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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301887[Reply]

Anyone here have a pet rabbit? Thinking about getting one or two.

Anonymous 302004

i never understood the appeal of rabbits, they seem so much less interactive in comparison with cats and dogs

Anonymous 302830

Research them alot before buying. They're a bit of a pricey pet to take care of & expect having to go to the vet for health issues. Personally I love my bun hes amazing fluffball!


Energy Drink Thread Anonymous 302607[Reply]

I mostly drink celsius or mango loco monster.
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302789

I need to dilute red bull w water otherwise the taste becomes too much for me

Anonymous 302819

Try the non-carbonated Celsius flavors

Anonymous 302820

Ultra Blue Hawaiian & Ultra Vice Guava are the best monster flavors !

Anonymous 302821


Anonymous 302823


I will be in debt trying to pay the import fees.I will stick to my black coffee and diluted bulls for now haha


Anonymous 302808[Reply]

Why do skinny women only befriend other skinny and beautiful women? Why do curvy women only befriend other curvy and beautiful women? It seems rare for female friend groups that have a mix skinny/thin women and curvy/thick women.

Anonymous 302809

Really? I see mixed groups all the time.

Anonymous 302811

thats disgusting

Anonymous 302812

From my experience this kind of distinction is more prevalent in Asia


Anonymous 302296[Reply]

What made you want to be childfree?
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Anonymous 302596


But anon… the heckin’ Okinawanos, the brown rice-arinos…

Anonymous 302754

the pic, she is wearing the same outfit as chris-chan and she has things in common with him lol

Anonymous 302762


I’ve lived as much due to an interest in the divine or more specifically - health, self improvement, search of knowledge, and crafts.

There’s truth to this lifestyle. Moids have already cried out about how 80% of women go for 20% of men, and while most of us won’t be successful with the 20% or even want any of them, I think by and large the 80% of men can just learn to be like women like in OP. The women not successful or interested enough for the top 20% can either opt in to sterilize or just do nobler pursuits than denegrate themselves to washing the underwear of men on their 15,000th hour of WoW.

Anonymous 302764

>>collect 1 billion dollars
>>buy an isolated island
>>have a paradisal femme commune there without scrotes
>>the rest of the world can burn
You are giving Jeffrey Epstein vibes.

Anonymous 302877

As long as she doesn't use the island for the same shit he did, I don't see an issue.

indir (2).jpg

turk anons?? Anonymous 80429[Reply]

ı saw in vocaroo thread that there's turk posters in here. can turkish anons denote themselves in here?
15 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous Admin 81529

All posts need to be in English.

Anonymous 302530

Free Kurdistan

Anonymous 302542

>kurds are sexist to women
>better bomb the kurdish women
classic nationalist takes

Anonymous 302554

Exactly same rhetoric with Palestine

Anonymous 302570


Poster above is retarded and fo be ignored. Literally nobody cares, don't try to grab any land or attack the personnel or citizens of turkey and nothing would ever happen to you.
Else, you may lick your hand.

Screenshot 2025-01…

It's so weird that people are fucking Anonymous 302546[Reply]

I just spend my life playing games and listening to music in my free time and I chat with my friends. And somehow there are some kind of people that are, straight up fucking. And this seems so weird to me because, like, why? I understand having sex with one person, but having sex with multiple people? You are constantly touching someone's skin. Someone that you hardly know much about. So disgusting. Like holy fucking shit. And you are, you are having intercourse with them. You are letting them touch you however you want. I don't get why would you ever want to do that. Are sex havers and I even the same species? And I don't think that I am weird for not understanding sex havers, I think sex havers are just broken somehow. This might be a new disorder of sorts.

Anonymous 302549

Unfortunately we're the strange ones.

Anonymous 302556


Anonymous 302557

i dont believe sex actually exists.

Anonymous 302558

I'm a married sex-haver but I feel the same way about casual sex. The fact that people hook up and have one night stands regularly blows my mind.


Who was wrong here? Who deserves punishment? Anonymous 302356[Reply]

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302371

This is based.
If you're going to cheat, it's probably safer to just leave. And if you're going to help someone cheat? BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Anonymous 302399

Her scrote because he is a whiny baby ass faggot, if a woman wants to cheat she will, i bet his tiny limp dick couldnt even make her orgasm, such is the life of many women, moids have no fucking empathy.

Anonymous 302543

she's wrong for fucking two ugly men, and they're wrong for existing

Anonymous 302544

she should've cheated with a woman :(

Anonymous 302545

The man for being evil and the woman for cheating obviously.


Anonymous 254183[Reply]

I'm the only real woman that still goes here
60 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 269632

That's a big cow

Anonymous 301575

wtf is going on here??

Anonymous 302197

does drawnona still post here?

Anonymous 302520

Yes but im permabanned on my main ip and my drawing tablet broke, my mouse too

Anonymous 302539

every old user here is permabanned


Anonymous 301708[Reply]

Help me fill in the blank with something funny.
8 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302367

Anonymous 302377

untitled dash pain…

Anonymous 302388


Anonymous 302403

Not everything is about men

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302404

Moved to >>>/img/29890.


does anybody know where this is from? Anonymous 302358[Reply]

i came across a weird photo on my bfs phone. it's a pic of a woman in very low resolution, and under the photo there is a bar with some options (picrel). the censored part on the left is the same as the overall pic. does anybody know which site could this be taken from?

Anonymous 302359

chatgpt says it's instagram reels but idk since i'm not really on social media

Anonymous 302362

That's just the screenshot editor on a Samsung Galaxy phone.

Anonymous 302378


your bf took a screenshot of himself taking a screenshot.

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