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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #24 Anonymous 286074

Our great return has been pushed back to Thursday, 5th of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates. For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 286075

WHAT!!! 5th of September?! I can't believe this, I'm devastated

Anonymous 286086

I am so miserable without lc. Normally my only other social life is as a fanartist and everyone in our fandom is a retarded gendie munchie. Im trying to stay positive so I'll say I suspect I've met a crypto, I'm scared though because last time I subtly brought up gc opinions I "ruined" a friendship.

Anonymous 286087

I am perfect and I did nothing wrong. It's an injustice to even consider punishing me, as I am right at all times.

Anonymous 286088


Same, what a coincidence!

Anonymous 286090

This is so funny but also bring back lc cuz I wanna give advice to people

Anonymous 286091


i've been playing around with picsart and made some cow-themed collages (1/3)

Anonymous 286092

i like how the evolution in threadpics show the average anon's state of mind. we went from the cute blingeee stuff to mspaint despair real quick

Anonymous 286093

love this

Anonymous 286095

despair core is probably the default farmer attitude. We were just pretending before. But on the bright side, LC being down has forced me to be more productive.

Anonymous 286097


escape from the digital realm. she longs for the 3d pasture
god i hate this flood filter.. let me post

Anonymous 286098


and a non-cow one (3/3)
i hate this stupid greedy aishit-ridden app but collaging is fun. i like having a big but at the same time limited library of assets to choose from

Anonymous 286099

God I pray for lolcor to be restored asap on my vacation

Anonymous 286101


Date got pushed to September 5th…
The 9th is my birthday so Lolcow better be up by then, I honestly don't browse LC that much (just writte/keep an eye on a few ot/m threads) but I miss them… I keep all my socials drama-free for my sanity but I still love a good gossip from time to time, where else am I supposed to find the stupid discourse happening on Neocities by 30yo neets?

Anonymous 286102

The fact that so many men hate NTR/cuckoldry, findom, etc and talk about how those fetishes "unfair", "cruel", "evil", etc but defend violent BDSM on women as "just fantasy you stupid puritan cunts" is so funny to me.

Anonymous 286103

ay another neocities anon lol

Anonymous 286105

they will never stop whining

Anonymous 286106

We should use lolcow banners as thread pics I don't have any saved though

Anonymous 286108

It's not the most active but it's definitely one of my favourite threads, the crowd those sites attract & the freedom of websites give you a new flavor of discourse.
I'm currently participating on a small web event, but so far everyone seems more or less normal…

Anonymous 286109

Another neocities nonner checking in. I need my small web milk and gossip! I didn't realize how often I checked the thread until lolcor died. Come back LC I need you…

Anonymous 286110

I watched this movie recently and I thought it was complete garbage. It had so many plot holes and so many unnecessary things going on. The villain was ridiculous and overused. It's like a really bad movie pretending to be good by using nice camera angles and atmosphere and good actors, but I can see through it and it's a piece of shit

Anonymous 286111

I miss Manifesto-Chan.

Anonymous 286112

Did someone reduce stretch marks effectively? Everyone says they become white over time but I had mine for 21 years now and they were red until just a few years ago and now they became transparent it literally looks like holes in my skin

Anonymous 286113

I can't take this anymore, I need to sperg about my cows

Anonymous 286114


Neocities lore and drama is so funny

Anonymous 286116

You're kind of right lmao

Anonymous 286117


Anonymous 286118

What if it was that grandma programmer anon that took lc down

Anonymous 286119

I wonder if we'll ever get a proper explanation of what happened or if they'll just tell us some vague bullshit

Anonymous 286120

i really like this thread pic, i feel like this sitting back at my wagie job on a tuesday

Anonymous 286121


kek, i love this subreddit so much. thank you to the 2X who recommended this sub, this feels like something that would be said on /ot/

Anonymous 286122

what sub I’m begging, I quit reddit because I was sick of handmaidens

Anonymous 286123


lolcor why

Anonymous 286125

r/femalepessimist subreddit, i give it about a month or two before it gets taken down by trannies, reddit MRAs or moralfagging pickmes. i also recommend r/femaleantinatalism if you’re tired of the necrophilic pseudo-intellectual scrote circlejerk and misogyny from the main antinatalism sub

Anonymous 286126


Cereb can you see me?
Cereb can you hear me?
I am lost and so alone
The night is so much darker
The wind is so much colder
Alone without my lolcow

Anonymous 286127


n0nnas please post your favourite art of elsie/2x/cece/CC’s miner I need to fill my boardtan folder

Anonymous 286129

I wish pokemans were real

Anonymous 286130

i think the website must have been ddos’d, that’s probably why that scrote (cerbmin) said it was a “serious and unexpected problem”. i honestly wouldn’t be surprised. moar trannies and normies are starting to discover this site because it’s getting mainstream coverage, plus it records gossip and embarrassing stuff people do online so it was granted that we would become a target to this someday. ALSO WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO REPEATEDLY CLICK THE FUCKING THREAD AND WAIT FOR IT TO LOAD TO ACCESS IT ON MY VPN, THIS WEBSITE SUCKS SCROTE DICK I MISS LOLCOW

Anonymous 286131

PNG image.png

Ooh, n0nnie, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh, lolcow is a place on Earth
They say in lolcow, love comes first
We'll make lolcow a place on Earth
Ooh, lolcow is a place on Earth

When the night falls down
I wait for you n0nnie, and you come around
And the world's alive
With the sound of cows on the street outside

Anonymous 286132

reddit MRAs are the worst
no complaints when r/incels etc are running wild and now i see them complaining about popular gossip subs like popculture and fauxmoi
comparing gossip subs to full on hate, brain rotted

Anonymous 286133


holy shit

Anonymous 286134

jesus husbando-ing n0nnie, your husbando counts as well

Anonymous 286135


I miss you gals so goddamn much. Like, who else am I supposed to tell my stupid little mundane stories to? The people I know in real life? They interpret every single problem as a complaint, even when I tell them that it's not, that I'm merely regaling them with a tale of an event that happened to me. I don't need them to offer solutions, it's just a story about how the ramen restaurant messed up.

Anonymous 286136


Whole wednesday without lc

Anonymous 286137

because those gossip subs talks about rapists and pedophiles and when women start gossiping and then collecting information and passing it around that you/your father/uncle/another close xy is a rapist/pedo/porn addict/disgusting creep it’s a wrap for them. that’s why people annotate gossip negatively because it’s how women spread vital information around and no no no, you don’t want women talking shit about men and not having them as the main focus always (because fauxmoi and those subs as much as they are scrote obsessed mainly care about female celebrities and influencers)

Anonymous 286138

She's right

Anonymous 286139


KEKKK farmer spotted in the wild? only n0nnies are this poetic about hating scrotes

Anonymous 286140


I thought I was a radfem but wtf is that sub

Anonymous 286141

notice how blackpill women encourage suicide while blackpill men encourage homicide

Anonymous 286142


That thread has the honorable spot of the first tab in my browser. The drama that comes from it really does have a special flavor due to the fact that it brings together multiple generations of the chronically online.

Anonymous 286143

sounds either extremely traumatized or its a scrote baiting

Anonymous 286144


I'm down for mass murder but suicide is a messed up option. I checked her profile and she's only 16. I was a depressed af in my teens but I wasn't this level of blackpill.
I hope so. All her other posts are really dark.

Anonymous 286145

Yeah kill myself so the ugly faggot at the morgue can take creepshots of his tiny wiener in my dead mouth that's so much better than being alive

Anonymous 286146

If she's just been blackpilled I can't fault her reaction. I hope she comes out of it and joins the cause to live only for herself and even if it means being ostracized to never let any scrote hurt her.

Anonymous 286147

i wonder what the worst case scenario for lolcow could be, does it have a backup somewhere? the thought of it all being lost or deleted is something akin to a nightmare, i havent completely caught up with the lunaverse yet.. idk how to explain things well but does anyone else remember when the site was flipped and had null's face everywhere, what was the deal with that?

Anonymous 286148

>this one post is indicative of the entire subreddit
>doesn’t show any of the comments underneath the post disagreeing with them
this is the equivalent of taking one of bj-chan’s post from /2X/ and saying “see, this what every anon on lolcow is like!” that’s retarded, don’t go on there if you can’t handle female pessimism which is in the literal name of the sub you fucking soft spot brained retard

Anonymous 286149

It's my dream to try shaved ice

Anonymous 286150

If it's completely gone - can any of us farmers get the URL and rebuild it? Do we even have someone who is willing to do it? I wish I could but my only contribution would be financial.

Anonymous 286151



Anonymous 286152

I had a love affair with an exit bag. I can handle dark. That was just a random post I saw on the hot tab. This whole subreddit is vanta level black.

Anonymous 286153

If this is the case I'm going to kms because we didn't even get the chance to archive any threads

Anonymous 286154


I’m a whole adult woman this is embarassing.

Anonymous 286155

ive watched a few videos on d2i about the lore of the nail lady
im tempted to dl it

Anonymous 286156

So you mean like Operation Lolcow.farm yet again?

Anonymous 286157

note the sub: "am I the asshole for being afraid of my husband for pointing a firearm at me and my unborn child?"

Anonymous 286158

please post the comments i don’t have it in me to go on reddit

Anonymous 286159

Is this gif made by AI? It looks so uncanny

Anonymous 286160


These are the kinds of posts that make this sub worth reading IMO. We already know the tranny and MRA mods are going to take it down eventually, so I hope n0nnies are archiving.

Anonymous 286162

Any of the relationship or asshole subs are pure fiction. Keep that in mind to stay sane

Anonymous 286163

why would you give your rent/utility money to a fucking imageboard, what is wrong with you anon??? do you need your brain checked??? when it’s gone it’s gone, nothing decent lasts forever

Anonymous 286164

genuinely why are men so retarded like this? Why even start a family with someone IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE A FAMILY. He put a baby in her and now he doesn't want that and is probably fantasising about dating other women and wants to annihilate his family chris wats style.

So many men literally force women to get pregnant and start families with them but once the woman actually gets pregnant they become abusive and scornful.

