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Why did they make anime look like this? Anonymous 35910[Reply]

Did anyone feel really disturbed by some anime from the 90s? Post anime styles that just made you appalled

Anonymous 36063


I have the opposite problem where I hate the new modern anime style, your pic looks weird too but definitely not bland and I don't associate it with gacha games.
It's just so boring, no matter how interesting they might make the buildings, environments, etc. I can't handle their empty, generic faces and styles. I would say they look like babies, even if anime styles have always mostly been neotenous, there's something about them that registers as especially child-like to me. Maybe it's the even smaller noses. Maybe it's the blandness that looks like it was made for toddlers.

Anonymous 36064


I will never watch an anime with this copy-pasted art style. It just makes me so frustrated with how lackluster the animation is as well, and I get so much hate for saying that. Vintage anime definitely had more soul put into their work, not the mainstream.


Anonymous 35682[Reply]

Thoughts on Joker: Folie à Deux?
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Anonymous 35968

The fuck this has to do with anything?
John Wick is about a guy in a suit comitting a massacre and its one of the most entertaining things ever and this simply isn't it lmao.

Anonymous 35982

>a huge F You to comic book geeks and Hollywood
…yes, and people do not need to like being cursed at. The idea that everyone who does not enjoy being cursed at needs to learn to enjoy being cursed at is a very Tarantino view of the way dialogue should be written, but I had no idea he expanded this out to social discourse concerning society's relationship to fiction (the "fuck you to Hollywood" part of that relationship). Having fun being cursed at by someone who genuinely despises you from their position of superiority in a social hierarchy used to be called "toxic masculinity," in general.
And don't give me some "oh he's just alluding to saying fuck you to MALE comic book geeks and not to the enormous swath of women who author batcest fanfics and constitute somewhere around 40% of the BatFamily's core audience" stuff. No, no he does not. Harley Quinn in this movie is a particular fuck you to the women who like comic book villains moreso than to the women who follow true crime, and both categories of women are in fact women.

Anonymous 36000

>the rape scene in the movie felt very reminiscent and similar to how female rape gets thrown into movies just for edgy and shocking purposes
That's what equality looks like. They need to start raping male characters more for the shock factor alone, and make the scenes really fetishy as well. Bravo Todd

Anonymous 36002

You have to be 18 or older to post here

Anonymous 36062


I was on the fence after watching it, because it was very similar to the first movie and I liked that, but thinking about it more, this entire 'fuck you' to those who idolize or even simply like Joker is worth nothing, when the creators already took the money to make two movies about Joker. They literally piggybacked on comic fans' backs and now are trying to shame them? lmao, they deserved all the pushback they got: and that pushback disproved the message they tried to drag in the move about people not caring about Arthur, turns out they did!

the ending also felt very forced, too


What are some kinda unknown but great links you bookmarked? Anonymous 33768[Reply]

All links, just not gross ones
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Anonymous 35233


Anonymous 35981


Anonymous 35984

Anonymous 36016



If you like movies but are too indecisive like me:

You put your a Letterboxd username o list and it picks a random movie

And this one for anime:



any famgaze/reverse harem hentai video site? like literally ANY?? Anonymous 36047[Reply]

title. hanime failed me

Anonymous 36048

i- did i just misspell femgaze kms


Anonymous 35877[Reply]

I want to read books but I don't know where to start

Anonymous 35878

Books don't have a requirement unless its philosophy.
Regardless you should read my favorite book of all time, Moby Dick since you don't have much initiative yourself.

Anonymous 35890

Align the book so that the spine is to your left hand, and then open and read from the first page onwards.

Anonymous 36015

just find stuff that interests you! unless you're reading something heavy like classic literature, most books from ~1950 onwards are easy to read :)
books from before then tend to be heavier to read because of the way they're written. because of that, i disagree with the nona who suggested moby dick. its incredibly heavy lol
I don't read a lot either, i've completed less than 10 books in the past 5 years probably…i'm trying to change that. but, my favorite books are: cats cradle by kurt vonnegut and a scanner darkly by p.k dick. look up their summaries and see if they interest you! :D they're both really experimental books, and cats cradle in particular is an easy read because of its short chapters.
i also really liked my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh, it has 2 female main characters and it was really relatable to me. I found it recommended on this board, I think a lot of nonas like and relate to moshfegh's works. they deal with isolation as a woman. i wanna read more books with female narrators because from the handful of books i've read theyre mostly male dominated.
anywho, my main point is, don't stress about it too much, just look online for people posting about what they like, then look up the summaries and see if they interest you!

