonymous 285435
>>285432at least the other threadpic is actually funny
>>285433me too
Anonymous 285436
>>285432I'm the anon who made the other thread, I thought it was funny and it was posted in the #22 bunker thread
Anonymous 285437
>>285412Sadly this is my thought too. Right now only honest & true farmers are on the server, everyone has been really nice and there haven't been any issues, but I'm nervous if I upload the IP on a larger site like LC without whitelist a bunch of trolls will find it and fuck stuff up. I can easily undo major grief, but still it's not something I want to deal with. But I'd still like to have a thread (maybe autosaged so it's not bumped to the top) because I think it'd be fun to share screenshots of the builds, although if that can't happen I'm hoping we can still upload them in the video game general thread (or maybe a Minecraft general?). That being said I know there are at least 2 anons that want to play but can't because of bad timing, so I'm trying to figure out a way to accommodate those players too.
Also ETA for anyone interested is still at least another hour and a half. I got a Lag Clear plugin going, the world border is set again, a new swag tab bar, but I'm still fixing Essentials, Hats, Mobs to Eggs, and tying to find a private chest plugin like Lockette.
Anonymous 285438
>>285436It is a funny .gif but unpopular opinions makes me hate anything used a as a thread pic there
Anonymous 285439
>>285407I ended up like that after going through a phase of doing long fasts kek. Idk if it’s always so good though, I’ve never been overweight so it’s not like it’s helpful and I always forget to eat. Ended up dropping a bunch of weight and now have to schedule eating to make sure I do it. My food usually gets cold because I get distracted. I’ve also become picky with what I put in my stomach, sensation-wise. But this all seems like something I’m predisposed to, so, ymmv.
Anonymous 285440
>>285393Is there a way to hide my actual username? I don't wanna have to buy another account but I don't want to use my main account…
Anonymous 285441
>>285407try eating the same things for every meal. it'll be harder to enjoy when the flavors and quantities have no variety. i think this is how diets like 'the banana diet' or 'cabbage soup diet' are successful, but most people only do them for very short periods of time.
Anonymous 285442
>>285437>world border is set againOh shit, was the border just gone? I thought the dynamap was just being weird and that's why the red line was missing.
Anonymous 285443
>>285437i understand your apprehension and i think posting the ip would catch you a ban anyway, but we should definitely make a minecraft general. i love seeing girly builds and for some reason so many minecraft youtubers are men. i still like a ton of male mcyters (mainly hermitcraft not dream and his friends) and i think theyre really creative but theres just an aspect to womens creativity that men dont have. i need fairy builds.
Anonymous 285444
I also think the Minecraft server is fine on /m/ on LC. The server host decides what to do though, so it's up to her
Anonymous 285446
>>285440I have a /nick plug in set up, so when you log into the server you can set a nickname for you to be seen in chat. I'm trying to find a plug-in that makes it so the username that appears above your head, and the one that's shown in tab, is the /nick you choose.
Anonymous 285448
>>285437I'm worried about something like the Artfight thing happening again. TLDR a few tattle tails reported on n0nas posting on artfight using a tag and they got banned for transphobia even though they were just minding their business.
Anonymous 285450
>>285443This would be great. I have a fantasy forest build I've been procrastinating and being able to post it would give me motivation to finish it! I truly believe minecraft is for women
Anonymous 285451
>>285442YES KEK I don't know how I fucked up, but basically yesterday a lot of plugins were randomly disabled, including the world border. I let everyone know in-game, but the world border should be a 10k x 10k blog (5k radius from spawn in each direction), and if that's too small I might change it to add an extra 1-2k blocks.
>>285443You make a good point kek, it'd probably count as promotion. I'm glad CC mods are understanding at least and realize I'm not promoting anything except a server for farmers. I think a MC general thread on /m/ would be fun, it's inspiring to look at cute builds, plus I think if Stardew Valley has a general thread surely MC can kek.
>>285448Sorry, I'm not sure I follow. If you mean that anons might recognize each other from different servers, I don't think that'd be very likely. In the case that this is a worry, however, I do have some tips on anonymizing your MC account somewhat that I'm going to post when I relaunch the server later this afternoon.
Anonymous 285452
>>285451I meant if you posted it on LC, there's just so many trolls and infighters and lurking tras in there, I'd honestly prefer to keep it in CC.
Anonymous 285453
Have you all been able to engage in your hobbies ever since lolcor stopped working? I honestly haven't, I somehow am more creative when lolcor is active because I can read the threads while drawing or practicing my embroidery. I think I just can't help but want to do something useful when I see how shit is the life of the cows that just talk about engaging in their hobbies.
Anonymous 285454
so…is the gamedev anon still alive or was it all bait
Anonymous 285457
>>285451>>285452I just looked into it and maybe a nochatreports plugin would be useful. Apparently your account can be banned even in private servers if you say something that's reportable.
Anonymous 285458
Good evening all of you, only one more sleep hopefully. I'm watching youtube videos and playing dress up games on my phone to pass time before bed.
Anonymous 285460
>>285457Thank you! I will be adding this.
Anonymous 285463
>>284009does anyone know what the keywords are?
Anonymous 285464
>>285454My hypothesis is that whenever an anon wants to do something cool, the website faints. Last time this shit happened was the same, some anon wanted to draw cute Valentine's cards for others and then the website was down.
Anonymous 285466
i finally cleaned my room after getting COVID. no longer living in filth!
Anonymous 285467
Can someone yell at me to go rinse this product out of my hair please. I want to finish doing my hair so I can spend the rest of the day chilling but I'm so lazy..
Anonymous 285468
>>285464it sucks really because i wanted to join
Anonymous 285469
>>285448Wait those nonas actually got banned from artfight? I thought there was just a dumb callout post on Tumblr
Anonymous 285470

Anonymous 285471
>>285467It will literally take probably not even 5 minutes and then you are free from the oppressive chains of a task hanging over your head
Anonymous 285472
>>285453ive been really busy but i was able to draw a little bit i just fucking suck so i keep getting discouraged and it makes me so tireddd
>>285463someone said they got banned for a cutesy version of anon and i got banned for talking about music outside media other than that im not sure
>>285467go! get! ya freakin varmint!
Anonymous 285474
>>285467do it for Lunas hair that cannot rescue itself
Anonymous 285476
>>285454She's around, I spoke to her earlier this weekend. Try emailing her again?
Anonymous 285477
>>285469Samefag holy shit every single farmer using the tag has their account nuked and apparently some people who attacked them were nuked just for associating. We really can't have anything
Anonymous 285479
Does anyone know a website like Unsearched? It searches youtube using default video file names.
Anonymous 285480
>>285460I'm not an expert,
if any nona here knows more, please chime in but apparently there's also snooper settings that you can't turn off, but I'm not sure if there's a plugin for it. Also I'm not sure how bad snooper settings are compared to the account ban that could happen with chat reporting enabled.
Anonymous 285481
>>285465the fetus probably develops horrifically, turns out autistic or with GI issues or unnecessary allergies. i apologize i responded with repeating myself the first time sometimes i get blinded with rage kek
>>285467if you don’t wash it out it’ll harden up and that sounds nasty as hell and harder to wash out
Anonymous 285482
>>285477I missed it. What was the tag?
Anonymous 285484

I finished the fifth book in acotar and am buzzing with energy. The fact I cannot post on the lolcor book thread right now is an actual hate crime against me specifically and I am upset
Anonymous 285486
>>285480From what I understand, there is an option to report players' language. However, usually in my experience Mojang doesn't respond to the majority of these reports. I'm trying to install the nochatreports plugin so that none of our messages can be reported just in case. I'm not too aware of any potential snooper settings, but I doubt Mojang will dox any of us.
Anonymous 285487
>>285484I have such a vendetta against ACOTAR and its bitch author
Anonymous 285488
>>285487same, can we rant about it kek
Anonymous 285490
>>285487Please tell me, I know nothing about her but based off of this series and her acknowledgments section I feel like I want to bully her.
Anonymous 285491
I matched with two women on a dating app. Number one is a vegan, teaches computer science at a school and is interested in philosophy books. Number two is gnc, works in finance, likes volleyball and has two cats. Who should I ask out?
Anonymous 285492
>>285477You know what's so crazy about this? It's the fact that anons can't even have a silly tag to know who is a farmer while not doing anything bad, meanwhile moids and trannies can freely share CP and other shit online and no one bats an eye.
Anonymous 285494
>>285490Nta she's basically a mean girl bully and iirc known to be jealous of other authors. We don't know what happened between her and Susan Dennard but after Susan stopped being in the acknowledgements as "my best friend my soulmate my anam cara" etc it was suspicious
She also writes the cringe toxic abusive pedo moid x 18yo girls trope so that's enough to know about her
Anonymous 285497
Suddenly hit with a wave of anxiety today. I need a hug, or to be hydraulic compressed.
Anonymous 285498
I'm sitting in a cute cafe in the expensive part of my city. An éclair costs 8 dollars. I'm drinking something made with lavender. I haven't done something like this in years, pamper yourself nona. It feels great.
Anonymous 285500
>>285490Forgive me for linking tumblr but just read through this, it's a good summary for why SJM is a shitty author and person
tumblr. com /alexcollix7/713131156078493696/sarah-j-maas-plagiarism-or-inspiration (hope this goes through the filter)
Pretty sure she's also a nepo baby, and got a potential ACOTAR movie or TV show cancelled because she wanted the directors to do everything EXACTLY as she wanted and they were like "…nvm fuck this" kek.
>>285494>cringe toxic abusive pedo moid x 18yo girlsNever getting over how he ejaculated because Feyre showed him a vision of their future baby or that they fucked in a tent in the middle of an active battle field. I hate the majority of the most popular fantasy romance books so incredibly much, but I also love how entertaining they are due to being pure shit
Anonymous 285502
>>285498drinks infused with florals are like actual potions of… life force.
Anonymous 285504
lioness .JPG

thinking about how when amy was alive they were constantly making her sing back to black over and over again as if it was her greatest hit and now that she’s passed everyone considers Valerie to be her best work. this just piss me off because there’s so many stories about how she didn’t want to keep singing back to black all the time and how that was all that her fans at concerts wanted to hear but now that she’s not here anymore everyone loves her more lighthearted work. it’s unfair
Anonymous 285505
>>285491I'd ask the second one out since I also have cats and I could not date anyone who would frown upon my love for cheese and bacon.
Anonymous 285506
>>285500"His groans drowned out the distant sounds of the injured and dying" or something. You're their high lord and lady, you should be helping your citizens faerug. Also Rowan basically grooming Aelin in the other series.
Anonymous 285507

