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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 299556[Reply]

Anyone with disabilities / health issues here?
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Anonymous 299579

People with Down Syndrome can have normal intelligence. It's a misconception that they are all retarded.

Anonymous 299615

I had no idea.

Anonymous 299723

I've never seen a downie with an average IQ but downies in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't know how to put this right, but it seems like they're good at picking up on complex emotional bids that average adults don't pick up on.

Anonymous 299729

I never actually considered this before but looking back on the downies I’ve interacted with, you’re right. They struggle intellectually, but they’re often the first to pick up on someone being upset and quick to try and cheer that person up.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 299732

Moved to >>>/hb/21008.


/int/craft 40 - Modern American Civil War Anonymous 299664[Reply]

/int/craft is a geopolitical roleplay Minecraft server that has been running since 2015 and is now in preparation for its 40th iteration which will launch on January 4th.

This Iteration is set in the near future after political & economic turmoil in America has boiled over into an all-out civil war. Will you help the Government restore order? Or will you join up with the Trumpists, or maybe a regional power? Maybe it's high time to stake your own claim and make a run for the Capitol.

The iteration will feature Modern Guns, Cars, Nodes territory plugin, Brewery, An all new custom made map with easter eggs, many custom textures, and of course War and Conquest.

If you are curious, you can try out the mechanics on our test server.
IP: intcraft.lol
Version: 1.20.1

For more info, check out our website.

Join our discord to stay up to date with new features and events.
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e
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Anonymous 299665

Anonymous 299666

discord embed fail as brainless zombie copies and pastes
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e


Mayo Anonymous 299624[Reply]


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?
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Anonymous 299253


Anonymous 299285

TAFE is used for certs and diplomas, lower levels of education. You can study things related to what you might get a bachelors degree in Uni for, or lower entry jobs in similar fields (i.e., animal studies in TAFE, veterinary science in uni). TAFE is also used for trades and makeup artistry and stuff like that which you can't really get at uni. TAFE is way cheaper, a few grand for a diploma or cert compared to (at least) 10s of thousands at uni. TAFE also has pretty well no entry requirements (besides speaking english maybe).

Nope there is genuinely nothing. We don't have any interesting history, nothing that makes us unique. Not even a historical piece of clothing. (ignoring Indigenous culture because everyone who lives here is white now). We had a gold rush once and we had prisons. We used to celebrate Australia day which would've maybe been modern culture but most people don't celebrate it anymore.

Anonymous 299426


Have Australians ever felt that they are living in a land that does not belong to them?

Anonymous 299449

I mean we don't really feel out of place, but we don't have traditions or cuisine that a group of people that were always living here would, if that makes sense.

Anonymous 299472


Don't let them fool you with the false image they're trying to present of themselves as wild free tanned cowboys and surfer chicks living with kangaroos in the Outback

>Australia is really southern UK. John Curtain who was prime minister of the country was of the opinion that Australia should be the southern outpost of the British race.

>Stolen generation. Attempting to breed Aboriginals out of existence. Take their kids at a young age educate them and show them how to act in British society. Get the women to marry white men who have mixed babies. Within 3 generations you could breed out almost all physical aboriginal traces.
>We had a white (anglo only) Australia only immigration policy up until the 70s
>If someone tells you that Australia has an identity, they are lyring. We are about as rootless cosmopolitan as you can get
>Aussies have no manufacturing base, no tech sector, essentially produce nothing as a country. Everyone laughed at them during COVID.
>The old "melting pot" idea was to erase all traces of different cultures and have one bland "American culture." to create a melting pot slave system of compliance lol
>Australia is an economic zone based solely on the worship of money and absolutely nothing else. They don't have any real identity or culture.
>Australia is the most americanized country in the world after Canada. You're americanized enough to annex tomorrow without much of a difference to anyone. You're actually more americanized than Hawaii which is an actual state
>ABC here in Aus did a vox pop segment where they walked around the University of Technology campus which happens to be right next to their studio and asked students about their opinion on Trump, because we're obsessed with being American
> Whitlam dismissal. Whitlam annihilated manufacturing forever and Australia is permanently dependent on USA and China
>Got rid of most the manufacturing capabilities in the 80's, outsourcing it to elsewhere
>Pauline Hanson said Aussie women having kids only do it for the government handouts because she Pauline says was a single mother andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 299425[Reply]

Do you like driving? Did you ever have driving anxiety or fear of driving?
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Anonymous 299450

Tbh it's roundabouts that keep me from driving. They're everywhere here so I can't really avoid them.

Anonymous 299453

I love driving, I used to transport car parts across multiple states for retail as a job before COVID fucked everything up. Nothing better than the open roads and some tunes, especially during the summer. I'd get back into the industry if I wasn't riding solo as a woman this time around. Fucking hate most of the people on the roads though, Honda and Nissan drivers need to seek God.

