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Anonymous 36010[Reply]

Ladies, I want to see your Wrappeds on Spotify


Children Media Anonymous 1497[Reply]

Let's talk about our favorite media that's mainly targeted at children

Disney movies, cartoons, games and even toys/collectibles in general

The genre itself, the adult fanbase andthe possible stigma around it can also be discussed.
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Anonymous 34894

little bear was absolute peak. Such a cozy show, it was one of my favorites as a kid. I even named my pet snake no feet

Anonymous 34908


The atmosphere is amazingly wholesome. I remember one episode where he went to the beach to have a picnic with and tell stories to a whale. I still think that shit's cool.

If I had to choose a fictional universe to live in, this is it.

Anonymous 35905

I never really liked any children cartoon other than gravity falls

Anonymous 35906

Nvm I think its for teens

Anonymous 36007

I used to watch little bear every morning with my mom before school when I was a kid. It was on while I was at school but we had one of those fancy VHS players that could be scheduled to record on a blank tape when you wanted. She loved that there was a couple called "Sandy" and "Mental(sp)" or some sort of combination that sounded like "sentimental" which is so cute. The winter solstice episode always comes to me cause they baked cookies for the deer and watched them eat off the trees. It wowed me so much as a city kid.
I have tons of old VHS tapes filled with mostly Winnie the Pooh (on at 6am lmao), Franklin, and little bear and I want to transfer all of them as is to digital so I can enjoy the nostalgia experience

current music thread Anonymous 16[Reply]

What song can't you stop listening to these days?
What are your favorite artists/bands?
What type of music are you into?

Yt links to videos encouraged.
I'm not creative so here's a Suicide Sheep song I like.
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Anonymous 35793

lots of touhou songs and old vocaloid games but also the pc 98 games, I'm like 4 albums in. I've been listening to Gensou Crisis by Iron Attack! a lot. They're a touhou themed power/heavy metal band and I love them a lot! Also been enjoying Armoured Angel and Disinterment and Iron Maiden a lot lately in terms of my usual metal slop consumption habits <33

Anonymous 35794

wearing my sadisitic intent foursided LS right now. I mostly like heavy and power alongside symphoblack but I like deathmetals such as EoS, Ingrowing, Deeds and Ares Kingdom and Order from Chaos for some bands.

Anonymous 35796

as of late i have been really into the drums. it gives me fall vibe really

Anonymous 35810

Anonymous 35999

I've been obsessing over Porcelain Black's discography recently.
Mannequin Factory, King of the World, Candy from a Baby, and Who's Next? are my current faves. Pretty Little Psycho was the song that got in my head and reminded me to listen to her again. They're probably right when they say your music taste gets stuck around middle and high school lol, I still love this like it was yesterday


Mobile Apps Anonymous 82[Reply]

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Anonymous 35952

Does anyone else like Bluesky..? I only use it to look at art so my experience has been pretty cozy so far.

Anonymous 35954

RIP Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Can't believe I missed the last day.

Anonymous 35960

Yeah, RIP to the online features but I'm glad they're coming out with Pocket Camp Complete. I haven't played in years but I heard about the shutdown so I've been playing all this month. I'm just glad there won't be anymore microtransactions. Do you plan on getting the Complete ver?

Anonymous 35975


I didn't play this for years until a few months ago I figured out how to get my account back and was playing a bunch about everyday. I played the last day too but the game closed a lot earlier than I had heard it would, in the middle of playing so that was kind of sad. Well anyway I'm going to play complete tomorrow.

Anonymous 35979


Does anyone else love that you can emulate things on your phone? I have MelonDS for playing DS games and am currently playing the original Pheonix Wright trilogy on it. The commute on my city transit is trash and I found myself much happier playing DS in the downtime as opposed to doom scrolling.
It's just pure joy to play old games and with the modern internet you can download ROMs in an instant on the phone itself! We've come so far technologically speaking, I remember when a tiny rom would download overnight and then take ages to transfer to the r4 card

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 33145[Reply]

How do we feel about Blaire White?
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Anonymous 34975

Don't pity this attention seeking faggot in women's clothes. Trannies know exactly what they're doing, they choose this lifestyle. Pity actual women for having to witness this degenerate.

