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This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872[Reply]

The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.
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Anonymous 297645

we 100% have the potential to be an industrial powerhouse but el problema de argentina son los argentinos and we keep shooting ourselves in the foot every fucking year for the past 200 years and keep bootlicking foreigners for some reason

Anonymous 297663


This man is cuter

Anonymous 297676

he has great hair

Anonymous 297688

he was cute af when younger but he's gross now

Anonymous 297811

I don't want to be abroad but I know I will have a much worse quality of life if I go back. s my dream would be to live in la Patagonia or something, having a farm in the countryside, taking care of as many animals as I can… if only Argentina would have a stable economy.

no he doesn't, it looks greasy yet dry at the same time.


Anonymous 296797[Reply]

Do you read alot? Is it normal for you to just stop reading in the middle of the book tellibg yourself you finish it later and move on to a new book?

I only read horror books
I have like 5 ebook i have started reading but not finished. Maybe its because im not really that interested in it. Should I force read books you arent 100% into?
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Anonymous 296850

i stated reading again recently and really enjoy it. i wish more people appreciated reading

Anonymous 296859

I love reading and horror! Its totally fine to drop a book you arent that into. I'm reading "Parasite" by Mira Grant right now. It's pretty fun!

Anonymous 297387

I used to read more, but as my work and other commitments started to demand more and more of my time I began to be more selective of the books that I start and the ones I bother to finish.

At the one hand, it's your life and you have every right to choose not to finish a work that you aren't enjoying. On the other hand, some of the greatest books I've ever read didn't catch my interest until I had read a good chunk of it (e.g. East of Eden). For most books you can tell if you're going to enjoy finishing it at the 20% mark, many much earlier than that, but don't be afraid of dropping it at 90% if you feel like you've gotten all you could out of it –don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

Generally, non-fiction seems more forgiving of partial readings, especially if the chapters are clearly labeled and you can easily spot the parts of it that are interesting to you and the ones that aren't.

Anonymous 297395

Ayyyy you read east of eden, I love that book! What did you think of it? I’m not religious at all so I probably missed a lot of symbolism. My favorite character was Kathy, even though she’s supposed to be the epitome and root of all evil, original sin and all that (she’s supposed to be eve or Lilith, I forget which)

Anonymous 297725


Anon, know we are enemies


Anonymous 297511[Reply]

Is powdered milk worth buying?

Anonymous 297585

If you are going to make flan

Anonymous 297607

i like how it tastes mixed into real milk to make double milk

Anonymous 297684

I love chewing it raw.

Anonymous 297693

Evaporated milk is good with espresso as a once in a while treat.


Anonymous 297490[Reply]

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I'm gonna cook a vegan turkey and watch movies with talking dogs in them.
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Anonymous 297597

im gonna cook my cat. yum

Anonymous 297650


Anonymous 297651

A ton of cooking, baking, and cleaning. The cleaning part sucks but the rest is pretty fun so I’m excited.

Anonymous 297661

Eating turkey and pie with my gradma and then walking around in the woods behind her house with my cousin until my parents want to leave.

Anonymous 297687

Going back home! Can't wait for roasted brussel sprouts! I am not sure if we will get pineapple casserole this year though because the my mom hates the woman who normally makes it for us(shes kind of rude, and also my mom is very democrat whilst she is very republican so they always argue). I'll just have to try and see if maybe I can make it on my own? I never cook on thanksgiving TBH, I just clean the dishes while my mom and dad cook. I'm not being entirely lazy during that time normally though, I normally hang out with my brother who is disabled so he needs someone looking after him. He's a nice guy though so I don't mind.

Screen Shot 2024-1…

Ovarit Bunker Thread? Anonymous 296985[Reply]

Is the beginning of the end for Ovarit? Temporary breaks often turn into permanent ones and are just a polite politically correct front. If they really are struggling, it's probably due to the required invite code to make an account. I personally hate the whole account thing anyway. It ruined the internet.

Anonymous 297333

The best description of Ovarit was one that I read on this site: https://archive.is/8yDrx

>I remember when they were on spinster and planning on making it. Tbh spinster had basically the same problem, you have these main pearl clutching terminally online losers who are obsesed with controlling everything bc their lives are a mess. Another spinster orbiting site was cliterati.club which was also basically exactly the same except the authoritarian woman running it was some 28 yr NEET with a xan addiction, so at least you could laugh at her. You can't laugh at these 50 year old tinpot tyrants, they're not even good as lolcows

Anonymous 297334

It's cause you can't artifically form a female only space, it forms naturally. look at tumblr, as much as it's tranny heavy, the radfem community there is strong

Anonymous 297367

Wow…I love that thread. Wish I could have participated in it. I wonder why it was deleted.

