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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 275902[Reply]

Tomorrow I become a wagie. What should I expect?
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Anonymous 275928


They make you stand for eight hours without sitting. My feet are killing me.

Anonymous 275930

You get used to it eventually and this goes away but yeah, the first week or so suck for your feet.

Anonymous 275938

Invest in better shoes. Will save your life. And your feet. And your back.

Anonymous 276426


I had a job like this once. Could not walk normally the first few weeks. I quit cuz I got followed to the bathroom by a moid so I never rl got used to it.

Anonymous 295928


A disposable income and with it temptation to buy a bunch of dumb shit you'll regret wasting money on later on.

Also this >>275920
Brooks tend to be great over all walking/standing shoes. Speaking from experience as someone who works in a large grocery store and is constantly restocking shelves.


What do you think of marriage? Anonymous 255619[Reply]

In an ideal world, I'd never get married. What's your views on it?
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Anonymous 284292

I will probably get married to my bf at some point, even though it feels kind of depressing. I can’t have a big wedding because both of us are estraged from our families due to messy history and trauma, and I don’t have many friends to invite - if I did, they would all realize what a loser I am for not having people in my life. That’s all I can think about when I think about weddings and it crushes me. Well probably just have a small civil ceremony just for legal reasons.

Anonymous 284334

bruh I feel you. My bf has a lot of friends and acquaintances and is a very social person in general. I really want to get married but it also feels me with anxiety and embarrassment because the only people that I can invite are like 3 friends and the rest is just my family.

Anonymous 284348

I’m married and it’s wonderful

Anonymous 284413

i just want to go into the woods with our closest friends and have a fancy picnic, a real wedding sounds so cringe to me.

Anonymous 295926

yeah she is bullshitting a bit
by all means and studies people who even just marry have like 40% less cheating, and those that waited till marriage are the group less likely to cheat overall


It's Spooky Month Anonymous 295816[Reply]

Post something spooky
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Anonymous 295822

Anonymous 295826

Visited. Spooky indeed

Anonymous 295828

>Here lies Alexander
>That's it…
>'cause we couldn't think of anything grander

Anonymous 295910


Anonymous 295924


everyone you know will die someday


Anonymous 295321[Reply]

what would you put between these 2 slices of bread?
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Anonymous 295722

a gazillion dollars

Anonymous 295731


Anonymous 295773


Anonymous 295909

cheese with ham

Anonymous 295912

I just want you to know that you’re funny

This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872[Reply]

The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.
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Anonymous 295224

I wish I knew miners IRL, Argentina is full of pickmes

Anonymous 295238

I think it’s just not common for Argentines to move away, even just to another part of Argentina. Kind of a pity, their country is so diverse with jungle, desert, salt desert, glaciers, etc.

Anonymous 295257

Move to Chile, we love Argentinians (the internet of course doesn't share the same thought but its the internet, not IRL).

I hope for Argentina the best, is sad how the taxes are when it comes to digital products and importing fees are, or even earning in USD is a pain in the ass there.

Anonymous 295443

this is what i think everyday! i know the situation has been bad for a while but why the hell did such a huge portion of the population think that THIS crazy ass would ''save'' us? insane. i'm so tired nonas.
la cuestión es a dónde irse

Anonymous 295903


I'm a leftist but I think the ancap Argentine president is kinda cute in a mad scientist way


Anonymous 15463[Reply]

The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are.
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Anonymous 295832



Anonymous 295834


OMFG. I would have gotten Dubwool?
I fucking love sheep! Fave animal. They're so cute!

Anonymous 295841

Lol. You're funny for this

Anonymous 295844

bump. cp, don’t scroll!

Anonymous 295892



Lolcow.farm hate thread #9 Anonymous 281208[Reply]

Last thread: >>>/b/276304
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Anonymous 295712

I'd give up on trying to detect reason in janny decisions if i were you.

Anonymous 295715

DAE experiencing posting issues?

