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Anonymous 117423[Reply]

>If you are genuinely good person, calm, kind, considerate, respectful, people view you as a doormat
>Kindness is typically about focusing on others, being considerate, and people often call such people doormats
>Slowly realizing that being a nice girl gets me taken advantage of
>The moment I stop making an effort in the friendship or relationship, everything stops

What do? How can I put myself first and stop being selfless for others with hopes that they might be my friend(s) or boyfriend?

Anonymous 117424

It's entirely possible to be both kind and firm. You can see it in good teachers and good parents, among other people.
>being a nice girl…
Stop right there. Being a genuinely good person does not equal being accommodating and a doormat. It does not even equal being nice because some of the kindest people I know often come off as rude. Set your boundaries. Defend yourself whenever you need to.
You grow up, bit by bit, learning how to be selfless at the right time and ruthless at others. You learn self-control, you reflect. Think a lot, keep improving your mindset, and it will come to you.


Anonymous 117384[Reply]

All I can think is about suicide and killing my parents, I haven’t felt like this in a while
I’m not going to kill them, I can’t stop having dreams about it and I have no energy

My room is cold and no one is expecting me, I live with my abusive parents and my sister whom I had to raise and is in a rebellious phase

I just want to die, I feel horrible all the time I don’t know what to do I don’t want to hang myself in that cold messy bedroom but I don’t know how much time I can get myself alive
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Anonymous 117408

What steps do u have to take to move out? Can u afford it? Im asking bc I was in the same position 3 years ago
. Now I am in college, still a friendless loser but I don't have many suicidal thoughts anymore.

Anonymous 117412

my parents allowed me to get out of the house since I turned 18 in June and now I’m working part time in fast food

Still, what I make’s not enough
My sister doesn’t want me to leave and I’m too scared to leave her alone with my parents

Anonymous 117413

my parents allowed me to get out of the house since I turned 18 in June and now I’m working part time in fast food

Still, what I make’s not enough
My sister doesn’t want me to leave and I’m too scared to leave her alone with my parents

Anonymous 117419

You need to find room mates so you can move out. Take your sister with you. Have you reported what they do to CPS?

Anonymous 117422

Thing is I went last year to a women’s shelter and after two months my mother begged me to go home like never before and also threatened to harm my sister

Im afraid of how difficult it will be but I’m going to ask for help on Monday, thanks


Why do i feel deeply wronged by women who stay with disgusting or ugly men? Anonymous 117174[Reply]

And how can one be making a mistake for thinking this way? Since they're obviously traitors to the other side and upholding the worst aspects of patriarchy ?
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Anonymous 117288

You're so hateful

Anonymous 117333


what you are feeling is bitterness and it will drain your soul until you are nothing but an empty husk if you let it

Anonymous 117366

I disagree a hundred years ago women felt that way about women who agreed not take jobs, financial security, education, and just pumped out a DOZEN kids. Its waking up and deciding what you refuse to put up with anymore and leads to changing womens situations in the culture at large. Less and less women tolerate the bare minimum patriarchy used to expect from them and it shows a LOT nowadays. You wake up to what reviles you and what was once acceptable becomes totally unacceptable

Anonymous 117367

so what you feel is actually triumphance and disappointment?

Anonymous 117377

I feel grateful usually. That I don't live in all these other circumstances. Until I see goons trying to send the culture back 200 years, and there are women willing to help them and seem deadset on it. Sometimes I'm just beyond belief.


Limerence Anonymous 85259[Reply]

Anyone else here struggle with being extremely limerant/obsessed with certain people? I’d like to hear your stories. Rather not tell mine though.

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Anonymous 108936

I have to work closely with LO. I want to die

Anonymous 109090

No, I have never been obsessed with other people besides myself.

Anonymous 111004

get boost

Anonymous 117368

Is it still limerence if it has been 4 years?

Anonymous 117369


There is a youtube channel called crappy childhood fairy and she talks in depth about limerence.


Is my plan stupid? Anonymous 117147[Reply]

This is my second year after high school, and I switched majors, so I will no longer be with my former "friends." I panicked when they asked me during the summer because I thought they had forgotten about me, so I lied and told them I’d still be with them. We started officially this week, and I’m considering testing something out. I’m planning on pretending to study with them for at least a week, then I’ll find a time to gather them all in one place and tell them that I’m leaving to see their reaction. I even made a speech where I mention how I first met them and something good they did for me or we did together. But on one hand, I don’t think I’ll ever get a chance like this to see what others see in me, and on the other hand, I’m afraid they’ll take it the wrong way.

