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I am so sick of men Anonymous 7523[Reply]

I am SO sick of men. I'm not particularly a feminist or anything but they can be SO selfish. I have my male friends and some of them I care about deeply, but even they can be REALLY insensitive sometimes and all my guys on the internet have some obsession with making anti-woman "jokes" all the time (usually later I find out they're rarely even jokes, cuz they're usually hiding some obvious bitterness towards women) and they won't stop even though they know it hurts my feelings. They're so disrespectful they can't even not make a 'woman beating' joke when I'm trying to relay a story about how some woman in church was telling me about their experience being abused by their husband for 11 years, they think everything is theirs, for example demanding that they can be misogynistic on my discord, with excuses like 'free speech'even though that makes no sense and I just am trying to create a healthy space for me and my female friends.

They're so damn entitled. Can we have a vent thread on times men have been complete dicks to us?
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Anonymous 11821

Seems like that man needs to find a healthy way to deal with his grief and adjust to living without his mother. Alcohol addiction is a serious issue and if he is drinking excessively to cope with his mother's death that could mean he has alcoholism. Don't assume it's something he will just get over on his own.

Anonymous 11901

>chimp out

didn't this phrase start out as a riff on a common racial epithet? not a very sympathetic locution

Anonymous 113776


Anonymous 113967

I hate putting all men in the same boat, but litterally a big hanfull of men I meet/see online and irl are just misogynystic, aphatic, or really just hateful pieces of shit.

They are such hypocrites, they claim women put themselves down while they are the one bashing women's body and making fun of us for. They mistreated, raped and killed for centuries and we're just supposed to act like nothing happened. They hate us, make jokes about our issues, trauma, EVERYTHING!

Anonymous 113973

This boggles my mind. It completely boggles my mind that I'm supposed to forget history and everything they did to us in the past. Everything they do now online and in real life. It boggles my fucking mind that i should even be expecte to trust them and not treat them like dirt or a hole in my head. What else would i do? How the hell do men expect anything else ? Why in the hell would i have a high opinion or expectations for people who used to be our actual slavemasters who used to make our lives hell for most of human history. How are they shocked at all that we hate them and want nothing to do with most of them? That we will easily block them or spurn them or wish death on them?


being a woman sucks 103776[Reply]

ts not even the fact that were oversexualized. That ive just accepted. Its the fact that a man will almost never ever completely respect you. Because women are supposed to be fucking passive little lambs whos argument doesnt stand a chance against a man. A man will scoff at you if anything you say if he disagrees with, he doesnt even try to understand. He just deems you as silly. And if hes rude to you and your offended, forget about it. Now your an overreactor ruled by your emotions.

Anonymous 103777

*arguments don't
*at anything you say with which he disagrees
*. He
*. And
(there is no need to ever do double space)
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Anonymous 103782


oh my god… a bonafide autist

Anonymous 103792

Anonymous 117170

Holy based

why women deserve …

Anonymous 108962[Reply]

Your average moid (including your bf) thinks this is what all women think. But I can't stop lurking on 4chan. Anybody similiarily addicted to rage inducing stuff?
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Anonymous 109029

I think that is all kinds of unfair unless you are afraid of a physical retaliation

Anonymous 109030

Dumb take but ok

Anonymous 109038

Sorry, nona, but I think you're the mentally stunted one if you can't simply say "we're done".

Anonymous 109045


It is one thing to stoop to moids level. You do you, I guess.
But it quite another to formulate such a cope to justify objectively bad behaviour.
The older I get the less I feel I relate to people who cannot take responsibility for their own action.

Anonymous 109053


Is that really over the top decency to inform in a clear manner you former partner you do not want to pursue the relationship?

This all reads like an awkward cope to give yourself good conscience.

Can someone enlighten me here? I can't relate at all.


Anonymous 109453[Reply]

I feel inferior to guys because I’m a girl and weaker than them and I feel inferior to other girls because I’m ugly and socially inept

Anonymous 109454

Men suck and all, but in my life women have caused me the most damage. A lot of women are complete bitches for no reason, especially to ugly, socially inept women. I don't feel inferior however, I just hate them.

