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Anonymous 113757[Reply]

I feel like I'm so ugly without makeup. Even after being showered in compliments. I get many compliments from unattractive men. I never get any from men that are good looking. Tinder, instagram, real life

How do I cope?
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Anonymous 114037

Thank you so much nona, I'll definitely think of your advice when a moment of insecurity hits me or if I ever decide to give makeup a try.

Anonymous 114048

anon if picrel is you then you are literally beautiful wtf?

Anonymous 114052

I don't wear makeup and have resting bitch face. It's like being invisible. No compliments, but no insults. It's nice.
It's also made me focus on taking care of my skin so I look okay without makeup. I didn't realize how uncomfortable dry skin on my face is until I took steps to manage it.

Anonymous 114078

OP, if that picture is you, you are absolutely gorgeous. You certainly have nothing to feel insecure about.

Anonymous 114084

The girl in that picture is a model called Jordan Mcewen.


I hate having no friends i cant handle it much llonger Anonymous 114068[Reply]

(Coming from an ex 4chan user so not used to formatting yet sorry D: )

>be me, 11

>have 1 friend
>would force me to do crazy shit
>she is my only friend so i can’t do anything about it
>this continues for years, basically groomed me
>be me, 14, and now new stacy gets in the picture
>friend and stacy go home everyday together from school and hang out without me
>friend now barely talks to me
>gained some self respect and told her i never wanted to speak to her again

its been YEARS (almost 5) since i broke contact and i’ve actually been miserable. i dream about her every 2 weeks. i wake up so guilty. i just miss having actual people who ‘care’ about me but i can’t find any fucking friends. nobody replies to my messages and if i ever get invited somewhere its last minute. I fucking hate being girl because of the complicated psych spheres of everyone else. Its so painful to go through basic interactions that every time i speak i vouch it will be the last. I get such bad social embarrassment when people talk over me because nobody ever cares for what i have to say—but i always ask “what were you saying again? you never finished.” no one puts the same effort i give.

anyways, pic related because whenever i feel lonely i stab needles or pins into my callus because friend taught me about ‘skin sewing’ which is where you embroider designs into your hand with a sewing needle. i cant embroider well so i use old pins she gave me. we used to do this together and it makes me feel like i have a friend to hang out with. i actually talk to myself out loud when doing it to emulate a social situation. what do you guys do when your lonely for the hundredth time! seriously how do i make long lasting connections

Anonymous 114073

maybe you could look at the friend finder thread? but honestly if got till 18 without any friends online or irl its probably your personality


Anonymous 100510[Reply]

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I met this chick online on a rp site and we seemed to hit it off well enough at first. I initially felt pity for her because she came off really weird and kind of autistic, oversharing things and treating me like her bff5evr when we really didn't know each other. Next thing I know, she's blowing a fuse over rp plots, constantly misunderstanding me and stressing me out. She'd convince me that it was my fault in those moments and she'd say manipulative shit all the time like, "I can't believe this is happening again! You knew I was worried about this! I thought we were friends. Are you my friend?" And my stupid traumatized ass would apologize for upsetting her. I stuck around thinking that we'd be able to get over her weird emotional outbursts with enough patience. Months later, I became an anxious mess and by the last argument I became embarrassingly hysterical from all the pent up resentment and fear that I said things I regret and ghosted her. She responded by emailing me with a written and audio recorded rant where she chastised me for ghosting her and gaslit me on what happened, then a day later sent me a random meme via email. I thought this was an olive branch, so I let her know that I didn't have her Discord info anymore since I unfriended her but that she was free to email me whenever or add me back if she wanted. She gave me her contact and said it was up to me. Well, my friends and family all told me she was abusive and to forget her so I never responded. Two months later I still feel bad. Has anyone else been through something like this? I can't make sense of this situation at all because on one had she made me gifts for my birthday and seemed really nice but the second something upsets her she goes off and treats me like she's only tolerating me for a while before it's business as usual. Right now she's back on the forum trying to get someone to play my exact character. I'm super confused on how to feel.
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Anonymous 100621

I completely agree.
When I checked her search thread last time I saw that she included many more prompts that all included the same theme of being held captive. Which is interesting because the original prompt we were working on said nothing about Stockholm syndrome/kidnapping but it was a component she clearly wanted. Knowing what I know about her, I think it's clear that she was using me to fulfill her sexual fantasies and that the friendship was some insane attempt to keep me around long enough for her to get her rocks off, which is incredibly disgusting. Thank you everyone for helping me understand and make peace.

Anonymous 100804

>I initially felt pity for her because she came off really weird and kind of autistic,

OP you sound like you're projecting.
> I became embarrassingly hysterical from all the pent up resentment and fear that I said things I regret and ghosted her.

