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Anonymous 274885[Reply]

What's it called when the more a person is genuinely kind to you the more uncomfortable and distant you become?
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Anonymous 274891

I'm talking about other women trying to befriend me tard

Anonymous 274893

Same applies
We all need a healthy dose of toxicity in our lives, everyone knows “nice” people are just a bunch of fakers. Kindness is only valuable when it comes from people who are honest enough to show you their true feelings

Anonymous 274895

Have fun scaring every bit of kindness people have to offer away.

Anonymous 275109

This usually means that as a child you only received attention from your parents almost exclusively when they were unhappy with you.

Anonymous 275304


Anonymous 272908[Reply]

What's are some hobbies women can't enjoy because of men?
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Anonymous 274698

Auto repair/auto service. Male dominated and they think you'll do a shit job bc ur a woman

Anonymous 274715

yup I hate going to the parts store everyone either looks down on you or condescendingly praises you like you’re a child learning.

I’ve tried to get into card and board games (like Pokémon) but everytime I go to an event or game cafe all the men just kinda stare at me like I’m a different species. It’s never been hostile but I feel very alienated

Anonymous 274736

As a kid I literally couldn't have hobbies because I lived in a Muslim country. Since moving to a secular country, I've never really felt there's a hobby I can't enjoy because of men. There are certain hobbies I can't enjoy the full experience of, but that's usually because the full experience is competitive and it draws out the worst in men, as well as just the worst men. I feel safe while hiking and taking nature walks, which is statistically far safer than walking through the city. Wargaming, board games, card games etc. have an awkwardness hurdle, since like >>274715 said I got a lot of stares at first, but that usually just lasts the first few times going there.

Anonymous 274746

>hiking is safe actually
t. moid who wants to lure cc users into the woods

Anonymous 275104

Sometimes martial arts, especially if you have one of those coaches who's super obsessed with making men and women spar together and acting like there's 0 difference. I've been boxing for a while and my coach told me to spar with a massive moid because we were both beginners, this scrote was like 3x my weight and like a foot taller, like an actual orc, we started sparring he was going easy to his credit, but he slipped a bit and accidentally got me with a jab and knocked me out, I had a concussion and everything, shit sucks.


Anonymous 273228[Reply]

Why do women feel the need to tear other women down?
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Anonymous 275032

I remember at a wedding an elderly woman complimented me and she said she felt like there being no war anymore made girls prettier. I think about that moment quite often, it somehow makes sense with aging too. Although I gotta say she was a beautiful woman herself.

Anonymous 275033

I'm relatively young and i love older women because they are based and give zero fucks, total ageist death

Anonymous 275043

Stating reality is not "tearing down"
I relate more with men my age than I do with millennial women at school/work. It's a sad state of affairs, but for most zoomers that's reality.

Anonymous 275051

Picrel did not happen.

Anonymous 275097

I think it's extremely stupid to post this interaction online with a video of your face attached. I wouldn't even post such an interaction here on CC; I'd maybe distort some truths to depersonalise anything so it couldn't be traced back to me.

I'm an elder Zoomer, for the record.


Dolls Anonymous 268955[Reply]

Does anyone collect dolls here? What kind of dolls?

I collect pullip family dolls but only isuls and dals because for some reason I dont really like pullips and taeyangs :D I have 3 ones started in 2017!
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Anonymous 274064

Screenshot 2024-06…

these are pretty new but i've been thinking of collecting these nendoroid dolls! they're pretty cute :D

Anonymous 274848

i collect porcelain dolls

Anonymous 274861

That's cool

Anonymous 274889

I don't know if vintage ponies count, but yeah, restoring them is one of my hobbies.

Anonymous 275050

American girl dolls. I have ~22, roughly 7-8 are just to fix up and resell though. AG used to have such a good balance with their historical collections for older fans, and GOTY and me dolls for younger girls. Now all three collections (I think there might be another new category too but I haven't been following AG itself) are focused on appealing to 7 year olds. Picrel is the historical character samantha in the old and new versions. They made her neon pink for no reason other than trying to maintain relevancy with today's girls who want OMG dolls. AG needs to understand that a large part of their remaining fans are adult women who don't want a glitter-bombed historical character.


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
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Anonymous 274435

oldie but goodie. lol

Anonymous 274538

i was saying to my friend the other day, it is a very eye opening and some times necessary experience, it teaches u the true evil nature of moids that u may not expect if you are sheltered and think men in real life are romantic and sweet like in movies… but generally nothing about it is worth it

Anonymous 274831

no, get courting-Pilled NOW

Anonymous 274840

No, loveless sex isn’t as rewarding as a long term relationship

Anonymous 275044

>hookup culture, casual sex
fine if that's what you are looking for, but have you tried dildos, vibrators and erotica/porn? Always make him wear a condom, cause semen has mind control powers.
>dating apps
Only if you are smart about it. If you know that you are average and you only go after top %10 men then you are just giving them sex in exchange for unearned validation and then some 60%er will come around and he will dump you.


Anonymous 275041[Reply]

>realizing 45% of self proclaimed "lesbians" on the net just call thierselfs that to avoid men unironaclly flirting with them


Where do you see yourself in 50 years? Anonymous 274795[Reply]

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Anonymous 274868

Anonymous 274913

also dead

always wanted to grow very old but it's not realistic

Anonymous 274964

I hope I'll be living on a mountain in the middle of nowhere knitting on the front porch all day. I'll never off myself because I look forward to getting old so much. Everyone in my family gets stupidly old (90+) with decent health so I hope I do too. I'll be part of a book club and listen to everyone complain about their husbands while sipping tea all day, wish I could just time travel that amount of time.

Anonymous 275015

probably on spinster.xyz posting my latest knitting fits

Anonymous 275018


Growing veggies and putting them in jars. Maybe growing grapes and making wine too.


Lolcow Bunker Thread #8 Anonymous 223551[Reply]

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Anonymous 274941

You caused it, anon. The mods want to censor the truth about how delicious Indonesian food is. Never stop spreading the truth.

Anonymous 274942

moids stop invading and sabotaging women's spaces challenge (impossible)

Anonymous 274945

Wanted to take a break from work and look at the Trump assassination thread because it's funny, found the site down.

Anonymous 274948

Just woke up fuck me lc is like my morning paper

Anonymous 274949

I like how once lc is down we all migrate here. Are there any other imageboards for women that are more chill? I used to visit lolcow and kiwifarms for the cows, but the milk is stale.

This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872[Reply]

The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.

Anonymous 274883

Anonymous 274926


How old is everyone? Anonymous 261242[Reply]

It seems like most users are around 20-30 but I wanted to ask anyway cause I’m curious. I’m 18.
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Anonymous 274740

turning 22 next week!

Anonymous 274811


Anonymous 274836

I'm finally 18
It's not as freeing as I thought it would be lol

Anonymous 274838

I turned 22 recently, I’ve been lurking/ occasionally posting on this website since I was like 18

Anonymous 274925

hey, same

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