
Lolcow Bunker Thread #25 Anonymous 286819
Our great return has been pushed back to Thursday, 5th of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates. For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".
Previous bunkers:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:
>>>/b/276304Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
Anonymous 286821
>>286819Lolcor please return to me I need to distract myself from my disaster of a social life and lack of female friends.
Anonymous 286822

So much bait stinking up farmcow in the last few months that the bunkers have been more fun than the actual site. The only problem is there must be max 20 anons posting and it's making me shy.
Anonymous 286823
half nord half arg…

I don't like lolcor lately and I don't like this place either
Anonymous 286824
>>286823well what DO you like
and you can't say reviewbrah Anonymous 286828

>>286819remember remember the 5th of september
Anonymous 286831

I'm going to watch this anime I remember watching when I was a teen. I don't remember much about this anime, I just know it made me want to play this old ass kind if Sims-like game in which you had to help a bunch of like castaways in an island.
Anonymous 286832

>>286828Still can't remember
What happened in september
Back when everypony died
Trails of blood during my stride
I just discovered that
The ponies were defeated
By something really strong
It seemed very weird and wrong
It just doesn't belong
Like it came out of this world.
Anonymous 286833
I’m packing for a two week work trip, please list things I may be forgetting!!! I like traveling but packing is so hard for me
Anonymous 286834

thank you sorry for being a lazy retard
side note who’s ready for dennis quaid?
Anonymous 286837
>>286833Face lotion. I always forget my damn face lotion.
Anonymous 286838

>>286833do not pack
ignore all instinct to pack
procrastinate packing
pee in your suitcase and leave it in the carousel
Anonymous 286839

>>286831virtual villagers anon? i kept thinking about that today
Anonymous 286840
>>286822i feel like there’s more than that considering how fast the thread moves during our busier hours, especially with how long the flood protector is
>>286835you know what? i’m happy with that
Anonymous 286841
>>286840How much samefagging do you think I could get away with if I change my posting style? Asking for a friend.
Anonymous 286842
too autistic to integrate so mostly lurk am afraid of being banned for not knowing the rules and language (like i dont know if im supposed to put sage here on cc) but its been distressing to deal with the farm outage especially as free jeopardy! w alex trebek on pluto tv was just taken from me august 1st unexpectedly too. id be lost without this bunker thank you sincerely s
Anonymous 286843
multiple pairs of underwear and socks
>Flood detected: Post discarded. Please try again in 30 seconds.shut the fuck Up
Anonymous 286844
Why do pop scientists never have a degree beyond masters? I used to love Billy Nye when I was a kid but he only has a bachelor's. Also, why do we (educational institutions) even trust Hank Green? I thought he was some nepo brother because of John Green. He has a masters? Surprising. He speaks as if he's compensating for a lack of knowledge.
Anonymous 286845
>>286833>skincare>makeup>shower products>hair products or tools>misc. hygiene like toothpaste deodorant lotion>electronics and chargers>vitamins or medicine>things to keep you busy in the evening at the hotel such as a book or crochet kit or whatever it is you do!>clothing of course such as panties socks exercise outfits pajamas work outfitshair ties, headphones, maybe a personal blanket or pillow, slippers
i think i am out of things you may forget
Anonymous 286846
>>286839I made lots of people have sex and babies and then die of starvation in this game back in 2007
Anonymous 286848
>>286845>>skincare>>makeupthose two contradict
Anonymous 286849
>>286844I don't think this is a huge problem because pop science benefits more from breath of understanding than depth of understanding and what a phd gets you is depth. like science journalism, you need to have enough of the fundamentals down enough to be able to not be completely lost when presented with a research topic that you need to (research further to educate the public on/cover in a news article format), but you aren't necessarily better served by knowing one particular topic inside and out.
Anonymous 286851
>>286841would that even be fun, though? you’d just be talking in the mirror atp
Anonymous 286854
Anon that just tried to join with username ending in 01, please try again! There was an issue when you tried to connect just now, it is resolved and you are whitelisted on the server again! Sorry about that!
Anonymous 286855
I drew for the first time in a very long time today. I didn’t make anything I like but I’m glad I did it.
Anonymous 286857
I've been thinking a lot recently about how I remember playing some multiplayer (?) rpg game a long time ago but couldn't remember the name or many details about it. I wonder if this is it…
Anonymous 286859
>>286851I need to scream into the void…
Anonymous 286860
Being a hoe isn't that undesireable. It's not good but some people don't care or even find it attractive.
Anonymous 286861
>>286833passport if going out of the country
Anonymous 286863
>>286833Don't forget your hair, nona! Scrunchies, rubber bands, brush, hair clips. I always forget and if the climate is hot you will regret it.
Anonymous 286870
bridge to cowtown.…

Minecraft nonas!
The whitelist is now ON for the night! If you were playing on the server for more than 1 hour, you will be whitelisted to join overnight! I will be turning off the whitelist again tomorrow around noon EST! If you haven't joined but you'd like to, tomorrow feel free to drop by! Thank you to all the new players that turned out today! We now have over 35 farmers on the server!
The player that tried to join just now but couldn't because whitelist, please try again as it was an oversight and when I noticed I fixed it! Your username ends with 1 and beings with r for reference! I'm very sorry I missed you when adding players to whitelist! If you catch me in-game I will have a present for you to make up for it!
Picrel is a photo of Cowtown East! More farmers settled the isle today, and real estate is in short supply now! We're still finishing up the roads, but it's looking fantastic so far! We've also got brave cowlonists across the sea working at industrializing the outports we've established. Railways have begun to be constructed in various territories, our mining facility in Shroom State is being developed to harvest more coal for our nation's furnaces, the tree farms are completed on our lumber outport by skilled engineers, and brave explorers have reached the southern continent and begun reconnaissance in a bid to set up another new cowlony.
I'd like to thank every nona for playing! It's been a blast so far! Again, if you were playing for more than an hour, you should be whitelisted on the server! If you haven't been, I sincerely apologize! I may have overlooked a username or two during my whitelist configuration, if that's the case, let me know and reply to this post with JUST the last character of your IGN and I will promptly add you tomorrow! If any other players have a question, please reply to this post and I'll try to answer it ASAP! Thanks!
Anonymous 286872
my joint tastes like a taco bell quesadilla
Anonymous 286875

I keep reflexively scrolling down to click on /m/ but it's not there it's not fucking there
Anonymous 286876
s, I feel I have grown as a person. Instead of doxxing a guy on Instagram for making a retarded misogynistic comment, I chose to just give him a rape threat instead. I've been trying to stop myself from doxxing men online as I don't want to go to jail. So this is a huge growth for me. Also, the guy was Swiss so I couldn't figure out how to go about it but that's besides the point. I've grown.
Anonymous 286877
I spent probably 6 hours reading and writing just for one assignment. I actually liked putting in all that effort, this is a new exciting feeling… college is looking bright nonas…
Anonymous 286880
>>286877heh… while your doing yuor lame homework i spent 6 hours writing fan fiction. get on my level kid.
Anonymous 286881
>>286147I have an unhealthy amount of screenshots (mostly of the gender ideology/TIF threads) saved, so not everything would be lost…
Anonymous 286882
Anonymous 286884
>>286882Is your's the username that begins with a ends with d? Anonymous 286885
nonas i can’t do this, i hate reading kiwifarms to sleep. i miss lolcor, i miss the mtf thread, i miss the momo thread, i miss the poly thread i'm gonna SCREAM
Anonymous 286888
>>286884HI WAIT it should either end with a n or h and some numbers
Anonymous 286889

>>286885>momo threadthis is now a momo thread
Anonymous 286890
>>286870pls can you whitelist me ? or when will the server open tomorrow
my username is tablekitten
Anonymous 286891
>>286888Try joining now and see if it works?
Anonymous 286893
>>286884wait yes that's me it has 2 of the same letter before the d
Anonymous 286895
i woke up to baby spiders in my bathroom, just dotted around.. no idea where they came from. I had to take apart the air vent because I was worried they were coming from that. the drains, wiped a bunch of the corners in the room and around the window with a rag with some spider killer on it. So far haven't seen anymore, but wtf
Anonymous 286896
>>286889really hate how this jumpscared me
Anonymous 286897

greetings from cowtown! a made this adorable pixel art of elsie. not craftmin anon but playing with you all has been so fun so far!
Anonymous 286898
>>286890The server whitelist will be turned off tomorrow around 12PM EST and will be off until around 12AM EST or 1AM EST. Once you've been on the server for an hour or two, you will be whitelisted. When the server is open and whitelist is off, I will be online to moderate and make sure everything runs smoothly. When whitelist is turned on, it is because I can't be at the server.
You have been whitelisted, please try to join ASAP and see if it works.>>286893Try to log in one more time.
Anonymous 286899
>>286898sorry just noticed i don't have the IP
Anonymous 286901
Screenshot 2024-09…

Does anyone remember that website that described images with some interesting keywords? It was like this but I can't find the site.
Anonymous 286902
I just came back from my date. I think I’m going to have to stay single for the rest of my life hahahaha. I am not built for this kind of existence.
Anonymous 286904
>>286902brave of you nona, glad you got home safe
Anonymous 286905
>>2869022d is better, forever and always
Anonymous 286906
I just woke up from a thunder that sounded like an explosion holy shit
Anonymous 286908
>>286906ты что в полтавщини ? в львивщини ?
Anonymous 286910

I feel blessed about being one of the very few people who can pull off micro/baby bangs without looking crazy or disproportionate. But at what cost? (my forehead is massive and my recessive hairline is nightmarish)
Anonymous 286911
>>286906I wake myself up a lot like that after having beans
Anonymous 286912
>>286904>>286905These types of outings confirm that the wizard path is the right one for me!
Anonymous 286914

Let's get retarded high
Let's get retarded in here
Anonymous 286915

no context lolcor minecraft server report
Anonymous 286917

>>286915KEK these are the twin cowers i was talking about i wasnt lying!! they're real
Anonymous 286918
>use image keyword generator
>picture of me gets labelled "young person"
>picture of me with long hair gets labelled "young woman"
>test another gnc woman
>"young person"
Anonymous 286919

What did you eat today nonas?
I had sesame chick peas on rice with some edamame and roasted broccoli on the side for dinner.
Anonymous 286920

I was trying to be about the bush life, but this shit just sucks plain and simple. It hurts, it's inconvenient and it traps smells and body juices (which is what pubic hair is MEANT to do but we're not cavewomen anymore so it's just nasty and I'm already infection prone so it's very awful). I'm getting a trimmer. I think everyone who promotes bushes must be people with little bushes that don't grow thick, luscious hair.
Anonymous 286921

leaked footage of admin updating lolcor maintenance times
Anonymous 286923
>>286897KEKKKKK this is fantastic minecraft anons
Anonymous 286924
>>286919i baked chicken and also shiitake mushroom stuffed with garlic herb cheese and side of a salad. it tasted real good
Anonymous 286925

