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/omg/ -Occultism & Mysticism General Anonymous 9406[Reply]

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Anonymous 10306

sorry late but its hard to say without more context, it would depend on what cats mean to you or in your cultural context. could be that you were messing with or getting too close to something beyond you? Cats are usually associated with witches, women, or fertility in european folklore. especially since youve never had a cat it could be a cultural association for you. im not sure if i would jump to assign it occult significance based on what you said.
I like to introduce jung as an introductory text since he is able to join the mystical and rational aspects very well, but it is definitely not an end all be all. he can be very moidish in his thinking.
idk about millionaire but if you need money you first have to understand what money is: human will distilled into a physical object. Those who either have more will or can manipulate the will of others accumulate more money. It also grows exponentially. If you have little will to begin with, you have to use what little you have to create more in a realistic way. you cant create it from nothing. on the other hand, those with will already accumulated can more easily create will or manipulate the will of others. Since you have no money rn, you need to produce more will in yourself.

Do this for the next six months:

place a reminder of wealth in the room you spend most of your time in. This could be coins, money, jewelry, or anything similar. Next to it you will place a container. inside the container you will place a piece of paper with your desired job written on it (or whichever way you wish to manifest will into money. The more realistic, the more likely you will succeed quicker). Do not remove this paper from the container until it comes true. The more ornate and purposeful you make your altar, the better your results.
On the first new moon do this:
Take olive oil (or other nice smelling, well keeping oil) and place into it a mixture of cinnamon, galangal, black pepper, and, if financially possible, frankincense.
Get a tall candle, white or yellow preferably, with an elegant scent or no scent. carve into it the symbol of venus on one side. on the opposite side carve a circle.
You will be praying to the mother divinity. she is the seat of abundance and the source of life. she goes by many names tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10308

Thank you for the post on the money. I’m not the anon you were responding to but I’m in dire need for money for my family and have felt powerless with such little will. I have been searching for an answer like this for some time. Just happened to be browsing this site after a few years and found your reply.
I am curious… how did you learn all of this? I would love to learn more but I do not have any spiritual people around me. Do you find these answers and practices from within or did you learn them through study?

Anonymous 10309

a bit of both. study by reading books or having a teacher can help to open the door by making it easier to see patterns. Divinity is all around us at all times but we are blinded to it. We were raised by forces jealous of truth and jealous of the spirit placed within all of us by the mother divinity. It instilled a set of false axioms meant to break the tie between our body and our spirit. Once the door has been opened (or inner eye, veil parted, whichever vocabulary you use to describe this) you will be able to see and hear the divinity in the world. It may appear in dreams, coincidences or synchronicities, or omens. Occasionally you may even receive a visit from a divine emanation in one of her many forms. You can also encounter divinity through logic such as mathematics or through art.
I would recommend most of the books in the OP. most things are tainted with some falsehood, so allow your heart to lead you to truth and follow whichever path the divinity sets before you.

Anonymous 10310

Thank you for your reply. Is there a good book that resonates with you especially? One that has emphasis on mother divinity? A lot of books I come across are very masculine.

Anonymous 10313

i liked the book by zuzana budapest in the OP under dianic wicca. You'll see I took a lot of inspiration from her. Mary Daly is good too.
The one that most resonated with me and broke me out of the spell of lies was reading the gnostic version of genesis. I had been raised catholic but since very early realized that the god of the bible was evil. It is especially obvious in genesis: the lie that women were borne from man's rib (and not the other way around), the curses the male god places on humanity like flooding the earth or killing innocents in egypt. He is jealous and vengeful. very unlike a creator and more like a usurper trying to control a creation that is not his. Even from a young age it felt like a trick. Reading the gnosic version is much closer to the truth, though i think their conception of material reality as evil is an oversimplification. the thunder perfect mind is a poem from the nag hammadi library, i think, which has a lot of hidden truths.
Unfortunately lots of traditions about the mother divinity were passed down orally, suppressed, eliminated, or assimilated. If you look, youll find fragments of her in your own culture. Take these fragments and follow them. She is not a vengeful goddess, don't worry too much about doing things the perfect way, just do what you can and she will show you the rest. Ask the women in your family, look at the female figures in your religion, or even look to history or mathematics and philosophy. You'll find her.


Female Creep Thread Anonymous 2475[Reply]

Has anyone else here just done unabashedly creepy things in their life?
Recently, I saw a really cute guy in one of my Zoom classes, and I feel guilty, but I took a bunch of screenshots of him. Every moment felt like something that needed to be captured and collected. Him holding a cup, standing up, turning to the side, closing his eyes. He looked like a painting or something. The more I think about it, the more I realise that wasn’t a socially acceptable thing to do.
I feel like I should delete them all out of common decency, but then they’re gone forever, and it’s not like I intend to doxx him or anything. Plus, the Zoom itself was recorded, so he might be shown there, anyway. I still feel wrong for doing it at all, though. I know I wouldn’t want to be recorded or screenshotted. Am I the only one like this?
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Anonymous 10202

Somewhat of an update to this. Thankfully those feelings are gone. I’ve been going out with friends more and generally being more social. I got some hobbies and met people with similar interests so I don’t feel so lonely. I’m assuming that was part of the problem, I just really badly wanted to be her friend. I actually forgot about her for a good while until I saw this thread again.

