>>249209Most offenders for Child sexual exploitation are White men according to Interpol.
Ethnicity of visible offenders "Figure 5 below shows that where it was possible to categorise offender ethnicity, the vast majority 78.84% were white. A further 12.17% were Hispanic-Latino, with black and Asian offenders comprising the least commonly featured offender ethnicity in the sample (4.23% and3.17% respectively)."
"This belies the assumption that sexual exploitation of children is a crime only carried out by white males traveling to developing countries. Possible exceptions are cases of traveling sex offenders who travel outside of their home country or region to abuse children "
In other words this supports the notion of mainly white men going to Asia to exploit children. Because they can claim not all offenders are white but the fact that Interpol still admits its mostly white men being caught and even acknowledges assumptions of white men traveling to developing countries to commit these acts.
The sources also note that a lot victims are majority white children themselves which makes sense since most offenders were white. Child marriage is currently legal in 44 states in the US so nobody should be surprise. Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, to name a few – have laws allowing children younger than 18 to marry under some circumstances
Source of the documents are here where you can download the pdf: