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Any other Half-Life fans on CC? Anonymous 32822[Reply]

Favorite GoldSrc/Source Engine game/mod?
The original Half-Life was what convinced me I liked videogames. I still remember getting a copy of it from Goodwill, confident that my dad's office PC would be able to run something this old and it could! That started me down the first (and last) good rabbithole the internet has to offer.
>Hearing this for the first time during Questionable Ethics
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Anonymous 33890

It's not going to be enjoyable without VR.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
I hope at this point they go with a story change up as drastic as the one between 1 and 2 was foe the next game. I don't really care about the Borealis at this point.

Anonymous 35565

my friend thought she had to climb the barnacle

Anonymous 35668

there's non vr mods but there's no point to doing so
unlike most vr games alyx was designed with the unique playstyle in mind so a lot of the action has to do with you making the motions yourself
you don't need a valve vr to run it though, any headset connected to your pc will do

Anonymous 35703


Cry of fear is my favorite gold source mod and my favorite source engine mod is Half life Redux

Anonymous 36307


Sorry for replying to an old thread but i love Half-Life so much, i'm surprised i've found some fans here!
My favorite mod is Dark interval, you can see it here https://www.moddb.com/mods/dark-interval.
It's a mod that tries to recreate the beta of Half-Life 2 that we never got, it has an incredible vibe and i think it's very well made. Even though it's not complete, i've notice that the creators continue to update it!

Noticed that you posted Nuclear mission jam so i thought to share my fave ost: https://youtu.be/DPqXT4dyfNY?si=N97v1Yrt48NcxTGI


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
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Anonymous 36191

Self-insert is usually the reason, unless there are complex romances, which usually aren't popular because most people can't self insert into deep and complex relationship dynamics anyway.
Most stories are will they/won't they because writers can't write relationships from the moment they become serious.

Anonymous 36286

Tikitoki shut down and I’m feelingg goooddd haha karma

Anonymous 36297

watching moids defend their porn games actually makes me laugh

Anonymous 36298

I despise monogatari and the fanservice. moids will defend it up and down and say that its intentional in certain scenes because its meant to be araragi's viewpoint and his character's sexual interest in the women around him but it just feels like a lazy excuse to get to sexualize girls as young as 8 years old. And the girls in the series barely act like human beings. The writing is generally good and the mysteries are interesting, all of the fanservice could be written out and you'd have something much more watchable
what's your beef with it? I'm curious. The Untamed drama series is godawful imo but I liked the novels.

Anonymous 36306

I’m not a fan of romance novels either but I feel like I have to defend the women who read them because they get so much hate.


husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
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Anonymous 36254


housecito TwT… I want to make him smile… I want to light his cold heart ablaze

Anonymous 36256

Anonymous 36283


I just absolutely adore James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2, especially in the remake. Yeah i know he spoiler]Killed his wife[/spoiler] but he seemed genuinely sorry in some of the endings, plus he's so silly and pathetic sksjskjsksjks i love him.
Sorry s

Anonymous 36294

Spoilt sour milk with chunks that’s what he looks like and dried to make fermented milk powder.

Anonymous 36305

And this is exactly why i love him so much!


Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
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Anonymous 36093

i love touhou but yeah most of the fandom r porn obsessed moids or tims (with a large amount of overlap lol)

female fans do exist but any of their work/discussion gets buried under everything else :(

(tokusatsu has this problem too but to a lesser extent imo. less porn brained moids per capita)

Anonymous 36195


Yes I too wish Touhou was not the number 1 greatest porn tag on every hentai site and definitely I wish it was not a total shame to every culture it represents…

Anonymous 36196


Thank you for the cool papes. God bless

Anonymous 36299


I adore gunslinger girl and the male dominated fandom absolutely ruins it for me. I think there's a lot of really interesting stories and it explores the ethics of grooming young girls (physically&psychologically) and how damaging that is, but moids will take those complex ideas and dumb it down to "oh this little girl has a crush on her handler bc she's a pure loli goddess"

Anonymous 36300


lol agreed I’m in the Genshin fandom and it’s mostly troons or gooner guys and it’s makes me so angry istfg


Podcast General Anonymous 731[Reply]

What are you listening to right now, miners?
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Anonymous 36288

Name one recent prediction that came true

Anonymous 36289

Why do you listen to a trannie moid , you’re insufferable. Yes late reply.