These behaviours make you sound like the emotionally dysregulated autist. How embarrassing

Anonymous 100817


Anonymous 100827

Yeah, I regret doing that but it took me nearly 8 months to lose my shit. This chick was flipping out every other week to normal statements like, "I don't mind reworking the plot if we have to."

Anonymous 114029

Update: I stumbled upon this chick’s rp search website and 11 months later she still has our entiiiiire plot plus screenshots of her Sims 4 stuff and some of her Pinterest pins listed and is asking for someone to ‘pick up the mantel’ and play my character. I, uh, don’t know how to feel about this.


I realized I can't stand (almost) anybody Anonymous 113863[Reply]

So I went to a weekend trip with my good friends I've known for years and I spend a lot of time with.
After a whole day with them I realized, I was fed up being with them. I like being with them with moderate amout of time, but after some point, I became really uncomfortable. They were just babbling, making stupid noise and laughing at idk what all time time. I just wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up for at least a while.
In the middle of night, I was really tired. We had one big bedroom and I'm very light sleeper. Another friend was already sleeping and we agreed to go to sleep, however other 2 stayed awake and keep gigling and talking loud even in the dark. It must've been around 2-3 pm. I was desperate and shouted on them to stop being so thoughtless when other people sleep. They immediately stoped and fell asleep. I've to say that they are good friends and always help when I'm in need. We are young and they want to have fun.

After this experience, I've realized the thing, I've writte above - I can't stand other people for longer period of time. The only one with whom I am comfortable is my bf - I don't know why. But everybody other, all my friends, family, everybody, just become pain in the ass soon or later. I'm a little bit in a shock. I've never had many friends and never knew why. Many of my relationships were quite shallow and I've never made a big group of firends unlike others. I think this is the reason why - I'm intolerant to other people. I always become irritated, tired and bothered of them. And I'm sad about it. Deep down, I've always wanted to be funny and popular, yet I don't even have any plans for summer, because nobody wants to be with me, becuase they probably feel it and I'm not even surprised.

Anonymous 113890

You sound like such an annoying bitch and a horrible friend.

Anonymous 114001

Take a look at your own insecurities and worldview. If you hate everyone even though they didn't do anything to you you're probably more unsatisfied with yourself than anything. Maybe choose your friends more wisely instead of building a relationship with everyone who'll give you the time of day, people you have something in common with like having the same sense of humor, similar life struggles etc.

Anonymous 114006

Lol nona I think I know what you mean. I've come to this realization at one point too (minus the bf part). I don't think this means that you aren't meant to have good friends or that you won't ever find people you're comfortable with. I just wonder if you might need a little more space and alone time? I find myself becoming very irritated with people after spending large amounts of time with them and I think that's just my subconscious telling me that I'm tired and need to be alone for a while. You don't need a big group of friends to have meaningful relationships. And being good friends with someone doesn't mean you have to enjoy being around them 24/7. It's natural that even if you really like someone that you might not have the energy to be around them all the time. The more I embraced the fact that I'm someone who needs a lot of time to be on my own, the more natural my friendships felt and I found myself being irritated with people less.

Anonymous 114008

I just can't stand people all together.


I am so sick of men Anonymous 7523[Reply]

I am SO sick of men. I'm not particularly a feminist or anything but they can be SO selfish. I have my male friends and some of them I care about deeply, but even they can be REALLY insensitive sometimes and all my guys on the internet have some obsession with making anti-woman "jokes" all the time (usually later I find out they're rarely even jokes, cuz they're usually hiding some obvious bitterness towards women) and they won't stop even though they know it hurts my feelings. They're so disrespectful they can't even not make a 'woman beating' joke when I'm trying to relay a story about how some woman in church was telling me about their experience being abused by their husband for 11 years, they think everything is theirs, for example demanding that they can be misogynistic on my discord, with excuses like 'free speech'even though that makes no sense and I just am trying to create a healthy space for me and my female friends.

They're so damn entitled. Can we have a vent thread on times men have been complete dicks to us?
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Anonymous 11821

Seems like that man needs to find a healthy way to deal with his grief and adjust to living without his mother. Alcohol addiction is a serious issue and if he is drinking excessively to cope with his mother's death that could mean he has alcoholism. Don't assume it's something he will just get over on his own.

Anonymous 11901

>chimp out

didn't this phrase start out as a riff on a common racial epithet? not a very sympathetic locution

Anonymous 113776


Anonymous 113967

I hate putting all men in the same boat, but litterally a big hanfull of men I meet/see online and irl are just misogynystic, aphatic, or really just hateful pieces of shit.

They are such hypocrites, they claim women put themselves down while they are the one bashing women's body and making fun of us for. They mistreated, raped and killed for centuries and we're just supposed to act like nothing happened. They hate us, make jokes about our issues, trauma, EVERYTHING!

