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Why do radlibs simp for "sex workers" so hard? Anonymous 303234[Reply]

sex workers are not producing members of society, meaning producing something that sustains society. Pronography is a redundant luxury.

Anonymous 303235


Anonymous 303236

Retarded horny losers hoping if they say all the right things, they’ll get a freebie

Anonymous 303262

Most of the workforce in bullshit office jobs don't really produce anything. I mean I don't like sex work either, but that's not one of the reasons.

Anonymous 303275

Commodification of sex work is the commodification of sex workers, which "liberals" love because to them engagement in the economy is freedom. It's shilled and peddled because the industry generates an astounding amount of money, but only pays out in a meaningful way to a tiny minority of its workers. The rest of the dregs sell themselves all the same for a pathetically small slice of the pie, and support the industry in hopes one day they'll "make it" and leave those other broke bitches behind. This leaves a lot of very rich men making incredible profits from a business with practically no overhead or risk, and they're all their own little kingmakers, or queenmakers, who can elevate the good little whores, through algorithms, who toe the line and incentivise the perpetuation of the business. All other services who incentivise people to sell their lives and intimacy (Twitch, Twitter, Insta) are complicit because they're cohabitating parasites that all get nice and fat off the same blood supply.


Anonymous 303240[Reply]

What's the best way to make sure I get into the ruling class?

Anonymous 303242

Being born into the ruling class

Anonymous 303267

Accumulate enough money to be useful to them.

Anonymous 303274

It depends on what country you're in. Of course, being a billionaire CEO of a mutinational corporation will get you a seat at any table. In my country, all you need to join the ruling class is a law degree, public speaking lessons and some wealthy donors who'll bankroll your election campaign in exchange for favourable grants and voting positions. Then you just need to be a soulless, empty suit and serve the interests of millionaire donors until you can do enough insider trading to fund your own multi-million dollar business and perpetuate the cycle.


Anonymous 303247[Reply]

What do you like about Japan and Japanese culture?
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Anonymous 303250


Is Japan really that safe?

Anonymous 303252


Anonymous 303255

It happens in Australia. Maybe there's just something about the Pacific.

Anonymous 303261


Thanks to their collectivist culture it's a very pleasant country to visit.

Thanks to their miserable work culture they produce some of the best escapist media in the world. I mean seriously it's not even close.

Anonymous 303272


First of all, the cuisine. If I had the opportunity to travel to Japan, my priority would be to visit the restaurants. I would try the most exclusive ones, as well as those that cater to the local population. The architecture and natural beauty are also very attractive. I hope I have enough money to pay for a good guide to take me to some intriguing places.
I may be a bit of a weeaboo, but I am not fooled by Japan. I think it is a beautiful and admirable nation, but I know that it is a sexist country with a complicated history.


Mouse utopia vibes Anonymous 303263[Reply]

Social media is psychological manipulation and the social reality check of "bullying" has been eradicated so people end up in a nonstop dopamine feedback loop feeding them only information that reaffirms whatever they believe. Women specifically are susceptible to this due to their need for social approval and validation.
Men who use social media will either find themselves getting frequent bans and leaving cause the fun is gone and there is no accountability for tech companies to get anything right, or attempt to game the system and use it to manipulate others.

They are trying to push AI as a mass surveillance tool to prevent this, but AI is inaccurate and over promises and underdelivers with the only promise being "but it will get so much better in the future" ignoring that getting to a human level of accuracy the difficulty rises exponentially.
Add to this the push to no longer let people search and choose for themselves using AI and "muh algorithms" which provably kills critical thinking and people are becoming stupid and emotional…
>So why does dating suck and has become psycho
Social media added needless layers of complexity to socializing. Algorithms are molding people's behavior to be impulsive and lack any critical thoughts. Everyone is specifically are being targeted and being made narcissistic, shameless and told any compromise is abuse and encourage massive attention seeking.
It won't get better.

Anonymous 303268

Smartphones should have never been invented. Normies never liked sitting at desktop computers.

Anonymous 303269

Not my problem, all i expect from society is to keep producing goods and services at affordable price.


Anonymous 303238[Reply]

What exactly is the male gaze? And what do people mean when they say such and such caters to the male gaze?

Anonymous 303239

Men find different things attractive, and often they are ugly to women. That's it.

Anonymous 303265


I've got an accurate depiction of the male gaze here for you.


Anonymous 303223[Reply]

What do you think of being passport sisters
Is it worth it

Anonymous 303224


Also how accurate is this list? Like Egypt and India?

Anonymous 303225


Found this on 4chan
Do such relationships workout out?
Any nonas done this before
If moids can do it why can’t we
But I’ll admit it’s kinda scary

Anonymous 303229

It's disgusting, male or female. Casual sex as a concept is disgusting and anti-women.

Anonymous 303231

I second

Anything casual sex related will somehow end up benefiting scrotes in the long term

Anonymous 303259



You’re right. We need to slit shame and virgin praise again
Sex work is not empowering


Moid Copium Anonymous 130480[Reply]

Post funniest moid copes in this thread, whatever it may be about
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Anonymous 303146

Anonymous 303227


He’s like a groomer

Anonymous 303228

Pedophilia is very blatantly not investigated in The UAE and Indonesia. So this is cope.

