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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


How do you feel about The Owl House? Anonymous 34943[Reply]

I watched the whole series despite hating it. The animation can be very nice in certain scenes, and I vaguely liked some of the characters. Overall, I see it as a pander-ey pile of Deviantart OCs for teenagers/adult children.

Anonymous 34944

It was love at first sight for that GILF with the rockstar hair. I don't think I'll ever watch it though.

Anonymous 34945

idk I thought it was mid but it had some good moments, I'm too old for western cartoons I guess

Anonymous 34950

Sadly, they put her in a relationship with the ugliest they/them I have ever seen. I was pissed.

Anonymous 34962

I googled them and yeesh what a checklist character. I think the disparity between the two would have made me Actually Mad at Cartoons, so I think I'll pass (even after learning gilf has a harpy form, wew!).


husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
32 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34956

i need him to treat me like shit. i worry that i have a mental illness. i am attracted to the worst fictional men.

Anonymous 34957

Doesn't he uh… doesn't he laser her to death a couple days after that?

Anonymous 34959

im kinda like you i want homelander to treat me like shit but i also want to cut him up and eat him

Anonymous 34960

There's definitely this Venn Diagram of men, where they are emotionally insecure, easily bullied, humiliated, and also really needy of you, while also being super dangerous and able to just straight up kill you that drives me nuts. It's like playing with fire. Bonus points if him actually killing me breaks his heart and makes him cry over my dead body.

Anonymous 34961

i'm not even a really dom girl but tbh the thought of this little freak who apparently is so loved and is so powerful cowering for me is really hot. he's thought of as some sort of hypermasculine aryan all-american man, but he'd still suck my boobs in some sad attempt to feel loved. 10/10
even if i do get my eyeballs lasered out of my head. the dick would be worth it.

alice from hell.jp…

Anonymous 18016[Reply]

What manga are you reading RIGHT NOW?
Are you enjoying it?
95 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 32370


Anonymous 32758



Anonymous 33531

it was really good

Anonymous 34951

I'm glad it ended decently enough. Moonies can still fuck off though. Hope they reincarnate into this existence again sooner rather then later.

Anonymous 34958

I want to read more manga about cute animals. Bless me with your suggestions.

Spotify premium fr…

Anonymous 34955[Reply]

any recommendations for erotic games? particularly those made for women? yaoi is okay too

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 33145[Reply]

How do we feel about Blaire White?
30 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34902

He's pretty entertaining sometimes when he's tearing down retards, I don't agree with his take 100% since I don't believe trans stuff is really necessary, and some of his conservative stances are kind of retarded. he would have been based if he was just a gnc male or accepted himself as such, but as it stands he's at least less obnoxious than the average tranny.
old comment but you were right. People online always want to put things into a box and whenever someone does multiple things they'll just see it as contradictory even when it isn't, and him being a conservative actually lines up well with conservative mindsets on gender roles.

Anonymous 34920

being a retard that bends the knee for people who hate you does not equate to an intelligent or nuanced opinion

Anonymous 34924


I don't understand how this guy is a trump supporter. Thats pretty much begging to be gassed. How do rw lgbt's get it in their heads that they wont be? How in the hell?

Anonymous 34932

blaire would have never become a public figure if he was just a gnc male. being one of the "good" trans women who conservatives are supposedly ok with is based on support of and participation in strict gender roles

Anonymous 34952

Why not he kinda reminded me of jeffrey starr


youtubers I can mimic to appear like a normal person Anonymous 34948[Reply]

trying to pass as normie and functional as possible. I used to watch kathleen lights, jenn im, and some other beauty/fashion vloggers to absorb the personalities. It worked and I was able to get friends and lots of tips while serving because I nailed the “bubbly girly” vibe down. I’m now looking for youtubers who have their shit together & behave calm and positive.

Anonymous 34949

Try Tam Kaur


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
197 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34738

It's still elitist and you're an elitist too. At least be honest about it.

Anonymous 34739

I thought that the Great Gatsby sucked. I mean we read it for school so I mean I guess that doesn't count. The writing is super incoherent and I think the whole messages behind it were super obvious. Rich people in the 20s were vapid assholes? Wow, that's so crazy and surprisng kek.

Anonymous 34777

That’s one of the few literary classics we read for school that I actually liked somewhat, and only because of the vivid scenery descriptions and the ~symbolism~ that got me a good grade on my English essay. A bit weird because I tend to hate anything with romance

Anonymous 34927


I fucking hated the "Rebuild" of Eva. Piece of shit Hideaki Anno destroyed a beloved franchise because he wanted to show to all the smelly scrotes that he's a big boy now. Fucking demented. I will never forgive him for ruining Asuka.

Anonymous 34947

i think they are just cute okay… and there is a sfw anime…


Know any good live action movies with talking animals? Anonymous 34934[Reply]

Anonymous 34935

die känguru chroniken

Anonymous 34936

milo and otis, of course

Anonymous 34937

Rerurn to OZ is kino

Anonymous 34938

Homweard Bound

Anonymous 34946

Kangaroo Jack

just kidding lol


Roblox Anonymous 29240[Reply]

Does anyone here play Roblox?
What are your favorite games?
16 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 33750

i like mogging toddlers in fashion famous, my outfits are unmatched

Anonymous 34162

I remember I was being weird and talking about Jack and Rose and this bacon except with that face told me to go away, so I did and was upset thinking "im so cringe", then later he rescued me in a boat and I was like "thankyou soo much!" and he said "np" and accepted my friend request, though he never came online again

one of my most memorable friendships with a moid

Anonymous 34167


Brookhaven :3

Anonymous 34791


Anonymous 34942

Dress to Impress because I'm a /fa/ loser lol

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