>>285506The fact the only smut that happened in this book was
whenever someone else was actively dying is my favorite to be honest
Anonymous 285508
>>285491>Number one is a veganI say this as a vegann: Unless you're going to transition to veganism, don't bother. If she's actually serious about it and not actually just a flexitarian or some shit, she's always going to resent you for consuming animal products
Anonymous 285509
>>285491second, she could be a toxic finance queen
Anonymous 285511
>>285293>at least in lorcor there's this sense of security in which you know it's less likely to have moids actively posting.Eh I used to feel that way before, but in the last 3 months there ever since /r9k/fags and political spergs shat up the place it feels like that security is gone. Some days it seems like there's the same amount as men on lc as there is on cc.
Anonymous 285512
>>285507The age gap between Feyre and her newborn son being not even a tenth of the age gap between her and Rhysand is horrifying and funny. His mother was also eighteen to her father's nine hundred.
Also the way she handled Mor's bisexuality (lesbianism?). I remember Tumblrfags throwing a shitfit about it back in 2018, rightfully
Anonymous 285513
>>285502I don't exactly know what you mean by this but I agree. It's very tasty, never had anything like it.
Anonymous 285514
cowtown territorie…

Minecraft nonas!!
The server is still under maintenance! I'm really sorry it's taking so long, and thank you all for your patience as I work through things. I ended up having to put a support ticket through, and they've told me it may take up to another 2 hours. I'm really sorry again! I will post the relaunch as soon as it's done! I'm hoping that it will all be done by 5PM EST.
This next bit of the post is very spergy be warned. plz no booly.
In the meantime for anyone interested, I made this map of the sea around Cowtown! It's not to scale or anything, but it's a rough map of what we've got going on so far. We are slowly but surely developing a Lolcor thalassocracy akin to the Ancient Minoans. Soon, every isle on the sea will be cowlinized by farmers! On the map, Cowtown Proper is labelled with two red stars, settled territories are labelled with a red circle, and unpopulated industrial outports are labelled with red diamonds.
>Cowtown Proper
Most anons that joined the server chose to build up on a chain of three islands. We named it Cowtown, it is our home. Cowtown West was the first island in the chain to be settled, so it's more industrialized and settled. It features beautiful vernacular architecture, public mines, community chests, a hostel, cherry blossoms, and more! Last night a few brave pilgrims began settling Cowtown East, and a beloved anon built a pretty pink bridge to connect the two islands.
>Lumber Outport
Since Cowtown is developing so quickly, an outport was established on a nearby island to harvest its natural resources. As more wood is cut down, it's also turning into a cute place to build a house! Some anons have settled here already, there's lots of land and roads are being planned out!There's already a community centre on the island with a rudimentary discotheque!
>Shroom State
Brave explorers from Cowtown first landed on the mushroom island on Saturday, but since then not much has been done regarding industry. Since Cowtown struggles to fuel its furnaces, I think it would be a good idea to convert this island into a large-scale mining operation and scout for coal deposits to nationalize, given that the island features a natural ravine and all. Plus mooshrooms will make good mining companions.
>Unsettled Holdings
These are islands that we've yet to settle or make use of! If you want to embrace adventure and expand Cowtown maritime domination, set sail and feel free to build! They feature lots of wide open space, it's perfecting for building a vacation home or larger projects too!
#1 on the map is Cowtown West, it's the big island plus the smaller one to the southwest. #2 is Cowtown East. #3 is the island we use for lumber. #4 is the big mushroom island. #5 is our turtle hatchery. #6 is an planned agricultural compound. $7 is a cute unsettled archipelago that kind of looks like a butterfly. #8 is probably the largest island on the sea, also unsettled.
I'm excited to play again tonight nonas! It's been so much fun playing with everyone. Seeing everyone work together to make Cowtown the best has been very heart-warming. Sorry if my map was too spergy kek I just wanted to contribute something while I wait around for the server to fix up.
Anonymous 285520
>>285512The third book was bizarre since it was like SJM realized she could make characters gay and just did so with reckless abandon. And kek I agree about the age difference. I kept waiting for some sort of conflict about an immortal love interest and a young, mortal human to come up but it just…. Never did. The most we get is a throwaway comment about how because Rhys’s parents had a bigger age gap so it’s really not a big deal
The writing is objectively bad and the story seems to be held together purely by Pinterest mood boards and vibes. I’ll probably read the sixth whenever it comes out.
Anonymous 285522
>>285520>the writing is objectively bad. I will probably read the next installment thoughKEK sorry but you’re so me.
Anonymous 285523
>>285514This is so incredibly cute. Dear God
Anonymous 285524
>>285514Minecraft nonita I love this autism. Stupid question as I haven't been on actual server before except with friend, can I just join and ask what people need help with and help? I want to also build a small house of my own, is that something I can do? I feel self conscious of my building skills so I don't want to build anywhere it will be an eyesore. I'm socially retarded so I am nervous.
Anonymous 285525
>>285514Is it too late to join as a newbie?
Anonymous 285526
>>285514id like to join but microsoft purged my account randomly during the migration even though i migrated my account. oh well, there went my 2011 account
Anonymous 285527
tomorrow is the day my nonners
Anonymous 285529
>>285523KEK thank you! The server has been incredibly cute so far!
>>285524Thank you, my autism is my passion.
>I want to also build a small house of my own, is that something I can do?Yes! Some anons have built far away from Cowtown, they like their independence. If you set up a base far away, you can always feel free to visit Cowtown and stay in our local hostel! Plus the /tpa command should be working tonight so it makes moving around the world easier!
>I feel self conscious of my building skills so I don't want to build anywhere it will be an eyesore.Plz don't be self conscious of building! As long as it's not a dirt shack it's good enough! Some Cowtown residents have taken to burrowing in the ground and making their house subterranean, so there's always that option too!
>can I just join and ask what people need help with and help?When you join, it's up to you what you wanna do! If you wanna go and base on your own, that's keno, if you want to sail to Cowtown and help develop our territory, that's good too! No pressure either way, even if you just wanna play MC with other farmers but keep to yourself in a distant land, it's cool!
>>285526I'm not sure if this still works, but you CAN email Mojang customer support if you have proof that the account was yours and they may be able to help you migrate it post-cutoff.
>>285525No! Once the server relaunches sometime soon (I'm hoping and praying by 6PM (
please all husbandofags here that have Jesus as husbando tell Him to help us minecraft anons) I'll turn the whitelist off and anyone that hasn't joined yet can do so! The whitelist will be off until late tonight, probably 2AM EST, so feel free to join in if you want! New anons have joined every day since launch so far, so we're all pretty new.
Anonymous 285530
>>285520I thought it was over after a court of silver flames? Right now it's all crescent city iirc
Anonymous 285531
>>285428>>285438so I didn't see the thread but I'm guessing it was the pudding slappa gif, jsyk that gif originated in the dumbass shit thread long ago and does not deserve a bad reputation. I understand people are tired of it though kek
Anonymous 285533
>>285529no i tried, they dont support any migration stuff anymore, it really sucks
Anonymous 285535

>>285529by 6pm it is, He will hear your call, don't you worry
Anonymous 285536
>>285533Ugh that's so gay and retarded fuck mojang. I'm sorry then nona! The only other option is to buy from eBay, I think 3 or 4 anons that joined did it that way.
Anonymous 285538
>>285535KEK amen nona thank you
>>285537I'm hoping!! I've had the server shut down since 11AM EST, I went in and tried fixing all the plugins and I got most set up, but there was still an issue with the perms so I opened a support ticket around 2PM EST, the technicians have gone ahead and started trying to fix my retarded mistakes. I assume they are used to spergs fucking up as it is Minecraft kek. They gave me an ETA of a 'few hours' and I'm hoping that by 6PM it will running, but I'm not 100% sure yet. This is why I am praying.
Anonymous 285539
>>285526Do you have a GeForce graphics card? GeForce Experience is offering free Game Pass for a month, Minecraft is included. Or you can get the trial version for $1 for a month
Anonymous 285541
>>285477I'm still seething about this, i removed the tag as soon as the callout first dropped but of course some asshole made sure to screencap everyone and link to their profiles. what the fuck. why don't they put the same energy into something actually useful like community service.
Anonymous 285542
>>285541>why don't they put the same energy into something actually useful like community service.Ntayrt but I think they're just motivated by this deep deep hatred for everyone. I think the people that would do something like that are so full of anger and misery and hate and they just wanna tear everyone and anyone down, especially people that are having fun. I hate that these people can't find a normal outlet and instead take out their misery on the rest of us. Ugh.
Anonymous 285543
>>285530All of my knowledge is a cursory glance over the acotar subreddit top posts for the past year, I could very well be wrong. Consider everything I am saying to just be me saying words recreationally and not word of law
Anonymous 285546
Question, why are we here instead of heolkek? They have fewer rules and we can shitpost kek
Anonymous 285547

If anyone wants to know the power of a farmers bond with her husbando, her prayers worked!
The technician finished, if you wanna know how bad my work was you can see part of the technicians reply in picrel kek.
I'm just finishing testing the server now to make sure everything is good, I'm gonna post relaunch in no more than half an hour!
Anonymous 285548
>>285546Personally it’s because idgaf about K-Pop.
Anonymous 285549

I'm going to have an online interview later with a japanese university… I'm not even necessarily nervous, just tired (from work), so I wish I could cancel it, especially since I already got into my preferred Uni Choice. Alas.
Anonymous 285551
>>285549I'm so proud of you that you got into your choice though!!!!
Anonymous 285553
Trying to power through schoolwork while suffering from covid once again. This is agony
Anonymous 285554
nonas pls pray that i'll solve the issue going on with my code
Anonymous 285559

it's 11pm and i'm making pancakes for my gf because she has to get up for work at 2am
Anonymous 285560
>>285554time for rubber duck debugging, nona. you got this
Anonymous 285561
i want to join the minecraft thing but i dont have a laptop or anything. i think i might have it on ps4 but is it even possible to join from there? im dumb.. i really wanna have fun with you all
Anonymous 285566
It's September, nonas, and my country is in another heatwave. However, I am already feeling the need to consume psychological horror / creepy media (games, books, movies, series, online stuff, whatever). I typed up a big list with examples of stuff I like but decided it was a bit too weird to post it unsolicited. Maybe nonas have some good creepy, desolate, unnerving media suggestions for fall/winter. Was going to post on /media/ but it seems kind of dead over there.
Anonymous 285567
>>285566Maybe I'm selfish as I don't know if I could help with recommendations, but I would not mind if you posted that.
Anonymous 285569
>>285566If there are any unknown underground ones in your list, I'd like that.
Anonymous 285570
>>285566I’d love to see it! I’m in that mood lately too.
Anonymous 285571
lolcor bunker serv…