Anonymous 299463


I don't know how to drive and I don't plan on learning. I walk if I need to go somewhere. If I ever die from getting ran over then I guess it was my time to go.

Anonymous 299468


I don't hate roundabouts, I hate other people who don't know how to use them. They're way better and safer than crossroads if used correctly.
Indicate reeeeeeee

Anonymous 299518

trains man.png

I'd rather not drive. Thankfully my city has decentish public transport, and my job pays for it.


Anonymous 298199[Reply]

Does anyone else want to get married someday but also is loser with no friends. Like who would I even ask to be my bridesmaids?? I'd be one of those brides with literally two bridesmaids..who would I even invite..i dont know why im thinking about this
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Anonymous 299047

idk I don't mind wedding websites, it's a useful way to collect rsvps/ share gift registries and a lot of websites where you can do it for free.

Anonymous 299137

What do s think about the correlation between expensive weddings and divorce? I go back and forth on wanting a wedding or marriage at all, but I was thinking of a beach side micro wedding for around a few thousand.

Anonymous 299183

Oh same here. My moid’s family are extremely rude and trashy and his mom is overprotective.

Anonymous 299209

Best bet option. Just have it casual with beach games set up ideally it’s not a windy day. If not tent rentals aren’t too bad. I was thinking of booking the largest cabin in a state park near me as my venue.

Anonymous 299447

I have no friends too. My guy had two friend coworkers show up and we took a video in a nice park. We later had a reception cause my mom paid for it and really pushed for it.


Polish thread Anonymous 205011[Reply]

A thread for nonas from Poland to connect and talk!
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Anonymous 208680

I moved out of Poland together with my parents when I was 14. I lived in an unremarkable town and I always hated the atmosphere and how depressing it was. Maybe if I was from a bigger city like Kraków I would have liked it, I only visited it once in summer and it was nice. I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to Poland but I want to visit again at least.

Anonymous 220696

hymn śląska.webm

anyone from silesia here?

Anonymous 221649

do you visit polish imageboards?

Anonymous 221905

don't really know all that many

Anonymous 237983

Not at all.


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
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Anonymous 269221

I passed N2, now I want to pass N1.

every day:
business japanese study
kanji study
bunpo (just review ok)
read something (novel, news, manga)
vocab anki (at least 5 cards)

multiplication anki (at least 5 cards)
game anki (at least 5 cards)

Anonymous 271662

updated my routine a bit:

bunpo app
akebi kanji practice
anki sets
read news or novel

Anonymous 297161

I haven't been using my textbook. I finished the bunpo jlpt n1 course but I still do reviews. I've been slacking on news articles, too.

new daily routine:
anki kanji and grammar decks
read 1 news article
read novel or manga
write at least 3 sentences and have them corrected

Anonymous 299166

Changed my routine, I can feel a lot of improvement lately:

business Japanese anki
jlpt all levels grammar anki
kanji radicals anki
grammar app n1 review
nihongo no mori n1 grammar videos
read manga

Anonymous 299217

Exercise 3 days a week M W F
Ride bike 3 days a week at minimum T T S
IPL 3 days a week T T S
Memrise and Anki every day
You’re doing amazing and it’s so heartening to see your updates. I’m rooting for you!


Anonymous 149385[Reply]

Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
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Anonymous 298929

Only if I'm backed into a corner and don't feel comfortable admitting I'm female, I would casually say I'm a guy, but I don't try to play it up or pretend. I've done this numerous times online just to feel secure and sometimes even put "male" on profiles to not get bombarded with direct messages from moids. It's really effective.

Anonymous 299002

>man pretending to be a woman on cc, claiming to go on 4chan pretending to be a man

Anonymous 299004

>women hide their identities on the internet so they don't get men simping or harassing them
>it looks like mostly men are posting
>men think they're the default on the internet

Anonymous 299136

Elle suit.jpeg

I pretended to be a boy on a forum for girls back in the day because I wanted to woo them.

Anonymous 299160

I dont know why everyone is doubting you. I do the same and depending on the angle I use it tends to work pretty well in making them feel ashamed of themselves for a few seconds at least


Anonymous 298346[Reply]

anyone employed here? or are you like me
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Anonymous 298366

I'm employed. Just your average citizen, nothing to see here o society

Anonymous 298376

How old are you, anon? I'm employed and also a college student and it's pretty miserable. I didn't feel any sort of guilt when I was a neet and I wish I could go back to it every day

Anonymous 299054

Unironically I'm too unwell to work

Anonymous 299055

Just have rich parents that buy you a house. 2ez

Anonymous 299056

Yeah, full time employment and college. But my job is super easy, and I love it. I can knit at work.

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