Anonymous 295716

yeah i get redirected to https://lolcow.farm/post.php

Anonymous 295718

Yes, we’re down right now

Anonymous 295889

The lc jannies are bored or something. I made a post in a thread in /ot/ that was relevant to the Nona I was replying to and some people replied back. Literally a day later I get banned for "autistic derail". Meanwhile retards in /snow/ can actually derail all they want. I've been getting red texted a lot recently, but I never infight, I sage even when I don't have to, and I don't reply to bait. I'm an oldfag and 10 years ago, I'd go on retarded rants while I was drunk and I rarely got red texted or banned. Whatever, I shouldn't put energy into being mad about getting banned for a few hours on an image board anyway. I wish cc wasn't so slow.


Anonymous 149636[Reply]

ITT we rate European countries
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Anonymous 295855

This is so you don't have to color in every island

Anonymous 295856

Looool thread devolved into haploautism

Anonymous 295871


Of the European countries and cities I've visited a few stand out:
>Bordeaux, France
Lovely city that's very well cared for. Excellent art galleries and parks, incredible metro system, Stunning architecture and bridges, wonderful restaurants and the Native French are so kind! I was told to expect them to be so rude but they really are good natured and patient.
>Malmo, Sweden
Really nice parks, native Swedes are an absolute pleasure to speak to, loved going over the Oresund bridge!
>Prague, Czechia
Beautiful river, charming metro system (escalators in some subways double as a surprise roller coaster!), really clean and well maintained city! Wonderful Opera and Ballet houses, Gorgeous food and drink, absolutely fell in love with Svichkova and Trdelnik. Weed gummies sold in most shops are so strong they literally force you to take a down day! I never knew couch lock had a final form, bed prison! Native Czechs are so kind and funny!
>Venice, Italy
… Regret. I've never been to such a hostile city in all my life. The city itself is beautiful but you feel trapped in an overpriced theme park where the mascots are all suffering PMS, haven't slept in a week and are all trying to quit smoking simultaneously. God help you if your Italian is less than perfect. Most interactions went better when I said nothing at all. Also caught some greasy loser up-skirting me and was swore at. Also caught COVID from the water taxi. Also weirdly terrible food. Seriously the best stuff I ate came from the supermarkets. I've never experienced that anywhere else in Europe. Public transport is an absolute rip-off too. It was better to walk everywhere. I can't understand how a city with so many churches and cathedrals could feel so soulless and dispassionate. On the upside Wonderfully talented musicians in the music clubs and concert halls and very pretty to walk around at night though!
>Copenhagen, Denmark
Astonishing castles and an extremely pretty city centre! Locals are friendly but can be a little blunt, but they're quick to follow with a joke or a smile. stjerneskud, risalamande and the crispy pork in restaurants are delicious and the local beer is wonderful. Public transport is easy to navigate.

Anonymous 295874

Country ninja

Anonymous 295905

Unironically the reason is probably either Hetalia or polandball depending on your flavour of autism


Anonymous 276575[Reply]

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Anonymous 295596


Anonymous 295838

Is it too early to start day drinking?

Anonymous 295854

There is great evil in it, as well as some benefit for people, but the evil outweighs the benefit.

Anonymous 295860


same, it's my favorite feeling ever. i wanna get drunk every day. It make's me so happy

Anonymous 295861

fuck seriously? I'm tempted to try this now…


Anonymous 295325[Reply]

i have wasted 12hrs over the last 2 days texting my boyfriend.so app
is this the future?
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Anonymous 295442

Are you serious?

Anonymous 295617

we're all gonna make it.

Anonymous 295839

>over $40k in savings
if a gang has taken over your street…just use that money and move somewhere with no crime????

Anonymous 295840

That's american money it's not worth anything in america

Anonymous 295848

Yep. I really do live this this.

I've looked for better places, but it'd mean I could lose my job and I'd lose a significant amount of my pay to rent.

It's only been two weeks, but I feel distinctly less awful about my living situation. I've cleaned up my place, thrown out or sold a lot of things I don't need and made it more neat and tidy so I could map it perfectly to VR. I realised I'm fitter than I've ever been, just from the amount of calisthetics I do with VR, because I finally looked at myself naked in third person. I think I actually look quite nice now, and it gave me the confidence to admit my feelings to a guy I've been talking and playing with for a while now. Finally, I splurged on my kitchen and food. Now I finish work, slip on my headset and call my e-bf who'll teach me how to cook a new dish, then we eat together, watch a movie, play a game, do sex stuff and fall asleep with him. It's not real, but it's as close as I can get and things are better than they were before.

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