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Positivity. Anonymous 116556[Reply]

Share any positive feelings or positive things.

Garden your soul garden.
Every focus is infinite multiverses.
Keep watering the ideas/plants that make you feel the loveliest love

Here’s a thing that has made me feel so good and is important to me:
Thousands of Polska girls and Belarus girls are covering my NorthAmerican city with graffiti. They’ve somehow clearly gotten the idea to all become collectively like a splatoon. It has changed the energy immensely and really improved the omnipresent feminism quality~level vibe. These girls have religions about ancient euro queens and it really shows, lots of ethereal stuff.. I see so many soulful girls are more comfortable loitering around and making anywhere a party! That’s SO important! Sovl
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Anonymous 119821

i felt this way too when waitressing. im in retail now but god i miss the money i was making t-t

Anonymous 119830

Cleaned my room yesterday, not just picking up trash and worn clothing in one spot but the whole room and even the hallway leading to my room.
Don't know where this motivation came from but I'm still riding that high, I like it, even opened up the window and just having the crisp smell of nothing felt amazing.
Even this morning after I finished eating I immediately washed my plate instead of letting it sit for who knows how long.
I like this change, how do I get this for other problems in my life, did I subconsciously say "ENOUGH" and actually do something positive for once, is there a way to get more of this, even typing this out fills my head with feel good chemicals, I want more!??!

Anonymous 119850

congrats nona! i had a similar mood recently and did the same. it feels so good actually having a livable room

Anonymous 120079

Food, alcohol, and listening to music I like followed by oujosama asmr… I deserved this break today.

Anonymous 120082

Eat some good food. Remember tomorrow will come.

sad lesbian noises…

Anonymous 120074[Reply]

tfw there's a girl who's so ethereally beautiful that you lose your breath when you look at her but you're a cockroach who flees from the sun

Anonymous 120075

you're not a lesbian, you're an ugly man.

Anonymous 120077


Go up to her and say:
"Wanna watch Spongebob at my house? I can make some popcorn and we can drink some diet dr pepper."


mommy issues Anonymous 120048[Reply]

havent posted on here in atleast a year or so but im hoping someone can give me some advice because i srsly dont know how to approach this any longer.

for context, my dad passed away right before my 13th birthday & its been a couple years since then so the grief is not too much for me
but ive been living with my mom and siblings since then until about 3 years after my fathers passing my mom moved a (friend of my fathers) into the home after speaking to him for only a month

its been awhile since this happened, and you would expect things would settle down but it feels as if its only gotten worse

ive been subjected to emotional and physical abuse by both my mother and her boyfriend, though her boyfriend is typically to himself

but my mom has become increasingly more narcissistic and aggressive over the years, often telling me and my young siblings she wished she never had kids

shes rarely home, and only takes out time for herself often leading to me watching and taking care of my siblings AND her boyfriend’s daughter whenever she is there too

all my mother does is belittle me and tell me i will amount to nothing but shes never helped me. taught me no life skills, doesnt believe in therapy or medication, everything ive done ive accomplished with my own spirit

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Anonymous 120076


really sorry to hear you are going through this

there is no way to deal with such shit people. try to move out. maybe ask the uni to postpone to next year due to health/financial/family reasons. get a shitty job and try to save money and move in with a roommate

don't put all your faith in your boyfriend. young people don't yet know what they want and things might not work out.

you are strong for dealing with this! never give up, never surrender!

The28thidiot - 183…

Lonely life Anonymous 119497[Reply]

Who would have known. Turns out that my paranoid unhealthy bullshit is a detriment to my character. I have lost my only true close friend because of a falling out and it seems that I have lost contact with them so no matter how much I want to try to make amends, it won't happen. It takes a lot of conscious effort for me to truly be close to someone because I am scared of not being in control of my feelings and letting my paranoid delusions get to me, and I thought maybe this would be different despite the issues between us (we both don't have the best mental health.) But it turns out, not really. I've always been isolated from my peers ever since childhood. I don't work; I got an informal job before but my cognition wasn't up to it. My hobbies are mostly isolated like drawing and writing. I've always had a lonely life. Friends come and go, but it seems they always go in the most painful ways possible. I always had looming dread whenever I had this close relationship, even when my friend was as nice and understanding as possible, like I was not enjoying it at all or being conflicted about being happy or scared. But at least despite that, I was a bit more in control of my emotions and my friend made me smile a lot. But now, everything is a mess. It might take a while to be more stable, but this is nothing new to me. Maybe I should just keep to myself more, and I should just be more accepting of an isolated life.
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Anonymous 119952

>be me
>too lonely to interact with other people and get a bf
>can't get bf to cure loneliness
>the cycle continues

Anonymous 119971

My ex bf was my best friend before and after we broke up. We stayed really close for like a year after the breakup. He had girlfriends and it never became a problem until now. He got a new girlfriend and he barely talks to me. I get paranoid and freak out on him and he just says he’s busy. That he got in touch with old friends and so he just has less time to yap with me but when he was single he had a lot more free time. But he still wants to be my friend and likes talking to me. How am I actually supposed to take that? He talks to his old friends more so he talks to me a lot less. So I’m less important. I freak out and I know I’m just making things worse but I can’t help it. I’m so lonely now. I just liked being apart of his life still. Moids are never the cure to loneliness they just make it worsen

Anonymous 119972

Plus side his girlfriend is short and over 200 pounds. Thinking about how fat and disgusting she is, is the only remedy to my pain.