>>286915I just had a greater idea
>that post already exists in this thread
>>286920My bush doesn't stink and I have fairly long pubes
Anonymous 286929
>>286928I guess it "can" would be more accurate.
Anonymous 286930
>>286919I ordered a bento box from a sushi place and it was so good
Anonymous 286931
>>286920its true, anyone who says their bush isn't annoying is a bushlet or clitlet with a small clitoral
Anonymous 286932
>>286920My bush isn’t massive but it gets annoying to a certain lenght. Without it’s an easier life for me also during my period for cleaning easier.
Anonymous 286933
please cease this bush talk only because theres no female fantasy thread and the descriptions are making my knees weak and unspeakables quiver
Anonymous 286934
is the data on similarweb legit? it reports visitors on crystal cafe are 72% male and lolcow is 34% male. those are fairly big percentages.
Anonymous 286935

MY sleep mask is extra large and voluminous, while yours is small and wrinkly
Anonymous 286936
>>286933There's a /g/ bunker. None of this conversation is really sexy though anon
>>286934Sounds like BS. Obviously there are male users on both sites, but they're anonymous sites so how would they even know the exact amount?
Anonymous 286938
>>286934How anon did you tell anyone your gender here before posting? It’s bullshit obviously
Anonymous 286939

>>286936idk…. from what i saw it seems to be husbando posters mostly in the thread and id hate to interrupt the conversation with bush fantasies lol. and to add, with all fetishes, they are enticing and erotic in the heat of the moment, but are absolutely impractical and inconvenient in the day to day life. gigantum bush included.
Anonymous 286942
>>286939>idk…. from what i saw it seems to be husbando posters mostly in the threadHusbandoposter here, that thread is for all /g/ topics. We don't mind nonas who talk about pregnancy or being lesbian, or any other /g/ things.
Anonymous 286943
>>286819>>286839holy shit was this an ios game or ds game? i used to fw this so hard
Anonymous 286948
Patrick Star react…

Anons, let's all pray that after I send in my macbook for repair, I'll be one of those lucky people that get sent back and entirely new macbook for free because the damages were just so extreme that they didn't want to fix it.
Anonymous 286952

what’s your plan if LC never comes back?
Anonymous 286953
R (12).jpg

learning how to drive and it feels good especially when you live in a thirdie shithole and make all the moids seeth at you
Anonymous 286954
I wanna drink a coffee banana smoothie so bad but im on my period and coffee makes my cramps unbearable
Anonymous 286955
>>286952Spend years training in physical combat in the remote regions of Siberia and formulating a plan to enact vengeance for Lolcow by taking revenge against the tyrannical Cerbmin.
Anonymous 286958
>>286952I guess CC will be my new home
Anonymous 286959
How do you get rid of annoying autists without calling them out or needlessly threatening them? There's a guy who won't stop crying a character I like can potentially become winner of an online tournament and keeps astroturfing support so the hosts kick him out. It's so annoying, I want him to stop already.
Anonymous 286962
>>286957The milk we're missing out on from discord sleuth anon is tragic. Tranny Frannys thread just started picking up. Rip, taken from us too young.
Anonymous 286964
>>286897this makes me want to get minecraft, I've actually never played it before
Anonymous 286965
why is it still fucking down
Anonymous 286966
>>286961dont do this unless you have a high pain tolerance
Anonymous 286967
>>286965Because it’s only Wednesday at least where i am kek
>>286958I think i might stay here too it’s cozy
Anonymous 286968
>>286844I've been getting this deprecated old moid in my recommended for a couple of days now. This video may entertain you to hear a example of a pseudo-science popsci performer while lolcur is down. This guy doesn't even have a STEM degree at all so we may be more qualified than him. He has a marketing degree or something shit on his Linkedin kek.
Anonymous 286969
I think I might have caught some type of stomach virus, pray for me nonas
Anonymous 286972
>>286958>>286952Fuck around CC until I get bored and forget about the cows. Maybe actually socialize with my online friends, I don't get why it's so hard for me to text them.
Anonymous 286974
i'm just gonna assume tranny ddos attack or something. stay safe admin.
Anonymous 286977
>>286870can I be added to the whitelist ? my username is dislikedbee18
Anonymous 286980

I love cupcakes. I’m eating them daily. I need to make them on my own.
Anonymous 286985
wish i was at home playing minecraft right now
Anonymous 286989
>>286957>>286962I went through her leaked discord logs and collected a bunch of screencaps to post, we need the thread back now. They're not too milky but they give insight into the mind of tranny fanny, and there's a lot of clues that she's a farmer kek. If "Eden" wasn't enough of a clue at one point she brings up playing DoL (and boyfriend to death) which has been extra popular these last few months on /m/.
Anonymous 286990
Idk what is going on but I'm trying to insert medicine into my vag and I can't get the fucking applicator in. It hurts so bad.
Anonymous 286993
>>286981real, when LC wasn't working and i didnt know why, i started freaking out thinking about what if it never comes back, so in a panic i tried looking up a bunch of LC specfic chans and memes on twitter trying to find farmers in hiding
Anonymous 286994
Tifs are just sad tbh
Ellen Page is probably the best representation of them
Anonymous 286999
>>286993I tried to look on different media too like YouTube or Facebook kek eventually I saw somebody on reddit who said it’s supposed to come back 2nd sep (question was deleted pretty soon after i saw that) and then i was super desperate and looked for alternate imageboards so i found cc through 4chan
Anonymous 287000

Confession: Today i had a class for my minor, and me and my group were making a outfit for the specific topic in class, and this girl was trying to explain her idea to me by draping some fabric onto me and pinning it in places, and even though it wasnt like she was full on groping me, she was just trying to make this sleeve drape right, her touching me with the tips of her fingers felt so good, i even asked her to reiterate just to feel it again.
Anonymous 287003
I'm getting stockholm syndrome and I'm starting to like it here more than the farms. I don't miss the banhappy farmhands one bit, no siree
Anonymous 287007

Did you n0nnas know that the Talmud forbids widows to keep dogs under the suspicion that they'll have sex with them?
Israelites were also advised not to buy male cattle from female goyim because they were concerned that said women had "used them immorally".
Men have been fantasizing about women cucking them with animals for a long time.
Anonymous 287009
>>287007Don’t you think dogs is a metaphor for maybe non jeweish men?
Anonymous 287011
>>287007Men have been projecting their own degeneracy onto us for the entirety of human history.
Anonymous 287013

I am officially alone in a completely new country and I’m kinda stressed
Anonymous 287014
>>287009No, as that "rule" is commonly cited in lists of pet ownership customs in the Talmud.
Anonymous 287015
>>286980I'm more of a muffin fan myself, I'm pretty damn good at baking them.
Anonymous 287018

If tumblr shows me this pregnant furry ad another time I will kill myself
Anonymous 287023
>>287007kek. Literally the same mentality as modern incels. Moids are the same no matter the race, culture or era.
Anonymous 287024
I keep typing in the url for lolcor because I forget that it’s down.
Anonymous 287033
>>287018Just download uBlock and never see an ad on tumblr ever again.
Anonymous 287036
Which youtuber do you wish would have a downfall?
Personally, Kurtis Conner is my no.1 pick
Anonymous 287037

ive been dieting for two months but starting a few days ago i got ravenously hungry and have been on a 4 day long binge now
Anonymous 287039
>>287033I assume that doesn't work for the app?
Anonymous 287040
>>287039You can use a browser to access tumblr on your phone.
>download a decent browser such as Brave or Vivaldi>install uBlock>browse tumblr through browser>never see an ad again>also works for youtube and any other website that has forced ads in it's app Anonymous 287042

Me waiting till were at the ikea so I can pick out new bedsheets and stuff my face
Anonymous 287043
>>287037Normal. That's what happens when you restrict for a while. If you really want to lose weight the best thing to do is to is building muscle/weightlifting.
Anonymous 287044
I can't help pacifying you cuz reading this made me mad
Anonymous 287045

i saw some very little girl’s account on tiktok and her puppy had parvo and she couldn’t do anything about it. There’s so many videos about her puppy, she was excited about it in the first few videos and playing with it. Then the puppy started shivering and cuddling up with her and she got worried nd started asking people what was wrong, after that she has a video of her finding the puppy’s corpse and shaking it. I started crying after seeing that because what the fuck. She has people in her DMs now attacking her too, but she’s obviously under the age of 10 though. this is so fucked up, i’m crying
Anonymous 287046
>>287043I already tried building muscle years ago, i just got turkey leg arms with overgrown triceps and an extra 70 calories to my tdee + weird looks in public, weird moids calling me a muscle mommy, and being unable to fit in clothes. im convinced a lot of the women that shill this are either tall or don't actually lift and just do yoga or some shit
Anonymous 287047
i keep getting reminded that the tcc exists everytime i open up tumblr.
Anonymous 287052

>>286439Sorry for the autism. This took way too long. I'm not a fan of resourcepacks that change the vibe of the game too much like Cocricot, Mizuno, Jolycraft and Miniaturia. Also not Minecraft admin nona, just someone in the server.
Anonymous 287053
>>287046nta but I’m into building muscle, maybe it’s because i’m a lesbian, i’m more masculine, but I don’t really care about looking bigger. Moids are gonna say weird shit no matter what, although I’ve never really had that stuff said to me. I don’t mind it if you don’t like the stuff that comes from lifting but the last part is just wrong. Most women who shill it like to look more muscular or like the health benefits that come from building muscle, they don’t shill it because they don’t know what it’s like to be muscular and just shit stuff out of their ass. Kind of tired of this stigma and shunning around muscular women that it’s just a “curse” to look like that although it takes a lot of dedication, if it’s not for you then it’s not for you. that’s that.
>>287037This used to help me when i had a major issue with binging and I would just plan bigger meals that were above the range of what i usually ate. then after that, throughout the week i would just cut the meal size down until i was back to normal. Helped me alot
Anonymous 287055
>>287034I moved but my mom was out here the first week to help me. It’s surreal since this will be the first real time I’ve ever lived in my own and it’s across an entire ocean.
Anonymous 287056
my job hired a new person who's a mtf "lesbian" with a wife. he looks 1000% like a man with a-cups. I'm gonna fuck up and call "her" he/him, I just know it. The thing he's done the most work on is his hair but I'm sorry having long shiny hair does not make you a woman. the way everyone is using female pronouns so casually is making me feel crazy. I'm gonna have to gaslight myself and pretend she/her has no real meaning
Anonymous 287057

