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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 111523[Reply]

i look like a moid. my body is masculine, my face is ugly, my frame is wild and big. i have no femininity left. my whole high school people thought i was guy despite wearing neutral clothing and having long hair. this is making me suicidal, i look moid but i am woman. when i put feminine clothing i look like crossdresser, i am so repulsive, it is making me suicidal. idk how long i can take this anymore. i am ugly moid like woman no matter what i do. i am not even super tall or have big feet or whatever it is my overall looks. i look like ugly incel. why God did this to me?
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Anonymous 113551

fuck off tranny

Anonymous 113556

Not every woman is 5'0 uwu smolbean with extra wide hips and doll-like face, some women are born with unfortunate features

Anonymous 113748


Ok. How bad is it though. Using Brock Lesnar's daughter as measure are you better off or worse off?

I genuinely think that even if you have a big chin or a masculine frame, etc you can be pretty but only if you take really good care of your skin and hair and of course work on your self-esteem.

…Let me qualify this statement. I don't mean to say you can become as cute as a young skinny girl in her early 20s or something but you can be as attractive as one if you have an interesting personality and look

Anonymous 113750

You should do some reading of Russian literature. You'll understand reality's dark truth in its most reoccurring theme. Guess what. Life sucks. It's largely brutal, cruel and ruthlessly unfair. Billions of women never found love, and most of them settled for shitty men. It's been like this since forever, and certain aspects have been made worse in the present than in the past (and others improved).

The best thing we can do is to find joy in the little things we do to distract us from our challenges and tribulations, like spending time with friends and trying new things.

Find a mission. A career you can excel at, or a hobby/project that attracts like-minded people to want to hang out with you. As women we work harder than men and get more results in the corporate world. Also guess what? Almost every female CEO is ugly or unattractive.

Stop looking for love, it will get you nowhere. Get rid of your expectations from life. Just do what you enjoy and things will sort themselves out.

Anonymous 113779

have you tried going on hrt to become a male?


Haven't talked to anyone Anonymous 113708[Reply]

I haven't spoken to any friends in 2 years. I did not have many friends before that, and I would also rarely speak with anyone. I can spend some time on my own and I am on good terms with family but I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes with the loneliness. I'm 22 years old. This is my first time coming on here after trying to find friends online and failing.

Anonymous 113709

It's going to be like this for me forever

Anonymous 113714

i haven't spoken to any friends either in exactly 2 years. i only had 1 friend before that anyways. i also tried making online friends and basically failed. its very exhausting

Anonymous 113718

I was never really able to make friends at work or school. But you're at the age whete you need to make friends or it's going to get even harder for you in the future. If you're a student or have a job at least try to make small-talk with people. You might meet someone who will take the initiative to be friends with you.

Anonymous 113778

what do you do in your free time? if it's any consolation I'm in a similar position (but I'm 28)


rude male friend-of-a-friend Anonymous 101758[Reply]

I am in a friend group of all girls. Many of the girls are friends with this one guy.

I’ll say something and our friends will look at me when I talk. However, he purposefully will turn his body to look in the other direction. He completely ignores my existence/anything I say. It’s like I’m not even in the room. What makes it even stranger is that he acknowledges everyone else but me.

Is this not weird behavior? I think he severely dislikes me but I’m not sure what prompted it? To add context, I am the more soft-spoken of our friend group, which I don’t think is a trait he is fond of.

I tried to put myself out there to make new friends and be open-minded and this is kind of discouraging me.
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Anonymous 101964

Shit like this has happened to me so many times in the past, maybe me being a female autist has something to do with it? It's always very attractive and well liked guys that despise me for no reason, maybe it's because they are trying to prevent me from liking them or something idk but they always go out of their way to ignore me and make snide comments about me.

Anonymous 102247

If I had to bet I'd say the second option is more likely.
He probably likes you and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Anonymous 102406

Don't go making a fool of yourself like that. You don't know exactly what it is yet and you could be very wrong. He could just simply not be comfortable with you because he doesn't know you well enough.
He might even find you attractive for all you know and it might make him feel nervous. If you are actually ugly and insecure about it, and that is why he doesn't like you, then telling him "i'm NOT attracted to you!" is going to make you look like a clown.

If you really think he holds a grudge against you, the best thing to do is just ignore him and don't let it bother you. Or even treat him better than he treats you and if he really doesn't like you, he will hate this and start acting out and it will make him look like a prick in front of your friends. If he doesn't hold any grudges then it might make him think better of you and you might actually get along with him then and there doesn't need to be drama. That is the most diplomatic way to deal with it. It's his problem, you don't need to make it yours

Anonymous 102462

weird thing to say and it highlights that he loves attention and is always thinking about sex, which is why he hangs out with women so much instead of his own rapegender.
he is probably frustrated by the fact you don't give him the validation a more sexually extroverted girl does. and sidenote, if not being given that kind of attention by you pisses him off, you're at least somewhat his type (possibly physically), or at the very least he would sleep with you if given the chance, so it's not a question of unattractiveness but rather of the ego blow this provides.
men are irrational and weird, don't give too much thought to his behavior and ignore it. just have fun with the girls.

