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Conspiracy theories Anonymous 386[Reply]

Which ones do you believe in?
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Anonymous 10922

I’m a flat earther but I think space would be cool if it were real. It really has the best urban legends. Like Voyager 1 being possessed and spamming gibberish. Black knight satellite conspiracy, lost cosmonauts, dark side of the moon, etc.

Neurowarfare absolutely exists and it’s likely that the government can already read minds. Just look at what’s commercially available right now, with many people saying they get ads for things they’ve only thought about, it’s not imagined or coincidental. Another logical conclusion (though not necessarily true) is that a great way to make the public think the government can’t successfully fuck with people's minds is to make sure that all the ridiculous and embarrassing failures get leaked and publicized widely and make it a bit of an embarrassing laughing stock, while making sure no-one hears of the successes. Just think about how much was redacted from the MKULTRA stuff.

Anonymous 10975

people bring up MKUltra as if it's not 36 years away from being 100 years old LOLE like get with the times old man… thjey're already readinog your mind and fucking with youyr brain to the point you beciome part of the hive bnefre you can even resist, All WIRELESSLY

Anonymous 10977


I wholeheartedly believe that African swine fever virus was manufactured in labs for pork industry, so pork producers could easily get rid of each other.
ASF kills pigs very quickly, is highly contagious, there's no vaccines against it, but humans are not affected by this shit at all, which is really weird, because a lot of zoonotic diseases can spread to humans easily. Also there are no close relatives of ASF virus, it doesn't belong to any known family of viruses.
As I said, there's no vaccines, serums and drugs against it, so the only decision is to kill pigs as quickly as possible, burn the pig farm down and quarantine workers for few months. I worked on pig farm belonging to one huge company (in my country) and it's known fact, that they get rid of smaller farms by bringing ASF virus on them, so smaller farms have no choice but to kill all pigs.
Also, because of risk of infecting ASF, pig farms have complex system of biosecurity that allows a great control over workers, even outside of the farm. From my example, we were prohibited to eat pork from other companies, because long time ago they contracted ASF and therefore their production could be dangerous. Because of biosecurity we had to work in space, isolated from big world, we couldn't bring any means of communication with us (phones, computers, etc.), we had no idea what happened outside, we couldn't go away from our work places, even during emergency, we were completely stuck and isolated. We couldn't bring even our clothes, we had to bath together and wear shitty factory clothes. If something happened to us, no one would know.
And of course, ASF biosecurity protocols don't allow any trespassers, so it's very hard to get on pig farm unless you're its worker. I think, it was done, to prevent any sort of vegans and animal right activists from visiting farms, because if wide masses saw what happens on pig farms daily, they would stop consuming pork in a minute. But they don't see it and wicked cycle repeats itself.

Anonymous 10980

i hate humanity & animal agriculture so much it's fucking unreal

Anonymous 10985

You understand the MK Ultra was only brought up because of the redactions that were in the release, right? Maybe next time you post you could add a little bit more content instead of just self-aggrandizement.

All the pig farms have been on in the US have been pretty good on caretaking, but they are extremely biosecure. I never saw any mistreatments of the pigs or anything. But I have the same feelings about the avian flu. The only difference is that they use avian flu to go after backyard chicken keepers and I don't know if ASF is used to punish small swine production. Maybe because it's less common?

There has never a case of chickens catching avian flu from wild birds, but many backyard flocks were euthanized because of the belief that they had avian flu. There's only recently been a case of a human catching Avian flu, and he was like 65 years old with comorbidities. I really think it's just to make sure people don't produce their own food from healthier flocks and happier chickens.


Drugs Anonymous 1850[Reply]

From stuff like weed and acid to DMT and coke, share your experiences with drugs. They don't have to be particularly profound or bad, feel free to share your positive, benign, or spiritual trips as well.
I'll start with something fairly benign.
>first time smoking weed
>pretty much have the joint to myself
>"lol I'm not feeling anything"
>suddenly begin to lag behind myself
>black out/can't remember anything every few minutes
>nothing bad yet, just chilling
>start to giggle at something my friend said
>can't control myself
>fall back onto the floor and begin to roll around, still out of control of my body
>become aware I am not myself and forget my being entirely
>can't stop crying now either
>friends laughing at me but I'm genuinely panicked
>Convinced I'm not real
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Anonymous 10901

A lot of women are allergic to caffeine and never know it since it doesn't kill you, it turns you into a neurotic mess that gets diagnosed as something else.