Fucked up in the bunker sippin' Dr. Perky
Fucked up in the bunker eatin' Okidokis
Fucked up in the bunker sippin' Dr. Bob
Fucked up in the bunker eatin' Kat Kots
Fucked up in the bunker playin' WiWi
Fucked up in the bunker eatin' Creme Betweens
Fucked up in the bunker and I'm playin' UM
Fucked up in the bunker goin', goin' dumb
Anonymous 287059
got bloodwork done and my bad cholesterol level is so damn high. now i'm pretty certain that i eat healthier than the average world population like i try my best to avoid processed food, i exercise frequently, and my bmi is always hovering between 18 to 19.
i'm starting to think that this is a karmic punishment for always making fun of fat people on the internet and irl. i was told that my condition is most likely hereditary and to do another test again next year and if it's still high i will be put on medication.
Anonymous 287062
a farmer killed my dog and sold me fent yesterday what do i do
Anonymous 287063
>>287056i'm so glad this insanity is not common in my country. if i ever came across something like that i'd probably have to quit my job. sorry nona
Anonymous 287064
>>287063quitting your job over an ugly tranny? weak
Anonymous 287067
>>287063they hired him into a position that has turned over three times in a month so he probably won't last either. I've just never been in this particular situation where everyone is being so delusional about it. I've never had a professional relationship with a tranny, only like casual conversations in bars with them and that was a lot more open and honest because everyone was drunk and they were not asking me to use female pronouns they just talked about their dysphoria and the medical process they're going through to transition and I'd be like "damn that sounds like a lot" over beers, end of story. this is like a corporate environment and everyone is just fully pretending not to see, it's jarring.
Anonymous 287068
high quality olive oil really just hits different
Anonymous 287069
>>287068I wish I could grow olives, winter is too harsh for them still in here, but maybe in 10 years if the climate continues to get warmer, i can plat them and my grandkids can have the olives lol
Anonymous 287070
>>287064it's kinda tragic because if you just look at his face or saw him from behind he's conventionally attractive. the hormone boobs are uncanny on his body, doesn't fit his frame at all. when he mentioned he has a wife I immediately wondered what she thought and if she married him before or after he took hormones.
Anonymous 287071
My wife usually replies within 30 minutes when I text her but it's been over 3 hours. I'm getting worried, my anxiety is telling me something happened to her. Why am I like this, kek.
Anonymous 287074
>>287056I bet a good bunch you work with is also afraid for the (social) repercussions if they're honest about how they feel about pretending a man is a woman.
Anonymous 287075
>>287069Olive trees produce olives within 5 years!
My family planted a plum tree two or three years ago, this years we had so many plums we had to give them away. I recommend planting a plum tree if you have space lol
Anonymous 287076
>>287059Hypercholesterolemia is entirely genetic, sorry nona.
Anonymous 287077
>>287052this is beautiful, are you kidding me? i don't have minecraft yet and probably won't be able to join the server before lc is back, but i'm saving this for when i get it! thank you for all the info!
Anonymous 287078
s I actually got a phonecall from a job I applied and I'll go to the interview on Saturday. Mostly because I also work for the family business and I don't want to cause any disruptions IN CASE I'd get hired right away. I've only had this job my whole life but my father mixes family stuff and work and it's overwhelming plus I pretty much don't have a set place here. I'd like to try something else even if I fail to give myself a chance for change and new experience. IF I take this job(or any job) it will make my father furious but I can't stunt my personal growth for a person who treats me like shit and takes me for granted. I hope things go well and work conditions are decent. It's a walking distance from my house which makes it more or less perfect if other conditions are met. I hope for the best.
Anonymous 287080
>>287075Oh I thought they need to be older.
Plums grow here all around luckily, I don't need to plant those they are around roads and nobody eats them so I have a lot of dried plums right now.
Anonymous 287081
I moved into a house with fig, grape, and apple trees
pretty cool
Anonymous 287082
>>287081grape trees sound like a dream to have… enjoy your new place nona!
Anonymous 287083
Depop resellers trying to sell something that was $30 for $380 need to be taken out back and shot. Like, this needs to lead to harassment campaigns and people calling you a broke scamming cunt who thought everyone else was as stupid as themselves. Imagine being so shit with money that you'd even degrade an entire hobby or fashion subculture for more money you're just going to waste on bullshit anyway. It's more pathetic than being an unemployed NEET, because at least then only your parents and/or the state are carrying the burden. We need more social shaming and reputational destruction purely on the basis of scalping, I don't care.
Anonymous 287087
>>287064it would either be them firing me because i'd refuse to refer to him as a woman, likely leading to him or retarded colleagues reporting me to hr, or me quitting. if valuing my peace makes me weak, so be it.
Anonymous 287088
>>287052Your infochart is so nice, thanks. I just downloaded most of these mods since I still live in the optifine days and I don't know what's around. I won't ditch my resource packs no matter how unvanilla they are though kek
Anonymous 287096
>>287083for sure anon, jfash has been ruined for me because of this, good thing i developed my wardrobe early. the gaslighting anon replying to you makes their income by reselling lulz get a real job faggot
Anonymous 287109
Minecraft has changed so much since the last time I played, I don’t recognize it. Like what the fuck is a sniffer?
Anonymous 287111
Went outside, only collected one tick that I know of so far. Why do ticks take all day to bite me?
Anonymous 287112

I find super weird that when i see people fight on the internet, like lolcow or groupchats i'm in, it's alwasy simultaneously. Like the earth concsciousness has a fighting mood at this hour and some people sence that and fight. There are peaceful days when not as many people fight, and days when everybody fights.
Anonymous 287114
>>287052crying groveling and praying at the altar of your autism thank you so much
Anonymous 287119
Has anyone read Audrey Hale's manifesto yet. Im lazy and need a tldr
Anonymous 287122
>>287056only refer him by his name dont use any pronouns
Anonymous 287125
god damn it I need the career thread on /ot/ I'm fucking struggling
I'm a manager and my scrote boss is undermining me severely and I don't know how to handle it because I've just never been in this situation before. I've always been in strict work environments where if anything I was the nice one and my bosses were asking for me to be more strict! My current boss is a type of boss I've never experienced. He is everybody's friend and extremely permissive. He doesn't hold anyone accountable for anything. He was in charge before I came on, and the last woman quit abruptly from what I was told (first red flag). I found out by being a snoop that he is undermining me; my employee left her email open at a shared workstation and the top email was a reply from him saying I was wrong to ask her to do [her job] and he would talk to me. What the fuck? I actually really like this employee she's amazing but she did not like a change to her routine I implemented – which I understand but it was a needed improvement which (by her own words now, weeks later, is easy and making the job better which was my goal). He's done it twice more now with undermining me even though I'm not a tyrant and I'm not asking anything outside basic job requirements. I'm not writing anyone up or asking them to jump when I say jump, I'm asking for extremely basic things like be on time, smile at the customers and be friendly, accurately charge them for the product (don't severely over/under charge them like you've been doing!!!), communicate with coworkers and me please. But when the employee goes to him he takes their side unequivocally and says things like "don't stress" I'll deal with her" I'll fight that fight for you" "she's wrong to ask that that's too hard i totally agree" like he's fighting a battle with a me and protecting them. Meanwhile he doesn't say shit to me. He's not protecting them at all. He's just bluffing to make them like him and completely undermining everything I'm trying to do and making it confusing for them because they get completely different reactions from their managers. what the fuckkkk
Anonymous 287126
>>287052Thank you for the responses!
Kek I meant to write "Fabric is better for vanilla/+". Forge tends to be bloated but has the benefits of being the older mod loader with lots of complex mods like Create. But the lolcow server is practically vanilla so you don't need forge unless there's a client-side mod only on forge you
really need. There's more mods I love but hasn't updated for this current Minecraft version yet so that's unfortunate. Happy gaming, nonettes!
Anonymous 287128

I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my lolcow I need my female autism outlet I need it I need to be retarded and cringe I am asking the universe to please bring it back this is my one source of contact to the outside world do not take this from me, if I have no farm then I have nothing. Fagmin I will find you. Look out.
Anonymous 287130
>>287129 stole two cheeses I'm not paying recession prices for cheese no more!!!!
Anonymous 287134
I'm so bored I'm checking the threads on LSA about food and restaurants. It's pretty interesting, some of the users are convincing me to eat out less often by describing some of the nasty things they've seen in restaurants or from cooks.
Anonymous 287136
>>287125>I'm not a tyrant and I'm not asking anything outside basic job requirements. I'm not writing anyone up or asking them to jump when I say jump, I'm asking for extremely basic things like be on time, smile at the customers and be friendly, accurately charge them for the product (don't severely over/under charge them like you've been doing!!!), communicate with coworkers and me please.I wanted to say as a fellow manager that I am experiencing the same general attitudes. Not that my scrote director undermines me per se, but how I've noticed that me asking employees for the BASIC MINIMUMS of anything makes me literal hitler and I am also not one to write up/make threats or ultimatums/dish out attitude/embarass them in front of anyone. It's fucking sexism coupled with antiwork that's pervaded every facet of society now where people feel no obligation to their duties at the jobs they signed up for anymore. Guaranteed no one would be giving you a quarter of this much shit if you were a male manager–male managers in my company get away with murder meanwhile my director says I need to exceed expdctations to be the good example. It's a sick joke.
Anonymous 287137
>>287129>>287130Yesterday at the self-checkout in the grocery store I had 2 packs of meat but held them together and scanned them as one
Anonymous 287139
>>287129i was slightly bitchy here and got banned (posting to see if unbanned)
Anonymous 287140
>>287129I steal things sometimes from big corp stores
Anonymous 287143
>>287140every time I go to the big supermarket near me I steal at least a can of pepsi max so i can decompress from the harrowing shopping experience afterwards
Anonymous 287144
>>287003I'm enjoying being able to shitpost and fun being allowed
Anonymous 287145
>>287140I scan the white peaches as yellow peaches because they're cheaper…
Anonymous 287146

Clowned a 4chan tripfag who was being a piece of shit to the point where he dropped his trip to pretend to be different anons kek
Why are 4channers so aggro but the second you return their spicy they have gigantic meltdowns?
Anonymous 287147
>>287146tripfags still exist? that's so 2011
Anonymous 287149
Anyone knows theres a biowoman thread on r9k? It always updates like crazy, and out of all boards they chose r9k. Just wondering if those people are real or larping
Anonymous 287151
>>287149Some real, most definitely larping.
Anonymous 287153
>>287149I went onto r9k again about a month ago and saw the general. I lurked and posted in a few of them but I only go onto r9k to people watch so I got bored pretty fast.
Anonymous 287154
>>287147Worse there are tripless namefags.
Anonymous 287155
>they/them got she/her’d for the first few days of class because the professor is a normie that didn’t ask anyone’s pronouns when we were being introduced
It’s a public speaking class too, kek.
Anonymous 287156
stop going on r9k there is no reason for anyone to go on there except degenerate trannies to tard fight.
Anonymous 287157
whatever happened to that drawing board we had
Anonymous 287159
>>287156I agree, going on r9k is just another flavor of NLOG at this point. Why would you want to subject yourself to that just to give trannies and scrotes attention? Let them rot. They shouldn't be given interactions and it leads to them coming to lc and cc because there's always someone who needs to signal to "other women" where "we" hang out, just let them believe there are no real women on imageboards and do us all a favor. There are no women worth saving or contacting there either, what's the point.
Anonymous 287160
>>287080Damn lucky… All we have here is wild sweet cherry trees (not that sweet) and they get eaten be birds before you can get them.
Anonymous 287161
>>287158Yeah it irks me whenever I see people post about 4chan in here or LC, you'd think looking at the site for 5 seconds would get a normal person blacklisting the site off their browser
Anonymous 287162
>>287134If the general public truly knew the nastiness of restaurants we wouldn't eat at them at all.
I used to enjoy going to look at the health department inspection reports for restaurants in my area to know where not to go.
Anonymous 287163
>>287158I still lurk on 4chan for hobby autism but I wouldn't be caught dead on the shithole social boards
Anonymous 287164
Feeling bored and lost without the farms, I started binge watching Nick Crowley's channel after seeing some n0nny the other day talking about his video on smartschoolboy9. What other channels do you recommend? Rotten Mango showed up in the suggestions so I'm watching one of her videos now and not sure I'll continue. Haven't gotten to Nexpo's video on smartschoolboy9 yet. I needed a break from that shit.
Anonymous 287165
>>287161>>287163Please don’t get me wrong, I am mentally ill enough to still use /vg/, mainly because I enjoy posting content that upsets the userbase but yeah just stop going on there all together, it’s not good for your mental health and I think there’s just something about the userbase that slowly makes you go insane via exposure.
Like I was not this paranoid before I started using these boards.
Anonymous 287166

