Hello nonas
I am curious if any of this sounds like avoidant attachment or ROCD on my end, or if I was justified in the break up?
I recently broke up with a boyfriend because I didn't want to date long distance. We had met online and in person a few times. I liked him a lot but I was adamant at the start that I didn't want an LDR, but we still kept talking and all that for a few months.
I was happy to accept all his attention and friendship but in my head I was always looking for reasons why he wouldn't be right for me. I never told him about these, because I never felt like our relationship was serious or real enough. I was looking for "red flags" and even found some, and I didn't like that I wasn't spending enough irl time with him to actually get to know him.
Apparently the whole time he had considered me to be his girlfriend. He told me he loved me the first time we met up (after only talking for a few months) I found this strange but told him I would keep talking to him. We kept talking and calling for a few months and he came to see me again. I had a good time but the whole trip I was looking for reasons to break up with him. I broke up with him after he had gone back home, saying the distance was too much for me.
I had been crying and upset before I even told him, and I was crying for a week after the break up. It's been over a month and I still feel bad about it. All those thoughts I had about him not being right are all gone. I miss his comfort and our compatibility, maybe our potential? even though I know that the LDR wasn't and wouldn't ever be enough for me.
I have had past experiences with avoidant behaviors and want to work on this. Still, I felt I pushed myself pretty far during this relationship. I have never gotten this far with a guy because either he or I always shut it down, because I either got cold feet or some other kind of anxious breakdown. Now I cannot stop blaming myself for having had a "this won't go anywhere" mindset the whole time, for not being honest with him, for not trying harder or for longer, for not giving him a real chance. I can't stop thinking about him, dreaming about him, looking through our past messages, and trying to "stalk" him on social media. I feel like an insane person.
I feel like I ruined a chance at true love and a good relationship.
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