Anonymous 10905


I've bough several microdosing packs of magic truffles and I've decided that I will start tomorrow. I wish I had the money to invest on micology as a serious hobby but I'm grateful to have the possibility to dip my toes on it before spending larger amounts of money. I've never taken meds or bc because I'm a little bit skeptical of the whole thing (irl friends and anons bad experiences have shaped my opinion on that matter) so I'm willing to take the mico route to boost a bit my productivity. I wish I'll have some time during late december to trip on a larger dose of truffles because I miss acid.

Anonymous 10966

bought a "polkadot" chocolate bar from a headshop. it advertises itself as a shroom edible but it actually has 4-aco-dmt in it lol. it was kinda cool but then i gotta crazy nauseous towards the end of the trip. i doubt it was the dmt entirely that made me sick, probably whatever other filler shit they put in those bars. if i had to guess amanita and delta 8 thc or something.

i think i will stick with acid, i just hate how long it lasts.

Anonymous 10972

went to the beach alone it was so foggy i sat alone took so many hits i can hardly remember.
>stared at the ocean thought of my love and i started to cry as i ate my berries while slowdive came on

Anonymous 10976

How does one recognize it and how exactly is it different for women? I do believe that's possible since most studies are restricted to using moid groups only but I don't exactly get how caffeine acts differently in the female body.


Shoplifting Anonymous 4152[Reply]

Have you ever shoplifted? Why? Did you regret it or ever get caught?
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Anonymous 10324

The only time I shoplifted was around the age of 10. For a couple of weeks, my friend and I would pocket these cheap packs of candy we loved from the little gas station within walking distance. No one explicitly talked to us but one day when we walked in there there were suddenly new and very visible security cameras. We took that as a sign to stop.
I'm glad I didn't escalate further or get caught. I don't think the law would have done much to me at that age, but still.

Anonymous 10786

For a while I used to fill up my bag with $100+ worth of meats, etc. and pay for a few of the cheap items so as to not arouse suspicion. The bag I use has a compartment at the bottom that I can fit small items into without changing the appearance of the bag, and I always take advantage of that.
I often buy multiples when it comes to products and clothing. If I know I'll easily get away with it, I'll take a reasonable number and only pay for one.
Many years ago I had a Nigel who supported my shoplifting habits, we often stole food together and cooked beautiful meals. When we were together I was more opportunistic and often stole small things like makeup brushes and skincare products from department stores.
I've never been caught. Only people with a shifty/antisocial vibe get caught.

Anonymous 10920

When I was 11 I stole earrings and hair accessories in a mall and tried jumping the counter to get food on the same run. I got the cops called on me. Never stolen since.

Anonymous 10921

I steal ewaste from work all the time because they just throw perfectly good things away whenever. If it can fit in my backpack and it’s on the disposal pile, it’s coming home with me. Not especially expensive items, but some of them have been pretty useful. I have a really ancient spinny 1TB hard drive that I’m using for file backup. I just consider it recycling. You can’t even dumpster dive this stuff because they put it through some kind of grinder, you have to get it before it goes to the grinder. We’re moving to a new building soon and if it has CCTV, I guess I’ll stop.

Anonymous 10965

used to all the time from big stores. loss prevention at most of these places now is wayyyy too serious for me to want to try anymore. not worth becoming a felon for multiple instances of pety theft.

went to the grocery store recently and accidentally put something in the bagging area that i didn't scan at self check out. immediately the machine started beeping and then played a recording from above of me putting the item in the bagging area… along with exactly what item it was. scared me straight for now lol


/tig/ - Targeted Individuals General (Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking, Psychological Terror) Anonymous 3897[Reply]

Targeted Individuals are people reportedly being targeted by various forms of Gang Stalking, usually done by the governments, powerful criminal gangs and federal structures (of various countries since gang stalking isn't exclusive to one country). Reported effects of being a victim of banned psychotronic weaponry include thought insertion (zombification), hypnosis, hot flashes, uncommonly feeling contractions and pressure in your crotch (tele-rape).