Anonymous 36291

Trump would betray his base on immigration

Anonymous 36292

Fair enough, might give it a try.

Anonymous 36293


Music Anonymous 35113[Reply]

What kinda music do you all listen to?
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Anonymous 36277

Mostly anime opening/ending songs tbh

Anonymous 36278

Jojo S4 has the best ending song, Cherry chica cola~

Anonymous 36279

Never watched jojo, why do you rec besides the songs?

Anonymous 36281

Jojo is a very popular anime so popular it’s a normie zoomie show now. It’s got tons of musical references in it if you want to discover new songs and artists (most are boomer rock)

Anonymous 36284

Alright soo because it’s popular and because music not convinced xD


Infinity Nikki game Anonymous 36244[Reply]

Thread for the game Infinity Nikki!

>Infinity Nikki [a] is a free-to-play action-adventure game with dress-up elements developed and published by Papergames (with publishing outside mainland China under Infold Games), which released for Android, iOS, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows on 5 December 2024. It is the fifth installment in the Nikki series and a sequel to Shining Nikki. The game features open world exploration, platforming, and puzzle-solving.

>Set in the world of Miraland, players accompany Nikki and her feline companion, Momo, on a quest to rescue a mystical god of wishes. Different outfits grant abilities for navigating diverse environments and solving challenges.

Anonymous 36245

(this game has gacha elements btw)

Anonymous 36248

I've honestly been really enjoying it so far. It's the least "gacha" gacha game I've seen. I'm actually kinda shocked it's "free" because of how high quality everything is. The combat is simplistic but encounters are pretty short. I kinda have a feeling they're going to ramp up the microtransactions pretty soon though.

Anonymous 36266

I have a laptop how do I play? Is it beowser friendly, please say yes.

Anonymous 36276

it's not browser friendly and it's incredibly demanding of PC specs, because it is made in Unreal 5
if you have at least some kind of modern phone, you'd have better luck trying to download it there

Anonymous 36285

Oki thanks nonsi


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
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Anonymous 35875



Anonymous 35876

I refuse to believe this movie is real.

Anonymous 36269

Yuck his head ginourmous and legs super skinny

Anonymous 36270

I watched lift it’s a slow action movie with Kevin heart in it. He is not funny in it so brace yourself.

Before that I watched john wicku 1-4

Before that I watched the fable about a hitmang that can’t kill anymore to complete his mission

Before that I watched the chwinese version of Mulan 2020

Any recommendations?

Anonymous 36280


Nigel insisted that I watch this lol. My brain switched off half-way through because I could not understand what they were saying. Literally every moid in it talks like a whispery Texan Batman with high-functioning autism . Do Americans really talk like that? It made the main villain 80% less intimidating . Anyway, if you decide to watch remember to put on subtitles. Would bang Llewyn Moss.


What are some kinda unknown but great links you bookmarked? Anonymous 33768[Reply]

All links, just not gross ones
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Anonymous 35984

Anonymous 36016



If you like movies but are too indecisive like me:

You put your a Letterboxd username o list and it picks a random movie

And this one for anime:


Anonymous 36267

Ouh thanks I will check watchlist picker maybe even the animu picker

Anonymous 36268

I don’t have a letterbox id, what is a letterbox?? Help nons?!


Anonymous 35916[Reply]

Do you like Souls games?
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Anonymous 35944

I don't dislike them but I never felt they were all that challenging like eveeyone says. Just annoyingly punishing for when you do fuck up which is just discouraging.

Anonymous 35945

I like them. The “community” is annoying as hell though

Anonymous 36260

Agree, but only for Dark Souls proper
Bloodborne has something really cool going for it, despite arguably being the ugliest
Elden Ring is beautiful in general, or at least balances the ugly things with pretty ones

Anonymous 36263

Got all of its achievements and I tell you :

Anonymous 36264

Except for demon souls*

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