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professional wrestling Anonymous 266775[Reply]

it JUST occurred to me that millions of moids around the world enjoy watching roided up buff guys pretend to beat each other up on TV. i just cant understand the appeal. do any of you enjoy professional wrestling? if so why?
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Anonymous 266981

men are gay

Anonymous 266984

Pro wrestling describes the fake and gay world of politics and news media. Why watch shitty politicians pretend to be enemies when I can watch wrestlers do it better?

Anonymous 266991

I watched it a lot as a kid in the 90s and still peek in as a casual viewer (builtfat dudes acting goofy is moe to me). I feel like it scratches the same itch as shonen anime for people who don't like or know about shonen anime.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGye1pK2ysQ this shit is so stupid you just gotta chuckle.

Anonymous 303133

Glad those fags get aids

Anonymous 303140


The explanation of "soap opera with violence" is a good one. I like putting on some old wrasslin' or a Brasilian novella while I'm at the laundromat or doing work. They both scratch a similar itch in my brain I suppose. Both of them are mindless enough to not require all your attention, but engaging enough to not drone on and get boring.


Moid comebacks Anonymous 104187[Reply]

Post the best comebacks you have seen or thought of in response to common moid stupidity.

Requests welcome too!
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Anonymous 105396


what do when I respond like this but they laugh and try harder instead?

Anonymous 105568

"straight" men lie about their sexualities all the time though, a lot of them are bi and jerk it to tranny porn or cheat on their wives with men.

Anonymous 105649

stand and scream "fucking take a hint and fuck off you creep"

Anonymous 105663

a funny one is to pick your nose and say "eeew, go away"

Anonymous 303138

You call this a penis
This is a penis
>just pull out mandingos penis


Anonymous 293153[Reply]

What percentage of CC anons are bi?
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Anonymous 295137


I love Cate Blanchett
>Kristen Stewart in these pics = literally me

Anonymous 295194

Kek, I'm 22 and it's a bit similar. I prefer people who are like a decade older than me, or a bit younger, like 7 years older than me at least. Like I was able to date guys like 10 years older than me but even girls my age don't pay attention to me and women in their 30s and older in my life tend to be already married and straight.

Anonymous 295416

I've been weak for her since Hannibal, then I rewatched X files!
Kill Billie
No cute moids in this spread, shame.

Anonymous 295515

Fuck Megan Fox
Marry Josephine Baker
Kill Billie Joe

Anonymous 303132


Stress em out until he balled lol


Anonymous 299628[Reply]

Help me caption this meme
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Anonymous 299747

Small cats says "Mom, I almost catched this big bird, it flew away at the last moment, I swear, mom!" and big cat says "Of course, sonny/daughter"

Anonymous 299748


Anonymous 299752

big bird, sesame street

Anonymous 301525

Anonymous 303131

But maaa he said I’m more mature then the other kittens



What's your job like? Anonymous 232819[Reply]

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Anonymous 303081

>tax fraud
I meant insurance fraud lol

Anonymous 303084


I work the night shift. It ruins your body and mental health over time.

Anonymous 303087

Why is ivermectin considered bad? Genuinely curious. It's popular in my country, although it has more of veterinarian usage rather than humanitarian

Anonymous 303115

Actually quite funny u brought this up, i legit bought some OTC ivermectin while on vacation to a shithole where there are no regulations.

Have a cold rn and tried it out, also good for a parasite cleanse after visiting said shithole haha.

Its all due to a meme, in our country doctors even lost licenses for prescribing ivrmection for non parasite treatment. Any research i do on this topic is all memed up by a shitton of articles disproving or approving of it.

Anyway i just took the highest dose prescribed for parasite infections and took one dose early into my cold symptoms, lets see how it goes lole.
Its a very safe med and here i will desrcibe the recommended dose:
200 micrograms/kg, so if ur 60kg thats 12000 mcg → 12 mg (2 tabs of 6mg)
Only take it 1 time into early symptoms, cant find info on repeated doses, so no idea. Maybe 6mg on day 3 becuase it has a half life of 3 days and its excreted through ur poop only

Anonymous 303118

Ivermectin is initially an antiparasitic drug, there's nothing wrong with it in that regard. But some doctors tried using it to treat covid and conspiracy lunatics jumped on that, heralding it as some kind of miracle drug big pharma doesn't want you to know about. There's no definitive scientific consensus on its effectiveness but meta analyses results vary between "basically a placebo" and "possibly some benefits when nothing else is available".


Anonymous 301531[Reply]

Do you like clubbing? Why or why not?
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Anonymous 302587

it was fun when i was able to still drink alcohol. sober? boring and overwhelming.

Anonymous 302604

Based. Generations are a psyop.

Anonymous 303099

im too ugly to try to larp as a normie

Anonymous 303106

The venn diagram for nonas and girls who like clubbing is two separate circles

Anonymous 303114

I want to but I have no friends


Anonymous 302238[Reply]

Can someone please explain the obsession autists have with robot girlfriends?
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Anonymous 302876

Someone made a pic that was like "when you finally get a goth gf but she turns out to be a fully realized human being with thoughts, needs, wants, emotions, and life/destiny" with the guy being sad or freaking out. I think that sums it up pretty well. People aren't simple and it's not all positives, and this only multiplies when you remember most men don't seem to consciously register women as people. Rewards of toy sex and chatbot affection, but with none of the work or messy complications that come with dealing with another whole-ass person. None of the fulfillment, either,

Anonymous 302983

I desperately yearn for the time I get to be the robot girlfriend

Anonymous 303000


Anonymous 303007

I want my partner to have a very specific personality that would be hard to find in a real human male. A robot is predictable and can be configured to match your exact needs.
I cannot imagine anything better for straight women than robot boyfriends. A robot will never secretly be a misogynist, watch porn or worse. You never have that certainty with a real moid.

Anonymous 303109

Autists are robots themselves


Meme Template Thread Anonymous 303095[Reply]

Add your best captions


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?
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Anonymous 303061

Torturing animals is so much fun huh

Anonymous 303068

Where tf do you see torture?

Anonymous 303079

Removing the child from the mother is distressing to both the child and the mother

Anonymous 303082

It is FUN.
Didn't you see the cute picture?

Anonymous 303088

I'm curious, do you drink milk?


Anonymous 302860[Reply]

Any anime recommendations that isnt fan service 24/7?
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Anonymous 302878


Anonymous 302879


Anonymous 302883

there hasn’t been a single decent ecchi anime for years anyway, all the new stuff is already being created for OP kind of watcher

Anonymous 303070


>Maria Holic
It's a parody of yuri animes

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 303096

Moved to >>>/media/36645.

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