Post your experiences with Gang Stalking (being a TI, knowing a TI IRL, etc)
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Anonymous 10757

I can finally post something a bit longer, because I have access to a smart phone and not just a shitty flip phone.

> stalked and harassed since at least 2021

> only heard about gang stalking because of a woman that I thought was a schitzo who fried her brain with meth at the sober home i was living at
> all together there were three separate women out of seven claiming to be TIs
> buy a car because I work either really early (like 3 and 4 am) or work in the afternoon and get off late (11pm and 12am) and I'm getting followed to and from work by guys who look like ms-13s
> get kicked out of sober home by the owners for buying a car and only half of my rent
> kinda sperms out because it's December and ever offer to pay $150 of the $300 I owed and tat is pay the rest before Xmas
> owners record me and send it to everyone in the house with weird rumors about me relapsing and buying heroin at NA
> my grandma is an idiot and calls the owner and threatens him
> owner bragged about having "secret" or some other high security clearance
> live in a couple other sober homes and get my life together
> move into room with husband and pets at an apartment owned by some new age hippy
> realize apartment is really weird: barely any food, no silverware except for butter knives, the cat and dog the hippy apparently owned were missing, the doorknob on our door had no lock, no TV, no microwave, no vacuum or cleaning supplies, etc
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Anonymous 10758

And this is what happened just this summer.
> decide I need to get out of this giant military town filled with intelligence agencies and private security companies on every corner
> husband agrees
> keep hearing about one particular city with a great punk scene
> my boss and therapist were both from there and made it sound like heaven
> husband and I visit and agree to move there,
> can transfer with my job and so can husband
> try finding apartment but keep getting rejected
> my credit score looks awful and was showing $40,000 in debt which was in no way accurate (I got it fixed)
> try apartment locators but they eventually quit calling my husband and me
> find tiny home for rent by owner through Airbnb
> is perfect and super cheap
> move in by husband needs to watch our niece while his sister is out of town for three weeks
> there's a few other tiny homes and RVs on the large property
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Anonymous 10846

Update a creepy white van with tinted windows and no licence plate has been driving around my street with the driver looking directly at my house. Whoever's driving this vehicle has done this like 3 or 4 times in the past month.

Anonymous 10916

So, this might interest you guys. I've never posted before, but I read this thread and I thought I might contribute my experiences. I've never been a TI, but I have met a handful of people who have invited me to participate in what is essentially gang stalking. Only one of them has been self aware about it though. It's never been a government employee or anything, though it's not unlikely that intelligence agencies use it as a tool. Rather, it's usually just really unhinged individuals or groups of individuals online. Weird friend circles on apps like Discord and Instagram, finding people they think are funny or "crazy" enough to justify monitoring, and doing it as a social activity or group. Most of them don't even realize it's technically stalking, and woe be upon anyone who ever suggests to them how insane and creepy it all is. I think the idea that it's the government harassing most of you schizos is, truthfully, very narcissistic. Nobody here is going to be the woman to overthrow her government or amount to much, odds are it's just a group of unhinged moids (and especially girlies) thinking you're funny to watch chimp out, or crazy enough to get a rise out of. Gang stalking certainly happens, it's a well documented phenomenon, but if you're worried about it, don't look to law enforcement or your government (unless you're a journalist or something, obviously). You should usually look at the online friend group you were ostracized by, or the girl who acts nervous whenever you catch her pointing her phone at you, or the moid watching all your social media stories that you don't interact with and that doesn't follow you. Keep yourselves in good health and informed, my favorite schizophrenics.

Anonymous 11019

I hope you’re doing okay

Desperte a bruxa e…

Witchcraft General Anonymous 1359[Reply]

Can we start a witchcraft general?

