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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 112581[Reply]

What are ur fitness goals?

I'm trying to work off a few lbs lol
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Anonymous 112616

Another Fattychan reporting. Stopped actively trying to lose weight for about a year but back on the bandwagon. Last weigh-in was 183, down from when I started which was around ~225. Would like to be around ~130ish but generally just trying to be like, not fat anymore. I would like to get into some body recomp stuff and would like to generally do more athletic stuff like I did when I was younger. Hoping to reach my goal by the end of the year or beginning of next.

Anonymous 112684

I try to lose 10kg, I am not fat atm but I think I would look so much better at lower weight idk I think its because I am short so same bmi looks fat while tall girlies look beautiful in it.

Anonymous 112687

looks like u could easily image search it on aliexpress and find

Anonymous 112688

same as this nona. my hips and thighs look ridiculous (and my legs overall)

Anonymous 112696

To lose 17 lbs in the next 6ish weeks
I lost 43 lbs january- march, but I fell off this month and only lost 2 lbs the whole month.
Locking back in and starvemaxxing until I am 130 lbs
I started at 192/BMI 30 and now I am 147/BMI 23
For actual fitness I just need to improve my cardio. Biking, maybe running. I used to be somewhat fit but after the weight gain I cant bike from point a to point b anymore without feeling like dying.


can't ever move on from relationship Anonymous 112483[Reply]

i'm not the sort of person who posts on forums in generals but lately ive been going through a phase of life where ive had more questions than ive ever dealt with but no answers.i broke up with my ex recently and ive been in love with her for quite a while before that (3ish years). I've never felt so insanely crushed in my life. I simply have no clue what to do. I plan on killing my self tomorrow but even in the space of time before it I cannot comprehend how to solve the morbidly overwhelming pain I find myself engulfed in. am I delulu? I find that no matter what I do or think I keep reverting back to crying to a pillow and hurting myself everywhere that is left of my body. Perhaps I am too pubescent to handle it but I don't care. Even knowing that I'm going to do it sometime tomorrow afternoon I don't want to do this I don't want to struggle through another minute of this nonsense I absolutely hate the fact that I spent years killing myself over the possibility that there was something that was going on w her that I didn't know about. I've loved her so so so much and she will never ever believe that I did. How can someone spend so much time an energy on the singular emotion of wanting to  have someone so bad but never have it ultimately gratified. i know I'm too young to have fallen in love but for the love of god I genuinely didn't control any of it. Beyond a point I can't really do anything to dull the pain further. I haven't eaten in days I keep bleeding I keep drinking and it does not go away because there is nothing in my mind in any state regardless of what I'm doing except her. I just want to go home I hate everything ans I hate the fact that she can go on without me without breaking a sweat crushing on other people's looks and vibes.  I hate the fact that all my life I've thought of myself as a unique person because I've been through most of my life alone yet there is no direction I can force my life to run towar-ds but hers. I wish god is dead and there is no afterlife I want to be dead and buried forever so fucking bad

Anonymous 112490

I don't think you're delusional. Seperating from someone is hard. Having a future you imagined with someone disappear is hard. Don't kill yourself, it'll get better.

Anonymous 112641


Mad late, but have you considered maybe being satisifed just being friends with her? If life sucks without her, trying reconciling that you two aren't compatible as lovers. Just because it didn't work out in the romance dept doesn't mean you two shouldn't be friends. Of course your milage may vary when it comes to this option, but maybe its worth looking into. I sincerely hope you haven't offed yourself; you have unlimited amounts of potential even if you dont see it in yourself yet

Anonymous 112674

Can relate to the finding what felt like perfect love to realizing no amount of wishing can ever make our values align. I kept hoping they'd just change their attitude a little for the better and one day see true value in our connection, though this never works when they don't experience the same need.
One must spend a while sitting with the emptiness to know the love we were capable of sharing really had little to do with that other person, as it flows out from within the river of self-love which makes it all possible.


