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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 114989[Reply]

I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror.

Anonymous 114997

Then don’t?

Anonymous 114999

I feel you, OP. I don't have any mirrors in my house anymore, and last time I went to try on clothes in a dressing room, I had a mental breakdown.

Anonymous 115010

I fucking hate the way I look but I love looking into mirrors. They're like otherworldly portals to me. I await the day my reflection moves differently.

Anonymous 115012

Same. I wish I could see the mirror without me in it.


abuse cycles Anonymous 114941[Reply]

what's the worst thing you've done to an abusive person in your life? as revenge, rage-induced retaliation, to protect someone else, etc.

when you were pushed too far and had to bite back, what happened? and do you regret it?

I morally believe I've done harmful things when looked at on their own, but believe that when it comes to abuse, if they won't stop themselves, retaliation is self defense.

Anonymous 114956

I made my narcissistic, bipolar and abusive mom lose custody of me and my older sister, she's now living in the streets and my whole family hates her

Anonymous 114959


I plot my revenge everday. Pigs are going to bleed and i will not care, trust me. There are a lot of moids that just need to be kept in a basement.

Anonymous 115004

sometimes I think men don't learn or change until money or violence are involved…


people who do not leave you alone Anonymous 114629[Reply]

what the fuck do you do when someone continually harasses you, actively tries to sabotage any effort in you feeling a sense of community, literally just targeting you everywhere you go?
i do not know what the fuck to do. i genuinely think of killing myself because this person follows me on every online space i use, has hacked my email and sms accounts in the past, and actively tries to humiliate me in any space i go to.
i don't know what the fuck to do. i hate these people i dont know how to get them to leave me alone. they get some sick fucking thrill out of choosing someone to just mentally fuck with for literal fucking years, i dont know how the fuck to get them to leave me alone.
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Anonymous 114901

i don't remember opening any obvious phishing links directly from people on my devices but i don't know, i could've. ive opened sketchy links on 4chan threads from anons before.
>factory reset your devices and change your passwords.
i've already changed my passwords. i honestly didn't think about factory resetting everything before, but that might fix things. i'll work on that, thanks.

Anonymous 114902

Hello OP, here's what I learned about online stalking, and how I managed to stop it when it happened to me.

1. Delete your social media accounts. Make new ones, do not post personal info, don't post your face, location, anything. Just be anonymous. Get a vpn if you must, but I don't think it's necessary.

2. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. Use passwords that are extremely difficult to guess. Look this up if you don't know how.

3. When you meet people, make sure they are people you can track down, who have accounts with their friends and family on it who have to be accountable, preferably someone with mutual contacts in real life. Do not disclose info to people who don't have accountability to others.

I hope this helps you. Also try to run a scan on your pc, with a trusted antivirus software.

Anonymous 114909

It seems like the answer is pretty obvious, delete and remake all your accounts, get a new phone, new number, everything. Just replace literally everything they have targeted you on. And if they've found you here, don't post.

Shitty but it seems like you're desperate.

Anonymous 114982

nta but can you elaborate your third point? i find it very interesting.

Anonymous 115003

nta but basically become a creep and seek non-creeps


Anonymous 114806[Reply]

my bf's ex was better looking than me and it makes me insecure. so ik he loves me and just me but he told me that "i sent you pics of my ex before we dated cus i wanted to make you see i have dated higher rank women so you would start like me" then i asked why and he just replied "cus thats how women work" on top of this i saw more pics of his ex yesterday and i got upset so i said "yk i just feel like she is better than me and you settled lower" to which he replied my personality is better and its not a race. i understand but still i am ugly, and that doesn't feel nice. i just feel disgusted by my face and body. he says "you're cute" but then gets mad whrn i said we have 3 point difference (he rated himself 1.5/10 and in his opinion there is 1-2 point difference making me 3.5/10 max which is just ugly). (he isn't that low but i said based what i thought he thinks)…
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Anonymous 114862

That's so dumb tho, they think we preselect them based on whether another woman thinks they're datable, but how is a guy who's ready to leave his girlfriend/wife for me dating material? Why would I want a man with 0 loyalty who could easily be taken by the next best woman? And on top of that why would I destroy a relationship for that? They really just think we hate each other trying to compete for "the top 10%" of them lmao

Anonymous 114887


Anonymous 114910

He's using all that stuff (showing you pics, low rating of you) to keep your self esteem low so he can keep you settling for him. He's showing you his true colors, don't fall for it. This is toxic and manipulative.

Anonymous 114932


It's blackpill nonsense. They believe that women are only into toxic men, that they will only be with men who's value is much greater than their own. So they do this whole thing where they act unavailable, maintain multiple female situationships, dread game women and play women against tach other.