If I could be in any fictional universe it would be the Sex and the City universe so I could beat picrel's "friends" with a giant crowbar for telling her to get back with that fugly piece of shit moid that was three tax brackets below her who had the nerve to CHEAT!!!!! CHEAT!!!! on this insanely smart and gorgeous woman who was the only one in her fucking friend group to have A REAL, RESPECTABLE career who wasn't wasting any fucking time on bullshit moids like the rest until her "best friend" decided to stand her up for some emotionally abusive dick. I would have saved her from a shit marriage with that fugly scrote and a horrible shitty son she never wanted in the first place. Her motherhood arc makes me so fucking mad. What the fuck do you mean, SATC writers???? Forcing the lawyer to have a BAR TENDER'S SCROTELING. I would beat her friends with a crowbar, I would beat that shitstain scrote STEVE with a crowbar too. Steve would go missing. She would be devastated. She would move on. She would never have kids. She would be a childless spinster and she'd be HAPPY. JUST HAPPY.
Anonymous 287167

Does anyone else have a super annoying voice? Online I have had people get mad at for talking because my voice sounds retarded. In real life nobody says anything though probably because they can connect the voice with the face and I'm not faking it
Anonymous 287168
>>287167i have a very soft mousey kind of voice. as a teen my coworkers used to tease me about it
Anonymous 287169
How to find youtube videos with low view count? The best channels I've found had less than a thousands views.
Anonymous 287170
>>287146Stop using this ugly fucking reaction pic
Anonymous 287171
>>287155If I were a teacher or a professor I would use they/them for everyone and take no chances with these brats today and their requests for special treatment.
Anonymous 287172
>>287162A lot of restaurants in my city were closed after surprise inspections and only one of them was one where I went on a semi regular basis. It opened again after a new inspection but I never went back there after that. Other restaurants I go to tend to have open kitchens so you can see the cooks and the food the whole time, and that's especially the case for fast food chains so they tend to be safer than your average Chinese all you can eat buffet or French gastronomy restaurant or cafe.
Anonymous 287174

I am a lost soul without sanic to give me guidance
Anonymous 287176
>>287134We had a parasite outbreak in my city from underwashed veggies served at restaurants. The parasite is spread via fecal contamination on the vegetables. For some reason local agencies refused to name the restaurants because "it would hurt their business" and how it wasn't really their fault cause the produce came contaminated.
It was such bullshit, and they must have been very high profile restaurants too because in the past they had exposed (sushi, mexican) other restaurants for far less.
Anonymous 287178
>>287171I don’t think anything will come from it. The they/them in question is a tif with a bad stutter.
Anonymous 287179
Why do I get banned for no reason (never even made a post on here) but moids are allowed to spam their cp and porn on here without repercussions. Fuck this shit site
Anonymous 287180
i was rewatching game of thrones last night, the first episode where they introduce tyrion while he's with ros, FUCK he is ugly. he literally is a little beast like cersei says. absolutely grotesque
Anonymous 287181
>>287167I have an obnoxious voice too. It’s hard for people to understand me due to it so I have a complex around voice chat, phone calls, and other voice only forms of communication
Anonymous 287182
>>287179There's a bug with brave browser (or it's intended - it was never clarified) that auto bans you if you try to post. Moid spam gets deleted if enough people report it because their auto delete system acts upon a certain number of reports and keywords. I know it's frustrating but it's not like male posts are left up for forever, and the moderator encouraged ban evading in case of non sensical bans like yours.
Anonymous 287183
>>287179I keep reading this same comment in every bunker thread but the only time I've seen CP here lately it was already gone by the time I reported it
Anonymous 287185
>>286840There's also the subsection of us who mostly lurk and post maybe about once per day (i.e. me)
Anonymous 287186

If someone ever broke into your house do you think you’d be able to kick their ass? I feel like I could pretty quickly rip the skin off someone’s face I just haven’t gotten the chance to practice
Anonymous 287188

yall have an idea for a halloween costume this year yet?
Anonymous 287190
>>287188alien with my partner being the fed who caught me
Anonymous 287191
>>287158>>287161I still browse 4chan for the hobby boards which I cannot discuss anywhere else or even with other fellow women. Not my fault most women have no other hobbies other than yaois, husbandos, and playing the Sims.
Anonymous 287193
>>287188Pajamas because I'm going to be sitting at home waiting for the new Dragon Age to finish downloading
Anonymous 287195
>>287173Not exactly what I was looking for but I'll keep it in the background playing lol
Anonymous 287196
>>287188>raygunWhat are some other topical halloween costumes people will inevitably be wearing this year
Anonymous 287198
>>287176So nobody cares if customers go to that restaurant without knowing it, eat there and have a bad case of explosive diarrhea for a week or two? Nobody gives a fuck? Damn…
Anonymous 287201
>>287188red riding hood she’s cute
we’re 9 weeks out from the election burgers…has anyone seen Biden in like the last month?
Anonymous 287202

>>287188I'm not invited to any halloween parties yet, so I haven't gotten around to planning. But if no one I know gets to it I'm probably just gonna hold a chill-o-ween and have people come over in their most cozy halloween-themed outfits (or costumes) and just chill with hot drinks, games and vintage horror movies playing in the background.
Only issue is that I don't have a lot of good halloween decor and I can't afford ordering any atm
Anonymous 287203
>>287196probably a lot of athletes this halloween in general. olympics is the squid games of 2024
Anonymous 287204
>>287202theres still lots of time to craft some halloween decor!
Anonymous 287206
>>287164Scare theater and reignbot are good
Anonymous 287208
>>287196the bear
jojo siwa
stranded boeing astronauts
taylor and travis
inside out
Anonymous 287209
Been slowly peaking my best friend the past two years. She admitted to not understanding being trans and thinking the majority of TiMs were not actually trans to me not too long ago. She has a new client at work that is a TiM in a poly relationship. I can’t wait for this to finally push her over.
Anonymous 287210

It's my birthday in a couple of months, and since I couldn't have my family birthday dinner last year (niece's best friend died in an accident roughly a week before I was supposed to have it, and I felt it would be really tactless to go "I'm sorry about your friend anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!!" so I cancelled out of respect for her) so I'm planning a smaller dessert buffet so I can get it out of my system. So far I'm considering:
- White chocolate matcha mousse
- Regular white chocolate mousse
- Apple pie
- No-bake cheesecake (flavor still pending)
And idk, everything seems a bit too sweet. I need something that balances all the sweetness… I could probably balance it somewhat by making the cheesecake lemon but I still want something more. Any ideas s? Maybe I should make some bread and serve it with some fruit, cheese and homemade jams (maybe even some baked brie to dip the bread in, idk yet since I haven't set on what I wanna serve for dinner yet kek).
Anonymous 287212
Slipped into binging and purging and cheating and alcoholism. I'm full of bacardi pizza roll and shame
Anonymous 287215

s I finally got an offer from a job I’ve been interviewing for!
Anonymous 287216
>>287215Congrats, now please manifest the same for me
Anonymous 287217
>>287210I like roll cakes! You could do a matcha or a dark chocolate version if you dont want it to be super sweet. I don't really like super sweet stuff. The filling inside is homemade whipped cream and I usually don't add that much sugar. It's pretty good with fruit on top too. The only issue is that rolling the cake is slightly tricky but my clumsy ass was able to do it
Anonymous 287218
Why the fuck is lolcor still down?
Anonymous 287224
>>287216Manifesting! I'm supposedly going to get an offer today if none of my references fucked me over. After I sent my references I got a feeling one might say too much negative shit
Anonymous 287227
>>287209nice work, do you or any fellow n0nnies have any tips on slowly peaking friends?
Anonymous 287228
My mom ruined my very special "lemon ice cream time™" by cooking meat and not even opening the windows first, the whole house stank afterwards, I couldn't enjoy my ice cream fully
Anyways, now I got heartburn pls help
Anonymous 287229
>>287164I recommend checking out Atrocity Guide, Virtual Carbon, and Debunk File's videos. Their stuff are pretty good in my opinion.
>>287206I really like Reignbot's videos, I wish she would post more often.
Anonymous 287230
>>287224Anona, why do you choose that reference? I usually just pick an old coworker of mine, an aunt of mine and my best friend as references.
Anonymous 287231
>>287176Damn, so no one cares about the elderly or those with compromised immune systems? Wtf. Food borne illnesses aren't just a bad time, they really can be deadly. How was this ok?
Anonymous 287232
Learning to sew, it's been fun but I'm tired of using back stitch for everything cause I can't pull off the overlook stitch yet. No I don't got a sewing machine obviously
Anonymous 287233

Any opinions on this nonas? Do you think it's a good idea? Do you think it might lead to some positive development among kids and teens?
Anonymous 287234
>>287210you could lean into the natural saltiness of cream cheese and do a less sweet cheesecake, maybe
Anonymous 287236
>>287134I've worked in a bunch of kitchens and they're all pretty gross. if I had to rank every one of them, the most expensive places were worse.
Anonymous 287237
>>287233I think this is really good to be honest, even if kids don't pay attention in school they should at least talk to their peers instead of scrolling. Kids who actually want to do their best won't be distracted by other students, hope it works out well.
Anonymous 287238
i think i'm going to have to drop out of college and go back home, nonas. i can't afford my apartment anymore because my college doesn't give me enough aid now. i'll have to go to the community college near home and finish my degree there. i'm a senior, so i was so close to finishing, too. feels bad since i'm the first in my family to go to college, wish i could've finished at a good one. i feel like shit. don't even know if a degree at a community college can get me anywhere
Anonymous 287239
What can I do with perfume I don't want? Giving it away isn't an option.
Anonymous 287242
>>287233Based. My friend works as a pre school teacher and she tells me some kids go to school screaming bloody murder because phones aren't allowed in class. 4 year olds, man. Phones in school should be for research time and recess only. If kids were made to give their phones to teachers at the beginning of each class, focus would improve bazillions.
Anonymous 287243

