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TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 275458

did you meet chris chan?

Anonymous 275459

Pretty much. Only visible difference between them is probably the fact that this TIM might be a bit more intelligent (using the term very lightly) since he did some of the harassment at uni before dropping out.

On some level I feel bad for these individuals, but on the other hand I'm so done with being harassed by intellectually disabled males. Too bad we are not locking them up in institutions.

Anonymous 275461

>Did you know he's a pedophile that sexually harasses women with revenge porn, masturbates to lolicon and has a porn addiction?
Well you did say he was a tranny so I kinda just assumed most of that anyways

Anonymous 275463

This is pretty common. The people that are most pro-trans only seem to encounter them online where they're seeing the 3 of them that can present well and behave normally enough on camera to not be viscerally disgusting, but what turns people is when they meet one in real life or see one in a sports match. Once they're forced to actually witness the undeniable differences it's hard to go back.

Anonymous 275469

true. i was trans myself until a male close to me turned trans and i saw how they only did it to "trans-max" because they couldn't get a boyfriend as a male and coveted straight men. i saw how he was still a misogynistic person, believing being a woman was a set of regressive stereotypes, he didn't even view women as full people, and loving that he was no longer a ciswhiteman. once you can analyse the psychology up close of these people (aka be abused be a narcissist) you peak pretty quick.

images - 2024-07-1…

Lolcow Bunker Thread #9 Anonymous 274951[Reply]

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Anonymous 274960

hellz yeah!

Anonymous 274963

Mentioned my uncle in the bechdel thread fuck me now i got a ban for a few hours. I'm in such a stupid spergy mood reeee
Spekkoek is delicious. I found vegan kroepoek a while ago (jakarta kroepoek) and have been eating it w hummus, maybe it's a weird pairing but it's so good.

Anonymous 275116

i bought mine at walmart a few years ago. used it quite a bit, even dropped it a few times. still werks

Anonymous 275117

That pic looks like a 2DS XL, the shape is a bit different from a New 3DS XL. I have the latter and I haven't had any issues with it nor does it feel super fragile (but I suppose I haven't dropped it yet lol).

Anonymous 275460


Not again. Wtf are cerbmin and cloudflare doing?


Do you eat cows? Anonymous 274408[Reply]

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Anonymous 275320


Sometimes I eat beijing beef

Anonymous 275448

cows are adorable. i don’t think the adorableness of an animal should factor into whether it’s eaten. if you can eat a cow, you shouldn’t look down on someone who eats dogs, horses, pigs, or other cute and familiar domestic animals.

Anonymous 275452

I like bringing up rabbits in that context. Lots of people keep them as pets but lots of people eat them too. It's not that much weirder to eat a dog or a cat imo.

Anonymous 275453

But even in korea and china people deny eating dogs and cats. Everybody everwhere eats rabbit. I wish i could raise them in hutches for meat because they breed so fast. Can basically be fed hay from any field. And taste great and don't have a ton of calories.

Anonymous 275454

Plus they are dumb as hell looking and trigger my cuteness aggression anyway so meh


Anonymous 275306[Reply]

You need to eat lots of tuna because it is full of omega fatty acids that are good for your brain and your heart.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 275407


>eat lots of tuna
It's high in mercury. You shouldn't eat more than one can per week, and even that's bad for you.

Salmon is the superior fish. Low in mercury, high in flavor.

Anonymous 275414

You aren't supposed to eat salmon more than once a week either..

Anonymous 275438

Also loaded with protein

Anonymous 275446

Rx fish oil removes heavy metals, I think. My mom gets them because her doctor is a g and just gives her what she wants.

Anonymous 275447

And we have basically enough for 4 people to take it and have tons left in the freezer. The types of omega 3 are really high too.


What’s your lowest point of your time on the internet Anonymous 264232[Reply]

Saw the question on reddit, curious about the responses here.
183 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 275253

this thread's a flashbang after flashbang, damn

Anonymous 275367

Edating a bunch in close succession/ gross sexting & sending nudes to internet men including misogynists.

Anonymous 275440

Nona, if you’re under 25, it’s not over for you. Don’t give up hope and don’t let the blackpillers get to your head.

