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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120372[Reply]

I hate seeing other girls befriend and have normal healthy friendships with each other, it’s not that I’m a women-hating pick me but it bothers me to see happy people in general. It’s gotten to a point where I am unable to watch “strong female friendship” movies for people around my age without feeling jealousy and sick to my stomach and I’ve hated girls in my classes since forever . Never maintained a long-lasting meaningful friendship ship with another girl. I hate normal people so much that should be me

Anonymous 120373

You are an angel and gf material.

Anonymous 120374

girl you are so meeee omg

Anonymous 120377

Honestly yeah.

Anonymous 120434

We should be friends


Vent: Lesbian Relationships Anonymous 119386[Reply]

Just wanted to vent about my recent lesbian relationship really. I don’t often talk to many people and I hope I can find some people on here that can understand what I’m going through. I’ve been in an on and off relationship with a girl for a few months now. Her and I are really into kpop and we play video games together sometimes. We know each other in person, but she isn’t really on image boards as I am. She is seriously a bit of an asshole, yet I like her still. I’ve been distancing myself from her and called it completely off yet I cannot stop thinking about her sometimes. She’s a really beautiful more masculine tomboyish girl but she starts arguments out of the blue, and even wanted to get rid of me she said verbally in the past. I believe she’s undiagnosed with whatever shit is going on in her head.
Does anyone have some sort of advice on moving on or any other lesbians have been in a similar situation?

Anonymous 119387

idk be straight

Anonymous 119388

Probably closeted


Anonymous 119884[Reply]

>mfw i will never have a gf like picrel because women like this don't exist
Why live.
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Anonymous 119932

I've seen a few female discord mods but they are all pickmes for scrotes, good luck

Anonymous 119951

lacryboy is a girl? i've been misled by the ''boy'' in her username i guess lmao
that makes her art less repulsive to me. a fucked up weirdo girl into drawing weird shit is always better than a moid into the same things. simple as

Anonymous 119953

This is literally troon art, looks like the worst type of person is using crystal cafe aka femcel larpers or men in dresses

Anonymous 119955

Their sex is unknown afaik but from their art I think it's pretty obvious that they're a biological woman.

Anonymous 120067

Looks like a nasty pooner


i genuinely dont think love, friendship, any kind of human companionship is possible for me Anonymous 120144[Reply]

who relat

Anonymous 120145

i feel chronically empty all the time i feel nothing at all and it is everything at the same time at once . im literally biblical depictions of the devil incarnated into a girl

Anonymous 120164

I used to feel the same. Getting professional mental help helped me.

Anonymous 120209

Me for love. I can't fathom living with someone or not having a bedroom to myself. I want to be in love but I can't imagine myself pursuing a relationship in the way that others do. I get very irritated when around someone nonstop for over a week, even if I care for them. I always joke that I should date a pilot

Anonymous 120244

i fel you nona im considering renouncing any type of relationship ever. its like im in a desert island away from everyone i know and i cant reach anyone, nor anyone can reach me. i tried but im tired of trying.


Unsent Letter Thread Anonymous 115657[Reply]

Previous Thread >>2119
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Anonymous 120398

oh my god if she seriously got a matching tattoo with a rapist as a band aid baby for their relationship that died a year ago… might as well have just gotten his name it’s going to be that bad when they break up. that is going to be one huge ugly fucking coverup. getting a large dark tattoo is crazy in the first place, especially when you don’t even bother looking at different artists and just let whoever slap whatever on you. she’s gonna have to black out her entire fucking shoulder i can’t stop laughing. both of you have lost the plot.

Anonymous 120399

you’re a pair consisting of a rapist and a rape apologist, both into beastiality. you are not part of the rebellion. you are low ranking members the party being rebelled and fought against. you are the oppressors. you are the people holding others down. you are quite literally the facists who voted for donald trump and were surprised that he still didn’t care about poor people. not even the leaders but the skinheads doing crack in section 8 thinking aligning yourselves with evil will help you, all you have to do is climb up your victims bodies. that’s who you are aligned with. the closest rebellion you could be said to be a part of is the incels on 4chan telling you “rape on dear manlet”. those are your crew!! military dudes and trump supporters all white trash - those are the literal only people who still fuck with you!!! the darker color instead of the red really shows your dark dirty heart and soul. you’re evil. you stand for evil.

Anonymous 120400



Anonymous 120401

you don’t like yourself, you’re just falling for whatever bread crumbs of love bombing he can bother with after he gave up for an entire year before you freaked at him. you don’t own it. it’s a subscription and he’s not good about following the terms of the contract. he’ll keep charging you long after he stops delivering. you don’t like yourself you like the way he makes you feel about yourself and you’re bragging about centering this on him and not internal growth why? cos you’re a lot older than us and seem to be claiming self awareness? like it all seems a little on the nose and like you’re aware of all of this and setting him up almost. like that was so heavy handed i actually doubt your sincerity and i’m not talking about you knowing you don’t really like yourself. it seems you’re trying to signal to people that you are choosing to intentionally base your self esteem on this and it’s kind of weirding me out. but if you’re the type of person who needs to have someone else in line and be the damsel in distress then do what you have to do i guess. just know that it’s all sus to anyone seeing it.

