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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301301[Reply]

I can't stop eating tomato & mayo sandwiches


Bipolar Anonymous 297994[Reply]

Damn, I think I have it.
Anyone here has it and can leave a message or two? I think I’m losing it, it’s ruining everything, my life, others, and I’m so fed up dealing with just another shit on my plate. I’m genuinely angry succumbing to thoughts and moods I don’t seem to reign in in advance. I don’t have a diagnose yet but it very much looks like it.
Can anyone share meds, treatments, experiences?

Anonymous 297999

>I think I have it
See a professional about it if you can. If you don't get a proper diagnosis you can't really start to find ways to treat it

Anonymous 298005

I will make an appointment. I strongly suspected it, but I was terrified of the medication (and still am) and another feature to take care of. Im trying to get a new job asap, but clearly not with this mess as a vehicle. Why even be surprised, this bs gets annoying and exhausting. Fml fr

Anonymous 301229


I was diagnosed with it very early and shipped off to a padded room rape dungeon from 7 - 12 years old. Addressing the trauma from being mouthfucked by nightschool RNs and drugged to nearly death, and using mushrooms sparingly to commit to goals that require me to be less chaotic helped. I really would not recommend medication. Not a single thing in my life went well at all until I stopped taking psych pills. Sincerely, maybe bipolar, 15 years and three continents away from that experience, doing an elite job.

Anonymous 301232

I recommend looking into and considering DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) once you see a professional about it and have a proper diagnosis. I'm Bipolar I. I've tried all kinds of therapies.
Here's a brief on each!:

IPSRT (Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy): Focuses on helping people with bipolar disorder regulate their daily routines.
Targets: Eating patterns, sleep-wake cycles, social interactions, work, and hobbies.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
FFT (Family Focused Therapy): Help improve understanding in relationships and improve relationships
Targets: Teach family to recognize signs of an episode, educate family on how to support you the best way, improve conflict management, improve communication, create a plan for preventing relapse.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): [most common type of therapy for bipolar disorder] aims to help people recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to their symptoms.
Targets: learning to identify triggers for mood episodes, developing coping strategies, and strengthening emotional regulation skills.
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy): aims to help individuals with bipolar disorder learn new skills for regulating emotions, improving relationships, and reducing impulsive behaviors.
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Anonymous 298808[Reply]

Honest thoughts on the UK?
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Anonymous 300407

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

Anonymous 300766

Never been to England/Wales, but Scotland was reasonably comfy on both of my trips there

Anonymous 301210

I don’t believe it’s as bad as a lot of people say it is. I just think the worst parts of the country get the most attention.

Anonymous 301225

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.

Anonymous 301390

A pedophile's paradise


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 301045

burgers by definition are bad nutrition

Anonymous 301060

Not true you get protein

Anonymous 301181

Anonymous 301207

This. I always feel terrible after eating fast food burgers.

Anonymous 301212

Can you make this without egg? I am allergic to eggs


This thread passes the Bechdel test Anonymous 288104[Reply]

You know what it is about, in this thread it's not acceptable to talk about anything that refers to people of a gender or sex different than the female one
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Anonymous 290155

I tried Ubuntu for a while a few years ago. I hope you can manage cuz mine couldn't play videos and the guides they write for Linux users assume you're a computer nerd when I despise computers.

Anonymous 301194


Does anyone here likes birdwatching?

Anonymous 301197

Not rly but there’s a nonni that likes talking about cows maybe you can link

Anonymous 301205

+ Well supported, well maintained, large corporate base - you don't want to start out on a distro that isn't used by professionals in the workplace, and SUSE is the oldest Linux corporation in the world.
+ YAST is the closest you're going to get to an equivalent to Mac OS Preferences or the Windows Control Center in a graphical Linux environment, and it runs and can be used to manage your software in text mode through a terminal/TTY login in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong with the graphics environment without requiring you to learn every name for every controls command or kernel module. So if you can only start in textonly safemode and need to connect to the internet you can just enter yast, follow a few simple menus to get to networking controls, and enable networking in order to download whatever is necessary to fix the system.
+ easy install
+ Lizard mascot
+ RPMs
+ huge library of games in repo - people use the suse build services even if they don't use sue itself.
+ an officially supported distro for NVIDIA and other large manufacturers who make Linux drivers.
+ an actually useful wiki that describes problems that real people have in real life with real examples and solutions.
+ officially supports an ARM/embedded variant, will not die if/when x86 desktop loses ground to newer or different technology.

- German. (This used to make the distro nearly unusable due to their Erlangen.DE repo servers lacking a North American mirror–they have mirrors now and had them for years but the reputation is still impacted).
- Poor audio support on ARM devices, if you're running a raspberry pi just use raspian.
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Anonymous 301208

cute hobby


Anonymous 298312[Reply]

thoughts on this?
252 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301067

If Luigi couldn't have sex because of his back, then he himself is an incel (involuntary celibate).

