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Anonymous 36565[Reply]

Why is the dirty old man trope so common in Japan and anime? As someone who has been SAed in the past, Roshi stuff with him perving on various women, especially Bulma who is underage, is disgusting

Anonymous 36566

roshi saved the planet a couple times let him have his pafu pafu

Anonymous 36567

Old people are expected to be respectable, so it's funny when they're not. Same joke with King Kai, which is enhanced by how serious his Japanese voice is.

Anonymous 36568

To show the reality of m*les

Anonymous 36631


If Japan were a person, it would definitely be a dirty old man, even though most people see it as a catgirl waifu. I was shocked when I found out that Bulma was underage, this anime has always been very popular in the shithole where I live, and as a kid I always thought Bulma was at least 23.


Anonymous 36554[Reply]

Would you date him?
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Anonymous 36558


Anonymous 36559


Anonymous 36560

yes I lov him

Anonymous 36628

id super smash him if you know what i mean

Anonymous 36629

I would date Melia.


Why did they make anime look like this? Anonymous 35910[Reply]

Did anyone feel really disturbed by some anime from the 90s? Post anime styles that just made you appalled

Anonymous 36063


I have the opposite problem where I hate the new modern anime style, your pic looks weird too but definitely not bland and I don't associate it with gacha games.
It's just so boring, no matter how interesting they might make the buildings, environments, etc. I can't handle their empty, generic faces and styles. I would say they look like babies, even if anime styles have always mostly been neotenous, there's something about them that registers as especially child-like to me. Maybe it's the even smaller noses. Maybe it's the blandness that looks like it was made for toddlers.

Anonymous 36064


I will never watch an anime with this copy-pasted art style. It just makes me so frustrated with how lackluster the animation is as well, and I get so much hate for saying that. Vintage anime definitely had more soul put into their work, not the mainstream.

Anonymous 36262

>gacha games
My God, yes. The majority is just some generic Genshin Impact type artstyle.
The mass moefication in anime is just the nippon version of Calarts style.

Anonymous 36626

they look like that because they weren't trying to formulaically pander to a western audience. 90s anime had soul in their animation it was made for passion more than profit


Anonymous 36547[Reply]

Did Griffith ever actually like Casca? What exactly were Casca's feelings towards Griffith? Where does Guts fit into this?

Anonymous 36548

Griffith was gay for Guts but was willing to settle for Casca if his goal of becoming a king didn't come true

Guts idolized Griffith but wasn't gay for him

Casca liked both Griffith and Guts during the Golden Age arc

Anonymous 36551

Casca is just like me. My taste in men also keeps shifting from twinky to very masculine

Anonymous 36563

Griffith thought of Casca the way you might think of a very loyal lap dog, she was useful to him as a general and he enjoyed the power he exerted over her, moreso than the rest of the Band of the Hawk becauseshe was clearly so enamored by him. It's part of why he was so mindbroken that he started having cuck fantasies just before the eclipse, the idea that Casca would abandon him for Guts meant that he had truly lost everything he valued about the life he had made, and was utterly powerless. I don't think he ever really loved her in the way he was obviously gay for Guts, and the Eclipse rape only happened as a way to get back at Guts for his perceived betrayal


Artist Alley General #1 Anonymous 36550[Reply]

Ask your questions, share your knowledge and discuss artist alley work here.

>For example:

- General Artist Alley experiences
- Art supplies for your table (tablecloth, portfolio, prints display, etc.)
- How to survive at cons 101
- Sales talk
- AA Table prices
- Travels if the con is in another country/state
- Tips to get good manus for your merch
- Trashy trends you see in Artist Alley
- Convention drama
- Fandom and shipping: how much should fan art cater to popular trends?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 36544[Reply]

tell me about your yumeships!!!

i'll go first! i have an oc named renee that i ship with pete from eltingville club! she works at a video shop (which is where they meet)

Anonymous 36546

I have an oc named megumi that i ship with Togami from danganronpa, it's the only oc I ever made and it was for Togami.

