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Women Furries Anonymous 295673[Reply]

What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
52 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301816

most of the artists in that spaces are women for some reason

Anonymous 301997

i do not like them, they are so weird

Anonymous 302948

Oh, that would be fun. I think I would chicken out though, because I feel like I'm too autistics for even furries sometimes kek

Anonymous 302974


i think fluffy animal characters are really cute but furries don't usually make sense to me. when i get drunk they make perfect sense to me and i get really into sonic the hedgehog fancomics and the idea of wearing a fursuit sounds cozy and amazing. i don't know why. it sounds annoying and uncomfortable when i'm sober.

i never think the normal fursuit looks good though, i want to look like a teddy bear when i'm drunk, or a stuffed rabbit, not a shitty cartoon mascot.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302986

Moved to >>>/media/36569.


Anonymous 302583[Reply]

Drink a glass of orange juice once a day. Vitamin C is good for your hair and skin.
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Anonymous 302956


kidney stone go brrrrr

Anonymous 302961


Disregarded, as I exclusively sip upon the finest of energizing beverages

Anonymous 302962

Orange juice is my favorite juice! Lately my drink of choice is an orange soda that's 20% juice.

Anonymous 302963


Kumquats are the best. You can eat them whole like grapes and they have tons of vitamin C.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302987

Moved to >>>/hb/21356.


Is anyone else really scared of getting hit in the vag? Anonymous 231763[Reply]

I'm not kidding, I see a kid and I freak out that they might kick me since they are at a perfect height. I think it's because I was kicked pretty badly when I was small by some asshole.

It's just fucking scary to me
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Anonymous 297034

and how was it

Anonymous 297043

Pretty cool ngl

Anonymous 297047

As long as they don't kick you on the bone is fine.

the bone hurts, A LOT.

Anonymous 297318


the worst is when you don't see it coming

Anonymous 302937

I have seen the nut punch go in two ways and only two ways.
1: obvious intense pain, possibly to the point of a long stun.
2: intense pain, transforming into incredible fury that people will be telling stories about.

I once saw a high school fight that was hideously one-sided turn around due to #2 there. You know that ancient boxing match video between Uwe Boll and Richard Lowtax Kyanka? It was that one-sided when the more obviously physically capable one decided to start on the nut shots on the wiry guy.

I would very strongly advise any nona who thinks striking the balls would be the great equalizer in a fight to instead invest in firearms and firearm training.


Anonymous 302926[Reply]

Anonymous 302928

No, sir. Yee-claw!

Anonymous 302980


Anonymous 302999



Anonymous 251247[Reply]

Would you date him?
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Anonymous 251429

this i hate british people

Anonymous 251432


Anonymous 251436


Anonymous 252892

yes I lov him

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302947

Moved to >>>/media/36554.


"Boy Moms" Anonymous 256176[Reply]

Are boy moms a thing? What do you think of them? I don't encounter them. Is it just another misogynist slur like "Karen"?
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Anonymous 257831

Wasn't it common for people to try for their preferred gender when people had kids?
Like stories of families with 5 6 or 7 kids because only the last one was a boy/girl?
I'd guess this youngest sibling would develop quite a prince/princess complex as it would be obvious that mommy and daddy tried a lot to get them.

Anonymous 258509

raising a moidling is literally enabling rape, I can't imagine why any woman who isn't cripplingly mentally ill would subject herself to such a thing

Anonymous 258510

okay this is insane and all but my ex and I broke up because of his weird enmeshment with his mom and she also overshared about sexual trauma with anyone who'd listen and told him she was raped when he lost his virginity and crazy shit. this seems to be a common thing with emotionally needy boy moms. i wonder if these people ever face any kind of karma for their degenerate behaviour. the fact that all the moids in their life eternally pander to them is the most nauseating part of the whole situation

Anonymous 259250

Freud was just another perverted scrote, and a drug-addicted one at that.
There really is no limit to scrote parasitism, is there?

Anonymous 302919

Imagine how demanding and picky that boy will be when he grows up, if he’s a better cook then his wife


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
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Anonymous 301776


>Free speech
Only as long as it doesn't offend jews or go against their agendas.

Anonymous 301790


Anonymous 301792

good. drugs are BAD nona.
the less liquor in the world the better.

Anonymous 301838


Anonymous 302904



Is being a mom worth it in 2025? Anonymous 302838[Reply]

Will things get better or worse?
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Anonymous 302855

It's not exactly propaganda. Does nobody on this website actually like their parent(s)?

Anonymous 302857

I found my moid to breed with. The most perfect man in the world (for me at least). Obedient (to me only), high IQ, handsome, sexy. ambitious and driven, will provide for me. Not a coomer. A true romantic. Won’t bald. Eats healthy and exercises. Doesn’t talk down to me. Has the same goals as me. Will stand up for himself and me (not a wimp)

You Just got to find a man who’s worthy but unfortunately most men are little boys wanking off, smoking weed and spending their pay checks on OF thots and expect their poor gfs to be their bangmaids.

Anonymous 302891

I come from a good family and i like my parents. Happy societies consist from functional families.

Anonymous 302902

I'm raising 2 kids on my own and it's hard but the most fun and rewarding thing I've ever done. Also, not as expensive as I feared.

Anonymous 302903


Moids disgust me and the idea of growing one inside me is abhorrent.


Anonymous 302577[Reply]

What are things men can do to you make you feel safe, loved and secure?

Anonymous 302581


File my taxes and do an oil change

Anonymous 302592

make me feel important, loved, and cherished. my bf is really kind and sweet but he forgot my birthday and that made me sad

I want fruit loops

Anonymous 302880


>What are things men can do to you make you feel safe, loved and secure?

Anonymous 302898

I guess he could try to kill himself?
But he shouldn't be a wimp about it.

Anonymous 302901




I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 302540

no i love children and hate the people who hate them, you are demonic

Anonymous 302609

Boy am I glad you lot aren't having children

Anonymous 302773

Who here loves their mother but hates kids?

Anonymous 302848

It's always the lamest women who seem to have kids. No hobbies, no real interests, not much of a social life, and nothing very interesting going on so of course they have a kid to have something to do in between the two minutes their moid comes home and leaves to go smoke pot with his boys, and reruns of the office. also usually their kid is kinda ugly and you have to pretend it's cute. Double worse if they chose to not abort a male child. Like I feel bad for these women, but they truly do not have the IQ to understand how much of a waste their life is so maybe it's fine. Anyway I would kill myself if I ended up like that, it feels so good to have no kids right now.

Anonymous 302849

To clarify I don't hate kids since it's not their fault, I'm just sick of people who think they're actually capable of raising them well. Like no tf you are not, and even if you were why would you birth them in this world right now. It's just so selfish, kids are not there to fill your sad little void they are human beings

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