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anime aesthetics ☽…

Anonymous 255590[Reply]

Does anyone here act friendly to other women just for the fact they're women? Personally I do
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Anonymous 255594

Even moids?

Anonymous 255595

If you you support everyone that means you support rapists, pedos, moids, hitler. Kys

Anonymous 255604

Dumb take tbh

Anonymous 255952

Of course. It's very easy to be nice to other women. Plus, men are ugly as fuck and continue to perpetuate that we like them being ugly as fuck when we actually do not.

Maybe if men made themselves look cuter I would feel more obligated to be nice to them too, rather than giving zero fucks about their appearance and then being shocked when women don't like that.

Anonymous 274741

It's just easier for me, I can relate more. I'm too timid around guys. I stumble, stutter my words and shit, and very uncomfortable around them. It's fucking embarrassing, my parents sheltered me as a kid too much.


Chappell Roan is a straight woman Anonymous 274211[Reply]

Okay anons, how long do you give it before we find out she has a serious boyfriend and has never been involved with a woman.

Anonymous 274706

You could have just googled. Tl;DG she wrote most of her woman-loving songs before she ever even kissed a girl, got dumped by her boyfriend of 4 years and had more situationships with men afterwards, but she's casually dated 1 woman in between writing more songs about men not committing to her so that makes her a valid lesbian now.


Homemade Cheese Thread Anonymous 274072[Reply]

I use lime juice and whole milk to make homemade cheese. How do you make your cheese?

Anonymous 274075

Only the same as you. Just some type of acid like lime or lemon juice and milk. I’d have no idea where to start to make something more sophisticated. I love cooking but the fancy multiday sourdough recipes and elaborate witches brew type concoctions you have to do to make cheese or anything fermented flys over me

Anonymous 274193

Mozzarella is easy to make but any aged or hard cheese needs special supplies like rennet

Anonymous 274195

Can you even make cheese from store bought milk, probably won't be very nutritious or tasty

Anonymous 274196

I just use regular whole milk for making cheese. The more fat the better the cheese. So avoid low fat milk.

Anonymous 274626

I stick the mexican three cheese from the store, in the microwave for 5 mins and when it comes out it is Lilly du fromage.


TÜRKİYE VS netherlands thread Anonymous 274432[Reply]

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Anonymous 274491

I fear for the safety of turkish women right now

Anonymous 274586

>enjoying a male dominated hobby makes you a moid
Are you unironically saying this on cc? Do you expect women to be caricatures of what media portraits them to be like? Yes, it's men's football specifically, but it's also overall the bigger event than women's football and I've been watching it with my family since forever.

Anonymous 274587

get rekt lol

Anonymous 274599

ok tranny

Anonymous 274602

it's over for Türkiye


Female with gynophobia (fear of women) Anonymous 269449[Reply]

I used to have a lot of female friends growing up, in fact in high school my friend group was easily 90% women. But over time we inevitably grew apart and now I'm scared of women. Specifically, I'm scared of opening up to women. Which really sucks, like I can open up to men but I just can't connect on a platonic level with a guy like I can with a woman, and I desperately seek solidarity but I'm absolutely terrified of being open with women who I talk to regularly out of fear of… abandonment I guess.

For context and potential trauma which led to my fear:
I had a large group of my female 'friends' abandon me after a suicide attempt sent me to the hospital. I had to mentally and physically recover alone which I don't think I ever completely did. I also had an incredibly abusive mother (my dad was also bad but not quite as unpredictable and harsh).

I was trying to look up gynophobia and people were associating it with misogyny which I don't affiliate with at all. I always felt like I could emotionally bond with women which is why I am so frustrated by this crippling fear to open up to them (outside of strictly anonymous places)

I don't know if anyone here can help or has any shared experiences. I just want female friends and to be able to trust women to not hurt me like I've been hurt in the past. Being friends with guys is difficult due to there always being an undertone of sexuality that makes me uncomfortable.
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Anonymous 274167

>It is completely negligable compared to men
Not negligible considering I suffered PTSD, depression and anxiety after this happened to me. I've literally been violently assaulted by men as well and I still would not call it "negligible". You have no idea what you're talking about.

