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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
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Anonymous 300813

Many people are just scraping by because it costs a paycheck and a half to rent a small apartment in most cities. I live with my mom though so I don't experience it personally. Also the fed likes to print money which heavily contributes to inflation leading to prices going up while your pay basically goes down since money is losing value and most companies don't want to raise wages to balance inflation.

Anonymous 301048


Anonymous 301052

I was surprised that most of California is actually horrifically ugly. And smells like shit. Garbage everywhere. I have no idea why so many people desire to live in that shithole.

Anonymous 301054


Anonymous 301120


There is pros??


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
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Anonymous 300747

Are you me?

Anonymous 300800


Yes, yes I am. I love you nona.

Anonymous 300929


I'm smoking instead today

Anonymous 301104

alcohol is a cope and is useless

Anonymous 301116

Another based Arab nona


Anonymous 300945[Reply]

Is there ANY way to age gracefully?

Or does life just go to shit after like 36 and there's no real way to avoid this?
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Anonymous 301036


Anonymous 301038

I wouldn’t run to lose weight, the high intensity of it gives you wrinkles and contributes to boob sagging in the future. Not to mention knee problems.

Eat healthy, eat at 80% full capacity, and walk 10 km a day for breezy weight loss and healthy lifestyle maintenance

Anonymous 301075

>positive ID: post wall washed up>>301013

Anonymous 301090

No drugs and alcohol is the most correct answer.

Anonymous 301109

women age gracefully by default
moids don't and they have no chance to


Anonymous 301061[Reply]

I really need some advice. I applied for a government role and gave a reference but they told me I need a supplementary contact as well. None of my family wants to do it and I don't know anyone else at my old job. Am I fucked? Is there anywhere I can pay someone to be a referee? This is the only thing holding me back.

Anonymous 301062

Something within tells me that helping someone who starts threads with such atrocious images to achieve a leading role could have negative consequences for society.

Anonymous 301102


Anonymous 300965[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 301042

i always had a pretty flat chest, in my 20s i dated a porn addict who clearly wanted me to get bigger boobs. i ended up taking spiro (side effect is breast swelling) which made my boobs get like 2 cup sizes larger. anyway, i broke up w him and stopped taking it and am way happier now. i like looking at them but its too much to deal with and i didn't like the top heavy look

Anonymous 301066

> spiro
> completely blocks testosterone creation
Yeah you’re a troon

Anonymous 301068

They hand out spironolactone like candy with 0 labwork just for acne.

Anonymous 301084

>Why do skinny girls even want these?
For me I'm just an attention whore and I feel like having bigger boobs would give me more attention. But it's alright that mine are small, like you said, it's way more comfortable and maybe I would get overwhelmed with too much attention

Anonymous 301085

i got it from one of those dumb online skincare websites lol. i chatted with a nurse, sent her a pic of my teenage acne, and she gave me the rx

funnily enough i did find out about the breast swelling side effect bc a troon on tiktok made a video about it. it works for women too though as my friend had the same side effect

romance academy.pn…

TRY TO BEAT MY SCORE!!MUAHAHA Anonymous 301017[Reply]

Well its not that high but thought it'll be fun.

You can play any version.

Anonymous 301018

What's this?

Anonymous 301021

it's an old japanese flash game.If you search "romance academy game" it should pop up.

Basically you just laser boys with your eyes, to make them fall in love with you… you have to be quick tho.

Anonymous 301022

romance academy.pn…

first time that I got this ending


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
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Anonymous 299239

Discord: choseviolence
Central Iowa USA
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
I would like to find someone interested in bouldering and or gym/running. I like sharing stats. Art would be great!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
When I work at my job I prefer to be not bothered.

Anonymous 299475

Don't completely trust anyone who contacts you, just as a reminder. I posted here and immediately received a friend request from someone who I heavily suspect has XY chromosomes. It was so odd, he was so dry and barely even tried to hold a conversation. He told me he got banned multiple times, but when I asked why, he wouldn't elaborate. He just said he uses an VPN and talking to him just creeped me out. He's also one of those moids who use anime girl pictures as his entire personality.

Anonymous 299555

>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
All types of video games (PC), any crafty cozy hobbies (knitting and reading), fitness.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever? Not usually busy

Anonymous 300576

I lost the password for that email, if you want to reach out shoot me a message on discord. Please I need somebody to talk about stupid stuff with.


Anonymous 300973


>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
Reading, writing, celebrity gossip and blind items, random niche topics that can't be categorized, astrology, K-pop, and dolls. Not into anime, gaming, or art, so if those are your main interests, we will likely not get along. Radfem-leaning and interested in learning more theory. Used to be into philosophy but want to get into it again. Love Britney Spears. I am not very good at communicating (due to ADD), so please don't get disappointed if we don't click.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am not always on my phone, and my sleep schedule is messed up, so I might not respond right away.

13 masectomy.jpg

Radfem thread #2 Anonymous 181244[Reply]

Old thread reached post limit. This thread is discussion of radical feminism, please generalized tranny hate and memes in the TERF meme thread.

Previous thread:
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Anonymous 299051

the police in the UK is basically islamic so yes

Anonymous 299252

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.

Anonymous 300889

Screenshot From 20…

i'm also getting it

Anonymous 300891

i don't understand how you see it as a pinkpill that men literally can't help themselves, because of their biology??? that nothing short of castrating each and every one will stop them from Wanting to perpetuate patriarchical rape culture??

Anonymous 300938

i fucking hate trannies. I went to get coffee and of course I get rung up by a 6 ft cross dresser staring at my tits.


Women Furries Anonymous 295673[Reply]

What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
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Anonymous 300596

Hey!!! I draw sonic fucking knuckles and infinite sometimes. It's not my fault that they have a lot of cute gay moments together.

Anonymous 300597

>cute gay moments


Anonymous 300615

that's pretty cool, anon. knuckles and sonic are so much better as a ship than shadow and sonic

Anonymous 300621

I just wish we could all be segregated from male furries. I remember when a female furry made art of Kamala as a hyena and almost instantaneously some male made vore "fanart." I fucking hate them so much

Anonymous 300936

I love female furries made by female artists because they look cool and cute and I hate when moids make them a fetish like literally everything else


Anonymous 300646[Reply]

Anybody else pathologically can't read/write smut or even just esex? Sex is cringe enough, spelling it out in words makes it even worse for me. I only read manga smut skipping over any of dialogue that may have words "cock/pussy/fuck" in it. I feel like an incomplete woman because of that because all women I know prefer to read about sex and have been esexing with dudes since they were like 14.
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Anonymous 300696

You really need to find better hobbies and stop lurking chansites so you can get better friends

Anonymous 300888

>sex is cringe
>esexting with dudes
you're a lesbian, asexual, or traumatized
those scenes are part of the stories. they're interactions between the characters that can reveal stuff about their personality and relationships
those books suck

Anonymous 300902

They should make books like this but they're about sexy elf twink mages being bullied by warrior women

Anonymous 300910

no i can't do it at all lmao sex is cringe as hell just let me do what i need to do

Anonymous 300912

I used to read these a lot, they aren’t good at all lmao but they serve as fun wish fulfillment I guess

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