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dropout loser Anonymous 120178[Reply]

I got my ged and left highschool because i couldn't deal with the work even though i didnt study for the test and passed with a 3.8 gpa. went to college and its the ame as highschool. had to drop out because it was kinda the same thing… is it over for me? i have a part time janitorial job i never sign up for and no asperations in life. i know my parents are dissapointed in me and i really think ill live with them forever, i just hate the endless monotony of work and school. im perfectly happy living online, but i know eventually theyll get sick of providing for me

Anonymous 120181

Similar boat. If I were you I'd just take the jany job because some money is better than no money, if nothing else you can feel less like a piece of ahit by atleast paying your own phone bill or something, maybe take them out to eat everyother week. Go on indeed and look up different kinda jobs, save anything that even remotely interests you and research it. At the moment I'm an overnight baker for a supermarket which is pretty monotonous but atleast I'm not screeched at by geriatrics all day like most service jobs and the pay is decent. My goal is so save up to buy a cheap ass piece of land and homestead, maybe you can do the same. If you live with your parents and save up all your checks you can probably buy yourself a pimped out trailer in like a year, or maybe a cheap condo if you move to bumblefuck nowhere
Last resort you can save up for a pc and vtube. Seems pretty lucrative if you can stand stroking moid ego for money.

Anonymous 120192

I was in a similar situation to you. Now over 10 years later I drive trains in my state and make decent money. Never give up.

Anonymous 120199

How'd you get into that? I always wanted to be a train driver but it always seemed like something you needed to know people to have a shot…

Anonymous 120202

I was in a subway adjacent role before this that kinda sucked, so it helps to get your foot in on the entry level. Probably works the same for traditional trains, get in on the entry level and keep a lookout for openings.


confessions thread 2 Anonymous 63992[Reply]

>>51270 previous bread

I never brush my teeth for the full 2 minutes
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Anonymous 120177

All attraction died for my now ex bf when I found out he was sexually abused during childhood, he cried and shook like a leaf during sex and I couldn't help but laugh, I feel as cruel as the moids I spent my life shitting on but I can't help my emotions, like I wouldn't laugh at a woman that has been through this yet I ghosted this dude because of his trauma. Then again a moid that can't even have normal sex is pretty useless imo.
I know it's a meme but I just get turned off so bad when I see a man cry, like a repulsive reaction going up my throat, anyone else feel like this or am I just a bitch?

Anonymous 120182


Anonymous 120184

You are just trash as the same level of moids you complain about

Anonymous 120185

Holy fuck you are a depraved and heartless cunt and I don't think I've ever read something so horrible on this site before

Anonymous 120187

I've always given things to other people in my life. I remember looking out for my older siblings, but where are they now? After everything I'm lonely and they don't even care. I feel like I missed my chance to do anything with my life and no one notices or cares. My best friend moved on in life without me, they left me like yesterdays trash. I'm on the ground and everyone steps over me, even though I'm the one that picked them up, got them to where they are. I don't think I'll ever find someone who'll love me, and if they do I don't deserve that type of person. Is there a point in still going? Not many people would miss me, and not for long.


lace and cement Anonymous 120173[Reply]

Here I sit
The sky cries
Afternoon Darkening
Cold air whisks around my head
Frosted breaths as they die
There on the stage, standing
words breathlessly flow
Completely absorbed
Eyes fixated
Here I am
Fixated eyes
Absorbed completely
Flowing breathlessly, words
Standing on the stage, there
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Anonymous 120056[Reply]

What do you think of the drama surrounding this comic?
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Anonymous 120152

Drama? I thought it was funny
People need to stop taking cartoons seriously

Anonymous 120153

Id argue the omegaverse stuff you described is more degenerate because its trying to brainwash people actively, trying to make a nightmare into reality by describing it "realistically", and not just getting them off.

Anonymous 120156

>trying to make a nightmare into reality
Women already live in a nightmare reality. Using art to express and understand that fact is one of the higher purposes of art. It is also a fact that women's nightmare reality is sexual in nature, that the illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women are overwhelmingly sexual and sexually motivated, and must be artistically captured by deliberately sexually expressive media. The stiflement of sexually expressive media created by and appealing to women is part of society's defenses against the liberation of women by preventing the acknowledgement of the nightmarish structure of real life social and sexual dynamics. When normie women read Dworkin's work, especially "Intercourse," the most common attack they mount against her is that her horror at everyday sexuality seems "fetishistic" and fixated on the rapine - this is not because Dworkin was incorrect nor because she was a fetishist. We have been robbed of the language with which to describe reality by social taboo.

Anonymous 120158

illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women
Pick a lane

Anonymous 120169

I'm just hearing a lot of blah blah blah mpreg is actually very deep blah blah blah.