Anonymous 113770


hes in love with you dummy. Go take him out on a date


detrans/desister vent thread Anonymous 113745[Reply]

Vent thread for anyone who previously transitioned and detransitioned or identified as trans previously

Anonymous 113746

OP here, not sure if anyone else in my situation is here.
I'm 5 years detransed and I don't know if I'll ever stop hating myself and feeling so retarded for thinking I could change genders as a teenager. Makes me fucking livid watching TRAs claim no one ever detranses out of negative feelings about transition or reduced dysphoria, or that teenagers can't get trans surgeries etc. TRAs could say anything and normies believe it because they're sooo supportive. I'll never get my breasts back and people will always know me as that person who "regretted" it. Trans shit is everywhere and somehow comes up in every conversation I have with normies.
I'm really hoping this stuff blows up in a few years and I'll get to say "I told you so" to a bunch of people, but I'm not very optimistic. Anyways, if you're also detrans/desisted I'm sorry because this experience has made me regret existing.


Nice Guys Anonymous 112773[Reply]

"Nice" guys are always some of the most dangerous men out there. Yes yes violent criminals yadda yadda but we're talking average joe here, not convicts (though you see how some do end up in that category too). Most women aren't going to interact with a serial rapist, but they WILL likely bump elbows with or even befriend/date a "nice guy"

I always think of the quote from Nietzsche: "Hilarious are the weak who think they are virtuous because they have no claws."

It's not about remaining "pure and good" but about knowing what you'd do when you're tested. These men develop unchecked "benevolent sexism" or what I might call Misogyny of the Devotee (aka men who worship women as objects/idols but do not respect or see then as people). They all have a transactional attitude about things, probably in part because of absorbed masculine money-car-bitches culture where the right numbers mean you got it. They deal too much with the material and get stuck in it when they're denied the presence of women for whatever reasons. It's a shame, but karmas karma I guess. Cause and effect. They're left without and this unfettered sexism ferments beneath their doting, servile attitudes until it breaks on the edge of unmet expectations. Entitled, needy, predatory. Constant messaging like attrition warfare. Virtue signaling cutesy sweet hobbies or memes or clothes to read as "safe". They lie and are so unassumingly judgey/angry people. So scary. They buy women with their time in porn and with money paying for games/movies or more porn/streamers. They think this is how it should be with real women. Buy the upgraded skin pack to impress the lady. Complete the quest. Defend her against the dragon. Get your princess. Insufferable men. They masquerade as weak when they have an iron core of ego and superiority to compensate for a deeper emptiness.

Anyone here have any fucked up nice guy stories/experiences?
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Anonymous 113702

Their view of women is based on their mom's telling them women are these pretty things they have to be nice to, that's why they feel betrayed when being nice to women doesn't work out.

Anonymous 113712

Relationships may be "transactional" but not in the Niceguy™ way of expecting an exchange of goods and services. The fundamental problem with "nice" guys is that they misunderstand the social principle that relationships are about investments and gambling, not immediate exchanges of value. You can go out of your way to be nice to people for example, but this doesn't mean you're entitled to sex.
This is why "nice" guys all act like rapists.

Anonymous 113713

The study doesnt just attribute this to "men with few body counts" but specifically to virgin men

Anonymous 113715

Your point?

Anonymous 113716



Abusive OCD bf pt 2 Anonymous 95617[Reply]

Last thread hit limit and many nonas seem concerned for her safety.

If you see this, we hope you are ok! Please give us an update on the police situation.
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Anonymous 112821

OP again. He wants money for food and utility bills so I said I would give him some, but he keeps refusing to tell me how much he needs. I'm pretty sure he's trying to get me to meet him multiple times so we can convince me to come back. He hasn't done tge one thing I asked him to do (go to therapy) so I won't.

He's surprised that I had the forethought to bring all my important documents, get housing set up, etc. He literally thinks I'm retarded. He's upset because I didn't tell him I was going to leave. I did! I told him, in tears, that he was abusing me and making life hell. I told him almost every day "If you don't stop, I'm going to leave." and "One day I'm not going to come home." which he says he doesn't remember, despite always bragging to me that he has a photographic memory.

Once again reminding me why I was stupid to consider givibg him another chance.

I'm trying to work on building carreer skills and look into jobs I could get if I decided to go back to the us.