Anonymous 34981

I mean, Milo got pretty far just with his "I'm a fag but I'm right wing" bit. Coulda worked for him too.

Anonymous 34982

Bannon would have gotten Milo a job in the White House if he hadn't outed himself as a child groomer.

Anonymous 35961

I think trannies just want to steal men from women because they think they can do it better. They say imitation is flattery, but in this case bitch stay away from my mans penis

Anonymous 35992

he clearly believes "more sexier = more womanlier" so I don't see him as different from any other male socialized troon


Pokemon Anonymous 454[Reply]

What is your favorite pokeman?
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Anonymous 34861


I herd u liek?

Anonymous 34862


Hell yes

Anonymous 34863

I like murkrow

Anonymous 35953

galarian rapidash,…

Anonymous 35964



My Deer Friend Nokotan has ended Anonymous 35626[Reply]

What did you think of the anime?

Anonymous 35634

Fun, kinda basic, but fun.

Anonymous 35635

It's fun, but only if I drink a lot beforehand. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. In terms of yuribait anime, I'd rather watch sakura trick or madoka magica, and in terms of comedy anime, I'd rather watch Saiki K or Nichijou (or bin bougami ga, that one's a classic). Overall, mediocre, but not that bad. Then agian, I dropped it like halfway through and haven't picked it up again so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.

Anonymous 35636


I had fun

Anonymous 35641


Anonymous 35707


How to get into tabletop/d&d Anonymous 35805[Reply]

I really enjoy learning about warhammer lore and playing some games, but i never thought of even touching their tabletop games.I would like to even paint figurines, i know its expensive but it seems really fun.

even d&d just seems awesome as well, i like the roleplay aspect and play witha small group of people but the issue comes with how do you even start understanding the rules and how do you even start playing such a thing

i dont know how to break into something like these im sorry if my request is all over the place. I just dont know how you can meet people irl or even online and feel comfortable to play with them. Im especially worried for being othered because im a woman and kind of autistic and I am already just so anxious about interacting but how can you participate in something like that when its just yourself?? can any nonas help me

Anonymous 35897


Anonymous 35904


I def agree about WH40K (never played it) but D&D should be learnable (enough to play a little) within 10 hours I think.

Anonymous 35921

it just seems realy intimidating especially since I see people with those dice and lil manuals i know NOTHING about this type of stuff… i am not sure where to really start too i once checked out /tg/ but it felt foreign

Anonymous 35924

For me, I went with
>pirate the 5e core rulebooks
It's very easy to learn and most people play it.

>watch/listen to some actualplay videos/podcasts

Dimension 20's series was extremely useful because their GM actually explains rolls and rules on-camera.

>/tg/ Gamefinder threads

I just picked the GM/groups who were newbie-friendly and seemed nice enough. You quickly learn how to identify the really bad groups by how they talk.


There's a gamefinder function and you can look at the stats of players before joining their game to see how experienced they are and whatnot

>Local gaming stores

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Nintendo DS Thread Anonymous 35891[Reply]

What games did you play growing up and what game is your favorite?
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Anonymous 35895

I played alot of Style Savvy and the two ds Zelda games as a kid. I'm currently playing Rune Factory 2 because I love the Rune series so much. Also the DS truly was the best console ever

Anonymous 35899


Anonymous 35920

At 12, Kirby Canvas Curse, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, naturally
Etrain Odyssey and Devil Survivor a few years later

Anonymous 35922

Hotel Dusk and Last Window

Anonymous 36362

pokemonnn all the ds mainline & mystery dungeon & rangers… also have the virtual console for some of the GB poke games:) but also fossil fighters, acnl, flipnote


Hotline Miami Anonymous 35507[Reply]

Does cc like hurting other people?

Anonymous 35907

This game literally pumped dopamine to extreme

Anonymous 35913


Yes. And thats why I love it. Its so addicting.

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