Anonymous 114943


>higher ranked women

Dump him. Or start comparing him to hotter guys so he sees how it feels.


im an idiot Anonymous 114930[Reply]

i've been talking to this guy on snapchat and he's 1 of 3 guys that i've ever had a sexual experience with (1/2 if you don't count getting groomed lol) and i might be getting attatched?? his birthday was yesterday and he told me that he hired a prostitute and i felt kinda bad about it. he said that he only wanted something casual so it's my fault really. idk maybe i was just desperate cause im really insecure and hate myself and he's giving me attention.

Anonymous 114931

ykw its probably pertinent to point out that he lives in a country pretty far away from mine. all of the guys ive talked to have either been in a diff country or state. way too anxious to talk to men who live near me

Anonymous 114933

>Said he only wants something casual
No contact time nona, you're getting attached to a moid who will use and hurt you

Anonymous 114938

There is no point continuing to speak to him


/lg/ - lesbian general Anonymous 108545[Reply]

felt like this should be a thread tbh
what's everyone up to? i'm thinking of downloading tinder again
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Anonymous 114047

No, it's not weird at all. Your age difference is only 2 years and you're both adults, so everything's fine

Anonymous 114126

Nope. You're in the same peer group, and an 18 and 20 year old can easily be classmates in college or coworkers without it being weird. If it was 25+ and 18 that would be iffy, but it's not. Have fun

A lesbian is a homosexual woman. If that's your sexuality, you're a lesbian. It's not about looks or aesthetic. A lot of people dunk on femme4femmes but it's mainly because they're common in media portrayals and tend to look down on GNC women, but if you aren't like that it's fine. Just get a backbone about it

Anonymous 114678

Who will be my girlfriend?
I'm socially stunted, a virgin, and average looking
Also I will eat you out for as long as it takes

Anonymous 114812


>first crush?
Raven from the Teen Titans.
>what’s your local lesbian/LGBT scene like?
Full of troons, as usual.
>favourite lesbian media?
I've read Price of Salt and Carmilla, but honestly I keep going back to wholesome doujins of ships I really like from different anime. Also Sailor Moon I guess.
>lesbian media you hate?
I really did not like Bloom into you. Anything aimed at males I guess.
>coming out stories
I came out to my mother in the McDonald's drive thru. She seemed fine with it then, told me she'd love me no matter what, etc. I think she's secretly disappointed in me, though.
>bitch about being lonely
Damn, I guess I see myself as an unattractive fat and ugly monster, even though I'm not really all that overweight. Every time I download tinder the only girls who swipe right on me are troons and unicorn hunters. Some bitch who seemed really sweet at first eventually revealed after a week that she was looking for a third.
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
I kind of hate them ngl. Tomboy is the only one I like.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 114928

Would you date a bisexual woman, nona?

Why or why not?

Only after escaping troon spaces did I realize it was a thing. I guess I'd be open to it because I haven't had any relationship experiences to sour my opinion of them yet.


AAAAAAAAAA Anonymous 114270[Reply]

>My bf
>My boyfriend

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Anonymous 114872

I went on a dating site to find women one time just to try, but no women messaged me. I've never in all my years been approached by a woman who was interested even when i dyked out my look
basically what nona said

Anonymous 114912


>Ooh, I'm desired by so many men, woe is me :(

Anonymous 114914

im straight and would eat out another woman for fun, so maybe

realistically speaking i wouldn't mind dating/marrying/fucking another woman or even being a cuckqueen if she saved me from my shithole country

Anonymous 114919

If you want to eat out other woman and even date her, then you're not straight, simple as it

Anonymous 114920

l o l only in extremes like drunk or "green carding" in most cases no


(un)official blogposting thread Anonymous 69765[Reply]

tell me about your day cc!
stories also welcome
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Anonymous 113913

just how ugly are you?

Anonymous 113914

gtfo moid, you wouldn't get it

Anonymous 114000


Sounds like you have an attraction to the GAME of love itself, but can't commit. You like the chase, but you love it too much, and it leaves you wanting when feelings become mutual, since you haven't become content with loving what being in a relationship is actually like.

Hope you're doing better now nona, been a while.

