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Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 33046[Reply]

Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
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Anonymous 34497

Anonymous 34510

Despite having a desktop mode (which most people don't know about when they hear "VRChat"), interest in VR and the hardware requirements serve as a soft barrier to entry, much like how having a PC in your home was in the 00s. Most communities have some degree of gatekeeping/moderation and the ones that don't balkanize due to infighting, similar to forums of eld.

Anonymous 34527

this, i think if youre lacking a community or a place to be online create one for yourself

Anonymous 34534

The internet is very boring to me now but I think people just see things with rose tinted glasses when looking back to the past. The internet seems like a portal to a whole other world when we're all young and first using it but over time you just get jaded with it all. I only come as often as I do to cope with my life which sucks but even the internet is starting to suck. It's probably a sign to actually return to reality and fix my life

Anonymous 34535

I know what you mean. I joke to myself but it's actually true that Youtube has become to me what TV was 10-15 years ago: So many channels but nothing to watch.

I think I have a fullblown internet addiction. I feel sort of a compulsion to get on it, but once I'm on I just mindlessly cycle through the same couple of sites hoping for something new to pop up and soon my whole day was spent doing literally nothing…


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
213 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34505

Anonymous 34520

So glad I didn't pay to watch this crapfest

Anonymous 34523


i just watched this and i'm in awe of how good al pacino looks

Anonymous 34524

Anonymous 34533


I watched Godzilla Minus One. Literally spent the entire film waiting for King Kong to show up.


husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
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Anonymous 34492

Anonymous 34515

I like that he is characterized as socially inept yet infinitely confident. It makes sense since he has lived a life of insane privilege over everyone else

Anonymous 34522

If it weren't for that insufferable faggot Matty Healey this goober would probably be the lowest quality scrote Taylor ever publicly got with.

Anonymous 34526

But he lets her be smol gorl anon!

I like a himbo and don’t care about moid feelings on principle but I hate how her fans infantilize a 6’5 grown ass man. Hopefully he doesn’t get abusive but with all the head injuries linemen get (look it up)

Anonymous 34531

Shadow the Hedgehu…

Shadow the Hedgehog… Tiny (3'3), dark and edgy, broken on the inside, has an identity crisis, has a soft spot for girls in a pure way and not a gross pervert way. He's literally built for femdom but isn't a weak bitch.

Also he has a fluffy chest.

Fuck you I'm not a furry.


Popular characters that you hate Anonymous 26855[Reply]

We already have a "hated" characters that you love thread so I thought why not do the opposite?

Anyway, mine is Yuffie from FF7.
She used to be mainly hated but now she seems mainly loved so I think she counts.
I will never forgive her for stealing my materia and her design is lame too. She's just annoying for no good reason, but annoying characters seem to get a pass if they're a "cute" girl. You can make a character energetic without being annoying. If Wutai was completely run down and shabby maybe I'd have some sympathy but not only does it look completely fine, it's quite pretty and in way better condition than Sector 7 was. Actually it seems better than where I live irl lol. She adds nothing to the story or cast and is actively mean to Barret too.
Tifa is by far my favorite in the OG and Aerith is by far my favorite in the Remake, she barely felt like a character in the OG. But yeah, Yuffie sucks and her fans go rabid if you dare dislike her cuz she's so quirky teehee
Only talking about OG Yuffie I haven't played her Remake DLC
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Anonymous 34512

Loona is the only character I don't hate from anything she's made. I do not understand how this shit even has a fanbase but then again Steven Universe has one so I shouldn't be that surprised Her designs are so boring and it's weird how they all look the same and yet there also seems so much effort put in to make them 'different'

Anonymous 34513

nta, but imo she is similar to Haruhi Suzumiya, expects everything to revolve around her, naturally, ignoring other people and their needs. Very limited ability to read a room, analyze, empathise.

Anonymous 34514

this pretty much sums it up :p

Anonymous 34529

the girl in the fursuit and the obvious lesbian were fun at least

Anonymous 34530

at least hes good for gay porn


video games Anonymous 18609[Reply]

i believe the last video game thread at >>79 is full so here's a new general for video game discussion
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Anonymous 34402

It's finally coming!
May 7th!!!
Sad there's no lani minella as Nancy anymore still, and the trailer is a little long lol, but I'm still so excited! It's set in Prague and the mystery seems to be the traditional mix of history and the modern story which will be so fun. They took their time with it so it seems like the story will be better put together than midnight in Salem was. I hope the threads of the story weave together well, I'm itching for a game with a good plot and have been bringing the old games recently.

Anonymous 34403


Wrench toss 2 win

Anonymous 34404


Resident Evil Revelations 2

Anonymous 34405

I absolutely love Fatum Betula.
Man I hate that I was 8 months late to this.

