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Anonymous 36311[Reply]

Is there any movie, tv show, book, or any other entertainment where all the boys or men DON'T fall for the protagonist? Even strong female protagonists like Alanna from Tamora Pierce or Katniss from the Hunger Games end up in the same love triangles that trashy teen dramas like pic related have. I don't mind romance as a subplot, just with only one love interest. It's just not realistic for all the boys to develop feelings for the protagonist. At least not for me…

Anonymous 36313

I LOVE Mulan! She's one of my favorite Disney princesses. I did not have any of them in mind for my post, but ironically, all of the Disney princesses match the description, now that I think about it…

Anonymous 36349

The L Word has a ton of different couples and doesn't focus on just one dynamic.


Anaïs nin Anonymous 36348[Reply]

I'm interested in starting to read Anaïs Nin. Which book would you recommend to begin with?


Anonymous 36214[Reply]

does anyone here have a çrush on zim

Anonymous 36222


Anonymous 36246

lil roach lookin ass

Anonymous 36337


no but i genuinely blush when dib has screentime


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
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Anonymous 36191

Self-insert is usually the reason, unless there are complex romances, which usually aren't popular because most people can't self insert into deep and complex relationship dynamics anyway.
Most stories are will they/won't they because writers can't write relationships from the moment they become serious.

Anonymous 36297

watching moids defend their porn games actually makes me laugh

Anonymous 36298

I despise monogatari and the fanservice. moids will defend it up and down and say that its intentional in certain scenes because its meant to be araragi's viewpoint and his character's sexual interest in the women around him but it just feels like a lazy excuse to get to sexualize girls as young as 8 years old. And the girls in the series barely act like human beings. The writing is generally good and the mysteries are interesting, all of the fanservice could be written out and you'd have something much more watchable
what's your beef with it? I'm curious. The Untamed drama series is godawful imo but I liked the novels.

Anonymous 36306

I’m not a fan of romance novels either but I feel like I have to defend the women who read them because they get so much hate.

Anonymous 36335


I hate the live action Sonic movies. They feel like lazy 80's nostalgia bait with forced quirky characters that come off as cringe.


Hetalia fangirls were the OG femcels (2008-2012), writing fanfics about men who wouldn’t touch them Anonymous 36216[Reply]

JFL if Ludwig (picrel) would ever touch your PSL 3, overweight, acne-ridden ass from Ohio.

If you were online during the Hetalia craze of 2008–2012, you witnessed the rise of what can only be described as OG femcels. These fangirls were pining after fictional, high-SMV anime men like Ludwig (tall, blonde, disciplined gigachad) while sitting in their childhood bedrooms, greasy hair tied back, typing out Ludwig x Reader smut fics on Tumblr.
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Anonymous 36314

Its a good thing moids don't like it. Hetalia is for women only.
We’re blessed we dont have to see “tfw you’ll never impregnate her” posts about belarus or hideous bara art.

Anonymous 36322

Hetalia characters are like 90% males theres no way moids would watch it specially with all the faggorty in it, no matter how big ukraine boobies or how cute Nyotalia girls are hetalia is still for us

Anonymous 36323

>>36322 (samefag)
Most of men would hate hetalia if they watch it. Also its not about wars and history anymore its just about culture and faggots now

Anonymous 36324

derail i thought they wanted a brotherhood away from the evil wicked females lol

Anonymous 36328

They want that only in real life not in their anime or video games
They crave female characters in those


The Elder Scrolls Anonymous 26366[Reply]

lets have an elder scrolls thread
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Anonymous 33567


Play Morrowind… NOW
I remember when I played years ago this was one of the mods that first came to mind, but then I had to scroll through picrel instead and find nothing. I wanted Serana date quests so badly, too.
Had a friend obsessed with Lydia, but my Lydia would always die in every dungeon and I got tired of going back to previous saves. I'd give her great enchanted gear, too. Plus all she does is sit in my bedroom and eat bread, anyway.

Anonymous 33997

honestly lydia is so endearing, i like to pretend that her and my player character actually have a good relationship and she's just sassy
whenever she's like 'i am sworn to carry your burdens' i'm just like 'i am sorry bestie'

Anonymous 34009

thanks for posting that gif now my body feels weird

Anonymous 36318

I got tired of waiting for TESVI and installed ESO. I've been so dumb to avoid it for years for "muh lore" and combat reasons, it really isn't that bad. The tourism experience is great — I've seen Elsweyr and Artaeum and Necrom and the Clockwork City like I always wanted to.

Anonymous 36320

Illia the ice mage is my girl. Mages > warriors


Anonymous 36308[Reply]

The Mysterious Case of Gustavo Porta-Cuesta: The Murder of 21 Women and the Music Under the Pseudonym LFC

In 2016, the name of Gustavo Porta-Cuesta Fuentes echoed throughout Guatemala's influent ears. A 31-year-old man, a civilian and high-ranking public official, was accused of serial murder. The brutality of his actions shocked his peers, with more than a dozen bodies found buried in the vast backyard of his home on the Guatemalan coast. The victims? Young women, whose tragic fates would remain hushed up by the political power and corruption that covered up the case.

