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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
440 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295230

Hey anon are you still looking for friends?

Anonymous 295273

matrix or mastodon/fediverse i suppose, sorry for the late reply

Anonymous 295302

Don't use mastodon/fediverse. It's riddled with cp.

Anonymous 295386

nta ive been using fedi for 2 yrs and have never seen cp. you should probably use instances that block that shit like spinster.xyz

Anonymous 295652

F 25 PA (EST)
I'm looking for friends to get to know, online or irl. Preferably other females, if your a dude I will most likely ignore you. Age doesn't matter really just don't be underage. I'm a total introvert but also an open book. Love rants and deep convos. Most days I'm doom scrolling tik tok, listening to podcasts or looking for new movies to watch. It'd be cool to have an accountability buddy, gaming friend or someone who can just shoot the shit lol. Also looking for mutuals on Pinterest and twitter. I'm a neet so im available to talk whenever.
Discord: pinklemonade222
Snap: deftonesbabey


Anonymous 28177[Reply]

Who 30 year old Boomerette here?
59 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295661

Pretty freshly 32. It feels like in the past year I've completely reinvented myself. Not in a spending lots of money midlife crisis kind of way but I stopped giving a damn and got over my fear of going out of my comfort zone: dyed hair, cooler DIY clothes, even a tattoo. Things that I WOULD'VE done 5, 10 years ago, but was always too much of a self-conscious wimp to do. I can't believe I let myself be so boring and not outgoing for all my 20s. Hopefully this leads to me finding someone compatible. But even if it doesn't, maybe I'll adopt a cat and just be happier.

Can anyone single in their mid to later 30s here tell me how that's going? I'm still struggling with getting confident enough to live for ME, and not living for the constant dream of a happy marriage or partner.

Anonymous 295674

>But I still get the need to socialize and come here.
I fundamentally disdain other people and I hate the base social animal part of me that still needs human interaction to keep me from becoming mentally ill. I have to force myself to interact with people periodically like its medicine. Retarded.

Anonymous 295696

Yeah you don't need that. Ever since i learned to cut that out of me my life is better for it. People usually just exhaust you unless its a few rare individuals. You go in expecting fun but its always a swinefest.

Anonymous 295698

This site is a pretty subpar substitute for human interaction. But I like the idea to talking to other women while remaining anonymous.
I wouldn't try to make friends from this site, I can't stand some of you and I'd probably despise them in irl.

Anonymous 295829

i cant stand me either and wouldnt want to be friends with myself irl too


How do i bypass a reddit suspension Anonymous 287770[Reply]

I need to use the site cause sperg but one of my accounts got banned for an objectively wrong reason. I have appealed it but who knows

>will my others get banned? if yes should i try to log out from them from all my devices?

>If they do get banned too what is a good bypass plann? i have a vpn but do i also need a virtual machine from now own each time i need to use reddit? or would reseting my pc and phones and making a new email be enough?

would love to hear if anyone has accomplished this lol
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 289528

None of this works. I used to get banned from reddit SO much for discussing trans bs. What i ultimately did was get a cheap burner phone from walmart, get a cheap mint mobile plan. its annoying but reddit will ban you from everything especially if you forget you're banned in one sub and accidentally post there.

Anonymous 295007

The only way I've found is making multiple burner accounts then deleting them at tranny janny suspicion since Reddit is a shit hole site that censors non pickme women. Reddit is not worth discussion either way and I only use it for educational stuff now and mild entertainment that pertains to personal interests, like looking at cats/news fact checking.

It's too much of a male and pickme driven rape, pedofilia and tranny loving swamp for me to engage in fully unlike lolcur. When there exists whole subreddits for the literal pedofilia of girls, rape of women, tens of dozens of humiliation, and beating, beastiality subreddits but any rare non pickme dissenters can't even have r/female pesissism. And even in that sub, chronic and widespread dominant pickmeism turned it into casual weekly Nigel rants of why doesn't he do the dishes?

Anonymous 295013

kekkkk this amount of effort just to talk to braindead redditors is killing me
they got rid of the only female communities worth lurking which was r/femalepessimist because trannies got upset but their thousands of subreddits with scrotes sexualizing and objectifying little kids, wanting to rape lesbians into heterosexuality, pornography, disgusting kinks and more degenerate stuff gets to stay on the website. fuck this world, fuck this election, KAM

Anonymous 295779


Reddit is trash but at least it isn't DEAD. At least it isn't a shitshow like LC. If you get on subs that don't suck at least you'll meet people and get information. CC is an abandoned wasteland. Half the time nobody will respond to you. Worse than anything else tho, the site itself is sexist for having so depressingly few board topics. What are we demented housewives with no interests? Sometimes i get the impression its even more sexist than reddit for that reason. LC is just as bad

Even after though, CC is like a sub with just 14 subscribers. I wish it wasn't that bad but it is.

