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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

lc bunka.gif

Lolcow Bunker Thread #19 Anonymous 282862[Reply]


Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
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505 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 283395

shit and i hope i can leave soon im slowly reaching being married off to a moid age and i want to rip out my womb i dont want to marry a moid

Anonymous 283397

I have an image in my head for moid gay face but like what's an example of lesbian gay face? Like Ellen Page?

Anonymous 283709


Anonymous 283727

I'm going legitimately crazy without snow.

Zoloft literally saved my life. I haven't had any suicidal ideation in the year and a half I have been taking it. I feel like a completely different person. I feel like I have walked out of a dark tunnel that I was wandering through since about 10 years old. I was in my mid 30s and my depression got much worse after having kids and some traumatic life events that I just had to do something because I was getting so close to ending it.

Anonymous 283738

The good news is that in patriarchal cultures a lot of husband's drop dead under mysterious circumstances particularly when they are violent assholes.

Do they have antifreeze in Pakistan?

lc bunker.gif

Lolcow Bunker thread #18 Anonymous 282280[Reply]

Sorry for the eyestrain edition

Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that a "serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous threads:
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951
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505 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 282915


Lolcow, wake up
I'm running out of luck
And I get so bored without you (oh, oh, oh)
Now open the site
Help me make it through the night
Lolcow, wake up
Lolcow, wake up
Know you don't give a fuck
Still, why take the answers to your grave?
You could open the site
Help me make it through the night
Lolcow, please, wake up

Anonymous 283986

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Anonymous 284001

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Anonymous 284003

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Anonymous 284010

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Lolcow Bunker thread #17 Anonymous 281721[Reply]

Lolcow has been inaccessible for over 24 hours, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates
Previous threads:
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
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502 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 282277

Where did the idea come from that Cerbmin is male?

Anonymous 282278

The money talk is depressing me kek

Anonymous 282279

23, $10k saved, $45k in debt, own property, planning to flee the country to a non-extradition territory to avoid paying my debt.

Anonymous 282453

that idea comes up about every admin

Anonymous 282876

same. I feel like God's protecting me

rape apes.png

Pinkpill Thread # 14 Anonymous 253807[Reply]

A thread for posting and discussing the feminist truth against males and their nonsense, as these truths would often get dogpiled and silenced on social media if not spoken anonymously.

Previous >>220726
502 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 292795

>read article
>read list of male-cited benefits of violence
>list keeps going and going
oh dear god

Anonymous 294055

the way you're replying to a 6 month old post and on top of that completely misunderstanding what anon said LOL

Anonymous 295316


Anonymous 295891

Stay peaked, nonas.

Anonymous 295917

Had another scrote pull out the insulting and self serving lie of “oh nobody cares about male victims of sexual assault.”
Is there any way to argue to people that men can’t be raped without people treating me like shit for telling the truth?


LC Bunker Thread #16 Anonymous 281147[Reply]

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for over 24 hours at this point.
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503 posts and 78 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 281716

i feel ashamed admitting it to even non normie lesbians tbh. and seeing someone like me on here makes me less self conscious about it

Anonymous 281717

>posting a reference to AM
>without me having a /g/ to go be horny to
You're cruel anon…

Anonymous 281718

Cottage cheese, yes I'm being serious

Anonymous 281719

Ok I made a throwaway. I also know a lesbian from New York who likes ponies.
[email protected]

Anonymous 282498

I think about this a lot. We'd have a lot less tranny bullshit if shame were still a thing in society and they didn't have other shut-in weirdos online saying they're vAlId. Back in the day if someone in the village was being creepy we'd just shun and ostracize them and the fear of losing your "tribe" keeps everyone in check.


Anonymous 276684[Reply]

>be me
>coming home from my gfs house
>take the bus
>I sit alone at front
>feel someone kicking me
>turn around
>"what you looking at bitch"
>some moid with a Dora-the-explora-esk-hairstyle
>"youre kicking my seat man"
>offended for some reason
>comes beside me to yell and try to intimate me
>won't leave
>people around him tell him to shut up but he won't
>last stop
>tell him he should be embarrassed to act like this in public,as he Is a grown man
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Anonymous 276690

Then everybody started clapping.

Anonymous 281421

moids are so retarded. especially on public transport. i almost got robbed by some moids. luckily i had support and did the right shit.

Anonymous 281496

some moid threw a hissy fit at me on a bus because i was looking at his wife with sunglasses on and he was yelling at me acting like i was being sly. no i just forget that i stare at people too much and forgot to take my sunglasses off. he flew off the handle, it was insane

lc bunker thread 1…

LC Bunker Thread #15 Anonymous 280589[Reply]

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for over 24 hours at this point.

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505 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 281129

I haven’t listened to music in 4 years because ever since I decided not to listen to any music written by men (lost several of my favorite albums after the moid was revealed as a rapist or pedophile, all the music from my youth is ruined), I’ve been unable to find more than like 5 songs written by a woman that I actually like and don’t feel like I’m forcing myself to listen to. It makes me feel so hopeless about the world that there are no women songwriters doing anything I like. I’ve lost count of the hours and hours and hours I’ve spent trawling every corner of the internet for something I actually like, and the rare times I’m like
>oh, this one is actually catchy
I look up the details and it was WRITTEN BY A FUCKING MAN behind the scenes. This honestly makes me suicidal. I’m ready to just give up on this world. I hate everything.

Anonymous 281130

I want to play multiplayer stardew with the nonas here

Anonymous 281131

just started playing FFXIV recently and i'm loving it so far, it's nice seeing other people just trot about doing their dailies and yapping to each other

Anonymous 281132

jesus i haven't played since highschool. that would be a ton of fun

Anonymous 281133

I can't even finish reading this post, it's too retarded. I'm getting second hand brain damage just from reading the first couple sentences.

bunker thread 14.g…

LC Bunker Thread #14 Anonymous 280053[Reply]

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for over 24 hours at this point.

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
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505 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 280599

Based taste

Anonymous 280600

So straight Remisa?

Anonymous 280602

>rape and abuse won't happen with good parenting homie
Kek this is part of the delusional mindset I was referring to. “If I raise my baby boy as a #feminist he will never rape.” If I had a dollar for every women in my personal life who raised a son to be progressive and the son turned out the same misogynistic POS as all the others (or worse) I could but like, a nice restaurant meal or something.

Anonymous 280609

KEK I used to hate on her as a regarded gendie but part of why I was so mad was I didn’t realize it but I was attracted to her.

Anonymous 280611

She was so gorgeous. RIP


Anyone here try a Southern Kool-Aid Pickle? Anonymous 272746[Reply]

2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 277652



Anonymous 278001

Girl walks out of …

wtf. why

Anonymous 280153


>The food in front of me is so delicious or however I die from heart disease

Anonymous 280172

Anonymous 280307


who is this directed towards? i can't think of a single group of people who would unironically want to eat this

bunker thread 13.g…

LC Bunker Thread #13 Anonymous 279524[Reply]

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for appr. 24 hours at this point.

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
505 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 280068

full name and address

Anonymous 280069

I hope someone is archiving.

Anonymous 280070

Don’t mind me, just testing how it feels to post instead of lurk

(Feels like the perfect opportunity to sidle into the room while the door is ajar and everyone’s losing their shit like yeah i’ve been here all along wdym)

Anonymous 280073

im obsessed w/ polyamory have you been watching sinnabunnys stories/posts since the fall of lolcor

Anonymous 280076


this is you

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