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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 119865[Reply]

I hate men so much omg 😭 I need a safe space to cleanse myself from all men (except George Michael's discography). I have an event later today that will require me to be around the same white cookie cutter men for the nth time and I want to rip my hair out I'm so tired of this bs
:((((((( I refuse to go to this event sober (but for legal reasons I will be raw dogging this required event)

It's just me and Freedom! 90 - Remastered against the world. Please pray for me and send me the most healing feminine energy so I can survive

Anonymous 119870

My parents took me to see George Michael and it was awful.


I went to a gym and my god I have a problem Anonymous 119866[Reply]

I normally find the smell of bo gross but when I smell mens bo I get really horny


Anonymous 106726[Reply]

post yr ideal partner
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Anonymous 119835

Wtf lol

Anonymous 119837


ideally i'd be the first of seven and he'd forget about doing the other six

Anonymous 119838

Anonymous 119854

It's unironically a young benedictine monk I met when I was in France, I have no idea if I'll meet him again or not but he was an amazingly sweet snd kind person (like most real christians). I'm not a christian so I have no idea what this is about.

Anonymous 119857

Submissive men that aren't very fetishistic about it are naturally hard to find due to being, obviously, submissive. They're shy, probably don't go out unless it's with friends, probably don't use dating apps.
Really, the only time to get a submissive man is when you're in school.


How to deal with my hatred towards pickmes as a woman Anonymous 107469[Reply]

How to deal with constantly having to see women act trashy for men, having to be gaslighted as an individual by women as a collective which is very vile and makes me doubt myself as if I'm a crazy person just making up shit, having to be surrounded with the patriarchy they co create with men especially through heterosexuality, having to see women acting desperate for men, being hated for having self preservation, literally getting mad responses from pickmes, having to live in this society with no community I can connect with and having to suppress my mind and "ignore" the issues aka just… suppress myself to fit them, having to be exposed to constant brainwashing and grooming by male lovers, having to deal with female socialization and being held to higher standards than they hold men to.
It's all just evil, women as a collective oppress individual women, and celibate women who don't want to engage in heterosexuality are seen as controversial and male lovers are threatened by us. I know people will just tell me to "ignore" but I want a community or else I'm a fucking slave in this society. Its hard being an autistic, mentally gnc woman cause other women hate you, not in the way hatred is usually displayed by humans but it's still real. I also feel intellectually suppressed/oppressed in the female socialization and female socialization is also very aggressive. I'm very unique(I know that we all go though the same experience and all human feel the same things, I just resort to seeing myself as unique whenever it's a temporary state or not or even trauma, it just helps me understand what I am in relation with others in the context of this issue here)
Please don't nitpick this cause I'm so tired, it's NOT just about being celibate please understand what I mean cause I've seen male lovers accusing volcel women of basing their worth around the "lack if male presence" in their life "just as male lovers base their worth around male presence". Wtf
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Anonymous 119544

Screw it, might as well add the other stuff. See if anyone can relate, or if anyone wants a laugh at this bizarre fucked up family dynamic involving a pickme/boymom.

In our recent convo quoted above, mom also said, life would suck without men (HAHA), how she hates dykes (shell probably accuse me or question me if I am one, even though Im straight, if I keep explaining mens true nature and why I want to be separate from men as much as possible). Mom kept calling modern women who-oores, and I said thats what men say they want which influences women to behave sexually that way, that men are way more whorish than women. Mom brought up how women are so fucked up now (meaning, not feminine, shaved heads or blue hair, tattoos, and meeeannn to mens feewings). I said maybe its a result of trauma or abuse from men (not that a woman needs a reason, baby steps..). She said, oh I never knew that, so maybe something clicked?