With a privileged position in the government, Porta-Cuesta seemed untouchable. His actions, however, could not be kept secret for long, and he was finally arrested, sentenced to death and awaiting execution by hanging, which was scheduled for 2022. As Porta-Cuesta held a high position in the government, the case was hushed up and all records disappeared, with nothing leaking to the media. Even his name was erased. Therefore, there is no information left on the web about this case.

But in a mysterious development, what appeared to be the end of a sinister story took an even more unsettling turn.

In the middle of 2024, I received a folder containing several sound recordings, whose origins went back to Porta-Cuesta. The strangest thing: these recordings had nothing or little to do with the crimes itself, but rather with his other identity – that of an experimental musician. Under the pseudonym "LFC", Porta-Cuesta recorded albums of experimental music that, until then, were unknown to the public.

These recordings are disturbing, defying the conventions of traditional music and delving into unsettling territories that echo the chaos and darkness of his own life. What motivated a man with such a dark past to create such compositions? And how does this artistic side relate to his true identity, now lost in the pages of history?

Although details about the original case have been erased, and even Porta-Cuesta's name has disappeared from official records, these recordings offer a window into the troubled mind of a serial killer who, it seems, was also trying to express his anguish in a completely different way.

I am making the file available on the internet.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Any other Half-Life fans on CC? Anonymous 32822[Reply]

Favorite GoldSrc/Source Engine game/mod?
The original Half-Life was what convinced me I liked videogames. I still remember getting a copy of it from Goodwill, confident that my dad's office PC would be able to run something this old and it could! That started me down the first (and last) good rabbithole the internet has to offer.
>Hearing this for the first time during Questionable Ethics
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Anonymous 33890

It's not going to be enjoyable without VR.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
I hope at this point they go with a story change up as drastic as the one between 1 and 2 was foe the next game. I don't really care about the Borealis at this point.

Anonymous 35565

my friend thought she had to climb the barnacle

Anonymous 35668

there's non vr mods but there's no point to doing so
unlike most vr games alyx was designed with the unique playstyle in mind so a lot of the action has to do with you making the motions yourself
you don't need a valve vr to run it though, any headset connected to your pc will do

Anonymous 35703


Cry of fear is my favorite gold source mod and my favorite source engine mod is Half life Redux

Anonymous 36307


Sorry for replying to an old thread but i love Half-Life so much, i'm surprised i've found some fans here!
My favorite mod is Dark interval, you can see it here https://www.moddb.com/mods/dark-interval.
It's a mod that tries to recreate the beta of Half-Life 2 that we never got, it has an incredible vibe and i think it's very well made. Even though it's not complete, i've notice that the creators continue to update it!

Noticed that you posted Nuclear mission jam so i thought to share my fave ost: https://youtu.be/DPqXT4dyfNY?si=N97v1Yrt48NcxTGI


husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
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Anonymous 36253


I have fallen in love with gregory fucking house. My beautiful princess with a disorder. I see myself in him so much- his avoidance, self loathing, how he acts arrogantly to try and mask that, his addiction to misery because he doesn't think he can deserve anything better. I don't want to fix him because I know I can't and I wouldn't want to- but we could make eachother a bit less miserable. I want to ambush him with my puppy-dog manic giddy pure love…tackle him and kiss him!!! I want to feel him loosen up, I want to feel all that pent-up tension melt away as I lick his neck…Erm. Anyways. I LOVE HIM Fuucusuuahshrhrjjckfkdjsm

Anonymous 36254


housecito TwT… I want to make him smile… I want to light his cold heart ablaze

Anonymous 36256

Anonymous 36283


I just absolutely adore James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2, especially in the remake. Yeah i know he spoiler]Killed his wife[/spoiler] but he seemed genuinely sorry in some of the endings, plus he's so silly and pathetic sksjskjsksjks i love him.
Sorry s

Anonymous 36305

And this is exactly why i love him so much!


Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
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Anonymous 36093

i love touhou but yeah most of the fandom r porn obsessed moids or tims (with a large amount of overlap lol)

female fans do exist but any of their work/discussion gets buried under everything else :(

(tokusatsu has this problem too but to a lesser extent imo. less porn brained moids per capita)

Anonymous 36195


Yes I too wish Touhou was not the number 1 greatest porn tag on every hentai site and definitely I wish it was not a total shame to every culture it represents…

Anonymous 36196


Thank you for the cool papes. God bless

Anonymous 36299


I adore gunslinger girl and the male dominated fandom absolutely ruins it for me. I think there's a lot of really interesting stories and it explores the ethics of grooming young girls (physically&psychologically) and how damaging that is, but moids will take those complex ideas and dumb it down to "oh this little girl has a crush on her handler bc she's a pure loli goddess"

Anonymous 36300


lol agreed I’m in the Genshin fandom and it’s mostly troons or gooner guys and it’s makes me so angry istfg

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