I just want things to get better Anonymous 118872[Reply]
Pa vents to me about ma, sometimes complaining, or telling me about their worries about money or her, sometimes his frustrations with her or our life. The things he tells me and says make me worry, I don't think I should be told half the things he tells me really, but I should support him and I do. But man, it's beginning to affect me like a pussy, I just am worried, ma's quit and changed jobs a few times now, isn't doing well emotionally and is having some bad moments, financial worries etc, call me crazy but frankly after all these conversations I've had with pa, where he tells me things that make me worried honestly (about our future as a family, our future in our house, upset at how he is criticisng ma sometimes to me for her behaviour towards him, or habits around the house etc, I don't know) and I won't say it's the reason I am not hopeful for the future anymore, but that's part of it. I've tried to remain positive but I don't have it right now, besides it's exam week and I'm struggling with getting started to hand my work in. Thoughts? I love my ma and pa, I was lucky enough to be able to have a pa again, as my 'father' isn't in my life for a long time now, and left when I was young, I saw him last 10 years ago. Damn you father, you fucked me over, I love you Ma and Pa, and I am sorry for doing what I've done, I hope I grow up and be better, you deserve better and I hope I rot in hell for my ugly, disgusting and destructive sins I've done in secret and to you. I'm sorry, and I know I've apologised to you many times but the worst part of it is I didn't mean it, but I wanted to feel important and like a victim or dramatic and I did stuff that was awful. Fuck reddit, no, fuck me for reading the victim stories and feeling inferior about not being a victim, idiot.