Anonymous 36025

pretend you're a preteen getting into reading and read books for preteens like the hunger games or something, this will ease you into real books for adults.

Anonymous 36044

The Bible


Anonymous 35985[Reply]

Breaking Bad sucks and I hate it. Why does everyone else like it?
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Anonymous 36006

He put himself and his ego before his own son, that's a pathetic father. If you couldn't see that I'm amazed at your media literacy considering the final seasons slammmmed it over the viewers heads that they had the cash so he could spend the rest of his living life with his son but he wanted to be drug kingpin for a day (and when he was that he failed catastrophically), working under Gus is fine actually and his own paranoia is what ruined that relationship and killing Gus was one of the stupidest things he did, and that just later seasons and his big mistakes.
But if you think money is all that makes a father and not being a parent then no wonder you're coping on at least having a dad and fantasizing about internet strangers not having one at all

Anonymous 36012


Anonymous 36017

First 2 seasons are alright but it becomes very stupid after that. Jesse and his friends are my favorute characters because even almost 20 years later, people like that in the southwest still exist everywhere. IMO Gus and Mike are the 2 weakest characters. Gus is portrayed as some unbelievably calculated individual but has to use violence to get everything he wants and Mike is just silly. Doing James Bond shit and beating up guys double his weight and half his age.

Anonymous 36018

First 2 seasons are alright but it becomes very stupid after that. Jesse and his friends are my favorute characters because even almost 20 years later, people like that in the southwest still exist everywhere. IMO Gus and Mike are the 2 weakest characters. Gus is portrayed as some unbelievably calculated individual but has to use violence to get everything he wants and Mike is just silly. Doing James Bond shit and beating up guys double his weight and half his age.

Anonymous 36033

>Breaking Bad sucks and I hate it. Why does everyone else like it?

Walt, Jesse, Gus, Mike and Hank.

The worst part of Breaking Bad was the wives, Skylar and Marie, and Marie stealing shit from the shops that got dropped because nobody wanted to see this stupid bitch and Skylar smoking while pregnant and being a bitch in general


Anonymous 26787[Reply]

who are your favorite female musicians? pic related
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Anonymous 36019


I love Rose Mcdowall and everything she's ever been in so much. If any s like Strawberry Switchblade please listen to more Rose projects (Rose Mcdowall, Spell, Death in June, Current 93, Psychic TV, Sorrow) she is the best and so awesome, especially her solo stuff!!

Anonymous 36021

YES its such a good cover she changes it so much!! If you haven't already you should listen to Tibet on the same album!

Anonymous 36022


k.d lang
indigo girls
selena (r.i.p <3)

Anonymous 36024


I love Rita Lee

Anonymous 36030

Your taste is so good nona I am also surprised no one has mentioned her! Sorry for Rosetisming but Rose has a cover of a song from the Wicker Man (Gothic movie) if you ever need more Rose covers… It's more acoustic than her individual and Strawberry Switchblade work but it's still very good (Wicker Man Song, Nature & Organisation)


Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855[Reply]

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.
33 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35603


it's kinda all over the place

Anonymous 35604

The best Lana album.

Anonymous 35619

chart (4).png

ive been listening to draingang due to bf again

Anonymous 35621



Anonymous 36029



Junji Ito Manga Anonymous 36026[Reply]

I think his art is just so beautiful. Even if the story is subpar the art makes up for it twice and then a bit more. What’s your top 5? What do you not like?

Anonymous 36027

I have a physical copy of No Longer Human, which is definitely a favourite. Also really enjoyed Uzumaki, and I'd love to get a copy of one of his art books. 'Glyceride' made me feel the most queasy, and 'The Enigma of Amigara Fault' is a great eerie short story.

Anonymous 36028

Top 3
>Hellstar Remina
>The Liminal Zone

Least Favorites
>Dissolving Classroom
>Venus in the Blind Spot


Anonymous 36010[Reply]

Ladies, I want to see your Wrappeds on Spotify

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