I’m glad I got over it, I’m feeling much better now and I think I really just wanted some sort of connection and idolized her way too much. At the end of the day she’s just a kinda weird chick on the internet, there’s hundreds of girls like her. I was being admittedly incredibly autistic about her but now I don’t really feel anything, thank God.

Anonymous 10205

I studied in Tokyo for a bit and there was this cute guy at my bus stop. I followed him off at his stop for a bit before stopping cuz I realized how fucking creepy I was being. I didn't want 2 stalk him I was just curious where he lived so I could figure out how to meet naturally but I realized and hauled ass back to my apt quietly.

Anonymous 10206

make a voodoo doll <3

Anonymous 10265

glad you're doing better nona <3

Anonymous 10292

OP is definitely me in disguise,I do that to my ex gf because I love her so much!!! I love her!!! but I love other people as well it's a bit of an unhealthy obsession though that might be due to my C-PTSD and my personality disorder!!! anyway I just sit and rot in my room while playing osu and browsing these threads!!

too pretty for pri…

What are your thoughts on the Cameron Herrin case? Anonymous 4252[Reply]

Is it possible to be "too pretty for prison"? For those who don't know, here are two youtube vids to fill you in.


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Anonymous 10225

He doesn't look inbred but that shitty puffy hair is pissing me off

Anonymous 10228

in the eyes of God you are never too pretty for anything lol

Anonymous 10231

God isn't real christotard.

Anonymous 10282

people project their fantasies onto others, but it is just that, a fantasy, it is kind of "objectifying" him

keep his pictures if you must, but remember he is a bad person who hurt someone and belongs there

Anonymous 10284

Thanks for the kek


Conspiracy theories Anonymous 386[Reply]

Which ones do you believe in?
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Anonymous 9672

Augustin Baurell enjoyers go mad since 1791

Anonymous 10111

I know I’m responding to old stuff, I just like replying.
I think glitches are real too. I once saw one. I saw the same lady do the same task twice, like she was programmed to do it. I worked at one of those stupid kiosk stalls at the mall and I watched a woman walk out of one of our hallways, look both ways, and then walk off. There was nothing to do at that job besides people watch, and she had a really charming bob that moved when she turned her head, so I remembered her the first time. Then the same woman came out of the hallway and did the exact same thing, same hair movement, everything. Everyone I’ve told the story to just says I misremember it, but I didn’t! It really made my blood run cold the second time she did it. I know that’s so minor, but even a minor hiccup in the fabric of the universe is a little strange, isn’t it?

I’m from NM and I’ve been to Roswell many times. It’s a pretty interesting place, the McDonalds is shaped like a UFO. There’s so much weird stuff in NM. Up north from Roswell there’s Los Alamos Lab, where a lot of nuclear testing happened. Nearby to that is an alleged human / alien breeding project in Dulce NM. Then in Socorro, we had a policeman see a UFO shaped like a tictac.

I live in the middle of nowhere, and one night while I was sleeping, I sort of half woke up. I could see through my eyelids that there was light shining in the room. Do you know what I mean? When you close your eyes in a bright room, you still can see how bright it is, right? Then I thought, “Wow it would be really easy to abduct me, there’s no one around.” I sort of tossed that idea around in my head for a moment, and then woke up fully like, what? What am I thinking? Then I opened my eyes, and the room was dark. I still walked around the house with a hammer just to make sure I was really alone.

I don’t think covid was real. It was really awful. I was living on a women’s land at the time and you really couldn’t say anything hinting that you didn’t believe in it, didn’t want the shots. Idk, I just don’t think the medical community has demonstrated much ability to care about women, so I’m not gonna trust the shots. I worry so much about the women I know who did get the shot, even though they treated me like crap bc I stood firm against getting them. One of thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10253

they sell apple stuff at costco now

Anonymous 10276


Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.

Anonymous 10277



AI art: The end of humanity's soul? Anonymous 8297[Reply]

I'm kind of freaking out about this whole AI art thing. Souless machines that learn on huge data sets to produce art. It just feels demonic. Why did the techbros think this would be a good idea at all? This thing will replace artists, I know it might not feel like it yet but give it enough time and it will. This is why I'm so scared, genuinely. What do artists have left? Why curse all of humanity out of its own way of expression?
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Anonymous 9653

I read something that the advent of photography was considered by many to be the the death of art, but it simply led to evolution of other forms of painting that photography at the time couldn't mimic. I feel like AI is the same, it's just technology, it in itself is neither evil/good, it just is. It still takes more raw skill as an individual to paint a hyper-realistic scene vs. snapshotting a picture or having a computer generate an image from stolen work. No matter how good it becomes it can't take away your raw skill as an individual who has practiced for years to perfect your art.