/vent/ Anonymous 109995[Reply]

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Anonymous 112681

Chad and Stacy are incel memes. Chad is who they wish they were, Stacy is the woman they wish they had.

Anonymous 112683

cute men >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gigachad
cute women >>>>>>>>>>>>>> gigastacy
normals just dont like things that actually make them feel something

Anonymous 112723

Boyfriend called me a bitch for the last time. I literally just look at him with disgust. Can't wait until the lease is up and I can move out.

Anonymous 112724

call him a faggot

Anonymous 112732

I don’t usually oust my religiosity on teh forumz, but i feel like venting in a kooky fashion

Last year i was in a short distance mutual-affection-disguised-in-platonic-label-turned-long-distance-talking-stage. Distance must have played a role, but my feelings were slowly tapering off once i was coming to the conclusion that we had different mutually unfulfilled needs. Obviously i recognize that i was very very emotionally immature at the time, to the point where i interpreted the pain of my anxious attachment as love. Once i confessed to him that i was beginning to fall in love with him, (he had always made it clear that he loved me and had never felt this way about anyone else), he replied that he wasn’t sure that was such a good idea and that he didn’t feel like he was much deserving of love and that our then situation was not ideal (we didn’t know if we would reunite in the same country etc). Even typing this now i feel rage bubble inside me because i had held him at arm’s length for the longest time from fear that he would hurt me and when i allowed myself to be vulnerable and tell him that i loved him he took that moment away from me. I don’t know why this episode makes me so intensely angry/resentful and bitter because it’s literally nothing, like i know people who’ve been through worse. So why am i so hypersensitive. I can tell a million other anecdotes. The one word i can use to describe what we had is tepid, fucking lukewarm, moderate. I never thought i was the kind of person who could be passionate about someone, i mean i’ve never longed for romance and love, but good god the kind of liaison you build on “logic” and “reason” and “mutual understanding” is so fucking underwhelming and disappointing and i can’t help but feel small and ridiculous for inexplicably longing for passion when i don’t even have the countenance to love with unabashed abandon and always feel the need to police my emotions.

Anyways, there once was q point where i felt so very comfortable with this moid and even aired out my host of insecurities, and around the time where that anecdote occurred, i would pray “if this thing isn’t meant to happen and if there’s no shred of goodness in it, God let me know.” There came a point after that where even if i wanted to feel something, id reach inside and feel nothing towards him. He continued the tug and push dance up until this year, and at one point i had to shoot him down, almost cruelly but not even as cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 110596[Reply]

>be me, 25
>old shitty car breaks down
>dropped it off at repair shop earlier today
>"it'll take about 4 hours to repair"
>walk around near by restaurants to kill time
>feeling hungry so i order some chicken and rice
>Dine in is closed
>take food outside and go down the sidewalk
>sit on the curb to eat
>just minding my own business and eating
>group of frat guys in their early 20's walk right past me
>they suddenly all get quiet
>can't quite hear them whisper something under their breath
>as soon as they pass me they all burst out in laughter
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 111153


They're laughing at you because you looked like a bum. Did you look like a bum Nona? Sometimes it helps to know.

Anonymous 111157

That cat has a strong bone structure and fine whiskers, it would definitely be a chad if it were human.

Anonymous 111186

that cat looks like a fucking troon

Anonymous 111189

Anonymous 112642

Should've sat in front of them, looked at them picked your nose and flick it at them.

Fuck them

images (4).jpeg

Anonymous 112546[Reply]

This is my previous thread:

I finally came clean to him nonas, like you asked me to. He was shocked, and said more than angry he's sad and understands why I did what I did. That I've been through a lot of pain. He then insisted on me to show my real photo. I showed him slightly older one and told him so. My skin has gotten worse since picture was taken and I had gained some weight which I'm in process of losing. I told him all of that. He said my real self is attractive too and he wants to make this work. He said it will take him sometime to get used to this but he finds me attractive so he will. He said he will help me with skincare and sticking through weight loss journey.

