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Anonymous 8097[Reply]

>hate moids with every molecule in my body
>big dick worship fetish
I hate alot of things about myself but this is the worse one, I feel very ashamed about it and I know I can't tell anybody because if I did they will give me the "look".
anywas rant over whatever I will kill myself now bye
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Anonymous 13437

it's because you're a moid falseflag

Anonymous 13438


>straight people hate the things they are sexually attracted to
More news at 11

Anonymous 13439

yeah no women like wide shoulders, tall men and big penises, its just an incel psyop

Anonymous 14690

Absolutely nothing wrong with that

Anonymous 14716

this reads like fan-fiction, I don't believe you


Are male escorts worth it? Anonymous 14625[Reply]

I'm an extremely horny, sexually frustrated virgin and I wanna pay a male escort to lick my pussy and make me cum. To those of you that have hired them, are male escorts worth it?
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Anonymous 14703

wait two weeks so you can recover, the orgasm will be more intense then

Anonymous 14705

Oh shit escorts are like heroin

Anonymous 14706

What do you mean, you were wrong?

Anonymous 14707

She meant she was wrong in thinking that getting orgasms from paid actors was a sad thing. Now she thinks getting amazing orgasms from male escorts is a-ok

Anonymous 14709

I thought I deserved to feel that sense of connection for real, but life has proven me wrong.


Anonymous 14560[Reply]

Hey I'm really into porn games, but I find alot of them to be very boring. What kind of porn games do yalls like and where do you find them?

Anonymous 14562

Back to .SWF files on 4chan in 2009 then

Anonymous 14687

Flipwitch was pretty good

Anonymous 14695


Give Course of Temptation a try!
I've made a popular mod for it on their modding Discord.


Anonymous 14524[Reply]

Why are men such whores?
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Anonymous 14631

the return of harems. i feel like there are a lot of women out there who would be willing to share one highly desirable and wealthy man with other women than settle for the trash that the majority of moids are.

Anonymous 14633


>The 6'10" sports star said,
>"When you think about, like, mental health, and how important that is,"
>"I need, like, a harem."
>"A sex doll that looks just like your wife is about mental health."

Anonymous 14634

Real answer:
Males invest less on reproduction, especially mammal ones by default because they don't have to give birth and then feed their offspring with milk. Because of that the best strategy for males is to breed with as many females as possible, because their reproductive investment is only ejaculation. Mammal males are literally wired to be whores because its the best reproductive strategy for them, and when needed to fight other males so it is them who only reproduces with those females. This is why men have always cared so much about virginity of their wives to barbaric levels but rarely applied the same standards to themselves and other men.

Anonymous 14685

Most males should not reproduce. Their only use is to be free expendable fodder for us to use. If they don't like it, they can get a sexbot and fuck off.

Anonymous 14688

I legitimately would be OK with this but there are so few men deserving of it that it would never work.


Anonymous 14650[Reply]

Is it normal to find oral sex disgusting?
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Anonymous 14659

I think it’s retarded that oral is more common to give to men, when it makes so much more sense for it to be the norm to give it to women? I wouldn’t have so much disdain for it if things were more equal. It’s straight up laughable, given anatomy AND the orgasm gap. I remember reading a post where some handmaiden vented about how she let her newly-bi bf experiment and found out he was sucking dick when he never ate her out even though she sucked his dick.

I don’t respect women who partake in this unless they’re in a loving, reciprocated relationship - doing it for every man is retarded, especially if you don’t personally enjoy it.

Anonymous 14664

>mfw my boyfriend eats me out on a daily basis while I never had his dick in my mouth even once
Just can't stop stylin' on you girlies. Best part is, he's not even a sub. Being held down while his tongue makes you have an excircism tier orgasm is heaven. At this point I just feel bad for you.

Anonymous 14679

when i first started having sex was very open to doing but quickly became appalled at how much men EXPECTED and demanded it. i didn't akways put myself in good sitututions but i am still shocked at the men who would insisit on me sucking until they finished or cuming in my mouth w/out permission. i don't do it now. it was one of the first things i told my current partner when we first started dating. now that we've dated for long enough i will do it maybe every now and again for very short times but never again to completion or if someone asks me

Anonymous 14680

"People who have had more than five oral-sex partners in their lifetime are 250% more likely to have throat cancer than those who do not have oral sex, a new study suggests."

just sayin'….

Anonymous 14681

HPV, HIV, spooky Vaginosis


Anonymous 14666[Reply]

Describe the best sex you’ve ever had? And why was it the best?


Anonymous 14654[Reply]

I pegged a guy (my bf) for the first time today and it was awesome

Anonymous 14656

My bf has been seen naked by other girls it drives me mad now

Anonymous 14660


You on the left


What you get when u eat out a woman on her period Anonymous 13293[Reply]

Anonymous 13296

Muntan Duw

Anonymous 14648

A mouthfull of chicken liver


Anonymous 12355[Reply]

I don't see what the problem is with the one on the left, it just means he likes the amazon position.
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Anonymous 13421

wouldn't the one on the right be better suited for the amazon position?

Anonymous 13422

amazon position isn't just him on bottom, it's pinning his legs back and bending his cock forward so you can ride it. over time it would give him the angle on the left.

Anonymous 13423

That sounds uncomfortable.

Anonymous 13428

It's a position that only really exists in moid-centric porn. The point is to look uncomfortable so the guy can look more submissive, which is dumb.

Anonymous 14597

How exactly is this better than what incels think? Didn't we all learn that incels think exactly like that?


i kicked a guy in the balls for the first time today!!! Anonymous 12977[Reply]

im so hornynow fuck
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Anonymous 14472

But why tho? and what made you like and would you do it again if you had the chance I wanna try it too.

Anonymous 14539

And then you will wonder why men hate you & people like you

Anonymous 14566

Mother nature gave moids balls so we could hit them. Besides, there are plenty of moids that like it.

Anonymous 14581

>Besides, there are plenty of moids that like it.
Doubt that.

Anonymous 14589

who cares

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