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Anonymous 115283[Reply]

Is it normal for friendships to come and go?

Anonymous 115292

no, it's just that we live in an atomized society where men and women want to hurt the other part by looking at relationships as a transaction by being groomed into hating themselves and others through social abuse and a culture / mediums which encourage to hurt the other part by not looking relationships as a teamwork but as domination mechanics.

Anonymous 115362

I think so, to a certain extent. Especially when you're under 30. Your lives change, you develop as a person, your interests shift, your needs and wants change or you might move physically away and as a consequence a friendship may no longer be compatible.

Anonymous 115373

It’s normal, it happens to me all the time unfortunately. It happens a lot if the other person is too anxious to deal with confrontation and it doesn’t matter whose fault it is, they will just avoid avoid avoid. It gets better after mid 20s

Anonymous 115442



Anonymous 106726[Reply]

post yr ideal partner
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Anonymous 115420

>having preferences is classist, racist and sexist

I take it you are dating a broke morbidly obese man with down's syndrome?

Anonymous 115421

I can relate. If you are built small, there is no way to fully enjoy a normal penis. My mouth is sore from stretching after every blowjob and I still can't stop my teeth from scraping on the guy's skin, it's awful. I barfed on a scrote's penis once because he wanted to try deepthroating and he was too big.

Anonymous 115423

Racist, classist and sexist preferences*

Anonymous 115440


matches my freak (literally she has to be as deranged strange and off-putting as me)

Anonymous 115441


Hey, I thought I was the only one, glad to know I'm not.
>barfed on a scrote's penis once because he wanted to try deepthroating and he was too big.
My condolences, and this is one of the reasons why I fear that my possible future partner has an above average dick. I just don't think I'd be able to please him due to my physical limitations.
Wouldn't be able to blow him because my jaw can only open so wide, my teeth WILL scrape him, and he can activate my gag reflex instantly. PIV would also suck because he would reach the end of my vagina, still not be able to go all the way in and it'd just hurt me like hell on earth and not even feel good.


lesbocel Anonymous 114942[Reply]

Everyday my longing to have a girlfriend gets more and more intense, it’s getting hard to shove it to aside and ignore it anymore. However, I am too insecure due to my lack of experience almost child-like helplessness to put myself out there as obviously no one wants to deal with that, I mean except for men but the only reason they do is to take advantage of you and then dispose of you once they’re done. How old were some of you guys when you first got a girlfriend or had sex with another girl, what lead up to it how did you get to that stage?
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Anonymous 115107

unfortunately you really gotta force yourself out of your comfort zone and really dig around, as for lack of experience: some girls find it endearing and since you’re 18 it’s understandable, we all had to learn at one point, you got this!

Anonymous 115109

Is it really any different from sending out job applications untill some sucker takes the bait?

I mean love last, in my experience, for like 2 weeks and makes you feel lowkey slimy and awful because it is not too different from being on drugs, so any relationhip gotta be build on both parties self interest.

Anonymous 115112

you're only 18 anonette. you still have time, put yourself out there no matter how uncomfortable or awkward it may be at first. unless you want to end up like me….

Anonymous 115123

dating apps are shit. you have to make friends, even if you aren’t attracted to them they might introduce you to people you are. start slow. like others said you’re young and have time, build up the skills now otherwise you run the risk of letting the years go by and no step closer to your goal (happens quicker than you’d think)

Anonymous 115439

Thanks for all the replies of advice and encouragement. I know 18 is still young but I just feel so behind, I lost my core teenage years to various bad situations and I just feel permanently stuck at like 15. And due to having suffered for acne for all those years and the red scars it left me with, my self perception has been like permanently distorted


Under what circumstances is it acceptable/would you consider killing yourself? Anonymous 111987[Reply]

Genuine question
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Anonymous 112025

Why are you asking this ..do you have suicidal thoughts?

Anonymous 112030

never, i'm busy

Anonymous 114428

when i find a artsy and memorable method to do it
done before, too common
just because i am a woman that dosent mean i got to be a wossy
moid way to go, no
>run in front of traffic
i dont wanna ruin the driver's life
>jump into the tigers enclosure
has potential but i would feel sorry for the zoo keepers afterwards since they are underpaid and they do what they do because they love animals, i dont wanna ruin that for them, also those tigers would get euthanized and i dont want that
>bathtub with resin
already done in pinky and pepper forever, not pretty enough to do that on top of it
>walk into the woods in front of a dangerous animal
people would think i was a stupid hiker, no, not creative enough to write a memorable will, if i were to explain
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 114472

well if my situation doesn't improve in the next couple months, I will kill myself.

I think the most painless way would be using an exit bag, that way I won't endanger anyone else either.

