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Original Poetry Anonymous 10726[Reply]

O brew up fuel for psychic War,
word-makers. Dream, for it lies here,
the seed of Fruit forevermore,
that Apple which for Adam gleam'd
when shined by Eve against her Cheek:
O speaketh ye a voice from far,
μιμούμαι Σαπφώ or Cate Parr.
That Apple Eve mostly bravely bit,
for 'til the day she sank her Teeth,
who knew what might abide in it
or what Juice from it might squeeze.
Long Adam saw it ripe and free,
dangling from its silver Bough,
but it was Eve that dared bite down.

Anonymous 10728

How fine a fruit your figges be,
growing eight on one small tree.
A michty fig turns ripe from green
when yellow turns his tender skein.

Anonymous 10729

Mortar thy soul,
lay years on years,
for judgement day,
it ever nears.

Anonymous 10803

And wilt thou say, "I have lived well,"
when thund'ring tolls the midnight bell?

Anonymous 10865

A primate, crawling on my knees,
Warmth floods my hollow abdomen,
Your eyes narrow, focused on me,
Crops of our predecessor’s sins,
Is it all we are, natural as trees,
Smitten and sweet regards within,
More than anthropological need,
Those euphoric needles and pins.


AI art: The end of humanity's soul? Anonymous 8297[Reply]

I'm kind of freaking out about this whole AI art thing. Souless machines that learn on huge data sets to produce art. It just feels demonic. Why did the techbros think this would be a good idea at all? This thing will replace artists, I know it might not feel like it yet but give it enough time and it will. This is why I'm so scared, genuinely. What do artists have left? Why curse all of humanity out of its own way of expression?
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Anonymous 9659

Anonymous 10270

want hug cat

Anonymous 10272

AI girlfriends are the inevitable future of online dating. Not "girlfriends and boyfriends." Unfortunately the training of an AI will only suit the maximized adjustment from input data and men are infinitely more predisposed to cultivate a chatbot gf than women to a chat bf, so when women venture into AIs they're going to get a "Maurice" who acts exactly like a hentai gyaru.

Anonymous 10301

Hard disagree I get a better conversation out of chat gpt than I do my boyfriend any day.

Anonymous 10854

You've been browsing too much deviantart and watching too much tiktok. get a hobby that doesn't make you paranoid

Blue Eisenhower November Anonymous 10032[Reply]

What is Blue Eisenhower November (also known as "BEN")?
There's stuff about it that goes back to 2020 and 2022. Seems to be something to do with the afterlife and the future leaking into the present.
Post anything you have heard about it. I can find lots of snippets of things across various sites but that's it. Any help would be appreciated if anyone here is more knowledgable..
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Anonymous 10336

On earth as it is in heaven

Anonymous 10574

Why is this topic banned on 4chan?

Anonymous 10581

You can actually get banned on 4chan?

Anonymous 10844

smells like a psyop

Anonymous 10848

schizo content

original (16).jpg

does manifestation actually work Anonymous 10679[Reply]

have any of yall actually succeeded? like gotten results so specific that it couldnt just be coincidence? or is it complete bs LOL
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Anonymous 10788

Did you imagined it in first person?
>4 (optional) leave notes saying "I'm NOT going to climb a ladder" around the house, on your phone etc.
Whats the purpose of this?

Anonymous 10805

I don’t really believe in it but I’ll say I had a weird experience a little over a year ago. I was going through a tough time in late 2023 and decided I wanted to get the year over with as soon as possible so I watched a “speed up time” subliminal. Shortly after I ended up in an existential crisis where it felt like the days were speeding past, and it still feels that way to some extent so I guess be careful what you wish for. I would watch a “slow down time” subliminal but I’m still not doing the best so I’d rather get through what I’m dealing with now before I do that

Anonymous 10807

i'm guessing it's because self doubt is a huge part of manifesting anything, if we wish for something we think is too good to be true our minds will naturally lose hope in bad spots and think things like "maybe this is never going to work out" or "there's no point of thinking this could happen." it's like a way of foolproofing the experiment.