Anonymous 113973

This boggles my mind. It completely boggles my mind that I'm supposed to forget history and everything they did to us in the past. Everything they do now online and in real life. It boggles my fucking mind that i should even be expecte to trust them and not treat them like dirt or a hole in my head. What else would i do? How the hell do men expect anything else ? Why in the hell would i have a high opinion or expectations for people who used to be our actual slavemasters who used to make our lives hell for most of human history. How are they shocked at all that we hate them and want nothing to do with most of them? That we will easily block them or spurn them or wish death on them?


At what age did you realize you were better off alone? Anonymous 113152[Reply]

At what age did you understand there was no point trying to date spermbrained sloths and you'd be happier unmarried?
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Anonymous 113591

I never wanted to get married or have kids. I was abused by my father as a child and have had a few terrible relationships with men because I wasn't mentally well and suicidally ideating. I'm surprised I survived my last suicide attempt but after that I didn't have the energy to try again. My very last relationship was with a man 15 years my senior who was sucking the life out of me. He was so actively manipulative that I couldn't fight against his will. I was a fool to let him anywhere near me but it's all done now. The last year, I knew I couldn't just leave, so I worked a lot and saved up as much money as I could and jumped states. Now I've been alone for over two years and I'm very happy. I've lost a lot of weight, stop using drugs and alcohol. I'm working on my art, I don't have a lot of friends but I have a couple of good gfs and we meet up and workout, go out to dinner together. I talk with my sister and mother. I'm saving up for my first out of country trip. Yeah, life is better without a man dragging your energy down. I don't deny there are some decent relationships out there but someone like me has no use for men in my life. I've always hated them and then tortured myself by being with them because I couldn't depend on myself. Now, I live a simple life with my cat, plants and books. It's just so relieving, it makes me cry thinking how I wasted so much of my teens and twenties attached to vampiric men.

Anonymous 113941

I’m past the point of wanting to be alone I want to actively cause destruction on these men’s lives + as much as I would like to live on my own/ be on my own I can’t because I have to do sex work to get money at the moment and honestly it’s making me more bitter every time but I literally have no other form of income so it is what it is. I feel like the wanting to have nothing to do with men slowly builds year after year until it turns into utter repulsion and hatred towards them

Anonymous 113942

You need to get out of sex work, . I know it’s not easy to transition to another line of work overnight, but you’ve got to do it for your long-term mental health. If you stay in it long enough you will either get killed or you’ll want to kill yourself. Find a way out before it gets to that point.

Anonymous 113971

When i was really young. Maybe 10-11 is when i really started to notice you cannot really trust them, and they supply a TON of strife to your life. I also fucking hated how they're taken more seriously when they're conniving lying manipulative and shitty. I don't care that some aren't i cant tell which of them AREN'T shitty. They can be so fucking scummy. I have pretty much accepted the fact that they want the opposite of what you do in life.

I saw that when i was really young though. I saw girls acting naive, like they didn't know it yet and i knew i didn't want to fit in with people.

I know some men are not like that but jesus christ are they rare and you cant even tell who they are. Half of what they do is just an act and a huge manipulation to have sex with you and fuck up everything to get back at you. I knew from a very young age because of my father mostly. Holy fuck i hate them.

Why in christ would anybody actually willingly let that hell into their life?

Anonymous 113972

I can't stress enough though how much i saw that they were the opposite of us though. I should have stressed this more. I saw it so clearly when i was so young, MILLIONS of times.

Men do not want what women want and they never will. Not only that they conspire against us and everything we want, to destroy our minds and our wellbeing.

When i see women who trust men i can't wrap my head around how the fuck they think anything good will come of it. They are so god damn obsessed with controlling and having the things they want at our expense. They're filth.


Anonymous 113946[Reply]

my wife didn't have sex with me last night.
I feel really horny, angry, and depressed.
how can I motivate her to leave work and come home and fuck me. right now.

Anonymous 113955

I don't know why I feel so nostalgic for 2014, I was miserable back then. I remember downloading the lego movie and watching it alone in the basement and avoiding my mom because I thought she was mean. I was so wrong, I love my mom and she just wanted the best for me. Now I feel so forlorn for the last 10 years that are now lost to time, wasted because I thought things would be the same forever.

Anonymous 113956


>The lego movie is a decade old

Anonymous 113959

In my senior year at high school we had a unit on dystopian fiction and I wrote an essay comparing the Lego movie with 1984 and BNW. Very good movie, sadly my teacher did not agree :(

I only got a B+

Anonymous 114003

Moved to >>>/nsfw/13346.