Anonymous 112840

Anon block him already.. you don't need his dumbass messages to remind you why you should stay seperated, you've got two threads full of anons yelling at you to leave him.

Don't give him money, treat this man as a stranger.

Anonymous 112953


Meanwhile, on the other end of the scale you have:

He is an abuser
He is a loser
He is thinskinned
He is more dependent than an actual infant
He is a manbaby
He has mental problems
He was sucking you dry for years like a leech

Seriously OP, if you are a real person, this thread has been a non-stop horror story for everyone reading it. In my mind, I sometimes use your life before you left as a negative reference point of "how miserable the lives of people can be". When you're making lists in your head trying to come up with reasons in defense of your abuser (which seems to be a habit of yours), please keep this in mind also.

Anonymous 113519

I'm glad you're not living with him anymore and are divorcing him. can you go to therapy or group therapy for yourself somewhere? please take care/stay safe

Anonymous 113699

What do you even like about Jp guys? What ethnicity are you?


Anonymous 113684[Reply]

i miss my bf who isnt my bf. technically we broke up long time back but i just cant seem 2 move on. i miss him evryday. hes so nice 2 me which im thankful for but every time i talk 2 him it feels like im so close to him yet so far away…. i miss the way things used to be. they r v good even now but its just not the same yk. when he hangs out w his other friends it makes me think how hes gonna forget abt me soon. he hasnt yet even tho its been so long so i doubt it. but god why cant i just be with him . hes the only 1 i want. i love him sm. everyday while sleeping i pretend that hes hugging me just how he did when we were dating. everyday i talk 2 him in my head cuz i dont wanna overdo things irl and burden him alot. in my head we r still together but i can nvr let him know that. loving from a distance is hard.

Anonymous 113688

You write like a retard.

Anonymous 113689

idk that feel

pfp but hallucinat…

getting over him process thread Anonymous 113202[Reply]

day 1:
Im gonna kill myself
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Anonymous 113531

day 1919:

Sometimes I forget you were even there. Other times I frantically search for updates on you. Everyone has moved on and I don’t miss our relationship but I’m nostalgic for the pain of being with you.

Anonymous 113565


Anonymous 113569

not OP but I found this book incredibly comforting.
how did you find this out? if someone's actually in love with you they won't break up with you (or if they do they'll take it back shortly after) - it's fairly straightforward. everything else is a line.
I get this. My worst relationship, which was also my first one, ended 3 years ago. Not at all in love with my ex and he's sort of the baseline against which I measure if I don't want to date someone (since I had another partner after him who was much better and is the baseline for what I do want) but there's this weird hole the first one left in my solar plexus that aches whenever the weather changes and certain kinds of music come on. It's pretty weird. I like stalking him sometimes online, but he's incredibly boring. He just isolated and has acted like a total schizoid ever since. afaik he's unemployed now, which makes me quite happy, since his job/money was all he had and he'd always pick it over me. I'd be happier if I had a new bf though.

Anonymous 113680

Day 117: im starting to realize that learning how to cope with loss is a very difficult but positive thing

Anonymous 113686

1 year later: I don't care anymore but I also think back at those moments with nostalgia although it's not been too much time


Anonymous 113069[Reply]

I fear that I go to hell because I am a woman. I know this sounds bit silly especially to non-religious people but I truly fear that. "Women are from hell" "Women are evil" "Women cannot be true believers" "Women can only produce more believers" and so on. I am virgin and single. This will never change but I am scared of that. I am scared that I do a mistake, that I am evil or bad. I don't know I just don't know how I should act and be. Because of this I cry lot. Am I not enough for God because I am a woman?
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Anonymous 113102

Flying Nun made them look cool. I don't they still exist though.

Anonymous 113112


Anonymous 113654

jesus 2.png

Jesus loved and respected everyone, women included. Also check out Gnosticism and Wicca.

Anonymous 113658

Gnosticism is satanism and Wicca is unga bunga new age crap. There are many good and positive spiritual movements and religions and you chose to suggest two of the worst ones

Anonymous 113659

>archon and possibly a male


Anonymous 113576[Reply]

I was kind of harassed at work twice today
>One guy was really pushy and basically insinuated that if he ordered room service I’d come to his room and we’d have sex. He tried to get me to let him come home with me.
>another guy called on the phone and basically said that whenever he hears Hampton inn and suites he gets wet and asked if I was wet. Then he knew like when I was getting off of work.
Am I just so ugly that men think they can talk to me like this? That like I’ll just bite at any chance for a man to touch me? If so I’m gonna kms

Anonymous 113592

>he gets wet

Anonymous 113649

I think it's just the hotel setting that does this. Too many memes that link hotels to sex.

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