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What's your favorite pasta? Anonymous 275241[Reply]

I like ravioli
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Anonymous 275249


there's something about pappardelle that makes it holds the sauce well

Anonymous 275252

both with ragu bolognese

Anonymous 275255

Anonymous 275259


I like elbows for saucy macaroni.

Anonymous 275396



Anonymous 275374[Reply]

Do wear make-up when you are alone at home or just when you go out? Do you even wear make-up at all? I just put a fuckload of kajal around my eyes, not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.

Anonymous 275375


i only wear makeup when i go outside and when i'm not too lazy to do it. I mostly just put on eyeshadow and mascara, not much more

Anonymous 275377

Sometimes, sometimes not. Depends on my mood I guess.

When I was younger and pretty insecure I didn't feel productive when I didn't put makeup on even if I stayed at home all day, I'm glad I've left that fase behind.

Anonymous 275379

I never do. I'm scared that once I start wearing it, I will perceive my normal face as weird and 'nude'. Also it costs a lot of money if you're dedicated to it and there's really no point for me as I just never got into it.

Anonymous 275380

Moved to >>>/hb/20386.


Anonymous 275359[Reply]

Why is being skinny considered so important?

Anonymous 275360

Anonymous 275364

Because it's exclusive and people want in on that.

Anonymous 275366


It signals several things:

self control/ascetism to a degree
physical health/hormonal health
associated with elegance and grace
being thin and delicate is feminine
it also just has better aesthetic appeal desu, the more clear shape language and interaction between them, the more interesting and mathematically pleasing.

Anonymous 275369

Moved to >>>/hb/20369.


Anonymous 275243[Reply]

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny
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Anonymous 275251

Everybody who makes money off of being hot's picture/videos should come with a QR code that links to a pic of them in "the reality" pose with no makeup on.

Anonymous 275256


Anonymous 275300

lol agree
beauty trends have always been toxic for women in every time period. the false importance placed on our outward appearance takes effort and appreciation away from our actions, which are what really define us. we need: nourishing food so we can think and move properly, comfortable clothes so we can be protected from the elements, and basic hygiene so we stay healthy. everything beyond that is extra and some women pile on so much extra they forget to live. i don't preach too hard to other people, i just try to be a good example by being happy and pleasant in public

Anonymous 275350

>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
some of you are too soft ngl, I'd kill to be her in the 'reality' pic

Anonymous 275354

Moved to >>>/hb/20359.

13 masectomy.jpg

Radfem thread #2 Anonymous 181244[Reply]

Old thread reached post limit. This thread is discussion of radical feminism, please generalized tranny hate and memes in the TERF meme thread.

Previous thread:
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Anonymous 274449


Anonymous 274464

>posted by the ai creator himself
I'd bet 10 bucks the whole reason why he created it in the first place is to harass women way out of his league to get any kind of attention from them. The male brain truly is defect.

Anonymous 274782

I just want to speak one thing, and then I'm gone. Feminism is in it's twilight years, at least in Europe. The current political and societal reactions to the refugee crisis is increasingly turning the continent to right-wing reactionary. I saw a post recently where a woman from UK told her experience about the harrassment from nafri men. The male commenters essentially told her to btfo, and that the left-wing policies and feminism are allowing it to happen. Best case scenario, the far-right wins, and then they will enact backward policies. Worst case, muslims win, and women go back to being second class citizens. This isn't a threat or a warning, it's just how I see things are going to be.

Anonymous 274858

Feminism always had a cyclical momentum, and the portion of women who falls for the tradlarp nowadays will be useful allies in the following years after the spell breaks. Also I think the Muslim threat is way overrated, Muslim countries are experiencing a decline in fertility rates and those who live in the west mostly have one or two kids on average.

Anonymous 275343

I thought 'far right' in europe was the equivalent of 'right wing', in the US, and that even european 'right wing' is closer to american left wing. Which is it?
Has left wing in europe become muslim conservative or does it depend on who you're talking to? Should you feel unsafe in europe if you decided to move there as a woman from a place like the us?