Fuck, I should’ve stayed home today. Now my pants and shoes are completely soaked and I’m gonna get foot fungus or something. Why are my professors evil? Why wouldn’t they cancel class?
Anonymous 287244

a bit of a vent but i find it depressing as a thirdie paki woman youre pretty much fucked from all sides, the society values you less than goats,your religion tells you to take violence by men and veil your eyes or youll be raped,you are at threat or being raped to death/murdered/lynched at anytime and now most village girls get their vaginas sewn as not to get raped,even if you move abroad thanks to paki moids your reputation as a paki is in the gutter and they will never accept you even if you assimilate theyll always see you as "belonging of the state of islamists" theres no way out basically…
Anonymous 287245
>>287242i don't even think they should be allowed at recess
Anonymous 287246
>>287239Anon!! Use it as alcohol for wounds or cleaning!
Anonymous 287247
If the site opening is gonna get pushed back again, please just update the status page right now admin. I don't wanna get my hopes up.
Anonymous 287248

Seriously why isn’t female supremacy a thing. I’m fascinated by extremist ideologies (would never follow them kek, I am a POC) but they’re never right, when they COULD be. That one tribe that was mentioned on /g/ is a matriarchal society that believes males are born incomplete, and they’re correct.
Troons will never have the two complete XX chromosomes, and the primordial life-genesis program we can initiate, we are the gods of DNA but their pathetic existence relies upon carrying over their measly little Y chromosone. Males even know this, which is why they’re so obsessed with us, obsessed with hating us, obsessed with being us. Us women who hate men want nothing to do with them, but men who hate women can’t stop thinking about us, can’t stop creating narratives to assure themselves women are lesser than them, have to remind themselves “Women aren’t shit bro!” and when you see their little incel forums weeping about how women never love them you see the real them kek. The XYs existence is centred around us.
I kid you not I heard one dude say to another dude yesterday that women “really steal our shine” and the ingenuity of those kinds of statements they say when they think they’re alone made me realise. Even though they attempt to oppress us their default setting is to see us as holy beings and they try to suppress this.
Troons will never undo the pre-pubertal and prenatal primitive differentiation initiated by the rape-ape corruptors Testosterone and DHT, proven to increase irrationality and violence and correlated with reduced ability to adhere to self-imposed moral code ; while the angelic Progesterone is correlated with self-control, the ability to reach a higher level of psychological closeness in love, and the intensity of beauty perception, physical or otherwise. So holy. Where are the people who worship the mitochondrial Eve? Where are my female science autists who would use “”gender science”” to oppress males? All of this is just the truth, wake up women.
I pretty much hate societal/performative femininity so I doubt I would ever identify with the divine feminine girls. And I hate things like demureness, I am an assertive individual. I just believe XX is genuinely superior, I want to birth this ideology.
(This would go in Unpopular opinions or something if lolcor was still up)
Anonymous 287251
>>287248Absolutely beyond based opinion. Everything males say is seething and coping for their inferior existences
Anonymous 287252
>>287248How is this unpopular tho most anons hate males and troons
Anonymous 287253
>>287238Is living out of your car an option? It sucks but it's doable, and you can sleep in your campus library and shower in the sport facilities. Only until you graduate.
Anonymous 287254
>>287129i'm starting to like CC more than LC (as much as i hate the horrible autoban system)
Anonymous 287255
>>287217>>287234Thanks for your ideas nonas! I'll see what I can do, I absolutely hate making roll cakes but if I find any that might be a good addition to the dessert table then I might make one!
Anonymous 287256
>>287246I wouldn't recommend using it for wounds tbh, perfumes aren't just alcohol and fragrance oil (which, even if it was could still be bad). There's a lot of different chemicals in them that could irritate an open wound. It wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but you'd be better off just using soap and water.
>>287239Use it as bathroom air freshener
Anonymous 287260
>>287245I think recess for middle schoolers and above, or maybe even high schoolers. Like, my school had computers for free use during recess so using Internet for 20min isnt a problem IMO. But yeah for kids bellow 11 recess should be playtime and sports ONLY
Anonymous 287261
>>287239some thrift stores accept donations and there are online drives for skincare/beauty that would accept it if it were unopened/reasonably full
Anonymous 287262

Minecraft nonas!
I woke up very late kek, the whitelist will be turned off by 2PM EST. I will also be fixing the /home and before then! Thank you for the patience! Also, whoever built this cow please send message me with /mail so I can thank you KEK, it's an another amazing achievement of the arts.
Anonymous 287263
>>287248Manifesto chan is that you?? Marry me
Anonymous 287264
Tomorrow is the last warm/sunny day should I spend time on baking something like I planned or just laze around in the backyard?
Anonymous 287266
>>287253lost my car in a car accident a year ago.
Anonymous 287267
>>287264Get up a bit early and bake, then spend the rest of the day lazing around in the backyard with your newly baked goods
Anonymous 287268
>>287254I've wasted more time here in the mines than on the farms these past several days, which is pathetic yet impressive.
Anonymous 287270

I found a basket with two baby pigeons and an intact egg inside, it was abandoned in our garden, and after discussing with the neighbors we took the basket to a local vet/animal care centre
Hopefully they will survive since they looked about 1 to 2 days old apparently
Anonymous 287272
>>287267That sounds perfect thank you non
Anonymous 287273
>>287210something with whipped cream frosting? like a fruit shortcake, it's easy to make that not too sweet.
i also had a blueberry cheesecake in a cafe recently that wasn't overly sweet, if you dont add too much sugar the fruit can balance it out aswell.
or you can make a savory pie, it's not really a dessert ofc but it's still a pie
Anonymous 287274

This year has been so ass fr tell me why TF did I almost pass out at Costco over isolation??? Passing out at fucking Costco over isolation???!! I was running errands and the heat was CRAZY outside, by the moment I noticed I was passing out had to stop at fucking Costco to catch my breath, they gave me some water then I went back home 20 minutes after. Shit was embarrassing asf I hope my appearance fooled them into thinking I'm 18 because PASSING OUT AT COSTCO OVER ISOLATION is some retarded BS at 24 years old!! AAAgh!!
Anonymous 287276
>>287233Maybe it was different for zoomers until recently but when I was in middle and high school you could have your phone with you but you weren't allowed to use it. And they weren't even smartphones and unlimited data plans like now. I agree that this is a good idea in theory but in practice I think letting kids have a feature phone for emergency would be convenient. I wish I had one in middle school because my health was awful and I could have called my parents to bring me back home after school instead of waiting in the nurse's office and it would have made going to my appointments before or after school way easier.
Anonymous 287277
>>287266My college library was open 24 hours. You can get a storage unit for your basics so you have clothes and toiletries, or just carry bare essentials in an extra bag. There should be showers in the gym area of your school, and it should be free to students. Being a homeless college student is not difficult, since there's a lot of places to sleep and spend time between classes, plus a way to stay clean. It sucks, but it's definitely fully doable.
Anonymous 287279
If the site will be back on the 5th, it better be at 12 AM SHARP!
Anonymous 287280

>>287227I have known my best friend for over two decades and she respects my opinions. It isn’t a shallow relationship and one we are both invested in keeping so there isn’t the concern of being cut off for wrong think.
I began by talking about my own experiences with the trans movement, people I have known and worked with who are trans. How that manifested in workplace and interpersonal dynamics. In a separate conversation about moids and mental health I brought up the incel to troon pipeline, which she had also noticed on her own. From there I would send an occasional screenshot from trans groups. They want us to listen to them so there’s no harm in sharing their message, usually something like picrel. I slowly built up from there sending appropriate studies when relevant, telling her about the high co-occurrence rate of autism and gender dysphoria was very enlightening for her. I follow one cow that is funny outside of gender stuff and like to update her about happenings. But the fact the cow has a gender dysphoria diagnosis and is on T is a huge blackpill to anyone already doubting some part of the trans movement.
Pretending you actually care about troons when just starting out is key as well as going slow and breadcrumbing information.
Anonymous 287281
Meta’s oversight board is soliciting public comments on their moderation policies around transgender issues. This is a pretty big step, given Meta’s “total silence” stance so far. The TRAs are bound to be commenting in force.
Please consider making a submission and spread the word. Submissions close on Sep 12. Anyone can comment and you can opt out of having your name published.
Here is the link to the announcement on Neowin:
https://www.neowin.net/amp/metas-supreme-court-to-investigate-how-it-moderates-debate-around-gender-identity/?s=31Here is the link to the public comments portal:
https://www.oversightboard.com/pc/gender-identity-debate-videos/Below is an example of a submission:
Civil debate about transgender issues should never be classed as “hate speech.” Open discourse on the topic is of particular importance to women’s rights, gay rights, medical research, and the ethics of pediatric medicine. The debate cuts across political lines and is of enormous interest all over the world. The near-total silence (until very recently) on transgender issues in the MSM has been incredibly harmful and I hope Meta will not collude in keeping that silence going.
Anonymous 287283
>>287270Never seen a baby pigeon in my life. It's good that you saved them.
Anonymous 287284
>>287233i think it's a good thing. phones should not be allowed in school for elementary students. if they need to contact their parents, they can use the school phone. other than that there really is no need to have one in school. kids need proper socialization and god knows a lot of them aren't getting it at home anymore because a lot of parents just throw a tablet at them to keep them entertained. high school is a little different and i think they should be taken away at the start of class and given back during breaks/lunch.
Anonymous 287285

Nonittas, just updating you on the status, you can follow it here: status.lolcow.farm
Anonymous 287288
>>287233a big reason parents want their kids to have phones at school is in case of something like a school shooting.
i get that, but it's a fear based decision. in all practicallity a phone is useless in that situation. the parents will be contacted immediately anyway and they will get there as fast as they can to see if their baby survived. it doesn't actually help in the situation
Anonymous 287289
>>287077she said the server will be up for at least a month!
>>287167i hate my voice i feel like i always sound like im gonna cry but no one has ever said anything to me about it so i think im just being hard on myself
>>287186i need to buy bullets but once i do i wont need to chance it i can just shoot them. probably in the leg unless they have a weapon because i might be haunted by having killed someone, but i know myself so i would probably get over it pretty fast.
Anonymous 287290

>>287283That's because pigeons make their nests inside rock crevices in nature, and when in urban areas they tend to look for ledges and nooks in buildings, so they're rarely seen in their nests
Anonymous 287291
>>287230Because I trust him and have worked with him extensively. I didn't expect him to suddenly go "what are your weaknesses" after I put him down as one. I put down two other former managers too, but suddenly worried this one is gonna be bitter or something
Anonymous 287292
>>287270Thank you for saving them n0nnie
Anonymous 287294
>>287290oh my god what an adorable shot, their oversized beaks are so cute. thank you for saving them and for the extra pic
if you have another good pic please do share, i love birds Anonymous 287295
>>287290I didn't know that. I was starting to believe they were government controlled.
Anonymous 287297
>>287270wait so someone put that basket in your garden?
Anonymous 287299
Screenshot 2024-09…

