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No lifetime people Anonymous 113228[Reply]

It’s been coming up more that I just have…no one to really talk to. The internet and colleagues are great for directed conversations about specific topics, which is all you need most of the time. But if something good happens or I’m proud, or something bad happens, there’s…nobody. For normal people even if they don’t have friends or a therapist or a fucker they have family. Or if they don’t have family they have old, old friends. They have “lifetime people”. Even if they haven’t talked in years, if they really need to they have someone that knows them. There’s no replicating this if you missed the various dice rolls to get lifetime people. By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done. Everyone you build a relationship already has lifetime people, and those lifetime people will always be more real to them than you. You are just an episodic person for them, relatively speaking. There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one. Forever.
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Anonymous 113258

I really like Hopper's art. For me it evokes peace, rather than loneliness, for some reason.

Anonymous 113262

In my experience, no. I live rural and everyone here is 40+ boomers and they live miles away. Growing up, I had not one friend. I commute to the city for work now and have a much easier time making friends.

Anonymous 113296

I feel the exact same way as OP. Sure you can claim that it might not be completely hopeless, but that's just not what I'm experiencing. So where should people like us even begin to search for these 'lifetime people' that somehow we missed finding the first time? What are the steps? I swear it's not for a lack of trying. I have tried so many times to get involved with all kinds of groups and individuals both online and off. While it's not so difficult to find an acquaintance who will act friendly once or twice, they couldn't care less about actually getting to know me as a person, and regardless of if they show any actual interest they just end up ghosting me everytime. I just want people I can feel comfortable around. Who skip the small talk nonsense and can enjoy an honest discussion of interests and opinions with. Someone who you can randomly message eachother anytime and discuss your personal lives and thoughts and they are willing to listen. Why is it so impossible to find this situation? It just seems to me like after you're an adult, people stop trying to get to know or care about others. It's as if true friendship is a childhood thing reserved for the lucky few, and I've started to consider that it may possibly be just a fictional concept in general.

Anonymous 118425

> By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done.
ded post but i don't really think that's true.
> There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one.
reminds me of those services where you hire someone to be your family/bf/friend. it's a bit strange.

i do think the interactions had on the internet tend to serve a different purpose than those irl. if i have a conversation on the internet, im talking about random specific things no one else cares about irl. if im really friends with someone, i can talk to them about anything.

Anonymous 119094

Only way to keep or make someone a lifetime person if the constantly remind them you exist at all. I have just accepted having to initiate everything though.


Anonymous 110541[Reply]

i like girls but only certain type. the hikki femcel type of, but most of them are either straight or not interested in daiting. i dont think i will ever find gf to be with because of it. all the girlies i have liked never liked girls. all im asking for is cute pale hikikomori-ish girl who is similar to me…
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Anonymous 119067

Fuck yes I love this archetype, sucks that its both rare and usually straight (+catered to moids). Praying for us all to find the hikki NEET gf of our dreams

Anonymous 119082

These girls are the best in theory but the few that exist are 1) too mentally ill to handle 2) straight or 3) not interested in dating. I'm okay with the last two but they're often all three and while i can stand not having someone as long as i can admire them from afar, i'm just not into crazy people. The dream would be a hikkineet celibate woman who is also somehow mentally stable but it would take a miracle

Anonymous 119088

Woww I think this is the only time I've ever seen anyone show any sort of interest for any of my features, sadly it will also be the last time.

Anonymous 119093

Unfortunately it feels like they are all either latina or trans.

Anonymous 119115


Anon, I'm sorry I never contacted you. I wanted to, but I know my family would never approve of us. I hope you can be happy with a fat and hairy hikki gf one day. I wish it could have been with me.


Am I worth dating Anonymous 118932[Reply]

I don't think I'm worth enough to date as a female
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Anonymous 119043

And I don't want to be THAT person buuut….

you are worth enough as a person!! "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own;" (1 Corinthians 6:19)

You are worth it and you are loved.

Anonymous 119048

maybe the moids are still desperate enough to date you?
you don't have to be perfect, just barely good enough.

Anonymous 119056

its funny that poor quality men and women never think this but average women do often. you're probably just average but if you really feel down, just work on yourself.

Anonymous 119071

i will date u nona

Anonymous 119086

Work step by step to be th gf your ideal bf needs, ignore everybody else


Positivity. Anonymous 116556[Reply]

Share any positive feelings or positive things.