Anonymous 109455

nice bait central.


Women who are "better moids than moids" Anonymous 101723[Reply]

Have any nonas felt, as I have, that women can sometimes be "better men than men"? I do not mean this in any way that flatters the masculine, but rather that women echoing masculine energies can add this touch of class to it that's just irresistible.
This thought occurred to me when watching this TikTok video (yes I know TikTok is cringe but just watch it). The woman in the video is obviously impersonating a creepy dangerous moid but, somehow she carries it off better than any moid I've ever met.
The way she carries herself, it's just menacing, without any self-conscious narcissism. Pure desire. I'm a rape victim and if you haven't had it happen to you, rapist moids' raw intention and lust is nowhere near hers,' you can like tell they secretly want you just to impress their friends.
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Anonymous 101752


Anon why are you so defensive about this, she literally is an actor who is layering jokes.
>the video is a POV TikTok clip, a comedy setup
>passive "please don't leave" instead of the commanding "you cannot leave" like a creepy moid would say, not threatening
>gets her face lightly slapped and flinches instead of remaining poker-faced or slapping back like a creepy moid would, not threatening
>abashedly turns off TV after Blue Hustler music starts playing, a comedy trope
>mixes up the roofied drinks, a comedy trope
>"very flat and non-emotional" her face is very expressive and she changes her expression every 2 seconds, not threatening and actually very light-hearted in nature
A very popular form of humor, anon. Stop being intimidated by hot women with good acting skills, you coward.

Anonymous 101754


nta, but you just called someone else defensive and then continued to copy paste the biggest reply of the thread so far to defend the TikTok chick? kek.
I'm sorry that OP gets PTSD from 6/10 role playing though.

Anonymous 101756

you anons have terrible reading comprehension

Anonymous 101766

As a lesbian, I would go on a second date with her for sure.

Anonymous 101851

because of poe's law it is impossible to know if it is satire or not.


Anonymous 116114[Reply]

I've never had a boyfriend; and it hurts. If men don’t ask you out on dates, does that mean you’re weird? Should women ever approach men?
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Anonymous 116329

Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteem. No amount of trying to find inner peace will fix that.
It's ok to approach them in a non romantic context IMO. Initiating a friendship or a conversation is fine, then just see what happens.

Anonymous 116349

>Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteem
Fucking actual women usually requires some degree of effort and I'd say most moids are quite lazy/tired when it comes to this. Like sure they may wanna fuck but given the fact that most of them work 5 days a week and only have 2 days to rest it's normal that a lot of them would rather jerk off kek. My friend in her 40s said that she has times when she feels so overworked that she realizes if she had to also have sex that day she would just be like "hell no"
So there's not really anything wrong with you. Moids wanting to fuck 24/7 is exaggerated, they also work and get tired and run out of social energy just like us

Anonymous 116400

Why the fuck wouldn't you want your boyfriend to be your friend first?

Anonymous 117135

I realised that I was so undesireable that I would never meet anyone if I didn't approach men. The very first guy I approached reacted like >>117134 said and was immediately suspicious. I think a lot of men have no self-worth and immediately assume they're so undesireable that any woman who expresses interest has ulterior motives, because we couldn't possibly
be interested in them as a person. After he realised I really wanted to talk to him, he assumed that I was just being nice to him because I wanted someone to talk to or out of pity. It took 3 weeks of intermittent contact to convince him I really did want to get to know him and I wasn't just lonely looking for a platonic friend to talk about common interests with; something he thought was his only utility to women.

Anonymous 117159

Have men actually never shown you any interest?