All this still feels unreal. Maybe not all moids are bad. Maybe I'm being schizo but he could be playing with me (I am trying not to be too hopeful till we meet in person). I don't know what future holds but I am happy I came clean.

Thanks nonas. I love you all. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be able to push myself to come clean.
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Anonymous 112583

Congrats for being brave, I hope you can keep developing that trust and he is a man of his word.

Anonymous 112584

just apologize and never talk to him again. no one deserves to go through a relationship born from lies, it's a bad start.

Anonymous 112605

No, keep talking to him, op..ignore what she said. Your relationship isn't born from lies, you came clean so now it's born from genuineness and maybe vulnerability but a chance to do better. So take it and do better. He wants you to improve, let that be your motivation

Anonymous 112618

Saged, this doesn't deserve a new thread, just reply to your old one.

Anonymous 112639

Don't listen to the disgusting crabs in a bucket. I'm happy for you and hope that this is a start of something very beautiful for the two of you. You're deserving of someone who loves you for who you really are and can give you the companionship you need


advice on getting past grief? Anonymous 112468[Reply]

about 3 years ago my dad passed away and ive been on a downward spiral ever since.

i feel pathetic knowing im so deeply affected years later, and seeing everyone move on with their lives. no one seems to be as bothered as i am, even my mother has a new boyfriend whom she spends more time with than my siblings n i.
i didnt grow up with many friends, neither do i have many now, but my dad was always there for me to keep me company & i was really close with him.
him passing away completely threw me for a loop and made me feel completely lost in life :( i have no idea wtaf im doing
i projected most of my grief & attachment onto my ex & after breakup from our toxic relationship, i have no motivation to live & i left school to become a shut in NEET—even avoiding close friends irl
im unhappy with myself and i feel pathetic, i want to be unbothered like everyone else. my mom tells me i’ve had my time to be upset & my ex said that im worthless if i dont allow myself to get over my fathers death soon

how do i cope nonas? how do i get my life back onto track? :c please give me any small or big advice any of u have
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Anonymous 112508

im not the poster but heres my story, i lost my job i had for a long time (i was proud of my job) and my roommates were absolutely horrible like worst of the worst, i then had to move back with relatives, my gf broke up with me and i really didnt want to do anything at all i was super duper depressed ontop of normal super duper depression, i thought the same thing at one point then it happened to me.

it sounds kinda gay im not trying to vent im trying to explain the situation that created the fatalistic seditary mindset.

as for the poster, your friends and family love you, relationships are a 2 way street, make sure they know you want space and dont keep them on the back burner, even if its cringe you have to explain it maybe they have some insight.

you are the prisoner and the jailor, as for loneliness i will branch out of topic and say that personally ive found the best way to deal with it is to accept the reality that lots of people die alone, in the cemetary there are "single" plots places where people die and they do not have a significant other, it is not sad it is not unhealthy, it is reality, you will probably die alone, will you be with someone for a while? maybe; what you can do is look, that might change things for a while, and while your looking might as well try and not be shitty, boring, or horrid as a person not for someone else but yourself because youre the one thats going into the ground eventually, and youre going to have to live with yourself up until that point.

let the dead bury the dead

Anonymous 112510

You never get over the lost of a loved one. You just learn to live with it.

Anonymous 112511

That's not true. Time makes memories fuzzy, softens emotions until eventually you're fine again.

Anonymous 112525

I'm in the same position after losing my husband and unborn children. Really really really hope I die very soon. I have no advice, it's fucking awful.

