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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 296675[Reply]

Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now
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Anonymous 301371

Almost no countries on that map ae former ussr countries, what are you talking about?

Anonymous 301800

not to be that nona but the statistics are screwed since at least in the Balkans, traditionally the guy stays with his parents and the wife moves in with him, this arrangement allows the young parents to breath since the grandparents act as babysitters, there is also a long ruining cultural joke that the mother-in-law is a bitch since she treats his grown son like a child and dosen't allow him to have house responsibilities like an normal adult would and/or she thinks his wife corrupts him in some way

Anonymous 301807

Yeah boymoms are a menace but they’re even worse in 2nd/3rd world cultures

Anonymous 302044

My girlfriend lives at home and I live in supported acoomodation for the mentally ill. It's pretty cushy. Shes 34 and I'm 29. We're thinking of moving in together but she has a real job and I don't, so I will be a burden on her unless I get well. I want to be good for her I really do but I just have no motivation. I'm trying to get into a volunteering role but the charity shop wouldn't take me because of "the safety of their staff" as soon as I told them I'm on psychs

Anonymous 303186

How so? Aren’t they expected to work provide and listen to their parents?
Over here in the west your own kid can attack you, be loser stoner gamer and live off of you.
Yet don’t think they are spoiled.
Good luck getting them to help around the house without belting them. Then suddenly you are toxic


Pets thread Anonymous 24416[Reply]

Does anon have any pets? Does she have any CATS? Does she pet them and love them?

Post about your pets. And if you have any pictures to share please share them!

I am also excited to see if there are any guinea pig owners, I miss mine. When I have my life sorted out I wanted to build a guinea pig fort just like this English girl on youtube. The only issue is that their is a social dynamic and some might end up bullied and excluded rather than be a hamtaro friendship club.
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Anonymous 31110

NTA but

>At one time there were reports that Greenies are bad for dogs and causing them to have many medical issues. It was suggested that the Greenies were not digesting in the pets intestines and were causing obstructions.

>It was causing pet owners a lot of money for a vet to perform surgery to remove the blockages. Some of the pets were reported to have died after eating the original formula of these dental chews.
>The makers of Greenies had to recall the products so there was less of a chance that pets would come into contact with them. Since the Greenies recall, the makers have developed a new formula to make the chews more digestible.

Anonymous 31120

i get generic dental chews from petsmart for my rats because they're hard enough to pose a challenge and they like slowly nibbling on it

should i be concerned? rats can't throw up

Anonymous 51694


All of the cats in this thread are adorable!

I love my little black darling. She'll be 10 years old in a few months. She's got me through some rough times and sometimes it feels like she's my only friend.

Anonymous 303179


My lovebird passed away recently. I've been broken ever since. She was my everything. She was always there for me, just wanting cuddles. I miss her so much.

Anonymous 303193

im real sorry, i dont know what to say but sending you love and support

Screen Shot 2024-1…

Ovarit Bunker Thread? Anonymous 296985[Reply]

Is the beginning of the end for Ovarit? Temporary breaks often turn into permanent ones and are just a polite politically correct front. If they really are struggling, it's probably due to the required invite code to make an account. I personally hate the whole account thing anyway. It ruined the internet.
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Anonymous 297334

It's cause you can't artifically form a female only space, it forms naturally. look at tumblr, as much as it's tranny heavy, the radfem community there is strong

Anonymous 297367

Wow…I love that thread. Wish I could have participated in it. I wonder why it was deleted.

That's the only reason I loved browsing Ovarit. It felt like the only space on the internet that was still sane and understood reality. Everywhere else on the internet automatically treated the trans and "nonbinary" thing as a normal thing that could happen. Gender does not exist. The definition of woman was never up for discussion or debate. Woman=biologically female or as the trans word it "assigned female at birth" or the presence of XX. However, after the men cheated in the Olympics for having some sexual chromosome anomaly…like his balls never dropped or something??? Therefore, woman=NO y chromosome. If anyone is born with a cock and balls, he is a man. Even if he was born with no cock or ball but has a Y chromosome, then he is a man. I am so relieved by the Republican total domination so we can return to normalcy.

Anonymous 297421

After all the demonic screeching, mass hysteria, and mental instability, I’m convinced the admin was a prophetess who knew what would happen this week and didn’t want her platform to be involved in any of the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Anonymous 297648

Ovarit is officially back

Anonymous 303187

Called it! I knew Ovarit would shut down permanently after their temporary hiatus. https://ovarit.com/o/Announcements/676340/ovarit-is-closing
If anyone is an Ovarit refugee, feel free to use this thread.


Are people less resilient than in the past? Anonymous 208093[Reply]

I think so, but that may be skewed by the internet which lets people display their silliness, tantrums and mental illness to the whole world. If you're wrong, an asshole, or mentally ill whole communities who assure you that you're right, normal and valid are just a few clicks away.
What do you think or have experienced on that matter? Are people less equipped to handle life and other people these days?
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Anonymous 276589

people have had to endure less so they are less climatized to discomfort and because of toaster allegory are more prevalent

Anonymous 276625


it was honestly pretty crazy seeing normies lose their absolute shit during covid over like… isolation and shit and not like, losing their jobs bc like

bro is this your first fucking struggle in your life… ever?

