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Consequences of actions Anonymous 113496[Reply]

So when I was 19 this old man raped me and purposefully gave me a lifelong sti. It’s called ‘gift-giving’ and the most fcked up thing I’ve come across. This man David happens to be a Singaporean billionaire I believe in the hotel business with his sister. What makes this even more sketchy is the fact that he goes by two names I think. Peter and David? Nothing about him on the web. 1 photo. His friend was there and he was staying at the como hotel so pretty sure he’s got something to do with that. Now I’m 27 now and I want fckin justice. It’s actually more than just the rape and sexual assault. It’s the fact that these ultra-wealthy people think that they can just do as they please?! I just messaged him and he is saying that he’s going to sue me for defamation of character lol like I have nothing to sue. He also got off on the fact that I was covered in self harm scars and the fact that my father had raped me whilst growing up. Are men just not the most repulsive species?! I just honestly want no one coming near me ever again I think they are fucking vile the lot of them. Also I can’t be the only girl that this has happened to. He showed me all these girls he was talking to on his phone. I just hate men I can’t explain how vile I find them. So I’m going to report him to the Singapore police department because honestly I’ve had enough of men thinking they can do as they please with no fking consequences. I’m not from Singapore btw I’m from the uk but going to file a report online. These ultra-wealthy people think that they are untouchable it’s a joke. Probs got a whole legal team but I don’t give a shit like bring it bitch
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Anonymous 115418

Also he has like 5 dogs or something insane and was showing me vids of him horse riding. I wish I could go back in time and just have stayed in bed. Meeting this man was my biggest regret. The amount of emotional distress this man has caused me, let alone the physical. I really hope he dies soon so I can be left alone. Funny you say about the parasite thing I’ve had some wild pain in my lower right had side for the longest time. Think you are right about the police I was thinking more TikTok or Twitter, also because I want to find the other girls this has happened too

Anonymous 115449

There's gotta be at least pro-bono lawyer who wants to take on a billionaire.

Anonymous 115481

There is no justice in this world.
You are right in thinking these kind of people should be punished for their actions, but if you believe the only way to obtain peace is to see his justice served, you'll NEVER be satisfied. Even if he were to die tomorrow, he will keep haunting you.
I advise you let it go. The only true Justice is in Kindom Come. Otherwise you're only setting you up for a lifetime of unresolved resentment.
If you really want to see things change and protect other women from such abuse, you should join a feminist activist movements. This probably won't solve your problem, but you may protect other potential victims like you.

Anonymous 115507


I wish that were the case, but all the expensive lawyers are too busy representing the abuser types

key example Lisa Bloom. She was double teaming between "helping" women and defending Harvey Weinstein. Even female lawyers will bend to rich men's whims for a paycheck.

I'm tired of this fucking world

Anonymous 115948

A lifetime of resentment seems like a rational response to this situation


Anonymous 115938[Reply]

How do I make a best friend from scratch? I ruined things with my last one, but now I'm trying to improve I feel lonely. It seems everyone already has a best friend

Anonymous 115939

>It seems everyone already has a best friend
Don't focus too much on labels. You can just make friends with people and then going from there you'll see if the both of you get really close or not. You can't really pick and choose someone who'll then be your best friend, it doesn't work that way. This allows you to be friends with groups of multiple people as well - you don't need to single out a specific one to have a 'higher tier friendship' with.

Anonymous 115947

Thanks anon, this really changed my perspective


Anonymous 115451[Reply]

i am obsessed with my bf, just looking at him brings very much joy. but here is the issue, i am very depending on him, cant do much on my own and my mood changes based on his mood. im clingy, overly hugging/kissing. idk i just fear that he losses intrest in me and thrn im alone. he is my first kiss and sex so it would be very damaging mentally if he left or so. he swears he doesn't but still i think of this. since we statted dating we have spend almost 24/7 with each others.

