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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 295613[Reply]

Try eating white rice with ketchup on top

Anonymous 295614


I love omurice

Anonymous 295616

I do but I also add a shitload of butter.

Anonymous 295619


I might try that too. Probably tastes like popcorn.

Anonymous 295660

Had a French roomie who would eat white sticky rice with jarred marinara sauce.


I wish I was a nun Anonymous 295646[Reply]

Imagine not paying rent and doing wholesome charity work

Anonymous 295648

I'll help society, just must get even with it first, by injecting an ocean of pain.

Anonymous 295649

Wasn't there a medieval case where an entire nun convent was basically a giant harem for the abbess in charge?

Anonymous 295650

Read The Decameron.

Anonymous 295651

It'd be nice if men weren't awful and religion didn't suck.

Anonymous 295862

>hello fellow women, isn't the idea of joining [MY IDEA OF A GOOD MALE-CONTROLLED FEMALE VOCATION] fantastic
>I sure wish that I, who am definitely a woman, could do that
This is the second nun thread I've seen recently >>260672 and I'm starting to wonder now if it's some /pol/ moid thinking he's succeeding in psyopping people into his chosen target. If you browse retardpill boards you can see these kinds pop up with their hot takes on psychology and the opposite sex, most of which are woefully immature/oversimplified/inaccurate. There's always a few of them floating around going "watch guys, if I infiltrate a female community and talk up being <thing> they'll all go 'wow you are right I will immediately go do <thing>' because women are a hivemind herd animal and I am a genius, you guys just aren't handling The Females correctly", and this is on the usual list of shit they like to pick. Tradwifing, stuff involving male religious orders, pushing women onto doing behaviors men personally find attractive, and so on. It's kind of sad.


Sonic Totem Anonymous 291658[Reply]

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Anonymous 295487

Will my plan get me the desired results?

Anonymous 295494

ok how about this time?

Anonymous 295577

will i make it, sonic totem?

Anonymous 295586


Will everyone on this site make it?

Anonymous 295611

Is it going to be ok?


Anonymous 295503[Reply]

The human body can turn sunlight into vitamin D. Why haven't you been stealing free vitamin D from the sun?
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Anonymous 295591

Because you can get it from drinking tons of milk. And i dont want to go out and get sun damage on my skin. It ages you 10x faster than if you just stayed out of the revolting sun.

Anonymous 295598

I have to trade my 7-dehydrocholesterol to get the calciferol, so it's not free. That cholesterol is MINE and it can't have it.

Anonymous 295605

Why ppl ITT hate sunlight so much? Sun is cool

Anonymous 295606

Anonymous 295609

They've been brainwashed by the same people who want everyone to become plant based and weak.


Anonymous 295587[Reply]

My cat got stuck in the pickle jar again

Anonymous 295588

silly cat

Anonymous 295589

All according to plan.


Anonymous 284530[Reply]

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Anonymous 284820


Anonymous 284934

Neither, let them be naked

Anonymous 295225

however their little hearts desire

Anonymous 295232

wtf. pervert.

Anonymous 295575

sooooo the reason we talk about a "pair" of trousers or pants is because they used to be two separate things that only covered your legs. in that sense the meaning of the trousers is to cover legs and so B is correct


Traveling Anonymous 140376[Reply]

Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?
284 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295517

visit -w-.png

I'm a wanderer, I wander, and I want to wander more.
I judge non wanderers negatively, see the world and you will understand prejudiced people are forever wrong

Anonymous 295518

that's insane. myanmar is such a interesting country and i wasn't aware of their geopolitics. im surprised that they sent you to such dangerous areas too. that finnish woman falling on the dead bodies made me feel squeamish but she's like the coolest person ever. air raids seem terrifying