Lolcor Minecraft Server anons!Happy Labour Day everyone! This is the last day of the LC outage! We've almost made it! While you wait, do you wanna play Minecraft with your fellow farmers? Why not try out the Lolcor Bunker Minecraft server? Cowtown is thriving, and the more the merrier! I'm planning to host the server for at least the next month and if it remains active I'll most likely be renewing the service for even longer.
The whitelist will be turned off for the remainder of the day, so anyone can join in!
The IP is:'s a Minecraft Java edition server running on the latest update. It's semi-vanilla with just a few QOL plug-ins, like you can wear flowers as hats! We are using Essentials as well, so we have /tpa, /home, /back, /mail, etc.. Keep inventory is on, mob grief is off, fire spread is off, and if 50% of players sleep the night skips! The world has a border of 10k x 10k blocks, which you can see with live updates on our Dynmap add-on.
To help keep anonymity, a major server rule is to avoid asking for or revealing any personal information. This includes Discord information. All communication between anons on the server happens through in-game text chat.
All plug-ins should now be operational, the server should run optimally from now on. For returning players, if you haven't seen I made an autistic map of Cowtown here:
>>285514>>284577I've seen some anons express concern about their usernames. If this is the case, here are my tips to anonymize yourself:
>Change your Minecraft username so it doesn’t link back to any other accounts you may have. If you don't want to keep this new one you choose, don't worry! You can always change it back and I believe your old username is held for a month or two for you to reclaim.>Go on NameMC, search for your username, then click 'claim this profile.' You then have to follow the instructions, and you should be able to link your username. This will enable you to clear your previous usernames and skins from being viewed by others, that way nobody can see your previous username or link it back to you!If you don't have an account and you'd like to join but don't wanna fork up $30 to Mojang,
a few anons have used eBay to buy accounts for discounted prices ($10-$15). Make sure you buy from a
well-reviewed seller, and make sure you're buying a full Java edition account.
If you aren't planning on playing, feel free to drop your favourite cow so s/he will be featured in the planned Lolcow Temple! Or, feel free to suggest funny lolcor-themed names for islands and places!
ANONS THAT JUST BOUGHT THE ACCOUNT: Please make sure you change your default skin before joining the server! The default skin is a scrote named Steve (kind of looks like franny). If you don't know where to find a cute skin, you can find lots on NameMc! Anonymous 285572
How do I get back at someone who broke my heart and treated me badly? It sounds childish but I feel so angry about the way I was treated and I want that person to suffer the same way I am right now.
Anonymous 285573
>>285572By forgetting about them and moving on. Being indifferent would hurt your ex a lot more than if you showed you are upset. The opposite of love isn't hatred and all that
Anonymous 285574
what do you guys like and dont like about cc and how is it compared to lc
Anonymous 285576
>>285572Just leave it, promise it’s more worth your time just doing other shit you enjoy instead. Of course if someone’s been a cunt to you, you’re allowed to vocalize that to people around you and let them know they are a shit person but going out your way to do so when you could be treating yourself or being productive is so draining. Take care!
Anonymous 285577
>>285574i both like and dont like the moderation on here, the mods seem better at preventing infighting and deleting the posts isn't all that bad, but they're very trigger happy and delete some very innocuous comments aswell.
it's also very slow here.
Anonymous 285579
>>285574I dont like that I have to use a vpn because my entire country is blocked
Anonymous 285581

This is why i hate the ideal of “who cares it isn’t hurting anyone” that trannies love to use, because they don’t actually believe in that they just twist it to fit their narrative. I’m also tired of troons trying to make their weird fucking paraphilias somehow inherent to being homosexual. I’m tired of them using the vague nebulous word “queerness” to twist the definition of lesbian and gay so it appeases to them. Same sex attraction isn’t harmful because there is no imbalance, there is no implication, there is no existing abusive dynamic that comes from loving the same sex. There is a dynamic that exists within troonism already though, that you need to be feminine to be a woman or that being a woman is a woo woo feeling and not a material reality, troonism is also antithesis to the reality that is homosexuality because troonism comes with the belief that sexuality is fluid and can change. This is exactly why modern troonism intersects with fetishes like incest, sissyism, CNC, etc more than it intersects with homosexuality, this is why troons always find themselves in conflict with the idea of homosexuality and often latch onto “queer politics” as a means to justify their disgusting fetishes. Troonism IS a fetish, people need to wake the fuck up before it’s too late
Anonymous 285583
>>285425Apparently the anime bludgeoning angel dokuro-chan is popular on tiktok right now. Why did we have to bring that pedo anime back.
Anonymous 285586
Imagine being so fat, you go to disney world and instead of getting plastic mickey mouse ears you get plastic donuts.
Anonymous 285587

>>285572Take each day as it comes. Do not contact them. Your indifference towards them will hurt them in time. Even if it hurts now, when that precious few seconds after waking ends, where everything was fine and nothing hurt, and the realisation of what has happened comes rushing in like a dark wave over your chest. One day you will realise it will have been an hour, a day, a month since you last thought about them. You will forget them. They will become a brief footnote, if that, in the wonderful story that you will build. I believe in you n0nna. Take it one day at a time.
Anonymous 285589
>>285588did you actually just post asmongold
Anonymous 285590
>>285588So the trannys don't like it when women pretend to be something they're not? Hmmmmm interesting. Wonder what that feels like. This is based and along with that invest tweet will hopefully peak more people.
Anonymous 285591
>>285589No you must be imagining things
Anonymous 285595
>>285592i cannot believe this is real and not an inspect element troll
Anonymous 285596
it's not coming back is it..
Anonymous 285598

>>285592>it's realFUCK. FUCK. FUCK. Just TELL us the issue! Why can't they do that? If they can change the date then they can sure as hell put a little note explaining what even happened. I hate the lack of transparency that comes from our Admin and Mods.
Anonymous 285599
>>285592i feel like a widow during ww2 waiting for her son to return from the war
Anonymous 285600

>>285572This isn’t the reply you want but the best thing to do is just let it go. I’m just now on the other side of where you are at and I understand your feelings completely. But everything I thought about doing to get back at my ex is ultimately more harmful than healing in the long run. The biggest blow you can deal is letting go of the hold they have over you. It doesn’t mean you have to forgive them for what they did or how they treated you, you can hold a grudge as much as you want. But don’t let it stop you from living the life that will actually make you happy n0na
Anonymous 285602
>>285592WTF how am I supposed to get updates on null now?
Anonymous 285605
>>285572Do what is best for you. Not being around the person who hurt you is good for you. Using your time on something nice for yourself is good for you instead of wasting your time getting back at them and getting agitated for no good reason.
Anonymous 285607
I miss LC's negativity…
Anonymous 285608

>>285592Why can’t they just be honest and say what the issue is?
Anonymous 285609
>>285567>>285569>>285570ayrt, got banned for my post (mod couldn't just write a response, really?)
Here's the link to the thread I made, head over there. Hopefully I don't get banned for making a new thread too.
>>>/media/35331 Anonymous 285610

My People Have Been Displaced. A Most Unforgivable Crime For Which Fagmin Must Pay. I Will Not Miss This Time. I Will Not.
Anonymous 285612
Throwback to the Shaymin Christmas disaster
LC please be back by 5 sept
Anonymous 285614

Anonymous 285616
>>285592I miss the cows but at the same time I kind of like it when we all have to camp out in the bunker, some of my best lc memories are here. The Christmas one was nice too, it felt like we were all a little displaced community. There's less fighting and we get to see all the different types of s hanging out in one thread
Anonymous 285617

>>285592I can't believe this, it's like shaymin again, it's just like that… soon we might go back to an ugly site that bares no resemblance to our lolcor
Anonymous 285618

I wish there was a search option on CC just like there's on LC
Anonymous 285619
Posting on CC is frustrating with the 5 minute spam filter and I was so looking forward to go back to posting about beating the shit out of my husbandos tomorrow because my shitty wageslave job is making me homicidal due to back to school season. I'm so close to writing a manifesto. GAYMIN YOU BETTER SOLVE THE UNEXPECTED AND SERIOUS FUCKING ISSUE BY THURSDAY.
Anonymous 285620

>>285592How big is the issue that three people are struggling to solve it??
Anonymous 285622
We're still in the discord btw: QC8Sxth2
no cooldown, no scrotes
Anonymous 285624
>>285592if it's not back by the 5th i'll be implicating cerbmin in my note i'm so serious
Anonymous 285625

>>285592lolcow i love you but you're bringing me down
Anonymous 285626
>>285623Its chill but they need voice verification
Anonymous 285628
I was so excited to read threads while waiting for my bus tomorrow. Now I suffer.
Anonymous 285629

Anonymous 285630
>>285592the Christmasing Part 2: Summer Edition
Anonymous 285631
>>285620if i remember correctly only one of the admins is actually technical. Maybe it's two of them, don't remember fully, but one was explicitly just a "communications admin" (lol)
Anonymous 285633
should i eat my gummy that makes me feel good now or after my dinner is here?
Anonymous 285634
I wish I could tell my past self to not get into a relationship, he completely tore apart my confidence. Like he was so great, insecure piece of shit. I just want to stop hating myself.
Anonymous 285635
Nobody in this thread is actually able to match my freak nor my nasty
Anonymous 285636
>>285592I knew this would happen, I'm expecting the date to keep getting pushed back again and again until the site just finally goes dark forever. maybe the tinfoilers in meta who kept claiming that cerbmin is actually just shaymin going by a different persona were right all along. how can you have two supposedly tech-savvy admins and one who is solely responsible for communication yet this is the result?
Anonymous 285638
>>285617I pray lolcor looks the same when it's back.
Anonymous 285639
washing your hair really does have healing properties… i feel reborn
Anonymous 285640
I hope whoever used this thread pic jumps off a building
Anonymous 285642

pictured: me n my girls checking
Anonymous 285644
>>285634view it as lesson you were supposed to learn, the signs of an insecure asshole
Anonymous 285645
>>285634Spend time alone doing things you enjoy. Create, learn something new, you’ll come out the other side stronger
Anonymous 285649
>>285648When chuds get a little more open minded
Anonymous 285652
>>285648i've seen this video so many times already and it still kills me every time kekk
Anonymous 285654
>>285648Is this what idubbbz is up to these days?
Anonymous 285658

I really need the recovering NEET thread right now, I feel so hopeless
Anonymous 285660
>>285585why is it blocked in poland? omg I'm sorry for you bonnie
Anonymous 285661
>>285657nta but i think it was a joke that he looks exactly like chudjak
Anonymous 285662
>>285658No more of these r/femcelgrippysockjail memes.
Anonymous 285663
I think some are still around but changed their typing style.
Anonymous 285665
>>285644>>285645Thank you s, I'm taking my time to heal. I know I won't feel this way forever but it's just getting me down. I was happy and confident before him, I don't know why I thought I needed to find a scrote.
>>285658Hope it gets better for you nona.
Anonymous 285666