That's the only reason I loved browsing Ovarit. It felt like the only space on the internet that was still sane and understood reality. Everywhere else on the internet automatically treated the trans and "nonbinary" thing as a normal thing that could happen. Gender does not exist. The definition of woman was never up for discussion or debate. Woman=biologically female or as the trans word it "assigned female at birth" or the presence of XX. However, after the men cheated in the Olympics for having some sexual chromosome anomaly…like his balls never dropped or something??? Therefore, woman=NO y chromosome. If anyone is born with a cock and balls, he is a man. Even if he was born with no cock or ball but has a Y chromosome, then he is a man. I am so relieved by the Republican total domination so we can return to normalcy.

Anonymous 297421

After all the demonic screeching, mass hysteria, and mental instability, I’m convinced the admin was a prophetess who knew what would happen this week and didn’t want her platform to be involved in any of the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Anonymous 297648

Ovarit is officially back


Gen Y women Anonymous 230927[Reply]

any Gen Y women here who remember the fun days of 4chan like 2007-2010?

There was sexism back then, but nothing like today. The manosphere/mgtow/incel/red pill destroyed that place. Likewise, I feel Gen Z engage in lots of bullying.

I used to pretend to be a guy circa 2007 and never admit to being a woman and it was fun. I also feel this was before politics and echo chambers. /pol/ destroyed 4chan. I remember before /pol/ existed.

Anyway, this is my first post ever here. Just want to get this off my chest. I feel bad that I can no longer enjoy a message board I grew up on.
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Anonymous 297604

yeah because people suck

the people that ruined it will be punished with internal feelings that affect every action afterwards

Anonymous 297605

what do you even go on there for isn't it just all porn

Anonymous 297630

Millenial here, joined 4 chan in 06
It was always shit, it's just you were a kid and didn't develop a proper sense of empathy until you were older.
Do you remember "an hero"? Where they found out a 13 year old boy commit suicide, so they prank called his grieving parents for years, desecrated his grave, and mocked his death into meme status?
Yeah. It was always a scrote infested shithole.

Anonymous 297631

i can't believe that it's even worse now. being full of ai slop on every board and no genuine/funny interactions does that to you i guess

Anonymous 297634

I was born in 1995 (so, just barely a zoomer) and I remember early 4chan from when I was a kid. It was even worse than it is today - far worse, in fact. You would see CP posted every single day on many boards.


India Anonymous 30650[Reply]

Any indian girls here? How do you guys live? I'm really curious
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Anonymous 296743

Likely worst advice ever
It’s either be a pickme
Or be the best you with both trad values but modern ambition then pick what suitors you can work with

Anonymous 296769


I ran away from home and now I live in a mushroom, in the forest. This is just how i chose to live now. I am free, I am alive.

Anonymous 296775

So… it's either being a pickme OR being a pickme
Great advice nona, very helpful

Anonymous 296777

Fuck both options

Anonymous 297626

Are indian guys open bobs and vagen towards indian women too or just towards white/western ones


Anonymous 295938[Reply]

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Anonymous 297492

did you squat over the plate and make that yourself?

Anonymous 297504

what is she wearing???

Anonymous 297515


Anonymous 297589

Anonymous 297592


Aliens Anonymous 297618[Reply]

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 297629

Moved to >>>/x/10888.


Getting revenge on scammers Anonymous 273486[Reply]

For the past 2 months, I've been hounded by a debt collection company for a medical bill that I had already payed for. After attempting to resolve the issue professionally to no avail, I was able to figure out that that the laboratory I took my medical test at AND the debt collection agency are working in cahoots to fabricate fake medical bills. I confronted them over email and while they denied all accusations, they nonetheless decided to cancel my debt "out of generosity" (i.e. they understood I wasn't going to pay them and they had no legal claim, so they gave up on their scam). I was able to find hundreds of testimonies online of people complaining about the same tactics from those two same companies.

While I didn't have to pay for my fake bill, a lot of my time and energy was wasted by them, doubly so since this was happening while I was in the process of moving from one country to another. I want to fuck with them to get some revenge.

Does anyone here know of some predatory websites I can give the companies' email adresses to that will bombard them with junk mail, phishing scams, etc? Ideally I'd want to clutter their inbox with garbage to the point where it's unusable, but anything causing a small annoyance would already be good.
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Anonymous 275774

hahahaha are you retarded???

Anonymous 276211

dat dog.jpg

they will never know what happened

Anonymous 276215

if yor country has something like the FTC you could always report them, it might result in a years long investigation and potential arrests if you get lucky. Spam filtering is pretty good nowadays so that is not so useful unless they use their own email domain, so if its @gmail, dont bother

Anonymous 297503


gmail is absolutely ass

Anonymous 297575

This. It is beyond me why anyone would use it.

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