Anonymous 120024

do you think his new gf might be uncomfy with him having close female friends or something?

Anonymous 120044

I genuinely couldn’t care less. I’m sure she does. She’s a hog. If she wasn’t uncomfortable. It would be a shock. That’s not my problem. We have been best friends for 7 years. It’s not my fault she’s a void of a human being. She never developed a personality outside of her last bf. So now instead of developing a personality outside of her last relationship she’s just latching on to his personality. Within a month of dating she bought him tickets to Vegas. I can’t imagine being that desperate and I think it’s pathetic. She lives four hours away and she comes down every week and spends like 4 days at his house. Again imagine lacking an identity to the point you can spend that much time in someone else’s space, especially a moids space. She’s a turbo Reddit liberal who fucking does that moon water shit. So basically I hate her as a person and also because I don’t get to talk to him as much. Like if I met her under different circumstances I would still think she’s a pathetic hog. Who’s desperate for male attention.


Crazy MIL stories? Anonymous 120042[Reply]

Since my husband died 3 years ago, my MIL has:

>Shown up at my house

>Called my work 3 separate occasions and told them I was arrested for prostitution
>Knocked at my neighbours house to ask for info about my activities, accused me of having a party
>destroyed anything I leave at his grave
>Opened up letters I left at his grave and acted scandalised by the contents
>Called every member of my family and friend to drunk-rant about how we all caused his death
>Every family member has blocked her on every app, since once she's blocked one place she migrates to another
>Demanded his friends stop talking to me and uninvited me from the funeral
>Called or threatened police on me multiple times
>Threatened me with lawyers over possessions of his I don't have and threatened me with police because I attend his grave
>Periodically unblocks me on instagram to tell me I'm a cunt/waste of oxygen/disgusting and then blocks me before I can block her
>All of my family have a no reply and block policy in place for her
>Asked journalist to suppress his diaries because they painted me in a good light which threatens her narrative that I abused him (aka used reasonable firmness to take his drugs off him. He died of an OD)
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Anonymous 119958[Reply]

What do you do when you run out of things to talk about and they're not interested anymore?

Anonymous 119959

maybe go to sleep first since its late for (you)

Anonymous 120033

if its a new fren, change the topic to a random fact or talking point of your interest.

it gives them an insight to who you are (i you prefer introvert hobbies they may realise you arent chatty)

It also gives you an idea if they respect your ideals as a person.

If you know this person well, just send them a meme of an inside joke.

but if it's someone you don't know very well.. ie a normie coworker; just state the obvious. "uh the weather is so bad"

srry for going off i have autismo ramblings on conversations.

Anonymous 120040

this, i don't know why it took so long for it to click (probably cause i'm autistic and got good at masking it in high school) but you literally can just talk to people about the things that are on your mind. if you find it interesting the odds are decent they will too


Anonymous 119969[Reply]

Anyone else just accept the fact that they'll never have a husband and kids? How do you cope?
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Anonymous 120016

Above average I'd say. But not super hot or anything.

Anonymous 120017

He was so hot that he didn't think he needed to bathe.

Anonymous 120018

I only had 3 years with mine. He's now happily married with kids and I'm alone. Probably how it should be.

Anonymous 120019

are you my boyfriend's ex…

Anonymous 120035



Anonymous 120013[Reply]

my OCD is killing me rn pls can someone talk me down from the panic

Anonymous 120014

What are you panicking about?

Anonymous 120015

i made this granola with like 1 1/2 cups of chopped nuts for the whole recipe, roasted it all for half an hour, and then ate like 30g of the nut pieces out of it. now there are barely any left wth. did i just eat 1 1/2 cups of nuts

Anonymous 120031

Think of how many cups your stomach can consume.
1 1/2 cups is nothing, to a small ape.

You are more than your eating habits, stop weighing your food.

I understand food is one of the little things we can control, but please dont let it control you.


Anonymous 119983[Reply]

asleep, i’m paralyzed by your dreams
in delusions, i hunt for diamonds

asleep, i’m crazed by a gentle violence
asleep, i’m unaware of right or wrong
in delusions, i tear the flesh from your past
in delusions, i sew that flesh onto mine

asleep, i’m falling into envy-induced sickness
in delusions, i’m nothing–just another sweet tooth for you

Anonymous 120006

Here is your (you) since you beg for it so much


Stay off the grass Anonymous 120001[Reply]

The breeze a gift//Life in a breath always ephemeral//The post office returned all my letters//Does the pollen sleep or is it destroyed//I know you took nothing with you//Though where did you leave my heart//Pain is not ephemeral//The flower will die again and again//I stand tall waiting for another boot

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