AO3 on maintenance too… I feel threatened
Anonymous 285667

>>285662Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be sure to choose a meme that is more appropriate for my emotional distress and site culture next time
Anonymous 285668
feel like shit just want lolcor back
Anonymous 285669
>>285592What the fuck is so grave that this keeps getting extended? Does the site has cancer or something?
Anonymous 285671
>>285667Oh gosh I’m sorry I didn’t read the bottom caption, I thought you were replying to the extension of the site maintenance. Hope it gets better for you.
Anonymous 285672
i'm trying to watch a video on the horrorcow some of you have been mentioning (smartschoolboy9) but it's actually so difficult, kek. what a fucking freak.
Anonymous 285674
How do people neet for extended periods of time? I've been one since spring for health reasons and I hate my life even the things I used to enjoy aren't fun anymore because I've been doing them all day every day.
>>285667I liked the one you used non
Anonymous 285675
>>285592Have hope n0nnas! We've gone through worse together and we'll make it out together! Hold hope in your hearts.
Anonymous 285676
Anonymous 285678
>>285592the tinfoil about it being a hacking attempt (or vulnerability) growing more plausible by the day…i just hope the boards will be fine. i know /ot/ had all images broken a little while before the site went down, i wonder if that could have something to do with the issue?
Anonymous 285679
So it turns out today was a holiday and I totally forgot and worked a regular day, lololol how’s everyone else’s day going
Anonymous 285682
bae i love you youre my everything
Anonymous 285684
kind of hope lc doesn't return so a better site can rise from its ashes
Anonymous 285685
What if lc being down is just a method to get rid of all the leftover summerfags
Anonymous 285686
Noo I am the nona that likes Sexyy Red
Anonymous 285687
>>285684i really doubt that that's how it would go
Anonymous 285688
how do i phonepost a f7cking video this stupid site keeps refreshing whenever i try. fuck this gay board
Anonymous 285689
i put in products to keep my hair curly and stop breakage but it's still frizzy
Anonymous 285691
wish i could find a woman into all the weird shit i'm into. i have mutuals on twitter that brag about discussing [x deranged thing] with their friends and i don't know how to break in
Anonymous 285693
>>285679Because I'm a pseudo neet I've been practicing my embroidery while watching random YouTube reviews because I'm too lazy to turn on my TV to watch the movies myself, I went to a kickboxing class and I will proceed to continue watching this rapunzel lore like 2 hours video while continuing with my embroidery, I suck by the way.
Anonymous 285694
>>285678where did that tinfoil come from?
Anonymous 285696

I’ve been holed up in my room all day because my sister’s ugly ass boyfriend is visiting. I really need to piss.
Anonymous 285697
So turns out my hair actually IS growing, just very very slowly and I'm too impatient. I just want it to be long down to my waist or butt so I can look like a character and be happy and autistic.
>>285696You are not damaging your bladder because of some fucking moid nona. Piss on him to assert dominance if you have to. Though knowing moids that's probably not a good idea kek. A week or two ago I locked myself in my room and starved myself for over a day (first half was me being busy) because my roommate's moid was over and it was not a good idea in retrospect
Anonymous 285698
>>285685Based if true.
>>285684What do you suggest as a better place? I honestly love the fujo hangout but I wish it was more fast-paced, it's so slow it's boring.
I also like reading about cows and digging for milk, but I hate kiwifags and their personalityfagging so fucking much, it's unnerving.
Why does this shit keeps flooding I'm going to kill myself Jesus fucking Christ dancing to stairway to heaven while telling his mom to checkout his moves and failing to do the choreography as well as he thought it was in his head but still getting an applause from her because she's cool.
Anonymous 285699
What are some alternatives to proton mail now that it's established proton isn't safe and yada yada
Anonymous 285700
>>285697>Piss on him to assert dominance if you have to.KEK
Anonymous 285701
>>285684It would be cool to have a forum like LSA but sifting through the moids and trolls sounds tiring. I like that they have an anon feature that can be revealed lol
Anonymous 285703
>>285696what's stopping you from peeing?
Anonymous 285704
>>285696Piss on the seat and shame him in front of the whole family
Anonymous 285705
>>285672Tried to find more info on him but they cowtipped too hard. I can't find old photos or any of his accounts. They made a subreddit for him too and it's full of shitposts instead of documentation. This is why I need my lolcor back. I appreciate the s who keep the milk flowing and organized
Anonymous 285708
I'm literally sobbing I have to wait two more days for lolcor and I don't have Minecraft Java plus my laptop is too shitty to run it and AO3 is down
How do I feed myself. This week is an unlucky streak for me
Anonymous 285709

I'm starting modern singing lessons as a beginner at my local conservatory next Monday, and I'm both excited and terrified. I'm already doing pretty well with vocal technique, and the few people I've sung in front of have warmly complimented my voice, but I do everything by feeling and have no theoretical knowledge. I'm very intimidated I've never sang in such a setting before. I need to choose a song to work on before then. Any ideas to help me relax, or just input if you know anything about studying music, specifically singing? I am hesitant to take music theory lessons at the same location simultaneously.
Anonymous 285710
>>285693Please link, is it the historical story/fairytale or Disney or both? The old story is more sinister, naturally, but there are a ton of variants. I almost wrote a paper on that tale for some course but decided last minute to do something on magical fish instead.
Anyway now I want to watch or listen to this vid…
Anonymous 285711
What would you do if you had access to the full user database of a drama platform?
Anonymous 285712
images - 2024-09-0…

LOG 23
Our pilgrimage to the pastures has been post poned, and that rancid cloud of smoke continues to linger on the horizon. We've received one distress signal from the farms… but nothing else. This radio silence is worrying, it sits in my stomach like a lead weight. What has happened to our holy land?
Milk reservoirs are running low, if we ration it we may be able to last another week at most if the gates to the glorious pastures remain closed. Some farmer's cows are getting bloated with milk but we have no place to milk them. Despite all this, I have hope. To have no hope would to have nothing at all in these circumstances.
In the meantime I am thankful for our friends the miners. While they cannot give us our sustenance I am grateful they allow us shelter even with our tenuous relations. I hope to visit again when this is over, not to see aslyum but to exchange pleasantries.
For now we must wait and never forget hope.
Anonymous 285716
>>285711release a list of celebrities that posted
Anonymous 285717
threadpic is so r/femcelgrippysockjail-core
Anonymous 285719
BOTH Angelika Oles and Toni Bryanne hearted comments I left on their videos, I feel so heard
Anonymous 285720
>>285699Free probably disroot, paid posteo.
Anonymous 285722
so true real stacys still use fanfiction dot net
Anonymous 285723
Sister, be kind in this time of tragedy. We all have our vices, and though some may be more abhorrent than others that does not mean they do not share in our despair.
Anonymous 285726
>>285712that was very nice, very athmosperic
Anonymous 285727
it’s just maintenance. it’ll be up in a few hours. also are you a hater of all fanfic or just ao3?
Anonymous 285730
Anonymous 285731

Hate modern dating and shit like cuffing season people really are just animals
>“Cuffing season refers to a period of time where single people begin looking for short term partnerships to pass the colder months of the year. Cuffing season usually begins in October and lasts until just after Valentines Day.”
Anonymous 285732

>>285665>>285674thank you so much
>>285671It's okay n0nny I forgive you. Sorry I was an asshole when I replied you didn't deserve that
Anonymous 285734
>>285705his thread really could've been something beautiful
Anonymous 285735
Hey all, I'm archiving some juicy stuff but the program I'm using is a bit complicated for me (probably very simple to anyone who knows their way around a computer). Can anyone help me please?
Anonymous 285736

I'm glad I already got into the other one or else I'd panicking right now
Anonymous 285744
>>285434what do you mean by it's basically lucid dreaming? it's not
Anonymous 285745
>>285740im so sorry you had to find out this way
Anonymous 285746
>>285610heal me Nasim…. please heal me…..
Anonymous 285747
>>285744It is. It’s basically lucid dreaming during the day from a depression nap.
Anonymous 285748
>>285571when will the whitelist be turned back on? i just purchased an account on ebay but i dont know how long it will take for a response…
Anonymous 285749
>>285742I'm sorry but I can't say, I can explain the problem I'm facing to you though. I'm using windows default terminal to run commands. The instructions attached say that I need to first change the current directory of (program folder) using "cd C:\path\to\(program folder)". The rest is easy, but this first step has me stumped. Any thoughts? Plan b is to check the dev's chat for help
Anonymous 285750
>>285749does it want you to create a new directory and put the program folder in there?
>mkdir newfolder>cp -R <programfolder> <newfolder>>cd newfolder Anonymous 285752
>>285749what's confusing you? the instruction is telling you exactly what to do. cd is how you change directories, ie "cd c:\users\nona\downloads" would take you to your downloads folder
Anonymous 285753
>>285684I just miss LC before these new, funsucking farmhands getting rid of the Dumbass Shit Thread and Absolutely Retarded Shitposting thread
Anonymous 285755
Oh I just remembered that I wanted to ask this in the video game thread. N0nnas what do you think of the new SH2? I'm not going to play it because I like the original unremastered game and I fucking hate Blooper but I am interested to hear other farmer's opinions on it. I think Blooper should have done the first one instead, because it's in desperate need of a remake and the changes would have worked better with that storyline.
Anonymous 285756
>>285750Maybe? But I don't understand where it wants me to put it or why.
>>285752Maybe I'm just a retard but it doesn't read that simple to me, even though it's written very simply. At first I thought it wanted me to run it as a command in the terminal, but that's not right. So yes I literally don't know what to do.
Anonymous 285758
>>285740He looks like he would SA me and I don't like it, he looks evil and perverted
Anonymous 285759
oh my god i wish we had a. tinfoil thread rn
Anonymous 285762
>>285756where you personally have the program probably doesn't match the path the instructions has it as. find the program on your computer, copy the path to it, and then go to terminal, type cd, paste, enter
Anonymous 285764
>>285710It's actually just a 1 hour video made by an autist about the Disney movie and the series. It's by Athena P, God this shit doesn't accept normal urls, how the fuck do you use CC?
Anonymous 285765
download (2).jpg

