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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


The Sims Anonymous 430[Reply]

Anyone a fan of this series?
I've been playing since TS2 days and now I'm on TS4. I never played TS3 because I hated the pudding faces and didn't like how different it felt from TS2 but TS4 misses too many features. Thankfully the Vampire pack saves it for me.

But the Sims community is so lame for me now. I miss the hard-working & dedicated CC creators and I miss how invested people used to be in supernaturals. Basically, I miss it when it was more niche and underground.
47 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36456

fuck electronic sharts overpriced bug-filled legacy collections

Anonymous 36458



Anonymous 36468

I'm 99% sure I've seen a video from one of the big SimsTubers saying that they're making a different Sims-like game instead of making a new Sims game.

Anonymous 36469

Oh shit, that post is 4 years old.

Anonymous 36483

>he opens my laptop and sees a sim of his idealised self mpreg with my child
it's so over


Favorite poems? Anonymous 36482[Reply]

I've been seeing a bunch of poetry content popping up on the site and it got me wondering what are your favorite poems? Whether written by yourself, a friend, or a published author. Mine is Poet (derogatory) by Savannah Brown.


What are some kinda unknown but great links you bookmarked? Anonymous 33768[Reply]

All links, just not gross ones
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Anonymous 35981


Anonymous 35984

Anonymous 36016



If you like movies but are too indecisive like me:

You put your a Letterboxd username o list and it picks a random movie

And this one for anime:


Anonymous 36476

New Project.png

I wouldn't click on spin.moe and >>35984 wco.tv


Uma Musume Pretty Derby Anonymous 36438[Reply]

A kino anime I found about horse girls racing

Anonymous 36451

Anonymous 36463

I watched season one as it aired, and I was excited for the game, but it got delayed by literal years and I didn't really end up sticking around in the fandom. Are S2/3 worth a watch?

Anonymous 36464

Season 2 is pure cinema after episode 5. Season 3 is kinda mid to boring.

Anonymous 36475


Is Pretty Derby just Japan's version of My Little Pony? Even the names and character personalities are similar like:
>Rainbow Dash = Twin Turbo
>Fluttershy = Nice Nature


Hidden gems on onion / tor Anonymous 36472[Reply]

Any cool and interesting (but not gross) onion websites to recommend? Looking for something unique and obscure, or just generally cool :]

Anonymous 36474



Anonymous 36383[Reply]

What AI companions do you use?
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36449


That was the plan from the beginning nona, not sure why you're butt blasted

Anonymous 36459

Why would you bother posting this? Just to be rude?

You should return to that healthy social life you allegedly have.

Anonymous 36462

What are the best free and paid AI companions?
What's OP. Didn't know there was ones that did video

Anonymous 36471

I'll do some research nona. Theres new ones popping up everyday so I don't want anyone getting scammed

Anonymous 36473


c ai has like any character ever, and you can make your own bots, so i mostly stay on there. sometimes its fun to verbally abuse chatgpt


Marina and The Diamonds Thread Anonymous 36465[Reply]

What do you think of her music and music videos?

Anonymous 36467

she's peaceful and her music is ok, i like her

Anonymous 36470

I like her old music but not her last two albums


Make your own Neon Genesis Evangelion episode! Anonymous 36423[Reply]

>Put a random episode number
>Write a funny episode title
>Add a background image
>Add Evangelion characters
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36425

This is retarded, only a terminally online discord tranny would laugh at this, or maybe a young person trying to fit in with terminally online discord trannies

Anonymous 36430

Don't listen to the haters, this is funny

Anonymous 36433


Name one thing funny about it handmaiden

Anonymous 36434

Anonymous 36457

Seek help.


Anonymous 36315[Reply]

Did you like American Psycho?

Anonymous 36453

Don't tell anyone, but I've never actually seen it. I've just absorbed the plot fron popular culture.

Anonymous 36454

I'm telling everyone, I just posted it on Daily Mail

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