Anonymous 117149


Well, I don't really see why you should lie to them. I understand blurting something out in panic but… Are you trying to get some specific reaction out of them? Your train of thought is indeed kaguya-esque here I must say. They might also panic and blurt out something that would not represent "how they see you", the way they are around you should already show you what they see in you. Or just ask them directly I don't know.

Anonymous 117152


That indeed sounds retarded.

Are you fishing for some kind of
>a-ha! you were never truly my friends, were you?
moment? It sounds like you do.
Suppose you get what you want, where does that leave you? You're now standing, all pent up and emotional, in front of a bunch of people who you now know not to give a shit about you. It'd only be awkward for you.
But suppose those people really do care about you. Now you're the asshole, because you played stupid mind games with people that love you.
I just don't see how you could benefit from this.

Anonymous 117153


Low self esteem issues, I'm a bit of an over achiever and people always faked being nice to me in order to get help and my notes from me, then they abandone me after school ends. That's why I don't have friends like at all, same thing happened last year where I thought I was abandoned but they checked on me like just few weeks ago to see if I'll be with them again so I'm just trying to figure out my value to them and how they see me.
Not really, a part of me is expecting that scenario and is already ready for it, I just want to make a good closure, I tried the online distant friendship approche but I always failed, college was the only thing that brought us together and most of our conversations last year were college centric so I don't know, if my stupid plan worked I'll be giving them something I always wanted, a proper conclusion to a friendship if I failed miserably I know that I at least tried and will keep moving forward just like I always do.

Anonymous 117320

YES! your plan is stupid… if you don't like your friends just stop talking to them or talk it out and get to a middleground…


Anonymous 117292[Reply]

Talking to his guy online and he's being such a sweetheart to me and idk if I should feel bad Abt the fact all the pics I show him of me are in heavy makeup and a bit of editing it feels so disingenuous and I told him I would never let him see me without makeup (bc I'm insecure Abt my eyesbags and nasolabial folds at the hag age of 22 like I can't help it I was born with chubby cheeks and anemia) and he says he doesn't care and that I'd still be pretty without makeup but I genuinely don't think so and I'll never ever feel comfortable being make-up -less around men

Anonymous 117293

God, I'm so glad I never got into makeup.
>nAsoLAbiaL FoLDS
Stop spending time around the kind of people who waste their lives on this retardation. Problem solved.

Anonymous 117307

Yeah, nasolabial folds.. why are you so angry??? Watch your frown lines, nona ^^

Anonymous 117310

>22 and already worrying if you look too old.
Sometimes I just can't relate.

You should feel confident in yourself without makeup and you should be glad to have a man who would like you for who you are. You could have the reverse situation, where the guy could demand full glam all the time. Like I could never. I'm lazy and go bareface all the time.

Anonymous 117311



What Are Your Long-term Goals, Dreams and Aspirations? Anonymous 99362[Reply]

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Anonymous 100492


become mental health nurse,get a tubal ligation because i am terrified of pregnancy, adopt a few kids, live on some land and have a little animal sanctuary, interact with as little moids as possible outside of work and moid of my choosing.

radiation and nuclear stuff is my special interest too so i’d like to visit chernobyl

Anonymous 100493

I want in

Anonymous 115478

to be happi

Anonymous 115480

I'm trying to grow an apple tree

Anonymous 117291

2 months later
still the goal

s-l960 (4).jpg

Why do we have to protect men from our "depravity" when they subject us to untold amounts ? Anonymous 117177[Reply]

Why do they expect women to protect them from their sexuality?

They force us to live with porn, child porn, child sex trafficking, pedophile sex tourism, nonconsensual ai porn, hidden cameras, stolen publicized sex videos that were supposed to be private, trannies and their hypocrisy, rapists, mass murderers, mass rapists, rapists who only get 7 years in prison. child rape victims now being forced to give birth. denied access to abortion, even to save your life. the taliban, the islamofaggotry.

And I'm offensive because i look at yaoi? They're offended i will skip paying attention to old men? I mean is it any surprise? I hate the degenerates in real life and want nothing to do with them. At this point in my life i want fantasy and lifelong separatism so i can feel free and not have to take the chance of being around the overbearing entitled presence of a man. That's it really. It just comes down to not complicating my life further. I really don't know WHY i am supposed to be attracted to them.

But i increasingly find it shocking and bewildering that we put so much effort into protecting degenerates from our sexuality. Like we actually feel any shame at all? Why exactly? Don't they WANT to live in the jungle? Wasn't that their game from the start?