Post witchy photos, media, tips, spells, etc.
Has anyone ever had any spells work?
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Anonymous 10780

Any thoughts on Antphrodite? He’s fairly popular and I was wondering if there’s anything worthwhile to his videos. I’ve watched some of them and from what I see he mainly does lots of celebrity stuff alongside conspiracy stuff. He apparently got big because he predicted the James Charles drama alongside some other stuff with Britney Spears and Ariana Grande. Idk if I really believe his stuff though but I’m a skeptic of most of this tarot stuff anyways so maybe that’s the reason why

Anonymous 10781

I just chanted the enn a couple of times and after a few minutes it happened. I tried doing it recently but it didn't work. I don't remember the date or what time I did it which I think may have played a role. I also meditate a lot. It's like one of those things you need to establish if you want to get on that path.
>I want to try something like that just to see if it would work but I'm not sure if there are risks involved.
There are risks but you can minimize it by protecting yourself. Also are you easily scared? I have saved a bunch of info about dealing with spirits and evocation, down to physical manifestation. I used to browse an old subforum that worked with the 6/7 Book of Moses. It is supposedly really powerful and has a lot of fiery spirits but if you dont know the basics and how to protect yourself, you might get fucked up.

Anonymous 10787

I used to hang out in this thread kek
Atm I’m really busy and tired but when I can gather mire energy I want to try spirit flight. I’m a little hesitant because in the past something like meditating made me really dizzy and I had to stop the meditation. Besides that I gathered materials from my local forest to diy a small broom and I’m very excited about that.

Anonymous 10906

Let's keep horoscope and Tarot out of the witchcraft thread, shall we?

Anonymous 10911

Is there any sort of spell I can use to kill a moid or at least get them to break up with my friend? He's abusive but she's too stubborn to leave plus she has low self-esteem, so she thinks it's her fault he acts like that as well. Nothing would make me happier than to read that he just wound up dead in a ditch somewhere, but I'll settle for him just being completely out of her life if nothing else


Turpin Case Anonymous 2833[Reply]

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Anonymous 2891

man i'd love to read their journals

Anonymous 2892

it makes make sick the size of the parents look at the moms chubby leggs ……my god

Anonymous 2893

I bet the mom will have to be kept in solitary for the rest of her life, female inmates will fuck your shit up for hurting children.

Anonymous 4768

One of the most horrifying cases I've heard of, things like this hurt me so bad and make me wish I had gone into child services

Anonymous 10907


Many updates on the Turpin Case. After the trial some of the children ended up with abusive foster parents:
>Foster parents of several Turpin siblings sentenced on child abuse charges
>The six youngest Turpin children were placed with the Olguin family at various times beginning in 2018, a lawyer for one of the Olguins previously told ABC News. Four were still living there at the time of the arrests, according to the attorney.

Jennifer Turpin, eldest sister of the family, just got married a few weeks ago to a dude that looks 20 years older than her. The theme of the wedding was gothic.
>Jennifer Turpin, Who Escaped 'House of Horrors,' Marries in Gothic Wedding Celebration Attended by Her Siblings
> The eldest child of the Turpin family has tied the knot.

>Jennifer Turpin married husband Aron (she has kept his last name private) on Oct. 27 at The Miller Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., she revealed in an Instagram reel posted on Nov. 9. "10/27/2024 Wedding Day 🥰🖤💍," she captioned a video of her big day.

>The couple's Gothic outdoor ceremony was attended by her siblings. Turpin confirmed that she invited her 12 brothers and sisters in a response to an Instagram comment asking if they were in attendance. "We did. I just can’t post most out of respect/privacy ❤," she replied.

>Her video showcased the many unique elements of the wedding which took place just days before Halloween including custom glassware with skeleton versions of the bride and groom, a coffin ring box, napkins that read "Till Death Do Us Part" with another skeleton rendition of the couple, and black and red floral arrangements.


Anonymous 856[Reply]

>no monster boys thread up
let's change that
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Anonymous 4987


Anonymous 5009


Anonymous 5010


Anonymous 5011


Anonymous 10900


Remember to kiss your local fish boy today and every day until you're no longer breathing.


Dark Energy Anonymous 8940[Reply]

Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
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Anonymous 10577

When I was little and I'd visit my grandparents in the countryside for the summer, there was this one portion of the road that I always hated to go on. I used to throw fits in the car whenever we drove on that one section. I grew out of it, of course, but years later I learned that when they were constructing that road, they built it over a graveyard and neglected to move any of the bodies, only the headstones. Now when I visit, I try to drive very very slowly over that portion of the road because I don't want to disturb anybody beneath it.