Anonymous 276626

Hard lockdown in the USA lasted a little over a month and everyone bitched about it SO much. Your ass had to sit at home on the couch for a month, boo fucking hoo.

Anonymous 277164

people who are resilient aren't gonna bitch about shit all the time, especially online so you don't notice them, meanwhile pissy people bitch all the day online instead of their diary

Anonymous 303170


lol right wing chuds are just as easily triggered

People from third world especially war zones are definitely more hardier. Professional soldiers that willingly volunteer and with the best training should not be crying about ptsd. It’s the innocent locals


The stigma surrounding virginity Anonymous 41822[Reply]

We live in a highly sexualized society and being a virgin is constantly stigmatized. However, it's really easy to have sex, even for male incels. What's hard is saving yourself for the right person. Depending on their values, that may make you much more valuable to them. So don't just jump at the opportunity to fuck anyone, don't think of virginity as something to get rid of, because in the end you will just feel like shit. Think long term and find your soulmate, true love is much more valuable than satisfying your short term urges.
81 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302814


>it's exponential
Yeah, negative exponential. The drop in quality from zero bodycount to one is extremely large, any more has negligible decrease on quality.
>exclusively going after virgins is simply a bad dating (/ mating) strategy.
I'm gonna get a virgin bf, and you can't stop me

Anonymous 302831

Virginity is seen as ok until a certain age (20 or so), after that age it goes into cat lady territory.

Anonymous 303110

Y'all are getting it wrong. You're on the right track, but you're missing something key: moids only care about looks. Or they care mostly about looks

The Lolo Jones thing about her achievements and whatnot? It doesn't fucking matter. Its not purely that they will feel inseure because they will put up with it fot Stacy, but you can be sure that otherwise it has minimal impact

The whole virgin/purity thing isn't something that adds value if you have it. It's just something that takes value away if you don't

Sure, moids will prefer low bodycount and virgins (unless they are pornsick or something) but only if you are already attractive to them

Staying virgin until marriage or having no guy friends doesn't do anything if moids aren't into you to begin with

They choose Stacy first, and bodycount is just the tiebreaker when it comes to decide who to "wife"

Anonymous 303160


Might be cultural or just how dating preferences are there’s quite a few Asian , Indian and Muslim males that are virgins .
Even seen some decent looking moids from turkey and Iran that haven’t even kissed a girl. This was in college. Where you know that awkward weeb is a virgin, but you can meet a 30 year old from those cultures and he seems neurotypical .
Hook up culture ruined the west

Anonymous 303178

Is this also true for Asians in the west?


Older women? Anonymous 229976[Reply]

Any older women, like 35+ here?

Is pic related accurate? Is it just low value scrotes who cannot get women their own age. Or is it all men? Do you feel that men your age would date younger women if they could?
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Anonymous 271615

This test is bullshit, because they forgot to remove the age of the people at the picture.

How would someone be able to judge someone age from a picture with this precision?
Because unless you ask someone, you can only judge his age by his look

Anonymous 271622

>How would someone be able to judge someone age from a picture with this precision?
You cant tell how old somebody is based on their picture?
>This test is bullshit, because they forgot to remove the age of the people at the picture.
So they had the ages listed on the picture and all the men still picked 20 year old women? That only proves the point more.

Anonymous 303165


Yes look at their porn history
They’ll go as young as they possibly can for as long as they can unless he has a milf or granny fetish.
Don’t believe any moid that says he likes age appropriate women . It’s either he can’t or he’s easily shamed.
Guaranteed if he calls an escort she’s gonna be 18-25. If he goes to third world to vacation, he just might be a pedo
It’s in their nature

Anonymous 303167


Most offenders for Child sexual exploitation are White men according to Interpol.

Ethnicity of visible offenders "Figure 5 below shows that where it was possible to categorise offender ethnicity, the vast majority 78.84% were white. A further 12.17% were Hispanic-Latino, with black and Asian offenders comprising the least commonly featured offender ethnicity in the sample (4.23% and3.17% respectively)."

"This belies the assumption that sexual exploitation of children is a crime only carried out by white males traveling to developing countries. Possible exceptions are cases of traveling sex offenders who travel outside of their home country or region to abuse children "

In other words this supports the notion of mainly white men going to Asia to exploit children. Because they can claim not all offenders are white but the fact that Interpol still admits its mostly white men being caught and even acknowledges assumptions of white men traveling to developing countries to commit these acts.