Today has been a horrible day and its all because of retarded moids. My uber driver was a decrepited old shit that kept grunting and making overall horrible noises , genuinely what is up with old men making weird nasty noises out of nowhere is it really so hard for them to sit down or do something without grunting like an animal. And then at work one of my male coworkers keeps telling me his retarded opinions and hes one of those christian women should stay at home freaks so hes always saying something but edging those kind of direct topics so he can back out and say smthing to defend his shit thinking. i genuinely hate men theyre a plague upon the earth and my day is ruined
Anonymous 287300
>>287285inb4 they push it to next monday
Anonymous 287303

>>287300god please no. I'm barely making it now without lolcow
Anonymous 287304

Any twihard nonies here? Twilight is one of my guilty pleasures, and Netflix just announced an animated series based on 'Midnight Sun'. It's kinda embarrassing how excited I am but I can't talk about it with anyone without being clowned kek It's raining, lolcor is still down and I got nothing better to do which means I'm gonna reread the novel.
Anonymous 287305
Which gambling websites are anons using to place their bets on whether it'll be online or not tomorrow??? I'm thinking it's gonna be moved to Monday.
Anonymous 287310

>>287304Is Midnight Sun the one from Edward's perspective? I never read that one but I got through all the books when they originally came out, the movies are so nostalgic and dumb and funny, I love them too noña. I even got a book signed by Peter whatever his name is lmao, Dr. Carlisle. The people in front of me in line licked their hands after he walked up the line high fiving people, the height of the Twilight craze was truly insane.
Anonymous 287311
well ladies, i guess LC is back online tomorrow. do you think you’ll return?
Anonymous 287313
Can't believe I just spent 500 dollars on bras. The fitter upsold me on some luxury german brand but what I need is no hand washing no tailored wash cycle no clipping my wings
Anonymous 287314
>>287288We don't have school shootings in France.
Anonymous 287316
>>287314then yeah no there's absolutely no reason kids should have phones. maybe during middle and high school stages especially so the kids can work out transportation and such with band practice, sports, clubs, friends, etc
Anonymous 287317
>>287310>even got a book signed by Peter.Damn you lucky.
>The people in front of me in line licked their hands after he walked up the line high fiving peopleLmao that's insane. Sadly my twihard phase started a bit later once the craze died down because many people hated it and I felt like I had to hate it too
eyeroll . Midnight Sun is actually one of my favorites kek It's broody, anxious and unintentionally funny at times. Vidrel sums it pretty well.
Anonymous 287318
>>287233100% yes but also ban using laptops for schoolwork in class as well.
Anonymous 287319
>>287305inb4 insider betting from lc mods
Anonymous 287320
>>287318they start laptop usage in kindergarten nowadays in almost all american public schools. i used to teach kindergarten and the amount of bodily fluid on their computers is insane
Anonymous 287321
>>287288are you guys forgetting that teachers all have landlines at their desks? and every office employee in the front of the school?
Anonymous 287322
I'm the anon that posted
>>287233 and it's nice to see that so many share my sentiment that this is a good thing! I was nodding to myself as I read it (the source is the guardian according to The Happy Broadcast but I haven't checked it out myself) but I started questioning if I might just be coming from an slightly aged perspective that might perhaps lack nuance so I wanted to see what the kneejerk reaction of other anons would be
Anonymous 287324
>>287288what can a parent do in that case? they get a text from their kid and then like show up with a gun?
Anonymous 287325
Is there any webdev/full stack anons here that can speculate on the 'serious and unexpected' issue of lolcor?
Anonymous 287326
>>287324That has happened before, but the police don't let the concerned parents into the school. IIRC during one of the more recent school shootings, at least 10 parents had shown up to the school armed but they were refused entry by police.
Anonymous 287327
>>287320Ah, I remember my kindergarten days. My teacher was so good I loved writing her thank you cards and reminding her of how appreciated and loved she was, especially after I’d been a little asshole and wanted to apologize because sometimes I was a shithead. I remember her teaching me how to read. I wish I could say thank you to her again. It sickens and bewilders me to think that gen alpha and gen beta babies aren’t getting to experience that now in favor of shoving a screen in front of their faces.
Anonymous 287329

Positive thoughts ladies, the farm will be back tomorrow, the farm will be back tomorrow…
Anonymous 287330
>>287320yeah its absolutely fucked up. everyone talks about the phones in class but using these mandated chromebooks is just as bad for educational development
Anonymous 287331
>>287324nta but there was an incident at the school down the street from me a few years ago. the biggest reason parents are contacted is that school is obviously cancelled for the rest of the day.
Anonymous 287332
>>287328I don’t wanna listen but I also wanna know if she is actually naturally funny just during regular conversation
Anonymous 287335

>>287123fantastic image makes me reminisce of this screencap
Anonymous 287336
>>287328I really wish you guys would stop posting about her. I try my damnedest to avoid all this dumb gross shit and you just keep showing it to me. I want my mind to be free.
Anonymous 287339
>>287318They should teach kids how to use a computer and internet literacy in general but not too early and not all the time.
Anonymous 287340
>>287339they aren't even taught to type the right way.
Anonymous 287342
>>287328No matter how much I hate being reminded of that person's existence, I know bj-chan hates her even more.
Anonymous 287343
>>287316>with band practice, sports, clubsI agree with you but typically these things start in primary school. Some of these activities are done in the school every Wednesday after classes are over, but many kids join sports club, etc. that have nothing to do with their schools and are located further away. In my case that only started in middle school though, in primary school I was in the swimming club affiliated with my school so the coaches were looking after us. Again, things could have changed since then.
Things would be easier and a lot less stressful for parents and even just people in general if we still had phone booths in case you don't have a phone or your phone doesn't work anymore for whatever reason but they're not here anymore.
Anonymous 287344
>>287331Another school shooting today in Georgia.
Anonymous 287345
>>287344yup, 4 dead last I saw. I hate it here.
Anonymous 287347

>>287304You just made my entire day with this comment n0nna, thank you. I feel like I have been through a whole process in accepting that I will always be nostalgic and love the series despite its faults. Might start my annual fall rewatch early this year.
Picrel was my desktop background in 7th grade.
Anonymous 287348
>>287344nothing changes. everything stays the same. i hate this corrupt country
Anonymous 287350
i fucking hate the united states
Anonymous 287351
>>287171I teach at the university level but people are still sane here, probably bc the main language is inherently gendered. It's not really possible to do away with gender for nouns here. I ask their pronouns on a questionnaire but it's for show. I just use their names, it's easy to avoid pronouns when teaching at that level and I have good workarounds
That said, in the courses I've taught, the crowd is not wild at all. I haven't had anyone who says they're trans. I just get some women who want to be neutral gender, and I usually assume that stems from trauma. I had a phase of wanting that, but it was from being raped and stalked multiple times and assaulted (not all by 1 guy btw). I'm glad I "wanted surgery" only secretly and the whole trans mutilation train wasn't yet in motion.
still want a reduction but the recovery and scars scare me.
Anonymous 287353
Have any nonas gotten adult braces or Invisalign? I am getting the latter next month, and I am nervous. I hope it winds up shrinking my jaw a tad, I have heard that can happen.
Do your teeth stay loose feeling forever after?
Anonymous 287354

>>287353I will get invisalign next year because my teeth are all fucking themselves up by thinking they should just shift in my sleep. My brother got it like before 2020 and his teeth are okay, he doesn't even need to use anything to like, keep the teeth in the right position and such. Dunno about the jaw stuff though, I honestly think I will need to get the jaw surgery before the invisalign because my teeth are breaking and my jaw clicks or stays stuck whenever I eat.
Anonymous 287356
Anonymous 287357
>>287346Seeing this makes me wish it was possible to share animal crossing islands like this, lolcor anons would make the most beautiful island
Anonymous 287358
>>287353no but im still mad when i was a kid my ortho had me get a molar removed for my braces
fuck that shit in retrospect!!!!
Anonymous 287360

>>287347It's cute! I would change my lock screen to a different pic of Edward every week or so kek Picrel was the longest I had. Twilight is very nostalgic and my ultimate comfort movie. Whats your fav and least movie in the saga?
Anonymous 287361
>>287354Oh shit, I hope your surgery works out alright nona. That sounds pretty painful. My teeth are okay but the front ones are misaligned, and my jaw is healthy I just kinda have a massive jaw+chin and heard that sometimes the process can shrink it.
>>287358That also fucking sucks, extracting a tooth is such a major thing.
Anonymous 287362
>>287353i have braces on now! i only got them on 4 months ago but my teeth have moved a ton and are almost all straight now which makes me so incredibly happy. they definitely still feel loose and bruised is the best way i can describe it. i havent noticed any changes in my jaw size though, not sure if that's a thing or maybe just because i haven't had them on very long yet.
it's definitely an adjustment but i'm positive it's worth it in the end! good luck n0nnie!
Anonymous 287364
>>287356you can check up on them yourself though nonie
Anonymous 287367
>>287353I did Invisalign for two years. I thought that was it but after finishing it I put a metal thread behind both upper and lower teeth. I regret it honestly and should have gone with normal braces.
Anonymous 287369
>>287367A metal thread? Can you elaborate, what is that? A partial brace to help straighten your teeth the rest of the way?
I was unsure which to pick tbh, but I have already put down my down payment for Invisalign and took on a $5,500 debt. My orthodontist told me that braces and Invisalign would be the same price in my case, but that Invisalign is the better option because it allows you to eat normally and floss, with the downside being that children and teens can't be trusted to be as diligent with wearing them as an adult is.
Anonymous 287370
internet archive.p…

Fuck! Internet Archive lost the case. Collect what you can while you can, nonas. Such bullshit.
https://x.com/PublishersWkly/status/1831357570365497379Anonymous 287372
>>287248Yeah the thing that did it for me is how many species have the male species preparing dances and rituals for the females to try and entice them to mate. Even some human tribes have this too in Africa as well but patriarchy is such a disease that defies the natural order of things. However, even though patriarchy has essentially reversed this where women are flashing their feathers, you can’t deny that the essence of heterosexual relationships relies in the man convincing the woman to abandon her sanity and better judgement to marry/fuck. Im only 26 but i feel like the only woman who is absolutely opposed to getting married knowing how shit men age. I see how all of my male colleagues my age and above are getting married because it benefits their lives massively to do so, meanwhile it’s a literal death sentence for women.
Every time I log into Facebook I see some couple photos of a 30-40s couple that I know where the woman could pass for her 20s while the man is bald, fat, with a face that looks like a melting candle of dog shit. The women hold the kids with radiant smiles while the disgusting pile of lard just stands there and gives a disgusting scammy grin like he’s won since he has this family as a complete clueless, useless oaf. Why the FUCK should I chain myself to that shit. I can’t be the only one who is recoiling in disgust at the sight of men over the age of 30. Imagine risking your life to give birth with their bald, fat, porn addicted, autism-inducing microplastic sperm. The women who choose to have kids with these toads are to blame too, as the vast majority (like 99%) of males should not even be reproducing. I know the desire to be a mother is strong but I would never subject my hypothetical children to being the offspring of modern day moids.
Anonymous 287373
lc cow server.png