Anonymous 117145[Reply]

I don't know what my thoughts and feelings are anymore. I feel like a husk of my former self, just going through the motions. I have people in my life whose significance I can't grasp. I have what would you describe as "friends", who I only see at college, but I can't tell if I genuinely like them or if I'm just afraid of being alone. I struggle to determine whether I like someone or if I actually hate them, and every time I try to figure it out, I get trapped in an endless loop of self-doubt that makes me lose sight of everything.

maki • toji.jpg

anyone else struggling with being trans Anonymous 116168[Reply]

ftm, im so scared of it and everyday i hope im just making it up, a part of me wants to just suck it up and live my life without transitioning but i feel miserable like this. i shouldve been a normal arab girl whyd i get stuck like this
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Anonymous 116178


Hello, arab nona here to offer some advice.

you can still be a normal arab girl. its not too late, but it would require deep introspection into the history of your way of life and why you were indoctrinated into becoming an ftm when it’s not something that would’ve crossed the minds of your unbroken chain of ancestors who got together and had children according to normal universal sex and gender that they were born with. in older days our female relatives would teach us how to “be women” but nowadays those roles have been minimised even in traditional arab households, and as a result we feel criticized and like less of women when we are held to the same standards of older femininity without having the same “training” so to speak. not to mention the constant bombardment with the fact of the east vs west culture war being fought over our choices and appearances by atheists and racists in the west and wahhabis and fanatics on the other side in the east. both in liberal and conservative sectors of arab society. the fanatics of western society wants us to be sluts and easy access hypersexual beings while the fanatics of eastern society don’t want us to have a face in public and it really feels overwhelming. arab and muslim women cant catch a break and it makes us feel confused and hurt and wanting to escape from all of the controversy over our identities.

not saying you chose to become this way but something about what you were exposed to during the course of your life made you this way and it’s your job to find out what it is and expose the ideology that it tricked into your brain.

being a woman is not disgusting or bad and its not bad to not fit in with a feminine ideal and it doesnt make you into a man. just because you think you fail at being a girl doesnt make you into a boy. Just because someone is bad at playing soccer it doesn’t make them a pro swimmer. They just need work and grow themselves in their respective sport.

If you don’t listen to anything else I say heed this warning. Being a failed woman won’t make you into a real man. if you suck at being a woman then you need to just work on being better at it. This is how some men who identify as trans women get indoctrinated, they think just because they didn’t succeed at living as a man they will automatically be a great woman and they are surprised when no one takes them to seriously be a woman.

Take a growth approach with a healthier mindsetPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 116179


I should also add, being a woman has nothing to do with your interests and hobbies. If you feel masculine because of that it’s because of brainworms that needed to be sorted out by speaking or communicating them out to someone in some way. It also helps to find other women with the same interests as well.

Transition is not an out, it is simply going further deeper into the swamp that made you like this.

Even if you are able to make people think you are a man, good luck ever finding a romantic partner because you only decreased the chances of that happening with transitioning.

Anonymous 116181

NTA, but I was a TIF for years before finally realizing what had indoctrinated me and detransing. Having someone tell me something like this would have saved me years of invasive surgery and wanting to kill myself. You're awesome.

Also, >>116168 : transitioning is not going to fix your problems, trust me. I had hormone blockers, T, top surgery, and a hysterectomy, and it only made me more and more depressed, I even had to be hospitalized. The mutilations would make me feel better for a few weeks or even months, because I wanted to be a man so bad, and thought it was making me closer to one. But it wasn't. You cannot become a man.

Once I finally stopped the hormones and let my natural estrogen take over, I became so much happier and healthier. I feel so much joy whenever someone refers to me as a female, because that's what I am. That's what you are. Accept it before it's too late.

Because even though I'm doing so much better now, I will need multiple surgeries to fix my flat chest and deep voice, and it's impossible for me to ever have kids. :/

Anonymous 116182

Are you stuck in the middle east? Genuinely curious. Where are you?

Anonymous 116186

what do you mean “stuck” lol. Some of us can’t immigrate because we wouldn’t survive the immigration process to the west. Not every Middle Eastern country is like Syria where we have to leave to survive.

And besides if the options are go to Europe where Arabs are cordoned off and perpetually treated as outsiders or America where I have to wait until I’m old and gray for a visa then
I’m good staying in the middle east with my family lmfao.


Anonymous 106726[Reply]

post yr ideal partner
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Anonymous 117091

There's always a catch, isn't there?