Anonymous 275441


>implying virgin women above 25 can't ever get laid

this woman is 60 years old

Anonymous 275443

this chain of posts make zero sense. fuck off bots


BIO CHAN thread #3 Anonymous 237226[Reply]

Previous thread:
Thread for posting your artworks, memes and general OC for Bio chan.
>Who is Bio chan?
She is a terf character often represented by wearing a science coat and with DNA-like hair that likes to remind trannies that they will never be their desired oposite sex. Bio chan as in "Biology chan": reminding troons of their inherent and inescapable biology. Her personnality changes based on the artist because she isn't fully established yet. If there are little tweaks and things you want to change/add feel free! There are currently 2 designs for Bio chan: one labelled GNC (with shorter hair as seen in in picrel) and one who isn't (with long pigtails and more traditionally femenine appearance). Feel free to draw either.
133 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 271999

Anonymous 275410

Seeing mtf troons on r/4tran4 literally use bio chan screenshots/art from these threads as reaction memes makes me wanna yeet myself out a window

Anonymous 275416

those males are doing what males like to do, getting in woman spaces and claiming for themselves.
a pair of tit's and estrogen on them will not change the nature of those things nona.

Anonymous 275431

I'm gonna be honest, i NEVER see troons. Not walking around in public anyway. Do people actually live in places where troons are all over the place? Is this a real thing?

Anonymous 275434

post the links nona wth


Donald Trump was shot today Anonymous 274903[Reply]

55 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 275386

I'm against violence toward voters or supporters of politicians but the structure of electoralism in America is so detached from the citizen's voices that these people hardly (at best) represent their will. The mayor where I live literally didn't even campaign for reelection because the unions endorsement meant there's nothing his opposition could do. And guess what? He flat out allowed a building permit in our downtown area for a stupid casino that goes against the local zoning rules HE VOTED IN which stopped a nonprofit from doing the same thing.
Shooting a moron like him might not be the answer but voting DEFINITELY doesn't do anything.

Anonymous 275388


Democracy has been dead since America became an empire. I’m shocked that with all the guns y’all have that this kind of thing doesn’t happen more often. It also makes sense though, considering the death grip the CIA has on mind control and persuasion tactics

Anonymous 275430

So I guess everything revolving around the supreme court is just imaginary to you?

Anonymous 275433

I honestly rather vote for Kamala than Trump tbh.

Anonymous 275444



Anonymous 273873[Reply]

does anyone here smoke salvia? I have a question.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 273905

I used to, when it was sold at the corner stores, haven't found anywhere to get it since. I've never had a particular sensation occur every trip, pretty interesting that you do. Try mushrooms next and see if you lose your left shoulder & face with that too.

Anonymous 273906

I should mention that I've been using 20x extract

Anonymous 274398

Has anyone tried doing salvia with fresh flowers? My brother is growing salvia in the garden and I wanted to try it

Anonymous 274621

It would need to be distilled, extracted 15-20 times. That would take a hell of a lot of flowers.

Anonymous 274638

Why would you smoke salvia when you could smoke weed?


Anonymous 272456[Reply]

>be autistic NEET
>mom forces me to get a job
>after begging for normies for weeks I get a dishwashing job
>manager treats me badly
>coworkers are snarky and mean because I have autism
>I can't hide my misanthropy radiating like sullen intent and they pick up on it
>I ghost them after a week
>I realize I'd rather kill myself than spend 50 years doing this, but I also need money
Has any nona here successfully made a living without leaving their room? I'm thinking of sports betting and stuff. Using my autism to out bet normies and their irrational behavior.
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 272542

Work as a night audit in a hotel (its a quiet solitary job) or sell/flip/dropship things on ebay

Anonymous 272544

If you're willing to stomach having an online presence and can make things, you can sell art and crafts on Etsy/Shopify or your own website. You'd have to leave your room for supplies and to mail things, but you'd be working from home. Only thing is that it is still a full time job. If you can't keep making new stuff and meet deadlines and market your work, you won't get many sales. You also have to interact with people through messages and they can be the pettiest fuckers, especially over cheap items.

The economy isn't looking very good so I can't say how reliable people having disposable income to spend on non-essentials will be over the next few years, but it's an idea. People who don't do well can still pocket the odd $100 while successful people can net thousands per month once everything's established. Just make sure you save everything for proper declaration so the tax man doesn't bodybag you.

Anonymous 272561

it's not a troon because her mom told her and she went looking for a job. a troon would have told his mother to fuck off or even kill her.

Anonymous 275258

thats illegal

Anonymous 275406

You seem to like Pizza, a lot. I recommend you try 240 Pizza, it's cheaper (where I live) and I like it more than Pizza Pizza.


What's your favorite pasta? Anonymous 275241[Reply]

I like ravioli
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Anonymous 275249


there's something about pappardelle that makes it holds the sauce well

Anonymous 275252

both with ragu bolognese

Anonymous 275255

Anonymous 275259


I like elbows for saucy macaroni.

Anonymous 275396


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