>>10310i liked the book by zuzana budapest in the OP under dianic wicca. You'll see I took a lot of inspiration from her. Mary Daly is good too.
The one that most resonated with me and broke me out of the spell of lies was reading the gnostic version of genesis. I had been raised catholic but since very early realized that the god of the bible was evil. It is especially obvious in genesis: the lie that women were borne from man's rib (and not the other way around), the curses the male god places on humanity like flooding the earth or killing innocents in egypt. He is jealous and vengeful. very unlike a creator and more like a usurper trying to control a creation that is not his. Even from a young age it felt like a trick. Reading the gnosic version is much closer to the truth, though i think their conception of material reality as evil is an oversimplification. the thunder perfect mind is a poem from the nag hammadi library, i think, which has a lot of hidden truths.
Unfortunately lots of traditions about the mother divinity were passed down orally, suppressed, eliminated, or assimilated. If you look, youll find fragments of her in your own culture. Take these fragments and follow them. She is not a vengeful goddess, don't worry too much about doing things the perfect way, just do what you can and she will show you the rest. Ask the women in your family, look at the female figures in your religion, or even look to history or mathematics and philosophy. You'll find her.