I originally wasn't going to come here and was just gonna wait for the site to be back up, but I just saw the update on the status page that we have to wait for the 5th and finally decided to. This sucks. Well, I have some cringe tiktoks to post after the site is up.
Also, I was having an issue where my computer was saving pics as jfif files instead of jpg. I fixed it already, but has this happened to anyone else? So weird.
Anonymous 285766
>>285756I am assuming it wants you to navigate to the program folder so you can actually execute the program. You downloaded the program right? Open the terminal in the same folder where you have the program folder stored. Double check it is in that folder by running the "ls" or list command before running "cd programfolder", change directory programfolder.
As an example, if you have it in your downloads folder, open the terminal in the downloads folder. Run "ls". A list of files should come up, and programfolder should be there. Navigate to the programfolder by typing "cd programfolder", which should open the programfolder for you. Execute "ls" again to make sure you are now in the programfolder, which should return a list of objects within the programfolder.
Anonymous 285767
>>285763NTA but that reminds me of the horrorcow board idea someone proposed a while ago. If only I knew more than basic markup and CSS and was magically admin for a week, I want anon's vision to be real…
Anonymous 285768
>>285757I can't take this anymore..need lolcor..need celebricows
>>285758He looks cute don't say that nonee
Anonymous 285769
hot chelle rae was the dumbest band ever
Anonymous 285771
>>285769yeah but they kinda bopped still
Anonymous 285774
My way to fill the void without the farm is using YikYak to argue about literally everything. Which is funny because I rarely argue on the farm. Too many scrotes on that app though. Help.
Anonymous 285775
>>285761ok i saw a tradhoar hypnobirthing twitterfag using a lot of lolcow slang and now i'm feeling like she could've potentially (or
heavily contributed to) to right wing weirdos thread. i do agree that a lot of the people included in that thread are gross and should be held accountable for that, but a lot of it is also powdered milk vendettaposting, and after scrolling through her following i saw that a lot of the users posted in that thread are users she is following. also i just wanna add i kinda like how cc has a longer reply rest time its growing on me
Anonymous 285776
Cant believe so many bunker threads have already come and gone. Wish I'd checked earlier I missed out on a lot of fun.
Anonymous 285778
>>285764Thanks, anon, I like the Disney version too. It's really late but I'll throw it on tomorrow.
Anonymous 285779
>>285592I cannot tell a lie I’m fine with this kek. We should make ourselves comfortable here. Should we force ourselves to stay in the bunker thread or do you think we’re considered integrated at this point? Cause I think we could make some other threads
Anonymous 285782
>>285766>>285762Omg thank you guys. It didn't quite connect that it's just asking me to move it to a different location, but when it did I simply moved it from downloads to desktop and the program now works in the terminal. Follow up question, if my way and your way works the same why do it your way? Genuine question as it reminds me of why I dropped my entry to CS class at university, I found the explanations hard to comprehend. Thanks again though!
Anonymous 285783
>>285774>yikyakGod even my university has troons that post about how amazing trannies are and there’s only like 5 of them in the whole university
Anonymous 285784
>>285779In all honesty I never saw much of a difference between LC and CC. There's a lot of overlap in the users. I stopped using the cow boards a while ago too (cows have changed). I think everyone shifting over to CC wouldn't be a big deal. The only issue I have with CC is that it is slow but it is slow because there isn't enough of a userbase to sustain both LC and CC, they cannibalize each other.
Anonymous 285785
>>285782It doesn't really matter which way you do it ultimately. Think of it as the difference between using "ctrl+c" to copy something versus right clicking and selecting copy. If you're more proficient with a computer the keyboard shortcut is probably faster but it all does the same thing in the end.
Anonymous 285786
>>285783For some really weird reason, YikYak isn't even for colleges anymore, now it has like a bunch of communities you can post anonymously and on.
>Only 5 of them in the whole universityKek I wouldn't doubt it was just only one troon posting.
Anonymous 285787

>tfw trying to repost post
>post it in the wrong bunker thread
Sorry to whoever who saw that
Anonymous 285789
>lolcor down
>ao3 down
how am I supposed to not kill myself
Anonymous 285791
>>285774people still use yikyak? That went to shit once it turned into people used it almost exclusively to tfwnogf and thirstpost.
Anonymous 285792
>>285759same i want to sperg out about louis b mayer.
Anonymous 285793
the farms being down have made me so desperate for entertainment i checked what the dumbfucks on 4chan were up to. i can’t wait for tomorrow
Anonymous 285794
>>285425Can't believe I got banned over calling Elon Musk a manatee in Portuguese
Anonymous 285795
>>285791Yeah surprisingly it's actually pretty active. I only like it because rarely can I post my unhinged thoughts anonymously.
Anonymous 285798

This is dumb but I get nervous when I read email replies and it's pretty fucking awful. May I have some encouragement to just read my email n0nnas?
Anonymous 285801
>>285793>tomorrowI don't know how to tell you this but…>>285592
Anonymous 285802
>>285765>I was having an issue where my computer was saving pics as jfif files instead of jpg.How the fuck did that even happen on the first place?
Anonymous 285805
>>285803why am i even alive at this point. ig it’s time to read real books instead of cow lore
Anonymous 285806

can any s help? i bought an account off ebay, the login and everything works and i have enabled every option to allow multiplayer so what gives? did i waste my money? the feedback was all positive…
Anonymous 285807
>>285798i feel the same way, i get anxious opening my mails when i know i'm waiting for important emails, even when i know they're not gonna be negative.
good luck on tackling your emails!
Anonymous 285814

>>285807Okay I did it, it wasn’t a big deal. Thank you this was a very kind response
Anonymous 285815
>>285765>we have to wait for the 5thugh
Anonymous 285817
>>285660Beats me, probably cuz it's a retarddd country, thanks
Anonymous 285818
hate cerbmin so much wtf did they take over lolcow if they cant even fix anything, they should have explained what happened in the status updates at least
Anonymous 285819
>>285709hey, nona! classically trained singer here (i’ve been training for almost 15 years now). theory is definitely something you should start studying. if you live in the states, i’d recommend learning moveable-do solfege since it’s the most commonly used system there (solfege in which do is the tonic and moves with each key rather than do being c). it will make the learning process that much easier.
expect to be frustrated at times. you will likely have to work through some bad habits, and because it’s all muscle memory, it can be incredibly difficult to fix those technical issues. modern voice is a bit different from classic voice in terms of technique, but i recommend maybe doing some research into classical training as well at some point. not only will it help you develop proper, healthy technique, it will also give you some more career opportunities if you decide you want to make money singing.
vocal hygiene is SUPER important. listen to you body; stop if it hurts; drink plenty of water; rest when your teacher tells you to rest.
best of luck, and be sure to have fun!
Anonymous 285820

>try to listen to brat because rym likes it
>find it mostly mediocre
>try to listen to chapell roan
>have the same problem
What's wrong with me.
Anonymous 285822
>>285820>what's wrongnothing, you actually have taste in music?
Or is your taste even trashier?
Anonymous 285823
>>285658We can always talk here if you need to, . I've been there.
Anonymous 285824

Beef instant ramen is vastly superior to chicken ramen. It has richer broth and the freeze-dried green onion really ties it all together.
Anonymous 285827
s I just cant wait for lolcow to come back to announce that my shitty step dad- who murdered my brother and got away with “self defense”- is dying from colon cancer and heart failure.
Im so happy and relieved that he is dying slowly and painfully. He deserves this. I am considering sending flowers to his room with a note that says “enjoy hell” or “die slow”. He has been nothing but a monster and my mom is terrible for staying with him.
I am so stoked for this world to have one less violent man alive, god bless
Anonymous 285828

Can a sweet please create a Sonic Totem thread?
Anonymous 285829
>>285806It might be a connection issue or it's not properly connected to your microsoft account, other than that I'm not sure but hopefully others can help
Anonymous 285830
I'm currently on a no-sugar low carb diet since I'm taking monistat, and of course yesterday someone gifted me dried mango kek. I can't resist dried mango so I ate them all. Other than that I've been doing good. I can't wait until I can drink stuff other than water again.
Also this site sucks butt. I cannot wait for LC to be back up.
Anonymous 285831
>>285712I love this kek
>>285824Shrimp is the ultimate but it's okay I know you didn't mention it because it's a given
Anonymous 285835
>>285806You bought a minecraft account? Anon why didn't you just buy the game from the site? How much did you spend buying an account from ebay?
Anonymous 285839
>>285477Happened to me and I'm still pissed kek. The reason they give for the ban is muh transphobia too, can't make this shit up. Pedos and fetish miners are fine though!
Anonymous 285840
[Judgment] Kareshi…

>she still thinks is coming back
yall… its not happening
Anonymous 285842
Those of us who don’t really use the cow boards should just colonize CC. There’s good land here. Fertile soil. Some of the natives are weird but they’re not so different from us…
Anonymous 285843

My connection kept on shitting itself so I think it’s a sign from above that it’s enough minecraft. Cowtown is tons of fun! We have a lot planned and I hope I get to see you n0nnies tomorrow.
Reposted because I accidentally posted in the /g/ containment thread kek
Anonymous 285844
redditor logic makes me lose hope in humanity. how are there so many retards
Anonymous 285846
>>285464No, that's when /ot/ went down. We were in /g/ remember? That anon actually drew one of my requests lol. And it was a day after the first doodle board thread was made. Anyway. who's the gamedev anon?
Anonymous 285847
why is everyone rewatching girls? are you rewatching girls?
Anonymous 285848

Are most men this deranged and evil? Should I be horrified by most men ?
Anonymous 285849
>>285847I'm not rewatching it because I never finished the first episode. Is that really what rich burgers think is funny?
Anonymous 285850

nonas i cant stop thinking about nic cage in that one fnaf ripoff movie, its all i've been thinking about this past week i need help
Anonymous 285851
>>285818Up until now I thought they were doing OK, I wonder what the issue was
Anonymous 285852
>>285849everyone hate-watched it and hated lena dunham when it came out. the weird roleplay sex was generally shocking or at least cringe inducing then, but it seems like everyone is that pornsick now that it's an ironic affectation or at least mundane to allude to that type of behavior. it's a lot more noticeably, purposefully comedic even slapstick watching it 12 years later (which the consensus at the time believed it to be accidental). tearing down every new episode sustained jezebel bloggers for at least five years back in 2012.
Anonymous 285853

Fanny totally sent this to herself
Anonymous 285855
>>285824when I was little I thought Maruchan was a Mexican brand, I mean the name sounds sort of Mexican . . . I'm a dumbass.
>>285830any particular reason you dislike it? For me it's just that it's slow but it's fine otherwise. I'm gonna be trying a no sugar low carb diet for a different medication myself lets see if I can manage . . .
>>285852>JezebelTakes me back. But by 2012 Jezebel was already pretty trash. It was good in the mid to late 2000s.
Anonymous 285857
>>285827Awesome anon I hope he dies as slowly and painfully as possible!
Anonymous 285858
>>285851It might be an issue with cloudflare. I remember when it went down admin just said it was an issue with the server which made it sound like something not completely in their control. Also right before it went down when the images were breaking, an anon in the mundane shit thread said something about how that's usually a sign of a server outage (??) or some other techy term.
Anonymous 285860
>>285847That show was kinda gross but I enjoyed parts of it
Anonymous 285861
>>285835NTA I did the same thing yesterday. I lost the account I bought for £5 back in ~2014. As of today a new account costs £40 off the site, so I bought one on ebay for £9.
Anonymous 285865
I miss Kpop-critical threads
Anonymous 285866
>>285855>any particular reason you dislike itIt's honestly just the flood detect that's annoying me kek. Good luck on your diet anon!
Anonymous 285867
>>285691n0na please come back and disclose your weird shit. it's anonymous here and you can't leave me hanging like this or I'll cry
Anonymous 285869

