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Anonymous 12791[Reply]

I know a lot of miners love (the idea of) virgin men, but I wish an experienced guy would fall in love with me and take my virginity.

Anonymous 12792

Wanting a virgin moid probably results from the erroneous belief that someone with fewer sexual partners is less likely to leave. However, it is possible to trap an ex-manwhore. Lovebombing is your friend.

Anonymous 13118

That almost happened to me nona, but I'm glad it didn't or else I would've had STDs by now


Art that makes your horny Anonymous 5318[Reply]

Illustrations, paintings, statues, etc
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Anonymous 12971

Anonymous 12973

Sauce?!?!? Pleeeeeeaseee

Anonymous 12986

Shojo ga Doutei to no Hatsutaiken de Mezamechau Hanashi

Anonymous 13092


Anonymous 13173

the fuck


Attracted to fictional women but not 3d ones very much Anonymous 12670[Reply]

I have have been attracted to alot of fictional female characters like Dia Kurosawa from Love Live. I also love yuri and like alot of femslash couples like picrel Usagi and Minako from Sailor Moon. However there's several problems that occasionally make me question if I'm genuinely bi:

1) I have almost never been attracted to 3d women. There's some I liked growing up, but if I find out they are also attracted to women I think it's like some of their physical attractiveness always gets lower to me than it probably would have been had I not known. I start finding them too overweight/too old looking/too tall/etc.

2) I have never liked butch lesbians very much nor do I have interest in having the butch look myself. I strongly prefer femme only. A woman that does not have the traditional lesbian look whatsoever and that someone would not even guess is attracted to women. If this has something to due with internal homophobia/biphobia like 1) might then idk.

3) There was one girl I was very obsessed with when younger but there's been a pattern where that's the only look on a 3D women I would still really ever want as a GF. Long black hair, glasses. Still feminine. Serious/Mysterious personality. Think Alex Voss from OITNB.

4) There's no part of lesbian sex I've ever really found that hot except scissoring. I don't care for foreplay and oral (Then again I don't care for them in straight sex either) or strap-ons. Just scissoring.

Yet again, I love yuri alot and have constantly fantasized about a fictional GF. I think I might just like the idea of a GF more than actually having one. Does anyone know what this might be?

Anonymous 12694

Maybe I should have posted this in /feels/?

Anonymous 12715

bump for the straight nonaa into yuri

Anonymous 12721

If you're sexually attracted to women as well as men you're bi, even if you find women attractive more rarely. Shipping gay couples doesn't prove anything though. I'm straight and I enjoy yuri occasionally.


What kind of porn you like? Anonymous 7330[Reply]

I'm curious as to what kind of porn everyone else here prefers or if you even watch porn at all?
>favorite genre(s)
>favorite angles/positions/views
>favorite body parts to observe
>favorite moments
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Anonymous 12365

What is mmf4f, male male female 4 fo(u)r female?

Porn made FOR femal

Anonymous 12366

A male, another male, and a female, all focused on pleasing another female who is the center of attention, presumably.

Anonymous 12722

Gay porn, male solo (anal) or, in some cases, pegging. I love hearing a man moan and seeing the cum gushing out of him, especially if there is a lot of precum leading up to it. That is to say, I like men getting fucked in the ass, so I can still see their penis when they're experiencing sexual pleasure.
I don't like weird sissy/femboy type stuff though, so it can be hard to find something good

Anonymous 12726

is that your preferred thing to do to men in real life too or do you only like it in porn?

Anonymous 12739


Scenes where they are close, maybe touching each other (not on their privates), but don't end up doing the deed and just end up enjoying each other's company (naked or not naked)


Anonymous 8764[Reply]

Something interesthing happened a couple of days ago. I couldn't have sex with my boyfriend for some time because of a medical condition. Even tho I couldn't do anything for him, he offered to do oral on me. I had an amazing orgasm while forcing his head down on me, I could even hear him moaning. I was really happy and excited and wanted to tell him how great he was but he was kinda shy and didn't wanna look at me. After a while talking with him I found out why, a big cum pool where he was laying on bed, he had an orgasm while I was grinding on his face. I think that was really cute. I dunno what else to say about it, but I do hope it happens again, its really cute.
Have anything like that happened to your bfs/husbands?
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Anonymous 8785

seems legit. my first ever bf jizzed in his pants when we first made out. Some guys are very sensitive like that, and it can be cool if you're not trying to get railed for 4 hours straight.

Anonymous 8787


I never thought about it but yeah, it makes sense. It was for sure! Thank you!!
He never told me, but I do think that has happened. I cold feel it pulsating really bad while we were making out. Well, now I wanna make it happen again, it is the cutest thing how embarrassed he was

Anonymous 8789

Anonymous 8911

That's cute as all hell.
But don't go telling your friends, it would probably upset him.
But that right there is a keeper.

Anonymous 12758

necrobump but this is so fucking hot


Anonymous 12605[Reply]

i wish i had the power to make a man sexually obsessed with me. my bf had many partners in the past but i had none, he took my virginity. i get so jealous thinking abt him having sex with more experienced, "wild" women
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Anonymous 12749

I don’t have a partner currently, but I’ve really been enjoying reading transcripts of hypno files online. I prefer it over listening because I can seamlessly switch roles; they have some effect on me if I read them silently in the intended sub role, or I can start reading them aloud and practice being the hypnotist.

it’s very important to find actual examples of hypnotism that appeal to you so you can learn the feel of it; learning theoretical terminology like “anchoring” and such is important too but there’s only so much you can learn from books. it can be more important to find concepts you’re interested in and then see what comes up in search results in communities like /r/erotichypnosis and build out your knowledge base that way (and non-kinky therapeutic hypnosis is also worth learning about and there are communities for that too).