Another time, mom said how she cant say no to men esp my brother. My brother is in his late 30s, yet he commands mom at all hours to make him a full meal, a snack, tea, clean up dog shit, or do his laundry (he only recently stopped telling mom about laundry past 12am, she usually stays up and even irons his clothing, complaining to me about it). Mom drops everything, incl if we were having a private convo or she was helping me with something, to fulfill my brothers command. As they leave, my brother glares at me before he turns around and walks away, so he can rat me out if he sees that I have a negative facial expression of annoyance. If I do and he sees, they both guilt trip me, accusing me of hating them both, when I just want my mom to stop hating herself and for my brother to leave me alone. When my brother commands mom to do whatever, he thinks hes a nice guy because he says "you dont have to do it right now". Mom then leaves me to wait while they have entire convos, so I just give up and do a hobby alone.

My brother orders mom around daily, to the point it feels like elder abuse. Its a subtle daily exhausting effect, not obvious extreme stuff like hitting. Mom neglects her own health issues, and I worry that my brother will compound them into something serious one day. Mom complains to me in private that shes tired, sometimes has to pretend shes sleeping, hiding in her room with her light off, so that he leaves her alPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 119806

Your family dynamic is toxic nona, but you already knew that. It’s easy for me to say to walk away from that shit when it’s not my family, but still, reading all that, my first thought was “run”.

Your mom has an emotionally incestuous relationship with your brother (typical boymom, many such cases) and it will only get worse, and as it gets worse, she’ll demand that YOU pick up the slack when her health fails. You can’t reason her out of this. Her entire identity is serving men. It’s a standard primitive survival tactic, probably enforced into her as a child: she knows that men are stronger, are more violent, command more respect and have more resources, so she hates and betrays other women in the hopes of being spared or protected from other men. It’s fear-based, but if she’s malicious, she’ll also actively enjoy other women’s suffering. Pick-me behaviour.

The best you can do is keep your head down, save your money, and leave. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it happens to way too many girls and women. Your mom doesn’t respect herself, or you.

Anonymous 119817

Not op but lmao I can't even see women like you as human anymore, you're so mentally enslaved. Also don't call op a radiem, she's blackpilled and supports biological realism. Meanwhile radfems believe in socialization theory bullshit and most of them still want to suck dick

Anonymous 119851

Are there any female blackpill & bio realism places left? I miss r/blackpillfeminism

Anonymous 119853

Richard Dawkins related spaces used to be great but full of people that are way older than me. He used to talk about trans issues from a biorealism point of view but now he actively avoids the subject in anything he does.


Are lesbian relationships more empathetic and loving than het ones? Anonymous 119649[Reply]

Bisexual nona here, since being pinkpilled and observing male behavior ive wondered if lesbian relationships are more kind and understanding than heterosexual ones. It seems like women(myself included) to prioritize bonding and emotional intimacy and a deep bond.
(talked to moids before never gotten to even dating just some interest ig and self inserted into f4f fanfic and have sexual/romantic feelings for other women.so i have no experience just wanted to put that out there.)

Anonymous 119776


Anonymous 119777


Anonymous 119778


lol no

Anonymous 119840

Absolutely not.
That's just anecdotal but my only domestic abuse experience so far was with another woman, so I would also point towards >>119778

Anonymous 119948

You're less at risk of getting seriously beaten up or raped if you date a woman, but ultimately it depends on the individual.


im so ugly i hate my face and my body Anonymous 119590[Reply]

I look so ugly and disgusting and I will always hate the way I look my nose is big my lips r small and I'm already starting to form face lines I have the ugliest body shape (strawberry) so even if I'm not fat my body is still unattractive and weird looking I have acne and there's red marks all over my face and I'm so hairy I have little hairs all over me why do I have to be so fucking disgusting I look like a fucking moid tranny my eyes are asymmetrical
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Anonymous 119635

Your face will change with time. I felt the same as you as one point. My nose didn't fit my face, fat face, my lips seemed too thin, my eyes were all fucked up looking. As I began to age my nose got smaller, my lips got fuller, I lost a lot of face chub, my eyes got sharper.