Anonymous 115438

Crippling ailment


i hate dating Anonymous 115424[Reply]

i'm already fat so i struggle with dating as is, but i also have the worst social skills imaginable so i struggle with talking to the guy who want to fuck me. i've had 3 sexual experiences ever (counting being groomed) and all of them were online. i don't it's gonna get much better from here. trying to lose weight but i have the worst impulse control known to man.

Anonymous 115425

Just be yourself gurl

Anonymous 115435

best way to deal with overeating is to start with your mental health but if youre too po​or for th​erapy i guess you could try shitting your guts out with ozempic


Should I let him hit? Anonymous 114978[Reply]

There is this guy in my class that’s been asking me for sex for about a year now I kept rejecting him but he insists now that we’re almost graduating pretty sure I’ll never see him again and it makes me kind of bad that he didn’t get to taste me despite desperately trying to? maybe I should give a goodbye chance?
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Anonymous 115000

He might become too clingy afterwards, besides, maybe he's not even a virgin or OP doesn't care about that if he actually is.

Anonymous 115016


Give it to him

Anonymous 115017

Wish I would have someone ask me something like that ):

Anonymous 115018


Yes but wait until next april fools to do so, and do it while wearing one of these

Anonymous 115062

This is a retarded post


Am I fake? Anonymous 115074[Reply]

I hate one specific person. They annoy me so fucking much. But I can't help but be polite & even helpful to them, which means they think I like them, but I really, really don't. Am I fake? Two-faced? Etc? Note that I don't talk about this person behind their back or anything I just really don't like them and seethe silently to myself while giving them a smile.
Am I a bad person or am I just insane?

Anonymous 115075

I have the exact same, I liked her at first but as I got to know her I found her so stupid and annoying. At this point I despise her and hope she never texts me again but I still see her from time to time. Idk if it makes you (or me) a horrible person but I find myself a huge doormat because I just cant tell her to fuck off. I guess it's not a nice thing to do but it's not out of malice, just can't say no.

Anonymous 115081

Are you afraid of confrontations?

Anonymous 115102

A little

Anonymous 115129

I do this too towards several people in fact (all co-workers or people I'm obligated to interact with). I just think it's logical - I would rather just put up with the annoyance than confront them or cause unnecessary drama.


Anonymous 115419[Reply]

I never experiment love.
Not specially romantic love, but in general like my parent i like then sure but i don't feel i love then.
I date people and even have sex but never really love this people. Girl and man it change nothings. Even my friend got no attachment and got no problem to ghost then.
I am the only one in this case ?

Anonymous 115422

It’s a normal girl thing


Anonymous 114110[Reply]

How can people be so natural with random conversations and at making connections?
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Anonymous 114160

Easy, just observe people as they talk and take comprehensive notes on tone, inflection, pace and content. Then replicate those elements and mix them together in conversations with strangers online until you can reproduce a passible facsimile of human interaction.

Anonymous 114163

this + no social anxiety or otherwise mental health problems/trauma caused by your home life.

That said social skills are, well, a skill. You can learn it and get better at it. I just mirrored people around me I wanted to be like and it helped massively.

Anonymous 114198

They think about themselves way less than you do.

Anonymous 114337

if you aren't neurotypical (or just likeable) you can try practicing as much as you want but you'll just get a bunch of negative reinforcement that prompts you to stop socializing. your interactions will just go awkwardly/badly and discourage you from continuing. if you're neurotypical or likeable or an npc they'll generally be positive interactions that encourage you to keep going. people don't end up shut-ins out of nowhere.

Anonymous 115404

nice AI face touchup, not like the weirdass fingers aren't a giveaway


Advice and Support General Thread! Anonymous 68781[Reply]

Come here, wayward souls, for any matter big and small. Insight to comfort can be found here for your issues or conundrums.
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Anonymous 115090

I start freaking out with the insecurity the moment his communication changes slightly…we meet in a week so I know I should just relax, but how??? I wish I could ask directly without looking excessively needy

Anonymous 115140

I've gained 20 lbs since I first started dating my boyfriend. I was binge eating a lot during the interim because of stress from med school and board exams. His lockscreen photo is a picture of me that he took when we first started dating and it makes me feel sick looking at it. It's hard to think that I ever looked like that. How do I not hate myself while trying to lose weight?

Anonymous 115145

Lmfao fuckin based, maybe he likes em a lil chonky girl you dont know that.

Anonymous 115158

According to Mexicans, you know a man is good for you if you gain some weight while being with him. He probably likes a bit of chub too

Anonymous 115395

i feel insane from the stress of college right now , i genuinely think im in the most hardcore intense research lab at my university and every single time i fuck up even just slightly it makes me spiral and think everyone hates me and theyre gonna kick me out. im just so wound up and i have no idea how to handle it. I genuinely wish i could just marry a moid and never work.

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