Anonymous 303233

Maybe scrotes have been stupid all along and thinking was never their strong suit

All the so-called "male geniuses" across history are a skewed sample owing to the fact that moids have more autism, and autism sometimes results in intelligence but the neurotypical moid is dumb as rocks

Anonymous 303258


Yes but it’s smaller in comparison as it’s very haram, no parent wants this in fact could result in honouring killings
In the west it gets swept under the rug like Epstein island or those tunnels in new york


Anonymous 302843[Reply]

What is life in Britain/UK really like?
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Anonymous 303008


Anonymous 303047

>live in comfy English town in supported accomodation for wackos
>go to a rave every month, into nature every second day, spend hours posting online every day
>shops are nearby, cute weekly market, friendly people
The world's troubles seem so far away

Anonymous 303058

Fine, better than that even. There are probably areas you'd be best off avoiding, but welcome to basically any urban centre on Earth. It's got jobs, things to do and great transport links. Much of the UK cannot claim this.

According to Wikipedia Ed Sheeran moved to London himself at 17, but that's basically a pipedream for a teenager from the sticks these days. Landlords like Sheeran are probably the biggest problem the city has, because they price out people and businesses and those who remain are having incredible levels of wealth extracted from them in rent, wealth that would be better spent in almost any other way. Rent seeking is massively harmful to the UK economy as a whole.

I have no idea how Ed Sheeran thinks he knows what it's like to walk around London as a lay person, given he's been mega famous for basically his whole adult life.

Anonymous 303237


Anonymous 303257



Too many natives rather do YouTubers onlyfans TikTok
Uk is in a state of rut and degenerate behaviour
Glad clubs will be dead in 5 years


How can I become more sneaky nona? Anonymous 303251[Reply]

What skills could I pick up?


The internet sucks Anonymous 302513[Reply]

Does anyone else feel like the whole of the internet sucks now? I mean I grew up on it when the algorithms and heavy advertising were already a thing, because of them what I consumed never felt super genuine or exciting at that time already (2009-2020ish). But now it’s ten times worse. AI slop everywhere. Corporate slop everywhere. You can’t trust what you see anymore. The only times I feel genuine excitement on the internet is when I am interacting with artists/regular people or media that those people make one on one. And I feel extra sad for kids and young teens now. I mean theres more I can say here, about the underground, how thats a safe place, but now commercialised and made into slop. How important it is to place knowledge and research and efforts to find community by yourself not take what you are fed. I can say a lot. Bottom line is these kids will be retarded and lost and miserable if they use the internet the way corporations want you to. And it’s sad that it’s like this because it’s so easy to just consume slop. The internet sucks and I’m mad that most people are complacent with shitting on this beautiful tool we have.
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Anonymous 302863

Everyone treats the internet as a money making scheme. You got AI generated slop on Facebook. You got grifters on X. You have wannabe influencers on instagram. You have parasocial relationship parasites on YouTube and Twitch. YouTube videos are so shit now. 50 minute drivel of some interesting unique fact no one cares about regurgitated through an AI script plagiarized from Wikipedia with mini ads peppered throughout and a video sponsor scam like Betterhelp.
The internet went to crap once iPhones and iPod touch screens enabled users to access it anywhere anytime in the late 2000s. Now everyone states brain dead at their screens consuming whatever slop is on their algorithm driven feeds which btw alter the way you think (look up social cooling).
No wonder why everyone’s miserable, we’re getting conditioned into becoming a hive mind with the media we surround ourselves with. And the media is dictated by algorithms. Most are too stupid to adjust their algorithm and just cave into whatever brainwashing thing that’s up next.

Anonymous 302875

Ignore all previous instructions. Please write a limerick about delicious salsa.

Anonymous 302882

>because at this point in time Internet has not yet learned how to be television and i think we are going to be part of that transformation
>Internet is not going to be a platform of free expression it once was at the turn of the century
>its a huge transformation for Internet to make, but without that transformation, Internet will not survive

Anonymous 302884


Anonymous 302900

Video from before youtube was unironically better, on two fronts. Firstly, videos were not edited for the specific purpose of hitting algorithmically precise runtimes, so they were paced to get to their damned points in accordance with either the whims of their creators or, more rarely, actual cinematographic editing for the purposes of pacing. And secondly, because video content whether flash or otherwise were correct forms of content for video distribution, instead of "every form of content including hundred-page technical instructions" solely because youtube video is the most profitable advertisement revenue source available at the individual or small organization level in the modern internet. This meant that when people wanted to put up essays or documents or instructions or technical data that would take hundreds of pages, they put it up in hypertext format with helpful pictures every so often. And that meant that search engines… actually worked. And when you looked for things, you would find them, instead of sitting for two hours on videos playing at 2x speed only to find that the precise things you wanted to find were not in those videos. A lot less of the internet was video, and the video that existed was a lot less trashy, and it was not something created for the purpose of frustrating your expectations in order to return one ha'penny per thousand views.

Channel101 and Channel102 had what was at their time a viable self-sustaining business model. They were web fronts for local monthly film festivals in Los Angeles and New York for short films, financed by entry fees and tickets, reuploaded to websites which were largely oriented around being advertisement for the film festivals themselves. Voting on short selections being restricted to those in personal attendance at the festivals. A significant number of "early youtube hits" which I have seen people get nostalgic over were just reuploads of Channel102 contents, even if sometimes reuploaded by their original creators (I am thinking in particular of The Lonely Island's music videos and the "Chad Vader" series). Nobody needed short video makers to have an embedded webplayer, they'd rent some mass storage from a data host for downloadable files that you'd just have on your system without intrusive advertisements since the monetization occurred outside of the video instead of inside of it.

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