Okay nonas! The Minecraft server whitelist is officially OFF for the afternoon! If you haven't joinws already and you wanna play now, you should be able to join now! If you need the IP, you can find it here:
>>285571If you're joining for the first time, please read that post! The IP is listed there, as well as some basic info and tips for anonymization. Just a reminder: the strictest rule on the server is no personal information, this includes asking for or giving out Discords! We haven't had a problem with this so far, but I just wanted to say it again in case any anon is worried about the anonymity aspect!
If you try to join for the first time today but encounter the "You are not Whitelisted" message, it is because I am away from my desk momentarily, but it will be turned off again shortly.
I'm planning on hosting a community event on the server tonight! To celebrate LC being opened again, please feel free to drop by Cowtown tonight ~10:30PM EST to witness a fireworks display! It will be going on for around 10-15 minutes. If you can't make it to our community even, don't worry! I plan to host a few more in the coming weeks and you will be notified ahead of any through the in-game /mail command!
Sorry it took me so long to open the whitelist today, I was fixing some of the perms and adjusting config! Players now have access to 5 homes, warps, and now if 25% of players sleep, night skips! I'm planning on trying to add a brewery plugin this weekend, so that we can brew coffee, tea, and other beverages.
If you have any questions, please reply to this post and I'll answer as soon as I see! If you asked a question and I didn't respond, sorry! I must have not seen, feel free to ask again!
Anonymous 287374
>>287370does this mean the wayback machine wont work anymore?
Anonymous 287375
>>287367nayrt but the metal thread is also needed when you had traditional braces. It's to prevent your teeth from shifting again, but it can be only done for your front teeth, meaning shifting of teeth further back is always possible. Depending on how bad your teeth are, fixing them extends far beyond getting braces. Most people have issues with tongue and lip movement which causes the teeth to shift over time even without other factors (ie. upper or lower jaw too short or too narrow)
Anonymous 287376
>>287370Wait is it just books? That sucks but you got me scared it's just books right???
Anonymous 287377

>>287360My favorite film is the first just because nostalgia but I like them all except for Breaking Dawn Part 1. My favorite book was Eclipse! What about you?
Anonymous 287380
I recently bought a really cute jumpsuit second hand that sadly didn't end up fitting me, so I've been on the lookout for a similar one. But the tag says Bershka and looking them up they seem to have a lot of stuff I'm into, does any anons know if they're decent?
Anonymous 287382
>>287353Had regular braces as a teen. Still wear retainers at night but I did skip for a while. My bottom teeth have shifted some which annoys me. It's not bad, just cosmetic. In fact I went to an orthodontist recently to discuss regular metal braces again for the bottom ones. He said my top teeth were fine, the current retainers I have are fine (replaced in about 2020), and that teeth will naturally shift again with age despite having braces. So if I get braces on the bottom again (they quoted me almost $4000 for 6 months to a year) he told me I'd have about 10 years of straight bottom teeth before they shift again.
Anonymous 287383
>>287370i don’t think there’s much wrong with this, obsessively collecting internet screenshots sounds weird
Anonymous 287384
>>287353Yes! Got Invisalign a few years ago and I love my smile now. My mouth feels empty if I get in bed without my aligners in now too. None of my teeth feel loose
Anonymous 287385
Anonymous 287386
Good evening whats for dinner
Anonymous 287389
>>287385anyone who still falls for this at this point deserves to seethe
Anonymous 287392

>>287377Favorite movies are definitely the first one and New Moon. Twilight looks moody and mysterious, and I'm obsessed with the blue tint lol. A lot of people don’t like New Moon because they find it boring but the soundtrack, the cinematography, and the vibe are just top-notch. I prefer to watch it when I feel depressed though. The first two movies really had that indie vibe and after that, they turned into Hollywood blockbusters. As for books, definitely Midnight Sun. He rambles a bit too much, but you get to learn more about the characters, especially the Cullens. Plus it has some funny moments like
when Edward was using Jasper and Emmett as rear-view mirrors or when he brought oil to grease the window hinges at Bella's house . The animated series will be based on this novel, so it will definitely have some new interesting scenes. I'm really curious about the art style, though. Hope it's like a mix of the graphic novel by Young Kim and Castlevania.
Anonymous 287393
Why can I never find my lip balm whenever I actually need it but see it everywhere when I'm kinda just using it casually??
Anonymous 287396

tfw when your tall ass finally finds oversize clothes that are actually oversize on you and not regular size
Anonymous 287397
I downloaded the Flo app to track my period and there's like a chat section that women can discuss women's health issues in. I am surprised by how many of these women use the "rhythm method" and pulling out as their only forms of bc. No wonder there's so many broken homes and unwanted children out there, geeze.
Anonymous 287399
>>287353I'm thought of that myself, I had braces as a kid and the completed product wasn't even that great, my bite was still slightly uneven and I still had an overbite but he said it would fix itself but it never did. Also I was a dumbass kid and stopped wearing my retainer after a year because all my friends did and nothing bad happened to them and now I have a huge open bite. All my front teeth can't touch together and my jaw has slid further back making my overbite worse, it's really annoying. If I ever tried orthodontics again my dentist said I'd have to use wire braces which… ngl I would rather die I hated them
Anonymous 287401
no way baron trump goes to NYU
thats fucking insane lmao
Anonymous 287402
>>287401Why's that insane? Trump himself is a new yorker
Anonymous 287404

>"all fujos like little boys!!"
>doesn't even know shotashits are widely hated by the fujo community
>"why dont you like the scat bdsm bara oldfuck shit made by fags? hmm?"
>most popular bls are with well built men
>youre all just faghags
>when in reality women just like men so whats better then two men going at it?
also a key point this user also had a inkbunny want to trigger a moid? mention bl kek
Anonymous 287406

i almost laugh at this for like 5 minutes straight KEK
Anonymous 287407
>>287402honestly it makes sense since NYU is nothing but rich nepo babies
Anonymous 287409
>>287404>doesn't even know shotashits are widely hated by the fujo communityAre you that person who got banned from fujochan yesterday kek
Anonymous 287413
>>287404Why the fuck would they expect women to like shit made by and for gay men? Are they retarded?
>homo-illiterateWhy, exactly, would anyone straight want to be "homo-literate"? That poster sounds like a malding FtM lmao
Anonymous 287414
>>287412What kind of aesthetics are you into? Pinterest has a lot of good inspo for small apartments/rooms
Anonymous 287415
i’m so happy because i got to pet the cute white kitty outside but i’m also sad because the kitty is limping because one of its legs must be hurting it. i haven’t seen it since yesterday lolcow open back up today please i hate this website’s UI so bad why is there such a long time before you can post again even if it’s 30 seconds? i wish the scrotemin would go and jump off a bridge for this, they probably made it like this right when we started making the bunker threads. this can’t be the only thing happening to me that’s probably why there’s like a few minutes buffer after each post it’s not even 30 secs it’s more like 1-5 minutes of wait time to post
Anonymous 287416
>>287412Idk but you gotta move the bed, put the head in the top left corner it's bad for the door to be visible from bed
Anonymous 287418
>>287415Are there any no-kill shelters around you, anon? Maybe you can somehow get the kitty there and hope they'll be helped.
Anonymous 287419
>>287418I’m so scared and I have no means to do that, I’m also not sure if it’s someone else’s cat as well because it actually looks pretty clean tbh and very friendly for a stray and it’s usually in the same area since I live in a compact apartment complex.
Anonymous 287420
>>287045no kids should be online, but holy fuck that's a whole new level of depressing. i hope she gets to have a happy healthy puppy and that her parents get her off of tiktok.
Anonymous 287421
Ppl at work ask me what I think about Blake Lively or Sabrina Carpenter and I've literally never heard of them before.
Anonymous 287422

>suspiciously quiet
>look up
>the kid’s eating dog food
Anonymous 287423

Someone got wax on the plug for my wax warmer and im pissseeeeedddd. Do you guys think it'll be safe to use if I scrape off the wax? It's only $10 so I guess I can buy another…
Anonymous 287424

Has there ever been two farmers who met on the website, met up irl and started dating? I really want to know how common this is kek
Anonymous 287425
Does any other have PCOS here? I just wanted to ask a question. If the farm was up I’d be using the right thread.
Anonymous 287427
>>287423Idk, keep an eye on it if you do plug it in. I just threw in some apple cider wax melts yesterday, I am so ready for fall.
>>287424There's that one iconic post of two farmers meeting up and after sex one of them showed the other yaoi or anime or something. Other than that I believe I have seen one anon say they met their wife on lolcow, in the lesbian thread I think, a few years ago.
Anonymous 287428
>>287424Yeah there is (was? I don't think i've seen her in a while) a personalityfag who wouldn't shut up about meeting her gf on lolcow. I think she was a yuricoomer or lolicon or something else farmers hated though
Anonymous 287430
>>287404Bara shit is disgusting and ugly, no wonder only men like it. And why the fuck would you care about realism? I don't care what gross activities real gay men participate in. I just want to see 2D pretty and well built men being all over each other. Mentioning BL always hits a nerve.
Anonymous 287431
>>287428i think you mean yuripedo and im pretty sure the gf is a hallucination of hers
Anonymous 287432
>>287376>say you’re retarded without actually saying it Anonymous 287434
>>287414Honestly, I just want to keep it fairly minimal and easy to clean, definitely getting rid of the massive TV stand that takes too much space.
>>287416I might do that, thing is it would be up against the windows.
Anonymous 287437
>>287421I’m jealous of you. I have to know them so I can win a round of Dress to Impress kek
Anonymous 287439