Garden your soul garden.
Every focus is infinite multiverses.
Keep watering the ideas/plants that make you feel the loveliest love

Here’s a thing that has made me feel so good and is important to me:
Thousands of Polska girls and Belarus girls are covering my NorthAmerican city with graffiti. They’ve somehow clearly gotten the idea to all become collectively like a splatoon. It has changed the energy immensely and really improved the omnipresent feminism quality~level vibe. These girls have religions about ancient euro queens and it really shows, lots of ethereal stuff.. I see so many soulful girls are more comfortable loitering around and making anywhere a party! That’s SO important! Sovl
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Anonymous 118934

Thanks, Nona! The next promotion I'm in line for is a huge step up, so it will take a while to get there. But I'm excited to grow into a person suitable for the role.

The funny thing is my job doesn't stress me out at all, I enjoy it most of the time, I work no over time, and I often spend an hour or more on reddit every day…

Anonymous 119036

You’re in every thread and all of your posts are projection. You’re calling this person a “conflict robot” but instead of staying on topic you replied to someone with the intention of generating controversy. And when someone doesn’t take your shit you get on defensive mode.
You’re weird, schizophrenic and should fuck off from here.

Anonymous 119044

I am very happy right now, because God is good. I hope you nonas are all doing well. I am glad I get to read all these positive posts here

Anonymous 119060

I took responsibility for myself and called the rehabilitation center I was referred to. Now I have an appointment for next month. I'm pretty damn proud of myself even though objectively I know it's just an every day adult task.

Anonymous 119077

That is so great to hear! Good that you did that


How to be able to exercise Anonymous 117957[Reply]

Unfortunately a fat nona here

Happens to me that I've been years living alone, I work at home and of course I'm depressed with no friends around.

I'm around my 30's so at my age trying to have friends is really weird, no one at my age wants friends at all and going to places alone suck, even going to the gym (ive got made fun of me once and decided not to go anymore).

I barely go out, I only go outside when I have to get my prescription meds.

Other than that the motivation to go out and have some sun on the skin doesn't exist.

How you do it nonas?
And yeah I eat like shit, I don't even try to cook sometimes since is depressing eating alone.

I barely shower either, I'm on my own filth and once per week I shower or 2 times per month (I clean myself tho, water and soap but I'll not get my clothes off and go under the shower).

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Anonymous 118140

honestly, there are a ton of factors to consider.

1. Do you have any pain? Be careful when doing any sort of exercise if you suffer from pain that isn't being managed and mitigated via rehab and the like.

2. If you don't have any pain, consider what it is you want. Basic health and fitness? Consider what the means to you first. For some people, that means being able to do at least 5 pullups. If that appeals to you, you may look for a nearby park with monkey bars and focus on the progressions there.

3. Don't fall for the bodyweight fitness trap that is so prevalent in fitness. It may seem like a great idea to start with bodyweight training as you don't require any equipment except maybe a pullup bar (if you want to do pullups at home), but frankly speaking, most people are simply too weak to even start with bodyweight training either due to pain or muscular imbalances caused by years of physical neglect and abuse.

4. Nutrition is the most important thing for losing weight.

5. Do not rely on fitness to fix your life, focus on accomplishing goals in the realm of fitness.

Anonymous 118150

Anonymous 118183

Anonymous 118197

Diet is the most important thing, as others have said already. You're carrying a lot of bodyweight, which makes a lot of exercise far harder. And if the weight in any exercise is too much, priority is to reduce it rather than push through and risk injury.

If you're the kind of person who benefits from structures and a plan to follow, then focusing on macronutrients and calories are your best bet. Here's a rough guide for calculating what yours should be: https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/how-to-calculate-macros/

If that's too much and you'd rather wing it, then just work on cutting out snacks and eating more protein. Its important even if you're not actively working out.

If you can eat better and lose weight, it'll have knock on effects in so many ways, including helping loneliness. Try to focus on that. You want to go farther afield and find greenery, get used to a gym, go to hobby groups and meet people- your body is your friend in all of this. It'll get you where you need to go faithfully if you treat it right.

And lastly, if you're in a city, maybe there's weight loss groups you can join. Nothing to help cut through social etiquette and get to honest friendship more than a sincerely shared goal and struggle.

You can do it. Eat better and you'll have no choice but to lose weight. Everything else you want will be more attainable for it. Good luck

Anonymous 119058

I really enjoy going for a walk in the mornings. I get my favorite coffee and walk around for a while sometimes. I live in a big city too and its kinda boring cause its always the same but recently a new store has opened up close to me so I go there sometimes and look to see if they have new hello kitty things. You could try going on walks while listening to audiobooks also :)


Anonymous 118787[Reply]

In your own words, what does falling in love feel like to you? How do you know there's a connection, a spark, a vibe?
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Anonymous 118821

you do sound like a gold digger

Anonymous 118828

Falling in love is when you do dumb stuff that will bite you later. I like to keep a rational mind.