>>285859he was saying oh it is not the age i just want a virgin which even if true it would imply that moids would literally have sex with children as long as it satisfied their deranged fetishes. Like they do not see the things they stick their dick into as human
Anonymous 285870
sometimes i feel like im not living my purpose because i dont have a child/am not about to have one. everyone around me is having a baby and there have even been a huge influx of pregnant anons on LC…idk how to feel
Anonymous 285871
no way this is real bodycam footage i only watched the start and the woman is talking and acting like a caricature
also boy looks like amberlyns gf becky
Anonymous 285872
So if snail hasn't been seen in months, then who's paying CC's server bill?
Anonymous 285873
>>285870Because i dont have a kid i get to take a month long vacation after 5 years across the sea. Trust me. Kids arent what make you whole. You can get baby fever and still realize kids arent for you.
Anonymous 285874
It said I was banned yesterday but idk why. I use mobile data and I haven't been on CC in months.
I really wanted to post in the friend finder thread because my only friend is busy this week.
Anyway hi s. I'm about to go to bed.
Anonymous 285875
>>285872maybe she just pays it and doesnt care to check on it because she has the mods, and they seem to be very active.
Anonymous 285876
>>285875>hey seem to be very activeonly active now because of the lolcow bunker threads but not when gore and cp stay up for literal hours lolol
Anonymous 285877
>>285873>across the seaYou a sailor or like an oil rigger or something?
Anonymous 285878
>>285872I've been an on and off CC user for about 3 years and I'm baffled by this because there have been times in the past where I've seen posts in threads claiming the mods have no contact with snail, don't know where she is, and can't access important features of the site without her
Anonymous 285879
>>285876oh woah. i was not aware of that because im not much of a miner, i guess theyre just wining and dining us…
>>285873i don't really care for things like unnecessary travel and there aren't any material goods/needs i have, it feels like my life hasn't began yet and i'm just doing meaningless busywork until i eventually do what i'm here to
Anonymous 285880
>>285876To be fair, that's a problem in every imageboard out there.
Anonymous 285881
>>285878Do you think she's still with us…?
Anonymous 285882
>>285880i don't even see cp stay up for hours on 4chan wdym
Anonymous 285883
>>285878>pays for the site to stay open but doesn't care enough to actually interact with the mods or usersKek CC really is lolcow's offspring
Anonymous 285884
cowtown at night.p…

Minecraft nonas!The whitelist is now
ON for the night! Thank you to all the new players that joined today, it was so much fun playing together with everyone. Since LC has updated the outage, I plan to continue allowing new players to join until Thursday!
I'll be turning off the whitelist again tomorrow morning around 11AM or 12PM EST for new players to join. If you were already playing on the server, you will be on the whitelist already!
If anyone has questions, feel free to reply to this post and I'll try to answer them either tonight or tomorrow morning!
>>285629Kek I took a screencap of this to remember forever this fully made me laugh out loud for at least two good 2 minutes and I still chuckle re-reading it.
Don't worry nona!! We are still pre-industrial as of yet. Today we did a lot of work nonas! Around 10 new players joined today! We got a tree farm going by the Lumber Outport, we started developing the mining industry in Shroom State, and we've developed Cowtown even more! Cowtown East now has an XP farm, and a new road system!
>>285806I believe we were talking in-game earlier
Username that ends in number, right?. I'm not sure if another issue popped up since, but I'm hoping everything is resolved on your end. Let me know if there is still issues and we can try to troubleshoot it.
Anonymous 285885
>>285882Hmm. Maybe I should've specified and said every non-4chan imageboard out there.
The less users x site has = less mods/staff = spam and illegal material stays up for longer.
Anonymous 285886

farmers…what words come to your head when you see this gif?
Anonymous 285887
>>285885and i get that but at the same time it's funny seeing them be so quick to hand down bans on anons who don't even break rules or just because farmers are here but not when scrotes shit up this place all the time
Anonymous 285888
>>285886Me and the girls on our way to milk some cows
Anonymous 285891
I need these days to pass a little quicker. Not so lolcow can be back up, but so I can get my direct deposit. Pay me nooooowwwww.
Anonymous 285894
1000016211 (1).png

>>285858>It might be an issue with cloudflareidk, it says cloudfare is working
Anonymous 285895
On the topic of Snail again: if the site has a flood detection now then she would've had to have updated sometime within the last few months right? I don't the flood detection being like this in the last bunker threads when Shaymin left, and I don't think that's a feature mods would implement
Anonymous 285896
>>285884I wish I could join but I'm too paranoid. Love seeing what everyone has created so far though, it looks beautiful!
Anonymous 285898
Wish lolcow would comeback soon… i wanted to contact gameanon from the art thread and maybe some people from the friend finder
Anonymous 285899
>>285827Good for you ! Hope the flowers accelerate his passing kek
Anonymous 285900

>>285823Thank you. I’m doing better, I just got very overwhelmed suddenly having to interact with a lot of new people who have lived and are living normal lives. I’m usually pretty good at faking it but today was just really hard. Quitting and giving everything up to go back to my room and never leave seemed like the only way out.
Anonymous 285901
>>285827>so stoked for this world to have one less violent man alive2, technically kek
Anonymous 285902
>>285887A lot of the bans here are auto bans that seem to get handed out if a post is reported with certain keywords/certain amount of times.
Anonymous 285904
>>285886Boys, boy-boy-boys
Boys boys boys, boys boys boys
Boys boys boys, boys boys boys
Sunshine's down so come to town, set your body free
Hold me tight, my love tonight, tell me you believe
Everybody, summertime love, you'll remember me
Everybody, summertime love, be my lover, be my baby
Boys boys boys, I'm looking for a good time
Boys boys boys, get ready for my love
Anonymous 285905

get nostalgic for old browser based mmos every once and a while
Anonymous 285906
>>285900I hear you, I still get those days, too. I feel better when I remember that that feeling of "contrast" will inevitably get better as long as I keep taking the next step forward, though.
It's not always easy, though… Hope you're able to take a moment to yourself today and ground a bit. And double hoping you get to sleep well tonight. You're doing great.
Anonymous 285908
>>285879children won't give you purpose if that's what's compelling you. there are many incentives for having children that are out of your control; hormonal pressure, societal pressure, need for womenslaves to create more wageslaves to keep the world running. look at whether it's them or you wanting you to have a kid, and if it's you, why?
raising children also involves a lot of inane day-to-day busywork that never ends and has technically nothing to do with raising children. you have to make sacrifices in your life for them, you are forever compromised; i could go on and on but I don't know you or your reasons. ultimately if you want to have a kid go ahead but having one because that's what everyone else is doing is pretty retarded
Anonymous 285909
if the movie room anon is here will there still gonna be a Tunesday?
Anonymous 285910
Wow i fucked that up
*will there still be a tunesday?
Anonymous 285913
The best advice I can ever give someone is to never, ever work for a call center unless you're truly desperate. It's literally so soul sucking and I can't wait to quit mine soon.
Anonymous 285915
when lc is back i WILL use the friend finder thread. i WILL make some friends for fucks sake
Anonymous 285918
I want to gossip on moo's thread so bad she's being so dumb on twitter
Anonymous 285920
>>285915I was thinking of making a new post itt
Anonymous 285923
That "I'm trooning out, I'm 25, I have no friends, I've got no brows, I'm long and pale yeah I was born a ginger male" song is such a banger and I can't help humming it in public what are the chances an actual troon will recognise it and punch me
Anonymous 285924
>>285923if charli covered this how much of her fanbase would she retain?
Anonymous 285926
This blows chunks, has anyone tried the admin email? I don't want to lose lolcow, so many memories, and it's the only place I get some human interaction other than shallow niceties at work I simply cannot live without it.
Anonymous 285930
I've been on a work trip the last couple days. Any updates since then?
Anonymous 285939
>>285926I can't see cerbmin come with more information than what they've posted on the status page so far. I'm just happy that they're giving us dates, even though the date just got pushed. If it was complete silence from them I'd be worried.
Anonymous 285940
>>285592It's probably a legal case or glowies
Anonymous 285941
In all seriousness I hope things turn out okay. Lolcow is one of the only places on the internet I feel like I can be honest and silly and not have to self-censor.
Anonymous 285942
>>285937are there any shrek husbandofags? i'm not sure why this pic is doin' it for me
Anonymous 285943
>>285940A legal case wouldn't result in a 521 error.
Anonymous 285944…

i miss lc so bad i need to sperg out about how much the voice actor for the new hrothgar girl from ffxiv pisses me off so bad and all his white knights piss me the hell off for defending his obviously fake accent and the shitty job he did of portraying her. i hate gendies i hate gender ideology i hate troons
Anonymous 285945
>>285943Google tells me that it happens when the website is disconnected to cloudfare, so similar to what happened to kiwifarms during that one tranny having a meltdown over it, no?
Anonymous 285947
>>285592jfc I know I will be so bored today I need something to keep myself busy aside from lc I took a book with me to my workplace.
Anonymous 285948

Has the bunker thread left a profound emotional impact on any other anon or am I the only one retarded enough for that? I think this experience will fundamentally change the way I interact with anons on LC forever for the better.
Anonymous 285950
>>285948a change as in a good way or bad?
Anonymous 285951
>>285940I don't think feds care enough about lolcow except to inject propaganda á la lolcow's very own Russian spy Putinfag who was active in 2016
Anonymous 285952
>>285434I used to be able to lucid dream every night and during naps. I became an addict and quit remembering my dreams and quit lucid dreaming. Trying to get back into it to do shadow work and practice remote viewing.
I have tips if you need to know how to do it. I also recommend "active imagination", a tool described by Carl Jung in reference to shadow work and exploring the unconscious.
Anonymous 285953
woiee, just come pop out mi brazilian hair
Woiee, pull up mi room it too tidy
dye dye dye
Anonymous 285954

guys I'm actually worried the entire site was lost
Anonymous 285956
i was told i'd be whitelisted but i'm not whitelisted… sad
Anonymous 285958
>>285956Super sorry if I missed you or any other anon!! 30+ players were online today and I might have missed one or two when I was configuring the whitelist tonight. I'll go back tomorrow and make sure I correct everything to include everyone that has joined, again I'm really sorry if your IGN was mixed expect a correction tomorrow!
Just to make sure I fix it for you, what's the very last character of your IGN? Anonymous 285959
i think it's funny and sad how rancefag was into adult baby diaper fanfiction. i feel bad for laughing because it's gross.
Anonymous 285960
I'm so fucking tired of people constantly defending weed with their uwu but alcohol is worse it literally doesn't matter if you drink a glass of wine or smoke weed blabla shut up you are an addict without empathy, steven. No drug will ever correct your shitstain of a personality.
Anonymous 285961

