Dating again after a known artist Anonymous 119937[Reply]
I don't want to give away too much here, and I'm here just to vent or the smallest chance someone here has or is going through the same thing.
My soul feels crushed every time I open my phone, and see his face, or music attached to someone's post and It's nearly impossible to avoid elsewhere especially that he's the artist of the moment, to also see online that there are women talking about wanting to sleep with him, or get his attention really pissed me off especially at the beginning of the breakup, what is most hard, and I feel so terrible for doing this, is that I've got caught up in a new relationship. I can say I've moved on, but I don't even know if this is right for me. To be with an artist since he was even known as someone, to have known him before fan pages, or people tweeting his music. My new boyfriend is the complete opposite, I've not only lost my muse, but my new boyfriend isn't as power thirsty and ambitious that he were, and I don't know if it's what I need, or what is stopping me as I also have my goals and ambitions. I don't want to compare, and with this short thread you can automatically feel sorry and think I am shitty for being in a relationship with my new boyfriend, but I promise I love him a lot, but it's eating me up inside that I see my ex's face everywhere, knowing that I was supposed to be standing up with him, and he would support me from the side. It's like our chemistry was so good together, but being with a partner with the complete opposite interests, and no ambitions like this is just making me feel like I'm just like my mother who quit everything because of my dad, and I don't want to be held back from my own goals.