Anonymous 301202

>moids dont know women would simp for gentlemen, cuties and murderers

Anonymous 301203

Literally nothing changed
Also its confirmed theyre not the same person.
Every single one of you simps should die shamefully for simping for a moid

Anonymous 301214

>Also its confirmed theyre not the same person
Post it.

Anonymous 301215

Def posted on 4chud I'm sure of it


Anonymous 296798[Reply]

Have any of you joined the military or considered it?
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Anonymous 297029

The air force is much slower tempo, more focused on academics and technical fields and generally requires higher IQs, lower physical scores. You'll still have to do some pretty gruelling tests, but most of it will be in considerably more luxury than the army. Rucks are shorter and lighter, courses have fewer obstacles and easier time requirements, even morning PT is lighter and a lot nicer. The kind of women who join the air force and navy will still include barracks bunnies, but they'll be a lot less intense. They might not be any nicer, but less aggressive and you'll find a lot more women like yourself or at least compassionate enough not to haze you for it.

Anonymous 300964

Based. Screw fighting for moids in moid-led wars caused by moidery. None of these judeoalliedreakmason conflicts benefit women.

Anonymous 301026

I really want to tbh. Idk is it possible. And my mother wouldn't let me.

Anonymous 301103

What if you love tech but flunked math can you still join in the tech field in the mirutary?
Any other tech jobs I can do? I wanna get training on the job snd not another two years of school for a tech cert or degree

Anonymous 301105

I have thought about it multiple times because the job search fucking sucks, but I have a college degree so they don't really want me to enlist (not that I ever really tried) and always encourage me to go the officer route instead. Like I said, I have considered it. Ultimately, the military seems like such a hierarchical and authoritarian hellacious nightmare with no escape. If you get a bad commanding officer or peers in your unit, there is nothing you can do about it. You're just stuck in whatever abusive environment the military assigned you to. Yeah, rape is also so common for women in the military that it's pretty much guaranteed to happen. Unless you're ugly, then everyone would just bully you instead. Plus, the officer process is so insanely competitive that I'm not sure it's worth even trying.


Anonymous 15463[Reply]

The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are.
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Anonymous 301107



Anonymous 301121


Anonymous 301122


Cool, I guess

Anonymous 301156



Anonymous 301157


quilava is my literal favorite i'm so lucky


Anonymous 295131[Reply]

Are we allowed to vent on autistic people here? I sure would like to, I've met some really irritating assholes who have flat-out told me they're on the spectrum.

BTW anyone else ever felt that autists just really like talking about food for some reason? (I mean like regular food, not fine dining stuff) I've my theories as to why, but would like to hear your opinions first.
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Anonymous 301088

Yes it can exist but the detriment to the individual is severe self neglect. Hfa live like homeless people if by themselves 9/10 times.

Anonymous 301113

90% of male autists aren’t even autists
They act like this to seem quirky and different. like no you stupid moid you’re not the “misogynist chud blackpill incel Aryan autist” you’re just a retarded male whos obsessed about races and “schizopost” on twitter/tiktok like the trillions attention whore male-tards with the “cel” at the end of their names.
They think memorizing auto parts and weapons or tanks (they don’t know shit about any of them they just post about it on the internet from time to time for internet points) will make them more autistic-like and “so different!!”.
They act NT people can’t play hoi4 and souls games (or any slop game) or can’t listen to “good music” like their shitty incelcore and metal.
They all want a submissive 18yo mommy virgin trad goth anime gf but all of that will disappear when they see a bitchy gorgeous stacy at the mall and will cry whine about women later all over the internet like they always do

Anonymous 301131

>since autistic people are too self-centered and (as the experience I've got around so far) never ask how you are doing, they only talk about themselves

I noticed that about myself too and changed that. I am still not perfect (I sometimes forget things coworkers told me), but my social life improved a ton. Just taking a genuine interest in people is more than enough in my experience.

Anonymous 301134

holy fuck this describes male autism fakers so well

Anonymous 301137

>you’re not the “misogynist chud blackpill incel Aryan autist” you’re just a retarded male whos obsessed about races and “schizopost” on twitter/tiktok like the trillions attention whore male-tards with the “cel” at the end of their names.
People keep saying Internet culture is dead but the reality is that it is still alive it's just devolved into something so horrific we don't acknowledge it.


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
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Anonymous 300813

Many people are just scraping by because it costs a paycheck and a half to rent a small apartment in most cities. I live with my mom though so I don't experience it personally. Also the fed likes to print money which heavily contributes to inflation leading to prices going up while your pay basically goes down since money is losing value and most companies don't want to raise wages to balance inflation.

Anonymous 301048


Anonymous 301052

I was surprised that most of California is actually horrifically ugly. And smells like shit. Garbage everywhere. I have no idea why so many people desire to live in that shithole.

Anonymous 301054


Anonymous 301120


There is pros??

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