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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


/img/ guidelines Anonymous Admin 3[Reply]

Welcome to our latest section! This board is for all things aesthetic and visual.

Consider this board an exhibit, an image dump, or a web gallery.
If you're wondering where your thread should go, follow this simple rule:
If your thread is primarily about viewing and contributing pictures, it belongs in >>>/img/. If there is a discussion element to it, pick a related board or >>>/b/.
Crossposting to/from other threads is allowed.

Please utilize the Catalog before making a new thread, and have fun exploring our different board themes!


SK Music Anonymous 29538[Reply]


Fresh Humor Bread Anonymous 29348[Reply]

73 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29517


Anonymous 29518


Anonymous 29525


Anonymous 29526

noo don't bring the tradwives sillypoo here…

Anonymous 29537



Anonymous 29527[Reply]

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?

Anonymous 29528

Yes, it bothers me a lot. I'm mostly straight. The inclusion of fanservice makes me feel so much resent towards the creators of the work that I can't enjoy almost any anime.

The depiction of women's bodies is almost always disgustingly unrealistic and aimed at men's gaze. It just contributes to men being gooners and treating actual women worse.

Anonymous 29529


Really? I’m a bisexual and I love beautiful women.

Anonymous 29530


I'm divided on this topic but
In a way isn't all fiction in a similar fashion….. just unacceptable then?
for example: superheros create these unrealistic ideals of people being significant enough to do some epic shit.
this is just a silly example, there could be a lot more i guess
isn't the point of fiction/fantasy is to be able to think beyond what is actually possible? and thinking of it to become a reality, just a bit immature?

Anonymous 29534

It doesn't upset me unless it's particularly egregious or out of context. You have to just accept some amount of fanservice if you want to watch a lot of anime. That's how the audience and culture is. I grew up with it so I'm accustomed to it.
Using Highschool of the Dead as your OP image is not really representative, the whole point of that show is to be cheap softcore porn. I'm not bothered because I'd never watch it anyway.
If I saw that kind of thing in a Miyazaki film, then I'd be upset. Or if it's little children being sexualized, then I'm upset. But normal anime fanservice I can tolerate fine even if I don't agree with it.

Anonymous 29536

Gosh I love 2D women so much

Unless they're dumb chars, other than that I'm a hundred percent lesbian.


Pixel art and gifs Anonymous 13403[Reply]

17 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 23966


Anonymous 25040

Already a thread for this

Anonymous 25870


Anonymous 26095


Anonymous 29535


Today is my birthday


Misandry Memes Anonymous 19142[Reply]

I don't have enough in my folder. I'd love to get more. Let's share what we got!
143 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29422


Another bit of misandry: A large portion of the women who commit heinous crimes are usually roped into it by a moid in their life. So the numbers are even worse than they look.

Anonymous 29423


Yeah. If moids are factored in as a driving force that all those stats are somewhere between 99-100 percent.
It's crazy how the Y chromosome is just the murder chromosome

Anonymous 29432

Nobody looks like this or says this

Anonymous 29433


Anonymous 29436



Boogie Fever Thread Anonymous 29270[Reply]

Post dancing gifs
8 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29413


Anonymous 29415


Anonymous 29416


Anonymous 29509


Anonymous 29531



Cute/Male Anonymous 3503[Reply]

There's something to be said for cute boys too, don't you think? Brother to the cute girl art thread.
324 posts and 314 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29180


Anonymous 29182


Anonymous 29233


you can never have enough kiku…

Anonymous 29523


Anonymous 29524



food related fashion Anonymous 29056[Reply]

post ur fav food themed accessories gals
7 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29163

lmao fat loser

Anonymous 29392


Anonymous 29401

images (56).jpeg

this bag is so cute but its unreleased and really really expensive :< but each slice is a compartment, its the bottega veneta orange/tangerine bag

Anonymous 29418

seeeeeeethe kek

Anonymous 29522


I found this on pinterest and found the store (depop), there are so many cute bakery/dessert themed accessories and earmuffs but none available right now so sad


animals Anonymous 5702[Reply]

what is your favorite image of a animal mine is this
223 posts and 203 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 28451


Anonymous 29478


Anonymous 29492


Anonymous 29508


Anonymous 29521


I love zebu cattle and their stupid long ass ears

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