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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 274389[Reply]


Anonymous 274390

Anonymous 274397



What are you doing for the 4th of July? Anonymous 274327[Reply]

I'm frying a corn dog and drinking an ice cold Arizona tea

Anonymous 274352


Nothing, i'm not murican

Anonymous 274367

Going to watch a movie with some friends.

Anonymous 274379

Not murican either but I'm going home to stay with my family for some time. And maybe listen to Lana's you can be the boss or smth.

Anonymous 274388


Gonna watch the movie An American Tail Fievel Goes West


Anonymous 219189[Reply]

Has this ever happened to you?
248 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 268547

>the level of detail that went into copying the og artstyle

Anonymous 268560

kinda hysterical that even in the satirical omg what if roles were reversed comic, the woman has long hair, dresses skimpy and presumably wears makeup whilst the male gets to look normal

Anonymous 268586

>he liked to go to bed early lol
this part is the most evil

Anonymous 274340

That doesn't mean anything about his character. All moids want to cheat, one with a higher body count just has more opportunities to act on it.


But the advantage is still in lower body counts


Anonymous 274066[Reply]

my stomach hurts after drinking 3 monster energies
god please save me

Anonymous 274069

Are you crazy? You're going to have a heart attack like that. Return to tradition, have an iced

Anonymous 274077

I used to be a monster enjoyer until I had reign. its just better.

Anonymous 274084

Drink a fourth it will cancel out the third I swear


other imageboards Anonymous 267132[Reply]

Recommend some other imageboards/forums that you frequent? Preferably ones that are comfier/discussion based as opposed to edgelord 4chan moidcore.

bonus if you have any paranormal/esoteric/strangeness focused site recommendations

I like melonland (forum) though it's not incredibly active.
16 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 268986

I don't know other imageboards like that, but what is kf?

Anonymous 268998

Probably referring to kiwifarms. They're not really an image board though, more a cow discussing forum. Plus a safe haven for women yelling at troons. At least safe from the banhammer, gotta deal with some messy scrotes. It's a good resource for Troon stuff since LC isn't as great anymore.
Spinster might be an option. It's a gender critical/feminist friendly fediverse instance. So basically twitter but allows women to speak free. Since it's basically twitter you can say whatever you want, but to get in you have to answer questions around why you want to join to try and prevent bad actors. I'm trying to use it more but it's got a nice community of women. I'm hoping to post my random colouring stuff and I see posts with different interests on top of feminist news from around the world. Plus laughing at troonshit

Anonymous 274306



Anonymous 274325

/s4s/ is peak troon tho

Anonymous 274330

yes it's cringe but those are one of the few places where i can find in depth discussion about certain topics without much derailment or unnecessary negativity. such is the state of the internet.


no subject - chatroom thread Anonymous 143286[Reply]

consider this thread a place to come just to shoot the shit. no specific topic is applied, just talk about anything you like!
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Anonymous 274251

I take the train with the same guy every single day. He's a tall, handsome white guy and my God he smells amazing. When its packed I take the chance to press against him and when it's warm out, all that fresh sweat on him drives me so fucking crazy. He has this deep, rumbling, sad voice and it makes me think he's a sub. I just want so badly to snatch him by the shirt and drag him off the train to a secluded end of the platform, take him to his knees, pin him against the wall and smother him. The thought of him simply accepting his fate as I push him over and strip him runs through my head whenever I see him bend down or crouch. I want to ride him as he groans with pleasure I'm forcing on him until he grunts and lets out a little quivering moan that lets me know he's mine now.

Give me your babies and become my house slave, cute boy. Now

Anonymous 274260

Im losing my mind i cannot sleep on ritalin im too avoidant to survive in this world i wish someone could help me maybe ill call the suicide hotline but i know some rude wagie social worker is going to insult me with their irl human voice and then ill die

Anonymous 274295

Has anyone here ever been scuba diving? What's the ratio of moids into it? It's something I'd love to do but I need to know if I should bring a friend along or not. FYI you can't dive alone so it's guaranteed there'll be a few strangers with you.

Anonymous 274297

Why are you girls looking to date porn addicts

Anonymous 274350

I fed some of my excerpts into chat GPT and asked it whether or not it would fit into that category and the response was always "No"

I don't care what category it technically falls into as long as i don't have to purge it of its content or rethink it stylistically. Hell, I'd lean into that aspect of it if I thought it gave me a snowballs chance in hell at getting published. A friend of mine said "YA just means women between 15 and 40. The more titalating the better" but I have no idea if she knows what the hell she's talking about.


Anonymous 274326[Reply]

Live Z0NE reaction:


MOST favorite animals Anonymous 228179[Reply]

Post your MOST favorite animals. EPAULETTE SHARKS are GOOD creatures, and AREN'T loved ENOUGH.
95 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 271028


I just think they’re so silly

Anonymous 273255



Anonymous 273294

R (4).jpg

Orchid mantises are pretty :)

Anonymous 273427


Anonymous 274309


I really like False Killer Whales because of how Xenomorph-like they look. I like cetaceans in general.


/dinner/ general Anonymous 271331[Reply]

What’s for dinner anons?
34 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 273971

i did a grilled cheese with some gochujang and some kewpie mayo recently
i think i should've cranked the heat up more since the cheese barely melted but it was still pretty yummer

Anonymous 273973

that looks pretty fucking baller
speaking of texas I fucking love bucees brisket

Anonymous 273974


goat cheese is so fucking good

Anonymous 274304

what goes well with salmon as a side? preferably something more interesting than just basic rice/potatoes

Anonymous 274305

roasted asparagus and cooked broccoli

2006 Thread Anonymous 274142[Reply]

Post some 2006 era videos and memes
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Anonymous 274207

Anonymous 274224

Anonymous 274227

Anonymous 274284

Anonymous 274291

Moved to >>>/media/34853.

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