Anonymous 10815

i assumed it is related to that thing people warn against, like if you use negative affirmations like "i am not XYZ", apparently your brain ignores the "not" part. because it still makes you think of what is negated ig. so maybe this step is just an extra experiment to try

Anonymous 10842

did this once and three days later I actually climbed a ladder. Coincidence or not, it freaked me out at the time. It was a couple of years ago and I didn't really try anything else ever since.


coverup/theory discussion thread Anonymous 9238[Reply]

a thread about coverups and conspiracies involving powerful people/groups (involvement with sex trafficking/abuse in particular)
here’s a list of some to begin with:
> X dossiers/Dutroux case
> The finders
> Pedophile activism organisers
> Jeffery Epstein and the Maxwells
> The Franklin scandal
no pizzagate bs, focus on actual cases as much as possible
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Anonymous 10672

i've read about some of these kinds of stuff. it's very sad but also scary because a lot of these freaks were protected or involved with powerful and influential people. that one seems interesting

Anonymous 10759


about the dutroux case, gladio has a ton of links to it. i believe there were even sex parties at gladio functions. if you don’t know what that is, gladio was basically a bunch of stay-behind nazi paramilitaries that were placed across europe and the rest of the west by the cia to “defend against soviets in case they invaded”. obviously this didn’t happen, and they ended up just being terror cells that existed to commit acts of extreme violence. it isn’t just the dutroux case too, so many things lead back to or are linked to gladio/members of gladio. it is very odd. even some of the modern “satanic nazis” who go around grooming teenagers into extremism are linked to gladio too.

Anonymous 10760


about the dutroux case, gladio has a ton of links to it. i believe there were even sex parties at gladio functions. if you don’t know what that is, gladio was basically a bunch of stay-behind nazi paramilitaries that were placed across europe and the rest of the west by the cia to “defend against soviets in case they invaded”. obviously this didn’t happen, and they ended up just being terror cells that existed to commit acts of extreme violence. it isn’t just the dutroux case too, so many things lead back to or are linked to gladio/members of gladio. it is very odd. even some of the modern “satanic nazis” who go around grooming teenagers into extremism are linked to gladio too.

Anonymous 10839

>it is very odd. even some of the modern “satanic nazis” who go around grooming teenagers into extremism are linked to gladio too.

Does that mean a lot of 09A members are connected to gladio as well?

Anonymous 10840


The royal order of jesters, a branch of Freemasonry, has been exposed several times for their involvement in child trafficking, human trafficking, and other forms of vile behavior but their members never face any real consequences for their actions. They also have had a lot of these things scrubbed from the internet


Anonymous 10599[Reply]

I hate people online so much that I can't help but want to push them to suicide but most social media are too sensitive and ban you for anything. I really wish there was I way I could push certain individuals I encounter online to kill themselves but no matter what I say it's always words that just slide off their backs. I wish I had some ability to dox or blackmail them, they would absolutely deserve it, I wish I could just find out where they work and live and spread the stuff they say so bravely online to their loved ones or their coworkers and bosses to ruin their lives
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Anonymous 10610


Anonymous 10644

Anonymous 10647

Yeah me too. Life can be a bitch and folks like us can’t really do anything to get back at people. I wish there was a way to just inconvenience them or just scare them a little. To get back at society as a whole, you know?

Anonymous 10811

Relatable. I get why there are vigilante wannabe spergs out there. It would be nice to live out some power fantasy God-Of-The-New-World type shit. Alas, best we can do is type kys, lmao.

Anonymous 10837

i cannot express the hate i feel for this image and the mommy goth moids who like it


Strange things you’ve heard or seen Anonymous 10568[Reply]

I think I just heard a meteor burn up or hit the planet. I sleep with the window open and I hear vehicles drive by all the time, but this was different. It was like something streaked by through the air and then popped. Not a big explosion but a pop sound.
It’s funny because the only other witness is my cat. He heard it too,

Anonymous 10569

I have a sixth sense that's not always right, but when it's accurate, it's painfully accurate. There are times within my personal life and within the world where tragedies and major events have occurred and I can feel the spiritual buildup in my entire body that something bad is going to happen. Usually the image is not clear as to what will happen, but the premonition is very much there.

Anonymous 10665

I was about to suggest exploding head syndrome, but then you said your cat heard it too.

Anonymous 10795

I saw a meteor too recetly, it was awesome! I was just watching a movie at night and looked out of the window for a second and there it was. Really bright light flew by my window into the forested hills behind my village. I have never seen anything like that before it was so cool because it was VERY close and big.