Anonymous 120410

I can't keep doing this. I can't live like this, it's not good for me.

I'm ready to stop being alone, and it's fine if you're not. Clearly you aren't as you've provided no semblance of reciprocity, congeniality and interdependence I have to stop this for my own sake.
I'm not gonna feeling guilty for pursuing someone else. I need someone in my life and for a while I thought that could be you, and I would have liked that, but it's becoming increasingly clear that you're not half as interested in that as me, and now it hurts to talk to you, so I'm not gonna be doing that anymore.

I'm sorry.


should i quit uni? Anonymous 120353[Reply]

i feel so lost in this life. i dont even know if i want to keep studying Uni and i actually just want to run away from my home lol

Anonymous 120354

Need much much more info.

Anonymous 120357

If you are a depressed unhealthy young women you should give up instead of changing your lifestyle.

Anonymous 120364

take some time off if you really need to but think about your life long term. whats gonna happen if you run away vs drop out vs stay in uni?

Anonymous 120413


Do whatever you need to do, I dropped out of school for two years and came back and felt better because I needed to find myself. (Part time job and traveled for a while)

Anonymous 120414

I dropped out and have been a neet since. I don't think it really did anything because I still feel like a failure.


Is anybody else kind of scared of autistic guys after some bad experiences Anonymous 120343[Reply]

Not all of them, but a lot of them get really clingy/obsessive and creepy EVEN AFTER you use clear communication and tell them you're not interested/to knock some behaviors off, and some of their responses to "no" are to escalate their behavior, threaten you, or act in threatening ways that suggest they may have… plans to do something nefarious to you.

It makes me feel bad because a lot of autistic guys are nice. But I've had way too many creepy guys latch on to me, because I'm a girl who still will have conversations about gaming/anime with anybody who can relate, and I literally just know how to do makeup/am not super fat.

It doesn't help either that a lot of wackos are self diagnosing as autism these days when they get caught breaking the social contract and doing something extremely reprehensible or disgusting.

And now if you call out one of these people who you know has 0 symptoms of autism, except disregarding what is and isn't appropriate, because it DOES have other symptoms y'know… BOY are you in for a treat, enjoy getting mobbed.

It seems like it's becoming the ultimate excuse for sexual harassment/rapey comments/behavior, and if you reject their sentiment, you're le evil abelist wammen who is doing a disservice to humanity by not giving yourself to every mentally incompetent or evil man that wants you and isn't afraid to sexually harass you.

Anonymous 120344

bear with teddy be…

> call out one of these people
perhaps you've just worded it strangely but if you really do mean "call out" in the "public humiliation / shaming via truth nuke" sense, i would stop doing that. it is a fantastic way to irritate (possibly dangerous) people and basically never results in them changing their behaviour. if you really want them to seriously consider what you have to say, go to them privately. if you don't care enough to do that, weigh up what it is you're actually getting out of "calling people out". usually you're doing it for your own gratification, and that's no reason at all.

> men are getting creepy / obsessive / clingy

universal moid trait (endearing in small doses) and certainly comorbid with autism. it's not irrational, then, to be cautious upon finding out a man is autistic. that's just pattern recognition.

> you're le evil ableist wammen

as you've recognised this is just another shitty excuse for shitty behaviour. put it with the rest.

Anonymous 120407

Anonymous 120408

Dont date autistic men if they dont have good EQ, Social navigation and absolutely dont date guys that call themselves autistic in a trendy way. Also being autistic is not a pass for being a dick.


tryharded life but failed maybe Anonymous 120115[Reply]

>be me, young girl
>not really sure what i want to do in life
>figure that if i work hard in school i can get a good job, make money, and raise a family
>do that
>date a guy my age for 6 years, doesn't work out
>start dating a new guy my age, i love him but he's kinda broke
>graduate with a STEM degree, 4.0 GPA
>no jobs hiring STEM undergrads, want higher degree/experience
>start grad school as a PhD student
>doing a good job
>exhausted from working on my thesis every day
>paid crumbs, live in shitty apartment
>realize i'm 25
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Anonymous 120395

Did you break up with him?
Does he really want kids? Did he change his mind?
Can't he find a better job?
Please update.
I want to comment something on it.

Anonymous 120396

I didn't know justpearlythings posted here.

