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need opinions. Anonymous 233574[Reply]

Hey Nonas I need some advice. So a little while ago I started chatting with a moid from 4chan, not typically something I do but at the time I wanted to continue the conversation off of the board. He had the beginnings typical misogynistic views, but after talking with me for a couple weeks I sort of saved him from sliding down the redpill slope (admittedly I gave a little bit of a savior complex).
He eventually told me that he was 17 years old. I was 22 at the time, which did concern me a little bit but I never intended to have anything beyond an online friendship. We continued talking for a few months and started to become good friends as I convinced him away from redpill garbage and discussed all sorts of things. As time went on I discovered a sweet personality underneath his moid vaneer.
We met up in my city a little after his 18th birthday (we live roughly 2 and a half hours apart by drive) and had a little informal date. In real life he turned out to be rather cute looks-wise and had the same sweet, almost puppydogish personality as online. We had a couple more meetups after that which brings us up to now. He is going to be going to college studying physics in my city, and the campus is 20 minutes away from my apartment. He wants to take our relationship further and actually start dating.
This is a thought that's been lingering in the back of my mind, but given our age gap and ages when we met, am I sorta in the wrong here ethically? I know legally I'm fine, but it could sort of look like I "groomed" him, not that the term is very accurate because I never manipulated him or made him or even suggested doing anything that would make him uncomfortable like moids do to girls. I like him and he's heads and shoulders above most other moids at this point, but the situation does feel a bit iffy and I'm thinking about ending it before our relationship gets more serious. Do any other nonas have experience dating younger guys and how did it turn out?
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Anonymous 237908

Can't believe so many of you fell for this obviously fake scrote fantasy.
>I'm a girl and 4chan guy is actually so cute and cool why didn't i date him sooner!

Anonymous 237971

Why are you even worrying?

Anonymous 237986

I don't really see a problem here. Call me a devil, but I think it's kinda cute for a slightly older partner, no matter what gender, to help a younger person, provide them with mentorship and then offer to date them later as long as no scummy psychological tricks are used. I think it's a wholesome way for a couple to meet.

Anonymous 237994

idk, for some of us it's actually true nona. i've been dating one for several years and he's cute as all hell

Anonymous 274256

putting my bet in this, I don't think he dropped his beliefs just like that. Bumping this old thread for any chance that op might have an update


/int/ thread Anonymous 102467[Reply]

Can we get a thread going where we discuss about where we're all from? I wanna hear about your cities, countries or cultures.

Ignore the peepo, I am not Romanian.
233 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 262268

Or pedophiles, or deviants, or just something horrible.

Anonymous 273661

Any Pakistani nonas here

Anonymous 273667

can somebody explain the pakichan meme to me? i would've ask lolcow on offtopic but my typing style is too spergy for them

Anonymous 273674

Where do americans think white people come from?
Do they think we just crawled out of the hollow earth?

Anonymous 273678

i am actually friends with one, she is half-taiwanese half-white and she wants a sperm donor whose fully non-white rather then conceiving with her boyfrined since she is afraid the child would come out white because her boyfriends is white and she is half-white, and guess what they are both americans as well


Why the Fuck do Moids Keep Posting This Ugly Robot Anonymous 274231[Reply]

Whenever I browse 4chan and some incelshit woman hate thread thread pops up, it seems like somebody will post picrel or similar almost every time. What is this thing? I know its a webcomic, but why do they spam this shit? The webcomic itself isn't even related to incel content.
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Anonymous 274235

Who cares? Let them build robots. It will make them leave us alone.

Anonymous 274236

Maybe it's because they're like chamber pots that need to be separated in a corner and can't get along with anyone, just robots.

Anonymous 274237

Immediately above this is the pinned post saying don't make threads like this.

Anonymous 274238

>why do they spam this shit?
The only way for them to understand women would be for women to function like technology
>The webcomic itself isn't even related to incel content.
Well it's about robot waifus, so

Anonymous 275510

women will always be an imperfect to them. real people have real tangible emotion. a nice robot to support you emotionally is an ideal for them and you can give it an idealized personality


Anonymous 274212[Reply]

Why do women love women so much?