Anonymous 10799

Imo it could have been fireworks or maybe it was a car. I’ve heard what sounds like an explosion and it turns out the person in front of me on the road just has a broken muffler

That kinda sounds like anxiety. Have you ever been tested for it and any other disorder? Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but I’m just trying to see if there’s any other explanations here

Anonymous 10833

I have a few, all based around my brother's best friend, J. Not sure if supernatural, but just strange.

>J riding with me to school

>neighbour has an aggressive pitbull that's killed other pets before
>it's loose out on the road
>it charges me
>J just lunges at it and claps his hands
>the dog squeals, does a partial backflip in terror, cashes its tail for a moment and lays down
>we ride past and it tries to keep up
>J stops and turns, raising his hand and yells something at it
>it stops
>have a half-day and he rides home with me
>the dog is laying dead in the exact same position it was when he yelled at it to stop
>he just tells me not to look at it and stresses I shouldn't go back to it when he leaves

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Astral Projection Anonymous 10575[Reply]

Do you believe in astral projection? I'm a pretty big skeptic but I've had numerous experiences that I can't just write off as weird dreams.
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Anonymous 10814

Your post makes me want to try lucid dreaming again, I've been almost lucid a lot recently. I'd like to try AP someday. What benefits have you gotten from lucid dreaming and AP, I'm curious. And in the astral, can you see small details like words in a book?
Benedryl sucks

Anonymous 10817

I've never spoken of this before and I'm sure I'll get made fun of but whatever. A couple of years ago I was in bed asleep and thought maybe I'd kind of halfway woken up but not fully to open my eyes or anything when I suddenly felt myself leaving, rising quickly into the sky. I shot straight up, I could feel the sensation of movement, the speed, at which I was rising. I hadn't had any substances to influence my sleep and I hadn't been drinking or anything. I felt myself shooting up through the clouds and leaving the atmosphere, then I stopped and was just…there…floating I guess, at the edge of space. I wasn't exactly scared, more startled than anything, like what the hell, how did I shoot up out of bed, how did I feel the sense of movement and speed. Idk what it was, but I've never experienced anything like it before or since. I knew my body wasn't "with" me during this time, that I'd left it but could still feel things. I felt myself rush back down to earth and then I woke up and kind of had to take a moment to adjust to my surroundings and see I was indeed in bed.

Anonymous 10821

It's real and there is a technique with the success rate of 90% in 15 days in this book "the phase" and you can find it online, it's free, anyone can do it. Most people do it the first days, me and my friend did it first try and a lot of people experience it and talk about it! And they're not all lying and insane.. I think it's insane to think that.

Anonymous 10825


Weird near death experience I read. Apparently this person almost died as a baby, their personality completely changed after and they went from upbeat to completely quiet, and now they have weird “psychic powers” like basically mind reading and going to “the other world” where people will warn them of things going wrong. I don’t know how much I believe this is real or if it’s just made up but it sounds like going to this “other world” is similiar to astral projection

Anonymous 10828

No offense but I’m really yet to have any reason to believe Astral Projection is anything other than the brain being overly imaginative in a lucid dream. Why does nobody ask their dead Grandma “Hey where’d you leave the jewelry?” When they AP and always just come back with vague and esoteric philosophy instead of anything verifiable?

Also have any of you heard of Robert Monroe? He was one of the most famous APers and he even worked with the CIA on some docs that have become the subject of many conspiracies. Have any of you tried his methods and what did you think? Apparently he also said Earth was a farm of emotional energy called loosh which was one of the kickstarters for the prison planet theory


Anonymous 10819[Reply]

I think I got cursed when I chose to stay home and not kill myself when I was 19. My mom even dreamt the night before I was going to do it of her walking into a white house, into a pure white room where my grandma (who died years ago) was next to my lifeless body on a table. She started covering me with a white sheet as soon as my mom walked in and my mom yelled no. She had no idea I was going to do it the next day at all and I never told her why she must've had that dream either. Every time I get the urge to live and I slowly improve my life somewhat, something holds me back for a year and makes me extremely suicidal or I get near death. It's always a year. Whether it's an illness or something else that happens in my life. It seriously won't stop. Right now I'm in a situation where I know it's going to last a year tops and after this I'll have my good luck back until the next round comes. How do I break this pattern? Is dying really the only option I have? I want to live now, but I think Death wants me since I begged for her to take me since I was 11.

Anonymous 10820

Garden your soul garden.
Every focus is infinite multiverses.