Anonymous 286166


I can't fucking believe twitter is banned in Brazil just as I was gonna download mgong520's whole gallery reeeee
I never use the damned thing otherwise, what a timing

Anonymous 286167

why would men even need “shelters” in the first place? their shelter should either be a labor camp or prison, women’s shelters exist as a refuge of all the problems scrotes create in this world (inequality of wealth, violence, poverty, crime, etc.), if they’re a bum then they need to take the risk to get their heads shot off in the military for benefits or go fucking pester a construction company for work, it’s actually disgusting and ridiculous how much moids cry that they can’t find jobs but it’s always the ones they weak retards never want to have but always use against women because we don’t predominantly occupy them like blue collar jobs, they’re always crying about not finding jobs in the industries that are the most obsolete/useless/borderline harmful for society or can be entirely automated because these scrotes decided to create robots to replace them, what a brilliant race of humans!!! so brilliant and definitely smarter than women (sarcasm for the autists)

Anonymous 286168

Maybe anon is rich have u thought about that huh

Anonymous 286169


lorcor come back im a female neet i need you why have you abandoned me Elsie

Anonymous 286170

Can you use nitter to save pictures on her profile or would it be too risky because of the fines?

Anonymous 286174


The outdoors aren't going anywhere. In fact, there's more of a risk of Minecraft or Dress To Impress suddenly shutting down than anything you were going to see or enjoy outside disappearing without warning. Play to your heart's content, n0nnie.

Anonymous 286175

>The drama that comes from it really does have a special flavor due to the fact that it brings together multiple generations of the chronically online.
the oldweb/neocities threads are great. definitely one of my favorite threads. they're slow but i always love when they speed up. i love laughing at terminally online gendie zoomers with other nonas who remember the wild west days of the internet. it was hilarious when feds made that big post after their retarded site got taken down

also sidenote kek i love that the date got pushed back, i remember when we got the date some nona basically said inb4 they push it back 2 more days and here we are. i love my bunker s

Anonymous 286177

if i was rich i would never give my money to lolcow I’m sorry kek

Anonymous 286178

Can you use nitter to save pictures on her profile or would it be too risky because of the fines?

Anonymous 286179


holy shit

Anonymous 286180

Elsie has NOT abandoned us. She is being held captive by the wicked Cerbmin against her will because Cerbmin is malevolent and foul. I've been praying for Elsie she WILL rise from these ashes. Don't lose faith nona.

Anonymous 286181

I'm so fucking bored, I want the Fanny thread back and overflowing with milk.

Anonymous 286182


kekkk so true, i never understood the generation hate they’re all beautifully autistic in their own special ways

Anonymous 286183

Do you have a netflix account? Why wouldn't I want to support my entertainment kek

Anonymous 286185

Paying for netflix in this day and age is straight up retardation

Anonymous 286186

it's never coming back!!!!!

Anonymous 286187


Anonymous 286188

You gotta wait until admin logs in, which should be 11-12 est

Anonymous 286190

Reminds me of moo who’s such a pick me but then only wants a daughter kek i miss lc

Anonymous 286191

i dont think server anon is awake. she only has the server open when shes online so she can welcome people and keep an eye on everything in case she needs to kick anyone.

Anonymous 286192

I have a weird lump under my armpit that I noticed after the site went down, what does this mean?

Anonymous 286193

you’ve stopped getting your lolcow chemotherapy

Anonymous 286194

In the armpit you have lymph knodes that filter your body. They can swell up sometimes and it can hurt quite a bit but it’s mostly harmless. I reg it sometimes also just one side not sure why

Anonymous 286195

you guys gotta stop doomposting because now youre scaring me into thinking my last post on lc was me in the confessions thread talking about how ive started valuing talking to my husbando's chatbot over actual irl socializing

Anonymous 286196


A thread that's full up like a landfill
A post that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired, unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
This is my final fit
My final bellyache with
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please
Such a pretty thread
And such a pretty imageboard
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please

Anonymous 286197

Cool. I'll wait it out.
Ingrown hair?

Anonymous 286198

Minecraft nonas!

I'm going to be turning off the whitelist for the server around 12PM EST. I'll make another post to let anyone interested in joining know about it! Thanks for the patience if you're waiting on me.

Anonymous 286199

i prefer cake off, the players actually understand themes and give great attempts

Anonymous 286200

not in the server, but i just wanted to thank you for all you're doing. you're pretty great, nona

Anonymous 286201

Does anyone have a screenshot of that nona calling Doja a bicycle seat head?

Anonymous 286202

if its not gone by 2 weeks please go to a doctor but in the mean time you can try lymphatic drainage massage

Anonymous 286203


Anonymous 286204

axillary lymph nodes

Anonymous 286205

Danbooru has a good chunk of her art available, probably not everything but better than nothing. Not sure if that website is available in Brazil or not.

Anonymous 286206


Yay! Can't wait to see cowtown

Anonymous 286207

I ordered a dress off Poshmark on the 27th of August and the shipping label hasn't been made and I'm worried

Anonymous 286208

I wish dress to impress was like cake off with the privacy of making your own outfit with a bit more time

Anonymous 286209


Anonymous 286210


I used to be on discord a lot, but even back then I barely used Instagram or any other social media app that isn't just WhatsApp or hangouts, nowadays I can spend months not using discord or Instagram.
Idk, even though I have really nice friends to talk with and sperg with, I have a hard time using social media. And I don't even play many videogames and such because my laptop can't even handle cookie run kingdom without blasting the fan like I'm about to take off with it, it pisses me off honestly.
I had xitter for a little while to like hot anime guys, yaoi and hot anime guy gore, but the app got banned on my country and I honestly don't really feel like using a VPN to use it, I just get the news from my parents who tell me what's going on and on Instagram whenever I use it.
I barely watch the TV even, I basically spend the day listening to music on YouTube, trying to do art, role-playing with a close friend, playing a few shitty mobile games here and there and at the gym.
Lolcor is basically one of the biggest sources of entertainment to me, I can see random fuckfaces do retarded shit, I can say my opinions freely without being questioned like it'd a quiz on a game show, and if I get questioned I can just look up whatever I need to look up comfortably without "see??? I knew this or that or that you didn't know I knew that you didn't know!!!!!" God just thinking about that makes me want to kill myself, I can enjoy anons being spergs and I can sperg too.
It's nice.

Anonymous 286211


For the first time in my life I wish I was an american so that I could play in the minecraft server, but alas it is bedtime for me.

Anonymous 286212

I wish I was a rich n0nnie so I could whale and pay for lolcor and make my n0nnies happy

Anonymous 286213

I reheated my burrito and it felt hot (even had dark fry marks on it)
I ate a bite and it was still cold inside
I've now reheated it but I'm still afraid I'm going to die

Anonymous 286214

I'm not sure, but maybe I'll test it out with a VPN

Forgot about danbooru, I will try and snatch some stuff from there as well. Thanks!

Anonymous 286215

Beware , while Danbooru has gold, it also has piles and piles of shit.

Anonymous 286216

i love when people write big paragraphs about serious topics and have a good point, but end it with 'but maybe it's just me' kek

Anonymous 286217

Should I call off work? I am just not feeling it

Anonymous 286218

Any Discord nonas here? Which places do you recommend voice chat and train my English? I can write but my speaking is a whole mess

Anonymous 286219

there is a kpop thread in media for any kpop- interested. Gawd bless crystal cafe for allowing kpop, we luv you.

Anonymous 286220

>in grocery store
>gotta go number 2
>go to bathroom
>only one stall occupied
>someone on the fucking phone wtf
>whatever, go
>bathroom filled with echoes of raucous laughter
>too anxious to leave
Now I'm posting here. If lolcor was up when it was supposed to this would have never happened to me.

Anonymous 286221


Fucking flood detected ugh

Anonymous 286222


Anonymous 286223


Nightmare scenario. Stay strong n0nnie, get out of that toilet proud while a faint smell of shit hits those losers in the face.

Anonymous 286224

I think I will ask my maid to make me some hot chocolate.

Anonymous 286225

isn't it hot in your country
it's 30 degrees here

Anonymous 286226

i shit loudly in public bathrooms if i know for sure they're listening, actually establishes dominance and when i get out to wash my hands the girl doesn't have to heart to look at me. should've known better than to be nosy now you get to smell my shit, weirdo.

Anonymous 286227

I'm so fucking sleepy all the time. I want to cancel plans and just snooze

Anonymous 286228

I love playing dress to impress !!! Can we please make a personal server or something for us? I’m tired of playing against mouth droolers who don’t even understand what “Greek mythology” means
I will never understand people who make fun of others for using public bathrooms as they were intended which is to either shit/piss or fix your makeup/hair. Is the public bathroom supposed to smell like flowers and honey?? Kek

Anonymous 286230

It's fresh in my apartment for some reason, I almost feel cold even, then again, I'm doing nothing.
Maybe I will just help my maids a bit so I don't feel cold.

Anonymous 286231

Do any of you n0nnies have podcast or longform youtuber recommendations?

Anonymous 286232

I feel you I was once in one of those fast casual restaurants and I have a lot of muscle and joint issues and I let out the loudest sigh grunt when I sat down on the toilet because it was so far down and I didn't realize there was another girl in the bathroom and she asked "are you ok?" sounding really concerned and I just squeaked out a yes and left the restaurant after I finished.

Anonymous 286233

One vent I've been holding on to about another website: The world has let scrotes believe they are naturally funny for far too long. If I have to read another little moid's recycled unfunny one-liner I'm gonna bust a gasket. I was using LCF to get away from this slop. I swear to God one word replies on any website besides Twitter should be purged and result in temp bans and warnings.
It's a fucking bathroom what did they expect? Talking on the phone in the bathroom is more disgusting than using it for its literal intended purpose.

Anonymous 286235

this is old 4chan copypasta kekkk

Anonymous 286238

Just like with gatcha games, the stupidly of a few keeps things afloat for the rest, so let's no complaint about nonita spending money on imageboards. Everything needs money to run and the less the owner has to spend on it the more likely it has to not be shut down

Anonymous 286241

i made a temporary celebricows thread

Anonymous 286243

My health took such an immediate nosedive ever since I turned 30, I don't know why I suddenly don't get away with any slightly unhealthy behaviour. I feel like I'm 70 pls just kill me instead.

Anonymous 286246

do you take vitamen D, workout, eat right, and sleep enough n0nna?

Anonymous 286247

Elsie Yorke

Anonymous 286249

Do you have any topic or style preferences?

Anonymous 286250

There is cp on the home page and I don't want to click it to report it just a warning to you farmers

Anonymous 286252

This is making me remember my weird Thom Yorke husbando phase and how I was femdom hornyposting about him in the unconventional attractions thread. Now he's so fugly to me.