Anonymous 10808

I used to faint at this particular place in the town where my grandma lives anytime I went there. It's like a little square and one one side there's a medieval gate into a pakt where's a castle and on the other side there's a mini zoo for injured wildlife. For couple of years anytime I went there I fainted or got close to fainting. Very strange because I never fainted anytime anywhere. Now that I'm an adult I can go there no problem.
I also sometimes sence when I'm outside that there's a dead animal near. Not my the smell lol it's usually more far away to smell it, but it's like something leads me to the dead animal if I don't focus on where I'm going and just wander.

Anonymous 10818

I've always hated going to the cemetery where my great grandmother is buried, even as a child I hated it. I always felt I was being watched. I haven't been in years and I feel guilty for not visiting her resting place but I don't like the energy there. It feels heavy.
I worked at a school that had this oppressive feel over it. A dark cloud. I hated it there and only worked there a year. It was the worst teaching year as well as personal year of my life. Everything about the place was just off.
I had a neighbor who was an energy vampire. She was too overbearing, too much, had crazy, manic eyes. My first few interactions with her just being friendly trying to welcome her absolutely zapped me, so I stopped contact and mentally put on a suit of armor if I HAD to deal with her. She had bad energy, and as an energy vampire she would attempt to take it from anyone. Smothering, overwhelming, demanding. The frigging yard man banged on my door one morning freaked out about her.
As a child I woke up to see a tall dark figure in my doorway. It was broad, had horns, and was nearly as tall as the door. I threw the covers over my head, then peeked out. It had come closer. So like any child, I yelled for my mom.
The next incident was the worst. Again, as a child, my dad was gone somewhere so I was sleeping in their bed with Mom. In my sleep I remember something whispering in my ear, "Hit her." I resisted and didn't, and the whisper told me to again. So in my sleep or twilight sleep I hit her in the stomach. I've never felt so guilty. Ever.
I hope the shadow figure and the whisper were just weird figments of an overactive child's imagination. In my teenage years my dog stood in my doorway and stared and growled at something in my room when I was home alone and in a different room but could see him. I haven't had anymore experiences like that and as I've gotten older and I've
visited their home when they weren't there I have conducted actions and spoken things for protection although I don't feel anything dark there and never have.
I truly believe there is bad, negative energy in places and in people. When it's in places idk if it's a place of bad things have occurred, unresolved anger or trauma, burial grounds, or even some kind of portal or cursed land.

Anonymous 10874

My great grandmother's old dresser, which was kept in the same room where she died. I inherited it and kept it in my spare room. Whenever I looked into its mirrror, I always felt that I was not truly looking at my reflection, but some distorted perversion of it. Nobody in my house felt comfortable around that thing, especially in the dark when someone slept there. We ultimately got rid of it by selling it off.

Anonymous 10899

I get “bad vibes” from people occasionally and it’s usually proven right: energy vampires, narcissism, cheaters, abusive, etc.

I’ve had a feeling of profound terror/fear for no obvious reason twice in my life. First was driving through a small town. The vibes were, as the kids say, absolutely rancid. Even without getting out of the car once, I was scared just being there and wanted to leave asap, which I did.

The second was when I was working a restaurant. A man, about mids 30s, came in to order food. I felt absolute dread the moment he walked in and was deeply afraid of him. He looked like an average dude, was “pleasant” enough in his interactions (maybe a little too charming), didn’t do anything “wrong”. But even my male coworker agreed with me when I said there was something off about him. Long after he left the restaurant, I was creeped out for the rest of the night.


Spell to get pregnant Anonymous 10689[Reply]

Hello everyone I’m kind of a boomer so sorry if I’m acting like a retard, anyway imasking for help , I need spells to get pregnant please , ( I’m fértil and healthy, but i don’t know why I’m not getting pregnant I’m 30)so any kind of help would be welcome , thank you
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Anonymous 10719

The secret ingredient you are missing is sexual intercourse with a member of the other sex


Thank you so much I’m actually doing that now

Anonymous 10858

Take high-quality omega-3 supplements OP, that's what fixed it for me after 3 years trying

Anonymous 10893

what awful "advice"

Anonymous 10894

If you're fertile and healthy,simply track the ovulation cycle, no spell necessary. Certain teas make you more fertile also


Scary Phone Numbers Anonymous 10891[Reply]

Know any phone numbers that do creepy or wierd things when you call them?

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