I am so BORED with life. Anonymous 120113[Reply]

How do I create some “magic” in my daily routines?

It seems as if all I do is a TON of college coursework that is made even more difficult because I live with family who want me to work on their schedule (which means studying and finishing + submitting work can’t be done in the house since I must be available to their every beck and call). So I have to cram for hours while in college.

This constant work and stress cycle has left me feeling stagnant and bored. How can I not feel like kms every single day?

I considered saving money to rent a motel room for the weekend, for starters.

Anonymous 120162

This might be shit advice but I just try to find things to get excited about, it doesn't have to be anything big, sometimes I try to get obsessed over media or something so I'll be excited to spend time consuming it. Could be a hobby or some little treat you grant yourself on a certain day. lowkey jealous of the yumejoshi bc they always seem to get excited about doing things related to their waifu/husbando, way better than getting obsessed over someone real since you can't get hurt or disappointed either

Anonymous 120163

Sounds like your family is just being a big bitch and making shit dificult for no reason.
Instead of a motel, maybe try renting a cheap air bnb, you may have to be willing to drive out to find something affordable for a week long stay. I did this a few times years ago and helped me destress from my families petty bullshit.
Otherwise you could try spending all your time at the library, but I'm a nerd so I like quiet spaces


how do i make friends? (online?) Anonymous 120109[Reply]

i have been lonely for a long time. my entire life, really. i haven't ever had a friend in real life. i haven't ever had a friend online, either. i was likely diagnosed with autism as a child.
my coworkers are just acquaintances. we won't be true friends because they're way older than me and are all married and some have kids. our lives are too different. they don't like me enough to be my friends. i live in a small town with basically zero options for making friends. so i want to look online.
i join discord servers and feel left out. i feel like i am annoying and trying to become part of an established group is difficult. i am either left feeling ignored or uncomfortable.
i want a friend that's nice. i want a friend that understands me. i want a friend that isn't too crazy and doesn't heavily drink or smoke or do drugs or watch/make porn.
i cry about it a lot. the other day at work, i saw a young woman that looked so nice and had such a kind smile that i almost cried looking at her.
i don't really know what friends do anyway. i imagine a friend and daydream about eating cake together, about hugging each other, about giving presents to each other, about going to each other's weddings, about knowing everything about each other.
my heart aches for a friend. what can i do?

Anonymous 120117

You know, I've spent like 25 minutes looking at this chatbox thinking of what to type to help you out nona, I know what its like to have that great big black nothing in your heart, wanting for someone to confide in. Its certainly not easy trying to find someone online, and it certainly does pale in comparison to the real deal irl, but it can help you get that necessary social experience to actually befriend someone in the real world. General pointers for online, stay away from large public discords, find a super niche game or hobby that has a small community, and go from there just, talking to people. If you get lucky, you might just find someone who'll be proactive and invite you to their friendgroup.

Even if you don't do any of this, I still wish you luck, nona, and be careful out there as well.

Anonymous 120148

its hard to say nona. The only way to really make friends online these days is to become part of a community and create stuff, I'm lucky in that im a history nerd obessed with mediveal weapons and stuff and I've managed to become part of a little clique who likes to talk about and design those things. but even then I'm like you and am the youngest and least accomplished so theirs still abit of a disconnect. What interests do you have? Like if you like anime/drama shows you could atleast join a fandom and write fanfics or something…


Vent thread Anonymous 117577[Reply]

Previous >>115513
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Anonymous 120160

Why do normal women have to pretend to be weird or have mental illnesses? Like is that hard to just have a personality and be like an interesting person? It’s genuinely driving me insane. I would give anything not to be as mentally ill as I am. To just be able to slide by just because I’m attractive. What are wrong with these wh*res?

Anonymous 120174

I'm supposed to go sober but I don't want to.

Anonymous 120183

You should commit suicide

Anonymous 120196

No, she shouldn't. You should get off cc.

Anonymous 120197

She absolutely should. This is a lizard person who takes pleasure in torturing people and cannot see the fault in themselves, this is a pathological narcissist, and she's not going to improve with age, this kind of person is beyond redemption and will continue to spread misery and plant the seeds of hatred and distrust wherever she treads. God forbid she ends up having kids at some point, the best course of action for everyone would be to end it right now, and I say this sincerely.

Take note of that kind of pattern of thinking and learn to recognize it and avoid having people like this in your life for your own sake, trust me.


