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Anonymous 14775[Reply]

Are there generational "eras" to weird sex fantasy stuff?

Because looking back, it seems like the Millennial Internet era was really notable in terms of MPreg. A huge amount of the development of modern mpreg content in hindsight only seems possible in the age of Homestuck and tumblr superwholock fandom. For a time, it seemed like MPreg was going to permanently stand as the female equivalent to male interest in futanari as fascination with physiological and reproductive displacement or replacement of one's own gender by the other.

I think Gen X was more conventional male-male stuff, the only oddity that springs to my mind is a particular focus on gay vampires. I cannot think of other generations as having anything quite as particular as the millennial renaissance of mpreg.

Anonymous 14793

Due to more gay acceptance rn we have very hard core yaoi and now women have also started to write more dark fantasy stuff for M×F so the need for self insert is going I think

Anonymous 14794

>dark fantasy for M x F
In the past, it was pretty common for dark fantasy to be for androgyny, sexualized transformation, and forbidden homo. Maybe Twilight really did shift things into het overdrive.

Anonymous 14799

and I thank the author for that!

Hajime Kinoko Red.…

kink stuff idk Anonymous 14753[Reply]

This is more of a rant but also open to discussion and image sharing. Please save me from any opinions regarding bdsm = abuse, bdsm is based on consent, if you want to argue go on reddit or something IM HORNY!!!!!!

anyways, I personaly find things like bondage and latex to be both erotic and beautiful, I truly do find these kinks to be an art form - the body is drastically changing from a form of independence to a form of restraint (at least for me)
and the idea of lovingly submitting and obeying a "master" figure is just as exciting! To be able to be transformed into a willful object of admiration and submission just makes my heart flutter. but I cant help but feel discouraged when people mistreat it as something to be weirded out by I feel like some moids who are so coom brained cannot appreciate erotic material from outside its sexual context and into an art one, and the ones that only claim to be an enjoyer of such a space for the sake of having their own way without considering the needs of their partner/s piss me the fuck off. I feel like im the odd one for not finding a lot of men super duper horny inducing (at most I experience a cute feeling, except for my fiance i cant explain it) and for being aroused by such concepts for a long time… sorry for the long rant but does anyone else feel this way or at least are interested in kink as an art form?

Anonymous 14756

This my opinion but Shibari and Rope stuff is hot and beautiful and timelessbut Latex anything is very 2000s for me in a bad way. Its also because rope feels more raw to me. I like belts though the buckle ones.

Anonymous 14769

I agree with this, even though I love latex it doesnt feel as raw and vulnerable as the
way rope would feel or look, I feel like too latex is associated with raunchiness. I dont like to view it that way, but I feel like that is the lens most people take on when they thing of latex instead of something simply erotic or artistic

Anonymous 14774

I like how the 69 is there kekeke


Anonymous 14743[Reply]

Do straight men even exist?

Anonymous 14745


Well sure, they just kinda suck or are ugly because they don't take care of themselves.

Anonymous 14762

A hypothesis with no evidence:
straight men cannot be conditioned or trained to maintain their looks because there is no short term reward for doing so for anyone who is not in the top 1% of male specimens.
The effort required for an ugly man to immediately look like an acceptable human being is a multi year process involving many failure points each of which individually invalidate the entire process and anyone who would be with him at any failure point prior to the very end of that process is someone who was also with him at the start of it. Male looks follow a power curve.
However, for whatever reason males rate the looks of others along a bell curve and therefore a homosexual male has immediate incentive to make small rewarding adjustments to their looks for their entire life. Therefore the probability that an acceptable looking human male is a faggot is astronomical because the comparatively small size of population of faggots means nothing when weighed against the equally small population size of hetero men who receive significant, immediate or short term reward appropriate for behavioral conditioning for self care oriented behaviors.

Anonymous 14763

What did you expect to find on the prison gay forum besides prison gays?

Anonymous 14764

What even is the basis for your "hypothesis". If anything the reverse seems a lot more likely. Considering most men have no idea how to dress, are out of shape, use zero beauty product/skin care, have boring haircut etc, a relatively minor investment will bump them above the average.

Anonymous 14771

No. Your only option is to become a fujoshi.


Anonymous 14636[Reply]

You ever read this?

Anonymous 14637

I haven't, but I can imagine the smell

Anonymous 14639


Smell fetish is peak especially when it's Yuri

Anonymous 14748

What's the manga?

Anonymous 14749

My diary

Anonymous 14754

Thank you!!


