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How old is everyone? Anonymous 261242[Reply]

It seems like most users are around 20-30 but I wanted to ask anyway cause I’m curious. I’m 18.
76 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 274740

turning 22 next week!

Anonymous 274811


Anonymous 274836

I'm finally 18
It's not as freeing as I thought it would be lol

Anonymous 274838

I turned 22 recently, I’ve been lurking/ occasionally posting on this website since I was like 18

Anonymous 274925

hey, same

gay agenda.jpg

Anonymous 274869[Reply]

Does anyone else feel bad when a cute moid turns out to be gay? its like what a waste of genes
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Anonymous 274888

No because they are hot and i shlick it to gay men

Anonymous 274896

I think it's worse when they turn out to be an incel/chud type loser. Nothing but a total waste.

Anonymous 274898

Never seen a good looking incel

Anonymous 274900


Anonymous 274906

More like samefujo


Anonymous 272595[Reply]

What is the best and worst thing about marriage?
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Anonymous 274748

Having someone to fix your car, water heater and dish washer

Anonymous 274812

Why can't you do that yourself? Do you think women are incapable of repairing machines?

Anonymous 274817

The same. Promising your partner financial security so that he can raise your children without worrying about going bankrupt if you have a change of heart.

If you're both rich then it's just a friendly gesture and a fun party.

Anonymous 274825

I'm married. No kids thankfully.

Best: Splitting finances and housework.
Worst: Having someone constantly around to remind me that some of my interests and opinions that I'm particularly passionate about supposedly aren't very interesting.

Anonymous 274887

Best: A best friend to do literally everything with. Sometimes my husband and I are having a conversation and we genuinely enjoy talking to each other so much that if I need to go to the bathroom, he will follow me to continue the conversation and vice versa. He also wakes up earlier than me for work, goes to starbucks and leaves a my favourite coffee on my bedside table before I even wake up. This happens at least once a week but sometimes more.

Worst: I miss when life was just about chilling with your friends and doing everything & nothing together. I didn't experience this THAT much, never had too many friends to begin with, but there were 1 or 2 that I spent a lot of time with just shooting the shit in our pjs quite often and this doesn't happen as much anymore.


Brazilian anonettes Anonymous 154423[Reply]

Where are you? This place seems more active and interesting than most of brazilian chans nowadays.
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Anonymous 267274


Ignorem que o assunto da notícia já é velho.
Não entendo o fuzuê na justiça feito pelos pais desse garoto ou pelas pessoas que acham que uma criança de 11 anos poderia ir para uma universidade. Ele teria bem mais a ganhar estudando para essas provas olímpicas nacionais (como a OBMEP) e buscando o máximo de notoriedade possível para tentar garantir uma vaga em país estrangeiro.

Anonymous 267275

os calouros q entram na faculdade com 17 anos já são mó imaturos agora eles querem colocar uma criança na sala de aula de universidade azideia
minha previsão é q isso vai fazer muito mal pro psicológico dele e ele vai desistir

Anonymous 268793

1652637156936 mio.…

Não posso falar nada, hue.

Anonymous 268795


Sou pick me por ser animebicha.

Anonymous 274854

Ainda tá lurkando aqui? Se quiser conversar manda request no discord back2dust


ReSt in peace sweet queen Anonymous 274821[Reply]

a moment of silence for the lizard queen

Anonymous 274822

nooo this year sucks more and more, I hate 2024

Anonymous 274839



I'm going to Taco Bell Anonymous 274768[Reply]

You want anything?
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Anonymous 274786


gordita (little fatty)

Anonymous 274793

Fiesta potatoes please…

Anonymous 274799

one giant cheez it pls

Anonymous 274803

crunchwrap supreme

Anonymous 274829

5 layer beef burrito and nacho fries please


Anonymous 273352[Reply]

Why is homosexuality considered something bad? No, I genuinely don't understand why. Because they fuck eachother in the asses? A lot of straight dudes want to fuck women in their asses and nobody seems to care. Because it's unnatural? A lot of shit humans do is unnatural and no one gives a fuck. Because they're pedos? Most pedos are straight men, teen porn and lolishit are widespread as fuck, but no one gives a shit.
There is so many things that are much worse than homosexuality, yet people run around and act like gay marriages is the worst thing that could happen to the world.
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Anonymous 274735

fucking degens!!