>woman oc gets her clit cut off
>is strangled almost to death
>gets punched and kicked
>is anally raped
>moid version: omg!im such a soft boy
>only ball kicking hehe i cant hurt my moid ocs!!
what a cowardly pickme she is
Anonymous 287440
i was in the tanning bed for too long and now i look like corey in the house, but even despite that an indian man still pursued me and tried to offer me laced water and pastries that probably had rohypnol in them
Anonymous 287448
I think DIYing everything is so fun. I think it's just because I'm broke, but DIYing has gave me so many hobbies. Making clothes, doing my own nails, my own hair, making fragrance products, accessories, jewelry, pottery etc etc… It's the whole process of researching how to do something, and then buying the products, and then actually doing it. It's just so exciting. The only things I don't do myself is waxing (I tried to wax my own pussy once. didn't go well) and building my own PC. I'm still trying to find someone that'll build a computer for me.
Anonymous 287449
>>287440KEK I love the way you describe things
Anonymous 287452
>>287441No!! Ntayrt but this is bad feng sui!! Nonas NEVER put your bed so that it's facing away from door. You should always be able to see your door from your bed when you lie in it!
Anonymous 287454
>>287448I've recently learned how to use a sewing machine to do basic repairs and alterations on my clothes, it's been really rewarding! I want to move on to making clothes now, do you have any tips for sourcing good patterns cheaply?
Anonymous 287455
>>287441Issue is the bed is covering the closet.
Anonymous 287456
>>287454I'm a crocheter and that's how I make my clothes, so tbh if you're looking for sewing patterns idk. I do know there's a popular free patterns subreddit though.
Anonymous 287459
>>287449keeek i’m glad this made you smile nonie
Anonymous 287460
>>287458Add the Towa toilet figure to the bed.
Anonymous 287461
>>286962Kekkk do I have some milk for you on that front! when lc is back, I'm not trying to get banned here
Anonymous 287463
I'm watching The Curse and I don't get it. Also I had to watch Nathan have sex with Emma Stone and now I will never be able to look at either of them ever again.
Anonymous 287464
>>287439she did this even in the tranny au
Anonymous 287465
>>287383It's not just about regular internet screenshots anon, there's also important articles, news stories, historical things, stuff like that that gets deleted. Plus some website articles are paywalled and wayback helps get around that.
Anonymous 287466
unpopular opinion but i love ugly borderline hoarder cluttered spaces, being in a sterile clean room makes me feel ill. i only hate them when there's food left out to rot or it hasn't been cleaned in a long time
Anonymous 287470

>>287412? I just don’t know if they’re both dressers or one is a desk, and you said you’re getting rid of the tv stand so. Eh
Anonymous 287471
>>287370This must go to the Supreme Court. Literally one of the worst countries on earth to have this kind of copyright lawsuit, I hope IA can relocate its archive to outside the US if this means they have to pull everything. I hate this timeline so much, can't believe I almost got into copyright law.
Anonymous 287472
>using comphet unironically
Anonymous 287473
that isn’t yaoi lol
Anonymous 287474

for the last month i keep getting texts from random numbers saying stuff like "good day, are you busy now?" "hey, do you have time now?" "hi, are you working today?" all with random keyboard symbols at the end. im so tempted to text back and ask what the fuck this is but i wont.
Anonymous 287475
>>287473nta but fanny troonsucker literally tagged it as yaoi aka two moids sadly as repulsive this is..it is yaoi in a sense
Anonymous 287476
Anonymous 287479

God the moids in my hometown really are hideous because anons on here always go on about how bongs are hideous but I’ve seen way more attractive moids than I’m used to. Still not a ton but at least there’s somewhat of a selection.
Anonymous 287482
>>287432Listen this site has over two thousand episodes of a radio show that I love listening to and my sphincter tightened at the thought of losing it. Is that okay with you Miss Ass
Anonymous 287483
>>287439is her oc supposed to be adult Cartman?
Anonymous 287484
>>287424there was some anon in the vent thread months ago that ended up getting abused by a farmer she was dating and was worried she was reading her posts
Anonymous 287485
Ugh so the grade forgiveness form at my new school requires a legitimate reason "with documentation". Is this something I should talk to a counselor about or should I just accept the letter grade of a D? I have straight As otherwise and the only reason I received a D was because I mixed up dates and missed the final. I had an A in the class before that.
Anonymous 287487

>>287412Top left area is command position and best spot for bed, but working with the TV is tricky. I put it awkwardly on top of something by the foot of the bed. If it's a dresser, you could have a little dressing area by the closet.
If you have a big headboard you could put the bed
headboard against the window, it's not great to put beds against windows generally but if the headboard is big it's not as bad. My knowledge of Feng Shui is based on this tiktoker named Cliff Tan so take it as you will.
Anonymous 287489

the chad meme is real and he literally married stacey, i can't believe it
Anonymous 287491
>>287470>>287487Honestly these don't seem bad, especially having a little dressing area. I'll try this out.
Anonymous 287493
>>287424Eons ago I met my ex gf on the friend finder thread. We ended up being together for about three years, had to time to live together for a year before we amicably broke up. I moved to another town and we haven't kept in touch, but our relationship was good for the duration it lasted.
Anonymous 287494

Gonna pop a painkiller and head to bed. Goodnight my nønnies
Anonymous 287495
>>287490Chads were never attractive, they're a male hyperstition of what constitutes good looks
Anonymous 287496
>>287485Can some anons give advice on this
Anonymous 287497
Is there a cow in w or pt or snow that anyone thinks needs to just be put out to the pasture?
Anonymous 287498
>>287496Might as well try to explain what happened, it can't make your grade worse
Anonymous 287499

Lately I've been thinking of micro-dosing T while going to the gym and dropping off it after I get some gainz, the main thing stopping me is the idea of my face ballooning up and getting severe acne but that should go away after I stop taking it.
I'm not sure how retarded this idea is, please slap some sense into me
Anonymous 287500
>>287499Girls usually take anvar, not T
Anonymous 287501
>>287499Ngl that's pretty stupid. You really want to mess with your hormones like this? Kek
Anonymous 287503
i have not been able to create or write like i used to for the past year or so. i fill up with envy when someone close to me shares what they write. i am happy for them, yet upset at myself. it is very hard for me to create like that again. i dont know how long it will take or if it is gone forever. i do try, but i am not as good as i used to be. how do i get over this envy? i want to only be happy for them, and not upset at myself. im certain self compassion is the only way but how may that fix my desire to create something when im empty handed? im just really sad about it
Anonymous 287504
>>287499you're going to have a stroke at age 45 if you make a habit of it, and you'll probably end up eating too much and losing definition in the end. plus if you do too much you will get permanent frog/chainsmoker voice.
Anonymous 287505
>>287328wonder if she took bill maher's advice
Anonymous 287506
my sister is a criminal. she ate my chinese general tso's chicken leftovers, and left me the shrimp. i specifically ordered the chicken because that's what i wanted! she is so cruel.
Anonymous 287507
Will lolcow be back at 00:00 in UMT+0? That's like 2AM where I live I think.
Anonymous 287508
>>287503Use the envy as fuel to get better. We all started from nothing.
Anonymous 287510
>>287507Dear god I hope so, it'll be 2 am for me too. I just want my morning paper back reeee.
Anonymous 287511
>>287506Leave the shrimp under her pillow
Anonymous 287513
>>286957i thought this was stan and eric cartman
Anonymous 287515
>>287513kek that sounds like a good amerifags threadpic
Anonymous 287518
>>287299 Old man grunts are the final vestiges of life escaping their bodies.
Anonymous 287519
>>287503It's okay nona, as with every creative endeavour there's both highs and lows, tides and lulls. That capacity to write is still there inside you, it's just slumbering for now. Your body or or mind is sending you a signal that it needs a moment to rest, to recuperate, to focus inwardly or to experience new things in order to replenish your creativity. Don't be too hard on yourself and most importantly don't compare yourself to people, everyone is on their own path and someone else's success (or failure for that matter) shouldn't have anything to do with you, just like your own successes or failures shouldn't be reason for anyone else to dance over your demise or seethe with jealousy over your genius. If hearing about it triggers make sure to take steps to protect yourself mentally and try not to seek knowing about it/phase it out of your mind if you have to be told.
Anonymous 287520
>>286952Gonna try become a normie and see if they'll accept me
Anonymous 287522
>>287424She looks like the black version of Shelley Duvall. Beautiful!
Anonymous 287523
>>287506She deserves the electric chair.
Anonymous 287524
>>287499if you really want to take steroids then you should properly look into it. you sound like you don’t know much
Anonymous 287525

I want to make my own version of this dress.
Anonymous 287526
>>287499nonie no. just eat some steak and eggs that’s all you need.
Anonymous 287527
>>287519ntayrt but thank you for posting this n0nna
Anonymous 287529
>>286957Wait a second. Hold on a tick.
Is this fucking Nemu? Is SHE BACK?
Anonymous 287530
>>287484Wow I need to know the details of this.
>>287493Why did you two break up? Have you found another gf since then?
Anonymous 287531

I hate this show. I watched it for the first time starting with some season two episodes and its terrible. I hated more then the Amazing tranny circus. Why do autistic movie critics and whatever keep praising it? It's only strength is the animation not being shit. I could barely make out what was happening because these artist don't understand color theory. The humor is cringe. I was cringing so hard at everything, especially at the "emotional" moments". I was confused by the shitty non existing plot. The furry character is such an obvious and egregious example of coomer bait and really shouldn't be there. Blitzo is an asshole and not in an entertaining way. He has Brandon Rodgers terrible and misogynistic fag humor but worse. The show generally hates women because viz is a fag hag who resent women because she is obese. doubt anyone over the age of 18 watches and enjoys this. Mentally ill gendies dont count.
Anonymous 287532
No update on the status page yet which probably means we'll really be back tomorrow! I can't wait to go home!!!!
Anonymous 287535
>>287519ayrt and thank you for taking the time to write such a heartfelt message. i was going to call it a night and go to bed but your post made me tear up and encourage me to finish my tasks so i may create! i really needed to hear all of this. im sure that tearing up sounds dramatic im just lacking sleep and therefore sensitive kek
Anonymous 287537
>>287499That body type is actually quite achievable without drugs. Just cut your sugar intake, max up proteins, and don’t slack out on hitting the gym/daily workouts.
>t. former gymnast Anonymous 287540
Being autistic is so humiliating. I pull away from interacting with people because I'm bad at it and don't want to humiliate myself. Then I start deluding myself by using shortcuts to appear more put together than I actually am so I don't even know how fucked I am until it slams me in the face and I need help. People when they talk to me can call me smart, but don't realize the gaps in my understanding.
Then on top of this, I'm trying to live to please my parents because I had such low self-esteem I never thought there was any point in trying to live for myself. I developed codependency with my aging parents and now they're too old to change and only getting worse. And I gave my parents the same delusion I can be normal when I've been a freak my whole life.
Anonymous 287545
>>287503nona, I understand your struggle. I feel like I have hit a massive creative block lately myself, and it's hard not to get upset about it and also feel like it's all over, like I wasn't actually meant to write in the first place. It's helpful to me to read really, really good books, even outside of the genre I write in - maybe this could help you? When I read something so well-written that I'm just lost in the story, it really inspires me, it makes me feel so much motivation to better my craft and practice and see if I could emulate writing such a good story in my own way. It also sometimes helps me to think of all my shitty writing as a sort of purge - yeah, it's awful to see it written out on the page, and I hate it, and it's not nearly as good as something else I've written, but now it's out of my brain and therefore my brain has space to make better words. Maybe the purge will take a while; maybe it feels like it'll never get better. But when it's out of your brain, it helps, plus sometimes you can go back and read the shit writing and go "wait a minute, there's something here" and eventually polish it until it's writing you can be proud of. Just don't beat yourself up, it's an amazing and mysterious task to create something from the depths of our minds. It will come back to you.
Anonymous 290128
i miss lolcor so much im going to seppuku
Anonymous 290811
i am, as the children say, tweaking
Anonymous 290812
why tf is my laptop banned from this thread? are Indian IPs just banned from the get go?