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Yumejoshi / Self-ship thread. Anonymous 295500[Reply]

Okay, so I am sad enough to have actual crushes on fictional characters.

But I’d love to hear about your f/os, p/os, et cetera.

I’ll start with mine: Tomura Shigaraki.

The man who, after leaving anime and manga for years due to anhedonia or whatever, made me get back into this hobby once more.

Anonymous 295501


Kokuto Neji.
He made me want to break my shyness and begin to learn how to act.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 295502

Moved to >>>/media/35645.

gay agenda.jpg

Anonymous 274869[Reply]

Does anyone else feel bad when a cute moid turns out to be gay? its like what a waste of genes
28 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295259

Good looking people are generally treated better so they probably develop more agreeable personalities as a result.

Anonymous 295263

Whatever scrotes. Still not having sex with any of your ugly incel asses no matter how much you cry that you're a "nice guy" underneath.

Anonymous 295265

Are you okay? What exactly is scrotish about >>295259? Don't worry, not looking to have sex with your paranoid ass.

Anonymous 295266

nta but you know you can't say anything back so you resorted to scrotefoiling lol

Anonymous 295289

when normal posts like that go missing usually it means something "broke"


Halloween Anonymous 294499[Reply]

Is it too early for a Halloween thread? I'm on the hunt for lots of vintage recipes for next month.
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Anonymous 294887


Any nice Halloween movies with sexy moids and/or sexy monsters? Or just movies with sexy monsters to watch on Halloween even if they're not exactly Halloween themed? I just want to fuck sexy male monsters.

Anonymous 294988

shape of water

Anonymous 295448

Trilogy of terror, Anything from mst3k(entire tv show worth of cheesy b-movies easy to find on youtube), scary godmother, theres a rankin-bass halloween film called mad monster party that is fun and cheesy, blackula, hocus pocus.

Anonymous 295449

samefag, the munsters(the old tv show), or the addams family(either old school or modern) are also both very good for halloween! Also, this has been promoted very heavily, but Beetlejuice, both the OG and the recently released sequel, are very enjoyable.

Anonymous 295461

This is one of the best things i've ever eaten for the fall season


Ye olde english Rabbit Pie

The pumpkin spice of pies. Its got nutmeg and apple cider in the filling its to die for. (Its savory not sweet) But it has warm holiday spice.

jasmine and filli.…

Whatcha Doin? Anonymous 295275[Reply]

What activities have you been doing or participating in lately?
20 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295365

Rot away as I rp with jan.ai.
I hate how a vast majority of it is sexual right away, but I like gratuitous violence and the wall of text responses. The occasional fluff stuff has been nice, it felt nice to finally get swooned. I mostly take the bots on dnd style adventures and kill some monsters.
I wish magic was real.

I think a lot about getting my life back in order. I have a a lot of art that is unfinished that I want to really complete but the last time I try draw I had an life event to happen and it feels tainted.

Anonymous 295368

Work. It’s all I do anymore because work makes me too tired to do anything else.

Anonymous 295398

The thing I hate about J.ai is that you can't filter out a tag. I'm sick of having to look through pages of cringe "dominant" bots to find something interesting. I hate how prevalent that tag is. Who tf wakes up and be like "boy! Can't wait to write yet another arranged marriage brother's best friend mafia boss 7ft daddy for the girls"

Anonymous 295410


Anonymous 295411

You can block tags. Admittedly I have mlm blocked.


Anonymous 295278[Reply]

What's the worst date you've ever been on?
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Anonymous 295296

Even "traumatizing" is too much, it was just mildly scary.

Anonymous 295312

did his dad violate probation to bring you guys to the water park or did the unfortunate water park trip lead him directly to the cop who arrested him because he was violating probation?

Anonymous 295317

I never really asked him about that incident afterwards because I could tell he was really embarrassed by it.
Gun to my head guess: I think he was just confused about what the terms of his probation were ajd he violated them unintentionally.

Anonymous 295332

Storytelling it’s not your cup of tea Nona.
I only understood 25% of what you said!