The sources also note that a lot victims are majority white children themselves which makes sense since most offenders were white. Child marriage is currently legal in 44 states in the US so nobody should be surprise. Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, to name a few – have laws allowing children younger than 18 to marry under some circumstances

Source of the documents are here where you can download the pdf: https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Crimes-against-children/International-Child-Sexual-Exploitation-databa

Anonymous 303168


Why are white sexpats like this
It’s literally worse then 13/50 meme
1billion whites and dying yet majority of international groomers
https://youtu.be/b1CoDVLQ-gY [Open] [Open] Aussies worst pedos

https://youtu.be/EtD8W1nD3H4 [Open] [Open]

https://youtu.be/tPS1qInSJ4M [Open] [Open]

In Philippines aussies are the worst offenders
https://youtu.be/SX-52mjzsEM [Open] [Open]


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


sex before marriage Anonymous 71628[Reply]

I've never seen a solid argument against premarital sex other than "god doesn't want you to." Promiscuity, sure. That shit can eat you up inside and can easily become dangerous. But sex before marriage in a committed relationship while birth control is used (which the majority of people do now)? Some anonette enlighten me pls
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Anonymous 71914

I can only agree with this if we put an equal emphasis on male and female virginity, not just the female one. I also don't see why would you need the institution of marriage to sanction this kind of life-time bond, or any other kind of man-made laws. Maybe if you're weak and you can't live without some sort of authority in your life.

Anonymous 72030

Best argument i've heard is that it makes you overly attached to the person, so you can't really make a fair decision on if you want to stay with them of not. If you wait until marriage, you've already made that decision so no worries committing to it. I think there' some truth to this, even if it's just that being single sucks even more once you've had someone you can bang regularly because you crave it.

Anonymous 303139

That’s a major mistake. Don’t do anything you feel the need to hide later. Otherwise he gets the primal ick try and put 2 and 2 together that it could be much worse.
Moids are risk takers up until marriage
Nice beta guys care, cluster b bad boys don’t .
They’ll feel like an idiot cuck they got scammed and their family will judge him and kids will look at him like some cuck that couldn’t do better . There’s a shame to it.
Think the loud Arab grandma had it down with this advice

Anonymous 303145

If a man isn't willing to wait for you then he is not worth it. Period. It's such a great filter.

Anonymous 303155

You got it wrong nona. Most men will care, specially the ones that hold themselves to the same standards (despite the fact that they are constantly mocked).
Some bad guys don't care because they don't see you as a person, just as a commodity that can dump later on. In the other hand beta guys will accept any woman that gives them any crumb of attention, they will be even accepting to open the relationship just to have her around lol


Emigrating Anonymous 302612[Reply]

I am looking to get out of this country since i dont see myself living there in the future.
Which places would you recommend and how could one move there? Do any of you have any experience with leaving your country and moving abroad?
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Anonymous 302806

What's so bad about it? I know someone who lives in the French countryside and it looks pretty comfy.

Anonymous 303004

It is my dream to move to France, how unfair.
My own country (Germany) sucks so much.

Anonymous 303062

The entire world is exactly the same or worse. So have fun

Anonymous 303107

Nona could try Switzerland, but I've heard they're particularly harsh on the French moving there

I wonder if she can speak languages like Spanish. It would open a lot of doors

Anonymous 303152

>The french countryside is ugly and grim af.
that's a dubious statement, because any country side is going to be similar anywhere.


Gen Y women Anonymous 230927[Reply]

any Gen Y women here who remember the fun days of 4chan like 2007-2010?

There was sexism back then, but nothing like today. The manosphere/mgtow/incel/red pill destroyed that place. Likewise, I feel Gen Z engage in lots of bullying.

I used to pretend to be a guy circa 2007 and never admit to being a woman and it was fun. I also feel this was before politics and echo chambers. /pol/ destroyed 4chan. I remember before /pol/ existed.

Anyway, this is my first post ever here. Just want to get this off my chest. I feel bad that I can no longer enjoy a message board I grew up on.
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Anonymous 297634

I was born in 1995 (so, just barely a zoomer) and I remember early 4chan from when I was a kid. It was even worse than it is today - far worse, in fact. You would see CP posted every single day on many boards.

Anonymous 301449

I still think 2007 was worse in this regard, but the same cp site with the same picture is posted a dozen times a day on /b/ now. It's probably a honeypot, but it's disgusting either way.

Anonymous 301765

Do they still run the kik honeypot? When in there once because I was curious and immediately got flooded with illegal shit, was paranoid for weeks that I was gonna get a knock on my door. Mods didn't do shit about those threads being posted every day, that was probably 5 years ago

Anonymous 301794

I forgot about the kik stuff. No, it seems to be all signal now. It's the "activist's choice" messaging app run by former Google execs and only available from Google Play.

Anonymous 303148

The internet used to have more publicly famous/infamous secret clubhouses for account-holding adults.
When I was a young teenager I thought I wanted a SomethingAwful forum account just to access the Lets Play subforum and archives.
God damn but time has not been kind to those weirdos. I kinda wonder how much trouble the world managed to avoid just because those freaks were prevented by a $10 barrier from interacting with too many dumb minors.

Oh, and a livejournal for ScansDaily and other visually enriched slash.


Anonymous 302559[Reply]

had to break up with my ex who didnt respect me and was abusive. how do i recover…i don't have much access to therapy… any tips :( how did any of you get over breakups…

Anonymous 302560

Try reading Why Does He Do That? It's easy to find a free pdf online.

Anonymous 303142


Family guy, novelas, old violent video games.

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