I bought pumpkin spice flavored oat milk and it's soooo sweet and artificial tasting, ew. Why do I always fall for the marketing of this company, their products are never good.
Anonymous 285962
Noña no!!!! Delete now while you still can I got a fucking 24 hour ban for emoticon crimes, I thought it was okay because everyone else was doing it but it's not allowed here either
Anonymous 285963
>>285960Yeah Pixielocks AND her retarded scrote Steven are both weed addicts fuck them I hate them. I miss the threads so bad.
Anonymous 285964
>I feel like infighting is like 80% of posts on LC usually.
cuz 90% are summerfags, the bunker threads may have disagreements but theyre not obnoxious
Anonymous 285965
>>285964Ntayrt but yeah, this summer was awful. I don't remember last summer being this bad. I hope none of the worst summerfags stick around, they made the site so awful this time around. I hope once LC is back up the outage will have drove away most of the more obnoxious posters, and maybe by October we'll be back to LC as normal.
Anonymous 285966
>>285962Oh no!! Thanks for the warning. I thought text emoticons were ok since some anons using them and the rules only mention emojis. Repost without the illegal emoticon:
>>285948I've really liked the bunker threads, it's been quite peaceful. I haven't really seen any infighting. I feel like infighting is like 80% of posts on LC usually. Here it's just nice shitposting and stuff like the MC server etc.
I will even post an emoticon on how I feel about the bunker threads (which feels illegal to do): [REDACTED ILLEGAL CONTENT]
Anonymous 285967

>>285948I think it's nice to be away from the crazy newfags. No one has been actually mean to anyone else and as far as I know no one has been baiting. It's cleansing and I now have a higher appreciation for other n0nnas and I 100% know its the newfags that are problem. I'm going to sound fucking unhinged but this event is almost biblical, the site has just being getting increasingly worse and then- a forced exodus. True n0nnas will stay and the baiters and children and retards will have to find their fixes elsewhere. I would not be mad if the site was down for a month if it were left unscathed, even as I feel the calcium deficiency begin to set in as the hours go by, I feel this would be amazing for the userbase because once it comes back everyone will have a higher appreciation for the site and hopefully won't take shit from ungrateful tumours.
Anonymous 285968
>>285827We love good news, congrats anon!
Anonymous 285969
>>285966lol yay I'm glad I caught it in time to warn you, we have to look out for each other in these tough times
Anonymous 285970
>>285967I really don't this this outage is that bad compared to previous outages. Lolcow has absolutely been through worse, unfortunately. I'm very glad there's an alternative for these events though. If there wasn't CC where else would we go? Fujochan?
Anonymous 285971

>>285960I've developed a weed addiction in recent years (which is extra embarrassing since I'm fucking 30 kek, ppl usually do this in their teens), I agree. People lie through their fucking teeth when they say weed isn't addicting. And also the retards who say smoking inside doesn't smell at all, you are just fucking noseblind because you are addicted and your neighbors hate you. You also make all other weed retards look even worse.
>>285827Please do send those flowers. Maybe n0nas can brainstorm even worse stuff to say to him. I hope he dies painfully and rots in hell.
Anonymous 285972
>>2859582 Is the whitelist based on IP or MC account?
Anonymous 285973
>>285972Okay thank you, your username will be added to the whitelist tomorrow morning when I'm back in front of my computer! I'm super sorry again for the error, I got a bit overwhelmed. The whitelist is based on MC account, so once you're added you can use whatever IP that you'd like.
To make up for it I will gift you a fun item next time you log in to try and make up for the mistake!If there are any other anons that encounter this mistake, please let me know and reply with the very last digit of you username so I can double-check and make sure you're whitelisted! I'm sorry if any of you encounter this error!
Anonymous 285974
>>285970AYRT I don't think it's really that bad, only there's something slightly unsettling about it for me. I was just being retarded about the fact it's such great timing because I think everyone is going back to school in the US next week? so summerfags will hopefully fuck off and the weird misogynists will have partially transplanted themselves somewhere else because they're all weaklings.
Anonymous 285976
>the weird misogynists will have partially transplanted themselves somewhere else
Ntayrt but I'm hoping they transplant themselves to Hell through mass suicide. I agree with other anons that say the longer the outage the better for the site! I'm really expecting to see a drop in retarded infighting and bait once the site opens up again.
Anonymous 285977
I can't take it anymore I need my daily dose of shaytism
Anonymous 285981
>>285945If it was purposefully disconnected it wouldn't have made sense for the site to break like it did (images not loading) a few minutes before it went down.
Anonymous 285982

>>285977I'm also suffering n0na, we will make it together
Anonymous 285983

>>285967I completely agree, n0nnie. This purge was 100% needed and we'll come back stronger. Not to start a generational war kek, but I'm tired of the new generation of newfags because 95% of them are puritan gen zers who treat discourse on lolcow like it's twitter or god forbid tiktok. They need to learn imageboard etiquette and to stop interacting with content, especially bait, that they dislike. I don't want to start a fujo war either, but through my 8-9 years on the farms I've
never seen such moralfagging over yaoi. Shota? Yes, and that's understandable as it has always been a controversial topic, but not regular ass bl. Newfags need to learn that not everything is to be discussed. This actually drives me crazy.
Anonymous 285984
>>285977>>285982I feel you, nonneroos. I need to witness the bleaque, ham-colored nightmare once more.
Anonymous 285985
>>285983>but not regular ass bl. Newfags need to learn that not everything is to be discussed. This actually drives me crazy.i mean half of bl posts are made by baiters or rancidchan, i hope famrhands put harsher bans shotafags from now on they bring one of the most vile posts on lc. im hoping most of them have moved on to fujochan
Anonymous 285986
depressed pikachu.…

I went to the gym soon after I woke up for the first time in like 3+ months and I just got back. I used to have the habit of going there every morning and do some interval jogging on the treadmill for an hour, so I'm trying to phase that habit back in bit by bit! Thought it would help me get some energy to deal with the home assignment I'm struggling with but now I just want to take a nap
Anonymous 285987
>>285774holy shit, I forgot about that app. I just downloaded it. The only feminist board is full of troons and the troon board is unhinged. Anonymity is not a good look on them
Anonymous 285988
>>285983Ntayrt I do agree about this driving off newfags and baiters hopefully, I'm just worried about the site ACTUALLY coming back. Although I guess if fagmin really fucked off we wouldn't be getting these updates for when the site is gonna come back right? I just hope nothing major is lost, I don't want another/m/assacre
Anonymous 285989
>>285988I'm glad cerbmin was able to get those old /m/ posts back
Anonymous 285991
>>285983>They need to learn imageboard etiquette and to stop interacting with content, especially bait, that they dislikeEspecially the last part is something I've seen a lot on the farms especially during this summer. Anons going into thread that clearly aren't catering to their interests or tastes just to fight about how they don't like it instead of just ignoring it and move on, and you can tell it's different from actual bait because it's like they genuinely can't understand that people can like different things
>>285988If we get another /m/assacre I'm going to fucking lose it. I just recently started to appreciate it and it's resident nonas
Anonymous 285992
I need my daily dose of nonis taking apart ugly men..
Anonymous 285993
>>285967Yeah, you do sound unhinged tbh. And newfag as fuck - we've had a few of these 'purges' plus hellweeks and this is where we are at.
The site is going to come back and be the same as it was. Most oldfags are long gone. Most of the userbase now seems to want to camp in /ot/ or /g/ which were only ever meant to be secondary. The troon obsession drew in a bunch of nutty anons and put LC on the hitlist. There's less cows than ever and most of the milk is soy.
What you're experiencing is social media that is slightly less toxic. If you took yourself a bit further out into the mainstream internet, you might find some more human connections.
In any case, what the fuck anon.
>>285967 Anonymous 285995
>>285993I wonder why people lost interest in cows. I don't think it's just because cows became less interesting overall but also because the userbase aged. Who has time to hate-follow some snowflake anymore when you have adult priorities?
Anonymous 285996
>>285995Yeah tbh it feels kind of pathetic and sad to watch someone's ig like a hawk just to hate post and call them fat on lolcow. If the cows were actually crazy/interesting I might be more inclined to participate but no one is really noteworthy.
Anonymous 285999
>>285995I feel like it’s kinda the opposite, oldfags bring milk but newfags don’t care so threads die off early. If its not some autistic special interest none of the resident xitter/tiktokfags will bother to engage with it. It’s why ot threads like celebricows, art salt, fandom discourse, and consumerism are so popular, it’s shit that you can easily form an opinion on just from scrolling social media sites. There’s also the problem of covering popular surface level lolcows, the Daniel Larson threads came and died fast but it still brought in kiwis and newfags trying to cowtip. I couldn’t imagine how bad the site would be if we had a tophiachu thread on snow when she was first getting noticed online.
Anonymous 286001