Anonymous 117124

>androgynous, bifauxnen esque
>no weird fetishes
>flexible way of thinking
>incredibly deep connection like we are the only two who will ever understand each other
>cat person
>artist in some way, writing, musician, traditional art etc
>no bpd
>no other major mental health issues
>autism ok (but not worse than mine)

Anonymous 117129

> tall
> deep thundering voice
> empathetic caring loving affectionate
> Worships me and devoted to me only
> high iq
> well-read and welll-bred ;)
> good manners and polite
> ridiculously handsome, robust pretty boy archetype
> good ethics and morals
> upper class
> big hands and feet
> gorgeous wavy hair, will never go bald
> big round tight ass and biceps and pecs
> healthy lifestyle
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Anonymous 117132

>like we are the only two who will ever understand each other
I can’t understand for the life of me why a person would WANT something like this. Likely, the person who you end up having this with will be the exact opposite kind of person you’re expecting. But once you have it, it won’t go away and you’ll live with it whether or not the relationship works out.
I have this connection with some I can’t, and never will be able to have for various reasons. You carry that with you, like a big pit in your stomach, every time you think about it.
I seriously don’t suggest it, rather if you can try form meaningful connections and relationships with friends and family before you enter into a relationship. If you only get it from a relationship it will be brutal.

Anonymous 117150

I added that because I'm a hikkikomori. I've never felt a single connection to any living thing so I think it'll feel really really really good. I hope that answers it and you can fix whatevers going on in your life


men are so inconsistent Anonymous 117115[Reply]

i'm just so fed up. i feel like a clown, and i keep getting used again and again. my attempts at talking to guys have always gone like this:
>i meet a guy, don't rlly care about him
>he finds out i'm deeply insecure and lonely
>guy starts to lovebomb me and won't leave me alone
>as soon as i'm hooked, "bagged" so to speak, they forget about me
it really makes me feel like i'm just some plaything they entertain themselves with, and as soon as i get boring or they find someone else, they discard me.
i'm sure some of it is my fault too, i'm an awful person with a lot of problems, but the way i get treated makes me feel like i'm not even human. no one sees me, and no one cares that i have needs and emotions too.
i wanna strangle the guy i'm talking to rn

Anonymous 117119

This just happened to me too and has happened many times in the past. I'm just too naive. Hugs to you, anon.

Anonymous 117126

, does he even know you’re hooked?
This has happened to me a lot of times, but I noticed that I just never reciprocated to the lovebombing phase. Maybe I have autism or something but its something recurrent, I just don’t know how to display affection the way they do.

Anonymous 117127

I'm sure you're NOT an awful person op. You sound like you just drive yourself nuts with self criticism. How could you compare to this guy though? Do you lovebomb and use men and throw them away?

Yeah unfortunately this is just something you have to expect from men. First and foremost they manipulate you for sex. You have to wake up to the fact that everything on this earth is a form of male manipulation for sex. Towers, Cars, Roads, Art, pretty much everything they say and do, is unconsciously designed to give them access to sex. A lot of it isn't unconcious though, some men do it completely intentionally. Men are like this, they are twofaced and do not care about the feelings of your sister, or your brother, your mother, they do not operate emotionally like you do they're pretty much drifting along waiting for the next meal, 9 times out of 10. Having sex with a dude is almost always a con if you do it right away. Notice how if you refuse and make them wait, a lot of them will get mad and just leave. You should never deeply emotionally invest in a guy. No matter what he says until hes proven it enough times that hes worth having sex with.

Curious what you project into their minds when you start getting to know a guy OP.

Anonymous 117128

If it doesn't work out you'll be okay op.
You need to believe in your own self worth and if a man isn't going to treat you right then he isn't deserving of you. If you don't believe he'll be the one then cut ties with him, there are better men out there. Don't let that loneliness tie yourself to a dud.

Anonymous 117131

>my attempts at talking to guys have always gone like this
>i meet a guy, don't rlly care about him
>guy starts to lovebomb me and won't leave me alone
nothing you said shown you attempted anything, it was just the guy following you around. Maybe thats why he lost interest.
I say that because I have been on the other side, following boys around like a puppy and when it amounted to nothing there was nothing for me to do but move on.
If you like him, communicate about your needs and emotions. If not, he doesn't deserve you anyway, just cut that guy from your life.

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