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Obscure music general Anonymous 36224[Reply]

This thread is for discussing and sharing obscure, little-known music. Post hidden gems and talk about your favorite musical obscurities.

I'll start with a few:






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Anonymous 36226

Anonymous 36231

Anonymous 36241

In recent years, lot of British hip-hop artists have been making American ones seem creatively bankrupt by comparison. RudeGRL+CC are a perfect example.

Anonymous 36242


/rgg/ - Yakuza & Judgment General Anonymous 21249[Reply]

All things related to SEGA's Yakuza series and its spin-off Judgment because why not
>story and character discussion
>gameplay tips
>favorite substories?
>favorite minigames?
>favorite location?
>favorite songs?
>best boy?
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Anonymous 35637

Majima what are you doing!

Anonymous 35638

Even by Like a Dragon standards this seems random as hell, but I can't wait to play it. Looks like the combat will be similar to Ishin maybe?

Anonymous 36057

…and EVEN MOAR! Is that Kazuki Kitamura?

Anonymous 36123

i love you.jpg

Yakuza 5 and 8 gave me the autism and schizophrenia. RIP Morinaga, you deserved better.

Anonymous 36239

It is not Kazuki Kitamura.


song suggestions Anonymous 36237[Reply]


artist/song recommendations based off this playlist is much appreciated! please and thanks


Anonymous 32379[Reply]

Cue the worst game with the shittiest fanbase of the year.
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Anonymous 36009

Anonymous 36206

i don't care about this game at all, it's not for me, so i won't play it. i DO think the fans are insufferable.

Anonymous 36230

I didn’t support the dev getting doxxed but this game (which did have an interesting premise) completely fumbled in an attempt to seem smart and attracted a fanbase of weird fetishists and edgelord teenagers. I get that’s true for most fandoms but seriously this just feels like a jumbled up attempt to be shocking for the sake of shocking while also trying to be super meaningful and you just can’t have both sometimes

Anonymous 36235

the whole deep sea prisoner franchise. mogeko castle, wadanohara, ice scream, you name it. filled to brim with rape and sexual assault. half of its characters are sadists and the other half are the sufferers. funamusea mostly promotes her male-on-female SA games but not the other way around. even female-on-female, male-on-male ones get more promoted than usual. the genderbend AU of each game holds strict gender roles and expectations.

the abusive male characters suddenly become "milder" in their acts and behaviour right when they're genderbent. same goes for the female characters turning into "more smug" males.

there are many badass female characters but as i mentioned before they literally aren't celebrated. they don't even have a lore

Anonymous 36236

oh and also funamusea's middle schooler attitude towards her deranged fanbase is just extra fuel to the fire as she is xenophobic towards her south american fanbase. banned every south american ips from accessing her games. has weird fascination with the the controversial japanese regime and soviet military aesthetic.

i've never a a more deranged fandom+game+creator than okegom. i innocently stumbled upon this fandom by being drawn by the amazing character designs and i keep maintaining that. i stopped engaging with any lore, character dynamics, game releases after 2020 and stick to its wiki ONLY for viewing the art commissions


Thoughts on Witch Hat Atelier? Anonymous 36232[Reply]

Thoughts on Witch Hat Atelier?

Anonymous 36233

i really like coco and the first 40 chapters but after that the pacing gets really weird and it seems like the writing went in a very different direction. chapters 41 through 83 have taken place in exactly TWO DAYS and have taken the writer FOUR YEARS to write. also, it seems like the author tries to touch on various social issues almost every chapter, but kinda just mentions it once and the author moves on to another topic. however, this is one of the only anime i’ve seen to talk about and slam the ecchi trope, so i like that. the mood changes really quickly in the second half, and i don’t like it as much as the first half. overall i think it is good, but it loses a lot of steam in the later chapters.

Chie (319).png

What's the Consensus on Persona Anonymous 26106[Reply]

How we feel about Persona, sisters?
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Anonymous 34584

Can someone please explain why there hasn't been a Persona for women? No, P3P doesn't count because it wasn't made with women in mind, though it's pretty good.
Can someon just steal the concept of the game and make it with woman as the protagonist? IS IT SO HARD???

Anonymous 34644

omg devil survivor is so much fun, 2 is especially charming
this pic is a bit confusing, who's getting married here?
the teacher was hot but I felt bad about romancing her bc of the fact she's technically a nonce

I really hope persona 6 lets you actually play as a girl and tons down the agegap crap and the waifufag pandering.. or at the very least gives us an actual gay option

Anonymous 34875

2 got boring as fuck for me so i stopped sorry..the mc is cool though. playing 3 and it's the same but i want to meet a character so ill keep going

Anonymous 36212

i think the reason the women in 1/2 feel so good is because the games were designed with women as a target audience, according to Kazuma Kaneko.
3+ aren't, because moids are easy money for minimal effort. see persona 5.

5 actively mistreats its women in ways that make my skin crawl. i haven't finished it for this reason.