Even so, like >>9624 said, there is always someone better anyways. AI can be a useful tool to help improve your own art and it'll be interesting to see how it'll be used in time. I can't deny that I've come to like a lot of AI-generated images. If you're not an industry artist, a soulless job in it's own right, and make money via the indie circuit of festivals, cons, running your own online business or whatever else, you'll be fine. I'd rather it be a side hustle vs. a career anyways. Freelance gigs are boring half the time, maybe there will be a boom of people wanting authentic artwork by artists that can be patented as real. You never know.

Anonymous 9659

Anonymous 10270

want hug cat

Anonymous 10272

AI girlfriends are the inevitable future of online dating. Not "girlfriends and boyfriends." Unfortunately the training of an AI will only suit the maximized adjustment from input data and men are infinitely more predisposed to cultivate a chatbot gf than women to a chat bf, so when women venture into AIs they're going to get a "Maurice" who acts exactly like a hentai gyaru.

Anonymous 10301

Hard disagree I get a better conversation out of chat gpt than I do my boyfriend any day.


hollywood cover ups Anonymous 10266[Reply]

anyone got creepy hollywood stories or conspiracys that arent known as much its like crack to me


Cyberstalking Anonymous 140[Reply]

I do it, do you?
I love finding hidden accounts and secret blogs and I dox just to see if I can (but never post it or interfere with the person otherwise)
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Anonymous 10223

What info do you have nona?
Try to make a list of what you have and think of what it might be connected too. Then try to figure out if you can check for those connections yourself.
Like if you have a tiktok or something it probably has videos of the place someone is, which you could look for things like license plates or street signs on to find a location and slowly narrow it down.
Or if you have an account that isn't connected to much you can use a website like https://www.idcrawl.com/username or https://www.user-searcher.com/ to look for more accounts with that username or a similar one.

Anonymous 10230

Is there any way to find someone knowing only their first name, location, and birth year? To make it worse, she’s from Canada.
I’m usually great with internet sleuthing but I’ve failed on this one for years. I just want to know if she’s alive and doing better.

Anonymous 10260

Been obsesively stalking my boyfriend for months now both here annd IRL. I need to know everything about him.

Anonymous 10280

how do you manage to not dox yourself if you need an online presence? and how would you even gain them if you have to prove you're a girl? don't you need to post your face/personal information?
any more tips?

Anonymous 10298

If you have his middle name and birthday that can help you tremendously when it comes to narrowing him down. Associates and family members can help too, I can count on both hands how many people I've managed to find just by snooping through their family members profiles kek especially boomers.

Also note their locations, names and other family members they associate with. You can easily build a loose family tree which can help in gaining more leads in my experience.


Tarot Reading on Youtube Anonymous 10256[Reply]

Any tarot YouTubers that you watch regularly? Do they resonate with you?

>Shadowplay Tarot https://www.youtube.com/@shadowplaytarot (resonate, most of the time)

>Mystic Rose https://www.youtube.com/@mysticrose123 (resonate, most of the time)
>Charmed Intuition Tarot https://www.youtube.com/@charmedintuitiontarot/videos (watching because comfy and her stuff is cute)


Mind control Anonymous 10027[Reply]

Do you guys believe in if? Do you think you've ever been subject to it? Do you in general believe our behavior and thought process can be altered via subliminal messages in media and audio?
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Anonymous 10033

I don't think we're in control of our thoughts or feelings generally (but I'm not sure to what extent anyone else is either). Have you ever actually watched your thoughts? They just come up from nowhere and disappear to nowhere. People flip their shit over what the "original cause" could be when it comes to god but that same problem shows up even in a domain as intimate and common as our own thoughts.

Anonymous 10045

I believe in it and feel i've been exposed to subtle attempts at it before. I've never heard a non-crazy person attempt to explain it at any serious depth tho.

Anonymous 10068

CIA MKUltra'd me years ago AMA

Anonymous 10070



Anonymous 10255

You dont have to "lose" your own mind control to perform someone else's will. You are not immune to propaganda.

Desperte a bruxa e…

Witchcraft General Anonymous 1359[Reply]

Can we start a witchcraft general?

Post witchy photos, media, tips, spells, etc.
Has anyone ever had any spells work?
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Anonymous 9649


Really looking forward to celebrate the autumnal equinox this year. I always fail to make preparations and end up doing almost nothing. This year I am buying pumpkins grown in the area, actually, I will buy anything interesting enough I can use in my cooking. I also have to find a discrete place outdoors to spend the afternoon.
>I asked her to teach me some stuff and she told me all women can make witchcraft because we are connected to nature and life (because we can create life) and that give us power and intuition that just needs to be acknowledged, when we learn this fact we can make witchcraft

Anonymous 9658

idk if your still here but this folder in the 4moids occultism library has lots of books.

Anonymous 9676

It is a blue moon tonight, what magical ritual should I do?

Anonymous 9677

depends on what you want to accomplish. might be a good night to try astral projecting somewhere or at least tracking dreams. You could meditate on an entity or maybe a tarot card and see what it says to you in your sleep.

Anonymous 10250


Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox! Coming back to this unactive thread still makes me sad. I wish I could share my festive plans for today but I really don't have any

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