To incinerate shadows Anonymous 119860[Reply]

I lose every shouting match with your ghost//You stand in the coner I backed you into//Though there's no eyes to follow I know you watch my every move//At night peeling yourself from the wall taunting until I snap//Waking up with another sore throat and you still waiting and saying nothing//The face says everything
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Anonymous 119985

come darling// let me free your wrists with my gentle tongue// pls let me consume you [/spoiler)//historians can call us the space cowgirls of their perverted dreams // and we’ll suck on the others’ spaghetti-faction// dance around these black holes, white dwarves, and nebulas with me honey pot // [spoiler] i can’t find in myself a way to stop// let me kiss that rope burn one more time

Anonymous 120003

Free to explore//In the confines of a neural map//The sexually charged destiny they repeated on loop//Youth a classroom for a single lesson//Yet between your thighs I forget//The voyage feels new and spontaneous as if we chose it//The crash is predictable//The unbearable heat before we're swallowed by foreign earth//This next kiss a prayer//Hope for a new death

Anonymous 120029

protoplanetary // the ghost of you on top of me // bright, like a goddamn fairy // carbon monoxide, i dont know her// i fucking love her // i only know you, the dreams of you inside me

a blur

a supernova

an unsurety

there was never anywhere else i was supposed to be // only the brightness of you, thru the carbon monoxide sprawl// can guide me through the intrepid darkness of it all // as ellen hutter, i beg on my knees // star crossed love sets me free
fear that it really binds me, fear of obsession, fear of loss of self, fear of fusion, fear that now i am nothing,simply lost in space made to be consumed and used and i fear ill never find a way out of here o god! prooplantery! how you scare me! its so big and empty out here cries //

Anonymous 120057

Forced out of the self oxygen trying to escape//A metaphor for soul//Or ecstasy//My lungs are going to explode//

Have yours decayed

Have you decayed

Do we feed off eachother

Gas and fire//They never taught of plasma//Historically accurate collapse//The end like the beginning//Loose chemical structures separate and unsure//Defined by viewer//Confined by definition//

Anonymous 120099

in decaying in you i find new life

in your rotting flesh, i pick apart bones to spell out my glee

as we are both consumed the fungi picking at your veins as i always wanted

shock seeps in

we are recreated not as you and me

but as one

one awful mess of goop and slude

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Anonymous 119883[Reply]

Reminder that you are big and or tall
>he will always see you as a mommy and not an equal
>he will never worry if you’re okay because you have to be
>he will feel emasculated by your presence
>you can make him drive but he will do it because you made him
>he will always fantasize about smaller girls
>you will feel start to feel confident and independent but go home and cry at night because you realize that while it’s all you want it’s the exact opposite of what a man finds attractive
>you will never live a comfy neet life fully financed by some dumbass
>you will never feel small in his arms
>you will always be expected to hold it together and act like a woman and not a little girl who gets upset and cries
>you will have to wear flats at your wedding

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Anonymous 119921

Thanks I should try that

Anonymous 119931

Reminder that if you are big or tall
>He will see you as mommy and not an equal because he is terrified
>Every male will feel emasculated by your presence
>He will obey you and learn driving
>You will go home and laugh at how you make every moid at your presence smaller and insignificant
>You will live a comfy neet life fully financed by a height/fat fetishist
>He will feel small in your legs while you suffocate him

Anonymous 120078

> he will always see you as his barbarian queen that he can rely on and trust
> he will always worry about you because you are his half
> he will feel inspired and comforted by your presence
> you can make him drive and he will do it gladly because he loves you
> he will never fantasize about any other woman
> you will feel confident and independent because you are more than a number on a measuring tape
> you can live a comfy neet life fully financed by dumbasses you met in an MMO who will buy your legs/feet pics
> you will feel amazing in his arms, regardless of their size
> you will NOT be expected to always hold it together and that is fine, because your partner knows you are a human with emotions and is there to support you and comfort you
> you will wear whatever you want at your wedding because it is YOUR wedding, fuck everyone else

Anonymous 120085

Date a short guy

Anonymous 120097

Reminder that you are big and or tall
>he’ll let you peg him


Weight, Hair, and PCOS Anonymous 120087[Reply]

need advice from other nonas on how to control effects from PCOS better. I am medicated but it hasn't seemed to do anything except regulate my menstrual cycle.
pubic and leg hair reappears hours after shaving and whiskers grow on my face. I have to tweezer my chin every damn morning. its frustrating.
also its causing me to gain weight. im t1d as well and have had to eat healthy my entire life because of it, i try to exercise everyday but i still am on chubbier side (5,4 140, on the brink of being overweight)
any advice and help appreciated. img unrelated

Anonymous 120088

Anonymous 120093

I don't think I have pcos but i'm brown so I get an annoying amount of upper lip hair. trying learning how to thread or getting small facial razors that won't irritate your skin to use daily.

also i'm about the same weight as you and I think you just need to lose like 10 pounds or even now, you're fine. I hope the best for you. I wonder why >>120088 called you that

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 120128

Moved to >>>/hb/21259.

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