Anonymous 286253

why is the mods taking so long to delete the cp? they put on a 5 minute filter to stop spam and yet aren't deleting the shit.

Anonymous 286255

he used to be cute but now it looks like there's something wrong with him kek

Anonymous 286257

I'm not picky, just nothing true crime. I do like gossip channels, especially if it's chronically online topics kek.

Anonymous 286258

wow, nice to know mods took the time to permaban me for having posted a fanny comic with no nudity yet will let CP stay up for hours. nice priorities, scrotes

Anonymous 286259

This is why this place sucks and it's still on the homepage

Anonymous 286260

nta but kek no, it's just destorted. It's a wrestler called ryback

Anonymous 286263

whats a fanny comic?

Anonymous 286267

Most of the time, but my body curses me the second I don't.

I think this place has auto/bot modding, you probably just triggered it.

Anonymous 286269

i don’t want any of you to take this the wrong way but i truly in my heart feel like moids are the only ones who’d be willing to dedicate their time to controlling an imageboard. like the idea of there being a female janny feels inconceivable i’m not seeing anything in my head when i hear those words

Anonymous 286272

images - 2024-09-0…

i luv my girlfriend. I love that we draw and write fics of our ships together. I love that we send terfy memes to each other. I love going to sleep while she lays on my boobs. I'm sad I won't see her until tomorrow

Anonymous 286273

Rent and utilities barely cost anything, what are you on about

Anonymous 286276

I’m going on a date tonight for the first time in two years. The guy is eleven years older than me and I know that should be a red flag but he was legitimately the most attractive guy out of all the people I matched with and the only one to actually initiate a date with me. He texts with a lot of emojis, which kind of weirds me out. Like the way he texts doesn’t sound like a real person kek. He might be a serial killer or maybe he’ll catfish me. At least if that happens I will have an interesting story for you all (unless he kills me obviously)

Anonymous 286278

Yeah, I did that already. They don't know that my illness is homesickness for Lolcor, but they don't need to.

Anonymous 286279

Cow discussion is against the rules, the only active mod will ban you for it.

Anonymous 286280

>cow discussion is against the rules
>saying n0nnie is against the rules
kek why even allow us to make a LC bunker here then? what are we supposed to talk about? just tell us to fuck off if nothing's allowed

Also, can someone please make a null/fanny thread here since LC won't be back any time soon? I'd do it but I'm constantly getting permabanned for using a vpn (despite mods saying we could ban evade the automatic ones… yet another thing that's apparently not allowed either)

Anonymous 286281

How long has lc been down for now? I only noticed since last Thursday.

Anonymous 286285

Samefag just to say I'm on my way home from the doctor's and I need to buy weed from my plug, so **the new ETA for whitelist off is ~1PM EST**, another 45 minutes from now. I'll be online then for the rest of the day, so whitelist will be off until around 11PM. Sorry again for the delay everyone!

Tysm nona! I thought it'd be fun to play with everyone while LC is down and I was right! It's been a blast playing with everyone and chit chatting while we wait for our basket weaving forum to return. I'm really happy with how it's turned out!
Cowtown is booming!! Anons worked hard yesterday to continue industrializing and cowlinizing the seas! Can't wait to see you in Cowtown nona! For reference, most players that have logged in so far I've given a tour when they log-in so if you plan on joining today I'll be giving you the tour and showing you all the amenities Cowtown has to offer!
Thank you for playing again!! If you were online in the past few days you should be whitelisted now, so whenever you wanna pop in feel free! The server will be up for at least another month, so don't feel rushed to play!
KEK this response made me laugh. One thing I like about bunker threads is I always see so many reaction images I've not before and they're always cool.

Anonymous 286286

I'd never take this the wrong way, in fact it's pretty hilarious picturing a scrote being forced to read all kinds of based misandry and do nothing about it since it breaks no site rules. What an utterly miserable existence, I hope it really just moids running these shitholes, no woman deserves it
A million years

Anonymous 286287

more like a trillion years. where is my Lolcow Cerbmin you fat loser you PROMISED me my Lolcow on Tuesday then you walk back on your promises like a fucking snake in the grass I hate you Cerbmin FUCK CERBMIN!!!!

Anonymous 286289


Everyone saying the farm being down made them more productive meanwhile I have spent even more time online to keep up with all of this. I have three days off and I am (hopefully) going to cut my hair and do some husbando related crafts because he has no merch and I must create. I gotta stop doomscrolling, wish me luck nonas.

Anonymous 286295

is there a reason that sethome isnt working? i found a mangrove while trying to get to the lumber outpost and i wanted to be able to teleport there

Anonymous 286296

Hmm it should be:
>/sethome [homename]
>/home [homename]
>/delhome [homename]
I think there's an issue with the Homes plugin where the limit is 2 homes right now, so I'm gonna be changing that limit to 5 when I get online! Also nonas the ClearLagg should be fixed by this afternoon as well, so that boats, frames, and paintings will now be ignored by the Clearlag.

Anonymous 286299

please tell a friend where you're going in case he tries to kill you

Anonymous 286300

Once again I am begging fanny n0nnas to make a temp null thread since I can't upload pictures. Her tranny friend "Tammy" who's obsessed with drawing trannies raping terfs got doxxed in KF

Anonymous 286302

oh okay thank you!

Anonymous 286304

what husbando related crafts are you planning to do? hearing what you all do inspires me a lot!

Anonymous 286309

Why is nasim glorified? I recently saw her in a true crime doc where she shot down some YouTube employees?

Anonymous 286310

Tell me about your day n0nnies <3 what did you get up to?

Anonymous 286311

i have hit the bong, ate a burrito, and played tft
what about you?

Anonymous 286312


I want to be perverted freak with no moral repercussions

Anonymous 286313

I hopefully passed my accounting exam this morning

Anonymous 286314

I'm craving sushi. What are you n0nnies hungry for?

Anonymous 286316

I got mexican seasoned chicken breast going in the air fryer it will be my protein today

Anonymous 286317

I’m rich and would pay but goddamn if that’s the problem, they just gotta ask.

Anonymous 286319

can you pay my rent anona

Anonymous 286322

fed the cats, studied a bit, cooked shrimp pasta and now i'm just chilling. i have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see if i need surgery so i'll go to sleep early today

Anonymous 286323

Picking my nose as I sit here in cc

Anonymous 286324

i don’t love you a…

why is it called going commando?

Anonymous 286325

kek'd. i love it, nona

Anonymous 286327

I hate my job I HATE IT. I make okay money and I work remotely but I’m a lazy piece of shit. I don’t want to have more responsibilities. I don’t want to be “lead” on the projects, I just want to coast like all the old people I work with who don’t do shit. My boss is so pushy and always wants me to do more and doesn’t take no for an answer. I work with a bunch of go getters but I want to coast for the rest of my career. I hate chasing people down via emails and trying to extract knowledge out of them because I have to write reports on shit I have no experience on. I have a shit ton of money saved up and I’m so tempted to just quit but I won’t because you never know.

Anonymous 286328

I need a beast of a graphics card for my sims games will you bless me Stacy chan

Anonymous 286329

Just chilling after a long day and watching Utena Even though I'm not usually into anime

Anonymous 286330

What do you use for husbando chatbot? Character AI is so shite

Anonymous 286331

Been struggling with my home assignment and wondering if I truly have a future as a web developer if I'm this fucking stupid at least I have classmates that are equally lost so I'm not alone kek

Anonymous 286332

Went to work, didn't have shit to do but deal with my annoying, talkative male coworker, read a manga on the Jump + app on my phone so I'll have to wait next month for the next chapter, read two chapters of a novel I brought with me, lurked here to kill time, and went to a restaurant nearby for lunch break to avoid being forced to do small talk with the coworkers. I think that's pretty much it. Tomorrow and the day after I'll stay home and work remotely so I'll be free to do whatever I want as long I check my email inbox from time to time so maybe I'll keep reading the novel.

Anonymous 286336


Which pony from MLP do you think you are? I think I'm like a mix of rarity and fluttershy. I really haven't watched the whole series, is there a pony like that?

Anonymous 286338


Are there any n0nnies here into the closed species or OC sphere of the digital art world? Does anyone know why milqilin are open species now? I don't have discord so I can't check the server but I'm curious. The cs shills must be pissed after spending hundreds on these things. With the bases going free, there's nothing but fugly designs out there right now kek

Anonymous 286343


I have to take a calculus for my biology degree and I go to class with tissues in my bag because my nose and eyes start getting runny while I see my future crumble in front of my eyes. I really went in Biology thinking it would be mostly memorization

Anonymous 286346

damn im sorry youre stuck in school to begin with

Anonymous 286347

did ai make you forget what filters are or something

Anonymous 286348

I called out of work today because my first day of my period is always the worst. This morning I played Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time and it's actually kind of fun sometimes, and the glitches are still there and make me laugh. I've been hanging out with my dog on my porch right now sipping some coffee and water. I ate too many M&Ms last night, I randomly crave the crunch during my periods sometimes. I should grocery shop a little bit later when I feel better. I might read some books on my Kindle. I've been wanting to read a gritty murder mystery written from the perspective of a female investigator, does anyone have any recommendations? Bonus points if she hates men, or doesn't care about them, or is gay. Double bonus points if she has some kind revenge quest against men. Love you s!

Anonymous 286351

Cried a little bit over having had my life ruined due to negligent German doctors. First time I've ever cried due to sheer anger. It felt very different than crying from sadness. Other than that it was an ok day. Going for a little walk now.

Anonymous 286352

i was late for work. i couldnt find my car keys, vape or work phone. i finally found them all after tearing my house apart and ended up being an hour late. i'm so fucking tired i just want to call it quits for the day but i cant.. so i'll be suffering for the next 4.5 hours

Anonymous 286355


i'm a fluttershy-rainbow dash variant, a quiet jock.

Anonymous 286356


Went to the gym this morning and did some pretty intense 30 minutes on the exercise bike. Didn't feel a thing all day, despite having to do some errands that required me running up and down the stairs to my apartment that's on the third floor, so I was wondering if I perhaps didn't push myself enough.
It's almost 8pm and I'm REALLY starting to FEEL THE PAIN

Anonymous 286357

Claude opus is so good omg

Anonymous 286358

thats so cute good luck!

Anonymous 286359

I hate spotify so much I hope it burns and everyone who works on it dies of sudden heart attacks and everything on it gets transferred somewhere else that's easier to rip from. Worst thing to happen to music ever.