Anonymous 114062

I walked past six baby skunks eating a trash pizza

Anonymous 114908

i fully believe in the concept of toxic camaraderie. the concept of friendships can be toxic, in spite of how media portrays friendship as always being pure or wholesome. for example, people who assume that you do not like them or are against them as people solely for the fact of not desiring to be their friend. in actuality, most people just want to have friends that they believe align with their goals and interests. being selective about who you are friends with, or not desiring to be friends with someone, does not indicate that you are against that person or dislike them AT ALL. it just means you do not perceive someone as adding to your life - that is not dislike or hatred, or that you are against them as people. people are groomed by society into believing that someone that does not want to be friends with them threaten their security. i can think of examples in real life where someone assumed that my desire not to be their friend was based on malicious feelings towards them, where none but neutrality existed. you do not have to want to be friends with EVERYONE - that is a waste of emotional energy and humans are limited by their lifespan and how they dedicate their time.
additionally, being friends with someone can result in malicious behavior, even if you BELIEVE that the friendship itself is pure. just because you are friends with someone does not mean you will hate someone just because your friend does. people who are friends and think of their friendship as a means of hating people together, that is absolutely dumb. friendship should be about supporting your friend, not about hating people together, even IF you care about your friend or perceive them as being hurt by someone and believe that hatred is justified, when it never is - media's portrayal of such friendships is an example of propagating and normalizing toxic camaraderie.

images (12) (30).j…

Anonymous 114828[Reply]

I am not allowed to lament. Since I was young the place I've been in was crowded and continues to be . I do not want to cry in front of anyone nor to be screamed at. Yet I can barely hold it in. All I'd like to do is curl on the ground and break down. I'm tired of the constant noise and stimuli. It's driving me insane. I wish I could lock the outside world out of my head

Anonymous 114831


How could I have been so stupid? It's not like I was content with my circumstances but I always coped by thinking I could be satisfied with less, with nothing. I was careless, I overlooked many things and I can no longer go back. Instead of being this worthless I should have worked into bettering my life even if it was useless, even if it wasn't enough, I would have had a silver of hope I could hold onto. Things will continue happening in spite of me. There's truly no point, I can feel myself crumbling. I can't protect anyone

Anonymous 114842

sometimes i wish that i was the only person on earth at times. i know its selfish but i just can't keep dealing with people who are not as "sensitive" about certain things as i am. a part of me understands this as weakness. but god i am so tired of dealing with other people all the time. and if you try to decentralize, if you try to make your own little space, you get bullied for it and targeted because you wanted inner peace in the first place.

Anonymous 114850

not to be an asshole as i can see ur sad and i hope u can feel better but this is justa vent shitpost.and couldve easily been in the vent thread or ur own journal instead of shitting up the catalog.

Anonymous 114856

Sorry I seriously tried to delete after posting but it said I can't. I only lurked before but apparently it wasn't enough to not make a stupid mistake. Sorry I hope it gets buried fast or something

Anonymous 114858

This is not a weakness, people are just exhausting. Solitude is key the key to happiness in my universe. Pretty much everyone i encounter annoys the shit out of me. Oh sure i would like to meet someone i mesh and vibe with but thats like finding a needle in a haystack. If i do great. But im not counting on it or anything. Things you love make life bliss so forget everything else. Trying to control everything and resisting the state of things too much just makes you unable to appreciate the bliss.


Having Chad and Stacy Relatives Is Pure Hell Anonymous 112225[Reply]

>Went to a family party.
>All the cousins end up splitting off in another room , away from the main party.
>My female cousin (who called me the ugliest person in the room )waltzes in with her new boyfriend.
>The topic of relationships comes up.
>My male cousin reveals his body count is now 4 (he lost his virginity when he was 15).
>Her sister says the only reason she’s not in a relationship is because she gets bored of guys too quickly
>I realize that even though I’m the oldest person in the room, I have the least amount of relationship experience.
>I haven’t even held hands with a guy yet while my baby cousins are drowning in romantic and sexual attention.
>Fuck my life.
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Anonymous 113980

Anonymous 113989

You give good insights but I get the sense that you just like hearing yourself talk and its shown by you going off on tangents that have nothing to do with OPs post. Maybe it's just a stream of consciousness or autism. I agree though the average person is a literal NPC

Anonymous 113997

how is romantic/sexual attention a win? men will literally fuck anything that moves and fall in love with anyone who's even vaguely nice to them

Anonymous 114082

I understand, anon. Idk if people itt are pretending not to get it. I'm sorry that your cousin insulted you that's really mean and she sucks. My cousins are pretty normie. In my early teens one of them asked me if I had a bf and when I said no she asked why not and that made me feel we live very different lives. I was thinking obviously I don't have one. I think it's weird your cousins were that open about their sex lives but that might be a cultural difference. I know how lonely it is when your cousins have boyfriends and then husbands and children and it seems effortless. And when older relatives say it's your turn at weddings and ask you when you're getting a bf. Different worlds.


go back

Anonymous 114815

They're not bragging. It's just something attractive people do and assume everyone has the same experience, it's really not that deep

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