Anonymous 115452

For some relationships a dynamic like this works out, but it's not healthy. You should have hobbies and interests you can keep yourself busy with alone. There's so much you can do in life, you could make great things just by dedicating yourself to a meaningful hobby. But it doesn't even have to be something with a deeper meaning really, just have something that gives you joy outside of the relationship. Also make sure to still spend time with friends and family if you have the possibility.
You don't have to drastically reduce the time you're spending with him for now (or at all if you don't want to), just make sure that whenever you are on your own you'll have something you can do, something that brings you joy. Or maybe you can even pick up a hobby that involves crafting something and you can make stuff for him? Just make sure you're not an empty shell of a human being without him.
Maybe work on why you don't want to be alone too. And be careful, you're giving him a lot of power over you but I assume you already know that and if that's what works out for you I'm not going to tell you to stop. Take care nona.

Anonymous 115691

Same. I don’t think it’s a bad thing though as long as he’s as loyal and committed as you are. Not sure what I would do if my boyfriend left me. Probably fall apart lmao

Anonymous 115820

It‘s not bad until things go wrong. But I haven’t found a solution for it either

Anonymous 115946

If he's your first and you feel this way about him, try to keep him. The first one always has the potential to be something special. Just make sure that he truly loves you too and isn't just taking advantage.

Anonymous 115952

Why is this so relatable..
I think I’d just stay alone forever if my moid ever left but he’s not even usually nice to me.


am i good enough Anonymous 115834[Reply]

im in my first semester of Uni, im studying to be a nurse. Its already my first week of school and i dont know if im good enough for this, im not dumb, i understand everything well and i know how to organize my time for homework and studying, but i feel like im not enough
like i can't put up with my own expectations or my mother expectations and i feel so stupid, as if im worth nothing if i fail in this
THIS is literally becoming my life purpose and its just been ONE WEEK. Maybe im just mentally or emotionally weak, or im obsessing over it, i dont know.
im just venting but- if you have something to say- pls reply. im lonely.

Anonymous 115835

It has been ONE WEEK. Did you think there wouldn't be an adjustment period? Uni is a big shift from highschool, particularly in North American culture (assuming that's where you're from). You are no longer in the top of your class just for remotely paying attention/trying. You have to both self-govern your whole life for the first time (if you had a helicopter parent) AND study harder than you've ever studied before. Make some friends or at least people who will help you study/hold each other accountable. We all get this, those prone to anxiety usually get it worse/more often. Shower, eat, and/or sleep. You'll feel better after doing some combination of those.

Anonymous 115851

School doesn't matter
Just pass and then you can do the real stuff which is work
I think you can do it

Anonymous 115897

As long as your passing your classes you're good. Literally everyone cheats in class given the opportunity. Most people forget what they learn, when they get into the actual work field is when you ACTUALLY learn something.

Anonymous 115929

You are definitely good enough for nursing. You can overcome and figure it out. You may want to try and talk to some other nurses and try to see if you can piece together a study group as part of your study schedule. This helps with keeping yourself accountable.

Anonymous 115937

In situations like these I always think to myself "If you weren't good enough for this, you wouldn't even be in this position rn."
You got into the uni, now it's up to you to not to throw it away. In technically speaking you can totally make it, just don't depend on the mindset of "It'll all work out somehow" (like I did the first two semesters). You will have to put in some effort. View your mom's expectations as motivation. Idk if that works for you but I somehow always perform better when I know someone thinks I won't make it.
A thing that helped me with studying was going to places outside of my room to study, essentially to not get distracted. Another thing that might help you is to get into learning groups. Try to not overwork yourself tho. Prioritize health > grades > free time. I tried to not prioritize health for the first two semesters and I really messed with my hormones. Not having enough sleep/meals/exercise can really fuck with your body. In my case I had visible signs i couldn't ignore but even if you just have skin breakouts or massive black circles, looking unhealthily pale could be indicators. Your body will take it's revenge sooner or later.
Some might say it's not healthy to put spare time last in your list but tbh I already quite enjoy cooking and exercising + self care is relaxing to me and I usually like getting out of my room to go to some learning area and maybe buy some snacks too. If you're not like super stressed just set a specific time after which you completely stop studying. Like if studying after 7pm doesn't really do anything for you, just stop right there and you have the whole evening to you. By doing this you also kind of have that first work, then reward thing going which many of us sadly didn't properly learn as children.
Anyway as I said it's technically very much doable and as you got into the uni you're obviously qualified, the rest just comes down to time management, so make sure you find something that works for yourself (if you're not using those already methods like time blocking or a pomodoro timer might help).