Anonymous 274780

tsmt i hate fags

Anonymous 274792

yea i only hate male homos

Anonymous 274796

She's right though, this is just a flat out truth about gay men.

Anonymous 275181

On its own I have no issues with homosexuality, but holy hell I have met far too many misogynistic fags for me to have almost any respect for them. Even the ones who are nicer to be around are still oddly complicit with troons despite being somewhat or fully aware of the shady stuff they're hiding.
This too.


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
396 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 274407

all cows eat grass

Anonymous 274441

Just a generic y2k larper

Anonymous 274710

i have a lowpc laptop that cant run new games but i like the old ones anyway, but im not on my pc a lot cause my mom is staying at home cause of her health and shes very religious, hates technology and doesn't let me play videogames they drive her mad lol. and iykyk, unrelased/early CC is worth burning on a cd it sounds better when played tru an old cd player, i love you claudio and alice

Anonymous 274781

uhmm. you have an adams apple lol

Anonymous 274790


[email protected]
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
i just want to find other people that play moviestarplanet. if you play moviestarplanet still and you're above 18, please shoot me an e-mail! also if you like kpop
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i'm pretty busy with work but contact me whenever and i'll respond to you when i can.


Anonymous 274633[Reply]

Are you a scold? Would you have been put into the ducking stool in the past?
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Anonymous 274650

Not really but I am pro other people doing it.
Fuck the "do whatever you want bruh" lolbertarian faggotry. Society needs a set of standards for people. The problem with the old ones are that they were dictated by moids.

Anonymous 274701

this pic is obviously some degen moid fetish shit but it's really interesting nonetheless

Anonymous 274737

No way. I can't even summon the will to complain about food quality at a restaurant. Thankfully my roommate is a scold who can easily chastise and argue with people for me.

Anonymous 274750

KEK this fucking image

Anonymous 274779

is this like, moid bait?


It is hard to find places to vent freely Anonymous 267143[Reply]

Posting on image boards is shit because of misogyny, but at least you can talk back freely to rude people. On reddit if you ask a question or vent and somebody responds in a snarky way or tells you to go to therapy, something not everyone can do / a lot of therapists can be shit. You can't respond to them or you will get modified/downvoted for not agreeing, so you have to let the thread die. This might be petty, but I am kinda annoyed about getting stonewalled by either jokes or Go To tHeRaPy for being slightly upset about anything.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 271885

You can always went in your own notes. If you post it on a public forum, mostly men will see it, and they really do not understand the concept of venting. They see it as someone nagging them to fix something for a stranger. Go to therapy means "i don't know you, you don't pay me, go pay someone to listen to your bitching". After all why should they care about your problems

Anonymous 274699

Ah, I really feel similar. Even around people that seem to care vaguely about mental health, anything that's to heavy just invites exactly what you described.

The therapy comments are very distasteful to me. Not everything needs to be medicalized I think. Feels like an easy way to put down any dissenting thoughts as wrong and treats variety in human beings as abnormal. I think it also makes people look at other remedies as non-viable, like it's the only thing that can help.

I wish more grim conversations were more socially permitted. I understand most people don't have solutions and aren't doctors but empathy is nice. I'm a constantly suicidal person and not being able to talk about it easily without someone just wanting to hospitalize you instead of getting to speak about it honestly just makes things worse. I feel like I'm constantly sanitizing my true feelings for the people around me.

Anonymous 274749

>tfw in therapy and still fucked up
doesn't fix everything

Anonymous 274759

What do you get out of venting? I hope this doesn’t sound judgmental, but I’m genuinely curious. I used to be someone who vented a lot, but now I can’t remember what I even enjoyed from it.

Anonymous 274772

I had better results from mediated group therapy. I got to bounce my thoughts off other people and see they had similar struggles. It is so much better than unpacking things to a therapist that seems to just affirm things and have a "think positive" mentality. Smiling and looking for the bright spots won't undo years of trauma.

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