Obviously men hold a physical advantage that makes the experience more scary overall but that doesn't mean getting assaulted by a woman isn't also psychologically damaging.

>terrorizing people on the internet to be afraid of other womens sexuality

I was just surprised that another woman had been through this because I have never met another woman irl or online that has been sexually assaulted by a woman so I talked about my own experience. How the fuck is that "terrorizing people" lmao.

Anonymous 274168

You say this yet completely bash a woman and call her misogynistic for being vulnerable about a traumatic non-consensual sexual experience she had with another woman? Who's being one-sided toward other women now?

Anonymous 274169

I'm not a fucking moid lmao

Anonymous 274569

I don't have a fear of women, (My fear lies with moids, not that I truly resent them or anything I just get anxious and really nervous around them) but truthfully I'm the same way . I can't be around women in groups, I've been hurt too much in the past as well. It's lovely to get together with a girlfriend and chat about what's going on in each others lives and such from time to time, but once it's a girls' night out or something I nope the heck out. In most of the experiences I've had, the conversations become gossipy and mean-spirited after a little while and then everything turns into a re-enactment of mean girls.

Anonymous 274570

Adding to this, I think it was my female relatives too. Not saying the males were always morally better, but at least most of the time they were more 'chill' and to themselves. A lot of the women in my family screamed all the time and were just emotionally and verbally abusive.


Anonymous 274472[Reply]

>all moids on earth drop dread
>suddenly your tummy ache is gone

Anonymous 274505

No more periods?

Anonymous 274515

And no migraines


‘Femcel’ larpers? Anonymous 260301[Reply]

Why do people want to be a femcel so bad, and don’t know what a moid is? It really pisses me off. This supposed ‘femcel’ always talks about getting fucked by men and how men are better than woman. Why has TikTok watered down this term?
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Anonymous 265189

it gets easier to cope with when you're older i guess. im still visually reprehensible to males except for muggers, and have repulsive permavirgin face, but staying this way is like any form of trauma you just learn to live with it.
it must be some kind of racebaiting moid so i didn't respond.

Anonymous 265199

>it must be some kind of racebaiting moid so i didn't respond.
100% betting it on being a male from soypoop.party they are everywhere here nowadays.

Anonymous 265304

I'm 26 right now. I don't think it gets easier I just learned to cope with it better. best strategy is giving up hope for meaningful and fulfilling relationships with moids

Anonymous 274497


Anonymous 274501

But it makes sense. Most women should be repulsed by relationships. Some of the most beautiful women I've ever known were treated HORRIBLE by men. I mean completely damaged by them to the point that if i was in their shoes i would never go back. I totally understand beautiful women who are femcels. Men are obsessed with trying to control beautiful women. They will stalk them, harrass them and terrorize them in public for shits and giggles, especially when they feel rejected. I totally get it. Women everywhere should be repusled by men no matter what they look like.

Screenshot from 20…

wanna find this image Anonymous 274461[Reply]

does anybody have that one image of that drawing of a girl smiling wearing a suit i think? It was posted here a couple days ago, it think around June 30, but I can't find it. I think she had blonde hair and the background was sky blue if i remember correctly.


What do Australian cats do when they get the greebles? Anonymous 274458[Reply]

What is the difference between american greebles and australian greebles

Anonymous 274459

Like do they run in circles in the clockwise rotation instead of counter clockwise?

Anonymous 274460


Northern hemisphere greebles are all ive ever known


Anonymous 274429[Reply]

How many threads on crystal cafe pass the bechdel test?

Anonymous 274433

A lot. Most of them talking about animals or random mundainities.

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