Anonymous 118829

It feels more self destructing and dangerous than taking drugs of questionable quality.

Anonymous 119008

It is also the most sublime drug known to man. Better than an entire drug cocktail

Anonymous 119057

I knew for sure when I realized I only want to marry and have kids with him.


Anonymous 119045[Reply]

Do people only use each other? Is wanting deep caring and true love that takes it slow without everything being obsessed with sex just a fairy tale? Are ideas of true love that never fades just overly idealized and is something that breaks her if she pursues it? She wanted to follow it, but it only caused her pain

People just seem to want the new burst of energy and honeymoon phase that comes with meeting someone new for the first time and the first few days together that forever shape the memories you have with them (you never forget the first few days) until they get bored and move on and become strangers as if you never met each other in the first place


Anonymous 118878[Reply]

What are you supposed to talk about on a first date, or when a guy approaches you?
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Anonymous 118999

i dont use reddit. youre just crying because i called you a reddit tranny in another thread. i dont care that you use cc just dont insert your aggression here because you hate cis women
ok. what does this have to do with anything? are you still bullying me for something i havent done? you need to be specific so i can understand

Anonymous 119011

i think that anon is mentally ill or has a problem with their gender dysphoria to the point that need to take out on others because what they said is complete unrelated nonesense. i asked for specific examples to prove im a bad person logically and he just went back to making assumptions about me pfft. ig this is what happens when a sociopath who is addicted to controlling others has a low iq. its like he has an obsession with needing to feel superior to others by making up stories that he can use to attack and accuse but he has none of the intelligence to sound convincing. im sorry for encouraging them to shit up this thread. i think more productive things can be said for op so ill stop this here. honestly my first comments were just trying to defend op to show shes not a monster or whatever that tranny was trying to pin on her but he decided to create this poorly made maze to try trap and control me in thinking it would work. its creepy when men do that. im sure this tactic of mentally wearing out others by insulting them and shitting out deranged conspiracies until you manipulate them into doing what you want works on some but not me

op you can talk about literally anything
>how your and his week went
>whats going on in your life
>the scenery
>the food
>current trends
>opinions on stuff
>talk about your stories or ask him about his
>when hes talking about doing something, ask about how the process was or how he felt about something specific to that
literally anything can be turned into a topic to yap about. i always sucked at this because i just dont get dopamine from talking to other people unless its about my interests/fixations. but i think if youre someone like that it helps to have an idea on what to talk about this way you can get into a routine if you never have the energy for it. if he brings up something youre not interested in or dont know how to respond to then try change how you think about it. you dont need to pretend to care about the interest specifically just appreciate its something hes into and ask why hes into it then move the conversation on to something else
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Anonymous 119014

Shut up scrote.

Anonymous 119025

you ignored everything i wrote about being genuine instead of inauthentic by changing your mindset and jumped into making assumptions about how fake i am to feed your pathetic male ego again. ive met people like you. whatever logic is said you ignore and twist the truth to fit your narrative of being above everyone. youre toxic and use therapy language to manipulate people into doing whatever you want even now when you accuse me of being manipulative myself. you dont realise this, but words dont hold meaning for you. theyre just opportunities to get your dopamine by feeking superior to other people as you have demonstrated everywhere on cc. thats why in every post you make youre combatative and egotistical. its just how the narcissist brain works. you cant tell that youre "mazing" others and trying to control people by fabricating things about them because its your instinct. in reality you have no clue if i treat people kindly or if i treat them like dirt. you dont know who i am. and although you have a big ego people like you dont know yourself either. real women dont have addictions to controlling other women desperately like this especially not on a random imageboard, youre a tranny repeating delusions to finally feel better than cis women. how do i know? youre writing style and deranged allusory attitude is easy to spot anywhere. youre the same pedophile tranny who calls himself "supreme" on discord that admits to arguing on cc and brags about controlling cis women all day. i hate sadistic fags like you. heres the most honest thing that comes from my heart and mind: you will never be a real woman

Anonymous 119047

Based. Now I don’t know if the schizo deleted his posts or they were saged. Either way I hope he doesn’t come back.


Advice, Please! I can’t choose a hobby!!! Anonymous 118809[Reply]

I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?