Anonymous 115931[Reply]

Nonas, I need to change things. My room's a mess, I got fired from my cafe job, I haven't been to the gym in weeks, I didn't register for classes this semester bc I'm broke, and I don't really see my friends anymore. I started drinking again and I've been boredom eating. And even though I'm always on my damn phone, I'm terrible at texting people back. I'm ghosting my therapist. I feel like everything really went downhill for me after I got dumped in June (he was with me just long enough to take my virginity, which was pretty unpleasant, and I was dumb enough to fall in love with him before he switched up). I feel like I don't have much of an identity right now and I always feel and look out of place. I know I can change all these things. I can clean my room, find a new job, get back in the gym and get my diet in order, stop drinking… I know I can fix This but I'll have to do it in stages. Any advice on getting out of the funk is welcome <3

Anonymous 116203

>get pumped and dumped
>life goes downhill
This is why waiting until marriage is advantageous.


Anonymous 115783[Reply]

I stopped taking my meds
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Anonymous 115788


>Day 4
I regret my decision

Anonymous 115789

What were you on? I was okay. I was on Depakote, Risperidone, and some other type of drug, I forget what it was.

Anonymous 115790

I've done the same thing before. I think "I'm sick of taking these meds I don't want to be dependent on them anymore!!!" then the nightmares start

Anonymous 115898

I haven't been taking my meds for over 2 months, honestly I've never felt a difference even with the higher dosage. But I'll try to get back on them again since I'm going back to uni. But I want a new physiatrist cause she refuses to evaluate me for ADHD.

Anonymous 115901


exactly you THINK things are going great but that's just the illusion being off the meds while everyone else in your life severs contact with you cuz you're acting like you're in your amanda bynes britney era


Anonymous 115884[Reply]

Was just doing my usual Saturday night routine (reflecting on all my past relationships, wondering why I feel so disconnected from other people and praying for some kind of breakthrough) and I finally got somewhere. I think I’m crazy. I think I’m delusional, and not “girlie in her dululu era” delusional but “I can’t tell imagination from reality” delusional. I think I’m the problem. And that really, really, really, really sucks

I have so much love to give. Now I’m beginning to see why nobody ever wanted it. I wish I was a man. Nobody likes a crazy woman. Even other women despise crazy women, while crazy men are somewhat revered. I just want to be loved

Anonymous 115890


Maybe you should try to live more in the present, turn of your computer, and touch some grass? Also, I feel this whole overthinking every Saturday thing isn't working out too well for ya, but you do you. I'm sure that well adjusted people also believe themselves crazy before going to bed. (Kinda sorry for assuming too much and being mean, but I hope the message comes across.)

Anonymous 115891

i am facing similar thoughts and i think i need to work on a project

Anonymous 115892

Overthinking isn’t great for you, try to remain calm and be proud of yourself. Whatever problems you have, you will get through them


How are you? Anonymous 115855[Reply]

Everything will be ok.
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Anonymous 115858

im hungry. i want to take the bus and go to the library tomorrow. or maybe today. the problem is the bus only comes much later in the afternoon. i cant help but feel suffocated in my house. its hot, my parents left, and i dont want to be stinky and gross by being melted to my bed all day.
so maybe i will go to the library, i dunno.

Anonymous 115862


Tired of stifling everything I say.
My voice deserves to be heard.
What I said doesn't deserve to be taken down.
I worked hard.
I wasn't crazy.
My words meant something, they spoke of an ill nobody will speak on, and that's why you hate them.
Whether you tear down my walls of text or not, whether you censor me or not, whether or not you succeed or fail, it won't bring you peace.
And my blood is still proverbially on your hands.