>>285995it's also bc the golden age of cows is over. back in 2005 someone putting every moment of their life up for public consumption and acting like a retard online under their real name was a lolcow. now it's the average social media user.
Anonymous 286002
>>285995>>285995Nayrt, I think it's mainly that the threshold for threads is very high and has only risen in the last couple of years. I'm sure a sizeable amount of farmers would love a thread about Asian influencers or Chappell Roan who has a lot of cow potential, and so on. These aren't as milky as Shayna though. And maybe that would result in the loss of the cow element of the site? Or perhaps the definition of lolcow needs to be updated? Who knows.
There's a huge vacuum that PULL left behind that has yet to be filled. If the threshold was lover we would get more activity in /snow/. Personally, as an oldfag, I would enjoy that change rather than seeing /snow/ completely drying out.
Also, I miss PULL. I don't think age has anything to do with it. The amount of adults on the other farms, guru gossip (kekk) and especially reddit who hatefollow people is high.
Anonymous 286004
>>285995To be fair it’s just cuz cows stopped being interesting at a certain point. Creepshow Art was probably the last big event for lolcow. It mainly stopped being popular cuz quality of posts went down and the threads just started being about generic E-Thots. After 2022 post quality really went down, likely cuz lockdowns were officially over and updates to the site were just making it worse. The only modern cows that probably have any chance of longevity on the site are EmpathChan, Lily Orchard, Rose Mulet, ImSkirby, and PolyGlotPlatypus/Fanny/Adrien
Anonymous 286005
>>285995It's just that there are too many cows now. Just imagine PT nowadays, she'd be a dime dozen.
Anonymous 286006
>>286002I've seen anons suggest a thread on tiktokers/influencers that could include people like Mikayla Nogueira. It could fun but it could also attract more underage tiktok kids
Anonymous 286007
>>285993I wasn't being fully serious, that exaggerated faux preachy writing is my way of being a bit funny. Of course I'm a newfag, anyone who joins during/after 2020 in my eyes is a newfag because we missed out on so much, I'm just getting increasingly fatigued from the recent newfags who refuse to integrate and cause stupid fights all the time. I'm genuinely so upset that we have seemed to have lost a large portion of the oldfag population, I love reading the really old threads because anons seemed so funny and more stable (as in they had actual goals and aspirations and hopes) and the infights seemed way less serious and holier than thou like they do now, and the milk was better too. Also, lolcow was/is really the only part of the internet I actively interact with people in, most of my time is spent reading documents and pdfs of rare books, I'm pretty enriched with my real life interactions despite being a social retard.
Maybe I need to workshop my jokes because anons keep taking them too seriously, maybe it only works verbally and I apologise to any anon I've accidentally annoyed with them.
Anonymous 286008
>>286005There really is too many to count now. It’s why there’s so many general threads for drama and cows like the pro ana, western animation, youtubers, cluster bs its endless. I do miss our old fat acceptance/fatty general and munchausen threads though, wish those would comeback but they tend to get a bit dark so I understand why anons stay away.
Anonymous 286009
>>286002>I don't think age has anything to do with it. The amount of adults on the other farms, guru gossip (kekk) and especially reddit who hatefollow people is high.Yep. I think most people in my local image board where people gossip about influencers are middle aged moms kek. Adults definitely do have time to gossip online. I just think the people adults gossip about change a bit, they follow momfluencers etc, while younger people on LC follow weeb tiktokers/discord cows or similar.
Anonymous 286010
>>285993>>285995Lots of people only use /ot/ and /g/ now because the nature of cows itself has changed. Back when the internet was smaller lolcows were more of a sight, the internet as it is now exposes you to so much more average person's small mindedness, stupidity and mental illness there's less interest in gawking, it's not as special. Lolcow behavior is
normal and you can make money.
I don't see why it's a problem that mostly /ot/ and /g/ and /m/ are more popular now.
>>286008I prefer the general cow threads myself
Anonymous 286011
I will not survive i need lolcor
Anonymous 286013
>>286012No, Ylilauta which is a Finnish img board. People from a local mommy forum took refuge there when the mommy forum banned discussion about influencers and posting from 7pm to 7am I think kek
Anonymous 286014
>>286013so finnish middle aged moms are on imageboards? whats with finnish people and imageboards?
Anonymous 286015
>>286014theyre finnishing their business obviously n0nnie
Anonymous 286016
>>286014Yes kek. Idk, we are generally socially awkward and isolated so the Internet and image boards are a natural habitat for us I guess. Ylilauta is one of the most popular sites in the country which is kind of crazy.
Anonymous 286017
>>285886Recreational abortion.
>>285712Kek, anon. Hope someone'll put it in funny caps.
>>285574CC's catalogue is very unorganised, unfortunately. But i like that it seems more friendly here.
Anonymous 286018
>>286016>one of the most popular sites in the country which is kind of crazydon't wanna sound like a dick or nothing but that sounds terrible
Anonymous 286020
>>286008Munhausen and fat acceptance/body positivity threads are my guilty pleasure and I yearn for a comeback, even though its selfish because its either cataloguing someone's slow death because they're actively harming themselves or someone getting progressively more mentally ill and I won't be able to provide any milk besides medfagging which is annoying nearly always. I also kind of wish we had more recent genuine horrorcows, when anons are genuinely incensed enough to look for milk we do a way better job than the other farms (good example being the Null thread).
I hate to shill him but DWD is great at finding some very concerning individuals in his streams but barely covers them to the extent they should and if he does he's usually saying retarded vapid shit most of the time. Maybe I could compile a list we could steal from him because some of these people could be thread worthy and not attract retards besides the community they're in.
Anonymous 286022
I'm counting the hours n0nnies
Anonymous 286023
>>286018It is. The site radicalizes young men into racism and misogyny in hordes. Well, makes them worse than they already are.
Anonymous 286024
>>286005Yeah, before tiktok, twitter etc just being a cringy weeb, photoshopping or attention whoring with your tits out could make you a lolcow. Now the internet is filled with fugly troons with diaper fetishes, of-thots dressing as sexy babies, unironic nazi chuds, every retarded ideology/tinfoil/fetish/identity/self-diagnose gains followers. Which one of these freaks should we choose when everyone seems comfortable sharing everything with their own face?
Anonymous 286025
>>286018>>286023Oh and also! There have been huge issues with the men from that site lurking in public and taking creepshots of women they see. They take pictures of womens asses when they bend over to get stuff at the store from lower shelves and share the pics on Ylilauta. Some creep took pics of my best friend.
Anonymous 286026
I recently had a glow up + was put on the right meds so people think I'm less retarded than I actually am. People assume I have several ex boyfriends (in my late 20s and have literally never been on a date in my entire life) and that I was popular in high school (I had 0 social skills back then). I'm planning to start dating next year and was a bit nervous that moids would find my lack of experience weird, but I have the impression that a lot of them don't care as long as they find you attractive. Either way, I feel like I'm living a lie kekk.
Anonymous 286028
>>285905If this game released now, that fox lady would have balloons for boobs and would be wearing a bikini. This made me sad.
Anonymous 286029
>>286014I think that's pretty cool. Though idk what middle-aged means anymore, 50s? I always appreciate our Finnanons and lurk their thread.
Anonymous 286030
what are some local and non english imageboards you all like to visit besides lolcow?
Anonymous 286033

>>285905Same n0nnita. not MMO but I miss shikihime garden from back in the day
Anonymous 286034
>>286024You can also make money now by acting retarded. Before they were doing it for the love of the game. Now they do it as part of a planned, scripted bit and interacting with them in any way boosts their visibility and helps them make money.
Anonymous 286037
>>286026best of luck nona, males are overrated
Anonymous 286038

N0nnies, how active are you on other social media/image boards/forums? I used to be quite active on ig, but the changes through the years have made me hate it. I've also had various semi anonymous xitter accounts since 2015 and enjoy having a small bubble of like 30 people to talk about my interests with, but the site has nosedived ever since Elon took over. I miss tumblr a lot, I still use it for niche fandom purposes, but it's so dead. i wish there were more anonymous/semi anonymous places with a decent amount of traffic. Reddit is filled with troons and you instantly get banned for not sucking up to moids. I miss the 2010s internet. I miss anonymity. I miss being able to be a part of small communities. I hope lolcow really does come back on Thursday.
Anonymous 286039
>>286022You saw it got pushed to Thursday right?
Anonymous 286041
>>285944I hope he can make a mockery of himself on social media even more so maybe we can have a thread on him.
Anonymous 286042
>>286038It's just LC, a reddit so I know the news about my country and an Insta with just the people I interact with regularly. I used to do more but I was getting weird.
Anonymous 286043
>>286038Other than lolcow I use twitter, reddit and discord. Reddit isn't really fun, doesn't have a community feel but it's useful for some hobbies. Discord is just for friends I know irl. Twitter sucks now. I'm hoping bluesky takes off. The owner is a weirdo but not as bad as Elon.
Anonymous 286044
>>286038i only have insta for irl purposes, and a tiny locked xitter account with a handful of close online friends on there. other than that i just lurk on indie web/neocities/etc because at least i can just laugh at troons and ignore them
Anonymous 286045
>>286038I only use LC, and I lazily browse facebook at times because the home interior groups are still very active so it's fun to see what people do with their houses and get some inspo (but I never post anything myself). I practically only use instagram to post a picture of my cat once every 6 months or so but I never spend any amount of time scrolling. I'm very put off by modern social media, however if oldschool forums had a resurgence you'd probably never see me away from the computer kek
Anonymous 286046
>>286039nta but no. I kinda expected it but that's a bummer. I want to post in specific hobby and media threads that cc doesn't have aaaaah
Anonymous 286048

Why is 2x showing with the other off topic boards, was it always like that and I never noticed?
Anonymous 286049
>>286048I bet they just never hid it on that page
Anonymous 286050
>>286038I'm mostly on twitter nowadays but I barely have any followers and I don't post anything particularly interesting. I mostly use it tp follow artists and fujoshi. It's shit now so I made a back up bluesky account months ago and I'm considering using it soon if this keeps up.
Anonymous 286051
>>286026kek I feel the same as you. people assume I’ve been attractive/normal my entire life, and that I was popular in high school - yeah right! it’s also kind of scary for people to assume you most have loads of experience because how do you tell them uh… no i’ve never done basically anything… after that
Anonymous 286053

>>286038I used to be on discord and twitter heavily but I completely cut off that life a year ago after I got hashtag cancelled over some discord friend group drama bullshit. Then I started to use Instagram and became addicted to reels, while keeping a low profile twitter account so I could still browse my favorite artists. Former friend from aforementioned discord groups tracked me down and started trying to milk me for drama, which made me tremendously upset so I deleted all of my accounts a few months ago and only browsed LC and the occasional 4chan board as a form of self harm. I miss LC dearly and I hope it comes back with all of my heart, I love the anonymity and s humours and the slowness of it and the fact that there's no algorithm trying to peek into my mind and keep me on there every single second of the day.
Anonymous 286054
>>286038For social media I only have a Tumblr for art sharing, and use Twitter/X and Pixiv occasionally for following (mostly) eastern artists. As for imageboards I still go to 4chan, 8chan and Fujochan for media discussion.
Anonymous 286055
Anybody interested in a skribbl game? Thinking of setting one up
Anonymous 286056
>>286053I hope things improve for you nona. I'll manifest your former friends' downfall. Normally things I manifest come true so don't worry I'll take care of them for you
Anonymous 286059
>>286058But nunners I am an english second languager…
Anonymous 286061
>>286053I'm sorry n0na. What kind of drama was it may I ask?
Anonymous 286062
images (25).png

Praying circle for everything to be normal tomorrow, good morning s in the same timezone as me and good afternoon/evening for everyone else
Anonymous 286064
>>286062>tomorrowIsn’t it coming back Thursday?
Anonymous 286067

>>286062Holy cow, cow above cows. I pray for your safe return and many lols. Amoo
>>286064Might be an east Asian or Oceanic poster. They live in the future
Anonymous 286068

>>286062lolcow will be okay lolcow will be okay everything's gonna be FINE, in Elsie's name amen. Also new competent female admin pls
Anonymous 286069…

weed really isn't worth it. it makes me sleep like shit and im too retarded to keep up with any of my interests
Anonymous 286071
So does anyone know why lc went down in the first place? Tranny doxx?
Anonymous 286072
>>286069I heard somewhere that weed stops you from dreaming but I still have dreams when I've smoked
Anonymous 286073
>>286058i’m sorry for what happened last time.
Anonymous 286079
How do I stop procrastinating
Anonymous 286080
>>286077>>286078i chose a word i didn’t know the meaning of by accident