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Need help finding video Anonymous 35811[Reply]

I vaguely remember seeing a video recently, between the months June-October, it was a video of two celebrities on a private yacht/boat, celebrating something together. The woman was half naked(?), whilst the man was recording. This might be old media, because I remember the quality of the video was a little bad. It could’ve been filmed in 2008 for all I know… But I really want to find it! It’s just a bunch of clips of them having fun on the yacht together. Some celebrities came to mind, like Diddy, or Katy Perry and one of her exes, but nothing comes up. Please help me.

Anonymous 35812

Screenshot 2024-10…

the tommy lee and pam anderson sex tape mayhaps?

Anonymous 35821

Do you have the link?

Anonymous 36151

Looked at the vid of her , isn't it. Still on the hunt for it !!


Jacket Id? Anonymous 35825[Reply]

Anyone know the ID on the jacket the woman is wearing on the right?

Anonymous 35830

Huh? Where's the ID? I don't see it anywhere on the image.

Anonymous 35871

Anonymous 36150

thank u bby


Anonymous 36112[Reply]

Is anyone here playing Infinity Nikki? I can't put it down, it's like a combination of botw and a dress up game
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Anonymous 36118

I heard it's on PC but it's not on steam? I'd totally play it especially if it's free

Anonymous 36120

You have to download the game through their website. I heard it's also on Epic Games, but I downloaded it through the site

Anonymous 36124

I have a shit conputer and doubt I’d be able to run it. My graphics card is from 2012

Anonymous 36125

It's also on smartphones and Playstation, but it gets melty on older iphones.

Anonymous 36127

Download Toram Online and join my party…


Toram Online Anonymous 36121[Reply]

Thread for cozy mobile/pc mmorpg from 2015.

Any nonas here play Toram Online? I recently rediscovered it and am looking for people to play with, maybe beat some bosses. I have one bow-class character that is lvl 37 rn. Otherwise I have like lvl 5-7 characters if anyone would like to go through the story together?


Anonymous 36109[Reply]

What was the manga with the school girl or boy who drew manga comics? I thought it was goodbye eri but its not.

Anonymous 36110


look back, same author as goodbye eri

Anonymous 36119

Thank you!


Anonymous 34714[Reply]

What's the best romance story you've ever read/watched?
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Anonymous 35515

Mostly a fujo, but I really liked it too

Anonymous 35560

NANA. It's realistic to the T.

Anonymous 36074


I barely read romance in general but the first thing that comes to my mind is Paperbag-kun Is In Love/Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru. It's a short but very sweet and comfy story, also, having a masked character it's a plus for me.

Ooooh, the art is so detailed, I'll check it out sometime.

Anonymous 36075

the one I made up in my head…

Anonymous 36116

MARS by Fuyumi Soryu


r Anonymous 36049[Reply]

Anyone like Scooby Doo? What's your favorite series?

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Anonymous 36051

Never played any of them. What are they like? Is the experience nostalgic?

Anonymous 36052

I used to love the special(s?) with Vincent Price.

Anonymous 36053


Anonymous 36054

Scooby doo and the loch ness monster was the height of scooby doo films.

Anonymous 36091


Wicked Anonymous 35987[Reply]

Did you enjoy it?
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Anonymous 36072

that high note at the end

(this song isn't a spoiler, it's the opening song)

Anonymous 36078

Gee, I didn't know Cynthia Erivo posted here? You see any more triggering movie poster edits?

Anonymous 36080


Anonymous 36081

Making the black woman green seems really weird. I only read the books, didn't see the play, but Elphaba being green was because the Wizard of Oz was her bio dad after he gave Elphaba's mother some green snake oil. She wasn't a racism allegory. The talking Animals were the allegory (worse, I know.) Just looks so uncanny to make her green.

Anonymous 36090


Grande on her way to win Best Supporting Actress awards


Genshin Impact Anonymous 19845[Reply]

How do you feel about Mihoyo, Genshin Impact and their playerbase?
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Anonymous 29401

congrats ! I lost my pity to Jean but I saved a lot of quests and exploration so im gonna grind now and hopefully i will get him soon

Anonymous 35225


Sorry for the shitty screenshot but picrel just explains natlan problem as a whole. Not only is her outfit super modern, but her sword has this sci fi thing where it shows like the beat of music? Like how the hell is natlan so technically advanced compared to the other nations. The other nations, even fontaine are behind for centuries.

Anonymous 35497

Does anyone want to sperg about the beautiful Natlan scenery / exploration / music / lore / quests? When I heard this song playing in Tecipac Peak during sunset I had to pause and take my characters to gaze out over the horizon, filled with an emotion stronger than tears. This game's soundtrack makes me want to learn how to play music.

Anonymous 35873

How is fontaine behind a "few centuries" ? Each nation does things how they want to. The way I see it, natlan is the one who is behind. Fontaine is full of advanced robots, from the guards in the city to the random monsters you fight during open exploration.

Anonymous 36088

I like Natlan but it's shaping up to be Inazuma 2 for me–I don't care for the Archon quest but I really like all the side content.


Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 33046[Reply]

Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
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Anonymous 34809


absolutely agree about the snark subreddits. there were a couple which i'd read every morning while i eat like it was a fucking newspaper.
now everything is stale and it all feels the same, boring and uninspired

Anonymous 34810


it's always the most hullabaloo over celebrities like Taylor Swift and never interesting ones. I don't give a fuck about the Sussex couple or the UK royals, Hilary Baldwin is stale, I want to see snark subs about someone cow worthy who actually deserves the backlash, or a response to people actually being retarded and cow worthy, not micromanaging the same milkless five celebrities over and over. Boring. Boring boring boring

Anonymous 36077

Too many bots, the people who aren't bots are basically mini-corpos concerned with building a following, the end goal for both is monetization, instead of old internet which was just for fun without monetary gain

Anonymous 36082

I miss IRC chats. There’s still some going, but it seems to be dying off. When discord was killing off radfem / gc spaces I made an irc chat for that on a node I knew was friendly. But no one wanted to try to figure out how to get on there, even though I explained it over and over how to do it, and they could just google it. It makes me so sad that so many self hosted things that are available to people aren’t used because it’s “too hard” compared to the commercialized, sterilized, sanitized web. I guess IBs are kinda like that these days too. II’s sad. Like people will say “go make your own” like it’s that easy, but people are still stuck on the globo dead botted web.

Anonymous 36086

tumblr, pinterest, facebook and instagram. In order to satisfy your curiosity, start by developing hobbies outside of being on the internet. Eventually (I hope) you'll want to learn more about the hobbies you're engaging in and you'll clean out your feed to reflect what you're interested in.

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