Anonymous 115867

very sad because somehow whenever i have a male friend they manage to act weird, confuse me emotionally and then put me on the backburner when friends are supposed to support eachother not hurt eachother,, sick of being treated as weird by women when all i try to do is make them happy like what happened to girls sticking with girls

Anonymous 115869

Men are just filth plain and simple. It doesn't matter to me that some are nice because they're also just disgusting and oblivious and presume you should want anything to do with them in their easy going obliviousness. It doesn't matter how fucking nice they are i want to stab all of their eyes out with icepicks.

Anonymous 115873


true but sometimes we also have to hold accountable the women who are willing to throw other women under the bus protecting abusive moids


not looking for advice just want to vent Anonymous 115859[Reply]

im a mid 20s woman with a lot of weird health problems that make it difficult for me to work full time and survive fully independently

have no living family left or soft place to land, moved to a new country for university years ago, tried very hard to improve my situation.

Been with the same guy for over 5 years, over time it's gotten progressively worse. bf knows I have nowhere else to go and holds this fact over my head, said before no one else would put up with me, clearly resentful and hates that I'm disabled/not improving health and energy wise

His family hates me for being autistic and views me as a burden. at times he can be very caring and the rest is very toxic, he has very online views and is obsessed with the concept of "emasculation" and incel ideas about sex.

about a year ago i had a very traumatic abdominal surgery due to potentially cancerous tumors in my reproductive organs, affected my libido. How I was treated and yelled at afterwards for needing care and 'complaining' also made me lose a lot of sexual attraction. I almost lost both ovaries from the procedure and have scar tissue.

even if i will do sexual acts for him, it's never enough because I'm not a perpetually horny coomer like he is and I can't really do much PIV sex now without pain. I do care about him but to men like this unless you're head over heels horny you don't love anyone.

I'm completely miserable and everyone views me as a terrible person for not leaving when i have nowhere else to go and currently can not work enough hours to live alone or stay in my country where everything i know is. friends won't help me.

i have a history of sexual abuse from a young age, my family was also verbally and physically abusive. it feels like my entire life i will just be a sex object for men and when i stop being useful sexually I'm the scum of the earth, "using" a man, and secretly want to fuck chads or whatever.
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Anonymous 115860

I'm very sorry, nona. You deserve so much better than that awful situation. You're very brave for putting up with it all.

Have you tried applying for disability?

Anonymous 115865

well that sucks… hope you manage to turn it around


is anyone else dreadfully, painfully lonely? Anonymous 115853[Reply]

i am almost 23 years old and i have never had a friend, ever. i have never been to anyone's house, hung out with anyone, or been invited anywhere at all. i live in a small town in a rural area - there's nowhere for me to meet people.

i haven't even had a female friend online.

i am not in college (maybe someday), but i do work full time. my coworkers are all 30+ and although we get along, we'll never be friends. i never talk to them outside of work, and they have no interest in doing so.

it is very likely that i was diagnosed with autism as a child

my cynicism is of no help, either. even the smallest things can make me dislike someone. i dislike excessive use of social media, drinking, drug use, smoking, porn, tattoos, revealing clothing, transgenderism, etc… i just want someone that isn't corrupted or evil or something like that. i just want to be friends with a girl that's nice. i fantasize about having the perfect friend and i get so sad i cry about it.

i often think about how beautiful it would be to have a friend. we could talk every day, wear pretty dresses together, hug each other, talk on the phone, eat cake together. we would share music, movies, and art and cute pictures. we'd love each other like sisters. our children would grow up together. we'd be friends til death!

i am so lonely and so tired of it.

Anonymous 115861


I understand anon. I wish it would improve. The friends I have barely contact me anymore and I barely hang out with anyone, all I have is my bf I talk to every few days and he's sadly long distance. I've tried to be friendly to people at work but it's clear most of them want to avoid interaction outside of it. I can't find a hobby or interest that'd actually make me new friends and I'm in my mid late 20s so it's embarrassing I'm in this state right now. I live in a midsize city and yet I still feel like a friendless loser junkie freak who cries her eyes out on her days off pretending I'm okay front facing to the world when I secretly am so lonely I wish I'd just die.

I'm sorry you're in this predicament. I hope you can at least find one person to confide in

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