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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


/img/ guidelines Anonymous Admin 3[Reply]

Welcome to our latest section! This board is for all things aesthetic and visual.

Consider this board an exhibit, an image dump, or a web gallery.
If you're wondering where your thread should go, follow this simple rule:
If your thread is primarily about viewing and contributing pictures, it belongs in >>>/img/. If there is a discussion element to it, pick a related board or >>>/b/.
Crossposting to/from other threads is allowed.

Please utilize the Catalog before making a new thread, and have fun exploring our different board themes!

5ojslyte92z71 (1).…

We need a female meme icon. Anonymous 27091[Reply]

Normal scrotes have Pepe. MTF troons have Glegle (picture related). FTM troons have Pooners. Normal women have nothing. This is a thread to come up with a new meme character made for women by women.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 27105

Anonymous 27177

Cece is the fucking lizard queen, don't disrespect her like that

Anonymous 29569

>FTM troons have Pooners
It's more like slur/disgusting
creature actually…
Obviously scrotes will have pepe, glegle or boymoder. Since they're so special meanwhile women no matter ftm or not are disgusting, worthless creatures.
This is actually so funny to think about.

Holy shit, I fucking hate scrotes. I hate them so fucking much. I want to rub shit on their disgusting faces.

Anonymous 29576

im pretty active on the radfem gendiecrit whatever parts of tumblr and reddit but i only just heard the term pooner the other day in real life

Anonymous 29582

Pepe is from a gross-out humor webcomic.
His memed shot, the "feels good man" image, is a panel about peeing with your pants all the way on the ground of the public bathroom urinals (where they can soak up urine that you will then be wearing for the rest of the day).
He was adopted by scrotes as a universal symbol partly out of reference to earlier "Foul Bachelor Frog" memes.

And nobody ignores or forgets where they came from either. The memes leading up to the presidential election were about Pepe literally defecating over himself. "Pee pee poo poo."

Any slightly similarly effective meme for women will have gross and disgusting undercurrents because that is what it is, and where Pepe's strange power originates.


crystal cafe /art/ thread. Anonymous 21974[Reply]

This is an art thread geared towards those who want to share their artworks, and who would like criticism/tips to improve. If you have any resources/books related to art to share, it goes here as well!

Good Youtube Channels:
Marc Brunet
Marco Bucci

Useful websites:
Ctrl+Paint (ctrlpaint.com/)
Quickposes (https://quickposes.com/en)
HUGE art pastebin (https://pastebin.com/d3D68y3M)
196 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29199

Captura de pantall…

furry you dumb you furry furry

Anonymous 29491

Megumi Magical Gir…

Here's a WIP of a design I'm doing for the magical girl version of one of my OCs for a story I'm writing. I'm kind of conflicted about the tail part of the dress, I wonder what I could do to make it look better. It's supposed to be a fairy+mermaid inspired look, with some ballerina touches in it.
Oops, this post was a year ago but I love how glossy and delicate your artstyle looks, nona!
This looks adorable.
This reminds me of that game called pastel girl, such a pretty artstyle.
I wish I was as half as good as you are at making detailed, realistic looking faces lol, I feel like most faces in my drawings look the same!

Anonymous 29547

i like sai but no dark mode is what always brings me back to CSP. hurts my eyes too much to draw with that light grey/white UI all the time.

Anonymous 29548

Hi nona

I know this is out of nowhere but I can help with that

I've bought an addon for SAI that makes it dark mode.
I'd gladly share but is for SAI 2
If you don't have SAI 2 I can give you my license so you can download it and have it legally, I don't use SAI at all so I don't care, I use CSP as my main art app

Anonymous 29581


sketch I did a while back. trying to get back in the groove…
yo, nice to see you still posting your art here. you still draw cece?
I second Krita as an art program, it's a jack of all trades too. You can do pretty much anything the other art programs can do, but it's free. Only thing really "meh" about it is that it's got a huge learning curve.
The tail reads to me more like a "sea creature" rather than a fairy or a mermaid. You can try incorporating a bug-like pattern, or maybe make it look more like fins. (something like a betta, perhaps?)


Fresh Humor Bread Anonymous 29348[Reply]

85 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29572


Anonymous 29577


Anonymous 29578


Anonymous 29579


Anonymous 29580



Boogie Fever Thread Anonymous 29270[Reply]

Post dancing gifs
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Anonymous 29415


Anonymous 29416


Anonymous 29509


Anonymous 29531


Anonymous 29574



Anonymous 29458[Reply]

Post corn to remove gross stuff on the front page
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Anonymous 29470


Anonymous 29539


Anonymous 29540


Anonymous 29546

What the fuck

Anonymous 29573



Anonymous 29527[Reply]

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29536

Gosh I love 2D women so much

Unless they're dumb chars, other than that I'm a hundred percent lesbian.

Anonymous 29554

I refuse to watch anything with fan service

Anonymous 29562

Yes, and I'm bisexual. I tried to get interested in anime many years ago but the random ass and titty shots irked me. Couldn't the creators put their dicks away for a second?

Anonymous 29568

Fan service is the main reason I can’t get into anime

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 29570

Moved to >>>/b/299536.


Childhood/Nostalgic Images Anonymous 1568[Reply]

Post images that remind you of your childhood or any cute reminiscent images you like. Toys, rooms, shows, magazines, food, stuffed animals, stickers, books, games, art supplies, old web gifs, anything!
241 posts and 233 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 28641

Anonymous 28687

Anonymous 28891


Anonymous 29563


Anonymous 29566


If only stores looked like this again. I had a few lalaloopsy dolls, but not sure where they went. I remember having monster high comics, having this monster high coffin dollhouse of the school (not draculaura's house. I can't find the one I had), my old 3DS with a gen3 mlp pinkie pie sticker on it that I couldn't scratch off because it was so embedded into the 3ds I don't know.

born to.jpg

born to - image thread! Anonymous 29003[Reply]

post born to __ images!!
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Anonymous 29277

You had your run it was long and agonizing and everyone suffered. Bye bitch.

Anonymous 29296


Anonymous 29300

born to decay acti…

Anonymous 29506

world is a clown.J…

Anonymous 29559



animals Anonymous 5702[Reply]

what is your favorite image of a animal mine is this
224 posts and 204 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29478


Anonymous 29492


Anonymous 29508


Anonymous 29521


I love zebu cattle and their stupid long ass ears

Anonymous 29557


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