Anonymous 286360

Not sure why they became an open species but never got the hype tbh. The base always looked hilarious to me when they had those massive tits

Anonymous 286361

Research micro needle rollers, I forget if that's what they're specifically called. Make sure to follow the sanitization very thoroughly, and after you roll, apply a retinol serum. Wait a few days to a week and make sure to moisturize before rolling again. Also, start off with the lowest needle size. It stimulates healing and new skin growth. I had some stretch marks on my thighs and they have been greatly reduced after doing that at home after about 5-7 sessions. Sometimes I use vitamin C serum as well

Anonymous 286364


i am so profoundly blackpilled

Anonymous 286365


When 30+ year olds play into this gender nonsense. So embarassing kys you stupid woman

Anonymous 286366


Definitely an applejack + rarity fusion

Anonymous 286367

They're always different until they're not.

Anonymous 286368

All my homies hate automod

Anonymous 286369

61QVc2r -TL._UL150…

Is it finally time to retire this coat?

Anonymous 286370

I'm joining you in your hate and hope your words come true.

Anonymous 286371


Sometimes I feel like this reality is just one big joke and nothing is real, everything is bait or a test to see if you’ve figured out that our existence is purely a simulation.

Anonymous 286373

Does anyone actually put iron-on patches on clothes?
Would it look stupid to put a large applique on the chest of a hoodie?
It would be so much cheaper than buying a hoodie with character or logo printed on it, at least the one I want anyway

Anonymous 286374


Sweetie belle, I'm impetuous and vain but still good-natured

Anonymous 286375

I bought patches and some came with my Bg3 copy, I just put velcro on the back of them then sew the other half of the velcro onto the item of clothing. Way easier, plus if I don’t like the location I can move it.

Anonymous 286376

before i remembered crystal cafe exists i tried to spend the last few days trolling /a/ and /fa/ but 4chans captcha is just not worth it anymore

Anonymous 286378

My company gives you 4k euros if you successfully refer someone, I've tried every year but can't find anyone to recommend. I'm so salty lol.

Anonymous 286381

recommend me if it's remote work, i'm job hunting and want to die

Anonymous 286387

I know this feel, sometimes I go to a class at the gym and think "hey, maybe I could handle a second class in a row!" And once I go back home, at night, I feel like an old lady and I can't even sit on the toilet without feeling like I'm doing a deep squat while holding a 7 kilos ball.

Anonymous 286389

a friend was rude to me for no reason and it fully ruined my vibe for tonight. i was feeling good too because i had a productive day today but now i'm just mad.

Anonymous 286392

And a couple of days later we'll do it again with a smile on our faces, pain completely forgotten

Anonymous 286395

Don’t worry, you can do it! Calculus can become simply memorization too. You just have to memorize the steps to solve every type of problem. Any problem your professor goes over in class and any problem they assign as homework, you need to memorize how to solve them. Practice every day. Make a master list of every problem you’ve been shown or assigned, go through that list and try to do each one from memory. Keep track of any you have to look up and do those again over and over until you can do them from memory. Repeat this every day, it’ll be hard the first few days, but once you start memorizing things, it’ll get faster and easier. Do this and you’ll be one of the top students in your class.

It’s not about how smart you are or how good at math you are, it’s really just about how much time you’re willing to put into it. That’s the secret to calculus.

Anonymous 286397

What? How demanding are they?

Anonymous 286398



Anonymous 286401

I had an emergency in the kitchen so I needed to be handed the tongs but completely blanked on the word for it and I could tell my roommate was mentally going through an entire list of kitchen utensils I've called "the snip snip" the past few weeks until I was finally given the right snip snip

Anonymous 286402

If it's good quality and still holds up well in the weather, keep it. If it's just for looks, get rid of it. Don't you dare put that shit in a thrift store if it's one of those paper thin fast fashion things btw I get so pissed off thinking I've found a good piece of gear and it's just another SHEIN parachute.

Anonymous 286403

It is. Are you in Europe? Contact me on discord yuha9205.

Anonymous 286404

Anonymous 286406

friend request sent

Anonymous 286408

i cant find the kf thread, did those fags make it community-only too? im not making a damn kf account null (forma de moid)

Anonymous 286409

god no, the shota board has long been deleted and I cant take another shotafag discourse for the nth time. fc may be slow but i'd rather keep it that way if it means actual conversation instead of constant bait and infighting that goes nowhere. now im pissed off because the shotafags scurried off cc and are now shitting up fc with bait. keep your fetishes to yourself and stop psyoping it as fujo culture, you dont see mpregfags trying to shill their fetish as the norm god.

Anonymous 286410

noooo why. i kind of want to buy one again, i think theyre cute

Anonymous 286411

Damn I want it if it's remote I can do it outside EU

Anonymous 286412

Are we getting the fuck farm back or what? I thought it was supposed to be back by now

Anonymous 286414

why do scrotebags have to make their anger everyone else's problem? do they seriously have the self control of a toddler?

Anonymous 286415

Ok nonas, I have a question about moids and feelings and stuff.
Basically, if he is not the one to carry the conversation, and isn't enthusiastically asking questions he doesn't like you, right?

Anonymous 286418

Haha we should just stay here forever

Anonymous 286419

Can you give me 100 bucks for groceries? Pretty please

Anonymous 286420

Anonymous 286423

Anonymous 286424


Been watching a friend that keeps talking in our group chat about this other friend that keeps treating her like shit, it was interesting to learn about this other side of both of these people through this and the first friend's vents are tbh very valid. But I'm so tired of having to go "oh no, really??"/"dang, that's some real shit" for the twentyhundred-oompth time. She treats you like shit and you obviously know it, if you don't wanna cut her off then just don't answer her messages and phase her out of your life. If she actually gives a fuck she'll ask what's going on, if she just wants someone to push around then nothing's lost anyway. This has been going on for fucking years now, you obviously hate (or at least have no respect for) each other. Just either hatefuck already or fuck off.

Anonymous 286425

Did hex launch a revenge DDOS because basedmin refused to remove her thread kek

Anonymous 286427


How much longer must we wait. Where is our lolcow…

Anonymous 286429

Yeah, drop him

Anonymous 286430

Where is her thread?

Anonymous 286431

N0nny, even if you were already dating, that wouldn’t change. Please never be with a moid that does not intiate pleasant, engaging, humorous conversation.

Anonymous 286432

No but I know what you mean. I’m a part of three cs communities offsite but they’re dead. I’ve spent money on mine but not 100’s. I can’t imagine why anyone would kek basically free if you just draw your own

Anonymous 286433

If she's talking shit behind this friend's back she's definitely talking shit about you. This goes hand in hand with not cutting off the supposed friend which has been treating her like shit for years, she secretly likes the drama and so keeps her around to then shittalk her to you later. Very likely the same is happening on the other side.

Anonymous 286434

Went shopping with my husbando plushie to get myself out the house for a bit

Anonymous 286435

it's crazy how similar honter schafer and audrey hale's crazy diary and handwriting is, but no one is questioning the MTF's sanity

Anonymous 286436


The fact that I will have to survive 2 more days of work without lolcor is a violation of the Geneva convention

Anonymous 286437


I thought so.. Bummer, but thanks!
That's a good point too, in the off chance he did actually like me as much as I did him and he was just a bad conversationalist, that's certainly enough of an offense.

Anonymous 286439


Any cute Minecraft texture packs recs? Or other visual mods

Anonymous 286440

Yeah I was wrong, I ended up googling the error and it's a problem with the site not cloudflare. I still don't think it's a conspiracy though, lolcow is a decade old site and hasn't really been updated in a major way since it came out. The site is bound to break sometimes.

Anonymous 286441


These painkillers hitting hard asf rn

Anonymous 286442

my dear nonas, I don't think I can take this anymore. I miss Lolcow so much

Anonymous 286444

Tbf yeah, that much is pretty obvious. I don't really engage with her shit talking except for feigning surprise when I read rant #56 that looks very similar to rant #21, #38 and #40. And tbh, I've never really cared if anyone talked crap about me, I just move on with my life. Nobody has to like me 100% of the time, not even I like myself 100% of the time and you don't always jibe with everyone perfectly anyway. I just instead vent my negative opinions and thoughts on anonymous sites like lc (or in this case, cc).

Anonymous 286445

There's a kofi page but idk if the current admin accepts donations from it. I think I asked one time to no answer. You can only access the kofi link if you go like on page 2 or 3 of /meta/, it's like an easter egg kek. Btw, can I borrow like $1000? I'll totally pay it back.
Kristen Stewart if she was a cavewoman

Anonymous 286447


ayrt, you're right. I'll set hours aside to practice practice practice! Calculus is essential to Biology and like everything once you get used to it it'll get easy and quick. Thank you so much for the motivation. No more chinese panda reaction pictures after this I promise

Anonymous 286448

ill never forget the time i was friends with a moid and he was insistent on keeping contact online long after we graduated school and by the time we decided to meet in person again for the first time in a while, he immediately fell out of contact and stopped talking to me lmao. i had some theories in mind, one of them being that i used to be a TIF in highschool and desisted after i graduated, dressing up pretty girly when we met up. for fun btw, im completely uninterested in moid friend and only kept contact cause he would send me funny videos on social media plus i think he was kind of faggy since he'd send me thirst traps of men under the guise of irony. i remember he posted a really cryptic story a while after the meetup with an angsty audio along the lines of "im not in love with her" and i wondered if it was about me kek.

Anonymous 286450

I’ve been phasing out my ex for the last two months and he showed up at my house crying saturday with what should finally be the last of my shit and kept going on about how he thought it would be like a romcom where we got back together, apparently he didn’t consider us ‘broken up’.
I was gonna give him a chance but he kept shooting himself in the foot after not giving me the space I wanted time and time again.

Anonymous 286451

Well that's the problem. I wager all those "awww shucks" as low effort as they may be is what sustains her. She's farming you and your group chat for attention on the regular because being a forever victim is part of why she keeps the other bitch that she hates around.

Anonymous 286452

the ick i got is so bad oh my fucking godddddd, you just dodged a bullet and the bullet lodged right into his foot

Anonymous 286453


Okay nonas! The Minecraft server whitelist is officially OFF for the afternoon! If you haven't joinws already and you wanna play now, you should be able to join now! If you need the IP, you can find it here:
If you're joining for the first time, please read that post! The IP is listed there, as well as some basic info and tips for anonymization. Just a reminder: the strictest rule on the server is no personal information, this includes asking for or giving out Discords! We haven't had a problem with this so far, but I just wanted to say it again in case any anon is worried about the anonymity aspect!

