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Anonymous 275250[Reply]

Is it normal for friendships to come and go?

Anonymous 275302


Know any good live action movies with talking animals? Anonymous 275212[Reply]

Anonymous 275215

die känguru chroniken

Anonymous 275239

milo and otis, of course

Anonymous 275303

Moved to >>>/media/34934.


Anonymous 274051[Reply]

What kind of rain is your favorite? Mine is when the wind is blowing so hard that the droplets disperse into misty little particles.
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Anonymous 274060

Thunderstorms, maybe category #1 hurricanes. I'm not too fond of normal rain showers.

Anonymous 274071


Comfy rain sounds at night with warm blankets indoors

Anonymous 275152

Hehe I remember being interested in tornadoes as a child. What with all my esoteric interests, my scientific/natural interests got lost somewhere. Thanks for reminding me. Just watched a couple of nice shorts on YouTube. Here's one: https://youtube.com/shorts/UpmN12wWpS4?si=3P2PsGArwV-YwaLM

Anonymous 275196

I like the weather right before it storms, the sky is covered in grey clouds with a few beams on sunlight peaking through, the sky is rumbling and you can smell the rain coming, the clouds gather around the mountain next to my apartment and it looks really pretty and the weather even feels nice on your skin.

Anonymous 275236

i hate rain


How did you find your Bf/so Anonymous 275080[Reply]

Idk I like pineapples so I'm writing it here

Anonymous 275081


I summoned chad across time and space and the forces of tinder dropped him right into my house

Anonymous 275205

dance dance revolution


Crowdstrike outage Anonymous 275195[Reply]

How has your day been? Have you been affected by the Crowdstrike outage that's been BSODing many Windows computers in the industry today?

Anonymous 275203

I work at an aviation company's headquarters, and everyone was very concerned about the company's systems. Fortunately, we were not affected, but the bank where I have an account was one of the banks that suffered most from the failure here in my country, I am very worried


A German newspaper namedropped crystal cafe in an article Anonymous 238025[Reply]

I didn't see a thread about this yet. The Frankfurter Allgemeine did an article about us. I wonder how many new people found their way to us this way. The picture they used to represent femcels is also lol.

23 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 238297

Good luck being a femcel in STEM, where 90% of the people are men and half of them are too asocial to talk to women.

Anonymous 238302

its because people love to imagine that men and women don't have massive biological differences that make the former more prone to degeneracy (violence, incels, antisocial behaviour etc.) than the latter

Anonymous 238304

They're 90% rich frat boys who cheat their way through college

Anonymous 275198

LMAO how did I only just find this thread now?

So the author says:
>we glorify pics similar to the caricature in the OP, unbathed women alone in front of a PC, ashtray and pizza right next to them
>we do it as some sort of rebellion against having to be pretty for moids
>we celebrate female failure
>we romanticize mental illness and celebrate being toxic
>we post pics or memes of our fav manga heros instead of getting involved with real moids
>we have bad experience with the dating scene/online dating
>we are NOT feminist
>we are like female incels but we're more interested in the aesthetics of toxic sadness rather than our inceldom
>while incels are dangerous to themselves and others, femcels are dangerous only to themselves (EDs, self-harm, depression)
>both incels and femcels are the results of loneliness and desperation in our society
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 275201

>we glorify pics similar to the caricature in the OP, unbathed women alone in front of a PC, ashtray and pizza right next to them
i glorify every woman no matter what she does
>we do it as some sort of rebellion against having to be pretty for moids
based, more women should be maliciously ugly to make scrotes uncomfortable
>we celebrate female failure
what i said before
>we post pics or memes of our fav manga heros instead of getting involved with real moids
based, who wants a real scrote
>while incels are dangerous to themselves and others, femcels are dangerous only to themselves (EDs, self-harm, depression)
only semi-real point in this entire article; mentally ill men hurt others and mentally ill women hurt themselves
>we hate trannies
yes, for feminism


Autism Anonymous 133367[Reply]

Any female autistics here?

