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Anonymous 301811[Reply]

Any nonas here into martial arts ? How is it helping you and why did you chose your martial art ?
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Anonymous 301875

Oh you’re right, I wasn’t even thinking about that. I mainly watch ufc and there’s some superhuman grapplers like Merab. I’ve seen too many of my favorite strikers get mauled because they gas too quickly

Anonymous 301877


Are you this nona from lc?

Anonymous 301996

martial art is soooo 2000 and 10

Anonymous 303130


MMA is the way to go now. Wrestlers tend to be the best conditioned apparently as the training really pushes you. You’re basically a bear that can go full strength for a long time. Just look at those dagsstani or any central Asian countries .
Self defence a gun, knife, or walking stick is best

Bjj wrestling judo boxing would be best. Don’t kick in a street fight because you can wind up on the ground fast. Judo is a good efficient way to throw someone bigger, get good with hip throws.
Bjj for obvious reasons, get good at the triangle choke like dean lister
Good to build strength, but you’ll need leverage and technique against a moid.

Good to spar with some moids, light boxing or good amount of grappling. You’ll get better dealing with stronger opponents.
Worth noting good to do neck bridges. A strong neck helps prevent a knockout.
Look at Floyd mayweather, remy bonjasky, giorgio patrysan, shogun with that high guard or machida with distance.
Because moids are lanky and can hit you from a distance. Guard and make him miss at his range , then try clinch up and hip throw him.
Knee his head or sub him or run.
Forget the cute skirt stockings heels tops where he’s gonna be hard and gets easy access.
Dress like a gopnik thug with good runners so you can run , punch , kick and throw .
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Anonymous 303232

Was your instructor a moid?


Crazy pick me Andrew Tate fangirl Anonymous 265383[Reply]

There's this insane anti-feminist pick-me that is obsessed with Andrew Tate to the point where she thinks she's married to him and has seances with him. I shit you not
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Anonymous 265498

Definitely some sort of psychotic delusion or eromania granted she isn't bullshitting for attention.

Anonymous 265501

Do you think it might be a case of hybristophilia ?

Anonymous 265502

Who knows. She probably views Tate as the pinnacle of "traditional masculinity" and desperately craves his validation as the ultimate tradwife.

Anonymous 271833

Well she did do a video where she was screaming at this Muslim dude over followers so ya definitely some grifter

Anonymous 303230

She’s definitely got bipolar or something, complete dumpster fire
Pretty funny to watch lol
But scary part is these are the people with poor impulse control and become shitty parents. Hope her tubes are tied


Anonymous 219189[Reply]

Has this ever happened to you?
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Anonymous 303191

I think he was genuinely autistic

Anonymous 303192

It’s possible he might be more interested in men. Don’t sweat someone who misses obvious signals and drones about rent

Anonymous 303195

Rape him

Anonymous 303198

>good at academics
>buys antique maps
>keeps a mental map of his immediate surrounds
>likes to talk about finance and civil planning
I see it.

Anonymous 303226

Y’all mind if I needlessly break this down

>cute guy in class helps me out

>go to the library and study together
This implies you both met through means that weren’t about relationships but instead about classmates becoming acquaintances to friends at best when you made your “moves”. Things like buying him food or drinks could have been seen as good gestures in which he expects himself to repay the favor down the line.
A lot of the things you described about him as you make your way to your apartment, screams autism which could factor into a lack of social skills.

>start taking my clothes off gradually

I assume you added this part because this was a hint of “I’m interested you, look at me” but could have just came off as you’re making yourself comfortable in your own home and he’s just there. Again there’s only much that can be assumed with what you’ve stated. Having a beer together is again just seems casual hang out together as friends. All the interactions that you described are just him being autistic about things he likes and certain beliefs about not being frivolous spender

>apologises and says he had no idea that's what I was signalling

Was just the dead giveaway that he didn’t pick up on anything, I suggest just being straightforward about going on a date together if this just happened recently. I believe there’s still a chance nona


Any anons from India here? Anonymous 58271[Reply]

Where in India do you live? Or did you move to another country? What’s it like there? Are the guys as creepy irl as they are online? What food do you eat? Are you vegetarian? Does everyone work in tech?
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Anonymous 303150

We have bharatchan now

Anonymous 303151

Anonymous 303211

What kind of food is it that makes Indians smell so strongly? I work with tourists and keep meeting groups of indian men that emanate a very strong chemical smell, almost like a leaking battery. Indian women don't seem to have that problem, it's always men. I'm not memeing here btw, it's something I've seen(smelled) a couple times already.

Anonymous 303215

Masala most likely . The guys likely don’t put on heavy perfume or deodorant. If it’s early in the day especially labrourers they do t do morning showers. More like a night thing , instead of showering twice a day

Anonymous 303222


How is safety in India ? Because I don’t get why these Ukrainian women are fearless here


Traveling Anonymous 140376[Reply]

Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?
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Anonymous 298183


Anonymous 303216

That’s pretty cool, curious how is the crime in India vs Latin America ? Which do you feel is safer?
Do you speak Tamil and Spanish?