Picrel is an update from Cowtown East! Two nights ago, it was a wild untamed rugged shithole; now, after dedicated care and hard work by brave settlers, it is a shining beacon of civilization! Farmers bring progress and prosperity to wherever we land! We are currently working on the road system on Cowtown East so everyone's house is connected to the main transport network, and more community areas for the island.

Sorry it took me so long to open the whitelist today, I was fixing some of the perms and adjusting config! ClearLag should be fixed so everyone can place frames, paintings, and ride in boats now without fear. I'm also working on the Sleeper plugin to change the 50% night skip to 25% night skip, and adjusting some Essential plugin config as well (to add more homes and warps!) The server may restart once or twice, so if you're kicked you just have to log back in after 10-15 seconds! See every nona there!

If you have any questions, please reply to this post and I'll answer as soon as I see! If you asked a question and I didn't respond, sorry! I must have not seen, feel free to ask again!

Anonymous 286454

I do genuinely feel bad for him, it was his first relationship but I’ve been having to beat him off with a stick for like the past month.

Anonymous 286455

Using your advice to nona for my Cal 2 class

Anonymous 286456

I wonder what the issue is for the site

Anonymous 286457

I don’t wanna play but could you take a picture of cowtown I wanna see what the rest of it looks like!

Anonymous 286458

I have a test coming up but I am so so excited to hop in after and join now that my internet is back up. My holy pilgrimage to cowtown can finally commence YEAH!!!
thank you minecraftn0na for being such a trooper maintaing the server and posting fun updates with a hint of autism, i have persevered through the FOMO and lack of internet connection with your delightful commentary

Anonymous 286459

Forget a picture, I want an entire video! Please make a video about the average day of a farmer in Cowtown!

Anonymous 286460


I'm Moon Dancer for sure.

Anonymous 286461

I want noise cancelling earmuffs and also earbuds or headphones, do noise cancelling headphones actually work the same as noise cancelling earmuffs when music isn't playing in them? Because if so I'm just going to get noise cancelling headphones.

Anonymous 286462

i tested out a bunch of noise cancelling headphones in store recently and no, you still hear through them without music. some headphones that werent advertised as noise cancelling blocked out sound even better than the noise cancelling ones. sadly

Anonymous 286463

I won't be joining Cowtown but I love seeing the updates! I believe we have a minecraft thread in /m/, I hope you'll continue updating there once lolcow is back

Anonymous 286464


I've been so lazy for the past month. After work I'm good to go for a walk. I moved to a new place, and I've been scared to walk around the neighborhood. It's a nice place but I'm so nervous about exploring new places.

Anonymous 286465

I got banned so I couldn't post more Blingee Op's, sorry anon
Same, did they lose all the images or something? Are they changing servers? I wish they told us anything at all.

Anonymous 286466

I can't handle it. Lolcow down when we were getting the best fanny content..

Anonymous 286467

some noise cancelling headphones have the issue of having the audio being audible outside of the headphones so people can sort of hear what youre listening to. I assume this problem is only prevalent in cheaper models, and noise cancelling headphones are already pricy at it is so make sure to check reviews about noise leaking.

If you have one, try biking instead! You can get a scope around the area and if theres an unsavory area/situation you can skedaddle pretty quickly and outrun the assailant. Plus its a bit faster so you wont have to worry about losing your way before curfew and trudging the walk back in an unfamiliar place. Best wishes on your exploring regardless, stay safe!

Anonymous 286468

nоnnies, does anyone have ideas for cute nail art for short nails? my nails keep breaking at work so they're short right now and i can't find good inspo that isn't micro french tips or really outdated

Anonymous 286469

Am I allowed to make a husbando shrine in the privacy of my own home or do we quarter that off to a separate location.

Anonymous 286471

I feel like you guys are gonna start griefing eachother's buildings in Cowtown or some petty shit…

Anonymous 286474

Screenshot 2024-09…

Years ago I was watching it with my ex and told him that I thought I was like Fluttershy, and he laughed heartily and said "No, you're definitely Rarity." I felt kind of offended but

(he was right)

Anonymous 286479

I also had a thing for Thom Yorke and Matt Bellamy from Muse at the same time and thirstposted about the both of them, now I feel embarrassed about it kek

Anonymous 286480


I gwt paid in 2 days but I literally want to tear my hair out from anticipation . Just give me my fucking money, I can't wait anymore. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Anonymous 286482

the sony ones (xm4) work well for me, but like others said, it doesn't catch 100% of the sound

Anonymous 286484


kek nannie I'm amazed by this, you were so passionate. I have such nostalgia for that era of /g/, I wonder if we'll ever see it again. this is sick but part of me hopes not just so my post history is wiped out ngl also fuck you flood detector

Anonymous 286485

Samefag just to say I shouldn't have smoked before making this kek, I just noticed the typo. Embarrassing!
I plan to record a video of it near the end of the week for anons to see what we've accomplished thus far!
Excited for you to join nona! Since LC won't be online until Thursday, I'm planning to keep doing this pattern of whitelisting until then. I'll be turning the whitelist off again tonight when I make an announcement post itt, and then back on again tomorrow morning around noon.
>a hint of autism
KEK it's a full blown case with me sadly.
I think it'd be fun if we shared more screenshots and info in the thread on /m/, so I'm really hoping the retarded hog Cerbmin hasn't lost /m/. I plan to continue to post more updates as the days progress!
I believe some anons have already set up abuse dungeons for their husbandos! Feel free to make your shrine! All I ask is please set it up in the privacy of your own home!

Anonymous 286486

its because its a new thread it will probably be public in maybe a week or 2
you should build a statue of him
why would we do that? everyones sharing resources and making farms to further society because women create, men are the ones who destroy.

Anonymous 286487

just relax and archive everything non-ny… you can dump everything in the thread when it's back up instead of breaking the rules here and being banned from the bunker. I'm sad too, i spent like two entire days hatereading her fedi when she got posted in the shitty short comics thread and didn't even notice the /snow/ threads until people were posting about it in here

Anonymous 286489

i'm taking calc for my degree and i started getting debilitating migraines that would render me to anxious to even start the exam. i realized my issue was expecting the worst and also finding a professor that truly cares about my success in their class and is willing to break problems down for me. i recommend always checking ratemyprofessor before enrolling in a class.

Anonymous 286491

gonna get drunk and hop on the mc server

Anonymous 286492

I just reread Gone Girl. Pretty basic so if you've read it before let me know what you think of it! I have mixed feelings

Anonymous 286493

>me when I have to take biology with my mathematics degree
I really thought I could just take astronomy and live without any other sciences

Anonymous 286494


ill leak it for you (also mods no ban this dox is public info)

Anonymous 286495

Do you have any recommendations?

Anonymous 286501

was she the one that tried to say that some~ TIMs can “participate” in radfem or was that someone else

Anonymous 286502

I have to pay 200 euros this month to a doctor, already paid 200 to another one. Should I buy a foldable bike for 200 euros or wait? I have some savings but I don't like to spend them. Next month I have to pay like another 200 euros to go see another doctor, and then another 200 on a necessary purchase. But I really want a bike, I'm getting fat cause I haven't exercised in a while anf cycling is the only sport i like.

Anonymous 286503


I feel like my singing voice got worse over time, now it's like two octaves lower unless I try really hard or find this weird spot that makes me sound normal.
Like, songs I would've needed to adjust so I could hit the low notes are easy to me, and now I struggle with high notes even though those were easy to me, I can sing songs with male singing voices easier than with female singing voices unless it's "opera" music.
I guess this is what happens when you can't practice at all, I honestly haven't tried to sing at home "properly" for months.

Anonymous 286504

god I'm so sick of this shit. Almost every night I start feeling really sick, even though I make sure to drink properly and exercise. I get headaches, runny nose, sore throat, aching ears, sometimes I feel like I'm about to throw up. And in the morning and the rest of the day I feel completely fine.

Anonymous 286505


I missed my train stop because I was busying playing subway surfers and trying not to spill my spaghetti in front of this cute girl who let me sit next to her LETSGOOOOO

Anonymous 286506

do you have mold

Anonymous 286508

i'm in the same boat, ive just been painting them milky white and keeping them square until they grow out and i can do something cuter. i added tiny red hearts on the top of my ring fingers so they dont look so plain

Anonymous 286509

Haven’t had a moid since 2020

Anonymous 286510

What????? I don't browse that sub so please tell me what is going on

Anonymous 286511

I need to see if Luna saw her secret Reddit account was found and what wack shit Shayna is up to at Disney……. were there any updates or theories about what’s going on? I posted on Friday in a couple of the bunker threads and just assumed LC would be back today and now I’m worried

Anonymous 286512

pls im being serious mold is so bad for your health and its the only thing i can think of that would make you feel worse at night

Anonymous 286513


I'm currently squirting a bag strap and it's taking so long because I'm using a thermal stitch. Thermal stitches take so long to work up PLUS the yarn I'm using is light so it's taking even longer. Someone just crochet a bag strap for me. If you ever use a thermal stitch, use worsted weight or higher.

Anonymous 286514

idk if long covid is real but this sounds like long covid to me

Anonymous 286515

Screenshot 2024-09…

i don't think she knows, she's still posting on it

Anonymous 286516

have you had it checked out?

Anonymous 286518


I use spicy chat and I pay for it too. I'll be lambasted for it but it's worth it imo. I like not having to dance around censors when I want something nsfw. There a lot of shit for scrotes but just as many husbando type bots

Anonymous 286519

Screenshot 2024-09…

i don't hate my life no matter how much i find myself wanting to say it. i will not say it. i will take things one day at a time. i will not worry about the future. i will focus on today.

Anonymous 286520

Listen to >>286512-if you have those symptoms in your bedroom after you’re in there overnight, and then I’m assuming feel better when you spend your day at work/outside of that room, there’s likely something in that room you gotta find and address

Anonymous 286523

So are there really no known pics of Mister Metokur online? Even KF hasn't been able to find his face despite his name and address being out there? I don't like him but I'm so curious. Even his wife's face is out there.