Still just yesterday I accidentally responded on 2x, that convicted RAPISTS don't deserve special treatment just because they're trans. I got permabanned from 2x and temp banned from reddit! 2x is run by rape apologist goons and libfems and should be avoided at all costs. Usually I'll just never talk about trannies on there but this conflict pissed me off.

Even so, recommend me a better place to find so many communities and topics on one site. I doubt you can. I don't want to get online to talk about scrotoids and relationshit I want to talk about things i actually enjoy.

Anonymous 295815

Reddit is dead, its filled with bots and moderated by troons. Even 2x has troon mods because powermods(troons) force their way into every popular subreddit, just like they try to do with everything else in their miserable lives.


Dumbass Shit Thread #1 Anonymous 82593[Reply]

Catch-all thread for all the dumassshit that you don't want to create an extra thread for. Have a plotting raccoon for a start
111 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 133495

damn sounds comfy, love strawberry pancakes

Anonymous 133497

I just enjoyed it. Don't bully.

Anonymous 133506


Jesus christ not now.. not ever.. I rather think hating most het relationships and relationship dynamics is more constructive.

The things most women put up with in het relationships, are absolutely vile and I don't want to be 80% of them, and I don't want to BE 80% ofthe women I know either. The things they put up with make me gag.

Hey relationships are just repulsive

There is a think called casually enjoying all kinds of erotica from time to time. It doesn't matter if its yaoi or Yuri or yumejo

Most het sex is just as bad, and most men are extremely degrading when you get to know what they want sexually. Don't even fucking start.

Anonymous 134031

what happened to all the resident (definitely female from what i could tell) schizos that used to be on here? they were pretty cool. they made super interesting and entertaining threads.

Anonymous 295814

country edm.jpg

I had no idea that "country EDM" existed


Care and Love of Jumping Spiders Anonymous 295419[Reply]

Discuss the care and keeping of spoods itt

Anonymous 295425



Anonymous 295437


I have a phidippus regius that looks like this. I don't think my cam would do her justice I found him or her on my porch. She has a heart shape on her bum.


Anonymous 266059[Reply]

Virgins by choice?

I noticed that even most radfems or "femcels" have had sex or have sex actively but there are not so many people who are virgins by choice or are there?

Are here any virgins by choice besides me? Do you plan ever to lose virginity?
52 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295636

one guy one girl.m…

I believe in "one guy, one girl"

Anonymous 295653

I don't sleep around and I dislike being touched

Anonymous 295747

I don't get this sex thing. Standing on all fours and letting someone bone you sounds like a humiliation ritual. Having genitals in your mouth is just as bad. Sex is invasive and weird, and it's in no way related to love.

Anonymous 295766


>I don't get this sex thing. Standing on all fours and letting someone bone you sounds like a humiliation ritual. Having genitals in your mouth is just as bad. Sex is invasive and weird, and it's in no way related to love.

How do you explain women who crave this humiliation ritual?

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 295767

Moved to >>>/nsfw/14327.


Posture Check Anonymous 295734[Reply]

Don't ruin your spine lovelies.
Be sure to get up and stretch. Scientist still debate if there is such a thing as the correct posture but they all agree that it is good for your health and spine to move and shift your body occasionally.

Anonymous 295762

thanks for the reminder nona


Women Furries Anonymous 295673[Reply]

What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295738


I like furry cringe

Anonymous 295740

Majority of women in the furry community tend to be the creative types that contribute art, writings and so on.
Men furries tend to be mindless consumers.

Anonymous 295742

How could you call any of that slop art or writing?

Anonymous 295743

Because it's fun to have whimsy~

Anonymous 295748

After the furry felatio its too much whimsy for me


Anonymous 294880[Reply]

New and hopefully last bunker thread

Which online personality would you be most or least surprised to find out they're farmhand, admin or former admin?
191 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295723

lolcor is kill?

Anonymous 295724

It was a blackpilled melty.

Anonymous 295725

oh, so it's not just me? I thought something is up with my internet

Anonymous 295726

I wrote a long venting paragraph to only discover the posting is not working and now I have to yell at the clouds kek

Anonymous 295727

I was about to reply to someone in the TMI thread about ass hair.


Anonymous 288085[Reply]

55 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295298


Anonymous 295301


Bacon bits and ketchup

Anonymous 295315

salt and butter

Anonymous 295622

tuna and olive oil!!!!

Anonymous 295664


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