Anonymous 295519

Anonymous 295540

Danger is pretty relative, and even though Myanmar is in the middle of a civil war with 15+ different sides to it, parts of it are actually fairly safe for NGOs because of the general acceptance of outside media attention in order to pressure the junta internationally. The largest dangers are communicable diseases, landmines and rogue gangs/warlords/cartels/splinter factions that will arbitrarily enforce laws or simply go on powertrips for the pleasure of it. There are a few "rebel leaders" who're actually just businessmen who've hired a retinue of thugs and taken over state jade, ruby, sapphire and diamond mines, complete with "penal" labour, comprised of random civilians charged with nonsense crimes and taken as temporary slaves. It was far safer for me to travel the rebel-held territories of Myanmar than, say, the fairly stable Iran, because Iranian authorities carry an unending grudge against all foreigners, and Westerners in particular, so will decide to arrest you for no reason, commit sexual assault knowing there'll be no consequences, intentionally draw out stops with arrests to force you to break visa requirements, steal equipment etc. You don't face that kind of spite in Myanmar, so as long as you listen to your fixer, keep your PPE on and stick to walking well-trodden paths and roads, it's rather safe.

Anonymous 295571

that's so fascinating. i hope you get to see more interesting places and have fun experiences. and make sure to update us once you do nona!


Job & Career Thread Anonymous 2867[Reply]

- What job/career are you currently working or working towards
- What have you noticed about people in certain career paths
- Where da money actually at for least stress, etc.
- Which fields do generally higher IQ/savvier women excel in (let's be honest, if you've made it to imageboards/Crystal Cafe you're over a certain threshold of smarts of some kinds)
- Tips for other anons/Ask for advice
- Shit that sucks about work in general
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Anonymous 295117


I got my first job installing internet at people's houses earlier this summer. I literally just get up on a roof, drill some screws in and run cables through a house. It's baby easy but there's a shortage of people doing it apparently. Only downside is that since I don't have a driver's license, I get no agency over who I work with and I always get stuck with the biggest goober who works there. He does shit like when customers ask me a small talk question he always answers for me and he was a pain in the ass starting out because he kept trying to over-teach me how basic tools work.
Would recommend besides that though.

Anonymous 295118

Can you find old teachers? They will probably help you because theyll see you trying

Anonymous 295183

Any advice from Aussie miners on how to hop software/web dev jobs?
seek and indeed isn't working and at events I only makes friends

Anonymous 295334


Anonymous 295529

I work for a call center and I’m going back to school tomorrow and I’m nervous. I’m starting with one class. It’s an elective and maybe that’s stupid but I wanted to take something I liked as my first class. But I struggled with passing the past couple times I’ve tried school due to trying to heal from abuse and PTSD.

I kind of want to go into UI but I have no idea where to start as someone with no degree yet who can’t go to a big name school.


Have you ever considered becoming a nun? Anonymous 260672[Reply]

You would get:
-free food
-free shelter
-a scrote free environment
-depending on which group you join time for arts and crafts, gardening or cheesemaking

Sometimes I dream about that life.
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Anonymous 295313

still at the mercy of scrotes. Aside from praying all day, I doubt they would let you do what you want or give you the money to do so. you're thinking of a nice resort prison in sweden or norway or a feminist commune with no troons.



Anonymous 295318

They chose to live like that.
They go through a long process that last for years before becoming nuns to see if that life is the one they want.
For the male free enviroment idk. I i guess you're right.

Anonymous 295320

The ultimate pickme

Anonymous 295516

Chadette who got her son killed so she wouldn’t be stoned to death for cucking her moid husband

Anonymous 295521

A victim of assault and had a rape baby.


Anonymous 293153[Reply]

What percentage of CC anons are bi?
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Anonymous 295030

DA this might sound bitchy but I think it's naive to assume most people (both celebs and normal people) are completely honest about their sexuality. People can take them at their word if they wish but it's more realistic to expect some dishonesty for any multitude of reasons

Anonymous 295137


I love Cate Blanchett
>Kristen Stewart in these pics = literally me

Anonymous 295194

Kek, I'm 22 and it's a bit similar. I prefer people who are like a decade older than me, or a bit younger, like 7 years older than me at least. Like I was able to date guys like 10 years older than me but even girls my age don't pay attention to me and women in their 30s and older in my life tend to be already married and straight.

Anonymous 295416

I've been weak for her since Hannibal, then I rewatched X files!
Kill Billie
No cute moids in this spread, shame.

Anonymous 295515

Fuck Megan Fox
Marry Josephine Baker
Kill Billie Joe

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