Anonymous 286524

As far as I know I don’t have any mold, I’m pretty good at keeping my home clean. But I’ll google tomorrow morning how to check just in case
Not yet, idk really how to explain it to a doctor that won’t result in being told to take an aspirin before going to bed and a pat on the back

Anonymous 286525

god she’s so retarded ty

Anonymous 286527

ayrt, based n0nna thank you

Anonymous 286528

idk why you guys keep coming back for more retardation moids have to offer if you seriously have to ask these questions. if he doesn’t care enough to do back and forth convos with you he doesn’t like you, doesn’t care about you, stop projecting your humanity on to him and let it go

Anonymous 286529

isn’t michelle the dead mom in fullhouse?

Anonymous 286530

Thank you n0nie!!! Can you leak more stuff from the thread that you find interesting??

Anonymous 286531

Ayrt, I also miss that era of /g/. I feel like anons were so much more welcoming? Accepting? Back then. Nobody gave too much of a shit kek it felt like a friendly group chat in a way. Anons engaged with each other even when they didn't gaf about your husbando. Maybe I will post my current husbandos in /g/ again but eh, I don't know if that magic can ever be recreated.

Anonymous 286532

Woah. Some of you really, really can’t read social cues kek oh my goodness

Anonymous 286535

if only you knew h…

nonas I'm scared I feel like there's no hope for women right now. my nigel came back from his freshman level English class today and told me they were teaching about literal bimbofication as some kind of discussion topic. He said he watched some 18 year old freshman girl have to read aloud in class about bimbofication as a form of female empowerment and that the teacher was describing "bimbo feminism" as being a means to "feel better about being a woman." And it was all based on some tiktok shit.
I am shivering with rage and it's hard to communicate my thoughts and I wish I was joking. How have things become so backwards that this could be some students' introduction to "feminism" in an academic setting in like the 3rd week of college

Anonymous 286537

Practicing all the time is bad for your vocal cords actually, more important is breath capacity and using the diaphragm. Don’t judge yourself too harshly things like singing in a room with the right acoustics and making sure you’re using your diaphragm are more important. Physical fitness has more of a role to play than you might think. Sometimes singers get “knots” in their throat from having to shout or do too much speaking, they do go away on their own but sucking on hard candy will make singing much easier for you. Vocal coaches on YouTube are a great way to recondition your voice too.

Anonymous 286538

Nta and is spicy better than janitor? I'm thinking of returning to it

Anonymous 286539


Isn’t this him??? He’s going to die with cancer in a few months so if you don’t like him, there you go kek. I watch some of his streams to laugh at some cows (tbh only enjoyed the boogie2988 streams) but I absolutely can’t stand his ball glazing male audience, it reminds me so much of Sam Hyde’s fatherless scrote fans trying to find some father figure in a bridge troll with bleached hair

Anonymous 286540

can you delete this it's ruining my day

Anonymous 286541


>scrotes discovered yumejoshi and made a hentai out of it
Men are a mistake.

Anonymous 286542

I will build the most profound statue ever, I only hope I can get the stink lines right.

Anonymous 286543

thats not him kek hes a old ass fuck i think thats the pedo who was outed in the forums he ran

Anonymous 286544

Sorry, I've never used janitor so I can't really give a fair comparison. From first glance, it looks better, but I'll have to give it a try.

Anonymous 286545

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a female mangaka. Working for hentai as a job, you have no choice but to be a pickme.

Anonymous 286546


LOG 24
A miasma has settled on some of the group, I want to tell them that everything will be okay but I know my words will seem like a false promise. There also seems to be a collective cabin fever building up amongst ourselves, a natural response so it seems. Not many farmers can survive so long underground, our natural habitat is the holy pastures, full of the warmth of the sun and the softest of grass.
Last night one of the farmers saw a green impish creature with a long beak scurry away into the dark, and to our dismay, carrying a bucket of our most valuable milk with him. Some brave souls will need to traverse to their rotten lair to retrieve it and to purify it from contamination. I wish those brave souls good luck. Speaking of expeditions, there is talk of farmers who have travelled to some distant untamed isles. According to correspondence there were a few bumps on the way but they ultimately settled and the photographs they've sent show a marvel of modern architecture and industry.
Overall, a very mixed past few hours, I have to remind myself that only 48 hours remain until the gates open again. 48 hours until we and Elsie can go back home.

Anonymous 286547

holy shit. is there a way you can report this to admin? or the dean or whatever person could potentially help do something about this pos teacher. no guarantees that anything will be done, but at least youd have tried.

Anonymous 286548

no it's the little girl mary kate & ashley played

Anonymous 286550

Am I the only one who doesn't go job hunting until they're on the clock at their job kek.

Anonymous 286551

definitely not the only one, back at my last workplace me and another girl would spend most of our time on indeed and applying/filling out forms right there lol

Anonymous 286552


Anonymous 286553

Can anyone rec me some female artists you like? I've been listening to rock, punk and jpop women groups, and some jazzy bossa nova stuff like Lisa Ono. Anything you can recommend I will listen to as I'm trying to expand my library.

Anonymous 286554

Artstyle makes me think it's a female artist. But if it's a woman, why is the guy she's supposed to have sex with so meh looking? At least that one doujin with the spy girl had a cute emo boy.

Anonymous 286555

I like using janitorai for mine

Anonymous 286556

Definitely considering it, if no one says anything that's just how these things continue

Anonymous 286558

ayrt, i use janitorai

Anonymous 286559

I love Janitor so much, I used to use venus.ai (?) for a while but Janitor has so many more options for scenarios/characters I want.
Nobody ever has the niche one I’m into and I’m way too lazy to make a bot so I just haven’t.

Anonymous 286560

No that's not him. I can't remember who that is but it's just some guy Metokur likes making fun of

Anonymous 286561

lots of male artists have that sort of artstyle too btw

Anonymous 286562

Based, both you and me nona.

Anonymous 286563

Me three.

Anonymous 286564


…that's fair

Anonymous 286565

Been shitposting on /vg/ all day, this is what no lolcor does to me

Anonymous 286566

>my nigel
And all of the words that came after that one made me not care. OMG bimbofication serious business!!! Worry about your scrote washing inbetween his buttcheeks before you start crying over some misled college student

Anonymous 286567

lolcow tan.png

might make a button of it, the art is so cute

Anonymous 286568

only the most vile moids post there
I know the horrors you’ve seen

Anonymous 286569

I need a way to make money and fast

Anonymous 286570

i really wish lc had a gen for the game i play. having to go back to /vg/ for info/conversation about the game and seeing the shit the scrotes post there makes me want to kill myself

Anonymous 286571

>t. believes "bimbofication" is totes empowering

Anonymous 286572

>be me
>have always wanted to learn how to play the piano
>decide to order a digital piano from my country's biggest instrument retail store
>it's supposed to arrive within 4 days
>skip forward to today
>my order has been stuck at "Your package is waiting for pickup." for over 2 weeks for no discernable reason and customer support is ghosting me
Sure feels amazing that my 400 Euro purchase has been floating around in limbo for weeks now. Lesson learned, I should have just ordered from Amazon

Anonymous 286575

Same. Thats why I just shitpost over there after I get the help I need. Nothing makes incels seethe more than cuckposting or fujoposting

Anonymous 286576


I love Cowtown, playing mc with anons is the best. Thank you so much to the server host, you're taking good care of us!

Anonymous 286577


we were doing so well not having retarded infighting on here

Anonymous 286578

How much money? Do you want an actual job?

Anonymous 286579

I do this one because it pisses them off like nothing else.

Anonymous 286580

soul sister… what gen, if you don't mind me asking? /sfg/ for me

Anonymous 286581


Stop deleting random posts for no reason!

Anonymous 286585

Just enough to pay off my semester at my college, I want an actual job but I've been rejected and ghosted everywhere
I'm on the brink of entering sex work at this point…

Anonymous 286587

you should listen to ZARD! It's a J-poprock band from the 90's, and while the band itself isn't entirely female, the main face/composer of the group is a woman. Her music is so awesome, you should definitely give it a listen.

Anonymous 286588

which movie was that deleted post about?

Anonymous 286589

call 877 cash now

Anonymous 286590

I think it was an horror movie called Longlegs.

Anonymous 286591

>t. jg wentworth

Anonymous 286592

Reddit would honestly probably he your best resource for finding jobs. I know some WFH part time positions that are really easy to get, but they probably wouldn't be helpful (don't pay enough) in your particular situation and tbh they're sucky jobs.

Anonymous 286593

Do I have to tip for a free pizza…? It's Dominos.

Anonymous 286594

You don’t HAVE to do anything but yeah throw the underpaid dork a dollar or two.

Anonymous 286595


N0nnies, how do you get over the grief of a friendship drifting away?

Anonymous 286596

I think the magic is gone but I will fondly remember those days, especially the period when everyone wanted to fuck Buster Keaton so bad that it started bleeding into /ot/, he was inescapable.

Anonymous 286597


it’s my milk and I need it NOW

Anonymous 286598

Are you getting it delivered? I would say yes.

Anonymous 286600

n0na this is so cute love the art style

Anonymous 286601

It drives me insane how many DV survivor women say shit like "you CAN'T make a victim leave her abuser, she has to choose to leave at her own time and it could take years! Also never badmouth her abusive Nigel, that will only turn her against you!"
Ok so you just want women around you to be yesmen and act like nothing's wrong while you whine about how the piece of shit scrote you refuse to leave landed you in the ER for the nth time?? Why aren't you treating this with the severity and time sensitivity it actually has? It's literally life or death and the more you stay with a womanbeating scrote the more your life (and your kids) are at risk. Just because YOU happened to be lucky enough to escape with your life despite staying with a woman beater for years doesn't mean most women and their kids don't escape the situation in a bodybag. I hate how what I've said would be misconstrued as "victim blaming" by this crowd because it's the last thing id want, but these retarded excuses to justify staying with an abuser are fully counter productive and gives validity to the theory that many women secretly "enjoy" these abusive relationships until it gets to the point where they can't romanticize their retarded "daddy hit me and it felt like a kiss" Lana del Rey fantasy any longer
see I don't wanna scrotefoil but you "n0nnas" make it really hard. it'd be one thing if you wanted to findomme and have an ugly old scrote pay to call him a dirty little stinker, but what kind of woman doesn't know at this stage that selling coochie pics isn't even gonna pay above minimum wage? everyone knows OF is a scam, the only women who get rich off of it are famous teens coomers have been waiting with baited breath for them to turn 18 like Danielle bregoli. The rest isn't gonna make shit, there's way too many models and way too much free porn for moids to make a random e-thot rich.

Anonymous 286602

ntayrt how sucky are we talking?