I’m also starting to look into self-hypnosis to see if I can get any interesting behavior changes that way (either for helping with bad habits or just figuring out what can be done and gaining confidence for hypnotizing others).

(>>12727 here, not the other anon who may be more experienced than me)

Anonymous 12874

>obsessive kink
>I actually don't have a partner
gee really?

Anonymous 12893


>virgin moid goes for skanks
>virgin nona goes for fucktoy
that sucks so bad

Anonymous 12897


>two virgins in bed be like

Anonymous 12917

average tomarry reader


How do I train my moid? Anonymous 3600[Reply]

I want to dom my bf. He's a stereotypical alpha jacked chad, at least on the outside. He has a cute and sweet side to him that he tries to hide, even to me sometimes. How do I convince him to le me dom him? I know he would like it, but he's so in denial. Every time I mention it he blushes and looks away, or changes argument, or other dismissive things.
This is becoming a bit too much, I even dreamed about kissing him while he's collared during the holydays
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Anonymous 3839

That's only if you believe she's weak and can't take her own responsibility for drinking

Anonymous 3840

It's not about that. It's about assuming that drunkenness paints an honest picture of who someone really is.

Anonymous 3847


nothing wrong with some girls being naturally submissive. The only bad thing is the enormous amount of dominant girls and submissive boys who suffer because culture represses their true nature.

Anonymous 12980

slap him in the balls lightly so he has a choice to make there and then

Anonymous 12981

Study the technique known as The Ben Franklin Effect.
>ask for small, simple favor
>pay off favor on time, but try to make the balance of favors favor you so he feels increasingly invested with payoffs either gradually decreasing or moving further and further into the future
This is also how some women develop polyandrous cult followings, and iirc how one of the most prolific black widow serial killers got all her rich handsome husbands..

WhatsApp Image 202…

bf didn’t want to have sex with me when i’m on my period Anonymous 12914[Reply]

i feel so shitty. it's not really about the rejection, we both say no each other from time to time, it happens. but like… he was okay with sleeping around no-candom (before we met) and okay with anal sex but a few drops of blood turns him off? and we had sex while i'm on my period a few times before, so i don’t understand the sudden change. not to mention we both stay in dorms so we don’t have the opportunity to have sex often, mostly once a week.

Anonymous 12915

Dump him

Anonymous 12916

some boys are really squeamish to blood especially period blood. My bf freaked out once I had stains on my toilet and immediately went super caring for me, asking how it happened and if I need something brought. It wasn't like a heavy flow and he knows about my periods before but since then he's extra careful with me and I've to tell him Im fine having sex during periods.

Anonymous 12983

Like >>12916 said, some guys are really disgusted by blood (to be fair men aren’t as accustomed to it as we are). However, I’ve noticed if you get married or into a long term relationship (like 4+ years) they come around to it especially if you start doing NFP since period days are one of the safe days


HELP ME: orgasms and pee Anonymous 12778[Reply]

okay so… I have a problem, it's been bothering me a lot. I'm pretty sure it's a medical issue too, but I'm too damn embarassed to tell doctor. I cum when I pee. I don't know how to explain. I get orgasms. And before you say "doesn't it feel good, why complain?" it's actually an excruciating experience. I'm pretty sure this is bad news for my pelvic floor too.. I'm trying to do kegels out of paranoia hoping it could help. Sometimes I get so horny after peeing too, but I don't have a fetish for literal piss. The orgasms are so overstimulating too it drives me crazy and breathless and NOT in a fun way. I leggit hate it so much, and I don't know what to do about this. Please tell me there's a way out of this madness. I'm way too embarassed to bring up this issue to my doctor (it's a moid) and tbh even with a woman I'm pretty sure i'd be too embarassed. Please tell me there's a way out of this for me to just pee normally. Does anyone struggle with this too?
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Anonymous 12786

I hate to say it but reddit would probably be more useful for that than here, it has a much larger userbase and what you're talking about sounds like it's pretty rare.

Anonymous 12856

I'm jealous of you. What kind of orgasm is it? Is it the one that erases your mind and fills you with bliss or does it make you scream

Anonymous 12858

It feels very intense but it's also extremely uncomfortable because i do not want to experience it.

Anonymous 12859


so i squirt pretty frequently but its not like what op describes, it's calming and euphoric. like it makes me want to sleep. if you look at this diagram, it shows that the bladder is located behind the branches of the clitoris. a lot of people don't realize that the head of the clit is just the opening for a network of nerves. so when your bladder is full, it's pressing on those nerves. i don't know why yours are so sensitive but the only way i've found to desensitize myself is drinking a lot of water and then fingering myself until i squirt. hope this helps

Anonymous 12984

I had that when I was younger and it gave me a kink and a pee holding habit that made my bladder a uti waiting to happen. Only way I was able to stop it was drinking more water and peeing more frequently. Also just general uti prevention activities.


Is there a way to stop being a submissive / masochist? Anonymous 12987[Reply]

ever since i hit puberty ive been into fantasies of getting raped/masochism/humiliation/sub cringe etc. I do not want to be this way, it is gross immortal and i already have low self esteem which that just highlights it.

ps i remember asking this 5 years ago here and getting flamed

Anonymous 12988

Imo it's more about how it's done rather than the what is done. As long as your partner genuinely respects you and you respect them, it doesn't really matter what you're doing as long as you enjoy it.

Anonymous 12989

I got nothing for you except the most generic advice, which is to meditate, because it's the most reliable way to have more mental and emotional resources if you can't handle something that should be simple to think about: https://vipassanadhura.com/howto.htm
also the other anon is right and you should accept being a sub but just learn to be less pathetic about it. but you could gain insights into what exactly it is you like about those scenarios and see how other things could press those buttons just as much if a partner understood your psychology.

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