How to bring up porn to my bf without it seeming weird? Anonymous 14473[Reply]

Basically I want to ask him if he watches porn but I don't want to bring it out of the blue so how do I spin the conversation to that? I regret not doing it when I had the chance to

As far as our relationship goes there is nothing wrong with it in fact he lvoes me unconditionally and he seems like a honest person. He's hard working and a bit nerdy

As for sex he is willing to do anything I get turned on by and he doesnt push for anything nor has problems with staying hard

The only thing that threw me off is he uses porn-coded words sometimes but I wouldn't describe it as disrespectful though

I mean it's obvious he watched before being in a relationship with me but I find it wrong to watch it while dating
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14508

maybe I'm too naive, but I wouldn't worry about that. Unfortunately a bunch of porn-coded words as you called them just seep into regular internet lingo.
I know this one guy who is an absolute prude and still knows and occasionally uses a few of them

Anonymous 14521

if you know the word, he might the same way

Anonymous 14708

all scrotes watch porn. If he says no, he is lying

Anonymous 14742

This. Everyone watches porn. No exceptions.

Anonymous 14751

>waah my bf is perfect but what if this one thing
sex having bitch


Anonymous 14684[Reply]

All moids are pedos. It's evolution.

Anonymous 14691

In ancestral times men who were attracted to and paired up with 9yo girls would have left behind more descendants than men who paired up with 30yo women.

Over time men who preferred 9yo girls would have become more numerous in the population.

Moids can't help the way evolution made them.

Anonymous 14692

Marriage back then was mainly a way to secure economic and political contracts. Just a way to legally link families. It's still fucked up but they didn't actually consummate child marriages until the woman grew up and could have kids.

Anonymous 14750

formerly chucksville


Anonymous 14746[Reply]

Pretty sure I have developed a piss kink kekeke it has never been more over its more of a mutual thing so there is a silver lining I guess


Horny Thread #2 Anonymous 14614[Reply]

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!
Previous thread: >>3046
19 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14730

With someone or alone?

Anonymous 14731

Alone, with a vibrator

Anonymous 14732

I'm kinda jealous ngl.

Anonymous 14736

The condom split completely in half seconds too late and I just instantly gave up and kept kissing him as he came inside me. He was pretty worried and now I want to just ride him unprotected so I can really feel him cum.

Anonymous 14740



Living With Regret Anonymous 14517[Reply]

I'm still a virgin, but orally I'm not. I've given blowjobs to two different guys in my lifetime and I hate that I have. It didn't change my life and honestly they didn't deserve it. I know it's too late now, but what I'm trying to say is, you're better off staying away from penis. I don't plan on doing anything sexual in the future and I want to die a virgin. I'll accept the position I'll be in when it's my time to go.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14568

>if you have sex you're not a virgin
Ok now we are getting clear definitions: all sex counts

Anonymous 14584

Let's assume there are two women.
One is a stone butch and one is a stone femme, but neither knows that the other is a stone yet.
They are engaged with each other with the intention of applying their mouths and hands to the other's genitals, but as a prelude to this act they have placed their mouths against each other's mouths and have even penetrated each other's mouths with their tongues.
They have also held hands.
This act of extreme physical intimacy involves using their exclusive sexual implements on the sexual implements of their partners employing identical motions to those they would use during sex.
It even involves having entered into an intimate body cavity, the mouth, using a sensitive appendage, the tongue.

Have they done an oral sex?

Anonymous 14585

>is kissing sex?
Why are you arguing semantics? Is it abortion when a guy meets the gaze of a willing and fertile woman, but then looks away and never talks to her?
I think you have to go with your gut with this one. A good rule of thumb would be to just keep whatever experiences you regret to yourself should a guy ask you about them. Easy peasy.

Anonymous 14714

maybe you should have waited more than (2) seconds before blowing those (2) guys

Anonymous 14737

Maybe I'm just a whore, but I don't care about oral. I've given plenty of it to men and women I don't even like because it was an expedient way to get what I wanted. To me, kissing is a far more intimate act than oral. I've only had sex with one person and kissed 2, but I've given oral to maybe 8 or 9 others. Of course, I know how other people feel, so I'd never actually tell those people close to me in order to spare their feelings, but I don't feel bad about it. I got what I wanted from them in exchange for a few minutes of, what I'm sure they thought was sexual submission and admission of desire for them, but to me was joyless tongue-work.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 14677

Can't do shit with 4,5 inches. And that's 4,5 inches tops mind you; Most positions require an extra inch or two for logistics and add another half to account for user error, which effectively leaves you with ~2 inches that are actually inside you.

Anonymous 14683

How about 5.5?

Anonymous 14715

have you considered putting down the 10 inch horse dildo

Anonymous 14733

I got my answer to this question first hand a few days ago.
A big Johnson is a lot more fun but it's in a way that is "satisfying" rather than pleasurable. The things you read online about magic spots only hung men can reach are BS. An average dick can hit all those just fine and be plenty of fun (if the mood it's attached to is) but having that extra "heft" makes moving on it kind of addicting in a way.
All in all, hate moids, regardless of their package.

Anonymous 14735

Screenshot 2025-03…

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