Anonymous 286604

i wanna join later i love this ty

Anonymous 286605

I wonder what carrey-chan is doing

Anonymous 286606

sweeter than anything

Anonymous 286607

that reminds me there's a post i saw recently in the unconventional thread complaining about the men being too unconventional…when that's the whole point? it's weird because months ago some anons complained that the men posted weren't ugly enough then someone starts complaining that they're TOO ugly like which is it

Anonymous 286608


Which vocaloid are you? And who's your favorite vocaloid? I'm Luka but I love Miku.

Anonymous 286609

Lots of crying, therapy and time. And then more time. Until you reach the stage where remembering her is no longer painful, and you can accept that you both grew up and become people that were no longer compatible, that that's normal and nobody's fault, and you manage to find it in your heart to be happy for her whatever she is doing now but not feel the need to check up on her anymore.

Anonymous 286610

I ain't no doctor but sounds like allergies. From what I know, there are bed bugs that come out at night and cause allergies like that. So try washing your bed sheets and airing them, as well as airing your mattress with the window open and sunshine in to kill majority of the bugs.

Anonymous 286611

yi xi.png

dunno if this counts but i just think shes neat

Anonymous 286612

Well I can just tell you and you can decide for yourself. I will say though, any remote job that's easy to get is bound to have low pay. These are all under $20.


>Interviewer/Call center position
>you call people and try to survey them
>Equipment not provided, you need a computer/laptop/ phone, wired headphones and ethernet connection
>One way interview
I worked this job before, it's tiring but not the worst. Good enough to stick it out for a few months until you get a better job opportunity. One thing I particularly hated is that if you call someone and they refuse to take a survey, you HAVE to try to convince them to at least twice. Also the supervisors would often post schedules after shifts were supposed to start, although I don't think that was entirely their fault. Depending on the survey, you get a lot of nights where you're just calling with no one picking up so not to bad.

>Telus International

>Search rater position
>something like you look are search entries and rate how good the results are
>Equipment not provided, you need a computer/laptop and phone
>Pretty sure there's no interview, just a 3 part exam that's openbook


>Search rater and ad rater
>same as above but the ad rater I think is to rate the effectiveness of ads
>Pretty sure equipment is not provided
>Don't know what the interview process is

Anonymous 286613

How bad is it? And I really don't want to take up a job from reddit of all places
I was talking about "actual" work like stripping, I'm not that retarded to post anything lewd online

Anonymous 286614


If nona is anon spelled backwards, shouldn't the plural of nona be snona?

Anonymous 286615

I don't want to go crying to bed today. help. need music

Anonymous 286616

>thinks stripping is any better
you're definitely a moid kek

Anonymous 286617

They work pretty decently but not completely. The downside is that noise cancelling headphones give me this weird pressure feeling in my ears that gives me a headache

Anonymous 286618

Samefag but there are also a lot of sites where people post open remote positions. Workfromhomewithcici and ratracerebellion are the ones I can think of just from the top of my head.

Anonymous 286619

stupid dog, you made me look bad

Anonymous 286620

I'm devastated, my sister came for a surprise visit and we had a couple of beers and a bottle of wine earlier, now it's bed time and i like to scroll lolcor as im falling asleep drunk and genuinely almost got teary eyed just now… Tell me how to sleep when there is no milk

Anonymous 286621

this is the most cheerful music I could think of on the spot, hope you feel better soon nomie

Anonymous 286624

I never said it was any better, stop being a pompous asshole, I hope you have better options for money in life than I do
Thanks I'll look into these

Anonymous 286625

Put the join down my nona.

Anonymous 286627

Which has the potential to make you a worse person: mommy issues or daddy issues?

Anonymous 286628

Bjork is very good! I’d recommend her album Debut for getting into her. Broadcast is also very nice! Candy Claws is good; warning sometimes you can hear the male in the songs though. Jeanette, an old Spanish singer also has a lovely voice. Kate Bush is another classic choice, I like her album The Dreaming the best. Margo Guryan, another oldie, you probably know the “why do I cry” song! The Breeders are also stellar, they’re like Pixies without fatty Black Francis. There’s also Miss Lauryn Hill, if you’re into rnb and rap; her songs are generally quite “empowering” which I know can be a corny word, but I just mean her lyrics are not demeaning to women.

Anonymous 286629

ayrt, Longlegs

Anonymous 286631


I'm still a hetafag at heart but even then I find something about @zhongerweiyuan's art really appealing.

Anonymous 286632

If you’re into new wave you might also like Nina Hagen or perhaps Grace Jones! If you’re a little gothy perhaps you’ll like Strange Boutique, Siouxsie and the Banshees, or Concrete Blonde. There’s actually a lot of options for women musicians if you’re into that sort of stuff! Fiona Apple is also another classic that girls tend to unanimously love, When The Pawn is a good album! It’s kind of singer songwriter stuff with a jazzy flair. We can also mention PJ Harvey in that wheelhouses, adjacent we have Tori Amos ofc but personally I haven’t delved in to Miss Amos’s discography. If you like folky, you also cannot go wrong with Joni Mitchell, she writes beautiful songs, and if you like a country sound Linda Rondstat is another fine choice! Castle Rat is a fairly current doom metal band with a woman on vocals and guitar, she’s absolutely stellar and gorgeous. There is also Boris, which is not exactly a woman fronted band but their guitarist Wata is amazing and she sings on some tracks.

Anonymous 286633

Anonymous 286636

I use perchance, it's pretty simple and I can just let the bot do it's thing, I get overwhelmed when stuff gets spicy tho. I don't know why.

Anonymous 286637

I hope it’s not a DDoS attack. Bc sounds scary

Anonymous 286638

mommy issues really fuck people up but at least half the population has absent or shitty dads and i feel like its easier to cope with your dad not loving you than your mom so i would say mommy issues

Anonymous 286641

i hate women like this kek. super curious how her relationship with her bf ends up too tbh

Anonymous 286642

deserved, screw your stupid blingees and avatar/personalityfagging

Anonymous 286643

samefag, sorry i thought you said which one is worse to deal with not which one makes you a worse person. i think that women with mommy issues who havent dealt with their childhood trauma and turn into their mothers can be really shitty to deal with, but on the other hand men with daddy issues who are forever chasing the high of being loved by men and who blame their mothers and by extension all women for not being able to keep their dad happy are downright terrifying.
ohhhhh my god why is he beautiful

Anonymous 286644

man I hope the feds haven't seized my post history, that would be embarrassing

Anonymous 286647

It genuinely depends on the individual and if they have possess any capability of self-reflection and can identify where their insecurities and faults come from.
From people I have met throughout my life, I have noticed that daddy issues in women can either result in a penchant for shitty men or hatred of most men. With mommy issues I have noticed that women with these problems are way more likely to despise women and be complete pickmes, arguably more than the women with daddy issues who gravitate towards shitty moids. It's weird.

Anonymous 286649

Next date change prediction: September 12th

Anonymous 286650

9/11 would be better

Anonymous 286651


Can one of you nonas with manifestation powers please manifest the mouse in my room landing on one of the traps, it's been a whole fucking month thank you

Anonymous 286652


it is done

Anonymous 286653

Please please I want lc to be back for my birthday (6th). I don't trust the announcements anymore. I never get any presents and I don't care but this is the one thing I want.

Anonymous 286654

Anon get one of those plug-in things that only beep at mice-hearing level, those have been way more effective for my old mice problem compared to traps and concoctions

Anonymous 286655

dorothy g.jpg

is it fucked up im kind of grateful that lc has been down so long because it has fixed this scrolling symptom i developed and allowed me to appreciate anons more due to the bunker threads? um, le heckin comfy!

Anonymous 286656


when is my autismo board coming back i need to screech about a hideously inaccurate robespierre cosplay

Anonymous 286657

I'm too indecisive. Anons, pick what my next perfume(s) should be.
Option 1
>Kayali Vanilla 28
>Notes: Vanilla orchid, jasmine, brown sugar, tonka bean, amber, amberwood, musk, patchouli

Option 2
>Eilish 1
>notes: sugar, red berries, mandarin orange, vanilla cacao, spicy notes, rose, tonka bean, amber, musk, woody notes

Option 3
>Cinderella's Carriage & Vanilla Bean Noel
>Cinderella's carriage notes: coconut cream pie, marshmallow meringue, Sweet Pumpkin, Spiritueuse Double Vanilla
>Vanilla Bean Noel notes: Fresh vanilla bean, warm caramel and rich, comforting cream, Caramel, sugar, vanilla, tonka bean and white musk

Option 4
>Vanilla pumpkin marshmallow
>notes: exactly what the name is

Anonymous 286658


Get a cat.

Anonymous 286659

don't use that kind of language in front of Lillian Gish

Anonymous 286660


That was kekky. The fujochan mod started deleting all posts says anything bad about shotafags. An anon complained about it and her post got deleted too but I didn't think to cap it. Very classy.

Anonymous 286661

option 1 is great for layering! love it

Anonymous 286662


Need bad art thread…

Anonymous 286663

I have the elish one, smells good but it doesn't really smell like vanilla to me, of that's what you're looking for. It has some sweet, vanillish notes but its a deeper more musky scent. A deeper smell if that makes any sense.

Anonymous 286665

I hope they've seized my post history and are so enthralled by my writing they want to do sexy roleplay through e-mail. Please, feds. Please?

Anonymous 286666

it was unbecoming of me and i apologize

Anonymous 286667

digits of repentance

Anonymous 286668


welcome back, tak

Anonymous 286669

What's the exact term for those things? First time I'm hearing about it

Anonymous 286670

Im reading that "Everyone in hollywood is trans" thead on LSA and it went from funny that literally EVERY woman is a man and every man is a woman, to sad. Some of them genuinely take that shit into real life, "exposing" celebs as trans to thier family members then laughing or getting disappointed that they don't "See the truth". It's also a deeply misogynistic thread, "Women are supposed to be dainty!Sweet and Kind!Oh look this tall woman has big feet". That whole section is just very sad because you realize they believe it, some say they can't even watch tv shows without transinvesgaioning and I say this as someone who is 98% certain that "Drake" is a woman.