My best breakthrough is to do multiple hobbies at once… maybe three? But even then I cannot decide which three to do!!!
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Anonymous 118897

I feel like I'm going through something similar where I'm so compelled to take up a new hobby for about a month or so, and then quietly lose interest and move onto something new. I've tried returning to piano, drawing, gardening, dance, bead spriting, baking…nothing seems to stick, but I still want to do all of it. lately I find myself reminiscing about how I used to write stories and poetry all the time when I was a kid, but I'm also looking at these gorgeous outfits and cosplays on social media and dreaming about how cool it would be if I could make and alter my own clothes. there's not enough time or money in a hundred lifetimes to do everything, but here I am dipping my toes in ten different pools. so…let me know when you figure it out!

Anonymous 118900

>I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?

i've been like that for a long time. i think what helped me was to change my perspective from what i wanted (which was a lot) to what time do i have and how to spend it wisely. time is the precious resource and you spend it. when you want to do stuff and don't end up doing it, you are not in the habit of spending your time.

had the hardest time with planning my days, waking up every day felt a completely unrelated new life. one thing that helped was always thinking of one thing for the next day and then writing it down because my head was so fast and so all over the place that i often forgot my decisions and then wasted a day not remembering what i actually wanted to do and then late in the evening when it was no longer possible i remembered.

Anonymous 118905

I'm interested in starting acting/improvisation, but both are too expensive to start, I can't afford classes since I'm an unemployed shutin. Also both communities seem really toxic, not just cliquey and intolerant of "difference", but in that people actively celebrate the cliquey-ness/intolerance, and brush it off as "just how it is".

(also I'm not sure I'd be good at line memorisation)

Anonymous 118906

I hope you can afford classes one day. acting is fulfilling for the soul, and I miss it terribly.
I def get being worried about it being cliquey. what I'll say from having both cast and crew experience is that the cliquey feeling is often a byproduct of the nature of theatrical work. a lot of actors will make an effort to be welcoming, they tend to be pretty personable.
also it's normal to be intimidated by memorizing lines! the process might not be like you're thinking, though–for me it felt more like learning song lyrics than trying to memorize a book or something like that.

Anonymous 119042

I don't want to sound rude and I know starting my post with this does not help me achieve that.
How autistic are you?
Can you sit down for long periods of time, do you have to constantly be moving, do you pay attention to tiny details that aren't important, etc etc?
My point is what can you physically handle, that should help narrow it down, for example if you want to be outdoors and are in decent shape then you can try hiking, or if you want to be glued to the internet then try streaming and making an anime girl avatar.


I think I accidentally stalked/harassed a guy Anonymous 118749[Reply]

There’s this guy at my university who I instantly was attracted to when I met him, I approached him, we exchanged numbers and texted a few times. I wanted to be in a relationship with him because I rarely find guys who I feel intense physical attraction for He told me he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now, but I figured I could just wait it out. I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to him, not saying I wanted a relationship but that I’d be willing to wait, he didn’t respond so I deleted his number and didn’t text him again. I knew he went to the gym so I kept on showing up at the gym just to see him. I would just make eye contact on my way in, then run on the treadmill a bit, not approaching. Today I decided to go up to him and say something, and he told me to stop bothering him. I said ok and left the gym immediately. I guess I won’t be going to the gym again. It’s frustrating how none of the guys I like ever like me back. I was actually holding back how obsessive I could be. I guess my gushy text expressing how I liked his physical appearance was a bit overboard. I wish I was a normal person and not a socially reclusive broken retard. I want to kill myself so bad
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Anonymous 118933

It's sad and kinda pathetic how she gave up a lot of her dignity to simp for this guy.

Anonymous 118951

Hot guys are like rare diamonds in an enormous heap of trash. They are either aware of how good looking they are and exploit it for personal gain, manipulation and ego stroking, or they are unaware at the hidden power and potential they have of owning pretty privilege. The latter are the hottest and rarest and often have the greatest personalities, those are they guys I would date (and have dated)

Anonymous 118974

I think it's just commenting on being a hot guy, not claiming to be one. Are you upset about the poster or the message?

Anonymous 118993

who wouldnt be hurt over you lying about rape in this porn addict larp? dumb tranny. you have no conscience. just an identity to feed your subhuman lies in this gay reddit post

Anonymous 119001

Nta it's written in the pov of an attractive man that reads in a "you wouldn't get how hard it is" and "don't do this to an atttactive man like me" way so it's up to anyone's interpretation at this point. I don't blame that other anon for thinking it's an ugly male with porn addiction because the way they bring up rape and forced sa is unserious and pandering. It's almost like he wishes this delusion to come true. Typical ain't it? His smug response to being called a lying incel is not putting confidence in me that it's a woman.

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