Anonymous 48278[Reply]

Hi. Have a problem and just wonder if this is normal. I'm a 25yo who looks very good, has nice body long hair and gets many stares at me. I ended it with my ex after 5 years together because he did not have time for me so now I have started talking to some guys because I am bored and looking for someone to have fun with. I am talking to some guys right now, everyone is very nice and so on but I feel slutty because I have had sex with two of them, but yes I feel very good out of it and I feel crazy wet, not been so wet for eternity. But I get that damn anxiety after slowly saying goodbye and coming home after having sex .. Can't breathe type, very strange. Tomorrow I booked a hotel with a guy I was with a month ago .. he stopped contacting me after the first sex. Two weeks went by and i sent a text message that I want to cozy up with him again and he answered very positively and said he also wants. The worst thing is that I really like him but he said I should not like him because he does not want to hurt me. right now they feel like i am using him for proximity while he is using me for sex .. but at the same time i think it is nice to be able to have sex and he really turns me on i get so happy i still want him to have sex with me again .. will meet two guys for next month also who come here from another city just to meet me. Feels so weird I never in my life had this many guys at once at the same time, feel so crazy horny again for the last year with my ex I felt terribly bad but now that I am sexually active with others I have got back the sparkle of life. But why do I get such anxiety? Is that normal? Am I afraid of something or what is the matter with me?! ??????

Anonymous 274852


you are just promiscuous nona and that's normal for any teenager

Anonymous 274853

This is a 4 year old thread stupid

Anonymous 274884

I wonder if nona married any of the fuccbois and has a happy successful life

Anonymous 275322

it's still a good thread, silly


Princess movies brainwashing little girls Anonymous 164486[Reply]

Last night I was babysitting and remebered a little film I used to watch when I was little called Thumbelina. I turned it on because I hadn't seen it in a long time, not remembering much of the plot.

The whole damn movie is about this teenage girl getting KIDNAPPED by creepy rapey old moids obviously intended to be old enough to be her father, or being coerced into marriage by creepy women who stand something to gain from her marital prospects.
Thumbelina herself doesn't have much of a character, she's just "uwu sweet and soft and beautiful wittle girl" and for no reason side characters who also have no personality jump to help her.
Of course she gets saved by le handsome prince at the end, who she knew for 2 seconds, and he ALSO risked his life for her.

The takeaway:
"women are prizes to be bargained and sold to the male of highest value"

Also the character design for the toad family is frankly really racist. Its hilarious. I think she is kidnapped by them at 20 minutes of the movie https://youtu.be/QwgGnYUhqOg
Her son's name is literally "gringo", and here is thr hilarious over sexualized design of Mrs. Toad.
And this wasnt a 50s movie like lady and the tramp (don't let the garbage animation let you think otherwise) its from 1994!! The racism really can't be excused.

This is the RAPIEST and most RACIST princess movie of all fucking time.
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Anonymous 275164

Isnt that the point of Shrek though? He never did anything heroic, all he wanted was to take his swamp back and by chance it involved saving a princess. The princess was forced to see his character instead because of his helmet, and after coming to terms with her initial shock she remembered that she herself wasnt much better than him and gave him a chance. They aren’t perfect people but we don’t need perfect people, just people who will understand. Society is what shames us for marrying “ogres”.

Anonymous 275166

Nor is it naive enough to say that all men who are unattractive have hearts of gold. I mean look at Lord Farquaad. His height is entirely played for laughs with his typical short man syndrome.

