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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Frozen Juice Concentrate Is Underrated Anonymous 303054[Reply]

These are really cheap and make tons of juice. They also last a very long time stored in the fridge. You can even stockpile them and have juice all year-round without take up too much space.

Anonymous 303057

I used to cut bits off of these from the freezer and eat them as a kid.

Anonymous 303064

how did you cut them off if they're frozen? I never used that before

Anonymous 303065

I need this

Anonymous 303069

They weren't frozen solid.


Horrible Anonymous 303051[Reply]

When I see this I get a visceral reaction.

Anonymous 303052



Anonymous 302372[Reply]

What's the best way to cook spaghetti? Should the pasta be slightly chewy or soft? Should the sauce be mixed with the pasta or poured on top? Should you add olive oil in the water when boiling pasta or not?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302374

Firm/al dente pasta is usually best.
No olive oil in water.
Sauce poured on top.

Anonymous 302385

and then use their meat for pasta bolognese

Anonymous 302390



Anonymous 302460

I like to cook the pasta in the sauce. I just add some water and I also like olive oil but its not needed. cooking it this way makes it especially nice I think cause the pasta gets more flavor ig and you get to do less dishes. don't forget to add the salt though if you try this.

Anonymous 303050


I like to put diced tomatoes in the pasta sauce to add extra tomato flavor


Anonymous 303048[Reply]

how do you just, flip an object to the other direction. like the backside of it. assuming you remember it entirely, so its about, getting the lines and form correct, with adherence to the silhouette?
it's like the balle illusion, i guess. but this one completely retarded.

Anonymous 303049



Anonymous 303025[Reply]

What do you guys think about the Optimus ( If I remember correctly ) robot by Tesla
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Anonymous 303035

It's a meme that the robots are remote controlled by third world workers paid in pennies

Anonymous 303042

Even your pennies are worth a lot here when can I apply?

Anonymous 303043

Kai Cenat was the streamer's name

Anonymous 303044

I like it because I'm attracted to its stiff movements and faceless face you guys are better than me

Anonymous 303045

More fake bullshit being rolled out by America's smoke & mirrors dependent, dying tech industry's least honest company.


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
47 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302511

Anon your allergy isn't going to go away.

Anonymous 302512

Had a crazy fun night out with lemon sours, beer, and whiskey high balls!

Anonymous 302561

Last time I drank too much, woke up at 4am, bought some alcohol at a convenience store, and walked around for about an hour without drinking it. I thought I lost my keys but they were in my bag. Now I'm being pressured to stop drinking but I don't want to.

Anonymous 302593

Maybe I smoke weed instead then

Anonymous 303018

Highly criminalized where I live. I'm being forced to be sober and I hate it.


Anonymous 295131[Reply]

Are we allowed to vent on autistic people here? I sure would like to, I've met some really irritating assholes who have flat-out told me they're on the spectrum.

BTW anyone else ever felt that autists just really like talking about food for some reason? (I mean like regular food, not fine dining stuff) I've my theories as to why, but would like to hear your opinions first.
102 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302489

My mental state is ghetto. Yeah B-)

Anonymous 302498

Normies are nice (sometimes) but interacting with them leaves me feeling lonely still because they are so fake. Other autists can be toxic freaks but I just feel like I belong with them.

Anonymous 302499

Just wondering. Can you relate to what I write?
Speaking is hard to me, but listening is even more harder. Like 70% of the time human language sounds gibberish to me,I literally can't make out words. I often have to ask people to repeat same things like 10 times in a row and this is so embarrassing. And it's impossible to train since obviously I have been hearing people talk my whole life.
The worst part is that I dunno how to even address this shit with doctors to ask for some sort of hearing aid (like speech slowing device?) because I have never heard of other people having trouble like that. The capacity of my hearing itself is fine, you won't detect anything on tests. And there is also no medicinal term either - there is dyslexia, dysgraphia, apraxia but nothing about ability to decode specifically speech.
The first time I ever heard another person mention this shit was some autism shilling blogger and I don't care honestly if it's a grifter I am just happy I am not the only person in this world with this type of retardation.

Anonymous 302503

Diagnostic criteria don't have to be met 100%
Most adult autists prefer to be on their own because they are exhausted from trying and rejection, but autists can easily have natural extroverted temperament. Autism is about cognition not character.

Anonymous 302993

could it be auditory processing disorder?

rika 1.jpg

Anonymous 302149[Reply]

rikaposting to get rid of disgusting CSAM on recent images
24 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302516

rika 18.jpg

Anonymous 302517

rika 19.jpg

Anonymous 302990

rika 20.jpg

Anonymous 302991

rika 21.jpg

Anonymous 302992

rika 22.jpg


Anonymous 302969[Reply]

Why is the dirty old man trope so common in Japan and anime? As someone who has been SAed in the past, Roshi stuff with him perving on various women, especially Bulma who is underage, is disgusting

Anonymous 302976

roshi saved the planet a couple times let him have his pafu pafu

Anonymous 302977

Old people are expected to be respectable, so it's funny when they're not. Same joke with King Kai, which is enhanced by how serious his Japanese voice is.

Anonymous 302982

To show the reality of m*les

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302985

Moved to >>>/media/36565.


Anonymous 302964[Reply]

Am I being whinny or is wageslavery really this bad? I recently ended my neetdom and I have been working in Ikea as a customer service phone agent for 5 months and holy shit am I miserable, it's like my free time is never enough, I'm always thinking about the job and I find myself counting individual hours of free time trying to make each of them "count"; I legit don't know if this normal or if I'm just over reacting
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Anonymous 302968

i guess that's normal, especially when you're working a job that is as draining like customer service. i'd also advise you to just look for a different job. i have also ended my neetdom after a long time and started working at an animal shelter. it requires physical activity but i don't perceive it as mentally draining at all, plus it doesn't pay bad so i am okay with this job

Anonymous 302970


>Am I being whinny

Anonymous 302972

Maybe your instincts are telling you that a 50% income tax, an additional 15% sales tax, tariff taxes and inflation taxes and mandatory insurance taxes means that you're not getting much for your time

Anonymous 302973

customer service is hell on earth, anon. it's the bottom of the barrel. i hate wagecuckery as much as anyone, but customer service is the worst

Anonymous 302975

It was this or being some scrotes sex slave, your choice which is better

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