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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


AI slop Anonymous 35248[Reply]

Are other women actually into AI images and chatbots and stuff? I’ve noticed some talk of it here and other spaces I’m in and I just don’t get it. It creeps me out in part because the stuff AI bots pump out is super uncanny and disturbing because it has no real common sense, and partly because 99% of people I’ve seen who like and use it are wannabe techbro moids with zero skills or value like in picrel.
87 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35570

I'm trying to set up sillytavern but with a local llm so everything is private. wish me luck

Anonymous 35581


its super easy just use Vidu.
All I did was upload my bing stuff and a simple prompt like 'standing, hair-blowing-in-wind'

results can be surprising like this one suddenly turning into a realistic looking person. Also I think it costs money but there's a free amount of credits.

Anonymous 35613

would it be too out of place to ask what prompt you used for this pic?

Anonymous 35681

What local LLM are you using? Do you have any chance at all with an AMD GPU?

Anonymous 35684

My girlfriend is. She's a transhumanist


Anonymous 35682[Reply]

Thoughts on Joker: Folie à Deux?

Anonymous 35683

Haven't watched it, but the rumor has it that its shit, as in pozzed, watching it can give you aids.
I'll wait for more rumors before deciding if i'm going to pirate it.


Anonymous 35655[Reply]

I don't really play videogames but wanna try some. Got any recommendations?

Anonymous 35656


Hearts of Iron 4

Anonymous 35661

The Like a Dragon games are great. You can start at Yakuza 0 or go straight into Judgment/Y:LaD if you don't care about order. The Monkey Island games are amazing point and click adventures. There's also the Ace Attorney series which has been remastered now.

Anonymous 35667


RPG maker games are pretty cosy, OFF is free and a great game, and its not too hard either
Yume Nikki is another fun experience, its a bit unorthodox but the atmosphere is great

Anonymous 35680



alice from hell.jp…

Anonymous 18016[Reply]

What manga are you reading RIGHT NOW?
Are you enjoying it?
99 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34958

I want to read more manga about cute animals. Bless me with your suggestions.

Anonymous 34985

>Cats Own The World
>Department Of Corporate Slave Rabbits
>Red Cat Ramen
>Bride Of The Non-Human

Anonymous 35131

Shangri-La Frontie…

I know deep down that it's nothing super special. The writing isn't amazing, the characters aren't deep. I just have a very strong draw to this manga/anime. I think if you really really love video games that energy shines through into Shangri-La Frontier.

Anonymous 35167


i recently finished dededede and loved it. comparing it to asano's other works, i think it's much closer to solanin than punpun in terms of emotional themes - trying to figure out what to do with your life, entering adulthood at the end of the world, the different ways in which people react to a global crisis outside of their control. all of the characters felt like they had little realistic kernels that their personalities were built around, with these then taken to the extreme. kohiruimaki is a pretty good example of this, with his many-such-cases internet radicalization and the death of his ex girlfriend leading to his place as the head of an alien-killing vigilante group the bg art is also just gorgeous, but that's like par for the course with asanos photo tracing technique lol (i dont think this is cheap or a hack btw, the grounded & naturalistic effect it has on the work is perfect for the kinds of stories he tells. adds such a sense of place and scale, like a "this is a world that exists outside of the characters" kind of thing, too). my only gripe is that like all the main cast, esp kadode and ontan, look like literal toddlers despite being 17-19, though this could be a deliberate choice to illustrate their emotional childishness, and their designs did grow on me as i was reading. would recommend (n-n)b

Anonymous 35679


Its a webtoon from the author who's also responsible for Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell. Its hilarious.


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
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Anonymous 35631

You're so aggressive lol chill

Anonymous 35632

No I will not chill I hate this show!

Anonymous 35672

Berserk. Yes I read it

Anonymous 35677


I'm not a moid and I liked the show, it's supposed to be subversive, like madoka (my favorite show of all time) Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I thought it was hinting at something more sister at the end like actual dramatic moments and charter deaths, which is what I'm hoping the show will become. There was another anime I watched called Shimoneta back in the day, it was a great example of an anime with a great concept that refused to take itself seriously. Banning sex education would have serious and tragic consequences beyond "look at this girl who doesn't know what a dick is haha" I'm hoping that gushing over magical girls, even if it's a slow burn will become more of a drama over time where the main girl realizes the consequences of her abuse and lack of consent, maybe by the organization that gives her her powers taking away her consciousness and using her body as a weapon while she's trapped in some sort of get out style mindscape hell. I get your criticisms of the show though and I really wish they would have made the girls older. I hope the author actually has something to say and gives some sort of social/societal commentary on, and isn't just hornyposting.