Anonymous 120397

I will dump in my 2 cents but i am one of the rare autists that desires kids but the idea of "raising" them sort of disgusts me? Like having to take care of a literal retard for 18 years before they are able to understand what taxes and shit are sounds like absolute crap to what i am doing rn. So i ws out more for a "homemaker" typa guy that would cook and clean while i was out to work. I guess what i desire is to be a dad in a sense? But not an absent father, just not a traditional mother… anyway i found what i am looking for, as in he cooks and cleans and scolds me for being lazy in cleaning up my dishes after dinner. How the turn tables. You really gotta learn what YOU want in life and dont compare yourself to others. You think being a SAHM is scoffed at? Imagine a SAHD, lol lmao. I get constant crap on it by my family why my husband is not earning as much as me, its because I, ME, AND MYSELF wanted a parent in the house to take care of the children but i didnt want to be that person. I fucking hate child rearing but i do want children.

Anonymous 120402

It's completely fine for you to work and your man to stay at home, but if you see children as "literal retards" I strongly urge you to reconsider having any.

Anonymous 120406

Actual medically diagnosed retards are described with "the intelligence of a X year old" etc. Children are retards, just not permanent ones, just temporary. Hence why i dont want to dedicate my life to learning how to take care of one as expected of a full SAHM. Kids ARE retarded, just not forever.


girl has a crush on me. i’m not interested. Anonymous 120359[Reply]

i just want to preface this by saying that i wholeheartedly, in no way, am trying to make fun of autistic lesbians. i am simply just not interested in this one girl and i need advice on how to communicate this to her.

i don’t usually befriend people but my younger sister introduced me to a friend of hers just last year. this friend seemed nice at first and her first reaction upon seeing me was “pretty.” to me, receiving compliments wasn’t out-of-the-ordinary and y’know how girls can be- saying things just to get closer, so at the time, i didn’t find it odd. i think i even complimented her back, saying she was pretty (though i hardly even looked at her). as the conversation went on, i noticed she spoke english with a chinese accent. this will be important later on. i’m also chinese but can speak very little, she’s surprised and compliments me again. at this point, i notice that even though i contribute very little to the actual conversation between my sister and her, she gives me so much more attention. i shrug it off to her being curious about a new person.

the new school year begins and we share two classes back-to-back together. we’re even seated next to other in one period. she asks me for help as i’m the only one who speaks proper chinese and as i let her blatantly copy, she keeps asking me questions i deem invasive. stuff like my age, grade, relationship status, romance and boys. i don’t care. i will admit, i was a bit stand-offish so i thought she didn’t even see me as a friend. i start to notice she’s very visibly autistic. she stims, doesn’t understand social cues (says random stuff to make people laugh. not realising they’re not laughing with her, they’re just laughing at her), plays music pretty loudly and its usually the same song over & over again, has an intense collection of snow globes, etc. again, i’ve nothing against autistic people. if anything, i give them the benefit of the doubt. i was also pretty defensive about it, making sure to be patient with her and passive-agressively tell people to stop making fun of her. we actually hit it off pretty well. in our second class together, she frequently taught me chinese and in turn, i taught her english. somewhere along this time period, i made the mistake of giving her my socials and we chat there. mostly about school and kpop. this went on for a good 2/3 months.

i guess the turning point began here when she continued asking me more invasive questions, stuff conPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 120375

Stop paying attention to her and grow up holy shit I'm not reading all that

Anonymous 120378

>she does X
Please don't do X
>she does Y
Please don't do Y
>she does Z
The Z thing is kinda like X and Y, can you stop doing things like that? Explain in detail if neccessary

Alternatively ask her why she's doing X, Y or Z. She might give you an answer which you can then reply to. Bait her into saying she's gay then respond to her that you're not.

>But what if she's still obsessed and continues to talk and think about me??

She has the right
>Ugghh why she's so attached
Your fault, should've taken action earlier

Anonymous 120383

i'll try. my only worry is that she'll talk about me to her friends and spread rumors but tomorrow, i'm definitely tell her to stop and unadd her on all socials.

i wish she stopped paying attention to me lmao. nobody is forcing u to read though, just scroll idk what reply u expected

i honestly dunno what you're referencing when you say X, Y, Z? she has the right to obsess over me, no one said otherwise. i just wish it wasn't so all-in-my-face. i'm not mad at her for being attached, she's visibly autistic. please don't put words into my mouth.

Anonymous 120384

Ask your male friend to pretend to be your partner for a small amount of time. Idk how this can end though !_!

Anonymous 120394

>please don't put words into my mouth
I'm not
>i honestly dunno what you're referencing when you say X, Y, Z?
Things she will do in the future that you would prefer to not happen again


Anonymous 120388[Reply]

What would your ideal man, ideal date and ideal relationship look like to you?

Anonymous 120390

Fit, Makes enough , ambitious

Anonymous 120392

fat and retarded

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