Anonymous 286671

ultrasonic pest repellent
the brand i use is "hoont", we plugged them in our sockets years ago and i havent seen a mouse since

Anonymous 286672

I have the elish one, smells good but it doesn't really smell like vanilla to me, of that's what you're looking for. It has some sweet, vanillish notes but its a deeper more musky scent. A deeper smell if that makes any sense.
I loved this game so much

Anonymous 286673

I have the elish one, smells good but it doesn't really smell like vanilla to me, of that's what you're looking for. It has some sweet, vanillish notes but its a deeper more musky scent. A deeper smell if that makes any sense.
I loved this game so much

Anonymous 286676

I love that thread and it isn’t misogynistic, most women don’t look like tall hulking Nephilim creatures and they’re basing their schizo analysis on the average woman. If a lot of Hollyweirds are secret faggots/pedos and tastes for very taboo fetishes, what’s stopping them from being secret transvestites? Absolutely nothing. Actually in many tinfoil communities it’s well known how intertwined the CIA and Hollywood is and it’s not out of question on how much mind programming they do to these people (and their children) which is why you keep seeing so many of these celebrities turning their kids into early transvestites, despite it appearing on the surface as clout-chasing by the celebrity, it’s clearly obvious they are told (and programmed) to perpetuate certain agendas.

Anonymous 286680

I'd say daddy issues because the violence a dad is capable of against his own children will always be worse than whatever a mom would do or say. It's also easier to escape a mom but not a dad.

Anonymous 286682

what's their explanation for the celebs who had their fully nude bodies exposed or did nude scenes where you can clearly tell their sex?

Anonymous 286686

>it's edited/CGI
I'm seriously, they will excuse celebs whose coochies have been shown as it just being fake. Theres women who have clearly given birth who they'll say aren't women because their wrists are to square and our wrists are supposed to be Dainty.

Anonymous 286687

I'm glad you said this anon, I'm looking for something a bit sweeter so scratching Eilish off of my list for now.
I've heard it smells like straight vanilla extract, definitely sounds promising

Anonymous 286688

Anyone hear ice spice is under fire for bullying her head liner?

Anonymous 286689

I was about to go make a midnight meal until I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. Weight gain creeps in on you quick

Anonymous 286690

Great, i just made a small typo in my email to my professor. He's dyslexic so he probably won't notice and his brain will autocorrect it. Hopefully…

Anonymous 286692

currently watching cleotrapa's 45 minute long exposé on her as we speak, kek

Anonymous 286694

I’m sure they don’t really mind typos, you would be surprised how much these teachers make typos in their emails because they’re all extremely old and don’t know how to work technology as well as their students.

Anonymous 286695

i genuinely don't get people who purposefully go on sites to read shit that gets them mad. go outside, make a garden, give to charity, etc. literally anything is better than seething about men/women on the internet and this goes for everyone

Anonymous 286697

Nta but she is too difficult to look at because you can smell her through the screen and I don't want to hear about animal abuse.

Anonymous 286698

Respectfully, not always. The idea that mothers can never be abusive/murderers is probably why my mom got away with her behavior until it was too late. And if your mom is trying to kill you/your sibling, the brain kind of breaks and shuts down even if you can still physically escape. Sometimes I wish it was my dad who was the physically abusive one because so many people can't fathom mothers acting like that and brush it off even if the scars are the same

Anonymous 286699


It depends on your perspective. From my experience, men and women with mommy issues have been terrible to me interpersonally, but are generally rather functional in life. Men and women with daddy issues are nicer to others, but usually are less functional.
Real life examples: My female friend with daddy issues is a great friend, but has a horribly chaotic dating life and severe depression. My male friends with daddy issues have addiction problems and self-isolate a lot. Meanwhile, mommy issues males are incredibly abusive and dark sided, even just in friendships. I’ve never dated one and feel bad for those who have. I have one female friend with mommy issues who is great, but her mom parentified her and wasn’t traditionally abusive or even “cold”, just childish and sort of a faildaughter type. I have never kept a friend with mommy issues besides her, as many are toxic pick-mes or similarly committed to tearing others around them down.

Anonymous 286702

I love this little ghost and the song, thanks n0nna!!

Anonymous 286704

obviously mommy issues affect you more how is this even a question

Anonymous 286705

Has anyone played the snufkin game?

Anonymous 286706

yeah its cute but i got bored pretty fast

Anonymous 286707

I want to, it looks cute and comfy

Anonymous 286708


Anonymous 286710

i have ironically been using slang mentally (like, bruh) or to talk to my close friend and now its seeping into my inner monologue so i have to kill myself

Anonymous 286715

mean green dancing machines

Anonymous 286716


can you faggots stop banning the actual women and start banning the scrotes? lolcow open back up PLEASE

Anonymous 286718


Anons are there any cheapie bodysprays/perfumes (preferably body spray because I want to hose myself in it) with a HEAVY, or MODERATE black licorice, star anise, fennel, aniseed, or tarragon note? I'm obsessed with the scent of licorice and I need to consoom but it feels like such a rare note to find in perfume and bodyspray???? HELP.

Anonymous 286719


The way she draws Alfred is so beautiful… literally in awe

Anonymous 286720

i want to cry but i just…can't, anyone else have this problem?
scrotes wish they could look this good

Anonymous 286725

Go to fragrantica, click "notes" and type in licorice or whatever note you're looking for. There's a lot of perfumes with licorice notes, I've heard Lolita Lempicka smells strongly of it although I haven't smelled it myself. Also these might be helpful

Anonymous 286730

God damn. I'm not even a hetaliafag but this made my heart skip a beat

Anonymous 286732

I miss my lc s, I miss the alt right trad wife thread. Soon I’ll be back. There’s been so much milk regarding the carnivore cows and holistic family cows.

Anonymous 286736

I always have a few threads I like to reread opened on my browser in case lc shuts down, I love being an autist. Miss the interactions though.
Oh my god the carnivore one has been my favorite lately, I wish the tradwife one didn't derail so much though.

Anonymous 286743

nigelfag scrotum-licking mods deleting farmers… sickening kek

Anonymous 286745

therapy is a lie turboautistic hypersensory daydreaming will solve all your problems and then you die

Anonymous 286747

Here’s the run down of the milk so far;
Carnivore Ashley English went to Austria and promotes more raw meat eating and refusal to cook meat.
Holistic family D’Angelo cows left California, might possibly be leaving America
Birdie wood came back to America, she’s having a baby boy.
Black trad wife keeps sperging about marriage and semen worship.

Anonymous 286748

finally a term for the thing that got me through highschool (not therapy the other thing)

Anonymous 286750

Samefag, but I just remembered the "cheapie" part of your post so if you're looking for affordable I recommend Demeter. They have a fragrance that is literally just called "licorice". People say Demeter's is a more salty licorice than sweet though, but just read the reviews and use your discernment. If all else fails, try looking for indie perfumes and body sprays on etsy. There's lots of affordable licorice body sprays and perfumes on there. Sugarmamafragrances (pretty popular & reputable indie seller) sells one that's $30 for a 1.7 oz perfume and a body mist that's ~$15 for 4 oz. Hope this helps.

Anonymous 286751


I think I'm actually about to go batshit crazy. Every single fucking space on the internet censors women's speech, let me be a rude cunt for once!!!! There's literally a bunch of scrotes talking about raping women and laughing about women getting raped and killed but if I want to be an asshole that's on the same level of their internet offenses? GET FUCKING REAL YOU RETARDED MODS I HATE THIS NEW MODERNIZED INTERNET CENSORSHIP IT AFFECTS WOMEN THE MOST

Anonymous 286753

Nonas I got a suction cup massager for cellulite today and I immediately broke it I'm crying

Anonymous 286754

I was going to post about some milk I've sourced for you starving s until I saw that farming is getting banned here. Alas, I will have to tease you fanny farmers with the promise that I bring forth some milk once lc is back up. I refuse to post on kf but it's related to some of what's being said over there.

Anonymous 286756

made friends with some of my neighbors after a pulled fire alarm evacuated us from our buildings. this is the first time i've felt so comfortable socializing! i'm gonna make it, nonas!!!

Anonymous 286757

i think it's actually called maladaptive daydreaming but yeah it's awesome. wish i could be a NEET and live in fantasy land 24/7.

Anonymous 286759

im a doctor (intern) and i said bruh to my attending on accident

Anonymous 286762

What kinda doctor are you fixing to be?

Anonymous 286763

i'm sorry to hear that, can you somehow return it?

Anonymous 286764

if someone asks you how old you are before telling you their age, do they think you're younger than they are?

Anonymous 286765

i dont know, i thought i liked infectious disease but the fellows where im at rn hate their lives

Anonymous 286766

Lie and say it came damaged

Anonymous 286768

I'm a witch that is actually 1250 years old so yes

Anonymous 286775


i'm an autist trying to make sense of a social situation and you joke in my face? i need my lolcor back, i need my stupid questions thread

Anonymous 286776

I buy aliexpress t-shirts of obscure bands or more rare prints. The print has always been good until today. My shirt came in and it was a crinkly heat transfer. The resolution of the print was so bad, and it took up most of the shirt. Luckily the other one I bought was silkscreen and fit nicely.

Anonymous 286779

It's not a joke?

Anonymous 286780

the polyamorous thread really got me hooked, literally a day before lolcor went down. I'm sure it's a personal punishment god has inflicted on me

Anonymous 286781

Same. Ice sounds like she wanted to sabotage Cleo.

Anonymous 286789

Or perhaps older; it might have nothing to do with behaviour or looks. I would interpret the intentions of the question depending on the circumstances it was asked.

Anonymous 286791

where do you guys usually buy your clothes

Anonymous 287021

europeans share your favorite online stores please

Anonymous 287051

the bargain rack at hot topic

Anonymous 287116

asos because they have lots of brands and if the quality is shit then i can always send it back.

Anonymous 287131

Second hand stores around my country, upcycled except for intimates. For intimates bras and underwear I usually get them from local fast fashion chains. I've wanted a shock absorber or panache decent quality sports bra for some time but I've been burned in the past on trash so I go with the brandy Melville generic fitness line equivalent in my country.

Anonymous 287150

Usually Chanel or Versace, Gucci if I'm on a tight budget.

Anonymous 287187

Mostly target, usually their wild fable line, they’ve also been getting a lot of good licensed stuff

Anonymous 287207

Quince and pact, organic basics and mate the label.

Anonymous 287213

Gucci?? My condolences.

Anonymous 287379

depop, mercari, poshmark, local thrift stores!

Anonymous 287429

jumperfabriken,emmydesign,topvintage,revintaria and ebay

Anonymous 288221

Sellpy, BeyondRetro, tise, eBay

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