Anonymous 34528


what have we been playing recently? anyone playing world of warcraft? more specifically horde on cataclysm classic? i'm planning on investing all my free time playing it once it releases. i would love to have YOU by my side during my journey through azeroth! i'll drop my bnet tag if anyone is interested


I Became A Garfield Addict Anonymous 31955[Reply]

I started binge watching everything related to Garfield. Garfield & Friends, the TV specials and even the mediocre live action movies. I've even binge watched the terrible CGI Garfield show and direct to dvd movies. Feels like Garfield is slowly taking over my life.
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Anonymous 33724

Fuck christ pratt, I'm never watching his shitty Garfield movie.

Anonymous 33747

good thing im not american and have no idea who that is. i heard he's homophobic? i'll be watching it in dub anyway so i dont care

Anonymous 33749

just looked him up. looks like a scientologist

Anonymous 33889


she got me garfpilled

Anonymous 34525

Is the new Garfield movie any good?


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
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Anonymous 34481

Oyasumi punpun sucks, fucking waste of time that probably nobody read but shares panels because they're a e s t h e t i c. In fact all asano works have the same " weird bullshit happens but nobody reacts to it " that gets really boring after a while

Anonymous 34486

Tales of.
Few games in the franchise are not that bad, most are mediocre at best, Graces is the absolute worst, characters and story are so shit.
>main character similiar to isekai protagonists
>main heroine is a lolita dressed tsundere that nags every other character, acts superior and gaslights main character into feeling bad for things he has no fault of
>in the final arc he suddenly loves her and they get to live together
>story is a melting pot of various tropes, with the darker plotlines reminiscent of some Final Fantasy titles, albeit lacking the great writing, alongside the cheerful and power of friendship themes of Kingdom Hearts, without nearly enough charismatic characters to pull it off.

With that said I find funny legendia has barely anyone talking about it despite being one of the best written games in the franchise with developed characters and dynamics kek

Anonymous 34488

GtaV is the best gta gameplay wise, but story and character is lacking, I know a lot about that shit because it’s all by brother plays

Anonymous 34495


I never liked the film Idiocracy. It reeks of Hollywood elitism looking down on middle Americans and the working class. Like without the guidance of university graduates and the upper class we'd all somehow devolve into Neanderthals. When all the necessities to maintain civilization come from the rural countryside and regular people doing hard work. While the elites reap the rewards and often destroy local businesses in the process.

Anonymous 34521

Yeah it's easily Mike Judge's weakest work. I love everything else he's done. Beavis and Butthead is my favorite cartoon, Office Space is in the discussion of my favorite movies but this just isn't good. None of the jokes land and the idea is the most mean spirited one I can think of. And of course it's also responsible for the platitude that is better for confirming a person is a faggot pseud than any other. "Bro, Idiocracy wasn't a movie, it was a prophecy!"

Monster Hunter Anonymous 32891[Reply]

Any MonHun ladies around? Next game got announced, Monster Hunter Wilds.

Post some of your favorite Monsters, weapon types, and cold to hot takes on the games and players.
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Anonymous 33555

Since devs decided to go with more attention to ecology in MHW, I hope MHWilds will put even more emphasis on it. It already starts good with that huge herd of herbivores. I really hope to see some parenting behaviour (with monster babbehs, of course) and partner courting behaviour. That would be a really nice touch to the realism.
Speaking of favourite monster, I like Rathian. Her design is simple, but that is what makes it great, she's the most wyverny wyvern ever made. She has fair and fun fight unlike Rathalos who is just annoying and spams aerial fireballs constantly. I hate how fandom treats her like weaker wifey of Rathalos who constantly cucks him. No, she is just as strong, the most succesful forest predator and a good mother to her Rathlings.

Anonymous 34045

I think it's nice time to bump this thread when 20th anniversary is here

Anonymous 34050


Anonymous 34516


Anyone else plays MH Stories? I got MHST2 recently and I am so hooked on this stupid Pokémon clone with great swords

Anonymous 34519


I played Monster Hunter 3 on the Nintendo wii. It was really hard and I never beat it.


The Amazing Digital Circus Anonymous 32329[Reply]

How do you think of this show?
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Anonymous 33039

For a show called The Digital Circus it's weird that only two characters are kinda circus themed (plus the tent but only from the outside). Should be called The Digital Playground or Digital Funhouse or something like that. Or commit to the circus theme, I love circus themed characters and settings

Anonymous 33083

1688204493240-1 (1…

I've got news for you… (it's a tranny)

Anonymous 33735

i hate this character design so much im even saging this thread so i don't have to see it in the catalogue

Anonymous 34517

Second episode dropped. It's better than the first one.

Anonymous 34518

H0nk H0nk.png

Pacing was kinda ass but the whole meta sub plot was kind cool ig, I'm guessing that's how the rest of the series will play out?

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