Anonymous 275308

prince charming wasn't shit because he was effeminate (something that he wasn't at all) but that he was an abusive hurtful monster which believed that he should get things which he doesn't deserve while he hurts others, he is willing but willing on the sense of being an awful person, shrek in comparison was just a good person which was funny and always tried to improve the lives of others even if he didn't felt that it was like that or did thing which hurt him while not helping anyone (like not having friends and living alone by believing that he was lesser by being an ogre), shrek was good because he let fionna accept him rather than farquad or charming abusive withholding and rape tier tactics, the act of misinterpreting the act of shrek rescuing fionna by his interest to return to status quo as a reflection of love rather than of helping fionna is a very reductive and unironically a reflection of normalizing the violent dynamics of relationships where one does something not because of being empathic but to obtain a benefit, which is what charming did.
>but the scenes of fi
these wh

shrek is loved or liked by being a nice person which is helpful and caring, the opposite of the male stereotype you are talking about which is individualistic, narcissistic and abusive (these last two are the issue of charming), charming didn't thought that fionna liked him but that he could coerce her into being with him by lying to her, which is what most people do on relationships nowadays, charming was the reflection of the male which you would like to talk as this ideal male by having the traits that you are falsely attributing to shrek and finding them desirable, not accepting that the traits which make shrek a good men is because he doesn't follow these stereotypes of what it's to be a man and thus does whatever is right rather than supposing an attitude, something that prince charming by his interest in hurting others didn't, shrek wasn't more assertive or caring/submissive (a thing which just reflects a personality and not if a person is able by both personalities being needed on healthy relationships on a balanced or equivalent extent for it to work, so you need on a relationship by one part having one of it or both parts being mixes of both, shrek was very balanced and didn't fall on being overly submissive or individual) butPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 275309

these where scenes which reflected that shrek did it not because it was in love but because he didn't really was interested in fionna, it's to reflect that even if he was doing something wrong by ignorance and general lack of understanding at the moment of farquad immorality that he would do everything to have what he would like to call his status quo where everything was alright even if it wasn't (as him not hurting others by separating himself to his swamp and not having friends or a couple), something that he recognizes as wrong by his and fionna development in relationships and thus understanding what is real love, it isn't something that forces but did by feeling that he was doing the right thing, something that he removes by lending that to fionna over the movie, the opposite of what you are saying.

Anonymous 275312


As a Latina, I always thought the frog was super pretty and I didn't care about the stereotypes because it was everywhere during that time period. Minorities weren't the only ones getting stereotyped and the frog thing was clearly not meant to be offensive. There were lots of caricatures of Europeans too. Picture related, this dude from the same movie spoke in a comical French accent.


Anonymous 275214[Reply]

How to deal with a friend who complains non stop?

Anonymous 275299

I try to steer them. "Hey that's pretty depressing. Tell me 3 nice things that happened to you this week to balance it out." And you do that nearly every time they complain so maaaaaybe they'll get the hint. It's a little rude and clumsy but your friend is being a little rude by being a downer. As someone who used to try to make conversation by complaining, I can say that I was never called out on it. Some people are just oblivious.

Anonymous 275301


PDA // About Love Anonymous 268801[Reply]

This is not something positive. It is something negative. It may be cute and adorable in thought, but ultimately repulsive in observation and oftentimes practice.

Today I experienced a wretched display of “LOVE” from a close acquaintance of mine. Randomly, in our group chat with a few other mutuals, she (unprompted) complained about her stupid ass boyfriend giving her a hickey, and how it’s such a pain/bother to cover up. I told her “I don’t want to hear about this” while our mutual friends were shocked and curious. She gave us the BLESSING of a visual and proceeded to sent a picture of the disgusting mark on her neck. FIRST of all, literally nobody asked for this. SECOND of all, you’re disgusting and I could give less of a shit about what your repulsive fucking boyfriend is doing to you. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I felt absolutely horrible when she sent that first text to the group chat. It puts a horrible image of her being defiled by her fuckass boyfriend in my head. This is something I absolutely hate about young couples. They think that everyone is interested in their business, curious about whether their shit is brown or a taupe -NEWSFLASH, nobody fucking cares so you PDA loving bitches can just kill yourselves because I assure you that nobody is wondering if you are sexually active with your partner, nobody is wondering who you got a hickey from, nobody is wondering if you’ve given up your virginity (SLUT), and nobody most of all gives a shit if you’re in “love”. Keep it to yourself, it really is that simple.