Im lonely Anonymous 111919[Reply]

Im lonely, the only person I have is my mentally unstable long distance boyfriend who i do not love but who blackmails me to be with him. I am 18 and I graduate highschool in 2 months and have no clue what I am going to do
I feel like Im constantly grieving for who I was 3 years ago because even though I was bitterly lonely then, at least I had online friends to help me cope and wasnt trapped in a miserable relationship with a manchild. And at least then, I had some hope. I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license. I had so much time
I know people will tell me its not over yet at 18 but it really feels over
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Anonymous 111940

The definition of cp varies by country. In Germany he could have nudes of girls as young as 14. I know this because I have my own ldr manchild bf who has my nudes. Thankfully hes a lot nicer than this nonas bf.

Anonymous 111942

The age of consent is not the same as the age for underage photos.
For example, in Australia the age of consent is 16, however you still need to be over 18 years of age to share nudes around.
I'm surprised Germany isn't the same

Anonymous 111944


Anonymous 112022

Op, how old is your bf?
If you say "in his 20's" best believe its so over for him. OnG

Anonymous 113916

if you're anything like picrel then you deserve it lol


I have a crush on a streamer Anonymous 113876[Reply]

He’s a small streamer and really mature for a twitch person. He has a sweet, gentle, deep voice, and plays a lot of old school games that I like. He’s also just really nice and pretty handsome but he rarely does face cam. I don’t know if he likes me back, but he seems to notice me and often plays games I suggest to him. I also opened up in his discord server about bad experiences I’ve had with guys and afterward he coincidentally did a fundraiser stream for a charity that helps abuse survivors, so he clearly pays attention to me and is a kind person. I figured out that he surprisingly lives near me too and is gonna be at a convention this year. I wish I could make a move on him but he’s like, probably a responsible type who wouldn’t date his subscribers. I don’t know what to do, my heart is throbbing for this nerd.

Anonymous 113880

I have seduced people like that before, but I would sincerely advise against dating streamer men, for many of the same reasons why men should avoid dating women who stream. If you can get parasocially attached to a streamer, so can their other fans. It can make relationships very rocky and messy, and popularity surprisingly only has a small effect on it. I have seen messier small streamer situations than moderate to large streamers who know how to better manage their communities and separate fans from friends and loved ones.

That said, it's up to you to decide if he is actually worth it and you want to try to charm him and make him yours. It's doable but I don't know if you should really go off of your infatuation rather than the logic of if you and him make sense, what's his baggage, etc.

Proceed with caution if you want to proceed, is what I'm saying.


I feel like socially inept women just suffer more than socially inept men. Anonymous 109789[Reply]

Men are far more satisfied with self-focused and solitary lives. Being unable to socialize hits a woman much harder because we're more socially driven. Yet men get a loneliness epidemic and we don't. Why? Do we not vocalize how we feel enough? What's the board's thoughts?
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Anonymous 113707

Since when does loneliness equal lack of sexual motivation?

Anonymous 113722

Males on average are worse at taking care of themselves in general, being in adopting shitty behaviors (smoking, drinking, shitty dieting), or doing the necessary self care of adults (shower hygiene, going to the doctor etc).
As for girl failures, they are a statistical anomaly, and because society assumes that women are more well behaved, they receive far less support than what they should get…

Anonymous 113725

>they receive far less support than what they should get…
80% of government handouts go to women, what the hell are you talking about.

Anonymous 113731

you will never be a woman. ack yourself groomer troon

Anonymous 113781

I wish there was a book discussion club or something in my area because women read more than men, but nope, nothing. Historically we actually had these spaces, but thanks to technology it's nearly completely gone.

This pathetic new generation of people is too scared to even go outside. It's really a disgrace. I hate Discord and texting. I love in-person interaction. I also like phone calls, but for some reason that's out of style too.

There are so many moids who bitch and whine about being lonely while deliberately choosing to stay isolated at home 24/7. You have to give them credit though, at least some moids actually go to those shitty Yugioh clubs full of smelly losers to socialize and make new friends.

Unfortunately, young women choose to self-isolate even MORE than men which means practically any space you go to is going to be 95% male and 40+ married women which usually guarantees it's going to be shit or mediocre at best.

When I actually do meet people my age (mid-20s), it's even worse. It's like everyone from Gen Z is constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown. Always talking about "prioritizing" their mental health, yet they manage their mental health worse than any other generation. They are so socially incompetent, close-minded and afraid of anything new unless it's some form of narcotic. I can't stand having to deal with these people. Millennials and even Boomers are on average way more fun to hang out with. It's clear to me, most of Gen Z wants to be ALONE. It is what it is.

I'm considering moving to Latin America or somewhere with low-prices and an extroverted culture. I'm sick of spending so much money just to live next to these depressed weirdos. I doubt I'd be dating much abroad since I'm very dark and unattractive, but I don't care. It's not like any decent man is going to respect me up here either. I'd just love to relax somewhere fun where my salary's actually worth a damn and eat delicious food without having to think about the bills.

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