Anonymous 274213

rikka x hanyu crop…

Cuz they r great :3

Anonymous 274214

most girls I know don’t like me even doe I’m a girl

Anonymous 274217

Sorry to hear that nona. I know it isn't always easy, I really do, but generally I've found that most girls/women are super kind when it comes to other women. In some situations in my life I almost expected bitterness but I've found genuine kindness instead and some of the things women said to me or did for me held so much value (esp. when it was strangers who didn't gain anything out of being nice). And that's just the women who openly showed their kindness. In my friend circle we often talk positively about other girls, without them noticing or ever finding out. I sometimes like giving compliments too, and the feeling when the other person gets genuinely happy about it is just so incredible. A positive interaction like that totally makes my day. I don't want to be too cheesy and ofc I know that it doesn't always work that way, but I really really hope you can find more girls who do like you and nurture the feminine connections in your life.


Pornography should be banned Anonymous 251713[Reply]

There's no reason for it to exist. There is zero good reason at all why moids should profit off of sex trafficking women and groom minors into becoming sex slaves. It doesn't need to exist and it shouldn't.
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Anonymous 274078


There exist many women who prostitute themselves/do porn out of their own free will and not because of a bad financial situation or an abusive figure manipulating them into it.

Anonymous 274079

porn should be banned but I still be watching it. not my fault my life is shit lol

Anonymous 274087

See, you say 'many', but they are absolutely statistical outliers, and I would think risk being trafficked themselves.

We shouldn't deny that the sex industry creates victims just because some women profit off of it.

Anonymous 274157

The myth of consensual porn

Porn whore: I consent to being filmed
Coomer: I consent to cooming to your vid
Crystal cafe poster: I don't

Anonymous 274159



Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 274026

culvers (with bacon)

Anonymous 274050

Honestly my home made burgers are better than anything ive had from a restaurant.
1lb 80% lean ground beef
1 cup crumbs of garlic&cheese croutons you ground in blender
1 egg
4- tbsp worcestershire sauce
salt, pepper, onion powder liberally

pan frying:
slice up thin onion slivers, cut them radially
in lightly oiled pan put down patty sized pile of onion slivers ahd crush it under raw hamburger patty so it becomes compressed inside and sticks to the patty when you flip it

cook until brown and a tiny bit blackened

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Anonymous 274067

My vote used to go to,Wendy's but after having a beconator after not having any fast food for about 4 years it was just totally meh. Not sure if I've grown disatisfied with them or if they've gotten worse.
Them being a whole $4 more than they used to be didn't fucking help

Anonymous 274068


Anonymous 274076

probably burger king since it's actual food. Five guys is better but too expensive so burger king.


How to survive the summer Anonymous 272691[Reply]

How do you think some live through 110 degree heat nonas

Anonymous 272693

I don't want to live through august.. I just want to die.

Anonymous 274011

Dig a hole

Anonymous 274012


Anonymous 274041

wet your sheets and dry til they are damp then sleep under them with a fan pointed on you maybe? also lots of iced drinks, minimal caffeine, and drink way more water than you think you need to. honestly i just don’t go outside, and if i do it’s to stand in a breezeway.

Anonymous 274042

Dog paws wrote this reply


Anonymous 273613[Reply]

I’m big on coffee only if it has no sugar. Maybe a white monster if I’m feeling really out of it. I tried hot tea but it just doesn’t work on me great, I’d still rather get cold ice team in the day time instead of the vise versa in the morning
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Anonymous 273734

I had to drink Red Bull every day for a while just to get through work and got used to the horrible taste.

Anonymous 273800

Why didn't you try a different energy drink?

Bawls is excellent but it is harder to find. I've mostly only seen it in asian neighborhoods

Anonymous 273801


Try some Chifir

Anonymous 273907


Anonymous 273915

Take the caffeine pill. I mean literal actual caffeine pills. They're super cheap compared to stuff like coffee, and you can even just get freeform caffeine powder and measure it yourself to make it even cheaper. 10 Bucks worth will set you for literal months, depending on your consumption. Then you can kinda just drink whatever you want.

I personally don't like tea much at all, and coffee tastes a bit like how I'd imagine burnt asshole to taste, only really improving if 80% of its volume is cream, sugar and other flavorings. Don't get the point of it.


Anonymous 273863[Reply]

You ladies hungry?

Anonymous 273871

The name is awful but it might be similar to zucchini bread which is delicious.


hi nonettes! handwriting thread! Anonymous 273778[Reply]

Post your handwriting, script or print. Dont forget to sniff out the male hands

Anonymous 273788

Oh neat, a data collection thread

Anonymous 273790

c'mon anon, dont be grumpy, post your handrwiting so they can skinwalk you

Anonymous 273798


Anonymous 273825


i wish i could still write like this

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