PDA/flaunting your retarded relationship isn’t the only annoying thing about love, but it’s the feeling itself. Being in love is the worst thing a human can experience in todays world. One day you’re soaring through the clouds, ecstatic and seeing the world through a new lens of pink and the next day you’re in your bedroom, sleeping through the day, feeling sick to your stomach wondering what is going through your crush’s mind. I hate the ambiguity. I hate it all. Most of all, I hate thinking about him when I was made to think for myself. Before anything, I am a human, a selfish creature. I hate when he takes up my mind and distracts me, from ME.
Worrying about someone else is annoying when you don’t know what they’re thinking. I hate playing this game of cat and mouse because it causes so much overthinking and unnecessary stress for no reason. From this, Ive been disinterested in love, and I’ve made noPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 275142

thought this was regular hate turns out you just had a bad experience and now you project it lolololol

Anonymous 275175

What I do is take my phone and pretend I'm taking a picture or a video of them, and make it really obvious that they're being recorded, and smirk like I'm going to post it on reddit or share it with friends or something. This usually gets the PDAssholes feel bad.

Anonymous 275186

It is not adorable to have to search through so much bs just to find something you're attracted to. I wouldn't waste mental energy or resources on men if you paid me.

I don't know the solution to it i just find most men, their attitudes, mannerisms, things they say unattractive and sketchy. I see the asshole hes pretending not to be most of the time. And even if he's not an asshole i dont trust he wont become one. Men are so goddamn burdensome its a disgrace

Worst thing of all is that they're mostly ugly. Like devastatingly ugly compared to women. So i have no motivation. I only care about PDA if the moid is nasty or i don't like him. If he's fine im probably gonna sneak a look ngl. But to actually live around that is another thing entirely.

Every girl i know who puts anything into love is so rundown and wiped out by the man. It is so below me to go after love because of how most women i know look coming out of it. It doesn't matter how you look either, in fact pretty women are overly-controlled and treated even worse.

Anonymous 275264

A Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.

The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.

Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.

"What a fool I am," he said. "Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for."

And off he walked very, very scornfully.

Anonymous 275266

Yeah grapes do not try to take away your rights, mentally abuse and destroy you, try to isolate and control you and your finances for sex. Are you fucking nuts

rape apes.png

Pinkpill Thread # 14 Anonymous 253807[Reply]

A thread for posting and discussing the feminist truth against males and their nonsense, as these truths would often get dogpiled and silenced on social media if not spoken anonymously.

Previous >>220726
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Anonymous 275190

And ya know, men just frequently suck. Nobody gets paid to say it enough sadly.

Anonymous 275217


Anonymous 275226


it's sick to think about but if he wasn't such a freak some desperate fujo would absolutely fuck him

Anonymous 275257

>A beach volleyball player who was jailed for raping a 12-year-old British girl is set to represent the Netherlands at the Paris Olympics.
>Steven van de Velde, now 29, was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 after admitting three counts of rape against a child, which took place in August 2014.
>He was allowed to serve his sentence in the Netherlands but was released after just 12 months.

>Van de Velde confessed in 2016 that he engaged in criminal sexual activity with the girl on three occasions in 2014. He was 19 at the time, and knew how old the girl was when it happened. He also gave her alcohol.
>The 29-year-old and Dutch sporting organization and Olympic committee NOC*NSF decided together that Van de Velde will still participate in the Olympics, but he will reside elsewhere during the sporting event. The change in housing is meant to ensure more calmness. Van de Velde also will not speak with journalists during the event.

Anonymous 275263

Ahem you assume fujos would be willing to touch 90% of men. You are devastatingly wrong.

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