Anonymous 35678

I genuinely feel bad for Kiwi (It hurts even more because she reminds me of myself). I really hope the hints at drama actually develop into proper arcs too, I want Kiwi to move on from Utena their relationship is quite toxic and I really like how it isn't on the nose, its something you pick up on it by reading more on their dynamic.


Fanfiction Thread Anonymous 33449[Reply]

Thread for Fanfiction discussion: you're favorites, likes, dislikes, pet peeve, etc.
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Anonymous 35566

anyone here read 'Manacled' the dramione fic? i have a few more chapters to go, i liked the mid flashbacks section but since it goes back to when hermione is in malfoy manor its a little boring for me

Anonymous 35574

can you link the fic?

Anonymous 35593

A pet peeve of mine is phallic objects in lesbian fanfic. Found a seemingly decent femslash genderbent A/B/O fic but the female alpha was described as having broad shoulders, sturdy thighs, and 'she' had a dick when they had sex. What the hell is the difference between this and just straight up het? Shit like this tells me the authors don't know what's sexy about the female body.

Anonymous 35611

Not as good as Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love

Anonymous 35675

How about sharing some recs?
I'll start:
I can count the number of decent Tomarry fics I've read on one hand (and I've read many), this is probably the best one.


Anonymous 26787[Reply]

who are your favorite female musicians? pic related
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Anonymous 35643


Guano Apes are pretty rockin' my fellow females

Anonymous 35647



Has anyone said Pj Harvey yet?

Anonymous 35673


Anonymous 35674



Cave Story Anonymous 35136[Reply]

I love Cave Story.
Does anyone else around here do?
If you haven't played it you definitely should, its short if you are worried about lenght!
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Anonymous 35184


i love the side quest with the puppies

Anonymous 35186


When I was ~15 I had a massive folder of Cave Story fanart on my PC that I deleted at some point due to being embarrassed by it, and to this day I still kind of regret it…
That's a new one, but sure! Crossover ships are oddly endearing to me. I personally ship Madotsuki with Sunny from Omori in complete earnest lol
Is the DSi version any different from the other ports? I only play the freeware version. I didn't like plus because it changed the physics ever so slightly

Anonymous 35189



Anonymous 35623

I'm back after awhile. The DSi is just freeware with a time trial mode and an extra hard mode, might be my schizophrenia but the physics felt different too. I also decided to give Cave Story+ a try too and I could not get used to the new engine but still 100% it regardless. Its really funny how hard I used to find Cave Story because now I got into Castlevania and I'm competent at it.

Anonymous 35669

just beat the true ending officially after coming back after 2 years or so
i find it easy now lol

i WISH pixel released the beta builds though, they seem so interesting and different


Any other Half-Life fans on CC? Anonymous 32822[Reply]

Favorite GoldSrc/Source Engine game/mod?
The original Half-Life was what convinced me I liked videogames. I still remember getting a copy of it from Goodwill, confident that my dad's office PC would be able to run something this old and it could! That started me down the first (and last) good rabbithole the internet has to offer.
>Hearing this for the first time during Questionable Ethics
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Anonymous 33764

Is there a way to play HL Alyx non-VR-ly? I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.

Anonymous 33765

A mod for that probably exists already somewhere.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
Well, Gordon would probably go alone on his journey then, and that means they won't have to worry about making a good ally AI. With Alyx scooped up, I can see it going two ways: either Gordon somehow saves her, or the G-Man deploys here somewhere so she could save Gordon.

Anonymous 33890

It's not going to be enjoyable without VR.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
I hope at this point they go with a story change up as drastic as the one between 1 and 2 was foe the next game. I don't really care about the Borealis at this point.

Anonymous 35565

my friend thought she had to climb the barnacle

Anonymous 35668

there's non vr mods but there's no point to doing so
unlike most vr games alyx was designed with the unique playstyle in mind so a lot of the action has to do with you making the motions yourself
you don't need a valve vr to run it though, any headset connected to your pc will do

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