What do you think about the DSM-IV-TR? Also, autistic women general I guess
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Anonymous 268388

I hate how people claim to be all accepting of spergos until we start acting like one. I hate when I have very clear symptoms I get yelled at and told its not an excuse even though im having a symptom of being a spergo. It was so much worse in school as well and the so called "disability" teachers were the worse. They were tard wranglers that could only handle actual retards and not someone like me who was in fight and flight mode 24/7.
I fucking wish there was a cure as I can hardly leave my house or be triggered by the lights or too many colours. I cant stand being this way and people arnt helping

Anonymous 271280

Abused one

Anonymous 275103

Late diagnosed autistic here. Oh, God, how much I hate having to work everyday and manage the socialization with my coworkers. I'm literally exhausted.

Anonymous 275168


Anonymous 275197

If there already was a cure, would you be able to accept it?



Are you more like your mother or your father? Anonymous 138934[Reply]

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Anonymous 266575

Grandma (in appearance) :D
In personality my father, but we aren't that similar. Though I picked some of his traits.
I don't look that much like my mom but I look like her more than my dad

Anonymous 266597

I am more like my dad.

Anonymous 266602

i look like a female version of my father and nothing like my mother, and my mother loves to remind me that i'm nothing like her, that i'm a failure unlike my siblings who resemble her, and she wishes i would have died when she cracked my skull open as a baby.

Anonymous 266670

Hm, I am short like my mom (wish I was tall like a dad), but I don't closely look like neither her, nor my father.
Personality-wise, I'd say, I am a mix of both. On the inside, I am angry and impulsive like my dad, but I manage to somehow control my emotions (unlike him) and come off as calm and kind person like my mother. She also passed down her neuroticism on me, while father passed down his analytical thinking and sense of humor on me.

Anonymous 266673

I have my father's face and I hate it. My mom divorced him when I was 3, he did a lot of terrible things to us when he was drunk. I saw him in a wedding picture and our resemblance has haunted me my whole life. I'm so close to coming in terms with my ugly manly face but every time I see a photo of myself - he's looking back at me. He's been gone my whole life but he still manages to hurt me, this is so unfair.


Anonymous 274991[Reply]

Anyone else get way too affected by sad animal comics? Sometimes I just look at stuff like that and get sad about it. I remember that I used to hate it as a child too. I always used to think about how the animal was drawn to be sad and in that specific picture it would stay sad forever.

Anonymous 275114


You are like the children that cry at that sad "meow meow meow meow" ai generated cat videos on tiktok

Anonymous 275120


Anonymous 275163

I have no clue what you are talking about but holy shit maybe you're right

Anonymous 275167


i draw them and i feel bad lolx

Anonymous 275170

nooooo why do you draw them to be sad nona?


Women sports as AFAB only spaces? Anonymous 251175[Reply]

Felt this deserved it's own thread

Now hear me out. You know that trannies invade every space women habituate right?

What if we used female sport spaces where only real women are allowed as kind of a secure circle away from them?
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Anonymous 251191

Screenshot from 20…

also also reminder that before the scrote boxing matches that are nowdays very popular, there used to be political enemies fighting through sports and this is probably the most famous case of it

(she won btw)

Anonymous 265648


Anonymous 273487


>55-year-old Riggs lost to the 29-year-old King
I regularly play tennis against men and it isn't fair at all, but I can easily beat our coach or the grandpas at community college courts. Compare this specimen to the man tits owner.
In most sports its
men > women > elderly > children
I can usually beat men if they take a 1 month break as they've lost some muscle memory (aka rusty), but after they play for a week it's right back to no chance.

If you put in X amount of time women will on average have less attainment than men, on the other hand you can make the same claim for some gene differences. But women are a social class, so it makes sense to have our own league were we compete, rather than separating each sport into height, weight (fighting sports added this because people were dying rather than just losing), muscle type etc.
Most sports you should just focus on your own improvement and communication in team sports.

Anonymous 274406

Height? How much of a role does size difference play in the desparity in skill between you and the men you play against?

Anonymous 275119

They claim another victim

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