>What craft(s) do you enjoyKnitting, crochet, sewing. I've tried spinning wool into yarn and dyeing yarn, too.
>what is your skill levelI'm best at knitting, bad at crochet, medium good at sewing, and bad at spinning wool and dyeing yarn lol
>how long have you been at itSince I was a kid for knitting, for 6 months for sewing, 3 months for the other stuff
>what got you into itMy grandma taught me how to knit. I wanted to learn how to sew so I could tailor some of my clothing. Crochet and other fibercrafts came from knitting, I guess
>what have you finished recentlyA wool soaker for my friend's future baby. She wants to cloth diaper but a lot of the commercial wool soakers are way too expensive
>what are you working on nowMore wool soakers lol
>what do you hope to make in the futureI want to make some fingered gloves at some point.
>what materials do you prefer using (brands, fiber, etc)Post too long. Click here to view the full text.