Anonymous 36549


Fuckyeah a yumejoshi thread ! If there are any drawfags here, let's draw and chitchat about our ships!


Anonymous 36529[Reply]

So, I started a podcast. I love to talk per se, and to know different points of view. Everyone says I'm very interesting to talk to, so I thought: why not publish what I think and the talks I have with people I find interesting?

however I want to ask you, as my trusted community, what would you like to hear in a podcast? what kind of person do you like to listen to? I'm open to all kinds of ideas.

Anonymous 36530

bideo gemu

Anonymous 36531

movie reviews/pop culture commentary

Anonymous 36532

Anime reviews

Anonymous 36533


Do book summeries and analysis. Because I'm too lazy to read and want someone else to think about stuff.

Anonymous 36541

I am very stereotypical in this but "abnormal humanities." Outsider art videogames/film, eccentric people biographies, cults, paranormal/psychic/witchcraft accounts, true crime with unusual nonsexual elements.
I felt a deep and piercing shame once upon having these tastes described as "mallgoth tier." And I don't remember the last time I saw a mallgoth in the wild so pandering to mallgoths is probably not a growth market.


Anonymous 36315[Reply]

Did you like American Psycho?

Anonymous 36453

Don't tell anyone, but I've never actually seen it. I've just absorbed the plot fron popular culture.

Anonymous 36454

I'm telling everyone, I just posted it on Daily Mail

Anonymous 36508


The anime was better

Anonymous 36518

Yeah I liked it, it is a very good satire and the director is a very talented woman.

However, the amount of people who idolize Patrick Bateman, in a non-ironic way, scare me. Even before the movie's creation, people thought the book was glorifying violence. The director also struggled to find an actor that understood the source material, she landed on Christian Bale because he was the only one that didn't try to make Bateman out to be a suave, sexy killer.

Anonymous 36540

I shouldn't be posting on this website, but I can at least give my perspective. It's his workout routine for me and the amenities in his apartment that he can use. To be in the best physical shape of your life, to be physically capable, is what I fantasize about. Part of that ties to Christian Bale and his dedication to changing his body for his role. I also believe that there is a glimpse of someone who honestly laments the superficiality of the world, the resigned "But inside doesn't matter", the frustration at not being able to get out of this fake artificial hell he feels compelled to belong to. Despite being ready to kill both Jean and Luis on two separate occasions, he cannot bring himself to do it because they express love towards him. There is something resembling humanity deep within him, something that wants to believe there is more. There is also a slightly poignant scene with Courtney, Luis' fiancee, in the book where she confirms her intention to marry him and he accepts it, though just what does and doesn't happen is ambiguous.

That being said, he is 99.9% a vacuous monster pretending to be what passes for human among his social circle, and eternal misery is what he deserves. He is fundamentally amoral and the book shows he's been this way since at least childhood. There were numerous points where I had to put it down when I read it 13 years ago because the violence was just too graphic. The scene with the large rat and the cream cheese and the tube and the woman and the chainsaw will unfortunately stay with me for a long time. I do enjoy the movie for being a relatively abridged, more palatable experience that is a bit more cheeky with the satire.


Which animes have made you cry? Anonymous 36537[Reply]

Any scenes in particular?

Anonymous 36539

More recently, cheesy uplifting stuff where everyone does their best.
The Make It!! reprise in season 3 of pripara comes to mind


80s/90s anime Anonymous 35486[Reply]

Recommend /discuss the best and most aesthetically pleasing 80s/90s anime
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Anonymous 36356



One of the greatest OVAs ever.

Anonymous 36358


Anonymous 36369

What anime is this?

Anonymous 36372

cowboy bebop

Anonymous 36535


The english dub of this show is better than the english sub. It doesn't follow the japanese dub at all and almost feels like an abridged series.

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