A lot of my skin care consisted of using products that were meant for my skin condition and now my skin is clear and soft. Find what products work best for your skin, see a dermatologist.

I was unhappy with the way my body looked. I got on a routine. (I had an eating disorder, don't recommend this "method" of weight loss to anyone). Put effort into changing your body if it truly bothers you.
You mentioned have a strawberry body shape. I say start working out and build muscle in the places that you "lack".

Sorry you're struggling with your appearance nona. Remember that you look the way you do because someone loved whoever has your appearance enough to create your beautiful life. Biggest part of feeling beautiful is loving yourself.

Anonymous 119639

trust me, it is impossible to look male. I thought I had "scary dead male autism eyes" but expirementing with simple but flattering eye makeup and shaping my brows to be thinner fixed my insecurity. I think my eyes are beautiful. You probably need to fix your diet and wash your face. Your brain is mean and you do not exist to be eye candy to dusty moids.

Anonymous 119807

I feel the same, I can't even use makeup because im scared i'll look weird, i always got bullied at school as a kid and now i can't even look at myself without feeling disgusted. I just want to be ok with myself

Anonymous 119812

it doesn’t even matter

Anonymous 119820

Most people have peach fuzz. Everyone has texture on their face.


Anonymous 119814[Reply]

My best friend admitted that she took advantage of an underage girl. And I don't know why the fuck she told me that when she knows damn well that I'm a victim of abuse too. I went to her every time I felt violated and worthless and somehow she always cheered me up when she did the same thing to someone else? I don't get it. I hate her and I feel like I should make her life miserable, but also every time she talks to me I feel like I'm staring right in front of my rapist.

Anonymous 119818

Leave. You feel unsafe around her for good reason.


Anonymous 118981[Reply]

Why do many people who offer social skills advice act as if simply listening and asking questions is the right way to go?

A good connection happens very naturally between people making a genuine effort to understand eachother. You can't just ask questions like a job interview, otherwise it's totally one-sided and there is not really a connection. If they only talk about themselves and don't care about you, then you should just walk away.

Anonymous 119761


I do this to try and get to know people and their social lives a little better. Mostly coworkers by asking them what they like to do on their days off.

Anonymous 119770

I kinda have an issue with that, I fail to 'connect' with someone, but my questions are so good they usually start opening up about very personal stuff with me. I've found stuff about people that they haven't said to their family or long-time friends after just talking to them for a bit.

It's a bit frustrating. At some point I get bored but I just keep asking well-placed questions and they're loving it, completely letting it all out. Like g'damn, shut up lol.

Anonymous 119792

I think its a good strategy but its a lot of work. if you keep asking people about them, eventually someones going to wanna talk to you also.

Anonymous 119803

This is so funny, I don't get my moids have such a problem listening without cutting in every second with answers! like dude just shut up and listen.


Subtle Pick Me Girls Anonymous 117405[Reply]

maybe this post is stupid or redundant but I don't see this particular topic covered in much of the "pick me" discourse. I believe there is a subset of pick me girls who present in ways that don't immediately read as pick me, possibly even overtly touting feminist thought or social justice or being a "girl's girl" or the like that you can just subtly tell they're still looking for male validation, attention, possibly even go for taken men (might see this type of pick me in the "female best friend").

it's like sure they may not be tradwife Tate apologists or "im so one of the boys im le gamer gurl teehee" but there are subtle gestures or comments or you notice the content they like online or you see what they post and it just reeks of male gaze or male-centeredness. it's hard when you know they're aware enough of the pickme concept to not be overtly bitchy or competitive, but you just get this gut feeling they'd throw you under the bus anyway or try to steal your man to live out her "she wears high heels I wear sneakers" fantasy. it's the modern "cool girl" who doesn't know it's a death trap yet. the manic pixie who still thinks her magic is for attracting men. the indie/alt chick who only hangs around guys but never admits the real reason why. the artsy coworker who tries really hard to get your bfs attention outside of work. the "mom friend" who tells everyone about it, especially men she's just met. etc., etc.
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Anonymous 119327

my theory is she was only "less popular/respected" within the context of your friend group (i.e. maybe the rest of you are kind of shitty?) and outside of this hierarchy she might thrive, especially in the context of relationships with greater intimacy (marriage) which of course would set off the person or people who internally know how much they're lacking in that department or feel the clock ticking on traits they might've felt were their ticket into social success.