Keep watering the ideas/plants that make you feel the loveliest love

Anonymous 10824

try to do some kind of curse breaking or cleansing spell


PROJECT G.A.T.E. - MKULTRA CONTINUES? Anonymous 10750[Reply]

Introductory reading:
There was some discussion on /ot/ in one of the conspiracy threads.
What is Project GATE?
>Gifted education (also known as gifted and talented education (GATE), talented and gifted programs (TAG), or G&T education) is a sort of education used for children who have been identified as gifted or talented.
>Students are assessed and can be pulled out of regular classes between 2nd and 5th grade. A Google search for "what is project gate education" will show multiple school districts' website pages on their gifted program.
Former students of such programs report odd experiences such as:
>gaps in memory
>being in windowless rooms or having the windows covered and lights all off
>Zener cards
>having birth complications
>near death experiences
>odd experiences when going out such as being followed or abducted
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Anonymous 10783

Do you think it could’ve been like…chloroform or some memory erasion thing?

Anyways do you think there’s any possibility this is connected to other CIA conspiracies besides MKUltra? I’ve read up on “The Gateway Process Tapes”, astral projection and other out of body / remote viewing research being done by the CIA. It may have just been psyops and such but I do think it’s very odd still. Also American Dad did an episode about astral projection and some other new age stuff and I gotta say it is one of AD’s most relevant knowing how big the new age stuff is nowadays lol

Anonymous 10790


well i just bingeread most of these links including the /pol/ threads (barf) and im heavily disappointed, it really is just schizo drivel. i feel like project monarch/mkultra conspiracy theories are funny as hell to read but this is just a repaint of that for white incel failmales.
picrel the “high IQ” takes you can expect to see in those threads
the funny thing is for women, burned out gifted kids just turn into tumblrinas, there's a whole genre of post about how gifted classes were ridiculous, mixed with self-pitying “why can’t i live up to my potential” kek i prefer that to this weird aryan mkultra subplot. men are out of touch.
the conspiracy nut in me thinks the few posts mentioning “they drugged GATE kids,” “we astral projected constantly,” “aliens and the CIA are constantly keeping tabs on us” is interesting. can i dream for a moment here? i wish former gifted kid tumblr would post like this i think it’d be funny.
ontopic as well, i meet most of these qualifications and was in GATE from 1st-5th grade. i think all the synchronicities are confirmation bias along with mostly autist NEET traits or overidentification with ESP features due to autist NEETism…

Anonymous 10791

GATE is a conspiracy variation of the lazy smart myth some people keep going for themselves to cope that they are mediocre

Anonymous 10793

All conspiracy theories tend to attract the type that wants to feel smarter than other people. However, I don't think MKULTRA is over just because we aren't hearing about it anymore. Highly intelligent and influential people are connected to MKULTRA. Think of how insane partaking in those experiments must have been. I don't think it's far-fetched to think GATE could be a continuation of those projects. What if "gate" is a codeword like "Naomi" and "Artichoke"? Has anyone ever tried reaching out to teachers at schools with these programs and asking about them?

Anonymous 10797

Honestly I get suckered into this a lot by fear. Just all the unknowns makes stuff like this seem so possible. The astral projection shit is probably a lie. They usually bring back no verifiable information beyond some vague philosophy from the “astral realm” (aka their own imagination). Maybe the out of body experience / remote viewing part of it has something to it but I’m yet to see it be properly tested and people just assume it as real because it’s in some CIA docs. They may very well have been drugged but some people are willing to do whatever they can to make kids stop complaining, plus if this was so infamous on 4Chan and if now that we got a bunch of lolcow users here I think there’s likely many trolls, then again maybe you’re just a psyop who got mind blocked and mind controlled to deny their own experiences because all people who criticize conspiracies are
Yeah exactly, it brings in a bunch of people who wanna believe that they discovered some dark secret when really it’s clear they’re trying to make themself feel special for writing fanfics. The Tila Tequilas of the modern world
>Highly intelligent and influential people are connected to MKULTRA
Like who? Or is it just an Illuminati/reptilian/NWO thing where every slightly famous person ever is a member?
>Has anyone ever tried reaching out to teachers at schools with these programs and asking about them?
It’s unlikely they’d confirm it, if it was true they’d probably just lie and say no. Even if they’re honest when they say no people will just say they’re lying to save their own asses and keep their seats at the CIA. I wasn’t a gifted kid but I do remember I used to do physical therapy in dimly lit rooms and such where they would my head, I was around elementary-middle school age when this happened so maybe this was similiar?

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