Anonymous 36223

I'm a lifelong persona 3 enthusiast - p3p is amazing, femc route is perfect, I have no interest in persona 3 reload until they add femc. Not that that's ever gonna happen, given that they didn't even put femc in their shitty cashgrab dancing spinoff. (they put SHO MINAZUKI from PERSONA 4 ARENA ULTIMAX in as dlc for persona 3 dancing in moonlight. We're never getting femc remake and I guess I have to make my peace with that, but FUCKKKKKK it sucks!!! Atlus why!!!!!!!)

persona 4 is fine. Never played more than a couple hours of persona 5 at my friend's but am gonna soon bc steam family share.

I just played metaphor refantazio (persona-like but set in a fantasy world rather than japanese high school) and loved it to bits, definitely has its flaws but when it inevitably gets rereleased in 3+ yrs it'll be an 11/10 for sure.

I'm rly interested in playing persona 1 & 2, especially after hearing it's more targeted at women :)

ahhh… life as a femc fan is so dismal. time to bust out the psp again! :')


2024 Election / American Politics General Anonymous 35582[Reply]

What’s your thoughts on the election this year? Who are you voting for? Are you watching the presidential debate tonight? Do you think it will go better than the last one?
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Anonymous 35772


And what?

Anonymous 35850


Now this is interesting.

Anonymous 35864

Well… Haha

Anonymous 36218


Elon Musk has fallen out of good grace with MAGA. Oh boy the next (at least) 4 years are gonna be oh so fun and not filled with the worst political infights!

(Repost I’m dumb and forgot the link kek)

Anonymous 36219

LOL. elon the (formerly) illegal alien who got gender-affirming surgery is now the enemy of the trump crowd? who would have thought.


Anonymous 30963[Reply]

What did you think of this book?
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Anonymous 31090

It was wholesome, I agree. I loved the part where she described chatting with Miranda on AIM.

You could tell that she tried to be as objective as possible about the course of events. I appreciated that.
It's funny that you mention Educated because I'm housesitting for my parents right now and they have that book sitting on the dresser next to the bed I'm sleeping in. I'm going to start reading it this week. Thanks nona

Anonymous 31091

I wanted to add that it was rage-inducing for me as well. A lot of it was too real. I couldn't relate to the aspects of her mom's personality showcased in the excerpt you shared, but the emotional unavailability of her parents and romantic interests was palpable.

Anonymous 31195

I really need to get this one. I only read some excerpts and a review
I love how she didn't let her mother turn her into a vengeful angry and spiteful person despite how horrible she was. She didn't give her mother the power to change the kind happy person that she truly wanted to be. I even enjoyed the fact that she still mentioned how much she loved her. The fact is, even if a person causes you so much pain and suffering, you can still have love for them. It's strange, it may seem illogical, but it's true.

Anonymous 36213

as the eldest daughter of an abusive mother, i think i'd really like this book. i'll pick it up sometime.

i want to hate my mother, but… i lived with her most of my life. it's hard. she's an evil person. i'm covered in scars. still, i can't completely hate her. even though i want to, i just can't.

Anonymous 36215

I remember when this was still a hot topic. I haven’t read the book but I have checked in on Jennette McCurdy’s social media presence and I do fully support her especially ever since Dan The Foot Man got outed


Kingdom Hearts Anonymous 32457[Reply]

What's the best way to get into the series? The games, the manga or the light novels?
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Anonymous 32664

Play the games in release order (remasters are fine). But I must warn you: this series is extremely dumb and chuuni and beyond cringe if you're no longer in your teens.

Anonymous 34433


Don't listen to the cynics. There's dumb plot stuff but it's all part of the wild ride and you can easily look past it and have fun if you see it that way and get invested enough in the characters

Anonymous 34837

play in order nona!! its very rewarding

Anonymous 34846

Simple and Clean gives me nostalgia panic attacks.

Anonymous 36211

skipping Days is awful. it's super fun and missing out on more Roxas is silly.


Survival Horror Thread Anonymous 30958[Reply]

All things survival horror!
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Anonymous 31365

It inspired the genre.

Anonymous 34540

Twin Peaks was adapted from Deadly Premonition.

Anonymous 34567

maybe you wrote that wrong but twin peaks influenced deadly premoniton

Anonymous 34708


CV is kino

In Code Veronica you're exploring this mysterious island, you find footage of these two kids feeding a centipede to ants, you meet this crazy guy called Alfred and learn he has a sister, Alfred is accusing you of attacking the island. See that? Mystery, intrigue, who is attacking the island? You eventually find out Wesker is the one attacking the island and he now has superpowers. Then you find out Alexia isn't even alive and Alfred has been going Norman Bates. Then you end up in the Antarctic and kill Alfred, but not before learning Alexia has been alive the whole time

>Best and coolest Claire has ever looked (opening cutscene)

>arguably the best or second best villain after Wesker
>Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
>Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
>Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
>Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
>Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
>the literal reason for Claire getting wrapped in two outbreaks is because of her search for Chris, but the one on Rockfort specifically was caused by Wesker
>when Claire meets Wesker, he describes himself as a "Ghost" coming back to haunt Chris
>Wesker acts a literal representation of why Chris is fighting against Umbrella- to avenge his fallen comrades, so when Chris meets Wesker in the Rockfort Base, Wesker beats him down because Chris has gotten sidetracked from his original goal thanks to his desire to protect his family (this also ties into the parallels between Chris/Claire, Alexia/Alfred and Steve)
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Anonymous 36210

it's bad, yeah. at least they didn't ruin Miku's character.
oh… wait…

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