Anonymous 119328

also, how "unpopular" is she really if she's still being talked about to this day? even respected. no one punches down. not really.

Anonymous 119528

So what are the signs or red flags of subtle pick me women?

I think WWII veteran worship and viewing the 1950s in an overly positive way are some red flags a woman could be a pick me. Of course there could be exceptions, but its a pattern Ive noticed.

But Im sure there are other red flags that show pickmeitis, such as?

Anonymous 119751

there's no way you're here and can actually sit through monogatari

Anonymous 119802

>No one punches down really

most bullying is done when the ugly girl evolves or essentially 'steps up' in the social ladder like mentioned in this post >>119325


How can I 'fix' my life? Anonymous 118867[Reply]

I don't want to work and times I feel like being productive, I still end up doing the same thing every day; being online either browsing the web or playing games.
I stay up late and have tried changing my sleep schedule, and it stills ends up being the same. I heard those already with mental illness are more prone to being online a lot, like an addiction. I don't have the money for therapy, so I just have to find the will to do basic tasks and take care of myself, but don't know how.
I know the typical answer is to just "remove yourself from your devices and put yourself in a better environment" but I don't quite understand why I can't do something as simple as that. If you've ever been stuck in this kind of lifestyle and mindset, as severe as mine is or just for a short while, please help. I need your honest advice but also serious answers.

Anonymous 118868


you're struggling to do something as simple as that because it's not simple. your online habits are probably filling an emotional need, so if you try to stop suddenly, it's like you're trying to walk on a broken leg without support. if you want to get off the crutches, you'll have to heal the wound. it might be worth introspecting about what you get out of being online. is it companionship? distraction? attention? solitude? security? if you're like me, it's probably all of the above.

the way you/we get out of it, as far as I can tell, is deciding to be someone who fills her needs in a healthier way. someone who loves herself enough that she'll brave the discomfort of change, knowing she deserves the better life that comes after. sometimes I imagine my ideal Nona, and try to really step into her mindset and do what she would do, even if it's something small like not skipping daily self-care. sometimes it even works.

Anonymous 118871


I've been in this situation. I haven't left my house for a year,
I didn't see anyone other than my parents, my brother and our cat, long before of the pandemic. Today I'm studying for a university entrance exam, and I work at a job that's kinda crap, but at least I don't spend the whole day at home and have my own pocket money. There is no magic solution, you need to make an effort and create small rituals to create discipline; I just got tired of my situation, I couldn't bear to live like that anymore.
I started by just taking a shower when I wake up in the morning, tidy up my bed and exercising also helped a lot,
you need to set small and simple goals, do it little by little, every day. Another thing is to give daily updates right here on
CC, I think it can help you monitor your own evolution.
On the issue of work: I don't like working either, but I also don't like asking anyone for money; I'm trying to find a way to make money without being a wagie, but I think it can be very bad for you not to have your own money, even if is not a lot.
As for being online all day: what do you usually see on the internet? Are you really having fun? Because I used to waste a lot of time doom scrolling on social media often seeing only things that I didn't even like, maybe you are in the same situation.

Anyway, don't forget to update the thread, keep telling us how you feel about what you've been able to do,
perhaps more people will appear in a similar situation who are also tired of this

Anonymous 119791

good job! academic work is way more effort than other things. you should try getting your blood checked. low iron or vitamin d is common in women and could be why you don't have a lot of energy.

Anonymous 119797

image0 (1).jpeg

you seem really sweet. i'm in college too and I think its more work than people give students credit for. i'm glad you seem to be doing better.

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