Anonymous 112607

>No matter how sad or angry you are, it's not going to bring this person back.
>This person would want you to be happy and move on, not let the sadness destroy your life. Move on for them, no reason to feel guilty about it either since it's what they would want.
>Everyone dies eventually, so you have to learn to be strong and live on your own, both for your own sake and to support others. You can become what that person was to you, for someone else.
Some things I tell myself. Most of the people who supported me growing up are gone now, so I don't have much of a choice. It's either kms or learn to be strong on my own, and I chose not to kms no matter what because it's not what they would have wanted.


pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405[Reply]

can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.

i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
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Anonymous 112559

nona… youre a beard…

Anonymous 112561

all i ever get is video and porn addicts.
how the hell do you find someone like this if you use imageboards?
either larp or CC tourist

Anonymous 112565

>he's tall AND he's rich AND he's handsome AND he's a genius AND he's got a huge dick AND he's literally a prince AND he's a great cook AND his family loves me AND I'm the only woman he's ever loved before!

Bait used to be believable.

Anonymous 112585


Anonymous 112606

Sometimes people just get lucky. But this is surely a LARP.


Anonymous 110016[Reply]

Is it okay to hate your so's stupid whore exes? I think it should be
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Anonymous 112013


> he'll probably portray you as another stupid whore to his friends and new gf when you break up

OP, this is true. My husband never trashtalked any of his exes. If he calls them names, he'll call you names.

Anonymous 112070

No. My Nigel's ex seems sweet and normal despite being born in quite unfavorable circumstances. I have nothing against her and probably never will.

Anonymous 112071

That being said, I had a big issue with my previous ex's ex because they were emotionally involved with each other the entire duration of our relationship. I was being retarded and should have just left him tbh.

Anonymous 112601


Jealous over exes? Just wait until your Nigel cheats on you…

Anonymous 112603


Advice and Support General Thread! Anonymous 68781[Reply]

Come here, wayward souls, for any matter big and small. Insight to comfort can be found here for your issues or conundrums.
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Anonymous 112545


Anonymous 112558

Idk doesn't sound like you went out in a way that burned bridges. So it's probably fine. Just say you had to leave to work out some personal issues or something if you don't want to go into detail. Your reason is pretty valid. I can see how it's uncomfortable though.

Anonymous 112582

You can take the L safely and trust that it's when you're employed when other offers start coming so it makes sense to go back for a bit

Anonymous 112588

I want to find a friend. But each time the communication is one-sided: the girl is passive. What am I doing wrong? I am kind and try to help, I give gifts. There are common interests. How do I come to terms with the fact that I won't find a friend with a Vibe similar to me in order to understand each other perfectly?

Anonymous 112595

talking to someone is devaluing?


Anonymous 111670[Reply]

My boyfriend romanticizes and idealizes me too much. It’s getting under my skin. I have a realistic view of myself as a person. He doesn’t have a realistic view of me. How can someone truly love you if they have you so high up on a pedestal that they just don’t notice your flaws?
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Anonymous 112572

what are you trying to hide OP?

Anonymous 112574

He’s a nice boy and stuff like that but I need a little space…. Like no one needs to know anyone that well. I like to have pieces of myself just for me. That’s why I post on anonymous boards. The only social Esq media he can’t stalk is my Reddit and who tf wants to exclusively use Reddit
Uhhh nothing… I like to have personal space both in person and online. My social media is my outlet. I don’t want someone to stalk what I like on tumblr. I think that’s pretty fair. It’s like intruding on my personal identity and not letting me have my own space

Anonymous 112576

did you try actually talking to him about it?

Anonymous 112578

Ehh I don’t wanna hurt his feelings and it seems like somthing I shouldn’t be upset about

Anonymous 112579

This is how you poison a relationship. If it's upsetting you then it's worth bringing up, you shouldn't compromise and settle with behaviours you're not comfortable with. If you don't do anything about this you don't deserve our sympathy. He either needs to get better or to need to let him go, I'm sick and tired of seeing countless nonas on CC tolerate toxic moid behavior and then complaining abour it. You are denying yourself agency and letting the moid emotionally dictate this relationship.

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