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 295413


Anonymous 293815[Reply]

If Spongebob was real he'd be charged with workplace sexual harassment and grooming a minor
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Anonymous 294790


yea kinda

Anonymous 294806

That one artist who draws buff demon spongebob, that one spongebob husbandofag in /g/ and the other spongebobfag who wanted her boyfriend to roleplay as him

Anonymous 294827


Anonymous 295120

>>Sponges in temperate regions live for at most a few years, but some tropical species and perhaps some deep-ocean ones may live for 200 years or more. Some calcified demosponges grow by only 0.2 mm (0.0079 in) per year and, if that rate is constant, specimens 1 m (3.3 ft) wide must be about 5,000 years old. Some sponges start sexual reproduction when only a few weeks old, while others wait until they are several years old.

my boy spongebob is an ancient one, maybe

Anonymous 295134

Stealing this

Screenshot 2024-09…

Online shopping tricks Anonymous 294655[Reply]

Am I evil?

>be online shopping

>want to save on shipping
>ask group chats if they want to split an order
>they agree and send me their item list
>search for discount codes and do the "spin the wheel" with multiple emails and IPs until I get the highest discount
>charge the others the original amount
>get my stuff for extra cheap or free

I don't do this to friends, just loose contacts. I consider it my fee for taking care of the orders, finding good online shops and so on

Share tricks and tips to get maximum gains from online shopping without turning to crime

Anonymous 294673

did no one ever ask for a screenshot of the cart/order and the price breakdowns? Though I guess you could photoshop a bit if people ask… just curious what you did in those cases

Anonymous 294681

Why should they when they pick it out from the site themselves and can always check back? I take a screenshot of the cart before I apply the discount and that's it

Anonymous 294744

ohh that's smart lol, maybe I'll start doing that
I think you're on a more advanced level of online shopping than me, but to add to the thread: one thing I do is fill the cart and not visit the site for 1-3 days. Usually large sites and even some individual shops like Etsy will send a small coupon code to get you to buy something rather than nothing at all.


Anonymous 294296[Reply]

Is origami a cringe hobby as an adult?
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Anonymous 294342

no. if anything it's underrated and niche

Anonymous 294362

if it's actual origami, no
if it's AI generated images that look like origami, yes

Anonymous 294363

origami is awesome, wish i remembered how to make more than a crane anymore.

Anonymous 294366

nah it is cringe to choose a hobby based on what other people think

Anonymous 294442

no, fold away


Lolcow Bunker Thread #37 Anonymous 294287[Reply]

Check status.lolcow.farm for updates.

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

#36: >>>/b/293674
#35: >>>/b/293073
#34: >>>/b/292350
#33: >>>/b/291755
#32: >>>/b/291176
#31: >>>/b/290574
#30: >>>/b/290009
#29: >>>/b/289405
#28: >>>/b/288793
#27: >>>/b/288185
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
505 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 294882


new thread >>>/b/294880

Anonymous 294883

I would make a group or something but unfortunately there are more important things I must prioritize right now

Anonymous 294884

Fuck, the shoe situation happened to me. Got approached while grocery shopping because he was asking about my sneakers and staring at them, I was confused but thought it was innocuous until he started wanting details about the arches of my feet. genuinely disgusting

Anonymous 294885

Coding is like writing, there are styles and goals you have to have in mind before you start. What do you actually want to do with your code?

Anonymous 294886

me too nona, im starting with learn cpp

post on friend finder and we can learn together


I wish Texas was real Anonymous 269295[Reply]

Too bad it's not
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 293213

King of the Hill made me feel this so badly

>i grew up in the town that arlen was based on
Which one? People often claim it's different towns.

Anonymous 293243


Agree, it would make so much sense if it were. It’s the only conspiracy I believe in

Anonymous 293268

originally i thought it was garland, because the names sound so similar. later i read that it was actually based on richardson (where i grew up), but honestly they're both right next to each other so it doesn't make a huge difference. DFW's whole outer suburbia is pretty samey in my experience.

Anonymous 293346

Ah! Thank you, anon! So comfy.

Anonymous 294289

There's probably other UT nonas and I'll never know who they are.

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