Anonymous 303217


How accurate is this

Anonymous 303220


Have to be careful there . Donny go alone at night especially in the rural area. Go where other women frequent in the day time . Much of those scary gang rape stories you hear like that Brazilian couple , they were alone in the woods where they got into a fight with those guys, they left and later that night went back to the spot where they ran into those thugs .
Ironically Pakistan is safer
Like this woman with bipolar went to the ghetto in Pakistan and thankfully she’s safe

Anonymous 303221

After the ufc with the Dagestan take over , it’s got me curious about the Caucasus and Central Asia


Nature and Outdoors Anonymous 238704[Reply]

Thread is for all things outdoor and outdoor-life related. Do you feed any foxes? Birds? Corvids? Like to occasionally be a child and catch a gecko? Everytime I see something like a small snake outside I get excited. I like to feed herps crickets, etc, when I find them.

Anyone here into nature photography or jumping spiders? Or just hiking, beachgoing in general?

Discuss all things outdoors here.
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Anonymous 271334


Fledglings started appearing in my area! I love these little yellow-mouthed peepers! I hope no one would take them away from their homes to "save" them

Anonymous 303180

I like taking photos of birds. I walk pretty deep into the woods just to see cool birds and other animals. I've gotten lost a few times. Not fun.

I used to volunteer at a national park. I got to hold a lot of cool animals. Ospreys, baby sandpipers, fawns, jays, etc. I love animals and nature more than anything.

Anonymous 303181

I feed skunks cat food

Anonymous 303182

Do they smell bad?

Anonymous 303219


Yeah but they look cute too


Madoka Magica Meme Anonymous 303208[Reply]

Write your best dialogue for this manga panel

Anonymous 303209

Begone lesbian!

How dare you be homosexual in my house!

Anonymous 303218



STEM Majors Thread Anonymous 266664[Reply]

How many users here went into STEM? Doesn't matter if you actually ended up making a career out of it.

Especially interested in seeing how many engineering majors there are because, for whatever reason, just about every engineering class seemed completely devoid of women at my school. It seems like the majority end up going into life sciences or pre med, personally wasted years poking around with bacteria in microbiology just to end up 'producing' (AI does most of the work) low effort mass produced content for some tiktok dude who pays me way more than this junk is worth. Feels like I sold my soul.

What's your major? Did you end up where you thought you would, or did you basically just end up spending a ton of time and money for a wall decoration? Would/will you do things over again and study a different field?
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Anonymous 302791

Wanted to become a scientist or forensic something but it won't pay enough so med school it is >3<. If corporate culture wasn't so soul sucking and had good job security I would def become a girlboss there

Anonymous 302792

You're either a larping male or a genuine retard for unquestioningly drinking the koolaid on what a male-dominated culture has defined as feminine

Anonymous 303039

Meanwhile I'm gonna go on kind of a rant.

I went for a coffee with a friend and we were comparing our uni experiences (she graduated bacherlor's around 10 years ago in a different STEM field). We got to how it hasn't really changed much.

Then I chatted with some guys doing master's how it's wonderful that they treat them as people not as students now. That in the first years profs kinda humiliate everyone to "weed out the weak ones".

Why do they feel the need to do that? I have to say not all profs right, there's lots of amazing ones as well, and I know there's hundreds of new students every year.. But what's with the mentality?

Anonymous 303210

gender ratio and i…

Sabine Hossenfelder posted a quite insightful rant on this topic on Youtube.

Anonymous 303212

>Does the high school popularity contest never ends?

It literally never does.
Netmaxxing and clout trump real talent at every turn, even in the modern world

Case in point, the whole Tesla vs Edison invention thing


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 302198

I eat whataburger when Im lazy but like most of us I learned pretty quickly how to make good burgers at home when things got expensive a few years ago. I still like going to Dennys every other month. Theyre burgers are really big and juicy for the same cost as the tiny fastfood burgers, can easily be 2 meals. Theyre fries are pretty good too.

Anonymous 302216

I like Wendy's Dave Single.
I like the Whopper too, but it depends on the Burger King.
Red Robin burgers are good if that counts as fast food.

Anonymous 302234

I know I'll get some flak for this but the best burgers are ones you can cook at home.
I got a used older model George Foreman grill from a hand-me-down thrift store for $13 now I just cook my own, I like seeing the fat buildup into the drip-tray and knowing that I'm not putting that unnecessary gunk in my body.
You can choose what kind of bread, cheese, meat, and fillings you want when you make your own burger, no more being limited to what the chain carries or being charged extra for a slice of fucking cheese.

Turkey burgers are the best, less calories and you feel more full from eating turkey, lately I've been adding fish patties to my grocery list for when I get tired of turkey.

Anonymous 303202


if you are in canada, teen burger from a&w. in america, a&w is owned by a different company and is bad.

Anonymous 303204

Red Robin's brings me back. I loved their bleu cheese burger and the one with bbq sauce and fried onions. Definitely not fast food, though.


It's May, 2112 Anonymous 303189[Reply]

> You and the rest of your wagon train have just been conned into wandering into an uncharted and unmapped pass in the mountains.
> You are on your way to the mystical land of riches.
> The first snows have begun to fall, sealing off the entrance.
> You are left with no way but forward through 150 miles of treacherous wilderness.

What weapons and equipment have you brought with you? How will you survive the bitter cold, hunger, disease, and hordes of rapey Indians and African cannibals?

Anonymous 303194

Why am I a cannibal?

Anonymous 303199

Because your crops got stolen.

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