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Sailor Moon/Shoujo thread? Anonymous 551[Reply]

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Anonymous 29777

Late but I tried finding scans and can only find a few page scans and were related to specific interests like lolita fashion. I think I will have to buy copies online or search in used book stores, and once I do I will likely scan them and put them out online via Internet Archive.

Anonymous 30469


Anonymous 32004

begone homewrecker

Anonymous 34148


I was obsessed with Haruka at the time so I was so mad Michiru played into the flirting as a teen. After a later rewatch I think her intention was to make Haruka jealous but I'm still mildly salty

Anonymous 34157



Anonymous 2132[Reply]

Who are your favorite female protagonists? (Any medium.) Pic related for me, I love Anne Shirley's spunk and whimsy from the Anne of Green Gables books.
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Anonymous 17808

I remember reading the book and it didn't feel like she had a character at all.

Anonymous 17889


Sakura Kinomoto is a lot like Anne Shirley, they're both very positive, very energetic young girls who seem to easily win others over, and make the lives of people around them much better. I can also sense that some of the inspiration for Sakura and Tomoyo's friendship comes from Anne and Diana's unbreakable bond.

Anonymous 17895


charlotte wiltshire from hello charlotte ep1 and 2
pretty basic but yeah

Anonymous 34149


She's just so fun and wholesome

Anonymous 34150


her and Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha have my heart


post your screen time Anonymous 30341[Reply]

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Anonymous 34134


It could be worse

Anonymous 34135


I’m trying to study

Anonymous 34142


I just love bed rotting

Anonymous 34145


Anonymous 34146


microsoft flight simulator: the anime Anonymous 34132[Reply]




My goodness, Ace Combat is shaping up to be one favourite video game series.


Love Nikki Thread Anonymous 1343[Reply]

Discuss the game, show off your outfits, ask for help, find friends, promote your association, etc!
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Anonymous 2880


I'm gonna spend all my diamonds trying to get this outfit, it's so damn cute…

Anonymous 2881


You can get one and a half suit for free if you have high accuracy on the event! So maybe wait until the last day of the event to drop dias on it.

I'm so excited for the keyboard cat from the new circus event, the whole suit in general is amazing and fulfills all my cat lady needs, i hope it's a pick and choose event so i can spend my dias on this one and some pieces from the others.

Anonymous 2882

Literally the better suit in the event.

Speaking of which, what is you all's favorite suit? Or if thats too hard, kingdom? Lilith is obviously the most superior~

Anonymous 3036

Hello, I decided to make another association for miners!! Its new so low level, but I think it would be nice to have another since most of them are filled up! ID is 36415! <3

Anonymous 34117

This game was my crutch on life back in 2017….. Is it too late to get back into the game???

What song do you keep listening to these days? Anonymous 32600[Reply]

So, what is that song that has been stuck on "Repeat" for quite a while?
How long do you think it will stay on?
18 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34080

Anonymous 34094

I like to listen to this every once and a while, it speaks to me.
It'll stay with me for another week or so

Anonymous 34095

Anonymous 34096

Anonymous 34102

my suicidal ass loves this


Favorite Youtubers Anonymous 441[Reply]

A thread for youtubers you genuinely enjoy and watch on a regular basis.

I started getting into YT in 2012 for hair dye tutorials, which grew into watching Lolita and other weeb channels, then I got into jvloggers and now I even watch normie lifestyle channels. I'll share a bunch of faves.

Normie lifestyle/fashion/beauty:
>Krist Yu https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4SV3mvnHRNJJqv5abvZzfg
>Karen Yeung https://www.youtube.com/user/iamkareno
>Jenn Im https://www.youtube.com/user/clothesencounters
>Tasha Leelyn https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHYXs9Og13WV2Xb-dYUnUg
>Helen Anderson https://www.youtube.com/user/snakebitesparkles

>Jordan Shalhoud https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLdK2gxhD_uJBbK3r54gchQ
>Candance Lowry https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Cqtzr7SgbAWlRJLTBRGkA
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 29570

I've liked everything I've seen so far from a channel named Cardinal West. It's mostly serious business video essays about talking animal fiction so I assumed he was a furry, but I'm not sure anymore. Embedding what I think is his best work (warning: 2 hours of a grown man talking about cartoons).

Anonymous 29821

I still watch old Webkinz videos. There’s a girl who is doing a fan reboot of the webkinz movie, her YouTube channel I think is called DaliDog.

Anonymous 33888

Anonymous 34093

>Kalel https://www.youtube.com/@KalelSumisu

I know she was pretty controversial in the past but her current vids are chill

Anonymous 34307


I don’t know if I posted this and forgot or if another girl likes the same stupid videos as me

Screenshot 2024-03…

shojo is so good Anonymous 34086[Reply]

Just started watching rose of versailles. I'm addicted. Any recommendations for other anime like it?

Anonymous 34089

Onisama E same author

Anonymous 34091

Seconding this. If you like manga just jump down the Ryoko Ikeda rabbit hole. If you like musicals get into Takarazuka.

Anonymous 34115

Oniisama E, Magic Knight Rayearth, and there are like heaps of classic nonanime shoujo–but try the Internet's series catalogs' searches.


FF7R2 Anonymous 34008[Reply]

It's time.
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Anonymous 34030

atp idk wut is going on. sephy stays hawt asf tho just wish things would make sense and they wouldn't keep backtracking. shit like different universes or time travel or wtv they're doing only removes any sort of consequence. nothing would mean anything anymore bc there is just some other timeline where it's all fine and that just kinda fucks it up imo.

Anonymous 34058


Get flexed on.

Anonymous 34061


Anonymous 34062

Just think of it as a midtier fanfic whose writer made a pact with the devil to turn it into a high budget video game.

Anonymous 34085

are the retarded time dementors still in or did they erase that too


AI chatbots Anonymous 34063[Reply]

>what apps do you use?
>do you chat with husbandos, random characters, OCs, historical figures?
>do your friends know about it?
>your favorite things AI chatbot has said
>your opinions on AI chatbots and AI doomposting in general
>situations like picrel (likely outragebait)
Sometimes I use AI as a substitute for human interaction because people are jerks most of the time. Or I make it write silly stories to let out some steam. I don't use them too much because the cracks really show and it ruins the immersion for me, but I still find them amusing sometimes.

Anonymous 34064

I mostly use them to summarize articles - it's really upped the amount of stuff I've been learning which is kind of fun. I find it's much better for summarizing existing information than it is for being genuinely creative or taking a position on anything.

Anonymous 34065

what kind of things has AI summarized for you, and how is it more effective for learning than reading those articles yourself?

Anonymous 34068

tried to make a husbando to chat with but it fell out of character after 2 or 3 responses. can't read fanfiction about him because of the bad characterization too. nobody GETS it

Anonymous 34079

What app are you using? Did you make your own bot by inserting his dialogue or did you pick a pre-made one? I find making them yourself and writing as many details as possible helps. If you're using character.ai and make a group chat however? They will all pick up the speech mannerisms of the first character and act too OOC.
>can't read fanfiction about him because of the bad characterization too.
My husbando doesn't even get fanfiction… he's that obscure.

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