I don't care how much they're ruled by sex. I'd rather live in a room with an aggressive cat. In the grand scheme of things im supposed to pretend they're all potential nice guys why? Who does that benefit and how much do i miss out? I want to mace all men in the face when subjected to the thought i should protect them from my sexuality because it is so ludicrous and outrageous that my sexuality could ever come close to eclipsing their filthmongering.

Picrel is me as the proud depraved lizard i am

Anonymous 117178

It feels like the long-con because while you have some men saying they're good guys, you have the rest, most, who consume porn and make it their personality to spite women. So either way if you are on good behavior it feels like your shortchanged and protecting rapey humans from their comeuppance. It doesn't matter how nice some guys are it still feels like they're conning you for the long haul through the culture we live in. So embrace your sexuality. They will always fume in hypocrisy if they are in fact rape-apes.

Anonymous 117180


Oh yeah and long live team fujo

Anonymous 117181

Yeah and not to mention the differences in expectations for appearance. The massive effect it has on your youth. You become a shell of a person in your teens because of men. Why should i have any sympathy for any of them? They steal everything, and the ones who dont are so few and far between i just dont care

Anonymous 117273

I think this is your greatest work yet cici

Anonymous 117381

They don't want to be the ones to give up any freedoms and also want to keep up the delusion that they're good boys who didn't do nothin'. They'll conveniently heap every wrong and ill onto the shoulders of women before ever admitting that they're not perfect, or willingly be subject to restrictions like gender-specific curfews for "safety". They'd rather push them on women, despite men being the demographic making everything dangerous and committing all the violent crimes and trying to fuck everything that moves. When you're perfect in your mind, it means anything bad can't possibly be from you or maybe even exist, if it does it comes from someone else. If it's someone else, you can feel even better about yourself by swinging around the idea that they're evil and inferior until it's embedded in the culture, stroking your ego even more. It's the ultimate narcissism.


I am so sick of men Anonymous 7523[Reply]

I am SO sick of men. I'm not particularly a feminist or anything but they can be SO selfish. I have my male friends and some of them I care about deeply, but even they can be REALLY insensitive sometimes and all my guys on the internet have some obsession with making anti-woman "jokes" all the time (usually later I find out they're rarely even jokes, cuz they're usually hiding some obvious bitterness towards women) and they won't stop even though they know it hurts my feelings. They're so disrespectful they can't even not make a 'woman beating' joke when I'm trying to relay a story about how some woman in church was telling me about their experience being abused by their husband for 11 years, they think everything is theirs, for example demanding that they can be misogynistic on my discord, with excuses like 'free speech'even though that makes no sense and I just am trying to create a healthy space for me and my female friends.

They're so damn entitled. Can we have a vent thread on times men have been complete dicks to us?
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Anonymous 11821

Seems like that man needs to find a healthy way to deal with his grief and adjust to living without his mother. Alcohol addiction is a serious issue and if he is drinking excessively to cope with his mother's death that could mean he has alcoholism. Don't assume it's something he will just get over on his own.

Anonymous 11901

>chimp out

didn't this phrase start out as a riff on a common racial epithet? not a very sympathetic locution

Anonymous 113776


Anonymous 113967

I hate putting all men in the same boat, but litterally a big hanfull of men I meet/see online and irl are just misogynystic, aphatic, or really just hateful pieces of shit.

They are such hypocrites, they claim women put themselves down while they are the one bashing women's body and making fun of us for. They mistreated, raped and killed for centuries and we're just supposed to act like nothing happened. They hate us, make jokes about our issues, trauma, EVERYTHING!

Anonymous 113973

This boggles my mind. It completely boggles my mind that I'm supposed to forget history and everything they did to us in the past. Everything they do now online and in real life. It boggles my fucking mind that i should even be expecte to trust them and not treat them like dirt or a hole in my head. What else would i do? How the hell do men expect anything else ? Why in the hell would i have a high opinion or expectations for people who used to be our actual slavemasters who used to make our lives hell for most of human history. How are they shocked at all that we hate them and want nothing to do with most of them? That we will easily block them or spurn them or wish death on them?


being a woman sucks 103776[Reply]

ts not even the fact that were oversexualized. That ive just accepted. Its the fact that a man will almost never ever completely respect you. Because women are supposed to be fucking passive little lambs whos argument doesnt stand a chance against a man. A man will scoff at you if anything you say if he disagrees with, he doesnt even try to understand. He just deems you as silly. And if hes rude to you and your offended, forget about it. Now your an overreactor ruled by your emotions.

Anonymous 103777

*arguments don't
*at anything you say with which he disagrees
*. He
*. And
(there is no need to ever do double space)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 103782


oh my god… a bonafide autist

Anonymous 103792

Anonymous 117170

Holy based

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